The Bible in Brazil - # 248

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ISSUE 248 – August-October 2015 – Year 67

The Word of God Closer to Readers Bible Society of Brazil launches My Bible SBB, an application that will revolutionize the way you read, search and study the Scriptures.

HISTORY OF THE BIBLE New exhibition at the Bible Museum will highlight the importance of the Holy Scriptures in evangelization. On August 27, together with the 11th Bible Forum, Bible Society of Brazil will open the exhibition “The Bible in Evangelization in Brazil and Worldwide.” Those who visit the Bible Museum, in Barueri (State of São Paulo), will have the opportunity to learn about different aspects of the history of the Holy Book: for example, how it reached distant places around Brazil, and the strategies adopted to achieve the largest possible number of people. Visitors will also have access to testimonies from people who have helped with evangelization in Brazil. “The exhibition will portray real life characters who, through their dedication to the Bible, are protagonists of the impact that the Scriptures have caused and still are causing in Brazilian Churches and society,” explains Mario Rost SBB’s Institutional Development Manager and Bible Museum’s Coordinator. The most popular Bible versions in Brazil until today will be displayed, including the following translations: João Ferreira de Almeida, Matos Soares, Brazilian Translation, and Peregrino. The creativity in preparing the exhibition, with special aids and tech equipment, should attract many visitors. The


The Bible in Brazil

Bible Museum’s Coordinator justifies SBB’s commitment to this project as an opportunity to reach a large number of people with the history of the Holy Book in Brazil since 1809. “And the Bible was not only promoted in major urban centers, but it also reached small towns and villages in rural areas, where most of the Brazilian population lived in the 19th Century,” he says. The strategy of colporteurs, people who went from house to house to introduce the Bible, was widely used. “Later, churches began to register their own colporteurs with the Bible Society, and to support them in the promotion and distribution of Scriptures,” says Rost. Volunteers also played a major role in this activity, being known firstly as “sowers” and then as “Partners in Evangelism”. “We’ll show that the Bible is very connected to evangelization in Brazil and worldwide, that it is possible today to be a part of this history that transforms lives,” concludes Rost, with the expectation that visitors will understand the value of the work carried out over the last few decades so that today the Scriptures can be available to Brazilians.

Photo: SBB File




Spreading the biblical message in a country where almost the entire population (98%) is Muslim and just 1.2% is Christian has been one of the main challenges faced by the Palestinian Bible Society (PBS). Located in the Middle East, with 4.2 million inhabitants, this territory is home to emblematic cities mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, such as Jerusalem, Jericho and Bethlehem, and is at the center of political turbulence that ends up affecting the small Christian community. “PBS’ mission is to live and offer, serve and proclaim the Word of God, so as to enable the Palestinian people to experience true freedom through the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” explains Nashat Filmon, the organization’s General Director. That is why PBS, established in 1993 with the purpose of distributing the Bible, has expanded its operations by building bridges with communities throughout the east of Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. Over the past 20 years, PBS has undertaken community development projects in Gaza, Bethlehem, Birzeit, Nablus, Jenin, Jericho and in several other Palestinian villages. It has also participated in book fairs, opened two Christian bookshops–that serve several communities–and supported outreach programs for children and young people, with activities and printed and audiovisual materials based on the Scriptures. PBS is backed by an Advisory Committee, with representatives from most Christian denominations, in addition to partnerships with more than 100 NGOs. The initiatives aim to provide visibility to women in cultures and

Photo: SBU

The Palestinian Bible Society strives to sow the Word of God and bring hope to Christians in a territory marked by political turmoil.

religions dominated by men, in addition to offering support to children and young people. One of the main projects, called “Child of Bethlehem”, offers children the opportunity to learn God’s Word and biblical values. Even facing difficult situations, such as the bomb attack on the bookstore located in Gaza in 2007, which led to the temporary closure of the shop, and the movement restrictions imposed by the Israeli occupation, which prevent access to target audiences, PBS has been able to carry out its work. “One of our staff members was abducted and brutally murdered in Gaza in 2007. But we continued with our ministry of love and compassion for our nation,” explains Filmon. As an interconfessional Christian organization, PBS works with every church in order to make God’s Word available to people. “We believe that we are the Salt and the Light.” The Light because there is so much darkness in the Holy Land and we have to bring hope and joy; and the Salt because it us used to preserve and we are preserving the Kingdom of Heaven here in this important and difficult part of the world,” concludes Mr. Filmo.

The Palestinian Bible Society provides physical and emotional support to people. In the photo, the General Director Nashat Filmon teaches children in Gaza.

