CoExist: Multispecies Design in Galapagos (MSc)

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Multispecies design in Galapagos

Gianfranco Maiorano (MSc) Natalia Juca Freire (MSc) Pinak Bhapkar (MArch) Rapas Teparaska (MArch)


Acknowledgements We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to Mr. Bas Kools, Creative Director & Co-Founder of Geoship, for his invaluable professional support and guidance throughout the course of our material research. His expertise and insights have been instrumental in shaping the direction and quality of our research.

STUDIO MASTER Dr. Milad Showkatbakhsh STUDIO TUTORS Felipe Oeyen, Fun Yuen, Lorenzo Santelli, Paris Nikitidis DISSERTATION TITLE CoExist. Multispecies Design in Galapagos TEAM Pinak Bhapkar (MArch), Natalia Juca Freire (MSc), Gianfranco Maiorano (MSc), Rapas Teparaska (MArch) DECLARATION I certify that this piece of work is entirely our own and that any quotation or paraphrase from the published or unpublished work or other is duly acknowledged. SIGNATURES Natalia Juca Freire Gianfranco Maiorano DATE September 22nd 2023


The growing human population and its pervasive influence are causing biodiversity loss. There is a gap in addressing this issue in areas with highly delicate ecosystems. A purely conservation-driven approach like protecting intact natural areas, may not be sufficient. Cities are usually not created on how to manage other living organisms when biological diversity plays a substantial role. Within this framework, this project intends to explore -under a multispecies perspective- design solutions for housing in the Galapagos Islands, an archipelago with unique flora and fauna in the Pacific Ocean. In Galapagos, it is difficult to maintain the natural heritage while the human settlements demand an increasing flow of goods and services. This research questions how a new housing and settlement spatial configuration in Puerto Ayora (the densest town in the Galapagos) can operate as a sustainable model through the encouragement of the cohabitation of locals, tourists, and detected key species (giant tortoise, sea lion, and marine and land iguana? This research was developed

through a study of ecological interactions to generate multiscale strategies to attract crucial species into a new settlement in Puerto Ayora from an urban, architectural, and material development, exploring bio-ceramics as a potential material. Several computational tests and physical prototyping were performed to simulate environmental conditions and adapt the design to the species requirements, landscape characteristics and to explore the housing construction development. The results showed that a spatial settlement configuration has the potential to create an animal-human relationship by providing natural and wellconnected spaces that allow the animals to fulfil their lifecycle needs through the city with minimal human disturbance. The spaces shared with humans can be transitional shelters for the animals if they adapt to their environmental needs, but it is difficult to control them on an annual basis, restricting cohabitation. It is concluded that a multi-species approach can help to reach more ustainable settlements sand some questions were raised. When

animals get used to people, can a place still be considered wild? And if the islands are no longer untouched and the human population growing rate takes over, what does it mean to call the Galápagos urbanized?






1.1 The Context: Galapapgos Islands


2.1 Physical and digital prototyping


1.2 The necessity of an urban and architectural approach


2.2 Network Strategy


1.3 Puerto Ayora in Galapagos 1.3.1 Environmental conditions of Puerto Ayora 1.3.2 Types of ecosystems


2.3 Evolutionary multi-objective optimization


2.4 Computational Analysis


1.4 Case Studies 1.4.1 Case Study 1: Animal Aided Method 1.4.2 Case Study 2: The Birds’ Palace 1.4.3 Case Study 3: Bio Ceramic System


1.5 Proposed Methodology


1.6 The selection of species 1.6.1 Giant tortoisee, land iguana and opuntia cactus as an ecosystem engineer 1.6.2 Sealion as an umbrella species and marina iguana as an indicator species


1.7 The study of selected species


1.8 Urban Fabric in Puerto Ayora 1.8.1 Typical housing in Puerto Ayora 1.8.2 Population analysis


1.9 Material 1.9.1 Material formation 1.9.2 Bioceramic properties 1.9.3 Material approach: Compression structures 1.9.4 Compression structures: Examples


1.10 Conclusion




3.1. Material 3.1.1 The architectural and material gap 3.1.2 Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics 3.1.3 The difference between Ceramics and Cements 3.1.4 CBPCs definition and raw materials 3.1.5 Definition of material sample composition 3.1.6 Experiment Set-up 3.1.7 Preparation of the material 3.1.8 Compression Test 3.1.9 Analysis of the data 3.1.10 Material Test Conclusions


3.2 Urban Networks 3.2.1 Urban Networks Strategy 3.2.2 Site Selection 3.2.3 Only animal tissue | Green corridor for giant tortoises and land iguanas 3.2.4 Only animal tissue | Green corridor for sea lions and marine iguanas 3.2.5 Only animal tissue 3.2.6 Cohabitation area | Building area for housing 3.2.7 Cohabitation area | Redifining Building area for housing 3.2.8 Cohabitation area | Patches definition for housing 3.2.9 Human connectivity between patches 3.2.10 Human connectivity between patches 3.2.11 Selection of patch to study 3.2.12 Network generation results


3.3 Architectural Morphology 3.3.1 The Architectural Program 3.3.2 Architectural Strategy 3.3.3 Form Finding Strategy 3.3.4 Multi-objective Optimization 3.3.4 Selection 3.3.4 Individual Selection


3.4 Conclusion


4.1 Architectural Morphology 4.1.1 Multi-objective Optimization 4.1.2 Selection 4.1.3 Individual Selection 4.1.4 Units Layout 4.1.5 Units Aggregation 4.1.5 Rain Simulation 4.1.6 Animal Shelter Spaces


4.2 Micro urban network generation 4.2.1 Cluster elements


4.3 Architectural environmental analysis 4.3.1 CFD Analysis 4.3.2 Shadow analysis 4.3.3 Temperature analysis 4.3.4 Humidity analysis 4.3.5 Environmental analysis results


4.4 Construction 133 4.4.1 Construction Strategy 4.4.2 Tessellation Strategy 4.4.3 Tessellation 5 Clusters FEA 4.4.4 Tessellation 5 Clusters Digital Prototype 4.4.5 Tessellation 5 Clusters Physical Prototype 4.4.6 Tessellation 10 Clusters Digital Prototype 4.4.7 Tessellation 10 Clusters Physical Prototype 4.4.8 Tessellation Conclusions


1. Research Domain


1 M. Artmann, L. Inostroza, and P. Fan, “Urban Sprawl, Compact Urban Development and Green Cities. How Much Do We Know, How Much Do We Agree?” 96 (2019): 3–9, ecolind.2018.10.059. 2 Wolfgang W. Weisser et al., “Creating Ecologically Sound Buildings by Integrating Ecology, Architecture and Computational Design,” People and Nature 5, no. 1 (February 2023): 4–20, pan3.10411. 3 Michael Pawlyn, Biomimicry in Architecture, 2nd Eition (RIBA Publishing, 2016), https://doi. org/10.4324/9780429346774. 4 Wolfgang W Weisser and Thomas E Hauck, “Using a Species’ Life-Cycle to Improve Open Space Planning and Conservation in Cities and Elsewhere,” n.d. 5 Pauline Delahaye, “A Methodology for the Study of Interspecific Cohabitation Issues in the City,” Biosemiotics 16, no. 1 (April 2023): 143–52, https:// 6 Thomas Elmqvist et al., “Response Diversity, Ecosystem Change, and Resilience,” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1, no. 9 (November 2003): 488–94,[0488:RDECAR]2.0.CO;2. 7 Mirko Daneluzzo et al., “Multispecies Design: 3D-Printed Biomimetic Structures to Enhance Humidity Levels,” Architectural Intelligence 2, no. 1 (April 24, 2023): 9, 8 Gionata Gatto and John R. McCardle, “Multispecies Design and Ethnographic Practice: Following OtherThan-Humans as a Mode of Exploring Environmental Issues,” Sustainability 11, no. 18 (September 14, 2019): 5032, 9 Gatto and McCardle.

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Urbanization is one of the major global environmental issues. Cities are growing at an annual rate of 2.4%1, causing significant land cover change, degraded environments and novel ecosystems that have major implications for biodiversity and human well-being2. Given the growing human population and their increasingly pervasive influence, one inescapable problem is biodiversity loss. In the last 50 years, more than half of the world’s wildlife has been lost, many of which are crucial to how ecosystems function and our food is produced3. To protect biodiversity, a purely conservation-driven approach, e.g., by protecting intact natural areas, may not be sufficient, because of fast rates of decline. Therefore, biodiversity needs also to be supported in areas where humans use the land primarily for their purposes4. Cities are usually not seen as an ecosystem; they keep growing and and the species living with them are not considered as part of the local biodiversity. There is a gap in the way that cities and spaces are created on how to think about and

manage other living organisms5 when biological diversity plays a substantial role in ecosystem resilience and in sustaining desirable ecosystem states in the face of change6. Some models argue that to understand the changes on our planet better, we should start thinking of manufactured systems as networks that include a variety of living creatures and the structures that act in and around them7. Architecture and urbanism can play a crucial role to incorporate humans and the natural world through the built environment. Design can operate as a process-oriented critical instrument, as a way of re-interpreting the relationships that humanity holds with other species and the environment to discuss future scenarios of multispecies cohabitation8. Furthermore, the idea of the creation of spaces for multiple species broadens the definition of sustainability because investigating environmental problems from nonhuman viewpoints can produce different results from those predicted by techno-centric

approaches9. However, there is a gap in design towards “non-human” species which reduces opportunities to holistically integrate natural ecosystems into the urban fabric10. Most of the design proceedings are too dependent on green infrastructure as a solution, where green infrastructures are primarily designed using vegetation for human-centered objectives and rarely support other living organisms11. It is necessary to formulate holistic mitigation strategies deriving from an interdisciplinary perspective from architectural and ecological disciplines. An opportunity for architects to consider building for multiple species, building with a broader idea of what life forms should be treated as citizens, and what life forms should be given habitation. Within this framework, our study aims to propose alternative architectural and urban solutions in the Galapagos Islands, focusing on a multispecies perspective. The primary concern is addressing

the escalating issues related to tourism growth and the increasing population, both of which jeopardize the archipelago’s unique natural heritage. The Galapagos, known for its isolation, has fostered ideal conditions for the evolution of rare flora and fauna. However, this isolation also poses a significant challenge as the delicate ecosystems are highly susceptible to the impacts of human presence. Consequently, the challenge lies in devising solutions that effectively adapt to these sensitive conditions and the constraints imposed by this isolated location.

Research Domain: Understanding the Galapagos’ environmental and social context, focusing on the ecosystem and key species. Research Development: Developing material systems, urban networks, and architectural forms. Design Development: Integrating insights from earlier phases, conducting environmental analysis for cohabitation viability, and proposing a construction process.

Our project aims to explore how housing and settlement spatial configuration in the Galapagos can function as a sustainable model by promoting the cohabitation of both local communities and key species within an emerging urban fabric. We use a multiscale approach, incorporating material and computational testing to formulate design strategies at various levels. The project comprises three phases: Source:


Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska


1. Research Domain

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1.1 The Context: Galapapgos Islands 1.2 The necessity of an urban and architectural approach

1. 1. The context: Galapagos Islands

1.3 Puerto Ayora in Galapagos 1.3.1 Environmental conditions of Puerto Ayora 1.3.2 Types of ecosystems 1.4 Case Studies 1.4.1 Case Study 1: Animal Aided Method 1.4.2 Case Study 2: The Birds’ Palace 1.4.3 Case Study 3: Bio Ceramic System 1.5 Proposed Methodology 1.6 The selection of species 1.6.1 Giant tortoisee, land iguana and opuntia cactus as an ecosystem engineer 1.6.2 Sealion as an umbrella species and marina iguana as an indicator species 1.7 The study of selected species 1.8 Urban Fabric in Puerto Ayora 1.8.1 Typical housing in Puerto Ayora 1.8.2 Population analysis 1.9 Material 1.9.1 Material formation 1.9.2 Bioceramic properties 1.9.3 Material approach: Compression structures 1.9.4 Compression structures: Examples 1.10 Conclusion


12 “Ecotourism in the Galapagos: Management of a Dynamic Emergent System,” 2023. 13 Suzi Kerr, Susana Cardenas, and Joanna Hendy, “Migration and the Environment in the Galapagos:,” n.d.3Michael Pawlyn, Biomimicry in Architecture, 2nd Eition (RIBA Publishing, 2016), https://doi. org/10.4324/9780429346774.

The Galapagos Islands are an exceptional case of study to develop a conservation approach for several reasons. First, their unique Isolation has allowed species to evolve independently over millions of years, resulting in a high degree of endemism, with many species found nowhere else on Earth. With this particular isolation, the species in the Galápagos have adapted to the specific conditions of each island, leading to the development of specialized traits and behaviours. Therefore, the Galápagos Islands are a living laboratory of evolution and a critical hub of biodiversity and conservation efforts. These factors combined make them one of the most particular and ecologically significant places on Earth that has attracted massive tourism in the last decades. However, these islands are extreme delicate ecosystems to the human presence, facing unique environmental challenges since this isolation is difficult to keep today with tourism growth and the urban sprawl that this growth represents.

Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska

The fist conservative action in the Galápagos occurred in 1959 by UNESCO that declared 97% of the total emerged surface a National Park and human settlements were restricted to the remaining 3% in specifically zoned rural and urban areas on four islands. Between 1950 and 2000, the Galapagos resident population grew at a rate of 5-6% a year. The 1998 Special Law of the Galapagos, “LOREG”, established regulations to stop this growth. However, by 2010 there were 25,140 residents in the Galapagos, and almost 60% of the inhabitants were born out- side of the Galapagos12. Thus, despite the restrictions, many people have migrated from mainland Ecuador to Galapagos looking for better job opportunities since the wages are higher in Galapagos, causing a permanent resident population growing around 6.4% a year, compared to the population growth of 2.1% in mainland Ecuador, as Figure 1.1 shows. The current population is 35,000 approximately; meanwhile, the population could surpass 50,000 in the next few decades13.

Figure 1.1 Estimation of growing population according to Galapagos Conservancy. Increasing of rural zones and decreasing of urban zones.


1. Research Domain

14 Discovering Galapagos, “Sustainable Tourism:The Impacts of Tourism,” accessed July 21, 2023, sustainable-development/sustainable-tourism/ impacts-of-tourism/. 15 Ilke Geladi et al., “What Are Farmers’ Perceptions about Farmland Landbirds? A Galapagos Islands Perspective,” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 37, no. 5 (October 2022): 504–15, https://doi. org/10.1017/S1742170522000229. 16 Gustavo Durán, ed., Violencias y contestaciones en la producción del espacio urbano periférico del Ecuador (Quito, Ecuador: FLACSO Ecuador, 2020). 17 José A. González et al., “Rethinking the Galapagos Islands as a Complex Social-Ecological System: Implications for Conservation and Management,” Ecology and Society 13, no. 2 (2008): art13, https:// 18 González et al. 19 González et al. 20 González et al.


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The tourism industry has a 7% growth rate and most of the infrastructure is not planned under sustainable terms. Visitors contribute a lot of economy to the economy in the Galapagos Islands. They generate approximately US$143 million a year through tourism14. Over two thousand people are employed in the tourism industry. Many tour operators and tourists also contribute directly to the Islands, donating to conservation projects across Galapagos. However, tourism also has some negative impacts on Galapagos. By 2023, 329.000 tourists visit the islands; however, the 357 agricultural units (many of them abandoned)15 and 325 active fishermen cannot keep up with the requirements of the tourists. Thus, food must be imported from the mainland to meet demand. Increased competition amongst hotels has meant that is now cheaper to stay on the Islands than ever before. As more and more people visit Galapagos, investors build hotels to get a share of the lucrative tourism industry. While the National

Park areas are protected from development of this kind, the area around these areas has quickly developed, for example, the trend line indicates that for every year, there are a minimum of 100 new constructions in “El Mirador”16, a new neighbourhood in Puerto Ayora, the biggest city in Galapagos. Particularly, Puerto Ayora has seen a rapid growth in the number of cheap hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops and even high-rise buildings. Figure 3 illustrates the growth rate of tourism and where it is concentrated. These disturbances, together with climate change, have caused the loss of natural heritage which endangers the future of the islands. The resilience of such a system depends on a wide range of factors stemming from the linkages between human societies and ecosystems. Economic activities like tourism, artisanal fishing, and agriculture, completely depend on the integrity of ecosystems17. Meanwhile, the conservation of the unique Galapagos ecosystems will

largely depend on the local population. In Galapagos the conditions of ecosystems affect nature tourism, whereas economic development associated with the tourism industry frequently degrades some of the islands’ ecosystems that attract visitors20.

seawater, eventually making the aquifer unusable. Meanwhile, there is also an inadequacy of the current wastewater system, which primarily relies on individual septic tanks without proper purification which provokes health and environmental risks.

Urban development and buildup on former agricultural land is likely to result in the loss of native humid forests, which could have serious ecological consequences since they are essential for maintaining the hydrological regime in the ecosystem processes. Historically, these areas have been the most attractive to human settlement because they have fresh water and rich volcanic soils for cultivation18. Furthermore, the more population the more water is needed; currently, the main methods for obtaining fresh water are the extraction of groundwater and the importation of water through containers from the mainland. Both methods are unsustainable. The first one may lead to the infiltration of

Clearly, a purely conservationdriven approach like protecting intact natural areas, may not be sufficient. The challenge in Galapagos is to allow coexistence of the unique ecosystems with the islands´ human population. According to González et al., it is not easy to maintain the relative isolation that characterized the islands during their pre- human history while the human settlements demand an increasing flow of goods and services19. This dispute between an isolated (claimed by conservation advocates) vs. an increasingly open (demanded by residents and local authorities) archipelago is the base of most conflicts in Galapagos20.

Source: López Andrade, Jaime, “La Forma Urbana En Areas Naturales Protegidas: El Caso Del Archipielago Galapagos” (Barcelona, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, 2021). Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska


1. Research Domain

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1. 2. The necessity of an urban and architectural approach


Since Charles Darwin studied the evolution of species in Galapagos, this archipelago has been extensively investigated; however, research is biased to biophysical sciences, producing a valuable knowledge of endangered and emblematic species but leaving behind some social aspects that are key to reach sustainability. A new agenda of research that considers the interaction between the cultural and natural worlds in Galapagos is necessary. A solely conservationist approach might not be enough since the disputes between the cultural and natural worlds is where most of the present and future problems of the archipelago reside. In this context, a question raises, how an urban and architectural approach could offer solutions to this problem, especially when there is a lack of urban-architectural studies addressing this issue in the Galapagos. In this archipielago, the urban development model is not based on a particular lifestyle that assumes that living in Galapagos is fundamentally different and does not accept

the limitations associated with the fragile ecological system.

