May 2014 Spokesman

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The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

ABATE of Colorado State Executive Officers - 2014

State Coordinator Terry Howard 303-789-3264 Legislative Affairs Officer/Team Stump Haberstumpf 303-816-0909 Metro Regional Coordinator OPEN Mountain Regional Coordinator Tim O’Connor 719-395-8733 Assistant State Coordinator Northeast Regional Coordinator Don Enninga 970-768-5599 Board Member at Large Charlie May 719-320-3892 Southwest Regional Coordinator Open State Recording Secretary Lisa Gill recordingsecretary@abateofcolo. org State Treasurer Perrie Ranburger 303-789-3264

Office Staff Deb Craig Don Gunn


Issue # 04-14

April 2014

Mission Statement

ABATE of Colorado exists to preserve freedom of the road, to unite motorcyclists, to promote fair legislation, safety, and rider education and to provide a network for communication on issues affecting motorcyclists.

ABATE Monthly Meetings District 1

Call Dave Cawley @ 970-380-4232 Jan 5 Leroy Bishop & Penny Vaughn Feb 2 Corral Sports Bar March 2 The Place April 6 Dolittle’s June 1 Main Event Bar & Grill

District 3

2nd Sunday of the month @ 12pm Herradura Bar & Grill 6520 S. College Ave. Ft. Collins, CO 80527 720-938-1149

District 10

4th Sunday of the month @ 10am Noonan’s 13525 E. Iliff Ave (I-225 and Iliff ) Aurora, CO 80011

District 11

1st Monday of the month @ 7pm VFW-Johnson Village (2 miles south of Buena Vista)

District 13

2nd Tuesday of the month @ 7pm Pepper Jacks 3768 State Hwy 52 Erie, CO 303-833-4361

District 14

3rd Wednesday of the month 7 pm Holiday Inn, Frisco, Co

District 16

2nd Thursday of the month 7:30pm Micky‘s Steakhouse 6950 N. Broadway, Denver

2nd Sunday of the month @ 9am Bear Creek Restaurant 25940 Hwy 74. Kittredge, CO 80457 303-674-9929

District 7

District 17

District 5

2nd Tuesday of the month @ 7pm Steel City Eagles 704 Elmhurst Pueblo, CO

3rd Tuesday of the month @ 7:30pm The Shack, Littleton NW corner of Mineral & Broadway ABATE OF COLORADO is a non-profit, educational, charitable and safety oriented motorcycle rights organization.


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014


May is Motorcycle Awareness Month

May is Motorcycle Safety month across the USA, as well as the beginning of riding season for a large

number of riders. Yes, I know….several of you ride all year long. While there will always be the issue of car drivers not seeing us, there is also our own responsibility. Did you know that in Jefferson County 94% of the motorcycle fatalities are the riders fault? Scary huh? It seems that we need a little more practice in cornering, curves, breaking and speed. Don Gunn our Rider Ed Manager, in conjunction with the late Jeffco Sheriff’s Deputy Dave Baldwin, has been working on a new curriculum to address just those issues. We will be doing some test classes as the weather warms up with full rollout this summer. We are hoping to offer these classes at a very reasonable rate to entice us seasoned riders to brush up on our skills and maybe learn some new ones. Stay tuned for our progression. Watch out for the sand on the roads! Classes have finally picked up since the weather has decided to cooperate. We have been running some specials on select dates and those classes are filling up and have waiting lists. Our regular priced classes are not filling as well. So much for the survey that said cost isn’t really a factor. As I am writing this article the Motorcycle Expo has not taken place yet. I hope we have a large attendance to get the word out about motorcycling. It’s a fun day with an important message. I hope you showed up to support ABATE’s mission. (Will Ensign 05-9579-0104) The Legislative session ends May 8th. We didn’t accomplish what we hoped to this year by bringing the MOST program back to its original intent. It seems some believe we are questioning where the money is going…that is not the question. Only certain classes are eligible for student tuition subsidy, not all of them are.

ABATE feels it is just as important for seasoned riders to brush up on their skills as it is for a rider to have their endorsement. We also receive phone calls from former students of other companies’ classes stating that certain things were not presented to them in their class. That is a huge problem! The MOST program coordinator does not have the time to be out running QA visits on all the schools due to the huge amount of paperwork that is involved with training. We are aware that some companies are not following the MSF curriculum nor the MOST rules & regulations. It seems that there will be no help to effectively run this program. I am holding out hope that maybe some recommendations from the Advisory Board will be implemented to help achieve our goal. There was discussion at the March SBOD meeting about repealing the fees that pay for the program. Your District Rep will be discussing this issue with you at your meetings. Please make sure you attend the meetings so we can get your opinion. Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms. Please remember those that have given their lives for our freedom this Memorial Day. There are lots of events happening this month as riding season gets underway. Please try to attend the ABATE events to support our cause. Ride

safe out there!

Until next month….Terry Howard

“There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America.” William J. Clinton


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -


MEMBERS RENEWING ONLINE Please note that when you sign up or renew your membership online, Paypal automatically signs you up for a subscription. That means you will automatically be charged the next year at your renewal time. This is not something ABATE setup, it is Paypal’s structure. Please read the renewal page in it’s entirety and unsubscribe. That way you will not be charged automatically next year.

