ISSUE 241 – October-December 2013 – YEAR 65
A true tribute to the Holy Book, the Museum–open since 2003 through a partnership between Bible Society of Brazil and the Town of Barueri–has already received over 230 thousand visitors. Replica of Gutenberg’s press that printed the first Bible in history, circa 1450.
Resource Center for the Mission Begins Activities.
Fair Play Brazil Enters New Phase Targeting the 2014 World Cup.
Family – Parents and Children is the Theme of Bible Day.
Light in Southern Brazil Celebrates Five Years.
Photo: SBB File
SERVING THE CHURCHES Bible Societies of Brazil and Argentina joins forces to create the Resource Center for the Mission. “The United Bible Societies (UBS) went through many changes throughout its history. Therefore, changes are not something so new.” The statement from Michael Perreau, UBS General Secretary, illustrates what the organization went through in 2013. In order to adapt itself to an increasingly globalized world, SBU has been delegating more responsibilities to the national Bible Societies. With the end of activities of UBS’s Spanish Publications Unit in January, the Bible Societies of Brazil (SBB) and Argentina were called to coordinate this field in the Americas, so they established the Resource Center for the Mission (RCM). The goal of the RCM is to develop new publications in Spanish, in addition to improving the administration, publications, distribution, marketing and communications areas. About 35 countries, with approximately 750 million speakers of Portuguese and Spanish, will be impacted by the initiative.
The Bible in Brazil
The Resource Center for the Mission is run by Paulo Teixeira, SBB’s Translation & Publications Secretary. Erní Seibert, SBB’s Communications & Social Outreach Secretary, is in charge of the Communications and Marketing area, and Ruben Del Ré, Argentinean Bible Society’s General Secretary, is responsible for the Production, Distribution and Administrative areas. “We have established a strategic alliance to develop publications for Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking countries, as well as for minority languages, aligned to the mission of the Bible Societies, which is to serve the churches,” says Ruben Del Ré. All Bible Societies involved in this process are being invited to collaborate by sharing knowledge and providing talents for the project. “We want to live the fellowship. For this reason, it’s been not only a challenge to develop this work, but also an opportunity to strengthen the relationships among the different Bible Societies,” explains Paulo Teixeira.
Communications and marketing are very important parts of RCM. Erní Seibert, who is in charge of this area, explains that each Bible Society will still be responsible for the activities in its country. However, there will be cooperation so that communications and marketing will not be restricted by national boundaries. Seibert says that SBB’s experience in this context
might contribute to the RCM’s success. “SBB has gained a lot of experience over the last years in the fields of publications, distribution and communication. And we’ll share it. We’ll not reproduce the same model in every country, but rather adapt it with the help from each Bible Society so that this experience can be bear fruits everywhere,” he concludes.■
UBS HOLDS 4TH PUBLISHING CONVENTION The fourth edition of the UBS Publishers Convention was held from May 26 to 31 in the Netherlands. With the theme “‘From Local to Global: Innovation through Collaboration,” the event was attended by professionals from different countries involved in translation,
publication and distribution of the Holy Bible. During the event, which dealt primarily with the digital world, experts discussed the opportunities brought about by the technological revolution for the distribution of the biblical message. ■
THE BIBLE IN THE WORLD YOUTH DAY Lectionautas project. The project, present in 20 Latin American countries, aims at teaching young people to read the Bible, pray, meditate on the teachings, and put them into practice. The second site highlighted the history of the Holy Book through the exhibition “Reading the Bible Through Time,” which featured part of the Bible Museum’s collection. The exhibit was on display from July 20 to 26 at Cidade da Fé (City of Faith), located in Barra da Tijuca. UBS distributed during the event over 40 thousand copies of the trilingual edition of the Gospel of Luke so people from all over the world could to have contact with the Word of God.■
Photo: Samuel Santos
In order to raise awareness of the importance of the Bible in daily life among young Catholics, the United Bible Societies (UBS), with the support of Bible Society of Brazil (SBB), the American Bible Society and Colombian Bible Society, participated in the World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from July 23 to 28. During the event, attended by more than 3 million people, including young pilgrims from 175 countries, UBS offered attractions at two different places. The first one was the Vocational Fair held from July 23 to 26 at Quinta da Boa Vista Park. There, UBS’ stall was dedicated to the
The Bible in Brazil
Photo: UBS
The newly created Bible Society of South Sudan faces the challenge of bringing the Word of God to Christians in the new country.
Although most of the population is Christian in South Sudan, people do not have access to the Bible.
South Sudan is a new frontier for evangelization in the world. Over 90% of the population is Christian, but the vast majority has never had access to the Bible. The country–located in east-central Africa– became an independent state in July 2011 and is going through a period of great challenges. After successive wars, the South Sudanese are now fighting to build a nation while trying to recover from the traumas caused by the most recent conflicts. Despite having many natural resources, especially petroleum, the country’s population lives in poverty and practically without access to education: the illiteracy rate exceeds 80%.
