The Bible in Brazil - # 250

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Photos: SBU



The musical Spean Metrey, produced by BSC, conveys the Bible message of God's love using four genres of traditional Khmer culture.


Bible Society in Cambodia faces the challenge of bringing the Word of God to a population scarred by conflicts of tragic consequences and social inequality. Bible Society in Cambodia (BSC) faces many challenges in its effort to spread the Word of hope to a population affected by serious conflicts in its recent history. The country—located in Asia with a population of 15.3 million, the majority following Buddhism (84.8%)—was ravaged by a civil war in the 1970s that led to one of the worst mass genocides in history. It is estimated that 25% of the population of the time was executed, or about two million people. BSC, officially headquartered in the capital Phnom Penh since 1968, had to close its doors in 1975 when the Khmer Rouge occupied the country. The Director and Chairman of the Board at the time were killed, and the organization lost its permit to operate. BSC was only allowed to resume its activities in 1993. The first measure taken was to resume the translation of the Bible in Today's Khmer started in 1968. The draft of the New Testament had been completed in 1975, but all manuscripts disappeared. In

The Bible in Brazil

1985, a new team, in France, continued the project as Cambodia was a country closed to the world. "When the country reopened to the world, after the elections sponsored by the UN, it was possible to establish a small office and bring the project back home," says Ruth Craddock, BSC's Acting Executive Director. As a result of the conflict, which decimated a whole generation, Cambodia today has a very young population, eager to move on and not interested in the past. Older people want to forget the massacre and move on as well, but they are also very scarred by the trauma. "During the genocide, those with education were eliminated, therefore there was no legacy of knowledge and culture," explains Ruth. The country also has a great divide between the rich and the poor. In remote rural areas, the lack of access to education, health care and basic items is severe. "Through the programs developed by BSC, we see the impact that God's Word can have on a community," says the Acting Executive Director.

PRAYER BOOKLET The program "Learning by Hearing" is one of the outreach activities carried out by BSC based on the Holy Bible. The initiative aims to improve the deficient education system and the high illiteracy rates affecting the population, approximately 20% for men and 50% for women. The rates are even higher in remote rural areas, so that is where BSC has decided to focus to identify members of churches who are eager to read the Scriptures and become more well prepared for evangelism. The program includes one-hour MP3 lessons, five times a week. The first level allows students to learn to read in Khmer in three months. Adults and children are benefited by the project, which has already taught thousands of Cambodians to read their own Bibles. She reveals that illiteracy is a cause of shame, enables the exploitation of the population and keeps people in poverty. "When you go to a village where there are literacy classes, people live in the better conditions, churches thrive and families are transformed." Even receiving community approval for its initiatives, BSC has always been very careful not to disrespect Buddhism, the official religion of Cambodia. Those who become

Christians are considered traitors of their culture. "In our publications we try very hard to represent the Word of God in the Khmer context, always with sensibility regarding the audience," she adds. Healing from Trauma BSC's Acting Executive Director points out that April 2015 marked the 40th anniversary of the bloody occupation of Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge. "Since then, the country has been trying to recover from this trauma." Cambodia, which is rebuilding after decades of civil war, has been experiencing rapid progress in the economic and human resources fields. However, there is still a divide between the pre- and post-genocide generations. The younger generation is not identified with their parents nor with the pain they experienced. "Parents sometimes deny what they experienced and the youth doesn't want to discuss the matter, which leaves a void," explains Ruth. In this scenario, BSC felt that it was necessary to address the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation, and, at the same time, to offer the cure within the context of the Khmer culture. So the artistic performance Spean Metrey (which means Peace or Reconciliation Bridge) came to life, a musical that conveys the biblical message of God's love. "It was written using four genres of traditional Khmer culture, resulting in a mixture of the traditional customs with modern life," says the Director. Some of the plans for 2016 include the launch of a Bible study DVD and a book using the Spean Metrey play as a tool to be used across Cambodia. "Spean Metrey encourages the return to God, seeking His forgiveness and allowing Him to change our hearts, so that we can extend the forgiveness and the love to others," says Ruth, pointing out that this is the message that Cambodia needs to hear after so many years of war.

Child benefited by Bible Society in Cambodia's literacy program.