1. 3. Puerto Ayora in Galapagos

Some initiatives have already started like the Galapagos Sustainable Building Project that intends to improve the sustainability of new and existing buildings; however, it is still necessary to propose solutions from an eco-centric perspective that avoids the anthropocentric approach development system. In this research, the aim is to propose eco-centric urban and architectural solutions to allow a cohabitation of species within the urban fabric. Filling the gap in this area may help locals and their offspring to inhabit the Galapagos -now and in the future- in a more appropriate way.

21 INEC, “Análisis de Resultados Definitivos Censo de Población y Vivienda Galápagos 2015,” 2015, https:// Poblacion_y_Demografia/CPV_Galapagos_2015/ Analisis_Galapagos%202015.pdf. 22 Genesis Lozano, “Galápagos: Población Sigue Creciendo y Científicos Temen Impacto En La Biodiversidad,” June 9, 2018, https://es.mongabay. com/2018/09/galapagos-ecuador-crecimientopoblacional/.

In Galapagos, there are 127 islands, 19 are large and only 4 islands have human settlements: San Cristobal, Santa Cruz, Isabela, and Floreana, and Baltra island has some buldings related to tourism such as an airport. Santa Cruz has the largest population focused on the towns of Puerto Ayora and Santa Rosa. As it was mentioned, Puerto Ayora town in Santa Cruz Island constitutes the main town with a population of about 1200021 habitants, where most tourism industry businesses have been established and multiplied coinciding with the increase in visitors22. Therefore, this study will focus on the urban fabric of Puerto Ayora (Figure 1.2). In this town, since 1990, there has been a significant surge in housing demand. Building companies commonly rely on natural volcanic rock and stone, but environmental considerations are often overlooked in the design and location choices. Instead, the focus tends to be on costefficiency, resulting in the widespread use of concrete.

Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska

Most houses constructed in Galapagos utilize concrete breeze blocks sourced from two local mines within the Galapagos National Park. Vulcanic Rock is mainly used for walls and foundations, timber is used for furniture and building interiors, and colourful tiles are typically used decoratively. Currently, the urban fabric shows a lack of criteria to develop under sustainable criteria, and it is just fragmenting the integration of animals or plants.

Figure 1.2. Puerto Ayora in Galapagos. Source: puertosayora/photos/a.2333444343348200/3255492327810059/?type=3


1. Research Domain

1. 3. 1 Environmental conditions of Puerto Ayora

23 Weather Spark, “Climate and Average Weather Year Round in Puerto Ayora,” Weather Spark (blog), accessed August 8, 2023, https://weatherspark. com/y/11615/Average-Weather-in-Puerto-AyoraEcuador-Year-Round. 24 Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders, “Sea Currents in the Galapagos Islands,” Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders (blog), accessed September 1, 2023, https://


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Galapagos is known for its unique and relatively stable climate, that can be classified as tropical climate. There are two primary seasons: a warm and wet season (December to May) and a cool and dry season (June to November). During the wet season, temperatures are slightly higher, and occasional heavy rains can occur. The average temperature in Puerto Ayora typically ranges from the low 22°C to the high 27°C. It rarely gets extremely hot or cold23. The temperature variations are not high due to its proximity to the equator. The ocean plays a significant role in Puerto Ayora’s climate. The cool Humboldt Current influences the islands’ temperatures, and the water is generally colder from June to November, the dry season. The Humbolt Current also influences the wind conditions and during the dry season the wind increases but the wind mostly follows a South-East direction24. Figures 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 illustrate accurately the values of the most important climatic conditions in this town throughout the year.

Figure 1.3. Average High and Low Temperature. Source:

Figure 1.5. Average Monthly Rainfall in Puerto Ayora. Source:

Figure 1.6. Wind Direction in Puerto Ayora. Source:

Figure 1.7. Average Wind Speed in Puerto Ayora. Source:

Figure 1.4. Humidity Comfort Levels in Puerto Ayora. Source:

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1. 3. 2 Types of Ecosystems

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The Galápagos Islands, due to their diverse topography and varying altitudes, feature distinct ecosystems at different elevations. These ecosystems are often referred to as altitudinal zones and are characterized by unique vegetation, wildlife, and environmental conditions25. Here are the primary altitudinal zones in the Galápagos Islands, specifically in Santa Cruz Island where Puerto Ayora is located: •Coastal Zone (0-30 meters): The coastal zone includes the shorelines and immediate coastal areas of the islands. Characterized by mangrove forests, sandy beaches, and rocky shores. Home to a variety of marine life, including sea lions, marine iguanas, and various seabird species26. •Arid Zone (30-250 meters):

25 Larrea, I. and Di Carlo, G., eds., Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of the Galápagos Islands., 1st ed. (WWF and Conservation International, 2011). 26 Larrea, I. and Di Carlo, G. 27 Larrea, I. and Di Carlo, G. 28 Larrea, I. and Di Carlo, G. 29 Larrea, I. and Di Carlo, G.


This zone covers much of the lower elevations of the islands and experiences arid or semiarid conditions. Vegetation consists of low shrubs, cacti, and other drought-resistant

plants. Iconic species like the Galápagos giant tortoise and land iguana are found in this zone27. •Transition Zone (250-500 meters): The transition zone marks the shift from arid to humid conditions as elevation increases. Features a mix of vegetation types, including deciduous trees and shrubs. Some islands have unique vegetation, such as the Scalesia forests, dominated by the Scalesia tree28.


•High Zone (500-800 meters): This zone is characterized by lush, highland vegetation and is often dominated by Scalesia trees. High levels of humidity support a diverse range of plant and animal species. The Galápagos rail, a flightless bird, is a notable resident of this zone. In some islands the high can reach above 2000 but the highest altitude in is 864 meters29. These ecosystems are illustrated in Figures 1.8 and 1.9.

Figure 1.8. Types of Ecosystems in Santa Cruz

Figure 1.9. Types of Ecosystems and some animalsin Santa Cruz

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1. 4. Case Studies 1. 4. 1 Case Study 1. Animal Aided Design Method

30 Weisser and Hauck, “Using a Species’ Life-Cycle to Improve Open Space Planning and Conservation in Cities and Elsewhere.” 31 Weisser and Hauck.


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The Animal Aided Design Method aligns with the objectives of this study. This method focuses on species at the outset of urban planning, aiming to identify the specific needs of target animals based on their life cycle and incorporate these requirements into landscape design30. AAD (Animal Aided Design) employs a systematic approach that examines the natural history of the species to identify crucial elements within their native habitats. These elements, such as food sources, nesting sites, and protection from predation, are considered crucial for the animals31. Furthermore, AAD emphasizes that the needs of animals are inspirations for design rather than constraints, guiding the creation of green spaces as shown in the illustrated example in Figure 1.10. Figure 1.11 outlines the information and critical needs that AAD suggests analysing for the species. This methodology offers a structured framework for evaluating not only the animal itself but also its ability to adapt to spaces shared with humans. This method facilitates to access species information for architectural and urban purposes.

1. Target species need to be selected at the beggining of the planning process

2. Critical needs of the target animals can be identified based on the species life-cycle

General characteristics of the species

Animal-Aided Design as a method to mainstream bodiversity into urban planning procedures

3. The requirement of the animals can isnpire the desing of the green space

Information contained in a species portrait to inform landscape architects and city planners about the biology of the species and its interaction with humans.

Human-animal tions


Life cycle of the species

Taxonomic affiliation Appereance Geographic range Basic biology General habitat characteristics Behaviour Natural enemies Perception of species Ecosystem service provisioning Ani interesitng behaviour, seasonal and daily times of interaction Conflicts Conservation status of species, legal situation

Critical needs of the species ordered by life stage Planning aids to illustrate how critical neeeds can be implemented into the design of an urban space (pictograms)

Figure 1.11. Information and critical needs that AAD suggests analysing for the species.

Figure 1.10. Example of urban design thorugh the AAD Method. Source: Weisser and Hauck, “Using a Species’ LifeCycle to Improve Open Space Planning and Conservation in Cities and Elsewhere.”

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1. Research Domain

1. 4. 2 Case Study 2. The Birds’ Palace

32 Studio Ossidiana, “The Birds’ Palace Voldelpark, Amsterdam,” Studio Ossidiana (blog), accessed September 14, 2023, com/the-birds-palace. 33 Studio Ossidiana.


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The Avian Oasis is a buoyant oasis situated in one of Vondel Park’s ponds, providing a setting for the interaction between avian inhabitants (both indigenous and non-native, domesticated and wild) and the residents of Amsterdam. This concept envisions a modern communal haven, where individuals can observe and be observed, as well as feed and gather32. It is populated by lofty perches and bird feed stations that emerge from a mound of fertile soil. As birds engage in feeding, play, and leave their guano on the mound, they scatter seeds, enrich the soil, and take on the role of caretakers for this buoyant sanctuary33. The installation is observable from the shoreline and encourages visitors to experience it from a birdwatcher’s perspective, aided by binoculars or cameras. Over a span of six weeks, the mound transforms into a temporary meadow, initially catering to seed-eating park inhabitants and subsequently creating a habitat for bees and butterflies, eventually enticing other insecteating avian species.

This project shows a type of object that is created for birds, and the interaction happens through observation and feeding, however, feeding animals is not always the best escenario when wild species are considered. On the other hand, the project takes advantage of creating an object only for the birds and leaving them the creation of suitable places for other animals as well like insects.

Figure 1.12. The Birds Palace Design Drawing. Source:

Figure 1.13. The Birds Palace Project. Source:

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1. 4. 3 Case Study 3. Bio Ceramic System

34 Iker Luna, “BCS Bio Ceramic Ssytem,” Materiability Research Group (blog), accessed September 14, 2023, 35 Designboom, “Iker Luna Experiments with Moss in Bio Ceramic System,” Designboom (blog), accessed September 14, 2023, technology/iker-luna-experiments-with-moss-in-bioceramic-system-02-17-2014/. 36 Iker Luna, “BCS Bio Ceramic Ssytem.”

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As the approach of this research is to allow the cohabitation, the material selection needs to acknowledge its capabilities to shelter delicate animals and the limitations of the Galapagos environment the use of most natural resources is restricted. In light of these considerations, the first choice for this project is Bio Ceramics. This case study constitutes a studio experiment delving into the bio receptivity of ceramics, capitalizing on its innate porosity to retain water, and employing natural fibres to amplify its utility34. The study’s findings establish that moss can flourish within a ceramic environment, contingent upon high humidity levels, adequate sun exposure, and shading. This partnership engenders a heat buffer, facilitating a natural exchange cycle as water moves between the moss and the clay medium35. Moreover, the research probes varying density levels for sound and temperature buffering, thereby engendering a passive system. Executed under the auspices of the OTF program at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), this

investigation underscores ceramics, including roof tiles, as viable ecosystems for organisms like moss, augmenting material functionality while enriching thermal, acoustic, and environmental attributes36. Traditional ceramics, by virtue of their microstructure, inherently assume the role of effective buffers, adeptly managing both heat and moisture. This case study showed that Bio Ceramics are adequate to host alive organisms, in their case, moss. This research also showed that Bio ceramics can improve levels of humidity, temperature, and it can perform as a sound buffer which is convenient to avoid disturbance in the animals . This needs to be further evaluated according to the humidity and temperature levels needed by the species.


Traditional ceramic material can function as buffer for both heat and moisture


Can hold large quantities of water and air that aid root growth and nutrient uptake in hydroponics; their fibrous nature also provides a good mechanical structure to hold the plant stable.

Bio Ceramic Ssytem (BCS)

Grog/ Chamotte

The grog is a granural material obtained from the spray of bricks, or other fired ceramic product. Has a high percentage of silica and alumina.


Increasing porosity will improve the thermal insulating characteristics. Porous materials consist of a solid matrix containing gas with the pores.

Figure 1.15. Bio Ceramic System. Source: bio-ceramic-system/

Figure 1.14. Bio Ceramic System Main Components


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1. Research Domain

1. 5. Proposed Methodology


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Creating a multispecies design necessitates a comprehensive understanding of ecosystem dynamics and the specific roles played by various species within it. In our approach, we concentrated on studying the ecosystem where our project will be situated: the arid and coastal zones, mirroring the location of Puerto Ayora city and the need for integration with existing urban infrastructure. Once we identified these ecosystems as our focal points, we conducted a thorough examination of the species inhabiting these areas. Our aim was to select species that are best suited to integrate in the project, considering their ecological significance and their capacity to interact with humans. After selecting these species, we conducted an analysis of their requirements and behaviours, which informed our urban strategy. We also established a set of criteria to assess the comfort and suitability of the spaces we designed for them. This workflow is illustrated in Figure 1.16.

1. 6. The Selection of Species



EcosystemEngineer Umbrella species Indicator species


Arid and Coastal ecosystems


Urban strategy Space environmental requirements Figure 1.16. Proposed Methodology

37 R.T. Paine, “A Conversation on Refining the Concept of Keystone Species,” Conservation Biology 9, no. 4 (August 1995): 962–64, j.1523-1739.1995.09040962.x. 38 Paine.

The initial phase involved comprehending the ecosystem dynamics and interconnections within the arid and coastal zones. Figure 1.17 and Figure 1.18 illustrate the primary relational analysis of species within the arid and coastal ecosystem. We categorized them into primary producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and apex predators, identifying various relationships such as commensalism, mutualism, competition, and predation among them. Central to this strategy a comprehensive literature review allowed us to recognize keystone species in terms of their ecological importance with a specific focus on ecosystem engineers, umbrella species, and indicator species. This identification is significant for several reasons. Key species often influence nutrient cycling, energy flow, and the overall health of the ecosystem. Understanding their roles aids in the assessment and maintenance of ecosystem stability. Key species may possess specific functions that reinforce the ecosystem resilience, enhancing its ability

Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska

to withstand disturbances or changes37. They can act as vital indicators of shifts in environmental conditions, facilitating early detection of environmental threats. Consequently, conservation strategies frequently prioritize the protection and preservation of these species to uphold the ecosystem’s integrity and functionality38.

Primary producer

Coastal-marine zone


Species studied Arid Zone

Urban zone

Candelabria Cactus Opuntia Cactus Sesuvium Tiquila Lava Cactus Salt Bush Itchens

Primary consumer

Palo santo Cactus Sally lightfood crab

Land Iguana




Lava lizard


Giant tortoise

Sea Turtle

Secondary consumer

Marine Iguana Lava herons

Racer Snake

Dog Cat

Fragata Bird Pelican Tuna Fur seal

Apex predator

Sea Lion Shark Killer whale



Figure 1.17. Species studies from the arid zone, coastal-marine zone and urban areas


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1. 6. 1 Giant tortoise, land iguana and opuntia cactus as an ecosystem engineer

From the set of species studied, five of them were selected as keystone species. First, the giant tortoise, the land iguana, and the opuntia cactus were recognized as ecosystem engineers. Ecosystem engineers are organisms that directly or indirectly modulate the availability of resources to other species, by causing physical state changes in biotic or abiotic materials. In so doing they modify, maintain and create habitats39. Second, the sealion was selected as an umbrella species which are the species whose conservation confers protection to a large number of naturally co-occurring species40. Finally, the marine iguana as an indicator species is target living organisms that reflect or predict the status of the environment can signal a change in the biological conditions of a particular ecosystem and, thus, may be used to diagnose the health of an ecosystem41.

39 Clive G Jones, John H Lawton, and Moshe Shachak, “Organisms as Ecosystem Engineers,” 1994. 40 Jean-Michel Roberge and Per Angelstam, “Usefulness of the Umbrella Species Concept as a Conservation Tool,” Conservation Biology 18, no. 1 (February 2004): 76–85, j.1523-1739.2004.00450.x. 41 Ta-Jen Chu et al., “Developing a Model to Select Indicator Species Based on Individual Species’ Contributions to Biodiversity,” Applied Sciences 12, no. 13 (July 3, 2022): 6748, app12136748.


42 Tapia, Washington, Goldspiel, Harrison B., and Gibbs, James P., “Introduction of Giant Tortoises as a Replacemet ‘Ecosystme Engineer’ to Facilitate Restoration of Santa Fe Island, Galapagos” 30, no. 1 (2022), epdf/10.1111/rec.13476. 43 Tapia, Washington, Goldspiel, Harrison B., and Gibbs, James P. 44 Tapia, Washington, Goldspiel, Harrison B., and Gibbs, James P.app12136748. 45 Tapia, Washington and Gibbs, James P., “Galapagos Land Iguanas as Ecosystem Engineers,” 2022, https:// 46 Tapia, Washington and Gibbs, James P. 47 Stavi, I., “Ecosystem Services Relate with Opuntia Ficus-Indica: A Review If Challenges and Opportunities,” 2022, doi/abs/10.1080/21683565.2022.2076185. 48 Stavi, I. 49 Stavi, I.

Figure 1.18. Relationships between species from the arid zone, coastal-marine zone and urban areas

The giant tortoise (Figure 1.19) in the Galápagos is an ecosystem engineer due to its profound impact on the environment. Their movement and feeding habits shape the landscape by creating paths, influencing plant distribution, and altering canopy structure42. They act as vital seed dispersers, aiding in plant regeneration through seed distribution in their feces. By selectively grazing on certain plant species, they control vegetation growth and diversity, affecting the overall composition of the ecosystem43. Additionally, their nesting activities and the creation of wallows during the wet season provide essential water sources and influence soil composition, demonstrating their critical role in maintaining the ecological balance of the Galápagos Islands44. Furthermore, the land iguana (Figure 1.20), through its burrowing behaviour, not only creates shelters for itself but also shapes the landscape and soil composition, impacting the availability of habitats for other organisms45. Additionally, similarly to the giant tortoise, their role in seed dispersal

is vital—consuming various plant parts and subsequently distributing seeds across the island—promoting the growth and regeneration of plant life46. Moreover, the Opuntia cactus (Figure 1.21) serves as an ecosystem engineer due to its extensive root system and dense structure, Opuntia cacti stabilize soil and prevent erosion, especially in the arid and coastal regions where erosion is a concern47. Their spiny and robust form creates a protective microhabitat, offering shelter and shade for a variety of fauna, contributing to the overall biodiversity of the island48. Furthermore, by producing fruits that provide a food source for iguanas and giant tortoises, Opuntia cacti facilitate seed dispersal and promote the regeneration of plant life49.