The Bible in Brazil
This the context in which the newly established Bible Society of South Sudan started to work in 2012 in Juba, the country’s capital. The challenges are huge, but so is the determination of bringing the Word of God to Christians of the new country. “Before the independence, the south of Sudan was served by the Bible Society of Sudan, so we know that most Christians in this country don’t have a Bible yet. Furthermore, the Scriptures have not been translated into the languages spoken in this region, and the illiteracy rate is very high,” explains Edward Riak Kajivora, Bible Society of South Sudan’s General Secretary.
The General Secretary points out the three main challenges. The first one is the difficulty to raise funds to carry out the work. In such an extremely poor country, very few people can contribute. Also, the Bible Society is little known among local churches, so the idea of fund-raising is still being explained to Christians. “Even so, there are people already contributing. The amounts are still small, but we hope they will increase over time,” says Kajivora. Another obstacle to be overcome is the difficulty to transport the Bibles in a relatively large country with insufficient or bad roads. The local Bible Society still does not have its own vehicle, which would make it easier to ship Scriptures from the capital, located in the south, to other regions of the country. According to outreach organizations operating in the country, only Juba, the capital, has paved roads. The rest of the country has just 60 kilometers (little over 37 miles) of partially paved roads. The rest is very rough dirt roads. The large quantity of dialects is a challenge that can become an opportunity. “We have 63 regional dialects. Currently two translation projects are in progress. With
them we’ll have the full Bible translated into five languages. For the others, we’ll have to start from scratch,” explains the General Secretary. The two projects in progress are translating the Scriptures into the Mabaan people language and the Old Testament into Zande, projects that still need funds to be completed. “However, the Zande New Testament has been funded, completed and printed. It’s already in the hands of this population,” he celebrates. Next year, the Bible Society of South Sudan will expand its team, currently consisting of just three people, in order to increase its reach. The plans include increasing fund-raising to support ongoing translation projects and start new ones, in addition to building a Bible House to be the organization’s headquarters. “One of our priorities is to continue with the Trauma Healing project that helps people still suffering the consequences of the conflicts that ravaged the country in the past few years. We also want to offer literacy classes in partnership with the major churches, because we believe this can help to improve the health conditions of families,” points out Kajivora.■
SOUTH SUDAN Located in east-central Africa, South Sudan was part of the former British colony Sudan until recently. The country became independent on July 9, 2011, after a referendum that ended a series of conflicts arisen from religious and economic reasons. This Christian-majority country occupies a total area of little over 619 thousand sq. km (239 thousand sq. mi.) rich in natural resources, mainly petroleum. South Sudan is landlocked and bordered by six countries (Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Central African Republic). The population is estimated in 9.5 million by the UN, making it one of the most populous countries in Africa. Juba is the capital city and it serves as the capital of one of the ten states of South Sudan
as well. It is also the country’s largest city, with a population of approximately 300,000, and concentrates most of the administrative activities. Political problems still threatens peace in South Sudan, even after the independence, making it more difficult to solve problems like illiteracy, high child mortality rate and religious persecution of Christians.■
The Bible in Brazil
Papua New Guinea: Thank God for the good progress of the prisoner rehabilitation project in this country. Pakistan: Ask God to bless the Bible translation projects. Paraguay: Ask God to bless the outreach projects targeting poor young people. Peru: Please pray for the development of biblical materials to reach children in difficult situations. Poland: Please pray for those who work for the Bible Cause. Puerto Rico: Please pray that the local Bible Society may sow the seeds of hope in this country. Portugal: Please pray for the Holy Book reading programs. Qatar: Please pray for Bible work in this country. Kenya: Please pray for the Bible translation project. Kyrgyzstan: Please pray for the development of Christian churches in this country. United Kingdom: Please pray for new and challenging Bible distribution projects in the United Kingdom. Central African Republic: Please continue to pray for resources and infrastructure for the development of Bible work in this country. Republic of Ireland: Please pray that new partners and donors will join the Bible Cause in this country. Dominican Republic: Please pray for the projects of Bible distribution in prisons in this country. Czech Republic: Please ask that the local Bible Society will be successful in producing and distributing the Bible. Romania: Please pray for the projects needing funds to be put into practice. Rwanda: Please ask that the staff
The Bible in Brazil
and missionaries will be creative in bringing the Word of God to those who need it. Russia: Praise God for the good progress of translation projects. Senegal: Please pray for projects of Bible distribution in prisons in this country. São Tomé and Príncipe: Please pray that the Word of God will be spread in this country. Seychelles: Please pray for the translation professionals who dedicate their lives to the Bible Cause. Sierra Leone: Ask God for guidance and wisdom for the local Bible Society. Serbia: Praise God for the registration of the local Bible Society. Syria: Please pray for lasting peace and the end of religious conflicts in Syria. Somalia: Please pray that the Bible will reach and guide the country’s leaders. Sri Lanka: Thank God and please pray for the Bible translation projects in the country. Swaziland: Ask God to touch the hearts of authorities in this country. Sudan: Pray also that the Word of God will touch the hearts of the Sudanese. South Sudan: Please pray for the Christians in this country who work hard to spread the biblical message. Sweden: Please pray that the Word of God will be spread in this country. Suriname: Thank God for the success of Bible translation projects. Tajikistan: Please pray for peace and reduction in poverty in this country Thailand: Please pray that the translation of Holy Scriptures into sign language will be successful.