We Now Have Patches Available for 15 (Bronze), 20 (Silver) and 25 (Gold) Year Membership Anniversaries. Eligibility for these patches requires continuous membership. For example, if you are starting your 16th year of membership with ABATE, you are eligible for a 15 year patch, and of course any previous year patches. 3, 5 and 10 year patches are also available. Each patch is $10. Call the office NOW and make your collection current. 303-789-3264 4

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

WHAT’S INSIDE ABATE Meetings .....................................2 A Word From The State Coordinator ........................... 3 Randy’s Rant ............................................ 7 2014 Events ............................................. 14 Legislative Report ................................... 18 MRF News ............................................. 19 District News ......................................... 20-23 ABATE Classifieds ................................. 24

Spokesman Submission Guidelines can be found online at The Colorado Spokesman is an official monthly ABATE of Colorado publication. ABATE of Colorado, 4725 Paris St., Ste. 250, Denver, CO 80239. ABATE of Colorado accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions contained within this publication. Copyright 2007 ABATE of Colorado. All rights reserved. The absolute deadline for submissions to the Colorado Spokesman is the 15th day of the month

The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -



Issue # 04-14

April 2014


4725 Paris St. Suite 250 Denver, CO 80239 (303) 789-3264 866-536-5081 FAX (303) 789-2915 WEB SITE


ABATE provides the highest quality rider safety training to more people in Colorado than any other provider. We have training sites in the Denver Metro area (Lakewood, Littleton, Westminster, and Aurora/East Denver), Colorado Springs, Greeley, Pueblo and Fort Collins. Our mobile training program currently includes Fort Morgan and Summit County. We were the first not-for-profit training company and have been training in Colorado since 1990. We are the only Colorado company certified to train and test three-wheel vehicles. Our educational mission is further met through programs such as “Operation Save A Life” which delivers “share the road” presentations to other organizations and businesses throughout the state. We maintain a fleet of more than 150 training motorcycles. ABATE contracts with only the finest instructors in the State. All of our instructors are certified to teach by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and by the Colorado Department of Transportation. We are proud of our instructors! GENERAL INFORMATION

Courses for the beginning rider as well as the experienced rider are available. Helmets, full-finger gloves, long sleeved shirt, long pants, eye protection as well as leather over- the-ankle boots are required for all riding sessions. Half or “shorty” helmets are not recommended as they may put the user at unnecessary additional risk. Helmets are available for student use. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required (cash, check, money order, MC/V/D/AmEx). With less than 48 hours notice your tuition is NOT refundable or transferable to another date. BEGINNING RIDER COURSE Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) Basic RiderCourse (BRC). Cost is $215.00 INTERMEDIATE COURSES MSF BRC2 (formerly the ERC). Cost is $130. Discounts may be available for organizations that pay for 12 people at once. • Testing for the Colorado motorcycle endorsement and loaner bikes are available for an additional fee. BRC2TEST cost is $140.00 MSF ARC-ST. Cost is $155.00


THREE WHEEL COURSES Evergreen Safety Council Sidecar/Trike Education Program (S/TEP). Cost for the novice course is $225.00; license testing for the three-wheel motorcycle license endorsement is included. The Advanced Course is 1 day and costs $125.00; participants must already be properly endorsed on their license and have riding experience on their machine.



The Colorado Spokesman


ABATE of Colorado -

just wanna say............

MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING RIGHT Old School CNSS New Owners CME This letter is in response to Randy’s Rant in the April Spokesman. My name is Jack and, along with my partner, Jim, and my wife Vicki, we promoted the Colorado Motorcycle Show and Swap for 35 years and we were pretty much old school. We loved doing the show year after year and we were of the idea if it’s not broke don’t fix it. We loved the old rusty, bent and broken parts that would fix an old friend. We are sure that was one of the reasons the swap meet is one of the largest in the country. Now as of 2014, there are new owners and the name has been changed to Colorado Motorcycle Expo. I am sure the new owners will have new ideas (who knows, maybe more to your liking). Last show they brought in more entertainment and are making more changes. For more info: call Jeff or Ron at 303-8356967 and for details about upcoming shows. As for me, I hope there are always old, bent rusty and broken parts. There will always be booths that don’t interest everyone. If no one likes a certain booth, that vendor makes no money and usually doesn’t return to the show. Also I cannot figure out what the Bonanza Flea market has to do with a real Motorcycle show and swap like the Denver show that was designed specifically for Bikers. Not only that, but the Colorado MC Show & Swap is one of the biggest motorcycle social events in the country. Somewhere along the line we must have done something right for we went from a small building at Adams County to filling the Expo building. To all you people that supported us for the past 35 years Thank you very much and we hope you continue to support the show for another 35 years. Thanks, Jack Portice – Founder CMSS


Issue # 04-14

April 2014

Dear State Coordinator,

I realize ABATE is supportive of individual freedoms and liberties, especially when it pertains to the 1st Amendment and freedom of speech, but sometimes public articles need to be edited. I’m referring to Randy’s Rant in the April Spokesman. Do we allow anything to be printed in the Spokesman, no matter how opinionated and “idiotic” the article might be? Randy obviously doesn’t know what a motorcycle swap meet is. All the real bikers I know go to a motorcycle swap meet to find used parts. If they want to new accessories or helmets they shop elsewhere. I suggest Randy stay away from motorcycle swap meets if he wants to keep “variety and surprises” in his life and keep his insulting opinions to himself. I find his letter very insulting to those who have worked so hard for many years to bring a quality motorcycle swap meet to Colorado. District 16


Outdated material used to duplicate.

What does that have to do with Motorcycles & the Spokesman - District Meetings?? I’ve been a member on and off since 1983, mostly off. You don’t see me at most of the events and or meetings. REASON; 1st my schedule is quite full most of the time, [I plan it that way, doesn’t just happen, or avoid] or the events conflict with others, you choose the most important? Selective participation? 2nd Quite often some of these meetings become a CARBON COPY! A duplicate of preceding meetings, SOSO!! Same o same o. I enjoy SPICE & VARIETY [especially in foods] that pertains / essential and applies to recruiting and retaining oldies [sic - not referring to age] members. I usually read; Terry’s comments, Randy’s Rant, Legislative, MRF, & Regional Reports. The rest become redundant, lack of interest to me, this includes the District News. Some District Reps don’t take the responsibility / initiative to report routinely, DUTY Vs. PURPOSE! Quite often the reports in the Spokesman post events that are already past. I’ve noticed that Northern Colorado ads dominate the pages in the back. Where are our local supporters? Does that say something about our local interests and support? This article sounds rather bitchy, or critical? Okay, it is! I’m not against format or routine, but let’s rejuvenate this organization & meetings a smidgen. I’m sure a lot of lost or current members & those who don’t participate are in agreement with my attitude or comments? Just a hint; One District meeting could attend another and Vis-a-Versa??? I’m open for your comments, for or against my opinions. Just my 2¢ worth, take it or leave it!