The Bible in Brazil


Photo: SBB File


ONE BIBLE IN EVERY HOME Man benefited by the "One Bible in Every Home" Movement..

Movement created by the organization Young People with a Mission counts on the partnership with SBB to distribute Holy Scriptures to 50 million homes by 2050. In a single day of December last year, 20,000 Bibles were delivered in the city of Caldas Novas (State of Goiรกs). It is an impressive achievement, but it only shows part of the Movement "One Bible in Every Home," launched in 2013 by the Young People with a Mission organization. The idea is to reach approximately 50 million homes in the 5,573 Brazilian cities and towns by 2050. In order to rise up to this challenge, the organization established a partnership with Bible Society of Brazil (SBB), which prepared the distribution strategy, counting also on


The Bible in Brazil

the participation of churches. So far, 95 thousand copies were distributed. "Our Secretaries and Institutional Promoters, supported when possible by SBB's State Chapters, will identify leaders, pastors and priests to convey the message that there must be a Bible in every home of every small town or large city," says Mรกrio Rost, SBB's Institutional Development Manager and Coordinator of the Movement. Rost believes that distributing a Bible to every home can only happen with the full cooperation of churches and individual Christians. Therefore, other

MOVEMENT organizations may also develop strategies they may consider suitable for the locations where they operate. Soon, the Movement's website ( will include information about every town and city in Brazil, such as the number of homes, population per group of faith and progress of the distribution coverage. The initiative's objectives are: to bring the message of the Gospel to every Brazilian home; strengthen family ties through God’s Word, its teachings and its values; make the Bible the bedside book of Brazilian families, so it can be the main source of guidance for the lives of everyone; and contribute to having a more just, fraternal and human society. Wellington Oliveira, President and Coordinator of the Movement from Young People with a Mission organization, expects to see lasting and vital changes, making people closer to God and living according to biblical principles. "We are eager to see a fairer and more equal society, with a government that is honest, transparent and cares for its people, families becoming more solid and healthy, and our country becoming a true God-fearing nation living according to His Kingdom." Slow Process The inflow of money, according to Oliveira, has been slow and is happening through spontaneous donations made directly in the Movement's bank account by participating churches, or even by the direct purchase of Bibles from SBB through their representatives. Distribution is made personally, from home to home, in direct contact with the people. So far, were have reached 16 cities, in addition to four urban communities and two riverside communities in the Amazonian region. Six districts were also assisted through the Bike for Bibles program that has distributed almost 12 thousand copies of the Holy Scriptures in separate activities. The results obtained, according to the President of Young People with a Mission , are

surprising. "People are open to both receiving the Bible and talking about their lives, their faith or lack thereof." Oliveira says that streamlining the process is possible and advises churches not to work by themselves: "It would be ideal to have a committee consisting of pastors, businessmen, etc. in every town/city, and then plan together how to knock on doors." The estimate is to complete the task by 2050, but he believes that this time can be significantly reduced if there is simultaneous involvement in every Brazilian region. From the Strategy to the Dream If companies that supply the most diversified products are able to reach the different regions of the country, overcoming distances and natural barriers, the "One Bible in Every Home" Movement can be successful as well. Thinking that way, MĂĄrio Rost believes that the strategy prepared by SBB has a greater chance of success. "The project aims to make the Bible available permanently, which is something that is constantly refreshed through the contact with families, both in happy days and in troubled days," he explains. He also argues that, as companies do, the Bible also has its representatives in every town, the only difference being that Christians do not seek profit and make the deliveries free of charge. According to the Institutional Development Manager, SBB's experience will certainly help the Movement reach its goals, since through partnerships with churches, booksellers and missionary agencies it has distributed more than 7.6 million Bibles in 2015. Furthermore, SBB knows where there are many potential sowers of the Word who fit the project's profile, an old dream of many Christians. "Now we have the proper conditions to achieve it," he says. And, more importantly, according to Rost, "at the same time that the Bible will be distributed in the cities, we believe that people reading it in churches and Christian homes will generate humility, desire for cooperation and love for the Word that changes lives," he concludes.