Taiwan: Please pray for the development of new publications. Tanzania: Please pray that biblical values will be spread across this country. East Timor: Thank God for the development of projects in partnerships with local churches. Togo: Please pray that the Bible will change lives in this country. Trinidad and Tobago: Please pray that the biblical message may reach everyone. Tunisia: Please pray for Bible work in Tunisia. Turkmenistan: Please pray for the few Christians in this country. Turkey: Please pray for the local Bible Society’s translation projects in this country. Ukraine: Please pray for new opportunities to spread the Word of God. Uganda: Please pray that peace and justice may prevail in Uganda. Uruguay: Praise God for donors who support Bible Society of Uruguay and help with the mission of spreading the biblical message in this country. Uzbekistan: Please pray for partnerships to distribute the Scriptures in this country. Venezuela: Please pray for funds to increase the distribution of Bibles in this country. Vietnam: Please pray for more churches to help with the distribution of the Holy Bible. Zambia: Please pray for funds to complete projects and spread the biblical message. Zimbabwe: Thank God for the translation project in progress.
Photo: SBB File
THE BIBLE ALWAYS TEACHES I have read the Holy Bible 50 times, Handwriting the Bible was a privilege, but I did not expect, on the 49th time, because I have never had the opportunity to feel a voice in my heart telling me: of seeing or handling a Bible manuscript. “whether you want or not, write.” And I My copy of the Holy Scriptures has decided to copy the Word of God. It took 1,890 pages in three volumes: two for me 8 months and 22 days to complete the the Old Testament and one for the New manuscript. I used 14 pens. A lot of prayer Testament. I certify that every written word and physical pain permeated all the work. is according to Verse 18, Chapter 22 of I almost gave up a few times. But God was the Book of Revelation: “I, John, solemnly supporting me. He gave me warn everyone who hears the “Handwriting grace during the more than prophetic words of this book: if the Bible was a 700 hours that I copied the any add anything to them, God privilege...” Bible. will add to their punishment the I thought a lot about my father, Joaquim plagues described in this book.” Cardoso, over this period. He left us four I share these three volumes of the years ago. He was a great God-fearing Handwritten Bible because this work is man, a true role model for our family. not mine. My goal, when I copied God’s He read the Bible 217 times during his Word, was to show every Christian the lifetime. Witnessing his love for the Word importance of reading the Bible.■ Pr. Joel Cardoso, Resende (RJ). of God, I decided to follow his example 25 years ago, when I started to read the Testimonies about the Bible If you have experienced an edifying experience with Holy Scriptures and was touched by its the Word of God, write to The Bible in Brazil magazine message of salvation and hope. I read and/or to SBB’s website telling it. Those whose the Bible twice a year because there are testimonies are selected and published will receive a copy of the NTLH Study Bible. Please send your always lessons to be learned. testimony with a photo to
The Bible in Brazil
After evaluating the results of the activities carried out during the Confederations Cup, Fair Play Brazil Movement is starting a new phase whose goal is to engage local leaderships in spreading the Word during the 2014 World Cup. While millions Brazilians watched the national team win the Confederations Cup for the fourth time in June, Christians from different denominations worked inside and outside the stadiums to bring the biblical message to soccer fans of several nationalities. Fair Play Brazil Movement’s activities were carried out mainly in the tournament’s host cities–Belo Horizonte (State of Minas Gerais), Brasília (Federal District), Fortaleza (State of Ceará), Recife (State of Pernambuco), Rio e Janeiro and Salvador (State of Bahia). Churches, local leaderships and Christians in general helped to distribute biblical materials and bottles of water around the stadiums. Now, the Movement, coordinated by Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) in partnership with the Brazilian Coalition for Sports, AMME Evangelization, Christian Athletes and the National Evangelical Social Outreach Network, will focus on encouraging the development new ways of intervention for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
The Bible in Brazil
“The priorities for the first half 2013 was engaging Christian leaderships in the Movement and implementing the activities. From now on our purpose will be to involve local Christian leaderships and Christians in general in the Movement. The Word of God touches the hearts of people not only during large events, but also through individual actions like handing leaflets containing biblical messages that can cause considerable changes,” explains Eude Martins, Fair Play Brazil Movement’s General Coordinator. Therefore, SBB and its partners involved in the Fair Play Brazil Movement are planning training sessions, new publications, and an improved website. There will be Evangelization Training with Literature in five cities: Porto Alegre (State of Rio Grande do Sul), Recife (State of Pernambuco), Brasília (Federal District), Parintins (State of Amazonas) and Rio de Janeiro. These events will have different modules, including a specific workshop to encourage Christians to create individual and collective evangelization actions
