This winter, Descente’s ALLTERRAIN collection puts their mantra ‘form follows
的 意 是在不同 下 都 能 將 功 能 發 揮 至 極 致。“ALLTERRAIN” 系
function’ front and centre, exemplifying the very essence of Descente’s approach to craftsmanship. Descente’s craftsmanship has a lot in common with architecture
列 的 設計 靈感 於 約主義,結合 和經 典等概念。為了 現這個概念,日本運動服 品牌 Descente 在創作時 各種界限,如年 、場合及地點, 之把 點放在不受時間約 的設計及精 的手藝上。 The term ‘ALLTERRAIN’ implies the ability to function in a wide variety of conditions and situations. The design of the ALLTERRAIN line was inspired by the notion of minimalism - sceneless, ageless and timeless. In pulling t h e c o n c e pt to g et h e r, J a p a n e s e s p o r ts clothing and accessories company Descente Ltd. p u t a ll so r ts of sp e ci f ic s - like ag e groups, specific scenes and locations - out of our minds and instead concentrated on pure, timeless craftsmanship as their creative focus.
— design is taken very seriously by assembling carefully crafted functional plans rather than simply expressing a decorative beauty. Take for instance, the DIA 3674U Mizusawa Down Jacket “Storm” alone uses top quality materials and design based around these intricate functionalities: 在
季,Descente Allterrain 系列以「 式 於功能」為設計理念,這意 著 Allterrain 系列
Comprising of DTL 20K waterproof and 20K breathability, Descente’s Dermizax
集合了 Descente 最頂級工藝以及 進技術。 Descente 嚴 地 貼設計理念,製作出能
High tech HEAT NAVI material generates heat from light for added warmth.
戰和天氣轉變的功能服 ;一切
用性能為 而非只為
Its Para-Hood system with Para-Zip ensures compact hood storage, but also prevents water pooling when worn in the rain. A Para-Zip in the hood ensures
新 一 代 的 DIA 3674U Mizusawa Down Jacket“Storm 中 用法國的高級 ,服
fast and simple adjustment when necessary. A mesh panel between dual front zips draws in outside air through its Dual
Ventilation system to prevent uncomfortable heat and moisture buildup.
Dermizax 是 具有 超
The Streamline Technology™ design controls surface water flow in wet weather
性能,同時有極佳的透 可高達 20,000mm。
Heat Navi 技術透過 於
光線,轉化為熱能,從而達到 子設防
防 積 。 外, 於需要時可作快 內外層
unde r pins De sce nte’s f undame ntal wish to e nr ich pe ople’s live s through
上, 上,
spirit of Descente.
管理系統。 天
依從特別的 streamline 部分流 子 而
影響視野。 驗,
superlative sportswear. In this way, ALLTERRAIN is the personification of the
因 流到 位 。 外於 設有 streamline system,不會因
built into the hood, keeps vision clear by directing water flow away to one side.
單的調 。
Streamline Technology ™ 設計,於下 氣時令
and channels water away from pocket areas and this technology line which is All the intricate planning and design, and all the trial and error along the way,
的計劃和 設計,以 及不 的 持 著 Descente 主 要 目 的,就 是 透 過
最上 的運動服 ,提 人們的生活。因此, Allterrain 是 Descente 主 人本精 之所在。 54 |
4-Way Stretch fabric creates a superior fit with full range of motion.
於 1935 年成立,Descente 已經開拓
開發新品」的三個經營理念。 D e s c e nte, fo u n d e d i n 19 35, e nte re d a n e r a of g re at s u c c e s s i n m a n u f a c tu r i n g s k i we a r s in c e 19 54. Fo r d e c ad e s, D e sc e nte p rov id e s p rofe s s i o n a l u n i fo r m a nd g e a r fo r to p ath l e te s a n d te a m s. To d ay D e s c e nte i s we l l d eve l o p e d i n va r i o u s sportswear including Cycling, Track and Field, Baseball, Volleyball, Basketball, etc., a continuous pursuit to of fer the most advanced technology and highest quality of products and yet retaining its refined fashion sense. For more info, visit: www.descente.com/allterrain | 55