Abn amro corporate bond watch corporates on ecb shopping list

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Marketing Communication

Group Economics

Euro Corporate Watch

Macro & Financial Markets Research Hyung-Ja de Zeeuw +31 20 628 3551 Hyung-ja.de.zeeuw@nl.abnamro.com

Corporates on ECB shopping list

DISCLAIMER: This report has not been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research, and that it is not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead. This report is marketing communication and not investment research and is intended for professional and eligible clients only.

03 July 2015    

ECB included three corporates in its purchase programme Utilities or infrastructure and partly government-owned seem to be the criteria This opens the door for more corporates on the shopping list that adhere to the same criteria Illiquidity is point of concern but purchase programme could also prove supportive for spreads

ECB expands list to include non-financial corporates

not been checked on ownership criteria. This means that the

On Thursday, the ECB surprisingly added three corporates to

amount mentioned is a parkball figure.

its list of eligible assets under its Expended Asset Purchase Programme. The three corporates were SNAM, Terna and

Potential pool of eligible bonds

Enel. All are investment grade utilities and all are (partly)

In bn

owned by the Italian government. Although the ECB classified


the corporates as Agencies, for investors this step marks a policy change because in benchmarks the three earlier mentioned corporates are classified as corporate credits.

60 50 40

Different definitions opens the door for more corporates


that are utilities or infrastructure corporates


The ECB placed the updated list with the three corporates on


its website with the heading “Agencies located in the euro


area” and a footnote saying “new agency issuers…”.












Source: ABN AMRO Group Economics, ECB, Bloomberg, Markit

Apparently, the ECB has a different definition of agencies than the market. This means that there more utilities and

Most of the potential eligible pool of bonds are Utilities

infrastructure corporates that are partly or wholly owned by the

In bn

government, could become eligible for the purchase


programme. However, it is the national central bank that


selects the corporates and decides to add them to the


purchase programme.

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Utilities and infrastructure corporates form a potential


pool of EUR 160bn


There are 53 issuers in the iBoxx that are part of the utility or


infrastructure sector. The latter are usually categorised as Industrial in the iBoxx. Together they have an amount of EUR 163bn outstanding in bonds in the iBoxx. However, this list has





Source: ABN AMRO Group Economics, ECB, Bloomberg, Markit

Bloomberg: ABNM


Euro Corporate Watch –

Corporates on the shopping list

Spreads of periphery utilities have tightened Spreads of the three utilities have tightened on the news. ENELIM 1.966 01/27/25 tightened 30 bps to ms+95 since yesterday’s announcement, SRGIM 3.25 1/22/24 with 20bps to ms+71 and TRNIM 4.9 10/28/24 with 50bps to ms+70 (source: Bloomberg). Other utilities from the periphery have tightened around 10bps like Iberdrola and EDF. Illiquidity is point of concern but purchase programme could also prove supportive for spreads If the ECB decides to include more corporates in the programme, then one point of concern is the illiquidity in the corporate credit market at the moment. Buying or selling in the current market has proven to be very difficult, especially when in block sizes. The addition of corporates to the ECB shopping list will worsen the illiquidity in the market. This will net/net be a prove to be a supportive factor for credit spreads.


Euro Corporate Watch –

Corporates on the shopping list

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