It Comes and Goes By Luis Ortega
New York schools and colleges are about learning and about working hard from the beginning. The things that are good about NY are that people love to hangout on 42nd St., or go to the mall, or go to the park. In NY, there is always violence: people using guns, knives, baseball bats, and other weapons. If you want to live in NY, it will be surviving, challenging, and crazy. NY is brisk to the point you will have to wear extra layers and coats and you will have to stay warm in the winter time. The other fun and amazing thing about NY is there is no other city on the planet with an energy that can compete with New York. The fast walking, the crazy traffic, the hustle of the people, the 24/7, and the creative spirit makes NY one of the most vibrant places in the world. Also, NY is good because the borough of Brooklyn alone would be the fourth largest city in the United States. Times Square is named after the New York Times. 69