The Bible in Brazil - # 243

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Photo: UBS

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of its presence in the country, the Bible Society in Zimbabwe intensifies the distribution of Scriptures nationwide.

With local partnerships, the Bible Society in Zimbabwe distributes the Holy Bible to the victims of HIV/ AIDS, a pandemic in the country


The 29th October will stage great festivities to celebrate 75 years of Bible work in Zimbabwe, a country located in the southeast Africa. The Bible Society in Zimbabwe (BSZ) planned an event preceded by a 75 day Bible reading marathon and shall count on the special participation of the country’s vice-president, Joice Mujuru, in addition to a Military Police Band Parade along the streets of their capital city Harare. “We are simply exalting the Bible to the nation”, says Clarkson Chidimuro, BSZ General Secretary, clarifying that, despite the early start of works in 1939, the entity was officially founded in 1966, same year it joined the United Bible Societies.

The Bible in Brazil

According to Chidimuro, the dissemination of the Word of God has never been easy in a country marked by several economic, social and political problems. “From 1890 to 1980, the liberation war of Zimbabwe claimed the lives of many missioners, churches were destroyed and traveling through the country was difficult. We have been living times of economic difficulties and the Bible work has been hindered by those challenges”, he regrets. Among the projects developed, the most popular one is the distribution of Scriptures to the Army, having 5,200 Bibles distributed to the country in 2012 alone. Other initiatives focus on HIV/AIDS populations, with Bible material distributed to widowers and orphans and support given to children who are encouraged to speak about their needs. Three official languages impose no hindrance to the Bible work, and to reach the whole country, the BSZ makes use of different strategies, such as the approach of the Bulawayo branch that makes use of a Christian organization network to achieve their goals. The entity endeavors efforts to translate the Bible to Chikunda language and the Study Bible to Shona language. There are already Bible translation projects to native tongues of Tonga, Kalanga, Ndebele and Nambya communities, who still do not have the Bible in their own language. In addition to celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Bible Work in Zimbabwe, the BSZ plans for 2014 include the search for a shop network to be present nationwide for the distribution of Scriptures, task embraced by the branch in Bulawayo, and to start an active membership movement through their representative office.


NEW RECORD ON SCRIPTURE DISTRIBUTION In 2013, the BSB distributed 7.9 million Bibles full version, a 7% growth compared to the previous year. The total of Scriptures, booklets and Bible leaflets, exceeded 265 million copies. The Bible Society in Brazil (BSB) broke a new record in Scripture distribution in 2013 as a result of their effort to make the Word of God accessible to all. The entity reached the mark of 7,910,360 Bibles full version distributed, a 7% growth in relation to the previous year. Out of that total, 293,116 were distributed in digital format. The total of Scriptures – including Bibles, New Testaments, booklets (with parts of the Bible text, such as Gospels) and Bible leaflets – showed an 8.35% growth, reaching the mark of 265,151.267 publications. According to Rudi Zimmer, Executive Director to BSB, this growth is owed to several factors, such as a strong relationship with churches. “In the end, the BSB was created by the churches to serve the churches in their need for the Scriptures. Along with that comes our effort to develop publications that reach all segments of the population in order to make the Bible relevant to people’s lives”, says he. For example, we highlight the material distributed in BSB social programs geared to serve in full people under situations of vulnerability and social risk. They are offered the Scriptures with focus on varied segments and different contexts that bring benefit to handicap groups, convalescents in hospitals, prisoners, riverside communities

of the Amazon, families, students and victims of calamities. In 2013, the Scripture distribution in that niche reached the mark of 1,290,852 copies, in addition to thousands of leaflets distributed as well. Another relevant initiative is the “Socio Evangelizador” Program (literally, Partner Evangelist Program), by which volunteers conduct a massive distribution of leaflets with Bible messages as means of encouraging the reflection upon issues related to living in the cities. In 2013, 253,3 million Bible leaflets were distributed, an 8,5% increase in relation to previous year, exceeding 250 million copies distributed for the first time in history.


The Bible in Brazil


Jocum Volunteers mobilizing to distribute copies of the Holy Bible in Caldas Novas, Goias.