Figure 1.19. Giant tortoise

Figure 1.20. Land Iguana

Figure 1.21. Opuntia Cactus Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska


1. Research Domain

1.6.2 Sealion as an umbrella species and marine iguana as an indicator species

50 Ochoa, Diana, “Just Another Day in the Life of the Galapagos Sea Lion,” Center for Galapgos Studies (blog), December 10, 2016, https://www. 51 Ochoa, Diana. 52 Sarah Spangler, “Analysis of Threats to Galápagos Marine Iguanas (Amblyrhynchus Cristatus),” n.d. 53 McKinney, Caroline, “The Mrine Iguana: A Keystone ESepcies of the Galapgos Islands,” Bio Bubble (blog), accessed September 17, 2023, https://biobubblepets. com/the-marine-iguana-a-keystone-species-of-thegalapagos-islands/.


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The Galápagos Sea Lion (Figure 1.22), in spite of its many charms, it remains a wild and endangered species. They suffered a 50% population slump due to two particularly strong “El Niño“ events and population numbers across the archipelago have not recovered. As human settlements grow larger, the number of interactions also increases50. As a highly visible and widespread species, the conservation of sea lions indirectly safeguards numerous other marine species and their habitats. Protecting their habitats and ensuring a healthy sea lion population necessitates maintaining the health of coastal and marine ecosystems. Sea lions are at the top of the marine food chain, regulating prey populations like fish and squid. Preservation efforts targeting the sea lion population consequently preserve the delicate balance of marine life, making them an umbrella species whose conservation ripples through the entire marine ecosystem, ultimately benefitting various interconnected species in the Galápagos51.

The marine iguana (Figure1.23) in the Galápagos Islands serves as an indicator species due to its sensitivity to changes in environmental conditions, particularly within the marine ecosystem. Their reliance on marine algae for sustenance makes them highly responsive to alterations in sea temperature and nutrient availability. Factors such as ocean warming and changes in oceanographic patterns significantly impact their foraging habits and overall health52. Monitoring the population, behaviour, and health of marine iguanas can provide valuable insights into the marine ecosystem’s overall health and any ecological shifts. Thus, the marine iguana acts as a biological indicator, offering early signs of environmental change and aiding conservation efforts in the unique and delicate ecosystems of the Galápagos53.


The study of selected species

Figure 1.22. Giant tortoise

Weisser and Hauck, “Using a Species’ Life-Cycle to Improve Open Space Planning and Conservation in Cities and Elsewhere.” 55 Tracking Giants Galapagos Tortoise Movement Ecology Program, “Galapagos Giant Tortoise Movement,” Tracking Giants Galapagos Tortoise Movement Ecology Program (blog), accessed September 18, 2023, about. 56 Spangler, “Analysis of Threats to Galápagos Marine Iguanas (Amblyrhynchus Cristatus).” 45 Tapia, Washington and Gibbs, James P., “Galapagos Land Iguanas as Ecosystem Engineers,” 2022, https:// 46 Tapia, Washington and Gibbs, James P. 47 Stavi, I., “Ecosystem Services Relate with Opuntia Ficus-Indica: A Review If Challenges and Opportunities,” 2022, doi/abs/10.1080/21683565.2022.2076185. 48 Stavi, I. 49 Stavi, I. 54

Figure 1.23. Land Iguana

Following the selection of cohabiting species, a comprehensive study was conducted based on predetermined criteria outlined in the case study “Animal Aided Design”54,, illustrated in Figure 1.24. The primary objective was to gain deeper insights into the behaviours and requirements of these chosen species, forming the basis for a strategic cohabitation plan. Additionally, this evaluation served to establish essential parameters and indicators for the design and assessment of the spaces designated for these species. The study centred on three key aspects: identifying their behavioural and habitat needs, assessing their adaptability to human environments, gauging their current conservation status, and projecting their growth patterns. This holistic examination ensured a wellinformed approach to facilitating harmonious coexistence between these species and human communities. The following Tables illustrate the studied points for each specie according to literature review 55 56 57 58 59 .

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Analysis parameters of species Behavioural and habitat needs Geographic range Needs in terms of food Needs in terms of shelter Habitat characteristics Behaviour Natural enemies Life span

Adaptability to human environments Tolerance to disturbance Presence in urban areas Cultural significance Human-species conflicts Human perception of species

Current conservation status Urgency of conservation

Growth patterns projection Historical species growth and prediction Figure 1.24. Study parameters of species


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GIANT TORTOISE Adaptability to human environments

Behavioural and habitat needs Geographic range

Tortoises undergo stereotypic, seasonal, long distance migrations from highlands to lowlands and back. Migration was the most common movement strategy on Santa Cruz and Alcedo volcano where there is seasonal dependable oscillation in vegetation productivity between the cool dry season range and the hot wet season range.

Needs in terms of shelter

Relative humidity in the inside enclosure is 60% to 70%.

Needs in terms of food

The eat grasses, woody shrubs, stone fruits (drupes), and priclky pear cactus (opuntia) They can survive for up to a year without water or food

Habitat characteristics

They typically enjoying humidity from 55 to 65%. They prefer to live in dry lowlands. They tend to live on arid islands in Galapagos. They prefer areas of high cactus density, where cactus is available but also some are found in the misty highlands They like short ground vegetation, without too many shrubs that could obstruct their path.


They like taking mudbaths or by partly submerging itself in water. They spend an average of napping almost 16 hours per day. They rest in sun/shade for much of the day. They rest near hillsides, vegetation, or facing other tortoises or surfaces. They forage on leaves and cactus. They are immobile at night. They move 100m-200m per day on average and Up to 3,000-5,800 m each month. Their breeding primarily occurs during the hot season (January to May) , although mating may be seen at any time of year. Having mated, the female looks for a dry, sandy area in which to make a nest. The eggs are incubated by the sun, with the young tortoises hatching after around 130 days. Tortoise eggs are incubated within the range of 22.2-33.9°C.

Relationship with other species

Small birds peck the ticks out from the folds of the tortoises’ skin. (symbiotic relationship).

Natural enemies

Dogs, cats, and pigs. Invasive ants species and rats that can attack egss and very young tortoises.

Life span

100 to 150 years

Figure 1.25. Behavioural and habitat needs of giant tortoise


Tolerance to disturbances

In urban areas, giant tortoises may encounter humans more frequently. While these tortoises are generally docile and slow-moving, interactions can sometimes lead to unintentional disturbances or even stress for the animals.

Presence in urban areas

As cities expand, natural habitats fragment, leading to encounters between tortoises and urban environments. Some urban areas in the Galápagos, such as Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island, have developed as tourist hubs.

Cultural significance

The giant tortoise is an emblematic symbol of the Galápagos Islands, representing the unique and extraordinary biodiversity of the archipelago. Its image is often used to represent the islands in various contexts, including tourism and environmental campaigns. The giant tortoise is a prominent subject in various forms of art, folklore, and cultural events in the Galápagos. Giant tortoises are now a focal point of environmental conservation efforts in the Galápagos, shaping the islands’ modern environmental identity.

Human-species conflicts

As urban areas expand, natural habitats of giant tortoises can become fragmented. Roads, buildings, and other infrastructure can disrupt their movement patterns and limit their access to essential resources like food and water.

Human perception of species

Among the local population, as well as visitors, there is a sense of respect and reverence for giant tortoises. Their ancient, gentle, and wise behaviour often evokes a sense of awe and admiration.

Urgency of conservation


Current conservation status

69 to 91cm

Growth patterns projection


Historical species growth and prediction 122 to 152 cm


27000 thousand of giant tortoises are predicted for 2033 2003


Figure 1.26. Adaptability to human environments,conservation status and growth projection of giant tortoise Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska


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LAND IGUANA Adaptability to human environments

Behavioural and habitat needs Geographic range

Land iguanas live in the low drylands

Tolerance to disturbances

Needs in terms of shelter

In a captive setting, maintaining a moderate to low humidity range of around 4060% and a temperature of 25 °C to 35 °C is generally considered appropriate for these iguanas. They rocky landscape provides a variety of basking spots and hiding places.

They show some tolerance to human presence, particularly in areas frequented by tourists. Controlled and respectful interactions with humans are generally tolerated, but excessive disturbances can cause stress and disrupt their normal behaviors.

Presence in urban areas

While sightings of land iguanas in urban areas might occur, they are often in locations near the outskirts of towns or in protected zones where their presence is managed and monitored to minimize disturbance and maintain their wellbeing.

Needs in terms of food

Galápagos land iguanas obtain the majority of their moisture from the prickly-pear cactus, which makes up 80% of its diet. Some individuals may be carnivores supplementing their diet with insects, centipedes, and carrion.

Cultural significance

Habitat characteristics

They live in arid to semi-arid environments. They are often found in rocky areas and dry lowlands. They prefer habitats with sparse vegetation. They are commonly found in rocky and volcanic terrains, using crevices and burrows for shelter and nesting.

Land iguanas in the Galápagos Islands hold cultural significance primarily as iconic representatives of the islands’ unique biodiversity and evolutionary history. While they do not have the same depth of cultural significance as some other species in the Galápagos, their presence and role contribute to the islands’ cultural identity.

Human-species conflicts

Urbanization and infrastructure development result in habitat loss and fragmentation, disrupting land iguana habitats, limit their access to food, water, and suitable nesting sites.


They absorb heat from the sun by basking on volcanic rock At night sleep in burrows to conserve their body heat. After mating, the females migrate to sandy areas to nest and they may travel up to 15 km (9 miles) to find good nesting sites. They create burrows in the ground, utilizing these as shelters to escape extreme temperatures and predators. They frequent sun-exposed areas, such as rocks or elevated terrain, to regulate their body temperature.

Human perception of species

The presence of land iguanas fosters a sense of environmental protection among both locals and visitors. It promotes responsible tourism and encourages individuals to respect and protect the delicate balance of nature.

Urgency of conservation


Relationship with other species

Natural enemies Life span

Land iguanas and birds, such as finches and mockingbirds, have a symbiotic relationship. Birds often clean parasites and ticks from the iguanas’ skin, benefiting from the meal and helping the iguanas maintain their health. They compete with giant tortoises for resources like vegetation. Hawks are their predators Dogs and cats.

20 to 30 cm

60 to 70 years

Figure 1.27. Behavioural and habitat needs of land iguana


Current conservation status

100 to 150 cm

50k 44k

Growth patterns projection Historical species growth and prediction

44000 thousand of giant tortoises are predicted for 2033



Figure 1.28. Adaptability to human environments,conservation status and growth projection of land iguana Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska


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MARINE IGUANA Adaptability to human environments

Behavioural and habitat needs Geographic range

Marine iguanas predominantly inhabit coastal regions, particularly rocky shorelines and intertidal zones, where they bask in the sun and dive into the ocean for feeding. They often dwell among volcanic rocks and lava formations, using crevices and rocky areas for shelter and nesting. The dark rocks help absorb heat, aiding in thermoregulation.

Needs in terms of shelter

Marine iguanas frequently seek shelter in rock crevices and gaps in the rocky coastline. These crevices provide them with protection from predators, temperature regulation, and a safe place to rest. Shelter have a temperature between 36 °C to 38 °C and a moisture of 60 % to 70%

Needs in terms of food

Algal beds and underwater caves provide essential feeding areas for marine iguanas. They dive into these regions to graze on algae, their primary food source.

Habitat characteristics

They are uniquely adapted to a saline environment. They have specialized glands to excrete excess salt, enabling them to consume marine vegetation and drink seawater when necessary. Their habitats are often near nesting sites, where females lay eggs in sandy areas above the high tide line to protect them from flooding.


They spend a significant portion of their time basking on rocks to absorb heat from the sun. This behavior helps them regulate their body temperature, especially after foraging in the cold ocean. They are excellent divers, often diving into the ocean to graze on underwater algae, especially at low tide. They are social creatures and often congregate in colonies for thermoregulation and protection. Large groups are seen basking together, especially during cooler periods. During the breeding season, females lay eggs in nests above the high tide line to prevent flooding. Males engage in territorial displays and defend their areas during the mating season.

Relationship with other species

The Pacific cleaner fish feed on parasites and algae on the iguanas’ bodies, providing a cleaning service and benefiting from a food source

Natural enemies

They face predation risk from raptors like hawks and owls. The iguanas are vulnerable, especially during basking or nesting times, making them potential prey for these birds.

Life span

5 to 12 years Figure 1.29. Behavioural and habitat needs of land iguana


Tolerance to disturbances

Human interaction, including tourism, can affect marine iguanas. Tourists must maintain a safe distance and avoid disturbing them to prevent stress and behavioral changes.

Presence in urban areas

Urban areas in the Galápagos Islands are generally characterized by human settlements, infrastructure, and a lack of suitable marine iguana habitats. The natural habitat of marine iguanas is away from human-populated regions, where they can freely carry out their feeding, basking, and nesting activities.

Cultural significance

Marine iguanas are iconic and emblematic of the Galápagos Islands. featured in various forms of art, literature, and folklore, reflecting their significance and fascination.

Human-species conflicts

As urban areas expand, natural habitats of giant tortoises can become fragmented. Roads, buildings, and other infrastructure can disrupt their movement patterns and limit their access to essential resources like food and water.

Human perception of species

The human perception of marine iguanas in the Galápagos Islands is characterized by fascination, appreciation for their unique adaptations, and recognition of their importance in the local ecosystem.

Urgency of conservation


Current conservation status

15 to 20 cm

60 to 130 cm

Growth patterns projection

91k 81k

Historical species growth and prediction

91000 thousand of marine iguanas are predicted for 2033 2003


Figure 1.30. Adaptability to human environments,conservation status and growth projection of land iguana Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska


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Adaptability to human environments

Behavioural and habitat needs Geographic range

The sea lions inhabit various coastal areas, including rocky shores, sandy beaches, intertidal zones, and islets. They can be seen on the shores of nearly all the major islands in the Galápagos Archipelago

Needs in terms of shelter

Rocky shores with caves or crevices provide protection and shelter for sea lions, especially during rough seas or adverse weather conditions. The moisture required is from 40% to 60% and temperature needed is from 20 ° C to 30 °C.

Needs in terms of food

They may feed on different types of fish and other marine organisms based on their abundance and accessibility. Common prey include species like sardines, mullet, hake, and anchovies. They also feed on squid and octopus. Sea lions often feed multiple times a day

Habitat characteristics

They are primarily coastal creatures, inhabiting rocky shorelines, sandy beaches, and intertidal zones. Sandy beaches and rocky haul-out sites are essential habitat components. Sea lions use these areas for resting, thermoregulation, social interaction, and nursing their young.


Relationship with other species

Sea lions are known to sleep around 12-13 hours a day. This sleep is not continuous. They tend to sleep in short bursts. Usually, they sleep around 5 minutes at a time throughout the day and night. In the water, sea lions shine with balletic grace, spending the majority of their time hunting in reefs and ocean waters where they can dive as deep as 900 feet and remain submerged for over half an hour. Sea lions can stay and sleep underwater for up to 20 minutes (short interval sleep of a few minutes) They often gather in large colonies and haul-out sites, where they rest, breed, socialize, and nurse their young.

Sharks, orcas, and large predatory fish as barracuda or larger species of jacks.

Life span

15 to 25 years Figure 1.31. Behavioural and habitat needs of sea lion


Sea lions in the Galápagos have, over time, become somewhat habituated to the presence of humans due to the continuous interaction with tourists. However, excessive and direct human disturbance, including approaching too closely or making loud noises, can cause stress and disruption in their normal behavior. During critical periods like pupping and breeding, sea lions may be more sensitive to disturbances.

Presence in urban areas

Sea lions are commonly seen in and around harbors. They rest on docks, swim near boats, and use these areas as resting spots. Sandy beaches and coastal walkways near urban areas are popular spots for sea lions to rest, socialize, and bask in the sun. In some urban areas, sea lions have become associated with fish markets, where they may gather to feed on scraps or rest nearby.

Cultural significance

The cultural significance of sea lions in the Galápagos Islands is deeply ingrained in the local culture and traditions, contributing to the unique identity of the archipelago.

Human-species conflicts

Sea lions are a major attraction for tourists visiting the Galápagos. Responsible tourism is crucial to minimize disturbance and maintain a healthy relationship between sea lions and humans. Boat traffic near haul-out sites or in areas where sea lions feed can cause disturbances and stress to the animals.

Human perception of species

The human perception of sea lions in the Galápagos Islands is overwhelmingly positive, considering these marine mammals are charismatic, playful, and a major attraction for tourists visiting the archipelago.

Urgency of conservation


Current conservation status

Cleaner fish, such as certain species of wrasses, engage in mutualistic symbiosis with sea lions. Sea lions share their habitat with numerous marine organisms, including fish, rays, turtles, and various invertebrates. Their interactions with these species, whether in terms of competition for food or coexistence.

Natural enemies

Tolerance to disturbances

60 to 80 cm

150 to 200 cm


Groowth patterns projection


Historical species growth and prediction

7000 thousand of sea lions are predicted for 2033



Figure 1.32. Adaptability to human environments,conservation status and growth projection of sea lion Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska


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OPUNTIA CACTUS Figure 1.34 provides a visual representation of the geographic range of the studied species, emphasizing the overlapping areas they share. Additionally, it indicates the city’s location and its expanding area, offering insight into how human development is intersecting with their natural paths, a topic that will be explained later.

Habitat needs Geographic range

In the arid and semi arid regions

Habitat characteristics

Well drained-soil Sunlight

Relationship with other species

It provides habitat and sustenance for various wildlife, including insects, birds, and mammals. It offers shelter, nesting sites, and food sources, making it an essential part of the ecosystem.

Natural enemies

Cactus Moth, Cochineal Insects, Invasive Plant Species

Life span

20 to 50 years

Presence in urban areas

Very little presence

Cultural significance

It is one of the iconic flora species in the Galapagos

Human-species conflicts

The urban development has removed its presence

Human perception of species

It is associated to the giant tortoises and land iguanas and it has a good perception on people.

