The Bible in Brazil - # 245

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Foto: Arquivo SBB


LIFE TRANSFORMED The Bible has transformed the life of Elias Bentes de Sousa who, through the Partner in Evangelism program, tries to spread the truth of the salvation in Jesus to more and more people. At age 19, when he was serving the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), Elias Bentes de Souza found a Bible in the room where he was working. “On the first day, I refused it, but from the second day onwards, the Holy Spirit took hold of me,” he said. But in a good way. “Because, in fact, the Bible frees you,” points out Mr. Souza, who currently lives in the town of Vigia (State of Pará). From this contact with the Bible, Souza’s life took another direction. “God started showing me truths that made a huge difference in my life. Through the Scriptures, I got to know the whole plan of salvation and truth,” explains Mr. Souza, who participates in Bible Society of Brazil’s Partner in Evangelism program. In his journey toward God, Mr. Souza spent 13 years studying biblical teachings and became an active member of the Adventist Church. His participation in the program Partner in Evangelism was a consequence of this change in his life. “We needed literature for our Church and I saw in this program a very easy way to acquire this literature to develop


The Bible in Brazil

our missionary work,” he says, adding that the first experience happened in 2002, when he still lived in Belém (State of Pará). Now, living in Vigia, he resumed his participation in the program, and now receives by mail pamphlets and other publications, which are shared with his Church for evangelization actions. Furthermore, Mr. Souza has a space in his natural foods store for the sale of Bibles. He points out that everyone should contribute to the Bible Cause, because the more one spreads the Word of God, more people will have access to the truth of the salvation in Jesus. “When I meet people that can’t afford a Bible, I make a donation.” According to Mr. Souza, one of the distinguishing features of the work carried out by Bible Society of Brazil is that it makes the Bible known to people. “Today, it’s very easy to purchase a Bible. What Bible Society of Brazil does so that people can get to know God’s Word is very important, and I see it with great joy,” celebrates the Partner in Evangelism.

Photo: SBU


LOOKING FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE THE BIBLE Thai Bible Society is seeking opportunities to reach with the Bible a population with less than 1% of Christians. Spreading the Word of God in a country where less than 1% of the population is Christian has been the main challenge faced by the Thai Bible Society (TBS), located in Southeast Asia. With a population of 65 million, of which 93.8% are Buddhists and 4.6% are Muslims, there are a lot of other barriers to be overcome in the country, such as the diversity of languages spoken across its territory. Even so, the organization has achievements, such as the milestone reached last July of 100,000 printed copies of the Thai Standard Version, published in 2011, and the completion of the full Bible in Audio last year. Over the years, the efforts have been focused on seeking opportunities to sell Bibles in secular bookstores. Today, three of them already offer the Holy Book, despite the weak sales and the obstacles to the acceptance of religious publications in these places. “As there are very few Christians, we know that the books are not sold easily. So we recommend that our community to buy at these bookstores, so that they keep our Bibles on their shelves,” explains Seree Lorgunpai, the General Secretary.

The organization was founded as American Bible Society Association of Thailand in 1838. In 1958, it was renamed to Bible House of Thailand and, in 1978, finally, Thai Bible Society. One of the translation projects in progress, the Gospel of Mark in Sign Language, can already be accessed on YouTube (Chapters 1 to 11). An there are other ongoing translations projects, like Urak Lawoi, TAZI (Taurat Al-nabiyah Zabur Injil), Pwo Karen, and the Thai Study Bible. The Word of God is being spread through 50 commercial representatives, Christian organizations, secular bookstores and participation in events. TBS’s Bibles are available online, on the most important application platforms. And the organization’s main website is well known and visited, appearing at the top of Google searches. Another project mentioned by the General Secretary is the successful “Bible Quiz,” launched 12 years ago: “We encourage churches and Christian schools to send teams, and even non-Christians have already participated in the game.”

Two women browsing books at bookstore. Bangkok, Thailand.