Photo: SBB File


PLACE A BIBLE IN EACH BRAZILIAN HOME Aiming at taking the Holy Bible to all homes in Brazil in less then 40 years, the BSB joins efforts with Jocum in an unheard project. Make the Bible available to all by 2050. This is the focus of a national movement called The Bible in Each Home, a partnership between the Missionary Agency Jocum - Jovens com uma Missão (literally, Youngsters with a Mission) and the Bible Society in Brazil (BSB). The main goal to the project is to deliver, free of charge, a copy of the Bible - Almeida version, revised and updated - to each home - from 50 to 70 million homes, both in the cities and in the rural area of Brazil, including the domicile of several people, albeit provisional, such as orphanages, old people’s homes, and prisons. To achieve this goal, Jocum wants to joint in partnership with churches, missionary and social organizations and Christian entrepreneurs both in Brazil and abroad, with the intention of making the total evangelization something feasible and effective by highlighting the importance of the Word of God and encouraging reading and meditating practices over the Holy Bible in the hearts of the families. Inserted to the Project of Affinities, the movement gained support from BSB to be tuned with their mission, that of “sowing the Word that changes lives”. According to Eude


The Bible in Brazil

Martins, BSB Special Projects Adviser, “The Bible principles are the foundation of most cultures, and to bring the Word of God to each home is the certainty of a better future to our children and grandchildren”. The movement “A Bible in Each Home” was launched at the Biannual Jocum Brazil Meeting of Workers and Volunteers held in Caldas Novas (GO) last December. The first presentation was carried out at a sports gymnasium when 20 thousand Bibles were distributed to approximately 2.5 thousand people. According to Wellington Oliveira, Chairperson to Jocum Brazil - planner and facilitator to the Movement, when one brings the Word of God to a whole nation, one expects to see the statistics of divorce and domestic violence rates minimized, the number of cases of abortion and teenage pregnancy reduced, and more awareness among the youth and their relatives about the risks and hazards of drug consumption, and to see the opening of a door to literacy through the Bible. “We expect that through the movement it is going to be possible to build a better country”, sums up Oliveira.


CAMPAIN FOR 66 YEARS OF BSB This year, the campaign is dedicated to the non-Portuguese speaking community in Brazil. On June 10, the Bible Society in Brazil (BSB) celebrates its 66th anniversary of activities dedicated to the dissemination of the Holy Scriptures and Its message to all the peoples. By celebrating another anniversary, the entity renews its mission and launches a national campaign to raise funds, counting at the occasion on the participation of Christians and churches from all over the country. This years’ campaign will highlight the efforts endeavored by BSB so that the Bible reaches Indigenous peoples and immigrants that maintain their original cultures and mother tongues. “During the World Cup – occasion of the BSB’s anniversary – peoples of all nations will have their attention turned to Brazil. This harmonization should inspire us to notice the need of Scriptures to the peoples who live in our Country but who preferably speak another language”, states Mário Rost, BSB Institutional Development Manager and coordinator to the fund raising campaign. The donations raised during the campaign will be earmarked for minority languages translation projects that consist of taking the Bible message to those whose mother tongue is other than Portuguese. All Social Programs developed by the BSB will

also benefit from the campaign. The fund raising campaign suggests a minimal donation of R$ 66.00 – R$ 1.00 per year of BSB activities–, by means of direct deposit to the following bank account: Bradesco – branch # 3390-1 – account # 18512-4. The initiative also tries to get the children involved, waking them up for the importance of sowing the teachings of God in the hearts of all persons, children specially. For that reason, the BSB is distributing piggybanks. Children who wish to participate in the action should collect their piggybanks at Secretary in their region. Once the piggybank is full, it should be returned to the same location where it was collected. “Children and adults are reminded by the image of the piggybank that there is always an opportunity to offer to the Bible Cause”, observes Mário Rost, drawing the attention to the fact that every year the BSB has been achieving encouraging results of campaign commitment. For more information about the BSB programs and how to participate on this cause may be obtained just by sending a message to

The Bible in Brazil


Photo: Gladyston Rodrigues


OPEN DOORS TO ALL The new shop space at the Regional Secretary of BSB in Belo Horizonte offers innovative concept in customer service. As of March 25, the Regional Secretary in Belo Horizonte (MG) of the Bible Society in Brazil (BSB) is now operating at its new location and with an innovative concept of customer service. Spacious and modern, the shop floor has been planned to offer BSB customers and partners more comfort and easy access to Bible publications specially developed to meet the needs of all sectors of the population. With those new facilities, the BSB once again reinforces its mission and vocation, and rather than Bible sales, the emphasis is on social impact programs, institutional programs and literature distribution projects, amongst others. “More than a Bible shop, the Regional Secretaries are agencies focused on Scripture distribution, achieved either through sales, social or institutional programs”, remarks Marcos G. F. Silva, Regional Secretaries Coordination Officer. One of the novelties of the branch in Minas Gerais State is the self-service system for wholesale purchases, allowing customers to select items of their interest by themselves at the amount desired and close a direct order with the sales person. The facility will have doors open to physical shoppers as well. Reading Isles furnished with couches grant the client with conform to read through and check the Bible material prior to finalizing their purchase.