The Bible in Brazil


Photos: SBB File


FROM TRANSLATION TO CHANGING LIVES Sowing the Word of God and, through it, changing people and society is part of Bible Society of Brazil's challenging and complex mission, which includes the Bible lifecycle. More than translating, producing and distributing the Holy Bible, Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) tries to make people open the Holy Book, read it and become involved with the Word of God by practicing and experiencing its teachings in their daily lives. This will make readers never be the same and have their lives transformed. "With this book in hands, I have absolute conviction that my life makes sense. My relatives and friends have noticed the difference in my life. I feel strong and with the spirit living," says Albert Fernandes Junior, benefited by SBB's Strengthening Families through the Bible program. The experience of Fernandes JĂşnior is similar to that of many other people who have had the


The Bible in Brazil

opportunity to have a closer contact with the Scriptures. This is SBB's mission and it has been accomplished through a work focused on the Bible lifecycle, which is based on three principles: availability, accessibility and credibility (see figure on page 9). "As a person plays different roles, SBB also has many facets," says ErnĂ­ Seibert, SBB's Communications & Social Outreach Secretary. He lists some examples: "We work by translating, editing, producing and distributing the Bible. We have Bible-based outreach programs, we serve Christian churches," he explains, pointing out that the work will always focus on people. Therefore, the activities carried out by SBB

are coordinated based on the Bible lifecycle, whose first step is to make the Word of God available. Therefore, we need to translate the Bible text, whose original texts were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. The fact that a group of translators from the United Bible Societies (UBS) met, some years ago, with the motto "Translation: – the Heart of our Mission," justifies the importance of this stage in the Bible lifecycle. "It is the foundation of everything," says Vilson Scholz, SBB's Translation Consultant. He sees Bible translation as an endless task, but the challenge is much greater: to make the Holy Book reach every person on Earth. Of the approximately 7,000 existing languages in the world, more than 2,500 have at least an excerpt of the Bible translated. The consultant celebrates: "Most people on the planet has access to some part of God's Word, even if it's only translated into a language that is similar to the language spoken by a group of people." Scholz believes that ideally translations into all the languages that still do not have a Bible would start simultaneously, but there are not enough human and financial resources for this undertaking. Therefore, translation agencies, including Bible Societies, prioritize the linguistic groups with most speakers. Scholz also points out that SBB started two years ago a revision and new update of the of Almeida Revised & Updated translation, which will complete 60 years in September 2016. "If God permits, we want to complete the New Testament in 2016 and have the entire revision completed and available in

2018, which will mark a new Year of the Bible," he explains. For All Audiences Availability also includes the development of publications and their production. Bible editions today target different segments of the population, such as young people, children, the elderly, women, scholars, the sick, people with disabilities, among others, thus posing another challenge to SBB, which sees it with determination, persistence and humility, according to Paulo Teixeira, the organization's Translation & Publications Secretary. Teixeira says that every day there are new challenges and opportunities, in the most diversified contexts. There are so many readers, educators, social workers and evangelists who write sharing their experiences and testimonies that SBB has decided to establish priorities in a Publications Plan. Access to the Bible has also been made easier with the use of different platforms, such as audio, video, e-books, apps, among others, because people now live connected to the Internet. "We see in this environment a unique opportunity for the Gospel to reach everyone," says examines Teixeira. The Bible Press plays a critical role in the availability of the Holy Book to the most diversified segments of society, which, according to Luiz Forlim, Bible Press' Secretary, SBB should have a permanent focus on developing varied formats and affordable prices according to the finishing,

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COVER thus contributing to achieve the widest, most effective and significant distribution of the Word. "Our goal is to meet the aspirations and needs of several audiences, with constant search for new types of materials, always looking for the best price," explains Forlim. Strategic Matter The second stage of the cycle refers to accessibility, which comprises distribution and programs to encourage people to read the Bible. Due to the continental dimensions of Brazil and the characteristics of each region, SBB ensures that people have access to the Bible by adopting various logistics strategies. SBB has seven Regional Offices, two Regional Units and one Distribution Center. There is also an online store that will soon handle wholesaling. "Making the Scriptures accessible demands hard work from both our internal audiences and our partners," says Humberto Marchi, Regional Offices' Support Manager. Although the online store allows relationships with customers in the most remote locations of the country, Marchi points out the importance of the Bible Boat (photo), the only way to reach Amazonian riverside populations. And also that SBB has been establishing partnerships with outreach organizations that operate in more inland areas in the region and that other initiatives