using SBB’s biblical materials. “We’ll introduce the materials available for evangelization actions before, during and after major sporting events,” says Mário Rost, SBB’s Institutional Development Manager in charge of organizing the training events. THE WORD IN NINE LANGUAGES One of the new publications Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) is preparing is the “Holy Bible – The Secret of Victory” with twelve different covers, each one portraying one of the World Cup’s host cities. SBB will also publish the “New Testament – The Path to Victory,” in addition to biblical booklets and pamphlets focused on different topics related to sports. And there will be materials directly associated to the World Cup, such as Match Schedules featuring biblical messages, both in print and digital versions. SBB is preparing the Gospel of John in eight languages, in addition to Portuguese, targeting foreign soccer fans: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, and Japanese. Other titles being prepared are
the biblical pamphlets from the Victory Series in English and Spanish. “Millions of people associate sports to life. In biblical times, Apostle Paul connected sports to the true life that emanates from Christ. Publishing the Word in a contextualized manner for those who love sports is a way of connecting them to the life in Christ,” says Paulo Teixeira, SBB’s Translation & Publications Secretary. The new Fair Play Brazil Movement’s website [] will be launched in early November with contents developed to inspire local activities, including materials for download, schedule of events and news about the Movement. It will be a dynamic website that will make the access to information easier, in addition to providing suggestions of activities and two manuals to help people interested in joining the Movement: the Manual of Evangelistic Activities for Global Sporting Events, developed by the Brazilian Coalition for Sports in partnership with SBB; and the Leadership Manual for the 2-35 Initiative, prepared by AMME Evangelization.■
The Bible in Brazil
Photo: Eduardo César
A DECADE OF BIBLE MUSEUM A partnership between Bible Society of Brazil and the Town of Barueri, the Museum has already re 230 thousand visitors and promotes culture through the Holy Scriptures. Students at the different spaces of the Bible Museum.
The Bible Museum, the first one in Brazil and the largest worldwide in its specialty, is completing 10 years. Established by Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) in December 2003, the Museum is now well-known for the variety of exhibitions and the importance of documents displayed, with great success in spreading the Word of God: over 230.000 visitors have already seen the Bibles and biblical texts in more than 1,000 languages, in addition to items like a replica of Gutenberg’s press and a handful of soil from Bethlehem. Sharing the same building with Barueri Event Center, where SBB holds the traditional Biblical Science Forum Event, the Bible Museum has a library with over 17 thousand titles and an area for exhibits. The Museum is the culmination of a project that SBB improved over more than 50 years,
The Bible in Brazil
therefore, everything there was designed in order to offer accessibility to everyone seeking education and culture through the Holy Scriptures. “When the Museum was designed, our idea was to connect the Bible to the history of humankind. The Bible, in addition to being the Christians’ book of faith, is one of the oldest written records available. Today, it can be found in both print and e-book formats. However, parts of the Bible were written in stone tablets, papyrus and parchments, and the Museum shows this,” says Erní Seibert, SBB’s Communications & Social Outreach Secretary and Bible Museum’s Director. Seibert also points out the importance of showing visitors the relationship between the Bible and the history of writing since the Old Testament. “Visitors are surprised by the
Photo: Camila Pinheiro
exhibits. Most people think the Bible Museum is a place where they will just find old books being displayed. But the Museum is much more than this. And the large number of visitors proves that the goal is being met,” explains Seibert. The Bible Museum became a reality through a partnership with the Town of Barueri. But the first step was taken in 1955, when SBB’s Board of Directors made an appeal to The Bible in Brazil magazine readers to donate rare copies of the Bible. “The first one we received was a miniature Bible weighing just 12 grams (0.4 ounces),” remembers Luiz Antonio Giraldi, SBB’s former Executive Director. In 1981, SBB opened the Bible Museum at the Bible Building in Rio de Janeiro, where it stayed even after SBB’s Headquarters was transferred to Brasília, and then to Barueri (State of São Paulo). SBB amassed quite a good collection over a 50-year period. In 2003, the Museum already had approximately seven thousand volumes. The negotiations between SBB and the Town of Barueri to transfer the Bible Museum to a location closer to its new Headquarters started in 1999, and the agreement would be signed three years later. Therefore, an old
dream came true, and its importance has been confirmed by all visitors. “If we consider not only the collection, but also the facilities, the Bible Museum currently is the largest in the world,” says Giraldi. Gil Arantes, the current Mayor of Barueri, was in office when the Bible Museum was created as well. Today he celebrates the fact that the Museum put Barueri on the world’s tourist map. “The partnership with SBB resulted in an important tourist venue for our town. The museum, which is integrated with the local Event Center, generates knowledge for our community,” points out the Mayor. Visitors will find in the Bible Museum precious items like the Biblia Vulgata, from 1583; the first Bible in the Portuguese language in a single volume, from 1819; and several miniatures, including the tiniest book of the world. People can also find a set 144 Bible translations; the Bible in Braille; materials brought from Israel, such as wheat and tare, water from Jordan River, mustard seeds, a handful of earth from Bethlehem, and water from the Dead Sea. One of the items that draw more attention is a working replica of Gutenberg’s press made in Germany. Considered one of the great inventions of humankind, the press
Interactivity: Visitors can smell perfumes from biblical times.