Adaptability to human environments

Current conservation status

Marine Iguana + Sea lion Main urban areas of Santa Cruz Urban Extent Santa Cruz

1 to 3 m

Urgency of conservation

Land Iguana


Giant Tortoise

Figure 1.34. Geographic range of keyspecies

2 to 3 m Figure 1.33. Habitat needs, Adaptability to human environments and current conservation status


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Lastly, the studies were condensed into specific parameters, providing numerical references that can be used as indicators to assess the spaces based on animal requirements. There parameters are sun exposure, humidity and temperature level of shelter, vegetation density, and habitat connectivity.

Figure 1.35. Land iguana habitat parameters

Figure 1.36. Marine iguana habitat parameters


Figure 1.37. Sea lion habitat parameters

Figure 1.39. Giant tortoise habitat parameters

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Figure 1.38. Opuntia cactus habitat parameters

Figure 1.40. Human habitat parameters


1. Research Domain

1.8 Urban fabric in Puerto Ayora

López Andrade, Jaime, “La Forma Urbana En Areas Naturales Protegidas: El Caso Del Archipielago Galapagos” (Barcelona, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, 2021). 61 López Andrade, Jaime. 62 López Andrade, Jaime. 60

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In the Galapagos Islands, the land division is stark: 97% is preserved as a national park, leaving merely 3% for local communities, rural and urban, in islands like Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Isabela, and Floreana. However, a belief that human settlements harm the environment has led to excluding these communities from the protective policies applied across most of the territory. This exclusion has created neglected urban spaces within the protected area, sparking conflicts between these defined spaces. The analysis of Puerto Ayora’s urban structure draws on Lopez’s study, revealing that the division of urban and rural perimeters misleadingly implies control over the built environment concerning Galapagos’ ecosystem protection60. The conservationist perspective and the urban delineation terminology exclude urban and rural zones from the National Park area. A more integrated regional design is needed, incorporating landscape planning to consolidate the rural area into a versatile

conservation and production territory61. It should establish vital structures like ecological corridors. Galapagos’ urban morphology surpasses a simple division into urban, rural, and protected zones, encompassing farming areas, infrastructure, rural and urban settlements like the one shown in Figure 1.41 . As Figure 1.42 illustrates, the urban form of Galapagos extends across the entire archipelago, interacting through distinct yet interconnected structures. The misconception that Galapagos is an untouched, pristine natural area stems from disregarding its built environment. This perception has neglected urban planning concerning conservation, resulting in adverse urbanization impacts on the protected space, such as ecosystem fragmentation, soil surface alterations, and disruptions in species migration patterns62.

Galapagos National Park Zone Existing rural zone Urban Zone

Emergent urban zone Low impact zone Agricultural zone

Figure 1.41. Map of Santa Cruz


Figure X. Connection between islands ISABELLA Waterways Airways Floreana Port Santa Cristobal Port Santa Cruz Port Isabella Port Rural Areas on Islands



Despite everything, the shape of the city has had to respond to the physical geography of the archipelago, which has defined the position and shape of the urban areas and the agricultural territory. Furthermore, we conducted an analysis of the urban layout to investigate potential correlations or patterns related to green areas serving as corridors for animals. However, as Figure 1.43 illustrates, these spaces are primarily empty plots slated for future concrete constructions, with a scarcity of open public areas. Additionally, we examined solar radiation in Puerto Ayora during the peak hot months (February to March). Our goal was to compare surface temperatures in urban areas, specifically focusing on prevalent materials like concrete and asphalt. Figure 1.44illustrates that these materials registered temperatures over seven times higher than those observed in green surfaces. This severe difference indicates that the urban setting, due to such materials, is unfavourable for animals and might be contributing to the development of an urban heat island effect.

BUILT MASS GREEN COVER ROAD NETWORK OPEN PLOTS + GROUND NEW URBAN EXPANSION Green VS Gray 71% Construction area (Construction area relation) (Including buildings and roads) 27% Green area 2% Open plot areas (Potential future contruction spots)

Figure 1.43. Green Vs concrete areas

Figure 1.44. Solar radiation analysis

Figure 1.42. Interconnection between islands


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1. Research Domain

1.8.1 Typical housing in Puerto Ayora

64 López Andrade, Jaime, “La Forma Urbana En Areas Naturales Protegidas: El Caso Del Archipielago Galapagos” (Barcelona, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, 2021).


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Analyzing a typical home in La Cascada neighborhood, Puerto Ayora, illustrated in Figure 1.45, Lopez’s study offers insights into the urban structure. Most buildings occupy a significant portion of the property, usually attached to one or more sides of the lot. The road orientation influences the building’s layout, often with the narrowest side facing the main wind. Façade openings are typically around 30%, and constructions prioritize closed volumes over openings64.

As Figure 1.46 shows, service spaces are placed inside to encourage mechanical ventilation and artificial lighting. The roof, integral to the structure, is a flat concrete slab. The main structure stands on columns atop a foundation slab, disrupting the natural soil. The landscape modifications, including vegetation removal and fill platforms, change soil filtration capacity65. Common materials include cement blocks and concrete, often mixed with lava stone, affecting aesthetics and thermal properties. This type of construction resembles self-formed neighbourhood buildings in mainland Ecuador and is prevalent in Puerto Ayora. Moreover, these houses are built with the intention to grow vertically in the future to shelter a possible extended family.

Figure 1.45. Typical urban structure in Puerto Ayora. Case La Cascada Neighbourhood. Source: López Andrade, Jaime, “La Forma Urbana En Areas Naturales Protegidas: El Caso Del Archipielago Galapagos” (Barcelona, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, 2021).


López Andrade, Jaime.

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Figure 1.46. Typical urban structure in Puerto Ayora. Case La Cascada Neighbourhood. Source: López Andrade, Jaime, “La Forma Urbana En Areas Naturales Protegidas: El Caso Del Archipielago Galapagos” (Barcelona, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, 2021).


1. Research Domain

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1.8.2 Population Anlaysis

The information we gathered was crucial in establishing spatial requirements. Analyzing historical data, distribution patterns in Santa Cruz, tourism structures, visitor numbers, and average stay duration, we determined the need for 350 double rooms for tourists, each requiring 50m². Figure 1.47 provides a visual representation of the calculation process and how the area for these units will be allocated. Additionally, by examining historical data, distribution in Santa Cruz, urban population dispersion, and local housing types, we calculated a requirement for 352 units that can vary for families from 1 to 6 members. Figure 1.48 depicts the calculation process and the planned distribution of these units.


1. Definition of Increase of Local Population of Galapagos by 2033 with Machine Learning 1.493 extra people expected

2. Distribution of the increase of population in Santa Cruz Island 905 people expected

3. Distribution of the increase of population to the “urban” (near the city) 751 people

Figure 1.47. Local space requirements calculation process

1B1P 1B2P 2B3P 2B4P 3B5P 3B6P

160 units 60 m2 74 units 60 m2 57 units 80 m2 40 units 80 m2 15 units 100 m2 6 units 100 m2 Area required = 23860 m2


1. Definition of Increase of Tourists in Galapagos by 2033 with Machine Learning 466.000 total 137.000 extra people expected

4. Number of bedrooms according to the type of families in Puerto Ayora

2. Distribution based on the location of Santa Cruz 55% 75.350 tourists

3. Total of 63% stay on land 47.470 tourists 4. Weighted average of 5.6 days 67.6 times/year 750 tourists at the same time

4. Accordingly to historic data: Santa Cruz: 155 tourist structures 1697 rooms with a % of 2.23 person/room 315 double rooms needed

Figure 1.48. Tourists space requirements calculation process


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Area required = 14000 m2


1. Research Domain

1.9 Material 1.9.1 Material Formation

66 Marco Ragazzi et al., ‘Management of Urban Wastewater on One of the Galapagos Islands’, Sustainability 8, no. 3 (March 2016): 208, https://doi. org/10.3390/su8030208. 67. Amanda Morris et al., ‘Report on Proposed Improvements for Water Supply and Wastewater Management on the Galapagos Islands. Third Draft’, 20 November 2004, m2008/teams/eerika/tavillage/water.ta.html. 68. Francesco Di Capua et al., ‘Phosphorous Removal and Recovery from Urban Wastewater: Current Practices and New Directions’, Science of The Total Environment 823: 153750, scitotenv.2022.153750. 69. Danilo Fontana et al., ‘Magnesium Recovery from Seawater Desalination Brines: A Technical Review’, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25 September 2022,


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Galapagos faces two significant problems: the scarcity of drinkable water and the eutrophication of the marine coast due to inefficient water waste management.66 Desalination, the process of converting seawater into potable (drinkable) water, offers a vital solution to address water scarcity issues in the Galapagos Islands. However, it also poses a significant environmental challenge related to the disposal of brine, a byproduct of the purification process. Typically, brine contains concentrated salts and other impurities, making its safe and sustainable disposal a crucial concern. Interestingly, while brine disposal presents challenges, it's important to note that these disposal solids contain valuable strategic materials. Within the concentrated salts and impurities lie resources that can potentially be extracted and repurposed. This presents an opportunity to not only address the environmental impact of brine disposal but also to harness strategic materials, thereby, promoting a more sustainable and circular

approach to water desalination. Wastewater treatment plants, crucial for processing sewage and wastewater, face a significant challenge in coastal areas: eutrophication, caused by excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. This leads to harmful algal overgrowth and oxygen depletion, harming marine life and ecosystems. In response to the eutrophication issue and recognizing the valuable strategic materials, such as phosphorus, contained in the sludge, wastewater treatment plants employ advanced techniques to separate the sludge, which contains the problematic nutrients, from the clean water. This innovative approach not only mitigates the impact of excess nutrients on coastal environments but also provides an opportunity to recover and utilize these strategic materials found in the sludge.67 From a circular economy perspective, it is possible to extract magnesium oxide and phosphorus, the main components of chemically bonded phosphate ceramics,

also known as Bioceramics, especially in the biomedical industry. By adding wollastonite to improve mechanical properties like compressive strength and water retention for the hydration process, it is possible to create a highperformance material. The raw materials can be sourced locally, and block production can be carried out locally as well.68,69











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CLEAN WATER Figure1. 49. (next page) Diagram of Extraction of the main components and creation of Bioceramic Blocks.




1. Research Domain

1.9.2 Bioceramic Properities

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Bioceramics share structural similarities with conventional ceramics and possess the unique capability to solidify at room temperature, much like concrete. Their innovation in the architectural domain stems from their impressive environmental performance

attributes, including resistance to corrosion and water, exceptional thermal and fire resistance, and enduring durability due to robust chemical bonding. Bioceramics exhibit chemical stability and inertness, and despite being formed




through an acid-base reaction, the resulting product remains neutral. Recycling these materials allows for the reintroduction of key components, such as magnesium and phosphorus, back into the ecosystem, where they can function as vital





COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Figure 1.50. Diagram of Bioceramic environmental, physical and chemical properties. 70. Arun S. Wagh, ‘Chapter 9 - Magnesium Phosphate Ceramics’, in Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (Second Edition), ed. Arun S. Wagh (Elsevier, 2016)


20 MPa


1.9.3 Material approach: Compression structures



2.1 MPa

nutrients for plant growth and fulfill various metabolic roles. Furthermore, bioceramics excel in compression performance, surpassing their tensile strength, making them particularly valuable in construction applications.70


91 MPa


71. Peter Debney, ‘STRUCTURE Magazine | Why It’s Good to Be a Lightweight - Part 2’, 2015, https://www. 72. Peter Debney, ‘STRUCTURE Magazine | Why It’s Good to Be a Lightweight - Part 1’, 2014, https://www. 73. “Chapter 6: Arches and Cables” in “Structural Analysis” on Manifold @tupress’, Temple University Press and North Broad Press, accessed 18 July 2023, 74. Debney, ‘STRUCTURE Magazine | Why It’s Good to Be a Lightweight - Part 2’.

Taking into account the extensive material research, which encompassed both the chemical composition and the physical properties needed to create a structurally capable material, several considerations arose in this area of investigation. Bioceramic, as revealed by our research, demonstrates superior performance under compression compared to tension. Consequently, our research primarily delved into comprehending the integration of our material system within the context of compression-only structures and the adequate process of form-finding. While it’s important to acknowledge that tension forces are present, their impact is comparatively minimal when contrasted with the forces acting in compression. Therefore, we adopted compression-only structures as a pivotal reference point for our research and architectural development, as elaborated in the subsequent research development chapter. Compression-only structures place substantial importance on the form of the structure itself. The form of compressiononly structures becomes a critical factor in determining the structural integrity and performance. While individual components of traditional

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structures bear the load, these structures rely on the overall shape and arrangement of their elements to distribute forces efficiently.71 In a compressiononly structure, such as masonry, where the ability to withstand tension forces is limited, buckling is averted by maintaining the line of thrust within the central third of the element. The line of thrust represents the moment divided by the axial load, and by positioning it in the middle third, it guarantees that no part of the structure is subjected to tension.72 (Figure 1.51) Compression-only structures adopt recognizable configurations such as walls, arches, shells, and grid shells. Unlike tension-only structures, which flex and deform to distribute loads, compressiononly structures lack the capacity for movement due to the inherent risk of buckling.73 This poses a significant challenge for masonry structures since their bending capacity is limited or nonexistent, relying primarily on compression thrust for support. In the case of historic Gothic cathedrals, the towering columns required additional stabilization through the use of flying buttresses (Figure 1.52).

Distributed load

Compressive stress flow

Reaction of the supports

Figure 1.51 Compression-only diagram

Figure 1.52 Source: J E Gordon, Structures, or Why Things Don’t Fall Down (1978)74


1. Research Domain

1.9.4 Compression structures: Examples

75. ‘AD Classics: La Sagrada Familia / Antoni Gaudí’, ArchDaily, 16 October 2013, https://www.archdaily. com/438992/ad-classics-la-sagrada-familia-antonigaudi. 76. G.A, ‘GAUDÌ, UN GENIO ANCORA ATTUALE - Parte II’, PostPopuli (blog), 29 January 2012, https://www. 77. Image reference: ‘Sagrada Familia Interiors | Understanding Gaudi’s Architecture’, accessed 18 July 2023, sagrada-familia-tower-interior/. 78. Image reference: Will Hawkins et al., ‘Flexible Formwork Technologies: A State of the Art Review’, Structural Concrete 17 (7 November 2016), pag.22.


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The Sagrada Familia Cathedral showcases a remarkable design approach through the study models.75 The nature of the physical model (Figure 1.54) is not the traditional one aimed at faithfully representing the dimensions and form of the architectural work. The study model consists of strings hanging from the ceiling and sandbags (anchored to movable strings with clamps) that simulate loads (the weight of each individual piece concentrated at its center of gravity), thus identifying the force diagram of the funicular curves. The tensile forces in the funicular polygon are, when inverted, pure compressive forces. This is what Gaudí needed to create forms using materials that can only withstand compression forces: stone and terracotta (bricks and similar materials) typical in traditional Catalan architecture. Gaudí ingeniously incorporated angled columns within the cathedral’s structure, allowing them to bear the loads directly through compression. This effectively eliminates the need for horizontal reactions that would typically require the addition of buttresses for stability.76

Figure 1.53 Recreation of Gaudi’s hanging model for the Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, image by Canaan (GFDL)77

Figure 1.54 Ramification of the columns to follow the only-compression forces, Interiors of Sagrada Familia78

79. Prof. Philippe Block, ‘The Engineering Club Compression Structures Lecture’, accessed 18 July 2023, compression-structures-professor-dr-philippe-block/. 80. Sigrid Adriaenssens et al., Shell Structures for Architecture: Form Finding and Optimization (Routledge, 2014). 81. Image reference: Julia Tales, ‘Kings College Chapel, Cambridge – The Chapel Built By Kings’, Fleeting Glimpse (blog), 14 September 2015, https://juliatales.

Shells, a category of structures renowned for their exceptional strength, have been chosen as a focal point in our research due to their inherent structural properties. These unique architectural forms derive their impressive load-bearing capacity primarily from their curved or vaulted shapes, which enable them to efficiently distribute forces through compression. Shells, also referred to as membrane shells, are characterized by their relatively slender profiles in relation to their span. Their structural integrity hinges on their double-curvature configuration, allowing them to effectively resist external loads and channel them as compression forces across their surfaces. The choice to investigate shells as part of our research is underpinned by the fact that they represent an optimal design solution for scenarios where compression forces dominate. Their efficiency in bearing loads and distributing them uniformly is exemplified by iconic structures such as domes, vaults, and hyperbolic paraboloids. By studying shells in detail, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of their structural performance, enabling us to

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integrate these valuable insights into our architectural development and design processes. An example of thin shells is the vault of King’s College Chapel (1446-1515) in Cambridge, which spans 13 meters with a stone slab of 10 cm in the middle and 15 cm at the edges, without any reinforcement.79 (figure xx) Through the process of structural optimization and form-finding, these structures can span vast distances with minimal use of materials. By carefully arranging compressive members, the loadbearing capacity is maximized while reducing the reliance on additional materials. A lightweight and robust system can be obtained when compressive forces can be efficiently transmitted through the structure. This efficient use of materials not only reduces construction costs but also minimizes the environmental impact by reducing the overall carbon footprint associated with the structure. It is of fundamental importance that structural optimization, the arrangement of elements, and the assembly process are carefully considered to guarantee structural stability and performance.80

Figure 1.55 Kings College Chapel vault ceiling.81


1. Research Domain

1.10 Conclusions of the Domain chapter

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In this chapter, we have conducted various analyses, obtaining valuable insights for the development of this project. Galapagos is a unique location due to its isolation, which is a crucial point because it allowed the ideal conditions for the evolution of rare flora and fauna. Isolation is key because is a significant challenge, as the delicate ecosystems are highly sensitive to changes that non-isolation can bring. The presence of humans in this delicate ecosystem is particularly risky if they do not adapt to the ecological constraints, similar to any other organism. The pressing issue is the escalating population and the poorly planned expansion of urban areas, driven by the need for increased tourism and housing. Despite restrictions, development proceeds without sustainability criteria, mirroring the mainland Ecuador’s lifestyle and creating urban structures that do not align with the environmental limitations. This unsustainable development disrupts the islands’ natural

life cycles, a critical concern given Galapagos’ unique and culturally significant animal population. This raises the fundamental question of how cohabitation can be a viable strategy for humans to adapt to ecosystem cycles and constraints, preserving the islands’ natural heritage. Through careful analysis and a deep dive into the Galapagos ecosystem and its keystone species, we propose a hypothesis for more sustainable settlements. Specifically, integrating key species such as giant tortoises, sea lions, and land and marine iguanas into human settlements can aid in conservation efforts and sustainable development. These species play pivotal roles in the ecosystem. However, it’s essential to manage humananimal interactions effectively, considering the stress that interaction can cause. Our cohabitation strategy involves incorporating green corridors within the city and providing animals varying levels of interaction with humans.