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The Bible in Brazil


TIME TO CELEBRATE THE BIBLE Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) is in charge of celebrating Bible Day since its founding, but this year it is focusing on families and mobilizing churches for a reflection on biblical teachings that exalt the importance of children and the elderly. As a permanent source of teachings that transform lives, the Holy Book is the daily companion of those looking for food for the spirit. Because of its importance, it deserves a special date, the Bible Day, celebrated on the second Sunday of December. As it happens every year, a theme was chosen for 2014: The Bible and the Family – Children and the Elderly. “It’s obvious that the Bible needs to be read and remembered every day, but a special date helps people to reflect on the value of the Holy Scriptures, provides a reason for the Bible to be even more spread,” says Erní Seibert, SBB’s Communications & Social Outreach Secretary. The traditional campaign, launched in September by SBB, is guided by the verse “You have taught me ever since I was young... Be with me while I proclaim your power and might to all generations to come.” (Ps 71:17-18) (GNT) Known as the Psalm of the old man, this text associates the elderly to children and young


The Bible in Brazil

people. A series of events across Brazil will mark the launch of the Bible Day campaign. Meetings with pastors, meetings with leaderships and other events are being organized by Regional Offices and State Chapters. In order to encourage churches and Christians to celebrate the date, SBB has prepared special biblical literature, in addition to posters, envelopes, reading plans and money boxes for the campaign, and a special website ( where support materials and tips can be found on how to celebrate the date. The campaign is also characterized by raising funds that will be allocated to SBB’s Bible study programs with social impact, thus allowing the biblical message to reach people who are in situations of risk or isolation, in prisons, hospitals and in substance abuse recovery homes, for example. “As it is not possible to produce Scriptures and distribute them without cost, SBB invites

Attention to Family When choosing the theme for Bible Day 2014, SBB kept the focus on family. Last year, it highlighted the ties between parents and children, and now it draws attention to children and the elderly who need to looked after by family members. “We need to see what the Bible teaches us about these issues,” warns Seibert. According to him, older people have a role to play with young people, which is to teach them about God’s power and strength. “Biblical knowledge is essential, and, if it’s passed on from generation to generation, we’ll have a better society,” says Seibert. The theme of the 2014 celebration is praised by Francisco Cleniomar da Silva Gomes, Pastor of the Baptist Church of Divino São Lourenço (State of Espírito Santo). “Today, it is very important to talk about family,” he says. He was the first one to celebrate the date in town five years ago, and, little by little,

The Word is alive and powerful, and makes us fruitful... The Word penetrates thoughts and puts our life in order. The Bible is the Word of God in action! When I obey the Word, I am declaring my love to God!


line convinced other denominations to participate. “We start to promote the event one month in advance, until the day comes when we collect the offers and emphasize even more the importance of the issue,” he adds. David Mendonca Palhares, Pastor of the Pentecostal Church Brazil for Christ from Teresópolis (Rio de Janeiro), also approved the theme, which has been discussed in meetings of the town’s Pastors’ Council and then will be promoted on the streets, for example, through the t-shirts that teams that organize the event will wear. “We have organized, together with some 70 churches, the Prayer Week for 14 years,” he explains. “We’re doing a missionary circuit that will end with the celebration of Day of the Bible,” says Elvis Ribeiro, Pastor of the Assembly of God Church, Central Temple, Belém (State of

Barros, Sin


Photo: SBB File

Christians and churches to donate funds so that the Holy Book can reach people who would not otherwise have access to God’s message of love,” explains Mario Rost, SBB’s Institutional Development Manager and Bible Day Campaign Coordinator.

Bible Reading Plan, fund-raising envelope and collection and money boxes are some of support materials prepared by SBB.

The Bible in Brazil


COVER The Bible is a divine manual. I seek inspiring and edifying treasures in its pages. I know perfectly well that the Word is a lamp to guide me and light for my path, because they reveal and clarify (Psalm 119: 105, 130). With the Bible on my hands and mind, I try to learn and, as a minor servant, to teach. The Bible also shows us poetical, lyrical, historical and prophetic gems. It turns us into characters of the stories, parables and metaphors, as if the text had been written directly for us! Pará). He points out the suitability of year’s theme for with the work of missions with children, teenagers, adults and the elderly: “It will definitely complement everything that we are developing.” Special Material For this year’s campaign, SBB will publish a new edition of the Family Bible, and the illustrated biblical pamphlet Hope at Dusk, in addition to several new titles for children. “The Bible is dignified when its message is shared. With a suitable material in hands, churches can celebrate Bible Day in the most fruitful way possible, that is, by sowing the Word that transforms lives,” says Paulo Teixeira, SBB’s Translation & Publications Secretary. According to Teixeira, the biblical pamphlets and booklets are used during the events, especially when unveiling monuments to the Bible, a fact that is often more common in cities across Brazil. He makes reading recommendations during evangelization activities: the booklet “God will Take Care of You” for the elderly; the booklet