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The Bible in Brazil



THE WORD OF gOD CLOSER TO READERS Bible Society of Brazil launches My Bible SBB, an application that will revolutionize the way you read, search and study the Scriptures. As of August 28 every Christian will be able to read the Bible text in different translations in a single platform. “This was the date chosen to launch My Bible SBB, an app that will change the way people access the contents of the Bible,” says Paulo Teixeira, Bible Society of Brazil’s Translation & Publications Secretary, pointing out that this is the first time that the acclaimed Almeida Revised & Updated translation is made available in a free application. Full of new features and free, the app will be introduced during the 11th Bible Forum that will be held at Barueri Event Center / Bible Museum, happen in the Center of Events in Barueri - Museum of the Bible, in the State of São Paulo. Bible Society of Brazil’s initiative is part of a global project led by the United Bible Societies (UBS) that offers the Bible App containing the Scriptures in the languages


The Bible in Brazil

and spelling of over 200 countries. The idea behind the app is to offer a lot of study materials to Christians. “This will be the only App that will make the main Study and Themed Bibles available in a single tool, making understanding the biblical text a richer experience from different perspectives, such as the perspective of leaders, of women and of evangelists,” explains Nelson Saba, UBS’ Digital Publication Strategist and Bible Society of Brazil’s Digital Strategies Consultant. Brazilians will be able to use four Bible translations into Portuguese free of charge: Almeida Revised & Updated (RA), Almeida Revised & Corrected (ARC), New Translation in Today’s Language (NTLH), and Brazilian Translation (TB). And there is much more. “Notes and comments from different Study Bibles will be available for in-app purchases,

helping readers to have a richer experience in terms of understanding and depth when reading the Word of God,” explains Teixeira. In the first version of the app, which will be available to phones running Android and iOS (Apple), SBB will offer notes and comments from the following Study Bibles: Almeida (RA), NTLH, Spirit-Filled Life Bible (RA and ARC), MacArthur Bible (RA), Counseling NT (NTLH), Family Bible (RA), and Missionary Bible (RA). A new feature of the Bibles will be the possibility of reading the first line of each note, even without buying the publication. A new version is scheduled for September, when UBS will launch the Bible App globally. This new version will be compatible with tablets, and will feature a verse browser on the chapter screen. The application will continue to evolve because other tools are being developed. “One of the new tools, which will be available in 2016, will allow users to study the biblical text virtually word for word, connecting each term to linguistic/

theological studies and the multimedia content,” says Teixeira. The Bible Forum was chosen to introduce the new app to Brazilian Christians due to the academic nature of the event. The Translation & Publications Secretary explains: “Launching it at the Forum shows Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) also has high quality and excellence standards when developing an application, because it’s all about the Word of God and the people who will read it.” Many Distinguishing Features SBB created an application characterized by being fast and easy to navigate, useful for personal Bible studies, and that can be used both in church and at home. Developed with the HTML5 technology, the app displays the text according to user preferences. Portuguese and English are the languages of the My Bible SBB app interface. “When you tap an item in your Journal, it will be displayed as a devotional, with the

Check Out Some of the Features Highlight verses in different colors.

Create personal notes and share verses in social media or by e-mail.

Journal: area where all personal content created can be viewed by date, title and Bible book.

The Bible in Brazil


COVER text of the verse highlighted and the created content just below it. All the content will be synchronized among devices having the application installed and with the same user logged in,” explains Elismar Vilvock, SBB’s Digital Publications Development Manager. But this is only the beginning. There are many other features planned for future versions of the app that will become increasingly useful for personal Bible study. The next version shall be launched in September, and the plan is to release new updates every three or four months.

launched by the Bible Societies.” Raising great expectation, this initiative by UBS shall benefit two groups: readers of the Bible in general, and scholars of the Holy Scriptures. “With this application, readers will be able to do their daily readings and use the Bible as they did with the print

my Library Area where are all the Bibles and Study Bibles are available in the app.

SBB expects the app to be one of the most used by the target audience. “This is the first app fully developed based on the needs of Bible readers. Several features were suggested by customers of other digital products made by SBB. The goal is to meet the needs of users in order to make them routine readers of the Bible, as well as students of God’s Word, committed to the Bible Cause,” says Vilvock. Global Project According to Erní Seibert, SBB’s Communications & Social Outreach Secretary and UBS’ Global Director of Partnerships & Communications, there was not an app that included the Bible and also enabled users to study in detail the Word of God: “This is the app that is being

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version, while scholars will be able to deepen their knowledge and immerse themselves in the Bible world in a way that it is only possible with the progress of technology,” explains Seibert.

The 146 Bible Societies will have a new tool to accomplish the mission of bringing the good seed of God’s Word to everywhere and everyone in a way people can interact with it. “With this app, anyone with a smartphone and a data connection will be able to read and study the Holy

Bible anywhere. And this is fantastic,” says Seibert. Although some Bible Societies already have items featuring modern technological resources, such as is the case of SBB, the Bible App will be the first experience in the digital age for many Societies, therefore, it will be a very relevant step to promote the Bible Cause in those countries. “The use of this technology is expanding quickly, especially among the two generations born in digital world. Furthermore, it creates new opportunities for Bible Societies to accomplish their mission in an unprecedented way, such as low-cost global distribution of Scriptures, and new and more effective manners of engagement,” explains Saba. Search the Bible Allows you to search for words, such as “generosity,” and see all the verses in which it appears.