Additionally, being a Natural Park limits the use of local natural resources. Concrete, the primary construction material used by the Galapaguenos, is insufficient for sustainable development. Therefore, we propose exploring Bioceramics as a potential solution due to its availability and capacity for a circular process. However, we acknowledge its properties and limitations, such as high compression resistance and limited flexion capacity, necessitating adaptation of construction techniques and technology in line with the community’s capacities and isolation constraints.

In summary, this research aims to address two main research questions: How can housing and settlement spatial configuration in Puerto Ayora operate as a sustainable model by encouraging the cohabitation of locals and key species of the arid zone in an emerging urban tissue? How can bioceramics be utilized as a sustainable housing material in Santa Cruz, Galapagos, to facilitate an appropriate environment for the interaction between key species of the arid zone and humans?

Considering the lifestyle of the Galapaguenos, we’ve analyzed the need for expandable housing units to accommodate family growth and tourist hosting throughout the year. An important strategic aspect outlined in this chapter is the integration of tourists and locals, as these interactions are integral to the locals’ lives. Source:


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2. Methods

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2.1 Physical and digital prototyping 2.2 Network Strategy 2.3 Evolutionary multi-objective optimization 2.4 Computational Analysis

2.1 Physical and digital prototyping

Figure 2.1 Comparison between digital and physical prototypes.


The chapter outlines the research methodology and tools employed in this study, encompassing both system experimentation and the design process. The methods presented in this chapter follow a sequential flow that allows the

process of experimentation to inform the subsequent phases. Furthermore, the techniques are elucidated to facilitate an understanding of their contributions to the investigated system. The various methods utilized in the research and

The process of physical and digital prototyping is divided into three main stages. In the first stage, an algorithm was used to define 35 recipes for Bioceramic, applying various conditions to narrow down the initial 2400 possibilities. Compression tests were then conducted to assess the physical material’s performance, utilizing locally available resources. The second stage involved two digital simulations for the formfinding process, employing Kangaroo (for physical simulations in the digital

realm) and Karamba3D (for Finite Element Analysis). These simulations allowed for the study of the digital prototype with the support of algorithmic modeling tools. In the third stage, a series of physical scaled models of the blocks and a section of the extension vault were created using Bioceramic and PLA (Polylactic Acid). The interaction between the physical and digital aspects remains crucial for assessing the feasibility and constructibility of the proposed design.

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experimentation complement each other, promoting an integrated approach to the design process. This integrated approach aids in decisionmaking, spanning from the urban to the morphology scale.


2. Methods

2.2 Network Strategy

1. Eric Bonabeau, ‘Agent-Based Modeling: Methods and Techniques for Simulating Human Systems’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99, no. suppl_3 (14 May 2002): 7280–87, https://doi. org/10.1073/pnas.082080899.


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2.3 Evolutionary multi-objective optimization

The integration of a new settlement adjacent to an urban consolidated tissue, along with the necessary incorporation of the new settlement into the landscape, including the careful integration of flora and fauna, is simulated through the usage of agent-based modeling. An agent-based model (ABM) is a computational framework used to simulate the behaviors and interactions of self-governing agents, whether they are individuals or groups (such as organizations), with the aim of comprehending the dynamics of a system and the factors influencing its outcomes. The integration of game theory, complex systems, computational sociology, evolutionary programming, multi-agent systems, and emergence within ABMs provides researchers with a means to depict the behavior of intricate systems with greater realism and intricacy. ABMs have found applications in modeling the interactions between humans and animals in diverse scenarios.1 Figure 2.2 Agent-based simulation for the identification of the movement patterns of four species.

Evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMOO) focuses on decision-making involving multiple criteria. When applied to the design of urban layouts and architectural challenges, EMOO aims to address the complexity arising from the numerous design objectives that shape urban development and architectural forms. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms offer a solution to this complexity by enabling the exploration of multiple conflicting objectives simultaneously, eliminating the need for trade-offs between design goals. In the research, WallaceiX2 for Grasshopper was utilized at various stages of the design process, and individuals were subjected to tests and evaluations using multi-objective criteria.3

2. ‘Evolutionary Engine for Grasshopper3D’, wallacei, accessed 26 May 2023, 3. Milad Showkatbakhsh and Mohammed Makki, ‘Multi-Objective Optimisation of Urban Form: A Framework for Selecting the Optimal Solution’, Buildings 12, no. 9 (September 2022): 1473, https://

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Figure 2.3 A selection of phenotypes obtained by the simulation of a multi-optimization algorithm.


2. Methods

2.4 Computational Analysis

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A series of analyses were conducted throughout the entire research process. Sunlight radiation, Rainflow analysis, Computational fluid dynamics, and Finite Element Analysis were conducted. Rainflow simulations were conducted at both the urban scale and architectural morphology using the Grasshopper plug-in Anemone to verify the performance and define the water collection system, as well as to verify the formation of ponds.

Finite element analysis (FEA) was used to create and simulate the material properties, as well as for defining the digital prototype and the final architectural system. The Karamba 3D FEA engine for Grasshopper Rhinoceros 3D was integrated into the multiobjective optimization process.

Figure 2.4 Top view of the rainflow simulation of the primary unit.

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for wind were conducted to integrate the architectural system into the adopted network strategy, helping orient and utilize the wind for cooling purposes.

Figure 2.5 Top view of the CFD analysis conducted with Autodesk CFD Software.


Figure 2.6 Finite element analysis of the primary unit conducted with Karamba3D.

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2. Methods

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To validate the animal shelter spaces within the final architectural system, sunlight, shadow, temperature, and humidity analyses were performed. These analyses were carried out using the Ladybug plug-in for Grasshopper Rhinoceros 3D for sunlight, shadow, and temperature analysis, while humidity analysis employed the Honeybee plugin for Grasshopper Rhinoceros 3D, all serving the same purpose.

Figure 2.7 Shadow analysis of a double complete unit.

Figure 2.8 & 2.9 In order from left to right: Humidity and Temperature analysis.


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3. Research Development

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3.1. Material 3.1.1 The architectural and material gap 3.1.2 Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics 3.1.3 The difference between Ceramics and Cements 3.1.4 CBPCs definition and raw materials 3.1.5 Definition of material sample composition 3.1.6 Experiment Set-up 3.1.7 Preparation of the material 3.1.8 Compression Test 3.1.9 Analysis of the data 3.1.10 Material Test Conclusions 3.2 Urban Networks 3.2.1 Urban Networks Strategy 3.2.2 Site Selection 3.2.3 Only animal tissue | Green corridor for giant tortoises and land iguanas 3.2.4 Only animal tissue | Green corridor for sea lions and marine iguanas 3.2.5 Only animal tissue 3.2.6 Cohabitation area | Building area for housing 3.2.7 Cohabitation area | Redifining Building area for housing 3.2.8 Cohabitation area | Patches definition for housing 3.2.9 Human connectivity between patches 3.2.10 Human connectivity between patches 3.2.11 Selection of patch to study 3.2.12 Network generation results 3.3 Architectural Morphology 3.3.1 The Architectural Program 3.3.2 Architectural Strategy 3.3.3 Form Finding Strategy 3.3.4 Multi-objective Optimization 3.3.4 Selection 3.3.4 Individual Selection 3.4 Conclusion


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3. Research Development

3.1. Material 3.1.1 The architectural and material gap

1. S.V. Dorozhkin, Calcium Orthophosphate Cements for Biomedical Applications, J. Mater. Sci. 43 (2008) 3028–3057., n.d. 2. A.S. Wagh, S.Y. Jeong, Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics for Stabilization and Solidification of Mixed Waste, in: Handbook of Mixed Waste Management Technology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000 (Chapter 6.3)., n.d. 3. A.S. Wagh, S.Yu. Sayenko, A.N. Dovbnya, V.A. Shkuropatenko, R.V. Tarasov, A.V. Rybka, A.A. Zakharchenko, Durability and Shielding Performance of Borated Cermicrete Coatings in Beta and Gamma Radiation Fields, J. Mater. Sci. 462 (2015) 165–172., n.d. 4. Di Capua et al., ‘Phosphorous Removal and Recovery from Urban Wastewater’. 5. Fontana et al., ‘Magnesium Recovery from Seawater Desalination Brines’. 6. ‘Geoship SPC’, accessed 6 June 2023, https://www. 7. ‘D. Roy, New Strong Cement Materials: Chemically Bonded Ceramics, Science 235 (1987) 651–658.’, n.d. 8. Arun S. Wagh, ‘Chapter 1 - Introduction to Chemically Bonded Ceramics’, in Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (Second Edition), ed. Arun S. Wagh (Elsevier, 2016), 1–16.


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Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (CBPCs) have diverse applications, such as quick-setting cements for infrastructure repair, biomedical uses (Bioceramics) like bone repair and dental prostheses, and solidifying lowlevel radioactive and hazardous waste.1 They also play roles in nuclear radiation shielding and the secure storage of nuclear materials.2,3 Currently, there is a research gap in the application of Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics in the architectural field, with recent papers highlighting the potential of extracting key chemical components from desalination plants and wastewater treatment plants.4,5 Only a startup called Geoship6, based in the US, is actively attempting to provide architectural solutions in this area. The team has had several meetings with co-founder Bas Kools to understand the possible applications of this material, representing a significant opportunity for exploring architectural solutions in this domain.

3.1.2 Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics

There are two ways to create chemically bonded ceramics. The first method involves the use of elevated temperatures, which causes the grain components to fuse together and form a solid material with the required mechanical and physical properties. In this case, the high temperature required contributes to the exceptionally strong bonds but significantly influences the overall carbon footprint. The other method involves the dissolution of the component solids in a solvent, allowing the synthesis of new solids with the desired properties under ambient conditions without the application of heating treatments. In this case, water is the best organic and readily available solvent. The chemical process enables the selected components to dissociate their bonds and then recombine the dissociated atoms and molecules. Phosphates allow for such dissociation and bonding among the available inorganic materials. The result of this study is a new class of materials called chemically bonded phosphate ceramics

(CBPCs). The term “chemically bonded phosphate ceramics” was coined by Della M. Roy.7 The composition of inorganic materials such as oxide minerals or phosphates is commonly available, with the advantage of producing products with a low carbon footprint, minimal emissions of hazardous pollutants, and very low environmental impact after usage.8

3.1.3 The difference between Ceramics and Cements

9. ‘F.P. Glasser, Cements from Micro to Macrostructures, Ceram. Trans. J. 89 (6) (1990) 195– 202.’, n.d. 10. ‘D. Roy, New Strong Cement Materials: Chemically Bonded Ceramics, Science 235 (1987) 651–658.’ 11. R. Roy, D.K. Agarwal, V. Srikanth, Acoustic Wave Stimulation of Low Temperature Ceramic Reactions: The System Al2O3 P2O5 H2O, J. Mater. Res. 6 (11) (1991) 2412–2416., n.d. 12. ‘D. Roy, New Strong Cement Materials: Chemically Bonded Ceramics, Science 235 (1987) 651–658.’, n.d.

Ceramics and cements are prominent categories of artificial inorganic solids that find extensive practical applications.9 The main difference is related to the production methods: ceramics require intense heat treatment for their consolidation, whereas cements form through a chemical reaction at room temperature. From a structural point of view, cements are bonded by van der Waals forces, while ceramics are formed by either ionic or covalent bonds. Cements typically exhibit a porosity of approximately 1520 vol%, whereas ceramics have porosity levels of <1 vol%. Cements are designed for use at ambient temperatures and are affected by high temperatures and acidic environments, whereas ceramics can resist high temperatures and are corrosion-resistant over a wide range of pH levels. Cements are produced in high volumes, while ceramics tend to be more expensive. A wider range of materials that share attributes of both cements and ceramics exists through acid-base reactions. Acid-base

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cements are a class of CBCs10,11 that form at room temperature but exhibit properties similar to ceramics. The reaction is based on the neutralization of acid and alkaline components, resulting in a product with a natural pH. There are significant differences between ceramics and cements in terms of their characteristics. Ceramics possess superior mechanical properties when compared to cements and demonstrate exceptional stability in acidic and hightemperature conditions, unlike cements. Cements have poor thermal stability, while ceramics are highly refractory and capable of withstanding extremely high temperatures, making them suitable for applications such as furnace liners. Additionally, ceramics have a dense structure, while cements tend to be porous.12


3. Research Development

3.1.4 CBPCs definition and raw materials

13. T. Simonton, R. Roy, S. Komarneni, E. Brevel, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Synthetic Opal: A Chemically Bonded Ceramic, J. Mater. Res. 1 (5) (1986) 667–674., n.d. 14. A. Wagh, S. Jeong, D. Lohan, A. Elizabeth, Chemically Bonded Phosphosilicate Ceramic, US Patent No. 6,518,212 B1, 2003., n.d. 15. Biwan Xu, Barbara Lothenbach, and Frank Winnefeld, ‘Influence of Wollastonite on Hydration and Properties of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cements’, Cement and Concrete Research 131 (1 May 2020): 106012. 16. Arun S. Wagh, ‘Chapter 20 - Environmental Implications of Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramic Products’, in Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (Second Edition), ed. Arun S. Wagh (Elsevier, 2016), 359–72, 17. A.S. Wagh, D. Singh, S.-Y. Jeong, Method of Waste Stabilization via Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics, US Patent No. 5,830,815, 1998., n.d.


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Phosphate ceramics, known for their highly crystalline structures, are created through chemical reactions carried out at room temperature. These materials possess characteristics of both ceramics and cements: they are considered ceramics due to their crystalline structure, and they are classified as cements because they are formed at room temperature. This material is classified as CBCs13, and when phosphates are used to form them, they are called chemically bonded phosphate ceramics (CBPCs). These materials exhibit greater strength compared to cement. They possess corrosion resistance similar to ceramics, but they may be susceptible to erosion similar to cements.

Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Ceramic (Ceramicrete or MKP) Aggregates


Monopotassium Phosphate

Magnesium Oxide

In many applications, a small amount of binder powder is mixed with a larger quantity of cost-effective fillers and water to form a reaction slurry. Phosphate binders are essential for bonding the filler particles to create a solid structure. When making construction products with phosphate binders, the fillers typically consist of materials like sand, gravel, ash, soil, or mineral waste. Unlike traditional concrete where aggregates don’t participate in the setting reaction, some fillers in CBPC react with the acid paste generated by the phosphate. Fillers like silica (SiO2), which are found naturally in forms such as quartz, sand, and glass, do not participate in reactions and remain inactive in the final product. Sand, composed of hard particles, enhances the mechanical properties of CBPC products, particularly their toughness.

Calcium Silicate (CaSiO3) can contribute as soluble silica to CBPCs, enhancing mechanical properties, particularly compressive strength in the binding phase. It is a preferred mineral in CBPC production due to its natural abundance, costeffectiveness, limited solubility promoting the setting reaction, and an acicular crystal structure that improves toughness and flexural properties. The mineral’s fibrous characteristics enable crack deflection within the CBPC composite, increasing the tortuosity of crack propagation and making the material tougher. Wollastonite is highly favored in CBPC applications.14 Additionally, when blended with Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Ceramic, Wollastonite slows cement hydration kinetics and manages heat release, offering valuable advantages in CBPC formulations.15

Common acid phosphates utilized in the formation of Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (CBPCs) include hydrophosphates derived from ammonia, calcium, sodium, potassium, and aluminum. Through a comparison of different types of acids, Monopotassium Phosphate (KH2PO4) has proven to be a valuable raw material in the manufacturing of largesized objects or in continuous production processes. In the literature, phosphate ceramics made from KH2PO4 are commonly referred to When as Ceramicrete.16 Monopotassium Phosphate reacts with Magnesium Oxide (MgO), it produces high-quality ceramics.17

Magnesium Oxide is the eighth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. It can be extracted from rocks or from magnesium chloride derived from seawater through desalination processes. It is the most common raw material employed in the formation of CBPCs because its solubility is optimal compared to other oxides, and when dissolved in water, it does not release excessive heat.18

18. A.S. Wagh, D. Singh, S.-Y. Jeong, Method of Waste Stabilization via Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics, US Patent No. 5,830,815, 1998., n.d. 19. Arun S. Wagh, ‘Chapter 9 - Magnesium Phosphate Ceramics’, in Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (Second Edition), ed. Arun S. Wagh (Elsevier, 2016), 127. 20. K. Shih and H. Yan, ‘Chapter 26 - The Crystallization of Struvite and Its Analog (K-Struvite) From Waste Streams for Nutrient Recycling’, in Environmental Materials and Waste, ed. M. N. V. Prasad and Kaimin Shih (Academic Press, 2016), 665–86. 21. Image from Wagh, ‘Chapter 9 - Magnesium Phosphate Ceramics’, pag. 128.

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MgO+KH2PO4 +5H2O = MgKPO4 * 6H2O The resulting product has a highly crystalline structure. Due to its ability to solidify at room temperature, similar to concrete, it was named Ceramicrete, indicating a ceramic material that solidifies like concrete. To create this product, a mixture of 1 mole each of MgO and KH2PO4 powders is combined with 5 moles of water. In smaller quantities (around one liter), the mixture is stirred for approximately 25 minutes until it forms a thick yet pourable paste. It is then allowed to solidify, which takes about an hour. When produced on a larger scale, the mixing time is significantly reduced by adding less than 1% by weight of boric acid and extenders like fly ash, wollastonite, and so on. The achievable strength varies from 55 to 83 MPa. The application of Potassium Phosphate reduces the exothermic heat release.19

The figure 3.1 shows the microstructure of Ceramicrete, with the presence of crystals of magnesium potassium phosphate resembling the crystalline structure of Struvite. Struvite-(K) is a type of mineral that falls under the struvite group. It is a variation of struvite enriched with potassium (K). Struvite itself is a phosphate mineral commonly found in sedimentary and volcanic environments. It consists of ammonium magnesium phosphate and is often discovered alongside organic matter, such as in animal waste or wastewater treatment systems.20 CBPC matrix composites consist of a small quantity of CBPC binder mixed with a larger amount of affordable second-phase materials. These materials can be waste streams or natural minerals, commonly known as fillers or extenders, which do not actively participate in the setting reaction.