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014



while back, I wrote a rant about apathy. Just so you are all aware, according to the dictionary, apathy means; lack of enthusiasm or energy, lack of interest in anything, absence of any wish to do anything.

have begun to understand that by not taking part in what is going on, I am endorsing the way things are. Only by participation in life can I be allowed to possibly influence the way things go. I have started exercising my wants and rights by doing things like voting and writing these rants”.

Rant ON Rants

This is my 20th rant, which means in 4 months, I will have been at this for two years. I have been putting my contact info at the end of each rant hoping to receive feedback about people’s feelings concerning my articles. So far I have yet to receive anything, be it compliment or condemnation. This is kind of disappointing and lends more credence to my earlier rant about apathy.

I would love to hear your thoughts, be they positive or not, on this rant and any others you care to comment on. By getting feedback I hope to improve the content of my rants and my life. Randy Mumma (Squirrel)

I had thought folks would be more forthcoming about how they felt about a particular article, especially since some of the articles were designed to evoke some kind of emotions. There were rants that should have pissed some people off, rants that should have made people laugh, rants that had to have made people nod their heads in agreement. Hell, there were even a couple that I had thought would be edited before printing. Gratifyingly this did not happen and I applaud the newsletter for it’s singular dedication to integrity and openness. I would like to prod everyone to take part in life. To quote from the rant on apathy, “It has come to my attention how much we as a people have ceased to care about what goes on in our world. As long as we are not directly affected, we don’t seem to give a rat’s ass what is happening around us”. ( I didn’t say rat’s ass in the original, but I felt that a little stronger poke was needed). Let people know how you feel about what they are doing. After all that is what you are doing when you vote for a candidate or a bond issue, when you order a particular dish from a restaurant, when you choose to follow or disobey a rule, when you choose to wear or not to wear a helmet. Every decision you make says something about the way you think. To again quote from the rant on apathy, “recently I


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

ABATE of Colorado

District 10

JULY 12, 2014 6AM 500 mile ride $25 per person entry fee MARK YOUR CALENDARS More details to be announced







2025 W. Union Avenue, Englewood, CO 80110 (303) 781-5339


“You never see a motorcycle parked outside of a therapist office”


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

A Brotherhood Active Towards Education


Father’s Day Poker Run SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 2014 Starts @ Evergreen


(Evergreen Pkwy – CR74 – frontage Rd. at Lewis Ridge Rd.) Registration 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. $15 per person / ALL VEHICLES WELCOME


@ Wrigley’s Chicago Bar and Grill (18200 W. Colfax Ave., Golden)

FOR MORE INFO, contact Stump @ 303-816-0909 or


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

THANK YOU TO OUR $100 SPONSOR MEMBERS Stuart Boulter – Allenspark, CO Dec 1998

“Torch” & Sue Barr – Littleton, CO June 1999

Craig Wandrey – Idaho Springs, CO Feb 2002

Dave “Preacher” Pohlman – Arvada, CO Feb 2002 Bradley Thompson – Arvada, CO April 2002 Laura Greene – Brush, CO June 2003 John Chaney – Denver, CO Aug 2004

David & Chad Green – Blackhawk, CO Feb 2004 Graydon Wheeler - Huntley, WY April 2006

Fran & Shawn Hannifin – Denver, CO July 2006 Fred Stonebraker – Silverthorne, CO Aug 2007 Wendell & Kristina Burden – Castle Rock, CO Oct 2007

Will Rutledge – Aspen, CO October 2008 David Alderman – Erie, CO March 2009

Al & Karen Hirth – Pueblo, CO October 2009 Papa Lew & Lisa Vaughan – Franktown, CO Dec 2009

Dale “Bear” Meade - Lafayette, CO March 2010 Carl & Trina Brockwell – Denver, CO July 2010

Toby Schmidt & Willa Mandziuk Westminster, CO Aug 2011

Don & Kristi Enninga – Ft Morgan, CO Jan 2012 Christi Little – Arvada, CO January 2012 Sam Torno – Englewood, CO April 2012

Mina Douglas – Reno, NV October 2012

Jerry Olson- Littleton, CO October 2012

Duane & Bonnie Roller – Firestone, CO Feb 2013 George & Marissa West – Aurora, CO Feb 2014



Issue # 04-14

April 2014


The whirlwind of “ObamaCare” has been felt by healthcare providers and consumers throughout Colorado over the past six months. Connect for Health Colorado reported more than 125,000 Coloradans signed up for private health insurance coverage through the state exchange. The deadline for buying what for many Americans was their first ever policy of health insurance has now passed. If you missed the March 31, 2014 enrollment deadline, you may qualify for a special enrollment period which can extend the time you can use the marketplace. If you don’t qualify for special enrollment you can still sign up for Medicaid and CHIP or private health insurance outside of the marketplace through an agent, broker or provider. As a result of the “Affordable Health Care Act,” some consumers found their premiums for health insurance increased; some found that their premiums decreased, and many had nothing to compare their premium to as they were first time buyers of a policy. Many of those who saw increased premiums found themselves with more comprehensive coverage due to changes in the law. The expanded minimum coverage requirements are argued by many to decrease the overall medical expenses paid by all Americans over time. The belief is that offering affordable medical care, inclusive of preventative visits such as annual physicals, will allow healthcare providers to diagnose and treat medical conditions before they reach critical stages where treatment costs explode. It will take time, but eventually data will be available to prove or disprove the critics and the supporters of ObamaCare. In the short term, however, there have been many positive aspects of the new healthcare system for a large segment of the population. We have seen these positive developments first-hand in our practice. Many of our clients are faced with loss of employment, loss of marriage and/or with life altering injuries or medical conditions. We have recently helped clients in need of changing insurance plans for various reasons and have found they were able obtain better coverage, often for less money, with greater ease than ever before. In the past, the loss of employment caused most people to pay increased premiums for COBRA policies that provided coverage for very limited time periods. Divorce often required one spouse to continue to provide insurance benefits for his or her ex-spouse until comparable coverage could be obtained, which often was not financially possible for people without employment of their own. These barriers to accessing health insurance coverage have been removed by the new laws. Notably, the most positive impact we have witnessed in our practice stems from the elimination of an insurance company’s ability to discriminate against consumers based upon “pre-existing conditions.”

