KEYPAD Cover Story: Edmond Leung 梁漢文

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年香港人因為生 和 環 《 》 人 ,教人 要的事。 用他的 、生 有 世界 美的 。

種因 , 到 的重要性。 一個道 , 了 ,對 人 、 , 個世代,原來,人生 了

最 的 關 才是最重 ,我們 個人

In recent years, due to the current living and social environment, Hong Kong people are finally understanding the importance of solidarity. “Life Sponsors”, the latest single from seasoned singer-songwriter Edmond Leung, is filled with warmth and humanity — instead of focusing on self-interest, it depicts the importance of giving back to the people around you and caring for one another. The veteran artist tells this generation, through his songs and positive attitude, that life is not only about being in love; we have the power to make the world more beautiful.


2 Piece Open Grey Suit in 100% Silk, Tie and Pocket Square by BOSS 29


Medium Grey Jacket, Bright Blue Cotton Jeans and Turquoise Scarf by BOSS


珍惜香港人情味 CHERISHING THE HONG KONG TOUCH 假如閣下是70、80後,那些年在情路上跌跌碰 碰,當聽著梁漢文的情歌,又或跟一班朋友在卡拉 OK房唱《纏綿遊戲》、《衣櫃裡的男人》、《七 友》,一邊喝著啤酒,一邊憑歌寄意,撫慰心坎裡 的悲傷。可能從前你是青澀的少年人,如今已經獨 當一面,但相信你也曾經在梁漢文的情歌中成長。 經過多年來後,梁漢文的經典再不限於情歌,他 最新主打歌《終身贊助》更唱出一種不可多得的 人情味。他坦言初步概念,只是想寫一首歌曲關 於歌迷,但林夕決定把歌曲情懷放大:「經過和 林夕討論,得到一些啟發,從小時候直到長大, 無論在學校、工作範疇等等,都接觸過不同的人 和事,每個階段人與人之間的接觸,經過歲月洗 禮,都會變成一種人情味,這樣的歌曲可以送給 更多不同的人。」觀看MV時,發現畫面與歌曲 非常配合,全歸功於梁漢文的構思,有了歌曲概 念,他開始回憶與自己相關的人情味:「第一時 間想到學校,校園有很多純真回憶、第二想到在 住所大廈常常看見的管理員茹姐、第三想到鄰近 的茶餐廳,之後想到在成長階段接觸的人和地方 等等。」MV畫面用他第一身表達感受過的人情 味,親力親為找拍攝人物、場景,讓觀眾感受他 最真實的人生,從細微的人情味演變成大愛,實 在為之動容。正如梁漢文所言:「如果MV主角換 作是您,您又會放什麼人、事、物進去呢?」當 您憶記的時候,就會頓時百般滋味湧上心頭,發 現身邊充滿著濃厚人情味,更想去珍惜陪伴自己 長大的地方。

For locals born in the ‘70s or ‘80s, while going through phases of ups and downs in love, one might have probably tried to soothe the sadness by listening to Edmond’s

iconic love songs or have sung “The Lingering Game”, “The Man in the Closet” and “Seven Friends” with their friends at karaoke while drinking beer. While you may have

matured from your once young and sentimental phase, Edmond’s love songs were very much part of your life growing up.

After all these years, Edmond’s classics do not only confine to love songs. His latest

hit “Life Sponsors” even conveys the precious feeling of “human touch”. He admitted that he first thought of writing a song for his fans, but his co-writer, prolific lyricist

Albert Leung, encouraged to amplify the sentiments in the song, “I was inspired after

discussing with Albert. From my younger days to adulthood, no matter in schools or at

work, I have come across many different people and occasions; and as time passes, all these have accumulated to become the best of ‘human touch’. I believe it gives a new

and deeper meaning for my listeners, and hopefully moves them.” The single’s music

video matches the spirit of the song’s lyrics to a tee; the video was conceptualised and directed by Edmond himself. Once the song was pieced together, he started to

revisit the element of “human touch” from his past, “My alma mater was the first place that came to mind. It was where a lot of innocent memories were found. Secondly, I