The Bible in Brazil
COVER made it possible to reproduce and spread the Holy Book worldwide. Some other highlights are the perfumes from the Bible; clothes from Apostle Paul’s time; curiosities like Bible miniatures and the King James Bible printed in one single page; and objects that portray the history of writing (ceramic vases, papyri, and parchments). Because of everything offered to visitors, Rudi Zimmer, SBB’s Executive Director, says that the word “witness” perhaps is the one that better defines the Bible Museum. “It’s expected of every Christian to be a living witness of God’s Word, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures,” he explains, pointing out that the Museum is a place that holds a series of monuments that, since the beginning of the Christian Church’s history, witnessed and still witness in favor of the Word.
Miniature Illustrated Bible: Measuring 1.77in. x 1.18in., this publication is a miniature King James Bible. Includes metal case and magnifying glass for reading.
FOR EVERYONE Designers and architects specialized in accessibility designed the Museum with ten different areas, where visitors can explore in detail the history of the Holy Book: The Bible and the History of Writing; The Bible and the History of Translation; The Bible and the History of Books; The Bible in the World; The Bible in Brazil; The Spoken Bible; The Content of the Bible; News about the Bible; and The Bible and Children, where kids can participate in recreational and educational activities. The last space is reserved for temporary exhibits. Interactivity is one of the Bible Museum’s strong points. Some of the attractions are: a handwritten Bible, in which visitors can copy a Bible verse until it is completed; a display with a game of biblical knowledge; a listening
The Bible in Brazil
room with audio and video activities; quizzes about the Bible installed in computers; stations to listen dramatized passages of the Bible and the New Testament; and a display with biblical perfumes, such as acacia, nard, aloe, myrrh, calamus, cinnamon, and wild flower of Sharon. Offering full accessibility to people with disabilities, the Museum’s design follows the inclusive architecture concept. The furniture is adapted for wheelchair users, and the Museum also offers displays with captions in Braille and interactive panels, thus making specific attractions available to the visually impaired. The Museum also has a gift shop whose proceeds are used for the maintenance of facilities. Erní Seibert shows satisfaction with the recognition achieved by the Bible Museum in Brazil and abroad, and explains: “The Museum displays the Bible in a different way, and this opens the minds and hearts of people for a reflection on the Bible and its teachings.” MULTIPLE ACTIVITIES The venue where the Bible Museum is located also contributes to the promotion of the Bible Cause because it is used to hold events like the Biblical Science Forum, Bible Day celebrations and outreach activities, such as Meetings with the Disabled and Seminars on Substance Abuse, among others. “The Museum is a cultural institution, and not just a warehouse,” observes Seibert, pointing out that the importance
Clothing from the time of Apostle Paul.
of the Bible Museum is also confirmed by the events organized there. Nine editions of the Biblical Science Forum have already been held there, in addition to meetings with children, teenagers and other specific audiences. The 1st Biblical Science Forum was held in June 2004 with the theme “1600 Years of the First Great Western Translation of the Bible – Jerome and the Latin Vulgate Translation.” From the first to the ninth edition, in 2013, Barueri Event Center has proven to be the ideal venue for this kind of activity that is attended by Theology and Religion Studies teachers and students, as well as other Bible scholars and Christians in general. The venue is also approved by participants of the Meetings with the Disabled, such as Lucio Antonio Proquere, a public servant who praises the opportunity to have a deeper contact with the history of the Bible. “It’s like going back in time, in history. When we see those clothes from Paul and how the first Bibles were made we gain knowledge,” he says. Proquere also mentions the importance of SBB always organizing new exhibits: “It’s a way of attracting more people with disabilities, thus contributing to make them more knowledgeable and promoting social inclusion.” Marizete Ramos Leite praises both the facilities and the pieces displayed at the Bible Museum, and mentions another positive aspect. “During the events for the visually impaired I meet friends from other institutions,” she explains, willing to help attract more visitors. The Bible Museum surprises some people. Such was the case of the teacher Silvana Nolla Ferreira, who visited the
COVER Museum with a group from the Diocese of Osasco. “I didn’t imagine it was like this. We came with the children, and we really enjoyed it,” she says, mentioning the handwritten Bible as the main attraction. The student Mário Ioshijiro Júnior, from the Foursquare Gospel Church of Sorocaba, did not know what he would find at the Bible Museum either, and he was very impressed by both the quantity and the quality of the information. “The guides who showed us the Museum knew the Word of God and answered all the questions asked by the group,” she said. Guilherme Cerqueira, member of the Brazil for Christ Church of Itaquera (São Paulo), was delighted with the opportunity to learn the evolution of the Holy Book. He said: “The Museum helps to increase our knowledge and shows historical facts ignored by many people.” MOVING EXHIBITIONS Permanent attractions and temporary exhibits delight visitors. And emotions can be renewed, as Erní Seibert points out. “Every year we offer a new exhibit at the Museum. So visitors can always return knowing there will be something new.” More than 230,000 visited the exhibitions during the first ten years. Some exhibitions became unforgettable, such as “The Bible and the Origin of the Universe” that in 2007 offered visitors an opportunity to reflect on the genesis of nature by
Materials brought from Israel, such as wheat and tare, mustard seeds, a handful of earth from Bethlehem, and water from the Dead Sea.