need to be studied. SBB's strategy also includes activities that spread the biblical message for free, bringing hope from the Word of God to people in their daily lives. Erní Seibert highlights The Bible for People with Visual Disabilities program among these initiatives. According to him, perhaps the clearest and most touching example is the Bible in Braille because it can change the life of a person. Other programs reinforce the focus on readers, such as Partner in Evangelism, Incentive to Reading and Lectionautas. The first one is focused on the free distribution of biblical pamphlets and booklets and has about 11 thousand volunteers who are mobilized to spread the message of the Bible to Brazilians, thus encouraging people to read God's Word. The second ones encourages people to read the full Bible based on the distribution of Reading Plans that have already reached more than 100 thousand plans per year. The third one mobilizes groups of young people to read the Bible, through Internet, using the ancient Lectio Divina methodology. "In reality, any distribution of Scriptures that takes place in the Light in Brazil program, hospitals, prisons, schools, situations of disaster, therapeutic communities and other opportunities is informally an encouragement to reading the Bible," says Mário Rost, SBB's Institutional Development Manager. Advocacy of the Bible The last stage of the cycle is credibility, which consists in engagement with the Holy Book and advocacy of the Bible. Initiatives with social and cultural impact contribute to the credibility of the Holy Scriptures by encouraging the involvement of people and ensuring their support in championing the Bible Cause. Such is the case of the Bible Museum (MuBi), in Barueri (State of São Paulo), and the Bible Cultural Center, in Rio de Janeiro. "They are venues for dialog with history, archeology,


The Bible in Brazil

linguistics, education and applied technology," observes Mário Rost. Social and cultural events are supported by the Communications Department through activities that put the Bible and SBB's mission in evidence. "When it comes to the Bible, SBB is the reference. This is the result of the work that has been carried out for many years, but that must be kept and improved regularly," says Márcia Carneiro, SBB's Communications Manager. With great visibility on social media, SBB is followed daily by more than 1.4 million people seeking the biblical message of hope and information about the activities developed by the organization. Other important tools are SBB's Web Portal, with more than one million visitors per month, and the magazine The Bible in Brazil, with a print run of 90,000 copies, in addition to the digital and Braille versions. "Everything that is promoted is about the Holy Bible. Through the activities developed by SBB, we have managed to show how important the Holy Bible is to both life and

society," says Márcia. SBB emails every day a selected passage from the Bible to more than 90 thousand people who have spontaneously registered themselves to receive it. "This is a great network of promotion and advocacy of the Bible that will grow," points out the Manager. Although many people still do not know the richness and importance of the Holy Book, SBB has been progressing in its communication. "It's a work that involves several activities that are related to each other, always with the goal that everyone can have access to the Bible, read its pages and apply the teachings to life," concludes Márcia Carneiro. In order to engage different audiences, with different demands, SBB listens to churches and develops activities by mobilizing partners and volunteers, in addition to its employees. According to Erní Seibert, much more could be done if there were enough resources to expand the free distribution of biblical materials. He says, "We are grateful to those who already help, but we need to engage more people in this work."

INCREASED DISTRIBUTION The growing interest in the Holy Scriptures is confirmed by the distribution numbers in Brazil. Check below the distribution of Scriptures in 2015, both in print and digital formats. Distribution of Scriptures in Brazil in 2015 Type of Scripture Bibles New Testaments Booklets

Quantity Type of Scripture 7,622,674 Academic 460,750 Miscellaneous 1,966,349 Pamphlets


Quantity 75,186 167,353 264,708,000 275,000,312

Distribution of Digital Scriptures in Brazil in 2015 Type of Scripture




Booklets Academic Total:

11,920 730 397,318

The Bible in Brazil



CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN BENEFITS ABOUT THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE The 14th edition of the campaign surpassed the goals by putting into practice the theme "Love in Action." About three thousand people were reached by the 2015 Riverside Communities Christmas campaign, developed by Bible Society of Brazil (SBB), with the goal of bringing spiritual and social assistance to vulnerable populations within the Amazonian region. With the theme "Love in Action," the initiative, in its 14th edition, benefited 16 communities located in the towns/cities of Belém, Barcarena and Acará, all in the State of Pará. The campaign was designed to offer happier Christmas celebrations with Christian values and contribute to mitigate the critical period of "açaí" and fish shortage, which further aggravates the situation of poverty in riverside communities. Therefore, it collects donations, financial and otherwise. The kits are delivered in special trips made by the Boat "Luz na Amazônia III." Organized in partnership with public and