thought of Ms. Yu, the security guard of the building where I live. Thirdly, I thought of the local cafe near my home. Then I thought of significant people and places that I’ve

crossed path with.” The video’s scenes are taken from a first-person perspective in order to capture the care and love he has received in his life. He personally reached out to the

people featured in the video, allowing viewers to experience the genuinity of his life. The video progresses from the simple daily “human touches” to the great loves he has received; many viewers have lauded it to be genuinely touching. Edmond throws back the ball to us, “Imagine if you were the central character here, who and what would

you want to include?” When one reflects their lifetime of memories, it is inevitable to feel overwhelmed with emotions having to realise that we all are surrounded by the

warmth of human touch, and also feel the urge to cherish the places where you grew up.



快樂愛妻號 CONTENTED DOTING HUSBAND 除了珍惜我們長大的地方,伴侶更是人生路上不可或缺的重要支柱,但維持理想的婚姻關 係絕對不容易,何況真的要做到無論疾病與健康,將會永遠愛惜彼此呢。這個課題似乎沒 有難到梁漢文,在太太生病的時候,一直陪伴左右,所以有「愛妻號」之稱。這幾年,梁 漢文經歷太太Karen生病,他說自己在心態上改變了很多,沒有以前那麼貪玩:「以往的 我,做人比較吊兒郎當,因為經歷很多事情,反省到有需要去改變,所以成長了很多。 特別我們之間的關係,感情更是昇華了,懂得深入關心對方,想去為對方做更多的事。」 同時在這個時刻,是梁漢文最快樂的時光:「現在我很享受工作、婚姻生活、生活上的一 切。」或者,婚姻需要共同經歷成長,才會更理解彼此需要,同時在梁漢文在的言談當 中,深明一個老生常談,要愛人先要愛自己;要帶給人快樂;先要自己快樂,就是維繫愛 情、婚姻、家庭幸福的良方。 Apart from cherishing the places where one grew up, a life partner is an indispensable support. Nevertheless, it is never easy to maintain an ideal marriage - when it comes to loving one

another in sickness and in health, it is easier said than done. Edmond lived up to his image as showbiz’s “doting husband” as he famously stood by his wife, Karen, when she was stricken by cancer. Overcoming these trails have allowed Edmond to mature in perspective and he admits

he is not as playful as before, “In the past, I did not take myself seriously. All these experiences made me realized the need to change and to grow up. My relationship with my wife has

strengthened; we know how to truly care and do more for each other.” He further chimes that he is at the happiest point in his career and personal life. Perhaps in order for a marriage to

flourish is the need to grow together, so that both parties will understand each other’s needs

better. In Edmond’s words, the old saying goes: the recipe for maintaining a happy love life, marriage and family is to learn to love yourself before loving others; being happy is the root of bringing joy to others.

Navy Shirt, Navy Jacket and Bright Blue Jeans by BOSS; Clifton Club 44mm Shelby Cobra 1964 by BAUME & MERCIER




Two-Button Suit in Baobab Linen, Zipped Polo in Silex Crepe Cotton by HERMES


擦出新火花 SPARKING INSPIRATIONS 談完愛情,說到友情,梁漢文都有很多深刻的體 會,他在樂壇經歷了不同的年代,前幾年積極參與 男人幫和Big Four等不同的組合、與許多娛樂圈好 友多個Crossover合作、近期又有報導再次與千嬅 與陳奕迅重組「華星三寶」合作。一而再,再而三 與多年圈內好友合作,對他來說不只創作帶來新 衝擊:「最開心的是,由新秀開始,除了遇到很多 好歌曲,更重要是在那個階段,認識到很多不同的 人,大家一起參加新秀,在同一個圈子長大,最重 要大家都是真心誠意去維擊這份友誼。隨著長大, 直至今時今日,這份情仍然健在,是我感到最值得 珍惜的部分。」跟不同的朋友合作,也令他有新的 啟發:「和朋友合作,也是一種學習,有時候做朋 友和一起工作是兩回事,有些朋友很堅持立場、有 些朋友又很隨意,從每個人身上都會看到不一樣的 態度,以致自己在工作層面上不停吸收,學習到跟 不同單位合作,都能樂在其中。」提及到跟不同人 合作,值得注意的是,梁漢文透露兩年前,在麥俊 龍和謝安琪推出《羅生門》之後,麥俊龍主動找他 寫歌,今年將會推出市場,到時候大家可以聆聽梁 漢文和麥俊龍會擦出什麼新火花。

