Em fx weekly 24 september 2015

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EM FX Weekly New all-time low in Brazilian real

Group Economics Macro & Financial Markets Research Georgette Boele, +31 20 6297789 Roy Teo ,+65 6597 8616

24 September 2015   

Come-back of the US dollar pushes EM FX lower, while weak Chinese data weigh on Asian FX A new all-time low in the Brazilian real We have downgraded Indonesia rupiah and focus on SGD weakness and MAS policy

Come-back of the US dollar

Downgrade of IDR forecasts

The weakness of the US dollar after the FOMC decision was

The Indonesian rupiah (IDR) has surpassed our year-end

short-lived. Since the meeting, FOMC members have clearly

target of 14,300, due to growth and inflation concerns. We

expressed that last week’s outcome was a close call and that a

recently lowered our 2016 growth forecast from 5.5% to 5%.

lift-off this year remains likely. This has given a boost to the US

We expect further weakness in the IDR due to Indonesia’s

dollar across the board and heavily weighed on emerging

external imbalance and potential reversal of capital flows

market currencies. Moreover, weak economic data in China

(foreign ownership of government bonds of almost 40%). We

weighed on most Asian currencies in the past week. In our

have classified Indonesia as one of the EMs currently most at

view, financial markets are still under-estimating the magnitude

risk for events in China and the looming Fed lift-off (see our

of depreciation in the Chinese yuan by the end of this year.

Macro Focus – the top 6 emerging markets at risk). We have raised our 2015 and 2016 USD/IDR forecasts to 15,000 (from

Rout in Brazilian real

14,300) and 15,600 (from 15,000) respectively.

The Brazilian real fell sharply this week; close to 6% and set a new all-time low versus the US dollar. This steep decline

SGD weakness with MAS monetary policy in focus

further increases inflationary pressures. As a result, the central

The Singapore dollar is on track to retest this month’s low.

bank is between a rock (deep recession) and a hard place

Core inflation eased from 0.4% to 0.2% yoy in August, while

(inflation) in an environment of political turmoil and risk of

headline inflation fell deeper into negative territory (-0.8% yoy).

further downgrades. The central bank will probably continue to

Core inflation has been lower than the central bank’s forecast

intervene in FX markets to dampen the slide in the real, but

of 0.5-1.5% since April this year. Indeed, we maintain our view

this will unlikely be very aggressive. In the near-term, it is likely

that the Monetary Authority of Singapore is likely to downgrade

that weakness in the real will persist. In the current

its inflation forecast and shift the current modest appreciation

environment USD/BRL may overshoot to 4.5. Meanwhile, CDS

of S$NEER policy to neutral in the next monetary policy

spreads of Brazil have risen sharply. They have surpassed the

meeting in October. A wider trading band to accommodate the

level seen at the height of the global financial crisis, but it is

recent higher volatility in the currency also cannot be ruled out.

still far away from the 2002 crisis levels.

Our year end USD/SGD forecast is 1.46.

USD/BRL and CDS Brazil

ABN AMRO emerging market currency forecasts

CDS spread





4.00 3.50


3.00 2,000





1.50 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 CDS spread Brazil (lhs)

USD/BRL (rhs)


24-Sep Q4 2015 6.38 6.55 6.43 6.55 66.1 66 1,193 1,240 1.40 1.46 36.24 36.40 33.13 33.40 14,667 15,000 67 60 3.05 3.10 13.92 14.00 4.22 4.15 27.50 27.50 313 315 4.18 4.00 17.15 17.00 704 700

Q1 2016 6.60 6.60 67 1,250 1.47 36.60 33.50 15,200 60 3.05 13.80 4.10 27.40 315 3.90 16.75 690

Source: ABN AMRO Group Economics Source: Bloomberg, ABN AMRO Group Economics

Q2 2016 6.65 6.65 67 1,270 1.49 36.80 33.70 15,400 55 3.00 13.60 4.05 27.25 310 3.85 16.50 680

Q3 2016 6.70 6.70 68 1,290 1.50 37.00 33.80 15,500 55 2.95 13.40 4.00 27.00 310 3.80 16.25 670

Q4 2016 6.75 6.75 68 1,300 1.52 37.30 34.00 15,600 55 2.90 13.20 4.00 26.75 310 3.75 16.00 660


EM FX Weekly - New all-time low in Brazilian real

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