Cid Moreira

, Narrator


The Bible in Brazil

Percival d Journalist ane Souza, d Writer

“Jesus and I,” a summary of the life and work of Jesus, for children. SBB is making every effort to encourage churches, as revealed by Marcos G. F. da Silva, Coordination of Regional Offices’ Secretary. “We have some models of Bibles for special prices as well, so that there is a large distribution and evangelization,” he says. Celebrating Bible Day is important to get new generations involved, says Silva, with particular emphasis on the theme chosen for this year. He expects great participation of churches: “We’ll mobilize churches across Brazil to celebrate the Bible in the context of family.” Elias Ordonez, Pastor and Coordinator of the Bible Day project for Assembly of God Church in Santo Andre (State of São Paulo), is also confident. “Last year, we distributed 10 thousand Bibles to non-evangelical people and new members, and this year we want to do much more,” he says, revealing the expectation of gathering 15 thousand participants during the celebration. According to Alfeu Silveira, Pastor of the Gospel is the Power of God Ministry, from Aracaju (State of Sergipe), the materials offered

The Bible is vital to me! I changed my whole life from the moment I started to learn about the Holy Book. Every time I read a Bible passage everything seems new. When making all my decisions, from the simplest one to the most complex ones, I turn to different Bible books to reflect and find answers. And I always find them, and I am grateful for that. After I started to study the Holy Book in depth, my life changed for the better. With wonderful lessons, full of perfect teachings for human beings, from all periods...

by SBB contribute to the success I am reading the Bible for the third time. Every of the celebration. “Last year, time you read it, you understand things you had not during Bible Week, we organized understood before, it gets deeper, it is a fascinating an exhibition and a walk, and thing. The Bible really changes people’s lives, it is a took the Bible to the streets,” he gift from God to all of us. The most important thing recalls. And he assures that this I learned with the Bible was the concept of family, year there will be “a wonderful an institution that God created. I am currently event” in the city. reading the books of the Prophets. And when you In the town of Jandira (State of read the New Testament, it is the same as going Emerson Fit tipald São Paulo), Bible Day celebration to a psychologist. Everything that Jesus left for us, Formula 1 and Indyi,C Former ar Driver is held since 1974 with a parade through the Apostles, is fantastic. through the streets. “We march on parade, with a band playing, to the central square for the religious service,” of Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) in explains José Aelson, Pastor of the Madureira 1948. Thanks to the work carried out by SBB, Assembly of God Church. the celebrations have intensified and diversified over time to include religious services, car In other places, the celebration is a recent parades, concerts, Bible reading marathons, event, such is the case of the town of Sapucaia Bible exhibitions, construction of monuments to do Sul, in Greater Porto Alegre area (State of Rio the Bible, and wide distribution of Scriptures. Grande do Sul). It was Igor Marques, Pastor of “For many years, this was the great the Independent Baptist Church, who introduced celebration of churches after dates such as the Bible Day service on the church’s schedule Christmas and Easter, and we are once again based on his work with a youth group. And he is reviving this tradition. The number of Bible Day confident: “There will be a greater impact for our celebrations on the second Sunday of December church in the future.” grows each year,” says Erní Seibert. SBB’s Communications & Social Outreach Tradition Revived Secretary also notes that this is an opportunity Created in 1549, in Great Britain by Bishop to draw society’s attention to the importance of Cranmer, Bible Day was first celebrated in Brazil the Holy Book for mankind, as a source of values in 1850 when the first evangelical missionaries and principles for life. “And for Christians, as a arrived from Europe and the United States. But, way to thank God,” he added. the first public manifestation was the founding Mario Rost, Bible Day Campaign’s Coordinator, also points out the growing interest in the celebration and reveals that, year after year, more and more churches access SBB’s website to get to know and request the materials made available. He celebrates: “Bible Day, a good Christian tradition, is back!”

Ana Paula V Singer and aladão, Pastor.

The Bible is my biggest source for inspiration, not only for my songs, but also for my daily life. It gives me wisdom and strength to overcome the challenges I face as a woman, at work and in relationships, both at home and outside my house. I love the Bible, the Word of our God, that teaches me thinks like the Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.” (GNT) The Bible in Brazil


A VICTORIOUS TEAM Young people gather around Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro.

