Clash of
e s i d a r a P BALI vs MALDIVES 䁰 ꅽ 䃋 vs 꼛 晋 ➿ 㣗
長久以來,兩大夏季旅遊熱點一直爭奪「島嶼天堂」的美譽。這兩個目的地向來是蜜月聖地,也是大都會專業人 士拋開繁忙工作壓力,放鬆休息的好地方。融合豐富精神文化與美學加上原始海灘,峇里島固然一直是全球頂級 旅遊目的地。但另一方面,由 1,192 個珊瑚島形成、26 個珊瑚環礁組成的馬爾代夫,過去十年亦一躍成為追求私 人空間的精英人士的休閒勝地。幾乎所有大型酒店集團都在這兩個島嶼天堂分一杯羹,設立度假設施。盛夏既至, 我們為你精心挑選了最適合夏天前往享受的頂級熱帶度假勝地。 Two gorgeous summer destinations have been fighting it out for the coveted title as “island paradise” for far too long. These two spots have been a hit amongst honeymoon seekers or cosmopolitan professionals looking for a sweet escape away from the bustling stress. The island of Bali has been a top travel destination worldwide due to the blend of rich spiritual culture and aesthetics, and her pristine beaches. On the other hand, made up of 1,192 coral islands grouped into 26 coral atolls, Maldives has emerged as the go-to relaxation for privacy-seeking A-listers in the past decade. Almost every major hospitality group is taking a piece of the pie by setting up resorts on these two island paradise. We highlight our top tropical resort picks to indulge yourself at this season.
TEXT LT | TRANSLATION Linguists Asia | OPENING PHOTO Dusit Thani Maldives
Anantara Seminyak Bali Resort & Spa 水明漾被譽為「峇里蘭桂坊」─它的熱鬧紛陳,深受遊客和外籍人士愛戴,而它的海灘和連綿巨浪,也教滑浪愛好者不能錯過。水明 漾安納塔拉度假村讓你浸沉於峇里島繁華熱鬧的夜生活之餘,還能享受豪華舒適的完美住宿體驗。度假村設有 59 間套房,每間都精心 配備現代化設施,水磨石按摩浴池和私人露台上的舒適躺椅等都一應俱全。除此之外,你還可在度假村佔地達 420 平方米的屋頂閣樓
度假村位於峇里島南部水明漾沿岸,從伍拉.賴國際機場驅車前 往僅需 30 分鐘。 The resort is located in southern Bali along Seminyak coast, a 30 minutes drive from Ngurah Rai International Airport.
上俯覽印度洋令人嘆為觀止的景致。飲食方面,如果你不想去太遠而又想找一個古樸別緻的地方用餐,水明漾安納塔拉度假村亦提供 多間餐廳任君選擇。Moonlite Kitchen and Bar 提供的屋頂用餐體驗、雞尾酒和搜羅自全球各地種類繁多齊全的葡萄酒,都是它的聞名 之處,而 Wild Orchid Restaurant 則瀰漫休閒的餐廳氛圍,你可以在室內裝修雅致的餐廳或室外沿海岸線的甲板上選擇一張桌子用餐, 享用群島的當地特色美食、品味國際招牌菜式,又或大啖歐陸經典滋味。 Seminyak can be considered the “Lan Kwai Fong of Bali” — a popular and dynamic district for tourists and expats, with sandy beaches frequented
by surfing enthusiasts for its consistent soaring waves. Staying in Anantara Seminyak resort offers the perfect balance of luxurious unwinding while soaking in the bustling Balinese nightlife. With 59 suites, where each are well-fitted with modern facilities, along with a terrazzo Jacuzzi tub and
a private balcony with patio loungers. In addition, the resort has a stunning 420 square meter rooftop penthouse overlooking the Indian Ocean. Where food is concerned, Anantara Seminyak offers a several culinary options if you are looking for a quaint dinner spot without travelling too far. Moonlite Kitchen and Bar is known for its rooftop culinary experience, cocktails, and a well-stocked international wine repertoire while Wild
Orchid Restaurant has a casual dining vibe where you can opt for a table in the charming dining room or outside on the shoreline deck. Relish local specialties from across the archipelago, savour signature international dishes or splurge on continental classics. 38
Ayana Resort and Spa Bali 峇里島阿雅娜水療度假酒店為「活在懸崖邊」賦予了全新的詮釋─這家屢獲殊榮的度假酒 店位於懸崖頂上,面積達 90 公頃,俯覽雄偉的金巴蘭灣。在梵文中「Ayana」的意思是「庇 護之地」,這家華貴的度假酒店為賓客提供無可挑剔的設施和服務。由於遊客對它的青睞, 度假酒店較早前在十二月份擴充了住宿服務,在 Rimba 東部的 Rimba Tower,增設了 120 間以自然為主題的客房。阿雅娜鄰近 Garuda Wisnu Kencana 公園和烏魯瓦圖寺,四周環 繞著豐富濃厚的峇里文化。酒店的峇里島泰爾姆馬靈水療在 2016 年世界水療設施大獎中 榮膺「最佳水療度假設施」,他們坐擁峇里島上唯一的海水療池,將旖旎絢麗的自然景致 盡收眼底的最佳位置享受水療,兩小時後定必讓你元氣滿滿。此外,享譽全球的峇里島岩 石酒吧就在假於離印度洋海面 14 米高的一個凸台上,讓你徜徉在印度洋壯麗的日落餘暉 之中,享用特色雞尾酒,在眾多世界級 DJ 的音樂下勁舞盡歡。 “Living on the edge” has a different meaning here — this multi-award winning resort is located
on 90 hectares of cliff-top land above the majestic Jimbaran Bay. With a name meaning “place of
refuge” in Sanskrit, this luxury resort offers impeccable facilities and services. Earlier in December,
due to its ever popular demand, the resort expanded its accommodation with 120 new nature-
themed guest rooms at the new Rimba Tower, Rimba East. Surrounded by rich Balinese culture, Ayana is located near the Garuda Wisnu Kencana park and Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple. Their
offers Bali’s only Aquatonic Seawater Jet Pool, a two-hour revitalising experience overlooking a
The resort is located in southern Bali in Jimbaran, a 20
Thermes Marins Bali Spa, Indonesia’s “Best Resort Spa” recipient at 2016 World Spa Awards,
機場驅車前往僅需 20 分鐘。
gorgeous nature landscape. Whereas their internationally soughtafter Rock Bar Bali, situated on
minutes drive from Ngurah Rai International Airport.
