Thrush Grows Stronger
Looking into 2022, we’re excited about what the new year will bring.
2021 was a tough year. Despite the chaos, we grew stronger as a business and as a team. The strategy we launched two years ago hasn’t changed. Bring stability to the company and the market. Significantly improve both products and services to give customers what they want. Continue improving safety performance in products, training, and in the industry in general. Work with our dealers to provide exceptional service. Focus on our core product lines and don’t get distracted. COVID-19 created all sorts of challenges for Thrush, its customers, and its supply chain. We lost an employee and several of our team’s family members to COVID. The pandemic impacted some of our aircraft deliveries and our product development programs. Supply chain disruptions were common, as were inflationary pressures. Hiring personnel was more difficult than at any time in recent memory, but we’re grateful for the way our employees, dealers, and suppliers all pulled together to overcome the difficult circumstances.
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Looking into 2022, we’re excited about what the new year will bring. We expect our customers will be just as excited with our new products and service offerings. The 510-P2 and 510P2+ will bring a new level of performance to the 500-gallon market. 510G owners will have options they didn’t have in the past. We will raise our production output next year to meet the increasing demand for both 510 and 710 models. We’ve developed plans to add capacity and capability to our 710 product. We’ve challenged our Services team to continue to improve spare parts availability. In short, we’re continuing the successful company transformation. 2022 is going to be a great year! Mark McDonald Mark.McDonald@thrushaircraft.com 704-253-5772