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private organizations and institutions, in 2015 the campaign distributed 2,010 toys, 1,555 food kits, 20,421 pieces of clothing, 3,500 pairs of shoes, 2,500 snacks and 3,840 items of biblical literature, benefiting 2,980 people in 16 communities. Donations reached R$10,660.44. "The campaign has been improved over these 14 years, and we have established more partnerships to help families deprived of the means of livelihood. In comparison with 2014, the campaign was expanded to reach more islands," says Emilene Araújo, SBB's Outreach Projects Manager. According to her, the positive results of the Christmas campaign in the islands was also evident in other aspects. "The success of the activity could be seen in the smile of children, the hugs of gratitude and in how well the team was received," she summarizes.


A TIME TO PRAY AND TO READ At age 81, João Batista Pereira é a role model. Since 1993, he has already read the Holy Bible more than 70 times. it's the beginning of faith," he says. But his favorite passages are rom the Book of Psalms, a passion reflected in numbers: he reveals that he has already read Psalms 23 and 91 more than 15 thousand times. "I love to sing the Psalms. Every day I read Psalms 23, 91 and 150. Psalm 23, in our Church, is called the Psalm of Plenitude, both spiritual and material. And Psalm 91 is suitable for asking protection. Therefore, even when I was a Church Assistant at Morro do Silvério, nothing bad has ever happened to me, thanks to God," he says. And the explanation for the higher number of Psalms readings is that he reads them every time he finishes reading one of the other books. "You can read all the Psalms four times a year," Pereira concludes with joy. Photo: Samuel Santos

Every day, João Batista Pereira follows a routine of prayers and reading the Word of God. Even at age 81, he takes these tasks very seriously: prayers start very early and, a little later, he devotes himself to the Word of God. Over the past 23 years, he has proudly read the full Bible 72 times, the New Testament 117 times, and the Psalms 254 times. Born in Serra Redonda, State of Paraiba, Pereira moved to Rio de Janeiro when he was a boy. Because of his work as a Church Assistant, he started to put more effort in reading the Scriptures in 1993 in order to take over the management of a church in Morro do Silvério. "It was a very dangerous place. So I started to read the Bible and pray every night. Even today, after retiring, I still wake up at 3 a.m. And pray until 5:30 a.m. For Brazil, for the Church, for everything," he says. With his experience, Pereira says that, for Christians, prayers and the Word are essential. And this is something very hard to achieve, even among Pastors. "We face too many hurdles to read the Bible. I have the time, but others don't. It's the TV, the cell phone. Children and teenagers don't read the Bible, even though it's taught in schools and churches," he regrets. The Gospels are some of his preferred books from Holy Scriptures. "All the Bible is inspired by God, but those texts came straight from the lips of Jesus. If one has a little faith in the Holy Spirit, one cries, tries to read, but cannot advance. Usually

The Bible in Brazil



EVERY DAY WITH JOY OF GOD'S WORD This is a Devotional Study Bible that includes about three thousand reflections prepared by Pastor Israel Belo de Azevedo from the Baptist Church of Itacuruçá, Rio de Janeiro. They are all linked to Bible text in order to increase the knowledge about the Word of God. The motivational and inspiring texts written by Pastor Israel guide readers on how to experience joy following God's path. "When God is our shepherd, He teaches us to live. If we want a happy life, full of hope, we need be united to God," explains the author. The "Good Morning" Holy Bible highlights the texts that promise joy and instruct on how to experience it. "It is an ideal Bible to give to those who have not had yet the opportunity to know and live by the teachings of God's Word," recommends the Pastor. The publication's editorial project was based on the book "Good Morning Friend," by Pastor Israel. The Bible scholar holds a degree in Communications, master degree in Theology and a doctor's degree in Philosophy, and he has written several books, but he is best known for his website "Prazer da Palavra" (Pleasure of the Word), his app "My Journey" and the messages sent daily to his followers. The texts written for the "Good Morning" Bible encourage reflection and explain the Bible texts that can be applied to our daily lives. "Joy is about accepting the good, perfect and pleasant Word of God, despite all the difficulties," says the author. Featuring the biblical text in the New Translation in Today's Language, this publication also stands out for having a language that is accessible, pleasant and easy-to-understand. Another distinguishing feature is the graphic design that features printing in two colors: black and orange.