The Bible in Brazil

The BSB Regional Secretary in Belo Horizonte has been operating since 2006, responding to the needs of customers from Minas Gerais and Bahia States. Located in the neighborhood called Colegio Batista, the 733 m² of new office floor should increase the BSB visibility. “We have decided to set our operation in a pleasant space of easy access to all our partners where they can shop for Bible literature or to plan Scripture distribution projects in your community”, says Silva. Although the wholesale customer service – booksellers, churches and colporteurs – represents the strength of BSB, the retail distribution on the new location should be massive, based on both the intensity of the Christian movement in the vicinity, and the good initial sales results to that niche. “This difference will crown us with an unique opportunity to display our social impact programs to individuals who still do not know this characteristic of BSB”, notes Marcos Adriano Lovera, BSB Regional Secretary Officer in Belo Horizonte, who informs that the plans for 2015 include the development of works with visually impaired persons participating on the Emancipar Project. BSB Regional Secretary in Belo Horizonte Rua Ponte Nova, 287 Colégio Batista – CEP: 31110-150 – Belo Horizonte – BH

Photos: SBB File


A HEART CONSECRATED TO MISSION WORKS an atheist, he is a believer, because even an I am a worker at a small church in atheist believes, but in this case he believes Campinas, Sao Paulo. In March 2013, I felt that God does not exist. I will give each of you the impulse to do something to the Bible a Bible, but you’ve got to promise to me you cause in Portuguese speaking countries in will read it”. Africa. I drew up a plan to raise funds and I was let go and I praised God, because purchase an air ticket, Bible study books and the purpose of my trip was to distribute Bibles Bibles, principally. in Mozambique and it had just started right I shared my idea with some brothers there, at the airport. and soon donations started to drop in. In May I had my passage I spent ten days in purchased. The trip was “I explained I was bringing Mozambique, where I scheduled to October. could preach the Gospel. in Bibles, a gift from In July, I bought several Mozambicans are receptive the Brazilian people to copies of the Bible at the and cherish the Word of Mozambicans.” shop of the Bible Society God. Thanks to our brothers in Brazil (BSB). As there is a luggage weight at the BSB for facilitating the purchase of Bibles. limit, I managed to board with two cases, one I wish to travel again this year. This time of them with just Bibles in. though, I want to go to Guinea Bissau. Praise I landed in Maputo, (the capital city of the Lord! Mozambique) on 16 October. Everything was doing well until I got my suitcases at the terminal luggage carrousel and two customs Fábio Rodrigues Coutinho – Campinas – SP officers approached me and asked what I had in the bags. I got a bit tense. I prayed to the Testimonies about the Bible If you have an inspiring experience with the Word of Lord to give me the right words. I explained I God, please write to A Bíblia no Brasil magazine and was bringing in Bibles, a gift from the Brazilian also to the BSB website and tell us about it. Those who have their testimonies selected and published people to Mozambicans. will win a copy of the NTLH Bible of Study. Submit One of them said: - “My buddy here needs your testimony along with your profile picture to a Bible, he is an atheist.” And I said: - “If he is

In a missionary trip, Fábio Coutinho, on the right corner of the picture, took copies of the Holy Bible to give as gifts to Mozambicans.

The Bible in Brazil



WIDE ACCESS TO THE WORD OF GOD With its modern virtual multichannel shop, the BSB adopts the e-commerce on wholesale operations and makes the Bible available to their partners in all corners of Brazil. The purchase of materials produced by the Bible Society in Brazil (BSB) on the Internet is now faster and easier with the e-commerce system. Investments in a modern platform made possible a profound reformulation of the BSB dot-com. Launched 15 years ago, it used to focus on retail services. The website currently displays a novelty: The Wholesale Virtual Shop, where churches, organizations, bookshops and colporteurs may also place their orders online. The BSB therefore enhances even more the dissemination of the Word of God, making it available to their partners in all corners of the country. Rudi Zimmer, BSB Executive Director, believes that the new e-commerce system will increase the support to churches, including those located in distant areas of difficult


The Bible in Brazil

access in a country of continental dimensions such as Brazil. “The way is not to compare digital to traditional channels, rather, it is to integrate them in order to take the Word of God more easily and more abundantly to all corners of Brazil�, says he. And he adds up that the wholesale customer service will contribute a lot for BSB to meet their mission even more effectively. In the wake of a constant growth of virtual commerce among Brazilians, BSB started up their multichannel shop project in December 2012, prepared with a multidisciplinary team. The Regional Secretary Coordination, Communication and Social Action, Translations and Publications, Logistics, Finances and Information Technology areas joined efforts translated today in advantages to an array