Figure 3.1 Scanning electron micrograph of Ceramicrete.21


3. Research Development

3.1.5 Definition of material sample composition


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As a proof of concept, the team decided to test the compression capacity of the material. Given the absence of material exploration in the literature, and following an extensive analysis of the chemical constituents characterizing Bioceramic, the team devised an algorithm aimed at combining the various elements according to specific criteria, resulting in the generation of a series of compression tests. As illustrated in Figure 3.2, the material comprises five components. Monopotassium Phosphate and Magnesium Oxide play a pivotal role in the chemical bonding process. The inclusion of Wollastonite serves to enhance mechanical properties, such as compressive strength in the end products, primarily during the binding phase. In the capacity of an aggregate, sand was incorporated to bolster mechanical properties, particularly resilience. Water is introduced into the mixture to facilitate the creation of a reactive slurry. From a pool of 2400 potential material compositions, three

conditions were adopted. The term “Binder ratio” refers to the cumulative quantity of Monopotassium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, and Wollastonite. Meanwhile, “Cement ratio” refers to the interplay between Monopotassium Phosphate and Magnesium Oxide. By systematically filtering these conditions, the options were narrowed down to 234 feasible material compositions. To ensure the utilization of locally available materials, an additional criterion was introduced, limiting the presence of Wollastonite. Consequently, the final outcome yielded 35 distinct material compositions.



MONOPOTASSIUM PHOSPHATE Range between 1 and 2 parts in weight

WATER TO BINDER RATIO Between 0.25 and 0.50

MAGNESIUM OXIDE Range between 0.5 and 2 parts in weight


WOLLASTONITE Range between 0.25 and 1.5 parts in weight

Generation of 2400 possible Material Composition

Definition of 234 possible Material Composition Reduction of Wollastonite SAND TO BINDER RATIO


Between 0.3 and 0.5

Range between 4 and 10 in weight in volume


Figure 3.2 (next page) Illustrates the process of determining the quantities of materials and the number of samples to be tested under compression loads.

Range between 0.2 and 1.2 parts in weight

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3.1.6 Experiment Set-up


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To conduct compression tests on the Bioceramic material, an initial phase focused on preparing all the necessary tools and materials. Specifically, a cylindrical mold was created using 3D printing with PLA filament, featuring a diameter of 2 cm and a height of 4 cm. Furthermore, a range of tools for mixing, containing, and pressing were fabricated through 3D printing using PLA filament (Figure 3.2). Taking into account the load-bearing capacities of the material as outlined in existing literature, the team proactively designed an device for the compression test. To gain insights into the limitations and forces involved in the compression test, a digital model of the device was created using finite element analysis software. As illustrated in Figure 3.4, the sample is positioned between a hinged constraint and the load on the opposing end. The specific arrangement of this static configuration yields leverage, leading to a significant increase in the load on the sample. Notably, the distance

3.1.7 Preparation of the material

between the applied load and the sample functions as a crucial parameter influencing the load on the sample, utilizing the principle of leverage. In this instance, the larger the gap between the sample and the applied load, the greater the reactive force applied to the sample by the constraint.

The blending procedure was carried out step by step, with each component being added sequentially to a container. Due to the heat generated by the chemical reaction, we promptly noticed that the reaction began when sand was introduced. This was attributed to the presence of moisture, which triggered the reaction. Consequently, we chose to introduce sand during the final stage, after all the dry components had been combined in a sealed container and mixed by vigorous shaking. Only when the material had achieved thorough and maximal homogeneity was it transferred to a bowl and mixed with water. (Figure 3.6) The water was

gently poured in, facilitating the complete hydration of the entire mixture while being blended with a tool. At this stage, the impending chemical reaction and rapid solidification of the material became evident. Consequently, the casting and compression processes had to be executed swiftly. The material was poured layer by layer into the mold and manually compacted using a tool, stopping one millimeter from the rim, thus achieving a height of precisely 4 cm. The mold emitted noticeable warmth, heating up rapidly, and the material hardened quickly. Each sample was weighed at the time of casting, after 24

hours, after 48 hours, and at the 5-day mark. It was observed that across all samples, there was an average weight loss of 5.05% within the initial 24 hours following the mixing procedure. Subsequently, an additional 1.40% weight reduction occurred 48 hours after the composition was formulated, followed by a 0.52% weight decrease at the 5-day mark from the composition’s inception. (Figure 3.5) It is evident that the most significant weight loss occurred within the first 24 hours, primarily attributed to the chemical process and water evaporation.



Figure 3.3 3D Printed tools prepared for the process of mixing and casting the cylindric samples.

Testing Load Sample

Hinge c

Figure 3.4 The static scheme illustrates the experimental load setup utilizing a steel beam. The same digital static scheme is employed to determine the actual load on the sample.

Figure 3.5 Chart depicting weight loss resulting from water evaporation at various time intervals.

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Figure 3.6 Casting process highlighted in steps: a. Mixing the material components, b. Hydration of the mixture, c. Casting of the material.


3. Research Development


After 5 days following the formulation of the composition, the material underwent testing utilizing the previously prepared device. The molded cylinder sample measures 20 mm in diameter and 40 mm in height. (Figure 3.7) The beam utilized was constructed from steel, measuring 4110 mm in length, with a cross-section dimension of 100 mm by 50 mm and a consistent thickness of 3 mm, resulting in a total weight of 27.26 Kg. To determine the optimal distance between the sample and the applied load, two additional samples were generated for testing purposes. This preliminary testing aimed to identify the distance at which the sample could potentially fracture. It was ascertained that the sample exhibited a potential breaking point between the distances of 2500 mm and 3000 mm from the point of applied load. Subsequently, the samples were positioned at a distance of 3000 mm. This decision allowed us to apply a reduced load at the beam’s extremity while generating a higher load on the sample itself. The load exerted at the beam’s

3.1.9 Analysis of the data

extremity was progressively increased using a bucket filled with water. The point at which the sample broke was recorded for subsequent calculations. In this context, the load values were incorporated into the digital structural model to accurately ascertain the applied load on the sample and assess the material’s compression strength capacity during testing.

The recorded loads were input into the finite element analysis software Karamba3D to simulate the experiment previously created and ascertain the actual load-bearing capacity of each sample. The formula: σ=



was employed to calculate the force applied to the sample, where σ represents the stress applied to the sample, F is the load applied to the sample, and A denotes the sample’s crosssectional area. The ensuing chart (Figure 3.9) illustrates the distinct breaking loads attained for 35 compositions.

For the highest-performing mixture, a replication of 10 trials was undertaken, adhering to the aforementioned procedure. The supplementary samples were subjected to the compression test, and their outcomes were documented as shown in the chart (Figure 3.10). The value of 0.88 kN/cm², equal

to 8.8 MPa for compression strength capacity, represents the average derived from the recorded values. As illustrated in diagram (Figure 3.11), the obtained value represents just slightly less than half of the minimum compression capacity suggested by the literature for this material.

40 mm

3.1.8 Compression Test

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b Diameter 20 mm

Figure 3.9 Breaking load attained for 35 compositions .

Figure 3.7 Dimensions of the cylinder for the compression test. Compressive Strength

Figure 3.8 Compression test: a. Positioning of the sample beneath the beam, b. Gradual loading process at the beam’s extremity, c. Attaining the point of sample cracking.

20 MPa

91 MPa

8.8 MPa

c Figure 3.10 Breaking load attained for 10 compositions.

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Figure 3.11 Average breaking load obtained from the experiment compared to the literature values.


3. Research Development

3.1.10 Material Test Conclusions

21. Arun S. Wagh, ‘Chapter 19 - Chemically Bonded Phosphate Bioceramics, Table 19.1’, in Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (Second Edition), ed. Arun S. Wagh (Elsevier, 2016), 349.


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The experiment yielded several outcomes that were taken into consideration by the team. In particular, we realized that the obtained performance cannot serve as a benchmark for the structural analysis of a building. The intricacy of the chemical reaction and the myriad variables at play, encompassing factors such as the quality of sourced materials, precise material measurements, the mixing procedure, utilization of specialized equipment like mechanical pumps, dimensions of the sample extracted, temperature variations, and the incorporation of retardants into the mixture, collectively constitute a range of variables that could ultimately influence the successful production of Bioceramic. Specifically, in our experiment, the initial challenge we encountered revolved around the rapid solidification of the material, significantly constraining the molding phase. Within this context, the material’s temperature plays a pivotal role, as does the sequence of mixing, and the application of mechanical

aids for blending and pouring. However, the speed of the solidification process is a quality that should be considered as it allows for the rapid fabrication of elements and mass production. As emphasized in a meeting with Bas Kools from Geoship, divergent outcomes in material experimentation can arise due to multiple factors. Bioceramic is a complex material that can deliver exceptional performance when thoroughly tested on a large scale. Furthermore, the exploration of mixed quantities necessitates comprehensive investigation, which can only be carried out using suitable equipment in an appropriate laboratory. In conclusion, for future research and development, the average values from the literature were integrated to facilitate further structural analysis conducted in the design process. (Figure 3.12)

Mechanical Properties of Bioceramic by literature2: - Specific gravity (g/cm3) 1.7–2.0 - Tensile strength (MPa) 2.1–14 - Compression strength, MPa (psi) 20–91 (2860–13,000) - Young’s modulus (GPa) 35–105 - Fracture toughness (MPa m1/2) 0.3 – 0.8


2.1 MPa

14 MPa 8.05 MPa


20 MPa 8.8 MPa

91 MPa 55.5 MPa

Figure 3.12 Average tensile and compressive strength values were considered for the structural analysis conducted in the design process.

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3. Research Development

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3.2 Urban Networks 3.2.1 Urban Networks Strategy

The urban network strategy is structured around multiple levels, primarily focusing on enhancing habitats for various species while promoting cohabitation between humans and animals. At the urban scale, the strategy involves establishing green corridors, often referred to as “animal pathways,” to support the complete life cycle of different species. For instance, one corridor is designed to cater to giant tortoises and land iguanas, featuring an opuntia cactus forest and ponds as attractors. Another corridor is dedicated to sea lions and marine iguanas, emphasizing the preservation of mangrove forests. By prioritizing the needs of these keystone species and providing green corridors, the strategy ensures a suitable habitat for the broader ecosystem. These corridors offer safe spaces devoid of human disturbance, allowing animals to engage in activities like mating, nesting, and migrating, thus fostering habitat connectivity along the isle. This approach aims to prevent the


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settlement from obstructing animal species, contrasting with the current urban structure in Puerto Ayora. In the second stage of the urban network strategy, microurban spaces are developed to facilitate human-animal interaction. Specifically designed for giant tortoises, land iguanas, and sea lions, these spaces incorporate features such as water channels and animal shelters, encouraging the coexistence of humans and these wildlife species within shared living areas. The goal of this stage is to promote peaceful cohabitation, recognizing the sensitivity of these species to human presence and potential disturbance. The microurban spaces are intended as transitional zones, where animals can seek shelter within human structures and engage in certain activities while having the option to return to their more isolated green corridor spaces. These shelters are carefully designed to maintain appropriate humidity and temperature levels for the animals.

Moreover, the architecture and layout of these spaces consider the need for adequate sun exposure essential to the Galapagos animals. To ensure a seamless transition between human and animal habitats, a buffer zone is established as a gradient. This zone accommodates the limited land travel distance and time outside the water for marine iguanas through landscape elements like rocks. The objective of the buffer is to create a gradual shift between human and animal habitats. Landscape elements such as slope, vegetation density, and rocks are strategically placed to limit human presence in the buffer zone, while still inviting animal interaction through features like water channels. The subsequent experiments detail the strategies implemented across these multiple levels of networks.


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Figure 3.13 Urban network strategy.


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Figure 3.14 Urban network strategy.


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3. Research Development

3.2.2 Site Selection

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The main road network linking Puerto Ayora to the northern city of Bellavista plays a crucial role in connecting the existing urban area and the adjacent expansion. By examining local amenities, we discovered patterns, including a higher concentration of hotels and restaurants along the coast and near the port. Commercial activities also intensify near the port. The new settlement site lies within a landscape situated between key species’ boundary zones and is connected to the central part of the city, which hosts most commercial activities. This location was chosen for the habitation experiment in this thesis.

Hospitals Restaurants & Cafes Hotels & Guesthouses Sports & Leisure Schools Commercial Stores AIR BnB Stays Churches Local Government Offices

Main commercial activities

Sealion & Marine Iguana zone

3.2.3 Only animal tissue Green corridor for giant tortoises and land iguanas

We initiated a computational process to replicate natural rainfall patterns by utilizing contour data. This approach allowed us to pinpoint and demarcate the swamp areas within the landscape. These swampy regions were identified as key attractors for Giant tortoises. Once the Giant tortoises congregate in these swampy zones, inadvertently become agents of change by dispersing cactus seeds in their wake. This dispersal activity initiates the gradual development of opuntia cactus forest. This opuntia cactus forest becomes a critical resource for various species within the ecosystem and in particular for the land iguanas, heavily rely on the intricate network of cactus routes that emerges.

Giant tortoise zone

Figure 3.16 Swamps generation.

Swamp Rainfall Existing city

Figure 3.15 Site Identification Diagram for Settlement.


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3. Research Development

3.2.4 Only animal tissue Green corridor for sea lions and marine iguanas

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3.2.5 Only animal tissue

The mangrove areas located along the coastline can be highly appealing to sea lions and marine iguanas due to their potential to provide shelter and refuge in their unique coastal ecosystems.

Figure 3.17 Mangroove Forest.

We utilized an agent-based simulation to study how four species moved within the ecosystem. The Giant tortoise and land iguana were seen traveling from highlands to lowlands, while the sea lion and marine iguana preferred resting in the mangrove forest. Additionally, land iguanas relied on established cactus routes for their main source of food.

Figure 3.18 Animal tissue generation.


Giant tortoise circulation

Mangrove forest

Land iguana circulation

Existing city

Sea lion/Marine iguana circulation Swamp


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3.2.6 Cohabitation area Building area for housing

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3.2.7 Cohabitation area Redifining Building area for housing

The space obtained by excluding animal pathways is deemed suitable for new settlement construction.

Figure 3.19 Definition of the buildable area.

We ruled out areas with a slope exceeding 10% due to the construction difficulties they presented.

Figure 3.20 Areas with more than 10% slope.

Giant tortoise circulation

Giant tortoise circulation

Land iguana circulation

Land iguana circulation

Sea lion/Marine iguana circulation

Sea lion/Marine iguana circulation

Buildable area

Available buildable area Swamp


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3. Research Development

3.2.8 Cohabitation area Patches definition for housing

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3.2.9 Human connectivity between patches

We excluded specific areas within the potential development zone to make room for expected population growth and increased tourism. More precisely, we defined 120,000 square meters to house 1,453 people in the new settlement by 2033.

Figure 3.21 Buildable patches definition.

We created connections between patches to join nearby regions, with a special focus on choosing links that intersect animal movement paths only once to reduce disturbance to other species.

Giant tortoise circulation

Figure 3.22 Link network between patches.

Land iguana circulation

Buildable area Multiple disruption link

Sea lion/Marine iguana circulation

Single disruption link

Selected buildable area


Unselected buildable area Swamp


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3.2.10 Human connectivity between patches

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3.2.11 Selection of patch to study

We calculated the most efficient routes with the goal of establishing centrality to ensure accessibility to amenities such as hospitals and schools within the settlement. In the context of centrality analysis, green denotes areas with minimal traffic congestion, yellow indicates zones with moderate traffic congestion, and red highlights regions with high traffic congestion, often associated with potential amenity locations.

Figure 3.23 Network centrality between patches.

The patch highlighted in the figure with a dark gray hatch has been selected as the microurban area for future analysis and research development. This choice was made due to its strategic proximity to the existing city and the presence of all four selected species in this area.

Figure 3.24 Patch Selection.

Buildable area Low traffic congestion

Construction area Existing city node Selected patch

Moderate traffic congestion

Main pedestrian

High traffic congestion


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3.2.12 Network generation results

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Habitat Connectivity

To create suitable habitats for wildlife, we designated 60 habitat patches, covering a total area of 150,000 square kilometers within the planned settlement. These patches are interlinked by a 10-kilometer corridor network, spanning 900,000 square kilometers. Additionally, we’ve incorporated buffers around human zones, totaling 450,000 square kilometers, to support the well-being of animals. This comprehensive network ensures that animals can feel secure throughout the settlement and meet their lifecycle needs, even with the presence of humans in the area.

Habitat patches

Total number: 60 Area: 150k m2

Green Corridors

Total number: 4 Total distance: 18km Area: 900k m2


Although the design of this network was tailored to specific species’ study and requirements, its ecological significance extends to a multitude of other organisms, allowing them to benefit from and utilize this interconnected system.

Distance: 18 km Area: 450k m2

Habitat patch + corridor




Figure 3.25 Network generation results.


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3. Research Development

3.3 Architectural Morphology 3.3.1 The Architectural Program

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In defining the architectural program, the team took into consideration the study presented in the macrourban network, which encompasses the interaction between local residents and tourists. Additionally, the comprehensive analysis of population predictions for both locals and tourists, as described in the domain chapter, forms the foundation for shaping the architectural program. In this context, we have adopted a strategic approach that involves outlining the minimum building requirements, exemplified by a one-bedroom unit. The advantage of this strategy lies in its flexibility, allowing for expansion from a one-bedroom unit to a threebedroom configuration, thereby achieving maximum capacity by aggregating extensions to the

Figure 3.26 Strategy of unit aggregation.


3.3.2 Architectural Strategy

primary unit. (Figure 3.26) The decision to integrate tourist accommodations using the same adaptable logic as employed for local residents is pivotal. It facilitates the newly expanding settlement to adapt and increase the number of units in a dispersed manner. The primary unit can be extended and aggregate with another unit. This allows the expansion of the settlement progressively adapting to the population requirements. The diagram (Figure 3.27) illustrates the layout of a single unit, a result of a thorough analysis of property typology and specific configurations. The yellow areas depict spaces belonging to the primary unit, while the sandy colors indicate areas where expansion is feasible, tailored to the specific requirements.