The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

This change has really helped us all, as what aging American is not eventually plagued by illness or injury. Individuals with what previously had been characterized as “preexisting conditions” are now able to purchase affordable health insurance which actually includes coverage for medical treatment, preventative care and otherwise. Providing insurance coverage to individuals previously precluded by “pre-existing conditions” is argued to be one critical way in which we will gain control over the soaring costs of healthcare. Why? Over the past decades, those who suffered from injuries or illness which increased their need for medical care were categorically excluded from insurance policies. As a result, emergency rooms became the “primary care doctors” for thousands who were otherwise willing and able to pay for affordable health insurance. The costs for treatment at emergency rooms sky-rocketed, likely in part due to the rate at which bills were unpaid by frequent visitors, and eventually those costs were passed along to consumers with health insurance in the form of increased premiums. These previously “uninsurable” individuals with pre-existing conditions are part of the 125,000 new policies sold in Colorado alone this year. There are many uncertainties to the new system. There have been complications with gaining access to the exchanges and websites where policies are sold. Much is to be learned about whether requiring insurance for all Americans will curb the costs of healthcare for the nation as a whole. For now, it is plainly obvious that protections have been put in place to assure that medical coverage is accessible to all and that the policies that are sold actually provide meaningful benefits for the money paid by consumers. These protections have allowed people with brain injuries, severe spinal cord injuries, cancer, diabetes and many other conditions to purchase insurance with the same ease and for the same cost as individuals of their same age without such injuries or conditions. We as human beings have very few guarantees in life. In this we are all equal. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. We are not guaranteed a future without illness or injury. But now, for the first time in my lifetime, we are all guaranteed equal access to healthcare for the inevitable illnesses and injuries of our future. Angela E. McGraw is an attorney at Fleishman & Shapiro P.C. She represents people who have suffered brain injuries and other serious injuries and can be reached at 303-861-1000 or The firm’s website is www.


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014


DISTRICT EXPIRE DATE Cimino, Nick 10 Mar-14 Dietrich, Butch A.E. 14 Mar-14 Dunagan, Brian 99 Mar-14 Dunagan, Kerri 99 Mar-14 Estrada, Paul 7 Mar-14 Hansen, Rev Debra 10 Mar-14 Hansen, Rev Galen 10 Mar-14 Hasty Jr, Lester 1 Mar-14 Headley, Dean 1 Mar-14 Headley, Theresa 1 Mar-14 Juoni, Michael 10 Mar-14 Keene, Mason 99 Mar-14 Mclaughlin, Mark 10 Mar-14 Moe, George 13 Mar-14 Schneider, Andrew 11 Mar-14 Schneider, Anne 11 Mar-14 Strunk, Dennis 16 Mar-14 Terry, Michael 1 Mar-14 Toys Inc, Trike 10 Mar-14


Come As You Ride

(720) 635-2897 Pastor Gary and Mrs. Diana Davis

Friday Nights at 7:30 P.M. in the Chapel at Riverside 2411 Alcott St. Denver CO 80211 I-25 and 23rd Ave. Exit 211 Bible Studies • Weddings Funerals & Memorials

The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

Motorcyclists have all the same rights and privileges as any motor vehicle driver on the roadway. During Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in May - and during the rest of the year - drivers of all other vehicles and all road users are reminded to safely “share the road� with motorcyclists, and to be extra alert to help keep motorcyclists safe.



The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014



MONTH DIST. EVENT May 5/3/2014 D10 Blessing of the Bikes D1 Sandhills Poker Run 5/4/2014 5/17/2014 D17 SBOD 5/31/2014 State Coffee Run and Ice Cream Social June 06/07 & 08/2014 State MRF Best of the West 6/15/2014 D16 Fathers Day Poker Run 6/21/2014 State Randy Run Fallen Bikers 6/28/2014 State MRA BBQ July 7/19/2014 D10 SBOD August 8/10/2014 D17 Dart Poker Run 08/15 - 08/17 D1 Rally on the Plains 08/23/2014 State MRA BBQ


9/20/14 D14



LOCATION Aurora, CO Ft Morgan, CO 970.380.4232 Littleton

Summit County 303-789-3264 Conifer, CO 303-816-0909 Aurora, CO 303-789-3264 Pueblo, CO

Aurora, CO

Littleton, CO 303-972-1175 Yuma, CO 970-380-4232 Byers, CO

Summit County

The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

ABATE Business Sustaining Memberships Please support these businesses that support us!!!

Bronze Memberships

Silver Memberships

BuckMoors Sports Lounge 119 LaBonte St Dillon, CO 80435 970-468-2006

EM Leather 14016 E. Mississippi Ave, Aurora, CO 303-337-6690

Branding Iron Bar & Grill 710 Hwy 24 N Buena Vista, CO 719-395-6472

FED MOD CO – Rich Barclay Denver – 303-917-8622 Colorado Springs – 719-541-5224

Fun Center Inc 29603 US Hwy 160 E Durango, CO 970-259-1070 HoltHammer Cycles LLC Eagle, Colorado 970-328-2544 Casey’s Motorsport Independent Amsoil Dealer CSPCASEY@GMAIL.COM Motobreck 16135 Highway 9 Breckenridge, CO 80424 970-453-0353

Trike Toys Inc. 22285 E. Alameda Aurora, CO – 303-478-7880

Gold Memberships Fleishman & Shapiro P.C. 2000 S. Colorado Blvd Tower One, Suite 9000 Denver, CO 80222 303-861-1000 Grand Prix Guns & Ammo 3105 W. County Line Rd Littleton, CO 303-761-2471


