150608 turkey watch

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Group Economics Emerging Market Research

Turkey Watch

Peter de Bruin +31 20 3435619

Erdogan’s presidential hopes in tatters

8 June 2015 

AKP unexpectedly failed to secure a majority,…

…as the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party easily clears the 10% hurdle for parliamentary presentation

Turkish lira dives as coalition talks will be challenging, and there is a chance of a snap election after 45 days

More positively, election outcome will give the central bank some breathing space

AKP unexpectedly failed to secure a majority…

considerably weaker than before the financial crisis, when

According to the latest exit polls, President Erdogan’s AKP has

significantly higher growth rates were the norm. In order to

failed to grab an outright majority in the latest elections. The

achieve stronger growth the savings rate will need to rise,

party captured 40.9% of the vote. This is easily the largest vote

which should bolster investment and exports. This would

share, but falls well short of the 2011 election result when

necessitate tighter monetary policy in the short run that would

49.8% of the votes were seized. As a result, the AKP failed to

would hamper growth even more. It therefore has been a

win the 276 seats needed to form a single-party government

policy that Erdogan’s AKP has been unwilling to support.

(Turkey’s parliament exists of 550 seats).

Growth slower than before the crisis …as the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic party clears parliamentary threshold

% yoy


The loss of the AKP was mostly due to the success of the proKurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) which, with 13.1% of the vote, easily cleared the 10% hurdle for parliamentary presentation. It received strong backing from its Kurdish support base, as tensions between the government and the

8 4 0

Kurds have steadily risen over the past time. This reflects the perception among Kurds that Turkey has not done enough to stem the fight of IS against the Kurds in Syria. In addition, in the run up to the elections, the AKP had distanced itself from

-4 -8 1995








the peace process with the PKK and had struck an increasingly nationalistic tone, hoping that it would deter non-

Source: EIU

Kurds for voting for the HDP. MHP most likely coalition power And voters reject Erdogan’s attempts to acquire more

The AKP’s nationalistic rhetoric notwithstanding, nationalist


voters voted for the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). It

In addition, the HDP has attracted votes from many liberal

secured 16.3% of the votes, up from 13.0% during the last

secular Turks which fear President Erdogan’s ambitions.

general elections. The MHP is the most likely candidate to

Indeed, underlying the change in the political landscape are

form a coalition with the AKP, as the two parties have some

voters’ rejections against Erdogan’s desire to change the

overlap in their support bases, though coalition talks are likely

constitution in order to strengthen the role of the presidency.

to be challenging. Indeed, the main opposition partner, the

This was largely seen as an attempt to reduce checks and

Republican People’s Party (CHP), which secured 25% of the

balances by curtailing the power of the parliament and had

votes, has indicated that it does not want to form a coalition

ignited fears of an increasingly authoritarian president.

with the AKP, as has the HDP. Alternatively, the AKP could form a minority government, or, theoretically, the HDP and

…while the weak economic backdrop is not helping either

CHP could try to form a minority government themselves.

Finally, as usually is the case, support for the incumbent party

According to Turkish law, parties now have 45 days to form a

tends to be less whenever the economic backdrop is weaker.

new government. If they do not succeed within this time frame,

With growth expected to come in at just 3% this year, and the

President Erdogan could call for new elections.

unemployment rate trending gradually upwards, the current economic track record is not much to write home about. It is


Turkey Watch – Erdogan’s presidential ho opes in tatters 8 June 2015

Wo orst outcome ffor financial markets,… m

urrently. Howe ever, with P President Erdo ogan’s hopess of cu

The e election outccome clearly marked m the wo orst outcome for

ac chieving an ex xecutive presiddency being on n the back burner

ost fina ancial markets in the short run. r Indeed, the lira lost almo

for now, pressurre on the centraal bank is likely y to abate. Inde eed,

4% % against the d dollar, while the Turkish eq quity market w was

the election outc come raises thhe probability that t the CBRT T will

dow wn by more th han 5%. This reflects r that mo ost investors h had

ates in comingg months. We therefore contiinue hike its policy ra

uld bee en hoping for a an election outcome in which h the AKP wou

to look for 50bp of rate hikes iin the remainder of the yearr, as

win n a majority larg ge enough to form f a single party p governme ent,

the central bank will need to coounter inflation nary pressures,, lira

butt the majority falling short of the 330 seats s needed in

eakness, the current c accountt deficit, and th he possible efffects we

parrliament to p put proposed constitutional changes to a

off the Fed startin ng to tighten poolicy.

refe erendum. With h the AKP no ot having secured an outrig ght ma ajority, investorrs are now braccing themselve es for a period d of

K forecasts forr the economy of Key o Turkey 2 2012


20 014e


20 016e

GDP (% yoy)






CPI inflation (% yoyy)






heightened uncertainty during what will be difficult coalitiion ks. talk

Infflation on the e up again du ue to rising fo ood prices,… % yoy

Bu udget balance (% GDP)






18 8 16 6 14 4 12 2 10 0 8 6 4 2 0

Government debt (% % GDP)






% GDP) Current account (%






Gross fixed investm ment (% GDP)






Gross national savvings (% GDP)






USD/TRY (eop)






EU UR/TRY (eop)














Heaadline consumer prrices




15 5

Bu udget b alance, cu urrent acc. for 2014 4,2015 and 2016 are rounded figurres

Food d prices

Sou urce: Thomsons R Reuters Datastream m

…b but glimmer off hope for cen ntral bank How wever, the elecction outcomess provide a glim mmer of hope for the e central bank (CBRT). This is because Prresident Erdog gan has s frequently prressured the ce entral bank to loosen moneta ary policy in order to support th he economy, jeopardising its This has prevvented the ce entral bank fro om independence. T es, something that is necessary in our vie ew, hiking its key rate ornly high inflation that is plaguing Turkkey given the stubbo

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