When it comes to friendship, Edmond has established many profound experiences

after being part of different eras of the music scene. In the past few years, he actively joined different music groups such as Band of Brothers and Big Four, and even

collaborated with several industry friends. It has even been reported recently that Edmond, Miriam Yeung and Eason Chan — also known as the “Three Gems of Capital Artists” — will be collaborating together again. Being able to do crossovers with his friends do not just help stimulate his creativity in producing music, “It is

such a blessing that, ever since I joined the TVB International Chinese New Talent

Singing Championship, not only did I get to work on many excellent songs, but I got to befriend many people along the way. Some have joined the same competition

and we grew up together in showbiz. What’s important is that we genuinely want to maintain our friendship. Even with age, up till now, these relationships have remained stable — an aspect I really treasure.” Besides, working with others helps

spark inspiration, “I get to learn from my friends through their professionalism. At times, being friends and being work partners are totally different. Some friends are

strong-minded with their visions, while others are very open-minded. The processes

are pleasurable as I benefit from learning to walk in other’s shoes.” When talking about his collaborations, it is worth noting that artist Juno Mak invited Edmond personally to write a song for him after the release of “Rashomon” with Kay Tse two

years ago. The song is expected to be released this year; we shall await to hear what kind of new sparks Edmond has ignited.

一個人的演唱會 SOLO MUSICAL VENTURE 與別人合作,他已經得心應手。於是,今年他想投 放多點時間給自己,剛過去的情人節,他在內地舉 辦了一場個人演唱會。之後,他將會把重心放回 香港,開個人演唱會,就在今年8月18至19於九龍 灣國際展貿中心Star Hall舉行《梁漢文我的另一半 音樂會》:「由於對紅館已經很熟悉,從來沒有在 Star Hall開過演唱會,反而有新鮮感,會嘗試把紅 館做到的舞台、音響效果帶到Star Hall,例如為了 聲音質素,邀請日本工程公司過來製作,渴望觀眾 們會有驚喜,能好好享受音質。除此之外,也會多 唱一些以前樂迷耳熟能詳,但我多年沒有演唱的歌 曲,希望給大家好好重溫。」除了演唱會,對於對 未來音樂的路程,他更稱為下半場:「我希望可以 創作一些音樂,是屬於只給LIVE演唱的歌曲。」相 信樂迷們,等待他一個人演出、給自己創作音樂, 已經很久,到時必定洗耳恭聽。

It is now clear that Edmond is a seasoned collaborator. This year, he hopes to shift the

focus back to his own solo music. During Valentine’s Day this year, he launched his first solo concert in the Mainland. Coming this August, he will then shift his focus back to

Hong Kong again with his anticipated solo concert “My Better Half Edmond Leung Live” at Star Hall, Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre, to which Edmond

is filled with excitement about, “I’ve familiarised myself with Hong Kong Coliseum, but I have yet to do a concert at Star Hall. It’s so refreshing! I hope to bring over the spectacular

stage and music effects done before in Hong Kong Coliseum to Star Hall. For instance, to ensure pristine sound quality, I have employed a Japanese sound engineering company

for the production; I want to surprise my audiences, so they can enjoy great sound quality. Moreover, songs which are familiar to fans but were barely performed over the years will be included in the setlist; it’ll be a great opportunity to reminisce the good times with

audiences.” Apart from the concert, new music releases are in the works for the near future,

“I aspire to write more songs that has live elements incorporated in their recordings.” It is clear to see that Edmond’s fans have waited long enough for his solo music and performances; we are definitely all ears for his grand return to the stage.

揭開梁漢文封面拍攝的獨家幕後花絮,請瀏覽 Unveil the exclusive behind-the-scenes cover shoot of Edmond at


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