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

D10 2014

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

Corn Beef Bash


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 01-14 04-14

January 2014 April 2014


members at work

lobby Day

Our fearless leader Stump

adopt a highway


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

LEGISLATIVE Hello Concerned Motorcyclists, There’s so much Legislative news happening this month, I don’t know where to start. I guess I’ll start with the most exciting news (in my opinion!). I attended the Democratic State Assembly on Saturday, 4/12 as a delegate from Park County. The delegate process actually started last month at my Precinct Caucus where I was selected to be a delegate to the County Assembly. At the County Assembly, I was selected to be a delegate for the State Assembly. As a Park County delegate, I also got to attend the assemblies for SD-02 and HD-60 on Friday, 4/11. These seats are currently held by Republicans, Sen. Grantham and Rep. Wilson, and have been for many years because Republicans outnumber Democrats about 3 to 1 in both districts. Consequently, we don’t even have any Democrats running for SD-02 and HD-60 this election. So our meetings on Friday were rather short, but we did spend some time brainstorming on how to increase involvement of Democrats in Park County. (It sounded a lot like us trying to increase membership in ABATE!) Saturday morning actually started off with a meeting of Congressional District 02 where we elected Rep. Jared Polis as a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. The State Assembly started after that at around 10 am. We had 1247 delegates in attendance and many elected officials – the most prominent being U.S. Senators Mark Udall and Michael Bennet, and incumbent U.S. Representatives Diana DeGette, Jared Polis, and Ed Perlmutter. Sen. Udall and all U.S. Representatives are up for election this November, but Sen. Bennet isn’t. They all gave a speech on why they should be re-elected and what they’re going to do for Colorado if elected. It was like a giant “pep rally”. They’d say something, and then the audience would cheer and applaud. Also in attendance and giving “elect-me” speeches were Gov. John Hickenlooper and numerous candidates for state offices. Lastly, the candidates running for U.S. Representative positions, who aren’t incumbents,

• • • • • • • • • • • •

U.S. Senate: U.S. House – CD-01 U.S. House – CD-02 U.S. House – CD-03 U.S. House – CD-04 U.S. House – CD-05 U.S. House – CD-06 U.S. House – CD-07 Governor Secretary of State State Treasurer Attorney General



Issue # 04-14

April 2014

gave their “elect-me” speeches. It was interesting to hear the 2 different approaches the candidates used. Some said, “Elect me because I’m ….”, while others said, “Elect me because my opponent ….”. Of course the 2nd approach brought on more “boos and hisses” than actual cheers for the candidate. According to an interview with the Party Chairmen in the Colorado Statesman Newspaper, this type of campaigning “smacks of desperation”. If you get a chance, read the April 11th edition of the Colorado Statesman. It’s quite interesting. As you can probably guess, before each candidate gave his/her speech, they had to be introduced /supported by a bunch of “influential” officials (former U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar introduced a few), who gave their own little speeches. Then, while giving their speech, they had a whole stage full of supporters standing behind them waving signs. (That way the audience would know the right time to cheer and applaud!) Also present were about 40 State Senators and Representatives showing their support for the various candidates. While all the speeches, cheering, applauding, booing and hissing did get a little monotonous after 4 hours; I found the whole experience energizing. (almost like the Best of the West or Meeting of the Minds, except for a different cause). The last hour was spent discussing the various Democratic Platform Resolutions. While I got to submit a resolution about motorcycle safety at my precinct caucus and have it passed at the County Assembly, it never got to the State Platform Resolution Report. I guess it wasn’t a big enough concern in all the other counties, so we need to work on getting more ABATE members at County Assemblies to push our issues to the state level. I won’t mention any particulars about the resolutions because you can find them all on line. I’m guessing the Republican State Assembly went about the same as the Democratic Assembly with the exception of having more than one candidate for a position and a larger turnout – I see over 3600 votes for candidates. (Any candidate with 30% or more of the votes taken at the assemblies gets his/ her name on the Primary Ballot) As a result of the State Assemblies, here are the candidates for some of the various U.S and State positions: (Note: (I) indicates the incumbent)

Mark Udall (I) Diana DeGette (I) Jared Polis (I) Abel Laeke Vic Meyers Irv Halter Andy Romanoff Ed Perlmutter (I) John Hickenlooper (I) Joe Neguse Betsy Markey Don Quick


Cory Gardner Martin Walsh George Leing Scott Tipton (I) Ken Buck & Scott Renfroe Doug Lamborn (I) Mike Coffman (I) Don Ytterberg Mike Kopp & Scott Gessler Wayne Williams Walker Stapleton (I) Cynthia Coffman & Mark Waller

The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

Elsewhere on the local Legislative front, as of this writing there are 23 days left for the Colorado General Assembly’s regular session. It ends on May 8th, so by the time you’re reading this it might be real close to being over. As I researched all the bills being introduced, I found another one with the word “motorcycle” in the title. HB14-1367 titled “Concerning the exemption of autocycles from regulation as motorcycles, and, in connection therewith, defining autocycle, exempting autocycles from motorcycle statutes, and requiring autocycles be issued license plates similar to motorcycle license plates”. It basically defines an autocycle as a 3 wheeled motor vehicle in which the driver and each passenger rides in an enclosed seating area that is equipped with: safety belts; airbag protection; a hardtop enclosure that protects occupants from the elements and supports the vehicles weight without harming the occupants when the vehicle is resting on the enclosure. Currently this vehicle is classified as a motorcycle because of the 3 wheels. This bill would change that status. I think it will pass with no opposition.

The most disturbing directive is “to encourage Member States (countries participating in the UN) to enact comprehensive legislation on key risk factors for road traffic injuries including the non-use of helmets.” Or in other words, universal mandatory global helmet law. Keep in mind this is a non-binding resolution, but many countries and legislative bodies take the UN’s suggestions very seriously. This is the warning shot across the bow. The United Nations is coming for motorcyclists.

On the National level, here’s the current status of the bills I’m tracking:

Another section of the resolution recognizes and commends The UN Economic Commission for Europe and the World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations to modify vehicle regulations to increase safety. This is essential in the UN calling for global harmonization of policy that could include helmet laws and universal vehicle anti-tampering measures. Both of these would devastate the motorcycle community and aftermarket industry in America.

1. HR 875 (E-15 Fuel) - 23 co-sponsors (none from CO) 2. HR 1861 (Motorcycle Only Checkpoints) - 46 cosponsors (none from CO) •

A companion bill in the Senate has been introduced by Sen. Jeanne Shahee (D-NH) but no bill number has been assigned yet.