Figure 3.27 Layout of a single unit.

The primary principle guiding the form-finding process revolves around the fact that the structure is constructed using Bioceramic material. This material’s inherent characteristics make it particularly suited for mainly compression loads, which are

crucial for achieving the desired structural performance. Because of the curved form of the structure, certain spaces are generated that may not be practical for human use. However, these spaces present a unique opportunity to serve as shelter areas accessible to

animals. This design approach not only maximizes the utility of the structure but also harmonizes with the natural environment by providing an opportunity for the cohabitation strategy. Furthermore, to further enhance the integration of

the structure into its natural surroundings, a water collection system has been implemented. This system assists in the creation of ponds, which can serve as valuable water sources for the animals, contributing to a more sustainable and ecologically sensitive design.

Figure 3.28 Architectural strategy diagram.

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3.3.3 Form Finding Strategy


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After conducting several tests to explore various combinations of aggregations that cater to both human and animal needs, we opted for a hexagonal form in our form-finding process. As depicted in the images, the creation of arches along the boundary facilitates the aggregation of additional extensions and units. We employed a multi-optimization algorithm to address both structural and spatial aspects. Our approach was guided by structural considerations, ensuring alignment with the principles derived from material research. Consequently, our genetic algorithm leveraged a combination of Kangaroo (a physical simulator) and Karamba3D (Finite Element Analysis) within the Wallacei framework for optimization. The initial design centered on a hexagonal shape, which served as our starting point. This hexagon was subsequently expanded using the Kangaroo algorithm, simulating a shell with accessible openings and the potential for extensions.


3.3.4 Multi-objective Optimization


The initial gene set determined the dimensions of the hexagon. Various points at the corners of the body plan represented support variations, while Kangaroo settings such as springs, mesh strength, loads, and shell thickness were also considered. Notably, the Kangaroo settings were

meticulously defined after several iterations using Wallacei. Subsequently, these genes were evaluated to fulfill specific criteria (Figure 3.30), including minimizing over height and unusable space caused by shell curvature, minimizing tension points, minimizing mass and minimizing ground supports.

The simulation included 100 generations and 50 individuals for each generation, encompassing a total of 5000 individuals. The structure was calculated considering the self-weight and an additional distributed load of 0.5 KN/cm2 for inspections.

Self-weight + 0.5 KN/m2

Objective 1: Minimizing Over Height and Unusable Space

Objective 2: Minimizing Tension Points

Objective 3: Minimizing Mass

Objective 4: Minimizing Ground Supports

Figure 3.29 Integration of the form-finding process with the space requirements for both animals and humans.

Figure 3.30 Four images illustrating the objectives utilized in the initial simulation.

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Objective 1: Minimizing Over Height and Unusable Space

The comprehensive simulation demonstrates a notable enhancement in the objectives, particularly in minimizing mass and ground support requirements. Notably, the parallel coordinate plot illustrates the interconnectedness of these objectives. As the optimization focuses on reducing tension points, the structure’s reliance 2.4

on ground support becomes more pronounced. Similarly, the mass of the material plays a pivotal role in the structural performance. The tension points within the shell exhibit a correlation with the reduction of material thickness. Notably, as the material mass decreases, tension points increase. Upon analyzing the results of the multi-objective simulation,



it becomes apparent that the algorithm continues to explore a wide range of possibilities across generations. It does not converge on a single solution but instead offers a series of potential outcomes. The designer’s decision-making process becomes crucial in prioritizing certain objectives over others through a selection strategy. 72 Last Ind.

Objective 2: Minimizing Tension Points

Increasing Fitness

After 100 generations, it was observed that the topperforming individuals for each objective exhibited noticeable morphological variations. In the pursuit of minimizing excessive height and unusable space, the morphology became flatter and lower. For the second and third individuals, aiming to reduce tension points and material mass, the morphology took on a curved shape, favoring the retention of the line of thrust within the central third of the thickness of the shell while increasing ground support. Conversely, the last individual’s design indicated a reduction in the number of ground supports with an increase in mass.

Objective 3: Minimizing Mass

First Ind.

Figure 3.31 Most optimised phenotypes and relative Standard Diviation Charts for each objective.






Objective 1: Minimizing Over Height and Unusable Space

Objective 2: Minimizing Tension Points

Objective 3: Minimizing Mass

Objective 4: Minimizing Ground Supports

Figure 3.32 Parallel Coordinate Plot of the Simulation.

Objective 4: Minimizing Ground Supports

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3. Research Development

3.3.4 Selection

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The selection process involved identifying the best-performing individuals through K-means unsupervised machine learning of the Pareto Front, choosing the top-performing individuals for each objective, the relative differences between fitness ranks, and the average fitness ranks. These criteria collectively informed the selection strategy. The figures reveal various variations in dimensions and the distinct values indicated by the Diamond Charts. Each of the selected phenotypes represents a potentially viable solution. However, it is only through an additional layer of selection that we can determine the most suitable phenotype based on the prioritization of objectives.

Figure 3.33 The selection process entailed identifying the top-performing individuals using K-means unsupervised machine learning of the Pareto front. This involved selecting the best individuals based on each fitness criteria, the relative differences between fitness ranks, and the average fitness ranks.


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3.3.4 Individual Selection

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A weighting system was employed to determine the most performing individuals, with the highest rank of priority given to structural performance, followed by the minimization of excessive height. The individual that achieves the most favorable results across all objectives exhibits appropriate morphological characteristics for the subsequent stage. As we can observe from the Diamond chart, all the objectives are optimized to a slightly varying degree of extension. The structure is 10 cm thick and exhibits various sections subjected to tensile forces, which are within the material’s performance capacity as indicated by the utilization scale.

Figure 3.34 a. The most performing phenotype selected base on the selection strategy. b. Dimond chart c. Utilization of the shell considering the self-weight and an additional weight of 0.5 KN/m2


3.4 Conclusion


During this phase, critical design decisions were made, encompassing various aspects from material selection to architectural and urban planning. The experimentation conducted at this stage served as a defining factor, establishing both the limitations and opportunities that would guide the subsequent phases of design development. These experiments led to the formulation of essential rules governing the micro-urban environment’s development, including strategies such as the use of wind direction for natural ventilation within the architectural proposal. The material experiments

conducted during this phase offered valuable insights into the expanding range of material possibilities while also shedding light on their inherent limitations especially in the fabrication process. From an architectural perspective, special attention was given to the design of the primary unit, taking into consideration its seamless integration with the extension block. Lastly, the design process prioritized the development of sheltered spaces for animals, promoting cohabitation between humans and animals, and ensuring the architecture’s seamless integration with the natural environment.



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4.1 Architectural Morphology 4.1.1 Multi-objective Optimization 4.1.2 Selection 4.1.3 Individual Selection 4.1.4 Units Layout 4.1.5 Units Aggregation 4.1.5 Rain Simulation 4.1.6 Animal Shelter Spaces 4.2 Micro urban network generation 4.2.1 Cluster elements 4.3 Architectural environmental analysis 4.3.1 CFD Analysis 4.3.2 Shadow analysis 4.3.3 Temperature analysis 4.3.4 Humidity analysis 4.3.5 Environmental analysis results 4.4 Construction 4.4.1 Construction Strategy 4.4.2 Tessellation Strategy 4.4.3 Tessellation 5 Clusters FEA 4.4.4 Tessellation 5 Clusters Digital Prototype 4.4.5 Tessellation 5 Clusters Physical Prototype 4.4.6 Tessellation 10 Clusters Digital Prototype 4.4.7 Tessellation 10 Clusters Physical Prototype 4.4.8 Tessellation Conclusions


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4. Design Development

4.1 Architectural Morphology 4.1.1 Multi-objective Optimization

Figure 4.1 Four images illustrating the objectives utilized in the multiobjective simulation.

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The second simulation aims to address the primary unit connected to the extensions. In this case, only the extension structure is analyzed with the objective of minimizing the

tension forces. The decision to consider independent structures was made to allow the flexibility of aggregating the buildings in different time frames. The multi-optimization

Objective 1: Maximizing Solar Occlusion Animal Area

algorithm also aims to maximize solar occlusion for the animal shelter space, maximize the window’s solar occlusion, and minimize the window’s surface. For this simulation, the building

was oriented with the living space towards the North.

After 100 generations, it became evident that the bestperforming individuals for each objective displayed noticeable morphological variations. In the quest to maximize solar occlusion within the animal area, the morphology consistently reduced the arch openings at the base of the extension vaults while expanding the overall roof cover, effectively minimizing the extension volume. Furthermore, to achieve maximum solar occlusion for the windows across the entire design, the extension vaults were extended to their limits and low as much as possible, reducing both the overall volume and window dimensions. Additionally, the timber arches at the primary unit tended to increase in both size and quantity.

Objective 2: Maximizing Solar Occlusion Windows

Figure 4.2 Assumed north direction for the simulation.

Figure 4.3 Most optimised phenotypes and relative Standard Diviation Charts for each objective. Objective 3 - 4: Minimizing Tension Points


Objective 1: Maximizing Solar Occlusion Animal Area

Objective 2: Maximizing Solar Occlusion Windows

Objective 3: Minimizing Tension Points - Extension 1

Objective 5 - 6: Maximizing Windows Surface Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska


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The third and fourth objectives were geared towards minimizing tension points, resulting in a more uniform section of the vault and an increase in ground supports. The fifth and sixth objectives were oriented towards separately increasing the window surface area for the primary unit and the extensions.

Objective 4: Minimizing Tension Points - Extension 2

The comprehensive simulation reveals significant improvements in the objectives. Particularly, the parallel coordinate plot illustrates how these objectives are interconnected. Maximizing solar occlusion emerged as the most optimized objective achieved within the first 50 generations. To maintain a degree of flexibility in optimizing 0.415


individual extensions, objectives five and six were separated, as were objectives three and four. This decision considered the varying orientations of these building segments. Upon scrutinizing the results of the multi-objective simulation, it becomes evident that the algorithm continuously explores a wide spectrum of possibilities throughout all generations.




Instead of converging on a single solution, it presents a range of potential outcomes. The designer’s decision-making process becomes pivotal in prioritizing certain objectives over others through a selection strategy.


Increasing Fitness

Last Ind.

Objective 5: Maximizing Windows Surface - Primary Unit

First Ind.

Figure 4.4 Most optimised phenotypes and relative Standard Diviation Charts for each objective.


Objective 6: Maximizing Windows Surface - Extensions







Obj 1: Max Solar Occlusion Animal Area

Obj 2: Max Solar Occlusion Windows

Obj 3: Min Tension Points Extension 1

Obj 4: Min Tension Points Extension 2

Obj 5: Max Windows Surface Primary Unit

Obj 6: Max Windows Surface Extensions

Figure 4.5 Parallel Coordinate Plot of the Simulation.

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4.1.2 Selection

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The selection process entailed the identification of the topperforming individuals using K-means unsupervised Machine Learning applied to the Pareto Front, choosing the best-performing individuals for each objective, the relative differences between fitness ranks, and the average fitness ranks. These criteria collectively guided our selection strategy. The figures exhibit various dimensional variations, as evident from the distinct values illustrated in the Dimonds Charts. Each of the chosen phenotypes represents a potential and viable solution. However, it is only through an additional layer of selection that we can pinpoint the most suitable phenotype based on our prioritization of objectives.

Figure 4.6 The selection process entailed identifying the top-performing individuals using K-means unsupervised machine learning of the Pareto front. This involved selecting the best individuals based on each fitness criteria, the relative differences between fitness ranks, and the average fitness ranks.


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4.1.3 Individual Selection

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A weighting system was implemented to determine the most effective criteria, with the highest priority assigned to solar occlusion for the animal shelter space, followed by structural performance considerations. The individual that achieves the most favorable results across all objectives embodies the selected phenotype. As evident from the Dimond

4.1.4 Units Layout

chart, the objectives related to solar occlusion are the most optimized when compared to the other criteria. In this instance, the structure maintains a thickness of 10 cm, and tension forces are only evident near the bottom opening, remaining within the material’s performance capacity as indicated by the utilization scale.

Primary Unit: Entrance and Distribution Extension: Double Bedroom

Primary Unit: Dining Space

Extension: Shower Room


Primary Unit: Living Space


Primary Unit: Kitchen

Primary Unit: Walk-in wardrobe Primary Unit: Master Bedroom

Primary Unit: Family Bathroom Primary Unit: Distribution

Extension: Double Bedroom Extension: Shower Room Figure 4.7 a. Utilization of the shell considering the self-weight and an additional weight of 0.5 KN/m2 b. The most performing phenotype selected base on the selection strategy. c. Dimond chart



Figure 4.8 Internal Layout of a fully aggregated unit with extensions.

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4.1.5 Units Aggregation

Figure 4.9 Different possible aggregation of the principal unit with the extensions and other units. Floor plan view and 3D view.


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As outlined in the architectural strategy, the objective of creating an adaptable settlement, catering to the needs of both locals and tourists, is realized through a series of buildings that can be configured based on specific requirements. As depicted in the following figures, the primary unit can be connected to two extensions, allowing for a seamless transition from a one-bedroom house to a three-bedroom house, accommodating up to six people. Moreover, the complete unit can be paired with a similar one to meet the demands of either tourists or locals. The overall construction comprises two units, each featuring three bedrooms for individual residences. The internal layout has been thoughtfully designed to address the residents’ needs, drawing inspiration from existing residential units while adopting a modern approach that integrates the kitchen, dining, and living spaces into a single, cohesive area.

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4.1.6 Rain Simulation

As emphasized in our architectural strategy, the seamless integration of the structure into its natural surroundings holds paramount importance, especially within the context of cohabitation and environmental sustainability. A key element of this integration is the implementation of a water collection system. This system

serves a dual purpose: not only does it facilitate the creation of ponds, but it also acts as a vital water source for the indigenous wildlife. This perfectly aligns with our cohabitation strategy, fostering a harmonious coexistence among humans, the environment, and animals. Furthermore, this design approach embodies ecological

sensitivity, which is particularly well-suited for the unique ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands. By creating wetlands and providing essential water resources, we not only support the conservation of local flora and fauna but also contribute to the overall ecological balance of this remarkable natural habitat. To assess the capability of the

water collection system, we conducted a digital simulation, with a specific focus on determining water flow in accordance with the surface curvature.

Figure 4.10 Elevation AA.

Figure 4.11 Elevation BB. Figure 4.12 Rain simulation.


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4. Design Development

4.1.6 Animal Shelter Spaces

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The primary behavioral activities of each species, representing significant influences on their life and survival, were selected for assessment within their designated habitat areas.




Giant tortoises typically spend approximately 16 hours per day resting, alternating between basking in the sun and seeking shade.

Giant Tortoise size Length: 150-180 cm Weight: 400 kg




Natural predators like hawks and racer snakes primarily target iguanas that are less than a year old because iguanas older than a year become too large for them to prey upon.


Sea lions typically sleep for approximately 12-13 hours a day, but their sleep is fragmented into short bursts. They rest for about 5 minutes at a time, both during the day and night. Additionally, sea lions can stay and sleep underwater for up to 20 minutes in short intervals.



Land iguana size Length: 60 - 150 cm Weight: 1-12 kg


Figure 4.13 Diagram of animal space.


FLAT SURFACE Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska

Sea lion size Length: 1.5-2.5 m Weight: 50-250 kg


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Figure 4.14 Rendering.

Figure 4.15 Rendering.


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4. Design Development

4.2 Micro urban network generation 4.2.1 Cluster elements

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The objective of this micro urban network is to provide a space for housing where the landscape elements and architectural objects facilitate the cohabitation between humans and animals. First, the human paths were considered, the primary pedestrian was generated to establish a connection between the existing city and new settlement. Rainfall simulation was conducted to delineate potential water channels, which could serve as passageways for wildlife. Subsequently, efforts were made to optimize the utilization of vacant spaces by maximizing the construction of buildings. The sub-pedestrian route was determined through the application of two strategies: shortest distance and avoiding crossings over water channels. The section illustrated in Figure 4.17, explains the linkage between the water channel and human housing, which serves as a secondary attractor point for species.







The selected sample patch is situated in proximity to the mangrove forest, which serves as an attractor point for marine iguanas and sea lions. Additionally, it borders a rocky zone that provides an ideal location for marine iguanas to bask after their algae dives. Notably, in the central region of this sample patch, there is a water channel intended to facilitate mud basking for giant tortoises and to serve as a passage for other species. This section delineates the zoning of a rocky area adjacent to the mangrove forest and the ocean, which serves as a basking location for marine iguanas. This rocky expanse constitutes the primary terrestrial habitat where marine iguanas spend a significant portion of their time; however, it is not contiguous with the buildable area.

Figure 4.16 Micro-urban network elements

Water channels definition







ANIMAL SHELTER Figure 4.18 Micro-urban network elements

Rocky zone

Water channels definition Connection within patch

Mangrove forest

Rocky zone

Mangrove forest

Human housing and animal shelter

Human housing and animal shelter





Figure 4.17 Conceptual section.


Figure 4.19 Conceptual section.

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4.3 Architectural environmental analysis

Finally, to minimize disruption to the animals’ green corridor, connections between patches are intentionally limited to a single point of connection. Specifically, pedestrian bridges will be established at these connection points, effectively linking residential areas while safeguarding the integrity of the green corridors. Figure 4.21 shows the suggested bridges.


At the cluster level, our approach involved conducting a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. The objective was to identify the ideal building orientation that would facilitate maximum ventilation. This

analysis aimed to ensure an equitable distribution of airflow to both units within the cluster. Considering the prevailing wind direction throughout the year, primarily from the Southeast, we utilized this

information to inform the final building orientation. Figure 4.23 provides a visual representation of the ultimately selected orientation based on the CFD analysis results.

Figure 4.22 CFD Analysis of the architectural morphology with different orientations.

Figure 4.20. Human path connection between patches.

Figure 4.21 Conceptual section of suggested connection between patches.


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Figure 4.23 CFD Analysis of the architectural morphology on the left. CFD Analysis of the architectural morphology considering the internal ventilation on the right image.

Figure 4.24 Architectural clustering.