of different customer profiles. “To reach an innovative model, we had to overcome many challenges, from choosing platform and supplier to project development and implementation”, considers Márcia Carneiro, BSB Social Communication Manager, responsible for the e-commerce project implementation management. The wholesale shop is supposed to be launched in two stages and marks a great novelty to the BSB e-commerce. As of May, the customer service will operate from the Distribution Center located in Itapevi, to serve the South, Southeast, Center-East regions, in addition to the state of Bahia. All the remaining country regions will be served as of June. The BSB Regional Secretary Coordination Officer Marcos G. F. Silva believes the e-commerce will be a hit among BSB wholesale customers. In the end, they will have a shop exclusively of their own. “Different from the traditional orders over the phone, e-mail or fax, on the B2B shop clients have an area exclusively of their own, with access via login and password, where they can prepare their order and close the purchase knowing the total amount spent, discounts and form of payment”, explains Marcos, also in the general coordination of the project. In addition, Silva underlines that the B2B

shop will benefit all BSB partners, since there is no longer the need of a personal visit or call to any of the Regional Secretaries to get to learn about releases, promotions, prices and purchase conditions. “Now everything is at the distance of a key button on your PC, either at the company, at church, just like to the retail customers”, celebrates he. The new shop also allows the wholesale client to prepare an order and close the deal directly with a sales representative if wished, by choosing that option if the personal service is favored to a purchase online. “The purpose of a B2B shop is not to increase the distance, on the contrary, it is to get the clients even closer to BSB and their products, Bible social impact programs and the campaigns with all clients, churches and leaders”, explains the Project General Coordinator. The wholesale shop, considered by Márcia Carneiro the most challenging part of the project, should be the communication channel between BSB and the public. “We wish to learn with our partners, listen to their needs, criticisms and suggestions, so that together we can develop a service that meets their main demands and that contributes to spread the Word of God through the country”, highlights she. With the B2B implemented, it was necessary to increment the Logistic Area, in order to guarantee fast delivery within the expected timeframe. The BSB will operate from their four distribution quarters located in Itapevi (SP), Recife (PE), Belem (PA) and Manaus (AM). The unit in Itapevi was one of the first decisions made aiming at the success of the new project. The next step was to create a structure able to support the new Scripture distribution challenges to BSB, by purchasing a Warehouse Management System to provide information with swiftness and efficiency. In order to serve the logistic network, the BSB entered partnership agreements with transportation companies. “We want to guarantee fulltime availability of our publication items in the catalogue to all distribution centers

New SBB virtual shop will provide clients with more agility and possibility of access as of a tablet.

The Bible in Brazil


COVER and the same customer service standard through the whole network”, announces the BSB Logistic Secretary, Edgar Dias Carvalho.

in Brazil hold little more than 2.5% of market share and the Bible stands out among the 50 most sold publications in that format”.

A Retail business even better Data from the Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics (Ibope) indicate that Brazil had approximately 100 million Internet users in 2013, equivalent to half the population. No wonder the virtual commerce thrives. According to Marcos Silva, the BSB dot-com shop, for example has logged a monthly steady growth because it is a practical, fast, safe and trustworthy tool. The new platform allows the improvement of the already good retail service (B2C). The remodeled BSB dot-com started its operations in March and there will count on a new attraction in May: the digital publications that placed the BSB on the cutting edge of this market. “All we needed was an adequate place to offer our digital books, and the virtual shop fills in that gap, granting the client with the possibility to buy either traditional and digital books in a safe environment”, comments Elismar Vilvock, Digital Publications Development Manager. Clients can purchase e-books and Vilvock’s expectations are the highest: “Digital books

Distinguishing and Challenging Aspects of the Project The participation of the multidisciplinary team was essential for the BSB to achieve their goal, according to project manager Márcia Carneiro. The project demanded more than a year of dedication, and imposed many challenges, starting with the election of Magento platform. Supplied by Discover, the platform has great credibility and is used by more than 150 thousand shops in more than 50 countries. “This project work counted on the BSB Information Technology team’s concentrated efforts and support, since they had to assess at detail level all the platform technologic aspects as well as the supplier’s technical capabilities to meet the demands from all BSB shops”, mentions Márcia. According to the evaluation from the BSB Information Technology Advisor, Antonio Romano, in view of a wide offer of solutions in this field, the multidisciplinary team used well defined criteria since they knew what they

WHY TO BUY WHOLE SALE ON THE BSB DOT-COM SHOP? The advantages to buy at the BSB wholesale dot-com shop are many. Through this purchasing channel, one can: • Repeat the previous order. • Finalize the purchase directly with the sales representative. • Calculate their own discount, according to their pre-established profile. • Check out releases and promotions. • Download high-resolution pictures of product and promotional material to the outlets. • Check out information on BSB publications in detail, their target audiences and their advantages. In addition, shopping online is safe and practical the delivery time is guaranteed.