3. HR 2414 (Black Box Privacy Protection Act) - 17 co-sponsors (none from CO) 4. HR 1462 (Renewable Fuel Standard Reform Act) – 61 co-sponsors (none from CO) 5. S1925 (Driver Privacy Act) – 23 co-sponsors (Bennet from CO) Lastly, the United Nations is now concerned about motorcycles. Here’s the news alert from the MRF. United Nations General Assembly Calls For Global Mandatory Helmet Law Recently the 68th session of the United Nations voted to approve a non-binding resolution entitled “Improving Global Road Safety,” which sounds innocent enough, but when closely examined, has some very disturbing ideas concerning motorcyclists, motorcycles, and helmet laws.

That is why it is so unfortunate that Americas own Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and a member of President Obama’s Cabinet voted in support of the resolution. She even spoke to the General Assembly in strong support of the resolution. The non-binding resolution has some other very troubling issues with regards to motorcyclists. For instance, one of the directives claims that there are insufficient policies in place to protect motorcyclists. The idea that one type of policy would work for every country in the United Nations is beyond fantasy. Our diverse global motorcycle community cannot exist under a one-size fit all approach.

It is a clear picture of the mindset of the UN to support such an over-reaching resolution. By muddying the waters with controversial policies, the UN loses support for some very good ideas concerning distracted driving and Good Samaritan policies. The MRF is engaged on this and will keep you informed about this issue. In the meantime, I’m working on reviewing candidates for the Colorado General Assembly to find out whose biker friendly so we can get volunteers to work their campaigns and help get them elected. More on that in up-dates to the LegTeam. Stump


The Colorado Spokesman


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Dave Cawley District Representative 728 Diana St. Ft. Morgan, CO 80701 970-380-4232

Hello D1 Well this weather as I write this letter has been between 80 degrees or 4 inches of snow I love it got the Beast out went for a ride and the next day it’s snowing. Anyways by the time you read this The Sandhills Poker Run May 5th will be over maybe or not this event is popular if the weather is good I’m looking forward to seeing a big turnout. As we start out to a Decade seems like so much is going now and everyone is very busy, but I’m hoping for a good turnout. In June 6th thru the 8th ABATE of Colo. Will be hosting The Best of the West in Frisco, Colo. this is going to be so much fun have almost 20 D1 members going to this and growing, this is some of the best riding in the U.S. anyone that wants to go call me (380) 4232 and I’ll get you sign up. Motorcycle Rider Education Classes started in April and the next classes are in May the 16 and 17th so call (303) 789-3264 or go online ABATE Of Colorado to get sign up for the Best Training in the state. Aug. 15 thru 17th will be our 10 Annual Rally on the Plains this event is so much fun I mean 2 and 1/2 days of fun look for the flyer in the Spokesman in May were going to have allot of fun. Membership is going up in D1 and I like seeing that our membership 20

Contest is getting close again, but its not over till Dec.

Well that’s all for now I wish you safe travels as the weather gets normal because its RIDING TIME! MADDDOG DAVE

D3 Dave Kingery 812 E. 8th St. Loveland, CO 80537 303-882-5829

The news just keeps getting darker and darker- let’s just blow it off and go ride. I wish it was that simple. We all have commitments that sometimes get in the way of a nice weekend (or week-long) trip with just your bike. So, while we can’t always ride, maybe we can use some of our downtime to stay diligent on ensuring our future to be able to ride. It’s funny to me to see an article or snippet on TV about self-driving cars and then a commercial or magazine ad for the newest sports car- at least some people still want to be in control of shifting and steering. A few months ago at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Ford’s marketing chief made a comment to the effect that they know exactly who is breaking the law and when they do it because of GPS in your car. He quickly tried to cover up by saying they don’t share that information with anyone! We need to stay diligent on our efforts to own information gathered by the black box that is on your new bike- that should be

April 2014

your property and doesn’t need to be shared with anyone you

choose not to share it with. Information Superhighway gets a whole new connotation. Check out Stump’s updates, get on VoteSmart and contact your legislators about the issues important to you. If you are passionate about your motorcycle, prove it by being passionate about motorcycling. Please join us on Sunday, May 11th for our D-3 meeting. It starts at noon at Crazy Jack’s Saloon (6520 S. College Ave., Ft. Collins 80527-NE corner of Trilby and US 287)-we’ll talk for about an hour, then blow the cobwebs out of our motors and do a nice little ride. Ride SafeDave Kingery District 3 Rep / Abate of Colorado


Gary Davis District Representative PO Box 211277 Denver, CO 80221 720-635-2897

No Report Submitted Ask your District Rep. why?


Andy “Short Run” Haning 103 W. Abriendo Pueblo, Co. 81004 719-778-3092

No Report Submitted Ask your District Rep. why?

The Colorado Spokesman

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Larry Montgomery District 10 Representative 1590 Elkhart St Aurora, CO 80012 303.263.9412 l

Hello all! As for D10 Not much happing this month getting ready for next . May 3rd Blessing of the Bikes and May 27th the Expo. Hope to see many of you there. ride safe and get involved. Thanks for now, Larry


Gary Meier 10795 CR197 A Lot 132 Nathrop CO 81236 402-440-3917

We held our regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 7th at the VFW in Johnson Village, as usual attendance was low. Since we are an organization that is guided by its members we really need to hear your voice and your ideas. Please consider coming to the next meeting on May 5th.

During the meeting we discussed schedules and times for ‘Bike Nite.’ I guess that we’ll have to find a new name since the consensus was that the event should start mid-afternoon. We plan to begin having bike nites in Salida and in Leadville in June. We hope to attract many nonmembers to this event; if they have a good time perhaps we can convince them to join. More details will be coming your way after the May meeting. Members have been asking for some activities that will allow all

of us to get better acquainted. To this end we will be having a members & guests only pot-luck dinner at 2:00 on Saturday, April 6th in the clubhouse at Chateau Chaparral in Nathrop. Additionally we are planning a members and guests barbecue at the home of one of our members in Mid-July; more details on this next month.