With the end of the World Cup, Fair Play Brazil Movement successfully achieved its goals, with the victory of Christians who joined this great evangelistic mobilization. An enthusiastic team that made a difference during the World Cup hosted in Brazil. Wearing different uniforms, but moved by the same purpose, thousands of Christians from different denominations took to the streets and landmarks of host cities during the matches to spread the Word of God. These activities, developed in partnership with the Fair Play Brazil Movement, show the success of the initiative coordinated by Bible Society of Brazil (SBB). “Fair Play Brazil Movement has reached its goal of mobilizing athletes, churches and Christian organizations to spread the biblical message and its principles during the World Cup,” celebrates Eude Martins, Coordinator of the initiative, pointing out that SBB counted


The Bible in Brazil

on the participation of a Steering Committee consisting of the Brazilian Coalition for Sports, Amme Evangelization, Christian Athletes, and National Evangelical Social Outreach Network. Approximately 1,200 entities joined the movement across Brazil and developed a commendable missionary work in the host cities, even with the strong restrictions to religious events imposed by the tournament organizers. “Churches located within the stadia perimeters performed brilliantly in permitted spaces by organizing several activities, including prayers by fans. It was exciting,” says Martins. In order to help churches and organizations to perform this task, SBB has developed a

FAIR PLAY BRAZIL specific line of publications for the Fair Play Brazil Movement, which is offered by subsidized prices and even free of charge. And this tool was very well used: together, the organizations distributed more than a million copies of biblical literature. “SBB is an organization that helps Christian churches and many of them have expressed a desire to have suitable materials to sow the Good News of Salvation during the World Cup,” explains Paulo Teixeira, SBB’s Translation & Publications Secretary. He adds that the Holy Bibles with custom covers for each of the World Cup host cities were very well received, as well as the Gospel of John, available in nine languages and the DVD “Prize: Under Pressure.” In addition to meeting this need, the various materials were a way for Christians to fulfill the Great Commission (Mt 28:1920) in Brazil. “This way, legacies of the tournament will include not only the stadia and other infrastructure projects, but also the Word sown in the hearts of thousands of people,” says Teixeira. The evangelistic effort showed surprising results, even facing adversities like violent protests and heavy rains that have battered some host cities. The Bibles and New Testaments got to the hands of more than 200,000 people, and Bible pamphlets in Portuguese, English and Spanish impacted thousands of tourists from different countries. Another highlight was the book “Brazil - Soccer History, Facts and Curiosities,” distributed to more than 500,000 fans. According to SBB, this positive outcome has a special meaning: it reveals that the organization has managed to overcome the challenge of meeting the needs of organizations and churches with diversified profiles with the same materials. “This success was possible thanks to continuous, open and frank dialog with the partner organizations, particularly the missions focused on evangelization through sports. We have learned and are grateful to God for the generosity of each and every one of them,” says the Translation & Publications Secretary.



Photo: SBB File

Champion Teams Young People with a Mission, one of the most active Fair Play Brazil Movement’s partners during the World Cup, developed several activities included in the Kickoff 2014. One of them, in Rio de Janeiro, mobilized about 1,200 people. Gathered around Maracanã Stadium, each one read a Bible passage, and the reading was completed in less than 20 minutes. Full of


Fair Play Movement mobilizes Christian churches and volunteer groups for evangelistic activities in Rio de Janeiro (photo 1) and São Paulo (photos 2, 3 and 4).


The Bible in Brazil



Children receive the booklet “Brazil Soccer History, Facts and Curiosities,” which features the history of the sport in Brazil and testimonials from athletes.


meaning and emotion, this activity took place Saturday, June 21. “Teams from around the world prayed together against corruption and human trafficking, in addition to praying for the government, for justice, for the nations and for the families,” said Pastor David Barreto, one of the organizers. A similar activity was carried out by the project ‘AD na Copa,’ developed by the Assemblies of God, on 12 July, the eve of the tournament’s final match. Even though it was raining, the event was attended by about 1,500 people, a great evangelization effort with the participation of other denominations as well. In Natal (State of Rio Grande do Norte), the rain also did not stop ‘AD na Copa’ volunteers. With umbrellas, they stood in front of the Arena in order to distribute biblical literature. “We walked carrying banners in several languages so that tourists could read,” told Jayro Kaillo, the Pastor in charge of the project activities in the city. “AME Brasil,” an interdenominational evangelical movement, also developed initiatives in host cities. In Curitiba (State of Paraná), a large event was held at Rui Barbosa Square from June 16 to 26, when matches were played at Baixada Arena. “Nearly 40 churches participated and the outcome was