The Bible in Brazil

wanted, which helped them to streamline their choice of platform and supplier, and the steps that followed. Once the challenge of integrating the platform to the billing, credit and logistic systems was overcome, there was now the last one: “to use the technology to maintain the customers service with well defined and nationally standardized delivery time and costs, so that clients would feel secure and encouraged with the new sales channel”, explains Romano. Project Manager to Discover Julierme Arrais highlights the advantages of Magento platform, such as scalability, that is, the capacity to increase performance whenever new resources are added up. It is also robust and flexible, which allows BSB to offer a better shopping experience, regardless of the machine used (PC, tablet, smart phone, etc.). Another

advantage to the new shop is usability. To make the shopping experience more pleasant and practical, The BSB hired Versao Beta, a company responsible for drawing up the layout and browsing architecture. The shop counts still on an area to receive grants, offering the public an opportunity to contribute to the Bible Cause. “This is the great differentiating aspect of the shop. The customers learn about our social programs and can offer donations in a lump sum or in installments. And as it is a non-profit organization, dedicated to reinvest the earnings to the Bible cause, the BSB holds its virtual shop an important support to give continuity to the mission of bringing the Bible to all the peoples, specially to those who cannot afford to buy their own”, points out the BSB Communication and Social Action Secretary, Erní Seibert.

HOW TO SIGN IN TO THE BSB DOT-COM To purchase at the BSB Dot-Com, both wholesale and retail customer must fill out a form. Please check below some important guidelines to proceed with your purchase from BSB: Retail If you already a client of BSB dot-com, you must have received an email with a password to access your profile and redefine your personal password. Important: You will be able to access your profile only by using this new password. If you have not received this communication, please write to

Wholesale If you are already a BSB client, wait for the e-mail on how to purchase through your virtual shop, and enjoy the same benefits. If you are not a client, you will have to register and submit the documents required according to your profile: bookstore, church, organization, action or colporteur.

The Bible in Brazil



NEW SUPPORT TO EVANGELIZATION Staring Christian actors, the film “The Prize – Under Pressure” helps churches all over Brazil in sport event related actions. A partnership between the Bible Society in Brazil (BSB) and the International Organization Athletes in Action (AeA) will make available to churches and Christian organizations in Brazil an important supporting material to be used during the World Cup: the film “The Prize – Under Pressure”, to be distributed on DVD format. The initiative is part of the Play Fair Brazil Movement (MJLB), aiming at encouraging actions of evangelization at the occasion of great sport events to be held in the country as of this year. During 26 minutes, the film produced by AeA counts on the participation of Kaká and athletes from other countries who talk about the pressure of a World Cup and the strength found in Christ to overcome all obstacles. With content in Portuguese, English and Spanish, the DVD also offers a 79-minute bonus version of the film Jesus, in addition

to Kaká’s testimony about how to grow in Christ and a declaration from the Brazilian former-goalkeeper Bosco, who explains how to start a relationship with Christ. “The main challenge is to make churches reap benefits out of the interest generated by the Word Cup and conduct a relevant evangelization approach to reach their communities”, clarifies Larry Thompson, vice-president and global director to AeA. Present in 45 countries, Athletes in Action expects to bring their sports ministries to 300 most important cities in the world, at least in 150 countries, which are estimated to concentrate 75% of the world population by 2025. “In the hope to reach this target, we are starting with Brazil”, he mentions. The DVD will be distributed nationwide by BSB, at a symbolic price (R$ 6.00), to all churches and organizations interested. It will come along with a manual to provide

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simple and easy-to-follow guidelines, so that Churches are able to prepare their volunteers for actions during the event. “This video has been prepared in a special and sensitive way, says Erní Seibert, BSB Communication and Social Action Secretary. And he continues: “It is a wonderful testimony of the Gospel. I am sure it will be an important supporting tool in Evangelization actions during the World Cup, as it will be contributing to transform the lives of thousands of people. Every family will crave for a copy. Every church should use this video during their services”. The AeA Global Director observes there are many forms of distribution that can be performed according to the communities targeted by the church. In one of the strategies proposed, church volunteers give families the DVD and ask if they may come back in a few days to know their opinion about the film. “This might be the opportunity to invite them to a Bible study in the neighborhood, scheduled to start after the end of the World Cup in the house of one of the volunteers, and also a way of bringing them into the church”, he comments. “Our idea is to place the newly convert as close as possible to a church in their

community which could become their own church in the future”, says the Director of AeA in Brazil, Fernando Camargo, a.k.a. “Fernandão”. The strategy also considers the creation of 10 Fan Zones in the 12 World Cup host cities and in 27 cities hosting the Olympic Games 2016. Those spaces will unite believers and non-believers to watch sport events and the DVD, in a festive and friendly atmosphere. The action will have a multiplying effect, enabling to reach out from 700 thousand to one million people during a football match and approximately two million people during the Olympic Games. By 2017, the goals include to make 75 million people listen to the Word of God, coach 10 thousand volunteers and enable the creation of 500 sports ministries, in addition to count on 100 volunteers from the sports chaplaincy and 50 new members to the Mission Athletes in Action Brazil. Assembling the Team In association with local churches, AeA develops the “Church Sports Movement”, characterized mainly by evangelism, discipleship and spiritual multiplication. This sports ministry model is distinguished by the ease to engage