Since we are trying to get new people involved in ABATE we are working on plans for a Get Acquainted Ride in late May. With this event we are hoping to attract many of the non-ABATE riders in the valley; our thought is that if we can get people out and having fun we can bring them into the fold.

I know that I’ve rambled on but I do have one request. It would be most helpful if everyone would provide us with an e-mail address. In this modern age it is the most effective means of keeping the membership informed of upcoming events and up to date on important issues. You can either contact the office with your e-mail address for inclusion on the official membership roster or you can send an e-mail to me at with ABATE as the subject line and your name in the body of the e-mail. Ride Safe and Enjoy the Road Gary

D13 Dale “Bear” Meade District Representative 101067 Arapahoe Rd. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-642-7118

Hey D-13, One of the discussions we had at our April meeting was a possible run to my place outside of Nederland on July

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5 or 6. We tossed around the idea of combining our run with D10’s Ironazz Run on July 12. Not many seemed to be up for the 500 mile Ironazz Run so at our May meeting we will be discussing further the run to Nederland. I still plan on doing the Ironazz Run so join me for both runs. D1 has the Sandhills Poker Run on May 4 and that is always a good time run. I hope you had a chance to get to ABATE’S Motorcycle Expo and we also have the ABATE Coffee Run and Ice Cream Social coming up on May 31.If you haven’t done so yet, make your plans to attend the MRF BEST OF THE WEST in Frisco on June 6,7, &8. You’ll not only have some incredible riding through the mountains to get to Frisco, you’ll get to meet the freedom fighters from other states who fight for all biker’s rights. Find out what’s happening in Washington, D.C. and in other states that affect you as you travel. We always have an auction of items at the BOTW, so I’m going to throw out a challenge to all the districts--bring your best stuff and as much as you can that pertains to your district to auction off. Members in my district 13-- if you have any item from the D13 area from yourself or a business that you would be willing to donate to the auction, contact me! Let’s see if we can beat out some of the bigger districts. THERE, CHALLENGE MADE!!!! As it warms up, ride safe, ride smart, ride sober. See ya on down the road, Bear


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

D14 Jerry “Mac” McFarland District Representative PO Box 5661 Frisco, CO 80443-5661 970.418.0341

No Report Submitted Ask your District Rep. why?


Stump Haberstumpf PO Box 487 Pine, CO 80470 303-816-0909

D-16 meeting we discussed our upcoming Father’s Day Poker Run, with a couple of proposed routes and stopping places. More on all that next month. I also summarized the March SBOD Meeting: 1) Spokesman to remain as is; 2) Possibly moving the office to a cheaper location; 3) Volunteers needed for the BOTW; 4) Randy Run is cancelled for this year; 5) Purchasing Gremlin Bells with ABATE’s name on it for sale. Lastly, I mentioned upcoming runs and events. Thanks again to those who attended our meeting and especially to our district officers for their great job (thanks Val for being the acting secretary in LV’s absence).

Stump Hello D-16,

Welcome new members Eric and Rose. Thanks to all members who attended and participated at our April D-16 meeting. We had a fairly long meeting this month, as I got carried away on Legislative issues. Reason being, I just attended the Democratic State Assembly on Saturday before the meeting and got “energized” about politics. (I get a similar “energized” feeling about motorcyclist’s rights after I attend the Best of the West or the Meeting of the Minds!). I won’t go into all the Legislative issues I talked about because I covered everything in my Legislative Article elsewhere in the Spokesman, but I would like to thank the ABATE members who showed up at our Lobby Day and helped distribute packets of information to all 100 Legislators. 15 members showed up and although we didn’t get to meet with very many Legislators due to an extended meeting about the budget in the Senate and House Chambers I felt it was a successful Lobby Day. At our 22


Mal Sikes 7119 S Reed CT Littleton, CO 80128 303-972-1175

Hey D-17

We had another good meeting that was well attended with lots of important information. Tom, one of our longtime members, attended his Precinct Caucus, Thanks Tom. Lobby Day was a success again this year. More than a dozen members showed up to cruise around the Capitol building and proclaim the attributes of ABATE. We covered a lot of ground and a good time was had by all.

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On the national level, the CDC is still pushing for a mandatory federal helmet law, the sound issue is still a hot topic and there is evidence of vehicle manufactures storing the data they receive from devices like Onstar and Tomtom. We all should be careful about what personal information we release. On a Brighter note, it would appear that Right to Repair won’t have to be legislated. The vehicle manufactures may be willing to release what was considered proprietary information to repair shops other than dealers and individuals. This makes for a more competitive market and support for those doing there own repairs, especially in today’s highly technical and computer controlled vehicles. Also, the E-15 debate may be turning in our favor. The E-10 fuel pool is saturated, hitting what is called the “ Blend Wall”, which means the gas buying public is not purchasing as much fuel as anticipated. So current levels of production are adequate and it looks like low demand for E-15. Sure would be nice to have one less thing to be concerned about. You can check for stations that carry gas without ethanol at “ “. Please attend all of the District and State ABATE events that you can. Also, the folks in Frisco could use all the help we can give with Best of the West in June. So please sign up and register at Ride Well, Mike.

mrf news

The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Four of the five bills of interest to motorcyclists at the federal level are still in committees. The only bill that has seen positive movement is the “black box” bill. The Senate Commerce Committee has granted bi-partisan approval that aims to protect information on a vehicles’ Event Data Recorder (black box). The black boxes are mostly on cars and trucks so far, but there is talk that in the near future all new motorcycles will have them also. This legislation will ensure that the info stored on the black box is solely owned by the vehicle owner, and can’t be used by insurance companies or law enforcement without the owner’s permission (with a couple exceptions). I’ve also just received information that the U.N. General Assembly has passed a non-binding resolution entitled “ Improving Global Road Safety”. One aspect of this resolution encourages Member States to pass a GLOBAL MANDATORY HELMET LAW!! Unfortunately, America’s own Permanent Representative, a member of President Obama’s cabinet, not only voted for the resolution but also spoke to the General Assembly in strong support of the resolution. Another section of the resolution recommends the U.N. Economic Commission for Europe and the World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (YES, IT DOES EXIST!!!!!) modify vehicle regulations to increase safety. This is essential for the U.N. policy that could include global helmet laws and universal vehicle antitampering measures. Both of these would devastate the mc community and the aftermarket industry in America. Isn’t it bad enough that we have our own government agencies after us? Now the U.N. is out to get motorcyclists!!! Thanks to Jeff Hennie of the MRF for being on top of this issue. The EPA has adopted E-10 as their standard test fuel, not E-15.The EPA has also refused to grant a waiver for E-15 for its vapor emissions. When the weather gets warmer, E-15 emits more fumes into the atmosphere than E-10. So E-15 not only destroys your engine if you use it, it takes your lungs out, too. The CDC task force has recommended a national helmet law be passed to keep us safe from ourselves. We may not be on their top 10 list of priorities, but they still consider us a disease.

