regulations excluding them during apartheid. We would have benefited greatly if we had implemented our own GI Bill, post-apartheid. Boyer (1996) emphasised the following scholarships; scholarship of discovery - pushing back the frontiers of human knowledge; the scholarship of integration which focuses on producing interdisciplinary knowledge; this followed by the scholarship of sharing knowledge as widely as possible. The last of these interlocking scholarships is the scholarship of integration which implies a scholarship of application from theory to practice (Boyer, 1996). The university embraces various forms of CE which ranges from community based education, interdisciplinary teaching and learning, service learning, problem-based learning, internships, community outreach and volunteerism. For this reason CEU adapted Boyer’s model, as it closely resembled the vision and mission of UWC. Below is an overview of the model.
Discussion of Centric Circles: Scholarship of research aims at monitoring and evaluating the CE process through a structured reflective praxis.
Scholarship of integration aims at continuous facilitation integration and promotion of CE through capacity building, mentoring and coaching between role-players and stakeholders towards enhancing partnerships. Scholarship of theory and practice aims at partnership and citizenry building for the purpose of empowerment. Scholarship of application aims at facilitating sustainable communities through the recognition of indigenous knowledge and resilience. Scholarship engagement facilitates an enabling environment for sustainable communities through CE and has its foundation and structure within Higher Education Institution frameworks.
Figure. 1 Scholarship of Engagement Model
ip of Resea olarsh rch Sch oring & Evalu
Red Foundation of our philosophy and ethos, providing the framework within which we function and which governs our contect.
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p of Integr arshi atio &P hol Sc Facilitation romotion n of Theory & hip P ars nneersrshhipip&&CCitiitzizeennr r rac ol PPaartrt yy
Blue Partnership provides strength and opportunity. It signifies the limitless impact of partnerships.
Gold The community holds a wealth of indigenous knowledge and community resilience which is harnessed through teaching & learning, partnerships & networking, capacity building, mentoring/ coaching, community engagement, reflective practice, research and information sharing in line with national priorities.
it Mon
Scholarship of Application Sustainable Communities
Scholarship of Engagement HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION (Policies, Mission, Ethos, etc, which GUIDE engagement)
Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2020