Aadam Lambat!
Aadam Lambat!
Typogr aphy
Aadam Lambat!
U r b a n D e c ay
Urban Decay architecture is part of the city where people have forgo7en about it and started eroding away. Eventually they are broken down and built over to a modern architecture.
Aadam Lambat! h"p://poulwebb.blogspot.co.uk/2011/04/ mimmo-‐rotella-‐decollages-‐part-‐1.html
N e w & O l d content
Aadam Lambat!
New & Old
Aadam Lambat!
Aadam Lambat!
City at Night
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Aadam Lambat!
Aadam Lambat!
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Aadam Lambat!
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