The Bible in Brazil
Photos: Câmera 1 Exhibition “The Dead Sea Manuscripts and the History of the Bible.”
Reproduction of Gutenberg Bible pages. They represent the texts of Genesis 2:1-25, Daniel 1:1-16, and the beginning of the Gospel of John.
emphasizing the importance of preserving planet Earth. There were very special moments in 2010 with the exhibit “The Bible and Communication,” which explained how the transmission of the biblical message evolved over time. At the end, visitors had the opportunity of interacting with the biblical text by recording in audio, in a ministudio, a portion of the New Testament. In 2005, the exhibition “The Dead Sea Manuscripts and the History of the Bible” invited visitors to a journey to the place where the Old Te s t a m e n t ’ s valuable most relics were found. It featured a replica of one of the Qumran caves, in Israel, where Bedouins discovered in 1947 parchment scrolls written by the Essenians between the 2nd Century B.C. and the year 70 A.D.
The Bible in Brazil
PRECIOUS COLLECTION The Library of the Bible Museum opened in October 2006, and its collection includes rare, academic and curious publications. There one can find the Holy Scriptures in over one thousand languages. Created in order to make the Bible available in every language into which it was translated, it became a reference center for new translations, together with Cambridge University Library, in England, established by the United Bible Societies. There are Bibles, New Testaments, Bible Portions, academic publications, books, Study Bibles, dictionaries, encyclopedias, periodicals, audio and video files, CDs and photos, which are available for consultation and research. Erní Seibert, SBB’s Communications & Social Outreach Secretary, points out that the Bible Museum holds the largest collection of Bible translations in the Southern Hemisphere. “Furthermore, this library receives every new Bible translation printed around the world, in addition to being the source for the Scripture Language Report, published annually by SBB and distributed worldwide,” he says, also explaining that
translations are sent to the Museum, classified and then made available to the academic community for research. According to Seibert, the collection is not important for the financial value of the Bibles, but rather because the copies are rare and unique. “It would be almost impossible to redo the collection.” Some rare items are the Holy Bible – Translation by Father Antonio Figueiredo, in 17 volumes – Portuguese, published between 1783 and 1790; the Hebrew–Latin
Bible (Ed. Munsteri Sevastiani), in two volumes, 1546; and History of Languages (The Bible House), 1911. Those looking for curiosities can find at the Library of the Bible Museum, for example, the title The Falsified Bibles, by José Inácio de Abreu e Lima, published in 1867. SBB permanently improves and updates the Bible Museum, the Library and the Event Center in order to spread the teachings from the Holy Scriptures to the largest possible number of people. Therefore, even after successful first ten years, there is still a lot to do for the future, as Erní Seibert explains: “We want to update the exhibitions by adopting new technologies and improving the services provided to the community.”■
Jerome Vulgate Bible (4th Century), printed in 1583 in Venice, and amphora containing reproduction of the Book of Isaiah.
VISIT THE BIBLE MUSEUM The Bible Museum has guides trained to receive every audience: children, adults, the elderly, the visually impaired, students, members of churches, among others. For monitored visits or consultations of the Library’s collection, book a previous appointment by calling (+5511) 4168-6225. • Address: Avenida Pastor Sebastião Davino dos Reis, 672 – Vila Porto – Barueri – SP – Brazil • Open from Tuesday to Sunday • Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Admission: Free
The Bible in Brazil
FAMILY AT THE CENTER OF ATTENTION SBB’s campaign for Bible Day 2013 calls attention to the importance of the Holy Scriptures in strengthening family ties, especially between parents and children. Family will be again the center of attention during Bible Day, celebrated on the second Sunday of December. This is the theme suggested by Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) for the celebration that this year will be on December 8. With the goal of drawing attention to how important the Holy Scriptures are in strengthening family ties, the campaign promoted by SBB will focus on the relationship between parents and children inspired by the text from the Book of Deuteronomy 4:10: “Assemble the people. I want them to hear what I have to say, so that they will learn to obey
The Bible in Brazil
me as long as they live and so that they will teach their children to do the same.” “Family is one of the most important themes of humankind. It’s always being discussed in both the media and society. And this happens across the world. However, it’s not an easy theme. There are few words of guidance and support for the development of healthy families,” explains Erní Seibert, SBB’s Communications & Social Outreach Secretary. SBB will make available, free of charge, posters, biblical messages, reading plans (for young people, chapter by
BIBLE DAY chapter or for selected Bible passages), in addition to a Bible Society 2013 t-shirt template, through the special
website With those materials, churches will be able to hold events ranging from community Bible readings to rallies and celebrations in public spaces. According to Seibert, SBB is using Family as a theme again by request of Christian leaderships, so it plans to repeat the theme for the celebrations of Bible Day in 2014, but focusing on children and the elderly. “We expect that in 2013 and 2014 the entire Christian community will celebrate Bible Day by encouraging families to participate together by thanking God for His Word,” invites Seibert. Seibert.■ Bible Day 2013 campaign materials.