The Bible in Brazil

very positive, with the distribution of almost 100 thousand pamphlets and 4 thousand New Testaments. About 800 people accepted Jesus,” tells Márcio Elias Abrahão Morato, the organizer. Other initiatives used Fair Play Brazil Movement’s materials, such as the activity carried out by the Brazilian Board of Missions’ TransCopa team, in partnership with the Missionary Association for Reconciliation, in Porto Alegre (State of Rio Grande do Sul). On June 25, during the match Argentina vs. Nigeria–African country that ranks #14 among those that persecute Christians–they distributed bilingual (Portuguese/English) and Arabic editions of the Gospel of John. In São Paulo, special literature was the highlight on July 9 when the city hosted the semi-final match between the Netherlands and Argentina. Lutheran Hour Ministry volunteers distributed the booklet “Brazil Soccer History, Facts and Curiosities” at Luz Train Station and close to the stadium. Olympic Games-Bound With the World Cup over, Fair Play Brazil Movement completes another part of its objective, set in 2011, of mobilizing the Christian community during major sporting competitions in Brazil. Now expectations turn to the 2016 Olympic Games. According to Eude Martins, Fair Play Brazil Movement’s Coordinator, SBB is already working on the development of strategies for this upcoming event that will be held in Rio de Janeiro, although some sports will be played in other cities as well. “Other aspects are being taken into account, such as the large presence of children, the variety of sports and the greater participation of nations,” summarizes the Coordinator. Undoubtedly, it is a huge challenge and a unique opportunity to spread the Word of God.


PROMOTING THE BIBLE IN THE AMERICAS Featuring a modern design and completely reformulated contents, the website La Biblia Web can now be accessed by those interested in the activities of Bible Societies in the Americas. Now the website ( offers much more information, contributing to the dissemination of the work carried out by the United Bible Societies (UBS) and the Latin American Center for the Development & Promotion of the Scriptures (CELADEPE). Coordinated by the Bible Societies of Brazil and Argentina, CELADEPE integrates 21 Bible Societies that develop publications in Spanish and indigenous languages. They are: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico and Venezuela, in addition to Brazil and the United States.

The new website features every Bible Society devoted to translating, editing and distributing the Bible in Hispanic language within the Americas, as well as their major outreach programs. It also has an exclusive area about the Holy Bible, telling its history since the formation of the Old Testament until the most appreciated translations in Spanish, such as the editions of the Reina Valera translation like Reina Valera Contempor谩nea, Dios Habla Hoy and Traducci贸n en Lenguaje Actual, in addition to translations into indigenous languages. The website features practical and agile navigation, thus enabling users to enter the world of the Bible, and also offers the free download of the application Prayer Booklet 2014, developed by Bible Society of Brazil in partnership with the United Bible Societies. The initiative aims to promote a great worldwide network of prayer for the Bible Cause.

The Bible in Brazil


Photo: SBB File


SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH THE HOLY SCRIPTURES Initiative that provides access to the Bible to the visually impaired completes 60 years, contributing to the social and spiritual development and strengthening family ties. In 1954, an issue of the “The Bible in Brazil” magazine brought good news: Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) included in its Holy Scriptures promotion work an audience that had no access to the Word of God so far: the visually impaired. In the 60 years from this first record until today, there were many achievements for this audience, including being able to offer the full Scriptures both in audio and Braille through The Bible for the Visually Impaired program. Currently, 54 organizations and 3,792 visually impaired people are registered, of which 695 have already received the full Bible in Braille. With its importance acknowledged beyond Brazilian borders, the program developed by SBB has encouraged other Bible Societies to carry out similar activities. “We now produce Bibles in Braille for other countries,” says Erní Seibert, SBB’s Communications & Social Outreach Secretary. The program has a few milestones: the first ones was the publication of the Bible in


The Bible in Brazil

Audio, in the 1950’s; then, SBB published the Scriptures in large print for people with severe visual disabilities; later, the publication of the New Testament on cassette tapes; and, finally, the publication of the full Bible in Braille, and the development of the current outreach program. When justifying the success of the initiative, Seibert reminds us that, when Jesus began his ministry, he mentioned a passage from the prophet Isaiah saying that the Lord would give sight to the blind (Luke 4:18): “How is it possible to make a blind person read the Word of God? It can be by healing his/her blindness, but it can also be offering the means so this person can own the message”. Many activities are included in the program, thus helping the visually impaired develop social and spiritual skills, revive values, and strengthen family ties. “One of the benefits gained by the visually impaired was autonomy in accessing the Bible, thus allowing greater

