Rise to the Challenge, with Flight Plan Online® If you needed a breather after this season, you’re not alone. From too little rain in some areas to too much rain in others, weather kept applicators out of the field. When the season finally started, it hit like a tidal wave of work. Everyone was in a rush to get into the air and get all of those acres sprayed. You can’t control the weather and you can’t control your customers’ schedules. But you can give yourself the best tools to give your customers the best service. Flight Plan Online® is one of the most powerful tools you can use. With Flight Plan Online, you can offer your customers an easy way to create jobs. The user-friendly design will have them making maps and work orders, fast. They can even include adjacent crops and hazards near the field. Email alerts let them track jobs, without calling you for updates. Whether you have a few jobs, or a few hundred, our Master Map gives you a clear overview to create manageable batches and schedule them for spraying. It’s easy to upload
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field boundaries into your guidance system. Our Mobile View lets pilots open batches on the fly, select a job, and automatically record completion information. Flight Plan Online helps you reduce risk. It flags sensitive areas on pilot maps. The maps give a clear view of fields and nearby landmarks, so you spray the right field. All work orders are kept online, so they can’t get lost. Creating as-applied maps is quick and easy, and you can run application reports and invoices the same day you spray! All of this is backed up with unmatched customer service. Aerial applicators tell us they couldn’t have made it through 2021 without us. While you’re here, stop by booth 700 and see what we can do for you.