INVOLVEMENT OF LEADERSHIPS The theme was presented to the leaders of all Christian denominations in September across Brazil. The goal of these events, according to Mário Rost, SBB’s Institutional Development Manager and national coordinator of the campaign, was to encourage churches to get involved by including the theme in their celebrations and promoting special activities
in their communities. SBB also put its 27 State Chapters at the disposal of those who want to hold a special celebration. “There are a lot of churches wanting to organize more complex activities that need assistance from government agencies. The members of the Chapters are leaders in their respective states who can muster support and help to plan the celebrations,” says Rost.
Bible Day celebrations across Brazil.
The Bible in Brazil
Photos: Carlos Martins
FIVE YEARS OF LIGHT IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL Assistance being provided by Light in Southern Brazil in Bocaiúva do Sul, Ribeira Valley (State of Paraná).
SBB’s initiative brings outreach assistance and spiritual comfort to poor communities in the Ribeira Valley region, State of Paraná. Light in Southern Brazil program completes five years of operations with very positive results. Since Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) partnered with the couple of doctors Chiu Yun Braga and Darci Braga, in 2008, the program has already assisted approximately 15,000 people, through over 23,000 activities, in 45 trips. One of the people assisted was the retiree Lineu de Andrade, from Doutor Ulysses, one of the seven towns in the Ribeira Valley region, State of Paraná, benefited by Light in Southern Brazil. “I’m happy that you remembered us. I saw a doctor and my children participated in recreational activities. Here, everything is very far away, but even so they came to help us,” celebrates Andrade.
The Bible in Brazil
“Our dream was to replicate the successful experience of Light in Amazonia in other regions of Brazil by offering health care combined with education, citizenship and the biblical message,” explains Erní Seibert, SBB’s Communications & Social Outreach Secretary. This dream started to come true when, during a meeting of volunteers at SBB’s Regional Office in Curitiba, doctor Darci Braga told about the work he had been carrying out with his wife, also a doctor, Chiu Yun Braga. The couple used a bus, called Assistance on Wheels, to bring medical assistance and the Gospel to small towns. “We noticed the enthusiasm of SBB’s team, because they were looking exactly for a practice like ours to expand the Light in Brazil program to the
CELEBRATION AND PLANS Some of the reasons to celebrate the five years of Light in Southern Brazil, according to Emilene Araujo, SBB’s Outreach Projects Manager, are the new partners and the closer relationships between Bible Society of Brazil and local communities. Walter Eidam, SBB’s Regional Secretary in Curitiba, says that another outcome of the project is a new group of volunteers of great value. “About 200 people support us one way or another by participating in activities, raising funds or praying,” he says. The results achieved so far drive the plans for expansion of Light in Southern Brazil that include providing more dental assistance. Expanding the territorial scope is also part of the project for the future; however, this will only happen when the work in Ribeira Valley is more consolidated. “We are already providing assistance in other towns through partnerships established with other organizations. But Light in Southern Brazil still focuses on the
Ribeira Valley,” complements the Regional Secretary. More than bringing relief to people facing difficult situations, Light in Southern Brazil has the mission of spreading the Word of God to those who need it the most. “People in those situations need support, comfort and the guidance of God’s Word. That’s why we have to make those efforts,” emphasizes Erní Seibert.■
Foto: Carlos Martins
South of Brazil,” says Braga. “That’s how our project became the Light in Southern Brazil program. With the participation of SBB, the initiative now has a better structure and more volunteers,” adds Chiu.
