Abn amro corporate bond watch grexit is no crexit

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Marketing Communication

Euro Corporate Watch Grexit ≠ Crexit

Group Economics Macro & Financial Markets Research Hyung-Ja de Zeeuw +31 20 628 3551 Hyung-ja.de.zeeuw@nl.abnamro.com

DISCLAIMER: This report has not been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research, and that it is not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead. This report is marketing communication and not investment research and is intended for professional and eligible clients only.

08 July 2015    

Grexit seems more likely now than ever, however, market reaction almost reflects indifference Corporate fundamentals are healthier than in 2010 and credit spreads will be supported by the ECB ‘Greece’ has led to a minimum of supply but we think markets could reopen very soon and stay open during the holiday season Higher supply volumes and new issuance will be limiting spread performance in the near term

Grexit now more likely than ever

the OMT if QE doesn’t have the desired effect. The OMT can

After Greece’s convincing ‘No’-vote on Sunday and Tuesday’s

focus on ‘unlimited’ purchases of peripheral government bonds

Euro Summit of euro leaders, it seems more likely than not that

which makes it more suitable.

Greece will leave the euro at this point. The prospects of a

Second, other eurozone member states in the periphery aren’t

deal with creditors have dimmed considerably. Despite the

in a similar situation to Greece and aren’t ready to follow in its

Greek government’s claims that a ‘no’ vote would strengthen

footsteps. Contagion effects therefore seem to be limited.

their negotiation position at the table, other eurozone member

Third, exposures of the eurozone banking system to Greece

states did not take a softer stance Tuesday. With the previous

are modest and relatively transparent. The market knows

programme already expired, Greece now needs to except a

where the exposures are.

broader, tougher programme by the Sunday Euro Summit to keep its place in the eurozone.

Corporate fundamentals are healthier than in 2010 Since Mr Tsipras announced the referendum, the iBoxx non-

Market reaction reflects indifference to Grexit

financials has widened by 8bps (Tuesday eod). Intraday we’ve

The financial market reaction has been muted to the

seen wider levels but still, this isn’t anything near a panic

developments. There are no signs of a ‘Lehmann’ moment.

reaction. On the corporate level fundamentals are a lot

Monday’s trading session saw spreads of core corporates 3

healthier than in 2012. Balance sheets have been

bps wider in the long end, while for the periphery they were up

deleveraged, extensive cost cutting programmes have made

5 to 8 bps although flows were almost non-existent. Tuesday

operations lean and mean and revenues are recovering.

and Wednesday morning saw a further widening of up to 5bps

Indeed, the outlook for corporates is much brighter today then

but also on virtually no flow and substantial flows are

in 2010 with ultra-low funding levels supporting growth.

necessary to confirm the current levels. But it remains a very muted reaction to such important developments. There are

Corporate credit spreads supported by QE

several reasons for this.

The QE programme in the US has worked out positive for credit spreads, history has shown. Investors are pushed out of

First of all, the markets are counting on supportive measures

government bonds due to the low yields and move into credit.

from the ECB. If there would be signs of severe stress, the

Logically, this should also be the case during the ECB QE

ECB will be ready to intervene with force. Contrary to the


situation in 2010, the required instruments are now at the ECB’s disposal. In the near term, the ECB could decide to step

Moreover, last week’s inclusion of three Italian corporates to

up QE. Although the instrument is skewed toward core

the list of eligible assets signals the ECB programme can be

government bonds. Alternatively, the ECB could also activate

deployed directly in the corporate bond market. Although


Bloomberg: ABNM


Euro Corporate Watch –

Grexit ≠ Crexit

officially the corporates were added due to a lack of Italian

Where from here?

agencies, it opened the door for the inclusion of more

The countdown for Grexit has started. History has taught that

(periphery) corporates. Spreads of the three included

the tables can turn very quickly in this Greek saga. However, it

corporates (SNAM, Enel and Terna) tightened 20 to 30bps.

is clear that the uncertainty surrounding a Grexit is a negative factor for spreads. If Greece submits new proposals to the

‘No’ vote, no supply?

eurogroup meeting this week that are good enough to re-start

Although the secondary market may almost seem indifferent to

the negotiation process for a third ESM package, it would still

a Grexit, the uncertainty did have repercussions for the primary

take time to reach an agreement and uncertainty will persist. In

market where the flow of corporate new issues has virtually

that ‘new normal’ spreads could trickle wider every day in a

come to a halt. Nobody seems willing to issue paper during

very moderate pace. In those market conditions new issues

these uncertain circumstances. As a result, the pipeline with

can be placed during windows of opportunity, albeit in a

new deals is growing to gigantic proportions.

considerate manner. New issue premiums will need to be paid in order to comfortably place the deals as we’ve seen earlier

However, also in the primary market, we eventually expect

this month. In that case we expect spreads to slowly widen in

business to turn back to normal even with a Grexit. As the

the near term to asw+100 bps area for Non-financials.

market reaction has shown, investors are starting to get immune to the Grexit saga. With this ‘new normal’ and the fact

Where from here?

that there are still many issuers waiting in the side-lines, we

asw spread in bps

expect a considerable flow of transactions as soon as the first


issuer has tested the waters with a successful outcome. We 90

expect this moment to be sooner rather than later, but of course taking into account any blackout periods in relation to


the Q2 reporting season.


We also think that many issuers still want to take advantage of the ultra-low yields and use the open window as long as they can. This means that it could be a shortened holiday season with an early start back to business, or no holiday season at all. Historic data has shown that August proves to be a


50 01/14



QE announcement

10/14 QE start



Non-fins sr.


Source: ABN AMRO Group Economics, Markit

favourite month to issue. If a Grexit would materialise, we expect a rerun of the last two

August favourite month for corporate issuance

Mondays. A muted reaction in the markets with spreads

EUR bn

widening 5 to 10bps. However, this could very well be followed


by a relief rally and high levels of supply. Issuance could


continue throughout the holiday season. This will have a


widening effect on spreads. However, risk appetite will also


return which will contain the widening. Net/net this could result


in a sideways movement in the near term.

5 0


2010 June

2011 July

2012 August

2013 Sept

Source: ABN AMRO Group Economics, Bloomberg Bond Radar



Euro Corporate Watch –

Grexit ≠ Crexit

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