STAR CHEMISTRY — 余文樂.楊千嬅 — SHAWN YUE & MIRIAM YEUNG PHOTOGRAPHY Hung Ng | VIDEOGRAPHY Lorenzo Yeung | STYLING Andrea Balboa MAKEUP FOR MIRIAM Ling Chan@ZING the makeup school | MAKEUP FOR SHAWN Jenny Tziong HAIR FOR MIRIAM Vic | HAIR FOR SHAWN Ben Yeung@Hair Corner COORDINATION Lilian Tong | ASSISTANCE Cecilia Mak TEXT Kinki Ng | TRANSLATION Linguists Asia | VENUE Howard’s Gourmet
由彭浩翔所指導的《春嬌與志明》、《志明與春嬌》、《春嬌救志明》總共經歷 7 年時間,這部香港本土出品, 影響廣泛觀眾,有幾多人用過「in55!W!」示愛,愛到刻骨銘心體會到「我好努力去擺脫張志明,最後我發現 我變咗另一個張志明」。還是已有足夠愛情閱歷,輕描淡寫地說「成世人流流長,總會愛上幾個人渣」。歡迎 全方位本地演員楊千嬅和余文樂,志明與春嬌,7 年來他們無論戲內和戲外都成長了,除了期待第三部《春嬌 救志明》首映為第四十一屆電影節揭開序幕會帶給觀眾甚麼新愛情啟示、共鳴金句外,更想了解楊千嬅與余文 樂 7 年後走進了人生另一階段後,對未來還有甚麼期許。 A total of seven years have elapsed since the release of Hong Kong director Pang Ho-Cheung’s Love in a Puff (2010), which had since spun a trilogy with Love in the Buff (2012) and its latest film Love Off the Cuff (2017); the latter premiering as the Opening Film for the 41st Hong Kong International Film Festival. This localised franchise has produced such a resounding impact on audiences, influencing thousands to express their affection via “in55!W!” to their loved ones, or their heartache similar to the film’s iconic quote “I’ve spent so long trying to forget Jimmy till I ended up becoming like Jimmy”. There are others who have witnessed enough of the game of love and nonchalantly accepted the fate that, according to the film, “in life, you will encounter scums and end up falling for some”. In the course of this seven-year period, beloved Hong Kong actors Miriam Yeung and Shawn Yue, who portray Cherie and Jimmy respectively, have also matured both in and out of the world of movies. Apart from anticipating the franchise’s third installment Love Off the Cuff where audiences await to see if there are any more new revelations on love, it is equally rewarding to uncover more about Miriam and Shawn and how they envision their next phase of their lives after these seven years, holding onto their aspirations.
貼地愛情故事 THE RELATABLE FACTOR 春嬌與志明,這對浪漫戀人,沒有到至死不渝,但至少兜兜轉轉仍然深愛對方,變成生活 習慣,再也離不開彼此。楊千嬅坦言從第三者觀看「余春嬌」與「張志明」的愛情故事, 既貼地又夠浪漫:「站在旁人去看,是一件很『正』的事,他們的愛情故事很夢幻,至少 任何危機都處理到,如果在現實生活裡,都能這樣游刃有餘,就夠了。戲中他們不時為生 活瑣事爭執,很貼近真實的情侶生活,一點都不離地。」從余文樂的眼光去看呢?「就是在 演你的愛情故事,就是在演街上的千千萬萬個你。」也許,在現實生活中,身邊總有一對 「余春嬌」與「張志明」,甚至自己就像主角,所以觀賞電影時,彷彿是有一種投射,如 千嬅所說題材貼地,才會令觀眾追得如此肉緊。 The film’s main couple Cherie Yu and Jimmy Cheung did not have a fairytale-like relationship. Through ups and downs, their steadfast love for each other remained, which seemed to have
evolved into their habitual livelihoods, unable to forsake each other. From a third party’s
perspective, Miriam frankly sees the romance of Cherie and Jimmy as realistic yet romantic. “From a voyeur’s perspective, their romance is as surreal as a fantasy since they manage to weather many storms, which is more than many can overcome in real life. Yet, also in the
movie, they quarrel over trivial things, which again was realistic and relatable to many in our daily lives.”
“Simply put, the film plays out your own love story, and the thousands of others of passer-bys on the street.” said Shawn. Perhaps in our everyday life, there is always a “Cherie Yu” and “Jimmy Cheung” around us, or even seeing our own selves reflected in these characters, so
much so that when we watch the movie, as Miriam said, the film’s realistic portrayal of its love story has thus gripped viewers from start to finish all these years. 40
「中女」要肯定自己 RISE UP, ZHONG LUI 《春嬌救志明》電影情節亦提及中女危機,「中女」這個形容詞(大致標籤25歲以上單身 女性),是對香港女性一種魔咒,好像做甚麼事情都要跟時間競賽。在現實生活,時光怱 怱,一眨眼7年間,楊千嬅已經成為人妻及母親,亦憑著《春嬌與志明》飾演余春嬌一角, 獲得第32屆香港電影金像獎最佳女主角。在很多女性眼中,她是一個完美的典範,擁有事 業同時能兼顧家庭,揮灑自如面對人生。對於一些30歲或快將踏入40歲的女性,過份生活 於危機感當中,楊千嬅又怎麼看? 「其實不管甚麼年齡,最重要肯定自己的定位和價值,當有足夠安全感的時候,就不需要 再去盲目追求一些外界認為對的東西,而那些根本不是自己想要的事情!」 余文樂更以男性角度說出何為真正美麗的女人:「每個男人都需要一個有內涵的女人,最 美麗的女人不是外表,是那種修養。只要有一個長處,加上對事情有自己的看法,這種性 格才具吸引力,亦是令男人最著迷的地方!」 In Love Off the Cuff, one of the recurring themes include the crisis faced by “zhong lui” — a Cantonese term loosely defined as single females of ages 25 or older. It is often seen as a curse
to many Hong Kong women, which puts them in an inexplicable chase against time. In real
life, the lapse of seven years has also marked monumental changes to Miriam’s life — from embracing marriage and then motherhood to winning the Best Actress Award at the Hong
Kong Film Awards for the role of Cherie Yu in Love in the Buff. She is widely seen as a role model for a lot of females, not only for her talents and personality, but also for balancing a
successful career and a happy family. For women who are fast approaching their forties, some
would feel as though they are hanging on a thread. What would Miriam think about such conundrum?
