Keypad Magazine Acquisition Announcement 2016

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王冠一教授收購Keypad Magazine (旗號雜誌) 積極拓展傳媒業務 創立冠一傳媒資訊集團有限公司 香港 (2016年7月4日) – 王冠一教授與旗艦傳媒有限公司(簡稱「旗艦」)今日宣佈達 成收購協議,王冠一教授收購旗艦旗下以香港為基地、尖端奢華時尚生活雜誌Keypad Magazine旗號雜誌(簡稱KEYPAD),於2016年6月正式生效。與此同時,王教授創 立全新傳媒集團﹣冠一傳媒資訊集團有限公司(簡稱「冠一傳媒」)。 為隆重其事,冠一傳媒將舉行大型慶祝酒會與各界共賀,一同見證這盛事誕生。集團 將於本月假中環蘭桂坊加州大廈Loft 22舉行酒會,與一眾嘉賓及合作夥伴,一同慶賀 是次收購,以及KEYPAD邁向另一重要的里程碑。 冠一傳媒是王冠一教授掌舵的全新傳媒資訊集團。王冠一教授是香港著名投資專家, 於國際金融市場分析、外匯、股市及債券等擁有超過30多年的豐富投資經驗,亦是香 港最優秀及知名財經評論員之一。王教授亦曾為多份報章雜誌,撰寫有關奢華生活品 味的專欄,加上他現時旗下著名財經頻道 (,王教授​ 矢志​ 建立全 方位傳媒平台,而KEYPAD與冠一傳媒將提供最新資訊,予以專業人士為首的讀者 群。全新冠一傳媒將成為王教授的另一重要基石。 KEYPAD創立於2011年,銳意為不同界別的專業人士在繁忙工作與日程中,提供一本 融合高端奢華與品味的生活指南。KEYPAD當時不單以破格、非傳統形式的袖珍本面 世,更是香港市場上首本雙語奢華時尚生活雜誌,更以直接派遞的方式給予一群高收 入、具影響力的專業人士。自此,KEYPAD不斷茁壯成長,至今已擁有龐大並急速增 長的讀者群、分發點(截至2016年1月發行量約為46,000本)。此外,KEYPAD更於 2015年登陸澳門,深受各界好評。 王冠一教授表示:「投資與生活品味不可分割,我認為KEYPAD潛質無限,讓 KEYPAD成為冠一集團大家庭的一份子,實在是順理成章,與集團共同拓展至大中華 ,以至海外。我們的終極目標是讓讀者們細味豐盛的生活,令人生更充實、完滿。」 KEYPAD創辦人之一胡耀東先生表示:「是次收購於KEYPAD出版第五年達成,我們 相信這是一個最適當時機。在王冠一教授的領導下,KEYPAD的潛能將會全力拓展至 社會上具影響力的階層,帶來更多機遇和多元的合作。事實上,於KEYPAD早期發展 時,王教授已是我們的緊密合作夥伴及忠實讀者,因此是次收購能輕易順利完成。」 冠一傳媒強調KEYPAD將會一如以往,繼續以相同的方式專注雜誌內容及發展業務, 與此同時,集團將會投放更多資源、廣納人才,以及透過冠一傳媒融合與發展數碼媒 體,以及開拓香港以外市場。KEYPAD展開重要的新階段,同時亦為多項令人興奮的 盛事揭開序幕,包括年度最教人期盼的KEYPAD五週年慶典,大家拭目以待。 ­完­

