設計 不 是 事, ,設計是 多 平的 , 線、有 的造
可能 創更快 線組 的幾座小 ,之 大 新 ,具有
,可 是首 。 事發生在 有 , 有 評指 adid的個人 ,因 在還
時在 ,一座 起來 銀 O O過 的 ,正 工, 的發展商 持自己的設計是 創的, 自己 「從 , 得, 能回 「在 一 取 有 , 不要在 一個 。」 現今
上最有名的 如你
界上最有名的女 莫 了。
I 是
、N ,
、還是 要作
G 的
When it comes to architecture, which architect exactly should be deemed most wellknown of all — I.M. Pei, Normal Foster or Frank Gehr y? On a different note, identifying the most accomplished female architect in the world does not seem to be a brain teaser — it is definitely English architect of Iraqi descent Zaha Hadid. Te x t / D a n i e l N g . Tr a n s l a t i o n / L i l i a n To n g . A r t / Ti m o t h y C h a n Photo / Zaha Hadid Architects, Soho China, Japan Sport Council, Hong Kong Polytechnic University School Of Design
如 是最真 的 美, 的 事 了 前 adid的 有 0個 目,當中包括 多高 界 場 。 adid本人更是獲獎無數,她是 她是最 歡 的建築師也 不為過。
,銀 O O是大 過於前衛的設計會 工前,設計已 到
和寫 古城 當的 視。
地加 動工,還有可能 銀 O O更 想超」。 adid得 在法律上也 何對方不
中國的 外,還 了 adid的設計在各地也深 歡 ,目 目, 如為2020年 建東 國 技場、2022 世 獎的得主, 銀 O O得到英國 家建築師學會的大獎
Plagiar ism in the de sign wor ld is not a n uncommon mat te r, but to have a n imitation complete its constr uction a he ad of the or iginal is a f ir st of its k ind. Such has happe ne d with the famous Be ijing’s G ala x y SOHO – the large comme rcial building compr ising of a complex cur vace ous de sign that is str ik ingly similar to inte r link ing hills, with br idge s conne cting the var ious str ucture s. T hough the mode r nistic de sign has re ce ive d cr iticism for unde r mining Be ijing’s he r itage, the dar ing de sign strongly ref le cte d Hadid’s signature st y le of orga nic cur vature a nd f re e f lowing f luidit y. Ev ide ntly, this pa r ticula r building has re ce ive d wide spre ad at te ntion eve n before its completion. While all the buzz and attention is focused on Gala x y SOHO, the ‘pirate copycats’ has been discreetly speeding up its construction work, with aims to finish its construction before SOHO’s. The developers behind Chongqing Meiquan building insist their design is an original and claimed that they “never meant to copy, only want to surpass”. Legal actions have been imposed on the copycats to cease construction. Hadid voiced her displeasure by saying that “it is fine to take from the same well – but not from the same bucket.” If imitation is the sincerest form of flatter y, the stor y of this par ticular architectural replication not only brings to light China’s trend of ‘copycat’ culture, it also proves that Hadid’s design is massively beloved all around the world. There are currently 950 buildings that are designed by Hadid, where the por tfolio includes many high-profile projects such as the construction of 2020 Tok yo National Olympic Stadium and Qatar’s 2022 FIFA World Cup Al-Wakrah stadium. As an individual, Hadid has received numerous accolades including the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2004 and the International RIBA Award for Beijing’s Gala x y SOHO. It is without a doubt that Hadid is one of the most sought af ter architects in the world.