a ledge 14 meters above the Indian Ocean with an exceptional sunset views, features signature cocktails and a line-up of world-class DJs.
Dusit Thani Maldives 2016 年是都喜天麗馬爾代夫酒店大豐收的一年,在這一年中它橫掃了數之不盡的獎項, 例如 Condé Nast Traveller 2016 年中東讀者優選獎「最喜愛的家庭度假酒店」,以及 2016 年 Prestigious Star Awards「最負盛名的婚禮場地」等。這家泰式五星級度假酒店的 名字可約略翻譯為「天堂小鎮」,由 94 棟別墅組成,賓客可在馬爾代夫寧靜的海洋中潛 水游泳,體驗巴阿環礁姆都島的自然美景和海洋生態。巴阿環礁姆都島較為人熟悉的, 源於它是聯合國教科文組織首個生物圈保護區。在原始自然環境之外,度假酒店的服務 和設施還包括馬爾代夫最大的無邊際游泳池(750 平方米)、環抱在棕櫚林中泰麗水療 中心高架在棕櫚樹上的護理亭,以及幾家獲獎無數的頂級餐廳,讓你體驗各種珍饈美味。 2016 has been a great year for Dusit Thani Maldives — it swept away numerous awards such as the Condé Nast Traveller Middle East Readers' Choice Awards 2016 win for “Favourite
Resort for Families”, and the “Most Prestigious Wedding Venue” in the Prestigious Star Awards 2016. Carrying a name loosely translated as Heavenly Town, the five-star luxury resort comprises of Thai-inspired villas or residences and offers its guests opportunities to
dive and swim in the serene waters of the Maldives to experience natural beauty and marine
life located on Mudhdhoo Island in Baa Atoll — Maldives’ first and only UNESCO world biosphere reserve. The natural beauty of the Maldives forms the perfect backdrop for the
facilities and activities on offer. Guests can dive and snorkel, swim in one of the Maldives’ largest infinity pools (750 square meters), retreat to one of Devarana Spa’s treetop treatment pods for a pampering experience or dine at one of our award-winning restaurants.
度假酒店位於巴阿環礁姆都島,從馬爾代夫首都馬累乘坐水上 飛機前往需時 35 分鐘,從 Dharavandhoo 國內機場乘快艇前往 則僅需 10 分鐘。 The resort is located on Mudhdhoo Island in Baa Atoll, a 35
minute seaplane ride from the capital city, Male. The Dharavandhoo Domestic Airport is 10 minutes away by speedboat.
Hurawalhi Maldives
Crown & Champa Resorts 集團鼎力呈獻、去年十二月方才開業的這家五星級度假村,其獨一無二就如上天賜予情侶和夫婦的度假天 堂─胡拉瓦爾西島度假村奉行「僅接待 15 歲以上賓客」的政策,讓他們引以為傲地成為「奢華浪漫的成人之旅」度假勝地。這家五 星級度假村亦已然成為環保運動中的先驅,島上 60% 的設施都由可持續的太陽能推動,大部分別墅都由太陽能電池板供電。他們亦
承諾「拒絕膠樽」,研發了自己的樽裝水設施。秉承現代簡約的設計理念,度假村提供 90 間別墅,其中包括 60 間海景別墅和 30 間
場乘坐水上飛機前往需時 40 分鐘。
沙灘別墅。讓人拍案叫絕的,還有世上最大的水底餐廳「5.8 Undersea」。5.8 Undersea 位於海底 5.8 米之處,各種罕見神奇的海洋生
The resort is located in northern Lhaviyani Atoll, a
物環繞在你身邊環繞。為了給賓客最佳浪漫體驗,他們的餐桌都是設置供 2 人用餐,而菜單則設計成一次品嚐多道佳餚的盛宴,佐以 侍酒師精心挑選配搭美食的葡萄酒。 Fresh from its opening last December, this unique five-star resort by the Crown & Champa Resorts group is heaven-sent for lovebirds — Hurawalhi
40-minute seaplane ride from Male International Airport.
prides itself as a “romantic adults-only luxury” resort with their “over 15 year olds only” policy. This five-star resort has made its mark as a leader in
the green-conscious movement — 60% of the island runs on sustainable solar energy with the majority of the villas being powered by solar panels. The resort also commits to “no plastic bottles” by developing their own water bottling plant. With a modern, minimalistic design concept, the resort offers 90 villas including 60 ocean villas and 30 beach villas.