Immediate Release

Professor Patrick Wong acquires Keypad Magazine Expands reach in media with the establishment of Crown One Media Group Limited Hong Kong (4 July 2016) – Professor Patrick Wong and Flagship Media Company Limited (“Flagship”) officially announced today that they have closed the transaction by which Professor Wong has acquired Hong Kong­based luxury lifestyle magazine Keypad Magazine (“KEYPAD”), which has been effective as of June 2016. In addition, he has concurrently established a brand new media group called the Crown One Media Group Limited (“Crown One Media”). To celebrate the occasion, KEYPAD will host a cocktail reception for its VIPs and partners at California Tower’s Loft 22. Professor Wong is a specialist in international finance analysis, forex, equities and bonds with over 30 years investment experience, and is one of Hong Kong’s most prominent and sought­after financial commentators. Prior to contributing for KEYPAD, he was a regular luxury lifestyle columnist for numerous local publications. Together with his on­going specialised finance media channel, he aspires to develop an integrated media platform with both KEYPAD and Crown One Media targeted for professional audiences. KEYPAD was first conceptualized in 2011 with the motivations to create a condensed luxury lifestyle guide to enrich working professionals who are too busy to be reached via mainstream avenues. The magazine not only broke conventions with its atypical compact size, but also became the first bilingual luxury lifestyle magazine in Hong Kong to deliver directly to high net worth professionals and influential individuals. In its fifth year, KEYPAD has grown in strength with its targeted readership demographic and distribution points (est. circulation of 46,000 as of Jan 2016). Furthermore, KEYPAD marked a significant milestone in 2015 with the expansion into Macau, including distributions at several of the top integrated resorts. Professor Wong remarked, “Investment and lifestyle go hand­in­hand. With its unrealized potential, I see no better way than to have KEYPAD on­board as we integrate and grow the team while we set out to endeavour into Greater China and beyond. Our ultimate goal after all is to educate our audiences in attaining the riches of life, and living it to the fullest.” Mr Dixon Wu, co­founder of KEYPAD shared, “We believe the acquisition of KEYPAD in our fifth year of publishing represents a timely opportunity to expand the magazine’s potential among the influential society under the leadership of Professor Wong. The transition to pass on the baton to Professor Wong came naturally as he has been a loyal friend and supporter of the magazine since our early days.” Professor Patrick Wong advised that the structure of KEYPAD to continue to run its content and business similarly as before, with the added benefit of a stronger team with improved resources, investment expertise, as well as integrating developed digital strategies through Crown One Media. Ushering in the new phase preludes many exciting things to come, including the highly anticipated year’s end celebration of KEYPAD’s 5th Anniversary. ­END­

關於王冠一教授 王教授現時為香港大學經濟金融學會的榮譽顧問,香港大學專業進修學院及澳門城市大學客座 教授、「冠一資產管理」首席策略師、「王冠一財經頻道」創辦人、「香港投資商學院」諮詢 小組主席;曾任NOW財經台「環球金融快線」主持評論員,及前亞洲電視本港台節目《國際 財經視野》擔任金融評論員。 王冠一教授乃環球金融分析、外匯、股票及債券方面的專家,擁有超過30年的投資經驗,現 時為香港最傑出及最受歡迎的金融評論員之一。於1970年代,王教授於一間屬本港業內先鋒 的國際外匯經紀行任職香港區域總監達10年。其後,他於另一間金融機構擔任首席執行官, 該機構為香港銀行公會認可四大外匯創會會員牌照持有者之一,於國際外匯交易所進行買賣、 經營存款、衍生產品及債券業務。 王教授早於1997年已在澳門城市大學擔任客席教授,並於港澳和內地各大學院教授MBA課程 ,亦曾於英、美工作及受訓。他於本港具影響力的報章撰寫專欄超過10年。現任《明報》專 欄撰稿人和KEYPAD的定期撰稿人,其獨到的見解和眼光備受中外讀者愛戴。 王教授持有工商管理碩士學位,並於美國哥倫比亞大學的商學院(研究院)修畢行政人員課程。 王教授為成本行政會計師公會會員、稅務及管理會計師公會會員以及英國特許管理學會會員。 此外,亦曾出任外匯及存款經紀協會執行委員會成員。 王教授於2008年成立財經網站 ­ 「王冠一財經頻道」。其後,於2009年底更出任「冠一資產 管理」之首席策略師。「冠一資產管理」致力於制定不同投資的策略,運用多元化的投資工 具、參與不同市場及資產類別,尋找絕對回報。2013年,王教授推出「冠一多空指標」,該 指標是由王教授研發,其追蹤近20種不同資產類別的資金流。該有前瞻性的市場指標更是首 次由中國人研發及在亞洲推出。 2016年,王教授正式收購高端時尚生活品味雜誌KEYPAD,並收編入新成立的傳媒旗艦「冠 一傳媒」,成為重要一員。