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4. Design Development

4.3.2 Shadow analysis

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Sun basking constitutes another essential activity for all the chosen species. To avoid disrupting this behavior by casting shadows on the ground, the architectural design prioritizes principles of compression. Consequently, the resulting building morphology takes on a dome-like form, which significantly reduces the incidence of shadows on the ground. In response to the animals’ requirement for sunlight, an analysis of the shadows cast by clustered buildings was conducted. The findings indicated that these shadows only cover 42.5 sq.m. per building or 1.66% of the total patch area. This assessment took into account the requirement for a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight, which corresponds to the maximum sun-basking time for species.

4.3.3 Temperature analysis

Area where sunlight less than 6 hours (maximum basking time)

Space assigned to the animals in the structure

In the context of promoting cohabitation, the proposed structure also aims to provide shelter for animals. Extensive studies have shown that animals require specific temperature and humidity levels to feel comfortable in a given environment. In line with this understanding, an assessment of the environmental conditions of the architectural proposal was conducted to determine its suitability for accommodating animals within transitional spaces. The initial assessment focused on temperature conditions. Utilizing the Ladybug tool, we analyzed the temperature variations within the architectural structure across four distinct stages of the year, corresponding to different weather patterns: March to May, June to August, September to November, and December to February. Figure 4.26 provides a visual representation of the temperature results observed during these stages.

Figure 4.25 Shadow analysis.


March to May

June to August

September to November

December to February

Figure 4.26 Temperature analysis of the house throughout the year.

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Subsequently, Figure 4.27 presents a comparison of these temperature results with the specific temperature requirements of the animals. This comparison aimed to ascertain if the proposed shelter aligns with the temperature range needed by the targeted animal species. The findings

indicated that the shelter spaces may not be suitable for land iguanas, especially during the months of August, September, and October, as the temperature conditions within the shelter during these months do not meet their specific requirements.

4.3.4 Humidity analysis Temperature range for giant tortoise Temperature range for land iguana Temperature range for sea lion Range temperature in animal area Maximum and minimum temperature in Puerto Ayora Out of an animal temperature range

Figure X. Temperature contrast analysis of the house throughout the year

Continuing our efforts to support cohabitation, we further examined the humidity levels within the designated animal spaces. Employing the Honeybee tool, we conducted a thorough analysis of humidity across the same seasonal stages outlined earlier, illustrated in Figure 4.28.

Space assigned to the animals in the structure

Figure 4.27 Temperature analysis results.


March to May

June to August

September to November

December to February

Figure 4.28 Humidity analysis of the house throughout the year.

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In terms of humidity, the results indicated a lack of suitability for sea lions, particularly during the months of June, July, August, September, and October.

The humidity levels observed within the shelter during these months did not align with the specific humidity requirements essential for sea lion comfort.

Temperature range for giant tortoise Temperature range for land iguana Temperature range for sea lion Range temperature in animal area Maximum and minimum temperature in Puerto Ayora Out of an animal temperature range

Figure 4.29 Humidity contrast analysis throughout the year.


4.3.5 Environmental analysis results

Ensuring adequate sun exposure is crucial for Galapagos animals’ development. Hence, architectural projects here should minimally impact this aspect. In our project, constructed areas use only 1.66% (excluding building footprint) of the total animal sun exposure area. Additionally, construction affects only 19% of the intervention area, reserving 81% for green spaces, facilitating animal corridors and human-animal interaction. The proposed shelters prioritize favorable conditions for land iguanas, tortoises, and sea lions, though not year-round. Further exploration of material options is recommended. For example, enhancing material porosity can retain more humidity for sea lions. Improving warmth for land iguanas during colder months is essential. Allowing increased sunlight through small cavities in the morphology could address this. Acknowledging that modifications affect all animals, the design process must carefully balance strategies to suit each animal.

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Sun Exposure Impact

JANUARY Only 1.66 % of the built areas that will cause an impact in the animal sun exposure







Construction Impact


19% construction area (including buildings and roads) 81% green area

OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Shelter temperature and Humidity in the range Shelter temperature and Humidity not in the range Figure 4.30 Humidity and Temperature analysis throughout the year.


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Figure 4.31 From December to May, the animal shelter is suitable for all selected species due to ideal temperature and humidity.

Figure 4.33 From August to October (winter), the shelter is appropriate for giant tortoises. It’s too cold for land iguanas, which need more basking space. However, their chosen behavior involves seeking cover briefly, aligning with their preference for hiding rather than staying in the shelter.

Figure 4.32 During June and July, the analysis shows inadequate humidity for sea lions. This leads them to seek the ocean for higher humidity or shelter near the building for lower humidity during rest.


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4. Design Development

4.4 Construction 4.4.1 Construction Strategy


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Several initial considerations were taken into account when establishing the construction process and embracing sustainability to mitigate environmental harm. As explained in the materials section, Bioceramic emerges as an eco-friendly material that does not contribute to CO2 emissions. However, it is crucial to recognize that, although the chemical components themselves do not directly produce CO2, the extraction, transportation, and construction procedures can have environmental consequences. In particular, interventions in natural areas inhabited by plants and animals necessitate thoughtful deliberation. From a structural standpoint, the effort to reduce the weight of the structure, as contemplated during the formfinding process, often overlooks the relationship between the building and the ground. In this context, considering factors such as soil composition and the presence of rock layers a short distance below the surface enables a reduction

in the foundation structure. As a result, ground supports were minimized during the form-finding phase, resulting in individual footings linked by a slab that functions passively as an underlayer for the building’s floor. This approach not only lessens the environmental impact but also diminishes excavation processes and soil disruption. Regarding the construction process, following excavation and foundation laying, a reusable scaffolding system (Figure 4.35) is deployed for block placement. This decision addresses the issue of material wastage associated with conventional timber scaffolding while significantly reducing construction time, material waste, and, consequently, environmental impact. Subsequently, after constructing the block vault and central dome, the perimeter and interior walls are raised, and windows, doors, and finishes are installed. This meticulously planned sequence aims to optimize construction efficiency while minimizing environmental consequences. (Figure 4.34)

Windows, doors and finishes



Reusable scaffolding system Slab

Individual footing foundation Excavation of the ground

Figure 4.34 Exploded construction diagram.

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Figure 4.35 Reusable scaffolding system.


4. Design Development

4.4.2 Tessellation Strategy

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The tessellation process for a vaulted section of the building was carefully evaluated, with specific attention given to the shape of the individual blocks and the consideration of tension forces acting across the structure. Initially, we started with a basic rectangular block shape and then designed an interlocking system that took into account the staggering of the blocks. This arrangement ensured that the blocks fit together seamlessly and provided structural integrity. The dimensions of these blocks were based on standard block dimensions for ease of handling. Additionally, the design approach focused on optimizing the blocks for the curved surface. In essence, the design process centered around the physical form of the blocks, including their functional interlocking system and suitability for the curved surface, all with the aim of achieving structural stability.

The construction strategy for the vault involves interlocking blocks that vary in size due to the curvature of the vault. Therefore, it’s essential to develop a strategy that standardizes the number of these blocks. In other words, the goal is to determine the optimal quantity of block types that can interlock and cover the entire surface without gaps or overlaps. The vault in Figure 4.37 is analyzed for the clustering experiments.

Figure xx Block generation design.

Figure 4.36 Diagram of the tessellation process strategy.


Figure 4.37 Selection of the vault subject to the tessellation process.

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4.4.3 Tessellation 5 Clusters FEA


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To evaluate the structural performance of the material under tension forces, we conducted a digital experiment that considered the actual tension forces acting on the vault’s surface. This experiment involved Finite Element Analysis performed in the architectural simulation. We identified the most critical value obtained from Principal Stress 1 (for tension checks) and applied it as the load on the block section. To provide further details, we calculated the actual load to be 3 kN by multiplying the maximum tension stress by the average area of the brick. The digital test was then divided into two parts, with forces applied in both the x and y axes at the same point on the block. The load was precisely applied at the midpoint of the segment intended to interlock with another block. As shown in the Figure 4.38, these material values fall within the acceptable limits of the material’s capacity to resist such forces. In this scenario, tension forces outweigh compression forces due to the experiment’s nature.

4.4.4 Tessellation with 5 Clusters Digital Prototype

3 kN

3 kN



Figure 4.38 Finite Element Analysis of one block with the fources applied in both x and y axes.

The experiment began with block clustering using a k-means algorithm, considering factors such as volume, perimeter lengths, and surface curvature. Following the digital selection of the bricks considering the average volume, a physical test was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the clustering process. This initial experiment involved 5 clusters. In the digital representation, a 2 mm allowance between each block was applied at a 1:1 scale to facilitate the interlocking process. As depicted in Figure 4.39, clustering was implemented for all similar blocks, excluding those at the perimeter of the entire surface, which represent various types themselves. Specifically, the blocks highlighted in yellow are custom-cut blocks tailored to accommodate ground openings.

Figure 4.39 Diagram of the different type of blocks, vault assonometric and top view.

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4.4.5 Tessellation with 5 Clusters Physical Prototype

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From the digital cluster, we selected the bricks considering the average volume for each cluster to use in the physical experiment. However, the initial challenge arose due to the 1:5 scale prototype. The reduced block dimensions made it challenging to create a formwork that was easy to both assemble and disassemble. Additionally, the sharp angles complicated the casting process and the opening of the molds, resulting in many blocks being damaged during mold opening. Only one block remained undamaged. To address the rapid solidification of the material during this experiment, we introduced additional water, inadvertently increasing brittleness. Lastly, regarding the experiment’s objective, we observed a significant size disparity between the blocks, making it impossible to connect the representative block from each cluster to blocks in other clusters.

Figure 4.41 Comparison of digital and physical prototypes.


Figure 4.40 Physical prototype of the blocks with highlighted crack lines.

4.4.6 Tessellation 10 Clusters Digital Prototype

Figure 4.42 Diagram of the different type of blocks, vault assonometric and top view.

We conducted a secondary experiment involving 10 clusters. This experiment also began with block clustering using a k-means algorithm, considering factors such as volume, perimeter lengths, and surface curvature. In this experiment, we, once again, selected the average volume from the digital cluster to use in the physical test. As depicted in Figure 4.42, clustering was applied to all similar blocks except for those positioned at the perimeter of the entire surface, which represent various types themselves. In this context, two categories of edge blocks were considered. Specifically, the blocks highlighted in yellow are custom-cut blocks tailored to accommodate ground openings. The focus of this experiment was on the section of the vault’s tallest part, comprising two bricks. Similar to the earlier experiment, we allowed a 2 mm gap between each block at a 1:1 scale to facilitate the interlocking process.

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4.4.7 Tessellation 10 Clusters Physical Prototype

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Unlike the previous experiment, the bricks were created using 3D printing with PLA filaments. The entire model was printed at a 1:10 scale, and for the construction process, we also created a PLA scaffolding. With an increased number of clusters, we observed that the interlocking system worked better than in the 5-cluster experiment. However, several issues became apparent. The 2 mm allowance considered in the digital 1:1 model became less relevant when printed at a 1:10 scale with PLA material, resulting in a stiffer physical prototype. Additionally, we encountered difficulties when interlocking type 1 with type 2 due to differences in block dimensions. Finally, blocks located on the surface with greater curvature exhibited a predominant surface near the corners of the blocks.

Figure 4.44 Physical prototypes of the scaffolding and blocks.


4.4.8 Tessellation Conclusion

Figure 4.43 Digital prototype.

In conclusion, in this section of experiments, we acknowledge significant factors related to the chosen material system and the tessellation strategy. Regarding the relationship between the material and brick form, we encountered a substantial challenge during the molding process. The rapid solidification of the material added complexity to fabrication, indicating the need for further research to address the material composition in conjunction with the intended form. Furthermore, concerning the forms used in the physical experiments, it became evident that sharp corners are susceptible to cracking when forces are not evenly distributed, resulting in the creation of crack lines. While digital Finite Element Analysis presented promising values, it’s essential to recognize that, as demonstrated in our physical experiments, digital representations may not always accurately reflect real-world conditions. Therefore, the synergy between digital and physical experimentation allows

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for adjustments and calibration of digital models based on physical results. Specifically, in our case, aside from material considerations and the challenges of block production, the 10-cluster approach yielded better results in defining the representative blocks for each cluster. Based on the experiments, we believe that increasing the number of clusters could lead to a more suitable solution. To be more specific, a cluster count between 10 and 15 is likely to be sufficient to achieve the design objective of identifying representative blocks that interlock seamlessly without gaps or overlaps, while also conforming to the surface curvature and maintaining structural stability.


5. Discussion


Architectural Association School of Architecture_EmTech_2022-2023

This project highlights the potential for enhanced ecosystem preservation by prioritizing the well-being of keystone species within urban areas. This approach ensures a more sustainable project by maintaining a natural ecosystem cycle. It’s essential to recognize that addressing cohabitation through ecosystem engineers, umbrella species, or indicator species involves considering the broader ecological system these species represent. This raises a critical question: How will other species adapt to this cohabitation model, and what adjustments are necessary to ensure their well-being? One limitation of this project is focusing on these species as individual elements, without considering the larger structure they collectively form. In the context of the Galapagos, the cohabitation approach required an understanding of species and ecosystem sensitivity. Given that human activities can stress these species, it was imperative to establish varying levels of interaction to enable them to fulfill their life cycles without adverse effects from human interaction. While this project


explored shelters for transitional activities, an intriguing aspect is considering how the design might change if cohabitation areas were adapted to support the entire lifecycle of the animals. The project aimed to create points of attraction within human areas and design shelters using a similar structure to human housing to facilitate a closer interaction between humans and animals. These landscape elements, designed with animals in mind, demonstrated that animal requirements can be integrated into the design, serving as a source of inspiration rather than a constraint. Moving forward, exploring animalhuman interactions and anticipating potential issues within cohabitation areas is crucial. During the architectural stage, bio ceramics were chosen as the main material based on the island’s restrictions. However, it’s essential to analyze the location and impact of a desalination and purifier plant in further detail. Moreover, properties of the material should be closely examined to

meet specific design restrictions, such as addressing humidity levels in the shelter to accommodate sealions for a longer duration. The material can also be further explored to act as a sound barrier, reducing disturbances inside the houses and creating a peaceful environment for the species. Additionally, the construction process was tailored to align with the community’s abilities and simplify the construction process. Nevertheless, a more comprehensive assessment of the construction’s real impact using tools like LCA is essential. Design research focused on urban cohabitation is a relatively recent and evolving field that necessitates extensive development from various perspectives. Existing literature often concentrates on animals better adapted to urban environments and in denser areas. This project’s contribution lies in its multiscale approach to multispecies design settlement within a highly delicate ecosystem, like the Galapagos, dealing with highly sensitive and endangered species. This unique scenario offers valuable insights for emerging urban development challenges,

shedding light on potential solutions for similar approaches and contrasting locations. However, it’s important to acknowledge that this project is primarily an architectural and urban exploration, potentially benefitting from further collaboration with ecologists, biologists, and relevant professionals to broaden the cohabitation possibilities and solutions, as well as identify constraints. In conclusion, reflecting on the implications of cohabitation and urbanization in a natural area is essential. Cohabitation implies interaction, fostering nature conservation awareness within the community. However, as animals become accustomed to human presence, the definition of “wild” for a place may evolve. Could the presence of humans represent the next evolutionary stage for Galapagos species? If the islands are no longer untouched, what does it truly mean to label the Galápagos as urbanized? This project provides a visual interpretation of “urbanization” through the integration of the region’s most iconic animals, prompting deeper contemplation of these significant questions.

Pinak Bhapkar_Natalia Juca Freire_Gianfranco Maiorano_Rapas Teparaska


Architectural Association School of Architecture_EmTech_2022-2023



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‘D. Roy, New Strong Cement Materials: Chemically Bonded Ceramics, Science 235 (1987) 651–658.’, n.d. Arun S. Wagh, ‘Chapter 1 - Introduction to Chemically Bonded Ceramics’, in Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (Second Edition), ed. Arun S. Wagh (Elsevier, 2016), 1–16. ‘F.P. Glasser, Cements from Micro to Macrostructures, Ceram. Trans. J. 89 (6) (1990) 195–202.’, n.d. ‘D. Roy, New Strong Cement Materials: Chemically Bonded Ceramics, Science 235 (1987) 651–658.’ R. Roy, D.K. Agarwal, V. Srikanth, Acoustic Wave Stimulation of Low Temperature Ceramic Reactions: The System Al2O3 P2O5 H2O, J. Mater. Res. 6 (11) (1991) 2412– 2416., n.d. T. Simonton, R. Roy, S. Komarneni, E. Brevel, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Synthetic Opal: A Chemically Bonded Ceramic, J. Mater. Res. 1 (5) (1986) 667– 674., n.d. A. Wagh, S. Jeong, D. Lohan, A. Elizabeth, Chemically Bonded Phosphosilicate Ceramic, US Patent No. 6,518,212 B1, 2003., n.d. Biwan Xu, Barbara Lothenbach, and Frank Winnefeld, ‘Influence of Wollastonite on Hydration and Properties of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cements’, Cement and Concrete Research 131 (1 May 2020): 106012. Arun S. Wagh, ‘Chapter 20 - Environmental Implications of Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramic Products’, in Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (Second Edition), ed. Arun S. Wagh (Elsevier, 2016), 359–72, https://doi. org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100380-0.00020-8. A.S. Wagh, D. Singh, S.-Y. Jeong, Method of Waste Stabilization via Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics, US Patent No. 5,830,815, 1998., n.d. Arun S. Wagh, ‘Chapter 9 - Magnesium Phosphate Ceramics’, in Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (Second Edition), ed. Arun S. Wagh (Elsevier, 2016), 127. K. Shih and H. Yan, ‘Chapter 26 - The Crystallization of Struvite and Its Analog (K-Struvite) From Waste Streams for Nutrient Recycling’, in Environmental Materials and Waste, ed. M. N. V. Prasad and Kaimin Shih (Academic Press, 2016), 665–86. Image from Wagh, ‘Chapter 9 - Magnesium Phosphate Ceramics’, pag. 128.


COEXIST Multispecies design in Galapagos

Course Director - Dr. Elif Erdine Founding Director - Dr. Michael Weinstock Studio Master - Dr. Milad Showkatbakhsh Studio Tutors - Felipe Oeyen, Fun Yuen, Lorenzo Santelli, Paris Nikitidis

Gianfranco Maiorano (MSc) Natalia Juca Freire (MSc) Pinak Bhapkar (MArch) Rapas Teparaska (MArch)

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