Bible Browser – Old Testament Simply slide your finger over the abbreviations and choose a chapter to read the biblical text.

In addition to SBB, the Bible Societies of the United States, South Africa, Israel, Canada, Germany, England, the Netherlands, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan are participating in the pilot project, as well as the Latin American Center for the Development & Promotion of the Scriptures (CELADEPE), which brings together Bible Societies of 20 countries in the Americas. The app is being introduced by UBS as a global architecture tool, with simple and quickly navigation to make the access to the Bible for easier to every Christian.


TheThe Bible Bible in Brazil in Brazil


JESUS CHRIST AT THE CENTER OF THE RECOVERY OF LIVES Adopted by 27,000 churches, in about 70 countries, the Celebrate Recovery program, supported by Bible Society of Brazil (SBB), takes on the challenge of treating all kinds of dependency. Heal deep hurts caused by dependency, in many forms, has been one of the main challenges faced by the Celebrate Recovery program. Created in the United States in 1991, the program has been spread to about 70 countries benefiting thousands of people. In Brazil, where it was implemented in 2004, the program has also been successful and should be expanded through the partnership with the Bible Society of Brazil (SBB). One of the activities scheduled is a Seminar that will be held next November during which the Celebrate Recovery Bible will be launched, together with the Participant’s and the Leader’s Guides, all published by SBB. Celebrate Recovery originates in Pastor John Baker’s struggle, one of the program’s founder, to overcome his own alcohol dependency. “The project began at Saddleback Church, in California (USA), in 1991 with the purpose of providing a safe place for families to find freedom from their hurts, hang-ups and habits. The 8 Principles are based on God’s Word, on the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5,” says Baker. In addition to Celebrate Recovery for adults, there are similar programs for teenagers and children. “Millions of people around the world have experienced life change through Celebrate Recovery,” says the Pastor.


The Bible in Brazil

In 27,000 churches around the world, the program stands out for helping people with all kinds of issues, ranging from chemical addiction, abuse, anger and co-dependency, to even eating, financial and sexual compulsion problems. “Jesus Christ is the center of Celebrate Recovery and it transforms lives,” points out Baker. In Brazil, Celebrate Recovery is now supported by SBB, which already develops a program targeting substance abusers using the Life Recovery Bible. The partnership was the result of SBB’s desire to offer more resources to those who want to overcome dependency. At first, the idea was just to launch the Bible. “We received a request to publish the remaining materials and assist in promoting the methodology. And we accepted the challenge,” explains Erní Seibert, SBB’s Communications & Social Outreach Secretary. The Celebrate Recovery Bible features the steps, reflections and studies of the program developed by Pastor John Baker (read article on page 36). “The main advantage of this publication is to allow all participants to have a Bible with the content of the program,” says Paulo Teixeira, SBB’s Translation & Publications Secretary. The revised versions of the Guides are fully compatible with the contents of the Bible. The presentation of this material will be one of the highlights of the International Celebrate Recovery Seminar that will be held in São Paulo, Brazil, on November 20 and 21. “SBB plays a huge role in supporting Celebrate Recovery by producing good quality resources in Portuguese,” points out Jana O’Guin, International Director of of program and keynote speaker of the conference. Similar initiatives are already taking place in Ukraine and Canada, as well as in some African countries, honoring local culture and respecting the model of the program. “Many

churches around Brazil have started Celebrate Recovery and have questions, but are unable to attend the training in the United States. So we are bringing the training to you to Brazil,” explains the Director. During these events the Director will have the opportunity to give her own testimony as a survivor of physical and sexual abuse and of her struggle with co-dependency. “When I first came to Celebrate Recovery, I didn’t think I really needed to be here. Today, although God didn’t rescue me from the abuse like I wanted, I know He is using my painful experience of abuse to help others. Even though I didn’t realize it, God has always been with me, weeping when I was weeping, and waiting for me to really trust Him. I don’t think it’s an accident that I showed up for my first Celebrate Recovery meeting 12 years ago”. Brazilian Experience Celebrate Recovery was first implemented in Brazil in November 2004 by the First Baptist Church of São José dos Campos (State of São Paulo). In February 2005, it was launched by the Baptist Church of Morumbi, in the city of São Paulo, with a group of 13 people. “More than 200 people joined the program after its launch. Then, several churches in São Paulo came to us. Today, we have approximately 30 groups. The results are extraordinary in terms of changing lives,” says Carlos Roberto Barcelos Dias, a psychologist, Pastor from the Memorial Baptist Church of Alphaville and representative of the program for the South and Southeast regions of Brazil. One of the concerns of Brazilian representatives is the quality of the material provided, since the publications are used to create a network of groups and churches that can cooperate with each other. Therefore,

