“Bullsh!#” By Genaro Agustin
Viewer discretion is advised I have no regrets in saying these words of mine Nor will I take it back I said what I said and there’s no looking back But Fu$# this shi& let’s get this this started Call me a brat Call me a rat I don’t give a shi% Cuz its all bullshi$ Call me rude Call me a rebel Call me immature But guess what? It’s all bullsh^% Call me a loner Cuz I work alone But there’s a difference between loner and Someone who’d rather work alone Therefore it’s bullsh^% To those reading this, are you satisfied? Are you satisfied that someone just put in a few words and called it a day? Slaving themselves over a grade that quote on quote “determines” their worth To a system that grades students like grading the quality of meat Like a mule keeping its master happy by carrying loads Of pure utter bull#&^% Like struggling through the trenches of war The brain getting out word for word Like a rainfall of bullets 75