The Bible in Brazil
NEW RELEASES THE TEXT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Updated edition of the acclaimed work by Ernst Würthwein, this publication is an indispensable tool for those who work with the Biblia Hebraica and with the exegesis of the Old Testament. Authored by Alexander Achilles Fischer, this title tells the history of the Biblia Hebraica, describes old translations of this text, and introduces readers to the science of textual criticism. Furthermore, it discusses the Masoretic text, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Samaritan text and the Septuagint, as well as other old translations. The book also contains a new chart about the origins of the Old Testament text that takes into account all the materials found in Qumran. The publication also includes the new edition of the Biblia Hebraica,
called Biblia Hebraica Quinta–still being developed–, in addition to discussing the purposes of textual criticism and showing how to do such criticism with several practical examples. It also contains 48 photos with detailed descriptions that portray how the text has been transmitted through history, since the era of manuscripts to the print editions of the Biblia Hebraica. Code: EA983TAT Price: R$32.00 Format: 16.0 x 23.0 cm (6.3 X 9in.) Pages: 352 Binding: Illustrated hardcover
THE TRAJECTORY OF THE TRANSLATION IN TODAY’S LANGUAGE Four decades after the release of the New Testament in the Translation in Today’s Language, in 1973, SBB launches 40 Years of the Bible in Today’s Language, a book that tells the history and explains the principles adopted in this translation. Divided into six chapters, this title was built on the structure of a forensic or judicial rhetoric piece, popular in the Greek and Roman world, and still in use today, with narration of the facts, presentation and development of the thesis, and refutation of contrary points of view. Authored by Vilson Scholz, this is a historical work that sheds light on the trajectory of this translation, explaining the paths followed by the Translation Committee in charge of the project at the time, until today with the New Translation in Today’s Language, a translation that grows in popularity every
The Bible in Brazil
year, thus contributing to make God’s Word read and understood by most Brazilians. Vilson Scholz is a Pastor and Professor of Exegetical Theology, holds Master’s and Doctor’s Degrees in New Testament Studies. He is Bible Society of Brazil’s Translation Consultant, translator of the Greek-Portuguese Interlinear New Testament (published by Bible Society of Brazil) and author of Principles of Biblical Interpretation (published by ULBRA Publishing House). Code: EI980PTLH | Price: R$19.90 Format: 15.5 x 23.0 cm (6.1 X 9in.) Pages: 148 Binding: Illustrated paperback cover
The stories of Moses, Daniel, Jairus’ daughter, the lost sheep and the miracle of Jesus calming a storm come to life in three dimensions in My Little Book of Biblical Stories in 3-D. Each page turned surprises young readers with something new: the characters in the stories move. Illustrated biblical scenes and narratives with simple language make this publication ideal to teach children some of the most significant biblical stories.
Code: TNL593P6 Binding: Illustrated hardcover Format: 19.5 x 19.5cm (7.7 x 7.7in.) | Pages: 10
Developed for girls, the Fountain of Blessings Holy Bible comes in a beautiful cushioned fabric purse with zipper. With an illustrated cover with the same motif of the purse, this edition of the Bible features larger print, Fountain of Blessings passages highlighted in blue, Personal Evangelization Plan, words of guidance and solace, biblical text in the New Translation in Today’s Language, being ideal to acquire a better understanding of the biblical message. Code: NTLH040LMFBBOLSA Price: R$39.90 Binding: Illustrated paperback cover Format: 11.5 x 16.5 cm (4.5 x 6.5in.) | Pages: 1,312
Featuring illustrations by Paulo Debs, the Bible “What God Expects from Me” inspires children to practice 10 important virtues that God wants to be developed since childhood: friendship, love, kindness, courage, faith, fidelity, gratitude, humility, obedience, and forgiveness. Each one of these virtues is addressed in a block with three biblical stories. The questions in the beginning of each block encourage reflection and introduce the virtue in an enjoyable and enlightening way.
Code: NTLH580P6 Binding: Illustrated paperback cover Format: 21.0 x 26.0 cm (8.3 x 10.2in.) | Pages: 168
The Bible in Brazil
NEXT RELEASES BIBLICAL STORIES TO GROW UP WITH JESUS The Growing Up with Jesus Bible features a special selection of stories of God’s People. There are 25 stories from the Old Testament and 22 from the New Testament, in addition to the Lord’s Prayer so children can learn it early on. Featuring a simple language and joyful illustrations, this Bible enriches children’s vocabulary by teaching biblical stories to the entire family. Code: TNL83P2 Format: 18.0 x 22.5 cm (7.1 x 8.9in.) | Pages: 272 Binding: Illustrated hardcover
SEEK AND FIND Featuring colored double pages, the Biblical Stories – Seek & Find will entertain and draw the attention of children of all ages. Stories like The Creation, Noah’s Boat, The Tower of Babel, among others, come to life in this book. This interactive publication encourages children to look for items within the setting of each story. In addition to the items of each story, there is a little “hidden” smart monkey that accompanies readers in all narratives. There are 10 settings where children can look for more than 80 items, thus making the act of learning a fun game of hide-and-seek! Code: TNL583P7 Format: 21.0 x 31.0 cm (8.3 x 12.2in.) | Pages: 20 Binding: Illustrated hardcover
New Translation in
NTLH Bible with Sticky Notes
Revised & Updated
Revised & Updated
New Translation in
Today’s Language
Code: RA043LMFB
Code: RA043LMFB
Today’s Language
(garden cover)
(brown cover)
Code: NTLH060LGI
Code: NTLH40e
Revised & Updated
Revised & Updated
Preacher’s Bible
Family Bible
MacArthur Study Bible
Code: RA060LGI
Code: RA063M
Code: RA085BPRA
Code: RA087BFW
Code: RA087BEMA
The Bible in Brazil