The Bible in Brazil


Photo: Laureni Fochetto


Carlos Barcelos: “The Bible is a book that over many years has freed many people from emotional prisons.”


according to Pastor Barcelos, the new Bible is expected with great anticipation. “In addition to the text of the Bible, the comments on human growth aspects, associated to Bible study, clearly show that recovery depends on receiving the Grace of God. The Bible is a book that over many years has freed many people from emotional prisons,” says Barcelos. According to him, churches, as a whole, are beginning to change their cultures because participants who experience the Grace start to influence others, becoming leaders. “Celebrate Recovery is a factory of leaders that meets a great need of growing churches,” he says. Marcelo Lupi, Leader of the Substance & Alcohol Abusers Treatment group at the Baptist Church of Alphaville, started his recovery process 21 years ago. “Ten years ago I saw the importance of Jesus in the life of those recovering. When we are institutionalized or at a church, we hear so many good things that can make us stronger. But it is complicated to put the Word into practice. And Celebrate Recovery helps us do it,” he says. The experience of Ana Paula Thuler with the program started a little over a year ago, when she faced the drama of having a teenage son suffering from chemical dependency. “I learned about co-dependency and the factors

The Bible in Brazil

that could make me feel good so I could help my son. And Celebrate Recovery offers the tools to do this. I’ve been growing stronger with the testimonies of other women who are going through similar situations”. Celebrate Recovery has also been contributing to change lives at the Baptist Church of Água Branca, in São Paulo, where the Seminar will be held. Divided into 14 groups according to the type of dependency, participants meet weekly, under the guidance of Roseni Welmerink, a psychologist and Leader of the program at the Baptist Church of Água Branca. “These support groups are the heart of the program and are open to people of all religions,” she explains. Roseni, who is in charge of the program since 2007, estimates that about 3,500 people have been benefited. “Many people come to our Celebrate Recovery meetings because they want to introduce it somewhere else. That’s the case of Paraisópolis community, where a missionary who attended the meetings here at the Baptist Church of Água Branca is implementing the program,” she says. According to Roseni, it is not possible to start Celebrate Recovery only having the printed materials. “You must start with your life, which opens the hurts. My area is emotional dependency. I introduce myself like this: I am the beloved daughter of God recovering from emotional dependency. If I don’t know from what I am recovering, I am not a participant,” she concludes.

International Celebrate Recovery Seminar Date: November 20-21 Where: Água Branca Baptist Church Address: Rua Gustav Willi Borghoff, 480 – Barra Funda, São Paulo – Brazil Registrations: Investment: R$150.00 per person for groups of 4 or more people until 10/9. Information: (+55-11) 3474-5827 or 3474-5813

Photo: SBB File


TWENTY YEARS CONTRIBUTINg TO BIBLE DISTRIBUTION A ceremony will mark the anniversary of the Bible Press, an essential facility for the accomplishment of SBB’s mission. The Bible Press, established to serve Christian churches in Brazil and worldwide, celebrates 20 years of operation on September 2, with its excellence recognized beyond Brazilian borders. As the largest printing plant dedicated to printing and binding Holy Scriptures in Latin America, its production capacity enables Bible Society of Brazil (SBB) to meet internal demands and even export to over 100 countries in 30 languages. There are plenty of reasons to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Bible Press, considered Rudi Zimmer, SBB’s Executive Director, “a rich blessing that God provided not only to churches in Brazil, but also to churches in several parts of the world.” Therefore, Christians are being invited to a ceremony to be held at the Bible Museum on September 16, at 7:30 p.m. Featuring the most modern equipment within the industry, the Bible Press ensured its development by producing high-quality publications, offering new Bible formats in Brazil, and meeting the needs of churches by creating customized publications. With a production capacity of about 10.5

Opening of the Bible Press, September 2, 1995.

million publications a year, the Bible Press constantly evolves technologically. “The most important aspect of the Bible Press is to enable SBB to support churches in Brazil, as well as in many other countries through other Bible Societies, by accomplishing its mission of bringing the Good News of salvation in Christ to everyone,” emphasizes Zimmer. Since it went operational, the assumption was that the Bible Press would assist other Bible Societies. However, it was surprising to see how the scope of this support has expanded over these 20 years. “And the trend is that it can go beyond what has already been achieved,” says Zimmer. Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Bible Press Date: September 16 Time: 7:30 p.m. Where: Bible Museum Address: Avenida Sebastião Davino dos Reis, 672 – Jardim dos Camargos – Barueri (SP) – Brazil More information: or (+55-11) 3474-5813.

The Bible in Brazil


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