“In fact, your age is not the issue. The most important thing is to know your purpose and value
in life. Once you have ascertained to this, you would not need to blindly seek things that are of
the generally consensus as they might not even be what you wanted in the first place!” she said. Shawn, sharing similar sentiments, shared with us on what he views as true beauty in the opposite sex. “Every man needs a woman with depth. A truly attractive woman is not defined by her outlook, but how she cultivates herself and her attitudes towards life,” he affirmed. 42
十年之後 繼續成為經典角色 SOLIDIFYING A CLASSIC ROLE 修過多年的努力,兩位演員在華人演藝圈已經肯定 了自己的巨星地位。楊千嬅歌手身分兼具演員都備 受肯定,原因是愈演愈用心,「每次表演任何一個 角色都是用心去演,目的是希望其他導演看得到, 會找自己去飾演其他角色。」 余文樂由模特兒,轉型成為專業演員,一路走來, 就是憑著信心去打拚,「每次選擇合作的戲組都 要有信心,他們認為可以,我便相信可以。」兩位 演員在演藝事業領域飾演過不同角色,參與過無數 種類的電影題材,對於演戲的態度,都建立了一份 堅定的信念。難怪「余春嬌」與「張志明」這個組 合掀起了極大的化學作用,創造了本土經典愛情人
Both actors have evidently solidified their status as leading stars in the Chinese
entertainment business throughout years of hard work. Acclaimed as both a singer and an actress, the major reason for Miriam’s tremendous success is due to her
continuous dedication to put her heart and soul in all of her endeavours. “I strive
to give my best performance in every role I play in order to capture the attention of different directors, hence opening up more opportunities for myself.”
Whereas for Shawn, he switched from modelling to acting and has since relied on
self-confidence in pursuing progress and to excel. “Every time a cast and crew is fixed, I always try to embrace it with confidence. If the team think it is achievable, then I
would give it my hundred percent.” Both of them have played so many different roles over the years in various films that they have learnt to fostered this steadfast and
unfailing faith in every production. It is no wonder “Cherie Yu” and “Jimmy Cheung”
have left such an imprint on Hong Kong cinema through their iconic chemistry.
leads in modern-romance films. Should she have the choice to choose the screenplay,
情故事的男主角和女主角,假如可以自選電影題 材合作,楊千嬅希望可以和余文樂拍一個交換靈魂 的電影故事:「以我對余文樂的認識和了解,我有 信心用一個女人的外在,演活他男人內心。」余文 樂則認為可以等待十年之後,或再演一次春嬌與志 明,因為電影最難能可貴的地方,就是跟著我們生 活的步伐,「在現實生活大家老了十年,再去拍一 次,那個感覺可能會更真實,甚至乎更有味道。」 多麼盼望,十年之後楊千嬅繼續演「余春嬌」,余 文樂一直演「張志明」,世界如何變遷,任由時間 流逝,志明與春嬌會繼續相愛,共渡任何難關,用 他們的故事陪著我們成長,教我們有智慧地去面對 成長的愛情,同時見證屬於他們,又可能是身邊 你、我、他與她的愛情故事,成為香港人不可缺少 的回憶。
With time, they have both matured and mellowed, no longer constrained to act as Miriam very much yearn to work with Shawn in a very different film; for instance one in which they exchange souls. “Because of our comradery, I believe I can grasp
Shawn’s profound inner-being and live it out vividly acting it out in a female host body,” she said. Alternatively, Shawn hopes there will be another chance to play this role again in a decade's time. It is a priceless opportunity to have a film franchise’s
narrative timeline follow with us in real life. “There’s a stronger sense of authenticity
and realism to play this again after both of us have aged another decade; it will definitely be more memorable.”
No doubt do we cherish the chance to see both stars recur their iconic roles as Jimmy and Cherie. Irrespective of how much time elapses and how much the world has
changed, their relationship flourishes through trials and tribulations. While these characters eventually grow on the local’s and Hong Kong’s culture, audiences will learn to reflect on and nurture their own relationships with others together through the love of cinema.
揭開余文樂、楊千嬅封面拍攝的獨家幕後花絮,請瀏覽 Unveil the exclusive behind-the-scenes cover shoot of Shawn & Miriam at 44
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