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April 2014

On to a couple of good notes from a couple states: Indiana has passed a red light bill (1080) and passed (1343) concerning registration and licensing of scooters. Congratulations to the state of Washington for getting a red light bill passed after a 10-year effort (NEVER GIVE UP!!) Utah is working to repeal the sunset date (July, 2014) of their red light bill and is also working on a lane-splitting bill. Here in Colorado, ABATE of CO. will be hosting the MRF BEST OF THE WEST conference in Frisco on June 6,7, &8. If you haven’t signed up yet to be there, GIT ER DONE!! Come up to Frisco to meet some of the hardest working and most dedicated freedom fighters you’ll find anywhere--fighting for all biker’s rights. Information on the BOTW is on the MRF website, the Spokesman, or you can always contact me and I’ll get you the info you need. Join us in Frisco, and join the MRF. Ride safe, ride smart, ride sober. See ya on down the road, Bear

COLORADO MRF REPRESENTATIVES State Rep - Dale “Bear” Meade 303-642-7118 Northeast/Ass’t State Rep - Bruce Downs 303-912-7455 Southeast State Rep—Lorenzo Perez 719-384-8648


The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

ABATE CLASSIFIEDS HARLEY DAVIDSON XL883 L 2009 SPORTSTER 9,000 miles. Engine guards, studded saddle bags, windshield and sissy bar. Great starter bike. $5300.00. Sue (970) Rarely used 6x10 Trailer built by SST. White, two tires, two fenders, newish tires, includes a brand new spare, Great condition! Diamond plate front, aluminum fenders and trim, 2” ball, Cargostyle rear doors - not a ramp door, no side door. $1900.00. Tony @ 303-907-1941 Denver Metro-Springs Area Fresh Eggs $3 Dozen - Free Range fresh chicken. Fresh farm raised free range beef (no antibiotics). Call or email for pricing. rlayson493@ 719.541.4840 New Fat Spoke Wheel and Tire. Has 48 fat spokes. Fits 99 and earlier HD’s with 3/4” front axle. Ready to install. Beautiful!! $350. RideTek LidHauler, with Lid sacks..sold my hardbags. Like new..retail for $160, asking $75.00 303887-7083

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racks. This beautiful bike looks brand new. $16,500 Call Bill at 303-478-7880 2003 Indian Chief Roadmaster - last year Indian was made. Power Plus motor, Baker tranny, 1650 cc, cobalt blue. Has 634 miles. Added foot pegs, front and rear highway bars, changed handlebars and pipes. Rebuilt seat. Bought in 2003 for $32,600, asking $14,000 or reasonable offer. 719-873-5466 For Sale: 2010 Harley Davidson Ultra Trike FLHTCUTG, Red Hot Sun Glow, 11,200 miles in excellent condition, lots of extras such as reverse, rear bumper, revco trailer hitch, Trike cover, highway pegs, screaming eagle mufflers, Kuryakyan rear light bars not installed but are included. Asking 26,500 OBO. Always garaged a must see! For more information and pictures. Call or text Rod @ 970554-0610 or e-mail For Sale: 2002 Suzuki GZ250 with Sidecar. $2300 OBO. Call 303-789-3264 For Sale: 2002 BMW R1150RT. 32,000 miles. Red. Custom seat, new battery, new shocks. Like new Needs NOTHING. $6,000 or best offer. Call Arthur 303-469-9314

2007 Harley Black Cherry Dyna 103 FXDB, 16,200 miles, $12,000. High performance 103 CI, 1690 cc, 225 cams, 100% Harley parts. Includes racing tuner, genuine HD service manual, brand new tires, and much more. Call Ed at 719-395-6090 for more information. (Buena Vista CO)

FOR SALE. Two helmets from Harley-Davidson, 1 large and 1 medium. Both are silver/gray, open face with flip shields and both with helmet speakers/mike

For Sale, Women’s leathers. Like new, Black motorcycle jacket and chaps. Sz small, like new. Call 719-239-1405, Buena Vista CO.


2003 Goldwing 1800 Trike: 31,125 miles. Motortrike kit. Slate gray with raked front end. Lots of accessories such as large windshield, extra lights in cowling, chrome pegs, passenger armrests, carriage rack and chrome rear bumper with lights. Looks like new. Must see! $22,500. Call Bill at 303-478-7880 2005 Ultra Classic: 21,000 miles. Maroon and silver full dressed HD motorcycle with many, many extras including wrap around red lights, air seat, fold up heel rest passenger pegs and chrome 24

and helmet protective zipper pouch. excellent condition & used 4 times.. &100.00 each. District 07, abe”nuguy”duran.

The Colorado Spokesman

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The Colorado Spokesman


ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

May You Always Have... enough luck to make you smile, enough trials to keep you strong, enough of all life’s treasures to keep you truly happy.


The Colorado Spokesman


ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014


The Colorado Spokesman


ABATE of Colorado -

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

The Colorado Spokesman

ABATE of Colorado -

What’s all the fuss?

Issue # 04-14

April 2014

ABATE is upgrading our technology to be able to better serve our members, but we can’t keep you informed if we don’t have your current information. As always, we do not share nor sell ANY of our members’ contact information. Your information will only be used to keep you updated concerning important legislation and other ABATE information. You can help us help you by updating your contact info.


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