BIBLE IN ACTION inclusion in society and emancipation,” explains Seibert. In addition to the distribution of Bibles in audio and in Braille, there are also the Meetings with the Visually Impaired that promote the integration of this audience. The last one was held on September 27 at the Bible Museum. SBB also publishes The Bible in Brazil magazine and other titles with biblical content in Braille to encourage people to learn Braille. National Interest Most organizations joins the program after being referred by someone benefited by it. Some receive the donation of the full Bible in Braille or of a kit containing the book of Psalms and the Braille Reading Guide. “We must seize every opportunity to register new people to receive free Bible books,” adds Emilene Araújo, SBB’s Outreach Projects Manager. SBB has already held Meetings with the Visually Impaired in 12 cities across Brazil. The events are open to the community and there is reason for this, according to Emilene: “We use the events to address myths and prejudices, because information is the basis for the inclusion.” In order to ensure that the program will continue to distribute Bibles in audio and in Braille, SBB needs help from society. “One Bible in Braille is very expensive, but it’s the only way someone who is visually impaired can read and have an experience reading similar to people who see,” says Erní Seibert. The meetings should also be maintained and expanded, so that the people can feel

increasingly included in society. As Seibert explains, “the Bible is the guiding element of actions, because it contains the message that transforms all lives.” Dreams Come True Registered since 2002, Joaquim Harao Cordeiro considers as very positive this SBB’s initiative. “My dream was to learn to read Braille to understand the Bible. I’m currently reading the book of Psalms, and it’s being wonderful,” he says. He is Catholic and teaches Catechesis in Foz do Iguacu (State of Paraná). Mary Selma Pimenta de Oliveira Souza, from São Bernardo do Campo (State of São Paulo), says that when she saw she did not have the habit of reading the Holy Book. “My greatest joy after losing my sight was learning Braille to be able to read the Bible,” she says. Without seeing since the age of six months, it is listening to the Bible on Audio that Victor Gabriel Menezes Salgado, 8 years old, enjoys precious moments. “He likes all the passages he hears,” tells Rita de Cássia Menezes Pinho, his grandmother, who is Evangelical and lives in Barueri (State of São Paulo). Receiving the New Testament in audio was a pleasant surprise for Iran Carneiro de Moraes. “The Bible is a light in my life, a hope, a marvelous prospect,” says the resident of Paulista (State of Pernambuco). Jose Bernardo da Silva, Pastor of the Ebenezer Church of Christ, is a great enthusiast of the program. He says: “The Bible is the priority in our lives, and for the visually impaired it’s a privilege to read touching the Word.”

From left to right: Braille issues of “The Bible in Brazil” magazine. “I’m the Good Shepherd,” LP produced by SBB in the 1950’s, which featured the Gospel of John. Faith Comes By Hearing cassette tapes and CDs, a special series with the New Testament entirely dramatized.

The Bible in Brazil


BIBLE IN ACTION Institutions Approve Benjamin Constant Institute, in Rio de Janeiro, was one of the first to offer the Bible in Braille to its users. “Another great advance made by SBB was the Bible in Audio, because it can be used anywhere,” points out Elcy Maria Mendes, from the organization’s senior management. Pastor Maria Geralda Gomes, from Siloam Ministry, points out the importance of having the Bible in an accessible format. “We work with the issue of inclusion, and, of course, the Word of God is the basis of it all,” she says. The Taguatinga Braille Library (Federal District) is another institution that has versions


The Bible in Brazil

in audio and in Braille of the Holy Scriptures. “We had always looked for this Bible, and it was with a great joy that we received it,” says Noeme Rocha da Silva, the organization’s PR Officer. Mato Grosso do Sul’s Florivaldo Vargas State Institute for the Blind started to offer the New Testament in Braille to its library’s users three years ago. And the demand is high. “The struggle for the right to accessibility includes the information, whether it’s offered in Braille, audio, or digital media. Therefore, having the Bible in Braille in our library is very important,” explains Telma Nantes de Matos, the organization’s CEO.

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