Scenes of the film “The Prize – Under Pressure”.

The Bible in Brazil



volunteers to reach out their communities. As soon as Larry Thompson took office as the Global Director to the organization in 2012, he attended the Olympic Games in London. There he noticed the potential of great sports events for the development of a ministry in the area in the host country. “We were determined to work with the AeA Brazilian team to make this dream come true”, declares the executive. The contacts with the director to AeA in Brazil started right there, in London to gather information on the country’s situation and opportunities. Based on a strategic plan, the decision was to focus on building church sports movements and help them use global events and the media. To AeA, this action in Brazil is important due to several reasons, namely: it is open to the Gospel and it is the fifth largest country in the world, with growing influence and economy. “We believe that here lies the chance to develop a new model of sports ministry that might be implemented in other countries”, reveals Thompson. Starting from the assumption that the effective use of the media helps to take The DVD will be sold in packs of 10 units

the Gospel message to the peoples, AeA endeavors efforts to produce a new film every four years. “I think this year’s production is the best of all. Now our distribution job must be the best ever”, states the Global Director. The DVDs distribution in Brazil will start up with 100 thousand copies. If the idea is well accepted by the churches and there is success, the production might reach one million or beyond. There is still the intention to distribute the same film in more than 50 languages to more than 100 countries, reaching millions of people. According to Thompson, the DVD offered in partnership with the BSB might help churches to create an effective approach strategy during the months preceding the World Cup and during the event. “The BSB exerts a great influence in Brazil because it maintains a very good relationship with the churches all over the country. This credibility is valuable to the Kingdom work, in addition to the fact of seeing in the sports a key opportunity to reach the people, which becomes evident with Play Fair”.

Those interested may purchase the DVD either the following way:

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The Bible in Brazil

Filling out the coupon inserted on this magazine edition Visiting the virtual BSB shop: Calling 0800-727-8888 Personally visiting one of the 10 BSB regional units.

PLAY FAIR BRAZIL MOBILIZES SUPPORTERS Partners finalize sport event strategies and BSB makes a vast line of Bible literature specially developed for Evangelization actions available. The beginning of the games is approaching and participants to the Movement Play Fair Brazil (MJLB- acronym in Portuguese) have high expectations to see their objectives achieved. The time is now dedicated to mobilizing teams, finalizing details and going for the tête-à-tête with the public at stadia, touristic attractions and other concentration venues. “It is so exciting to see the crow at churches and other entities getting ready with several actions to take the Word of God to persons from the entire world, coming to see the World Cup”, celebrates Eude Martins, MJLB coordinator. He even points out the importance of the material specially prepared for this initiative, available at BSB and easy to order on the MJLB website:, or at the virtual BSB shop or even at direct purchase at any of the 10 organization regional units. Among Bible literature highlights developed for the occasion, the Holy Bible with the supplement “The Secret of Victory”, available with 12 different covers, customized with image shots of each of the host cities. Upon

the purchase of one publication, the shopper receives 10 copies free of charge of the booklet Brazil, History, Facts and Curiosities about Soccer. A bilingual piece displayed in four colors that tells the history of soccer and the World Cup, and brings declarations made by Pelé, Cristiano Ronaldo, Fabio Cannavaro, Lionel Messi and Kaká. “A special gift from Gospel Publishing Mission and BSB to help the evangelization actions”, says Martins. Also active in the movement, The Assemblies of God should take to streets approximately 25 thousand youth volunteers fluent either in English, French or Spanish to work at airports and hotel network vicinities, and other locations as well. They will be distributing a booklet of passport size with tourist information and a message from the Gospel. “In our general understanding, the high point is make Jesus known to the nations”, states o Pr. Arnaldo Sena, National Coordinator to AD during the World Cup, an initiative from the Discipleship and Evangelization Commission of the General Convention of Assemblies of God in Brazil (CGADB-acronym in Portuguese).