G ala x y SOHO
A l-Wa k ra h Stadium
Wa ng jing Soho 88
adid正正是 了這 建築 術, 了 上建築師的 影,從倫 大 院及香港理工大學創新 , 的
, 目
新的設計和建造技 上 動中心,到廣 為各地的地 。
adid的 是 來主 、大 前衛、 、變 的空 動感的 線, 求 的 , Fran ehr y更多 更能 於不 的 和體量,而 更容 大 。因 現在最有 的女建築師, 快 就是世上最有 的建築師。
富 , 這
No longe r de e me d a ‘Pape r A rchite ct’, Hadid is one of the tr ue succe s s stor ie s of following the se archisculpture tre nds, dar ing to be bold in mode r nistic de signs a nd archite ctural ad va nce me nt. From the iconic London Aquatic Ce ntre to Gua ngzhou O pe ra House a nd Hong Kong Poly te chnic Unive r sit y’s Innovation Towe r, all of he r complete d proje cts have inev itably be come la ndmar ks for the re spe ctive citie s. Futur istic, New National Stadium Ja pa n
ava nt-garde,
a nd
mor pholog y
e le me nts use d in Hadid’s f luid archite ctural de signs. He r abilit y to incor porate for mal pur it y in he r de signs is s aid to be of gre ate r ra nge tha n Futur istic, ava nt-garde, spiral a nd mor pholog y are signature
adid 1 0年出生於 ,在 攻讀數學 業後,就到了倫 的建築 學院開 了自己的 , 2年 adid贏得了香港 頂 設計 賽冠 ,開 有 , 建造過於 和 ,因 視為是「 上建築師」。 頂 獲得冠 , 方 最
學 設計,在1 0 adid 於 視為過於前衛, , 是一個 。
a did是 從當日的 上 建 築 師 變 現 在 手 可 熱 的 建 築 師 , 大 可 以 從 F r a n eh r y的 起 , i l ba o 古 美術 造 特, 個美術 不 的 面組 ,在 之前,如 的自 是建造,就是 也 , F r an e h r y 於 是 自 行 研 發 新的 電 腦 技 術 , 以 的建築 的建築 能在不超時、不超 下 建 。 古 美術 的建 ,不 了這 建築的可建 ,美術 「 i l ba o 效 」 , 因 一 為 建築有為 業或城市 費特別高 ,業主也 意 出 。
還 ilbao市的經 甚至是起 回生的
i l ba o 古 美術 設計,不要 ,這座如 一
地 ,因
e le me nts use d in Hadid’s f luid archite ctural de signs. He r abilit y to incor porate for mal pur it y in he r de signs is s aid to be of gre ate r ra nge tha n Fra nk G e hr y’s. He r de signs are favorably appe aling to the mas se s as he r ve r s atile de sign st y le wor ks se amle s sly with a dive r se ra nge of building t y pe s a nd mas sing. T he magnif ice nt wor k
G ugge nhe im Museum B ilbao
showc ase d wor ldwide is a strong te stame nt to Hadid role as a groundbre ake r for fe male archite cts; she is also simply the be st.
,產生所 的 建造費和設計
Born in Baghdad in 1950, Hadid pursued her passion by studying in Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. By 1980, she has established her own London-based practice, and t wo years later in 1982, she won the top prize for the Peak Leisure Club, eventually gaining momentum as a force to be reckoned with. Nonetheless, there were doubters who criticized Hadid’s designs as too futuristic and too expensive to be feasible to construct, hence giving her the title as ‘Paper Architect’. A case in point was the Peak Tower – an award winning design that was never materialized. So how exactly did Hadid evolved from a ‘Paper Architect’ to become one of the world’s most in-demand architects today?
2004年 adid 為了 一 大女建築師的 事, 了 主導的行業, adid也
的女 得主,這 為首 了她的 華,也 時 出建築還是 建築「還是 人的世界」。
Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in Spain is one of the most iconic landmarks recognized for its its peculiar design
Af ter thought
of irregular asymmetrical contortions. Once deemed neither possible to design nor construct, Frank Gehry developed an
In 20 04, Hadid be c ame the wor ld’s f ir st fe male winne r of the
innovative architectural software that specifically caters to conceptualizing complex building types. Such fluid designs are
pre stigious Pr it zke r pr ize. W ide ly de e me d as a succe s s stor y
materialized because of this software. Since then, the trend of free form architectural designs has taken off.
for fe male archite cts, he r accomplishme nts not only prove s he r
The materialization of Guggenheim Museum not only proven to the world the unlimited possibilities of buildable architectural
outsta nding tale nts, but also prove s that this par ticular industr y is
constructions, the museum also led the city of Bilbao to flourish economically, hence the term “Bilbao effect”. It is widely
still highly male -domina nt.
believed that the architectural design of a building has a promising outcome for the enterprise and the city, bringing a dead
It is no wonde r Hadid lame nt the archite cture industr y by s ay ing “it’s
city back to life. Regardless of the hefty construction and design fees, many property owners are willing to invest huge sums.
still a ma n’s wor ld”. Jockey Club Innovation Towe r, Hong Kong Pol y te c hnic Uni ve r sit y