The Bible in Brazil

Resources: • 2,985 devotional charts • Vocabulary • Abridged Thematic Concordance • How to find help in the Bible • What the Bible says about God's forgiveness • Suggested readings for special days Code: NTLH085BBD Format: 17.0 x 25.0 cm (6.7 x 9.8 in.) Pages: 2112 Binding: Printed synthetic leather cover Price: R$134.90

FROM WOMAN TO WOMAN Through 366 devotions written by women, this publication shows how God is concerned with women. In the texts, written by about 100 Brazilian women, readers will find personal and even private reflections with deep sincerity. Doubts, anxieties, joys, disappointments, forgiveness... Those are some of the topics addressed in an authentic and sensitive way "from woman to woman." All devotions bridge are linked to Bible text in order to increase the knowledge about the Word of God. Featuring the biblical text in the New Translation in Today's Language, the "They Talk about God" Holy Bible also includes 52 articles about current affairs and daily life: work, maternity, depression, family, losses and diseases, among others. And there are Bible texts about women who are role models and offer lessons for life. They include Mary, Full of Grace; Deborah, leader and counselor; and Mary and Martha, who served and heard Jesus. They were all women loved by God who talk about Him and tell the world about the love of Jesus. Code: NTLH065EFD Format: 13.5 x 20.0 cm (5.3 x 7.9 in.) | Binding: Synthetic leather cover, peach | Price: R$79.90

The Bible in Brazil



A BIBLE, A PRESENT, A LIFE! *Roney Ricardo Cozzer

I was sitting at the kitchen table, some years ago, perhaps in 2007 or 2006, reading the book "The Bible through the Centuries," written by Pastor and Bible translator Antonio Gilberto. I remember that it was an afternoon. My mother—who was my spiritual mentor and the most important person in my Christian education—was feeling distant from the paths of the Lord. On page 43 (19th edition, 2007), I read the phrase by F. B. Meyer: "The best argument in favor of the Bible is the character it builds." At that moment, I felt like a "spear" had gone through my chest. Without a doubt, that was the most important insight that I had ever had. I had realized the priceless benefits that I had enjoyed because of the Bible through the years. A few moments later, my mother arrived home and sat at the table. At that moment, feeling very emotional, I started to thank her for having given me such a precious gift: the Holy Bible. I could not hold back the tears, and cried holding her hands. This was a very important moment in my relationship with my mother. It was as if I had realized how important she was in my life for having given me that present: the Holy Bible. At age 12, on a sunny afternoon, my beloved father came home with a small present: a copy of the Holy Bible. Until then, my only contact with the Scriptures had been through New Testament of the Gideons International, which also featured the Books of Psalms and Proverbs. I used to see other full Bibles with other texts and books that my New Testament didn't include, so I was


The Bible in Brazil

anxious to have my copy of the full Bible. Well, that day had arrived: I had an Almeida Revised & Corrected Bible, with black cover and small print. I didn't know then, but my parents were influencing me for the rest of life. Today, at age 31, having already taught in basic courses and Theology Seminaries for more than 350 students, and having spoken in more than 100 churches, it is gratifying to bring back such fond recollections. I could never have imagined that God would enable me to go so far. I consider myself a role model among thousands of thousands who have been positively influenced by the Word of God. Many people have been blessed by reading and learning of the Holy Scriptures. Clearly, the Bible builds character, so, in a time like ours where our children are so negatively influenced by the media, we must give them a copy of the Bible. The Bible is a guide for life and making good choices. So I invite you, dear reader, to give a copy of the Bible to your children. So that we can love the Word of God and make it our "Go-to Book," and not just a book lost among many others on a bookshelf or put aside because of other things.

* Roney Ricardo Cozzer is a Professor of Theology and speaker in the fields of Bible, Theology, Family, and Christian Education. He is also the Director and Coordinator of the Psychoanalysis Course of CETAPES (Theological & Psychoanalytic Center). You can read the full text of this testimony on this website: https:// uma-biblia-um-presente-uma-vida/.

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