The Bible in Brazil


PLAY FAIR BRAZIL Focusing on building the capacity of leaders to operate during the World Cup and principally at the Sports Ministries of churches, the Brazilian Sports Coalition (CBE-acronym in Port) – part of the MJLB Managing Committee – has intensified the mobilizing and coaching agenda in the 12 host cities. The goal is to count on three thousand volunteers who in a multiplying effect should involve thousand churches and 25 thousand persons to the end of the tournament. “In addition to the strategies focused on children and


The Bible in Brazil

adolescents, we are spreading the ‘Peace at the Stadium” message, an intervention with soccer fans that proposes a decrease in violence by delivering Bible literature and a hug free of charge”, explains Johnson Tadeu, General Coordinator. Teams coached by CBE are already striving to mobilize churches elsewhere, also awake to the potential of evangelization during match days. “When we show the BSB material, everybody gets excited and express the intention to adopt it”, complements Fernando Camargo, Coordinator. The Play Fair Movement is under coordination of a Managing Committee formed by Amme Evangelizar, Athletes for Christ and Social Action National Network (Renasacronym in Portuguese), in addition to CBE and BSB.


THE CITY HALL OF BARUERI PAYS TRIBUTE TO LUIZ ANTONIO GIRALDI The Former Executive Director to the BSB receives the Title of Distinguished Citizen and on the same day releases another book: “A Bíblia no Brasil República”(literally, The Bible in the Republic of Brazil). Mr. Luiz Antônio Giraldi received the Distinguished Citizen Award during a solemn ceremony held on the 20th February at the City Hall of Barueri. Once the Executive Director to the Bible Society in Brazil (BSB) from 1984 to 2005 and the master mind responsible for the implementation of the Bible Printing House, Giraldi was given the award as an acknowledgment for the work developed towards local communities in need and for his key importance in the partnership between the City of Barueri and the BSB that culminated in the creation of the Bible Museum. After receiving the award, Giraldi presented to the attendants his new book entitled “The Bible in Brazil the Republic”, a book that describes the history of the dissemination of the Scriptures in Brazil in details, from the proclamation of the Republic in 1889 to the foundation of the BSB in 1948. He authors two other books on the topic: “The History of the Bible in Brazil” and “The Bible in Brazil the Monarchy”. During the solemn ceremony, the author to the project Hr. City Council Carlinhos do Açougue,

justified that the awarded person is very special because of his permanent support to social projects in Barueri, such as Bible donation programs. Giraldi was touched by the tribute: “I take it dearly because it represents the acknowledgement of an entire life dedicated to this work”. According to the Chair of the Municipal Chamber of Barueri, Chico Vilela, the award is a fair tribute and reason of joy to all city councils members. The BSB chairperson Adail Carvalho Sandoval took part of the ceremony and pointed out that the Distinguished Citizen Award presented to Giraldi is a matter of justice to the work of a man of three traits: vocation – which is something not inherent to the human being, rather it comes from above; dream – that one Giraldi had to disseminate God’s Word to the people; and vision – that took him out in a mission bestowed onto himself by God, to disseminate the Bible in Brazil and the world.

Luiz Antonio Giraldi receives the Distinguised Citizen Award at the City Hall in Barueri

The Bible in Brazil


Photo: SBB File


BSB TAKES HOPE TO FLOOD VICTIMS Program The Bible to Strengthen the Family by BSB brings social and spiritual help to victims of catastrophes such as the torrential rains that affected Espirito Santo and Itaoca in early 2014


Two major calamities mobilized Brazil in the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014. In December last year, a storm devastated more than 50 towns in the state of Espirito Santo, causing casualties and leaving more than 47 thousand people homeless. The town of Itaoca on Ribeira Valley in the State of Sao Paulo had its turn during the first fortnight of January, when floods left it partially destroyed in the wake of torrential rains that flooded Palmital River and left more than 100 homes submerged. Through the program “The Bible to Strengthen the Family”, The Bible Society in Brazil (BSB) joined several partners to offer spiritual and social help to the victims of the catastrophe. “It is true that calamity victims need material support. Notwithstanding, the Word of God has proved in moments of major social commotion to be an instrument able to bring comfort and hope to the hearts”, states Erní Seibert, BSB Communication and Social Action Secretary. During the action conducted between 26 and 30 December in Espirito Santo, the

The Bible in Brazil

homeless received 37,220 copies of Bible publications such as leaflets, booklets, Bibles and New Testaments. Armed with Scriptures, the BSB team visited shelters and promoted training programs to leaders on how to use the Bible material accordingly with families affected by the calamity. In order to guarantee more effective distribution of the publications, the BSB counted on a partnership with several institutions and more than 120 volunteers. In Itaoca alone, the BSB distributed 10 thousand leaflets, two thousand booklets and 500 copies of the New Testament. The action also had the collaboration from the Baptist Church that became a reference mark for the distribution of food, clothes and drinking water. Developed to promote the strengthening of family bonds through capacity building and Bible literature distribution actions, the program “The Bible to Strengthen the Family” is implemented through a partnership among governmental and non-governmental organizations.