About Professor Patrick Wong Professor Patrick Wong is a visiting professor at Hong Kong University (“HKU”) School of Professional and Continuing Education, and City University of Macau, Honorary Vice­President of HKU Economics and Finance Society, founder of, Chairman of Consultation Panel of The Investopedia Institute of HK, Financial Commentator of “Vision on International Finance” on Asia Television Limited from 2012 to 2015 and host of "Global Market Express" on NOW Business News Channel between 2006 and 2012. On the other hand, Professor Wong is a specialist in international finance analysis, forex, equities and bonds with over 30 years investment experience, and is one of Hong Kong’s most prominent and sought­after financial commentators. In the 1970s, he was the Regional Director of a British­based international pioneer money broker in Hong Kong for 10 years. He then became Chief Executive Officer of another financial institution that obtained one of the first four money broking licenses granted by the Hong Kong Monetary Affairs Department to conduct businesses in international foreign exchange, currencies deposits and derivative products such as IRS, FRAs, options and other treasury instruments. Furthermore, he has also participated in management grade positions at a number of companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Trained in UK and US, Professor Wong holds a MBA degree and attended The Executive Program for International Managers in The Graduate School of Business at Columbia University, New York. He is also a member of The Association of Cost and Executive Accountants, fellow of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants, member of the Chartered Management Institute and was an executive committee member of the Hong Kong Foreign Exchange and Deposit Brokers Association. Not only is Professor Wong a visiting professor at City University Macau since 1997, he has also taught at several graduate schools in Hong Kong, Macau and Greater China. In addition, he has been writing columns for Hong Kong’s leading newspapers for over 10 years, and is also an expert contributor for Keypad Magazine. Professor Wong’s recent business ventures include the establishment of, a specialised finance media channel, in August 2008. In 2013, he launched his C1 Synergy index, an indicative index which he developed, tracking fund flows of 20 over different asset classes. The index was a first of its kind launched in Asia. In 2016, Professor Wong acquired Keypad Magazine, a by­invitation Hong Kong luxury lifestyle magazine, in conjunction with establishing his new media company Crown One Media Group Ltd.

關於旗號雜誌 ​ (Keypad Magazine)

KEYPAD創立於2011年,是香港市場上首本直接送遞到港澳專業人士辦公桌上的免費雙語高 端生活雜誌。雙月一刊,專為迎合知識分子及有影響力人士而設。 KEYPAD銳意為不同界別的高收入、具影響力的專業人士,在繁忙工作與日程中提供一本融 合高端奢華與品味的生活指南。無論在客戶群的篩選或雜誌的發行上都別具心思,力求為每位 專業讀者度身訂造,達致個人需要 ﹣ 不但免費贈閱,更封存於印有個人地址的信封,並直接送 遞到每一位讀者的辦公桌上。 我們深知讀者,無論是在哪一個領域,都日以繼夜在他們的專業上忙碌奔馳,故此KEYPAD 特別為這群專業讀者製訂出完美高尚的生活模式。我們無限量提供世界各地的最新資訊,包括 藝術、時裝、手飾、美酒佳餚、旅遊、建築、科技、奢華汽車等等 ﹣全球時尚資訊始於一本輕 巧而內容豐富的雜誌。 About Keypad Magazine Established in 2011, KEYPAD is the first bilingual, by invitation luxury lifestyle magazine in Hong Kong and Macau delivered directly to the workplaces of professionals and influentials. Published bi­monthly, we curate contents catered for the elite society. KEYPAD reaches out to working professionals and high net worth individuals who are often hard to access through mainstream avenues. Circulation and distribution are strategically controlled and targeted with a personal twist – a complimentary copy, sealed in a personally­addressed envelope, is sent directly to each reader’s office. Recognising readers’ hectic schedules in their respective fields of profession, KEYPAD has devised the perfect plan to enrich their lifestyles. Discover limitless offerings from the world of art, fashion, jewellery, wine and dining, travel, architecture, technology, luxury cars and more – all packed in a lightweight and condensed magazine.

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