Photo: SBB File

On its 12th edition, the campaign “Christmas of Lights in the Rivers of the Amazon” benefited 2,697 citizens of 14 riverside communities of Belem, Acara, Barbarena and Bujaru in the state of Para. Annually promoted by the Bible Society in Brazil (BSB), the initiative was conceived to provide a merrier Christmas celebration and contribute to liven up riverside communities during their most critical period, when açai palm crop is off-season and fishing is low, worsening their precarious situation even more. Conducted between 30 November and 23 December 2013, the Campaign distributed 2,842 copies of Bible literature, 1,249 school material kits, 2,464 toys, 1,163 baskets of staple foods, 18,184 pieces of garment and shoes and 1,918 snacks. The public comprises of children, adolescents, adults and elderly, totaling 2,697 persons. The deliveries were done by the boat Light in the Amazon III and included

child recreational activities attended by 1,290 children and also Bible Studies activities attended by 2,107 persons.


Photo: SBB File

December 20: Family Meet in Santo Amaro, Recife (PE). January 10 a 18: Light in the Northeast providing assistance in Santa Cecilia, Paraiba (pic). February 3: Introduction to the Program “Studying with the Bible” during the Pedagogical Week in Cha de Alegria, Pernambuco. 7: Capacity Building Program to Technicians

of The Bible to Strengthen the Family held at the BSB Regional Unit in Manaus. 12: Meet of Families Beneficiary to the program Light In the South, in Curitiba. 15: Meet of Families of Emancipar Project held at the BSB headquarters, in Barueri (SP). 15: Meet of Volunteers to the Program Light in the South conducted in Curitiba to collectively establish goals and objectives for 2014. 28: Visit to the Modern Art Museum (MAM) of Sao Paulo by Visually impaired persons of the Emancipar Project. March 8: Event hold on behalf of the Women’s International Day, at the BSB Regional Secretary in São Paulo, through the Program The Bible to Strengthen the Family. 13: Meet of Partners hold in Curitiba (PR).

The Bible in Brazil



FOCUS ON FAMILY Forum of Bible Sciences approaches family relationships, and proposes a reflection on challenges of the contemporary society. The Bible and the Family will be the theme of the X Forum of Bible Sciences to be held at the Bible Museum - Center of Events in Barueri (SP) on 7 and 8 August. The initiative from the Bible Society in Brazil (BSB) will bring together keynote speakers who will encourage attendants to think over several aspects of the relationship of parents and children based on the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. With a Ministry renowned for its family support and more than 50 work pieces published on the topic, such as The Family Bible, edited by BSB, Pastor Jaime Kemp will conduct the inaugural speech on the 7th, talking on How the Bible may help treat contemporary family issues. The Bishop Emeritus of the Methodist Church, Adriel Maia, will speak about Challenges of the Post-Modern Family. In a context of contemporary world deep changes suffered by the family institution, the talk will show that the church mission challenge is to accept its own change. Invited to talk about the Bible Definition of Family, Hernandes Dias Lopes, Pastor and author to more than 90 published pieces, such as titles within the area of family, will anchor his speech on the text of 1 Samuel 30.1-20 The Pastor of the Assemblies of God Esequias Soares, will submit a critical study on Divorce in the Light of the Church. The talk will show that understanding the Bible passages


The Bible in Brazil

that deal with the issue may help sort out daily problems in this field. The BSB Communication and Social Action Secretary highlights the importance of strengthening family bonds in view of the difficulties currently faced by the society. This concern inspired BSB to develop the program The Bible to Strengthen the Family, presented by Seibert. “We want to show how the program is developed and how the Bible is fundamental in this aspect”, expedites he. The BSB Executive Director, Rudi Zimmer will speak about Bible Principles applied in the Relationship among Parents and Childrens. “I’ll walk listeners through the Bible starting on the creation when God established basic principles to the family. After that, I’ll show how the family is expressed through the Bible times, principally with regards to the relationship among parents and children, and finalize on the New Testament specially the teachings from Jesus”, summarizes the Key Note Speaker. The program includes yet a presentation of academic releases from the BSB and from the United Bible Societies translators’ team. The X Forum of Bible Sciences is open to Theology, Linguistics and Religion Science teachers and students, as well as to other Bible scholars, religious leaders and Christians in general. Instead of R$30.00 charge like previous years, the BSB suggests a voluntary donation of R$25.00 minimum that will be used in the entity’s social programs. Information: Telephone: (11) 3475-5827 E-mail:

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