Em fx weekly 25 june 2015

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Group Economics

EM FX Weekly

Macro & Financial Markets Research Roy Teo, Georgette Boele, Peter de

Lira outshines the rest

Bruin, +31 20 6297789

25 June 2015 • • •

Weakness in EM FX because of a stronger US dollar… …with the exception of the Turkish lira It is unlikely that the low volatility in the Chinese yuan will persist

Weakness of EM FX especially CEEMA FX…

0.1% yoy, below the central bank's forecast of 0.5-1.5%. Core

Emerging market currencies have generally moved lower this

inflation is expected to remain subdued in the coming months

week because of a stronger US dollar. Central and Eastern

before rising later this year due to higher oil prices and as the

European currencies were the weakest performing currencies.

effects of budgetary measures dissipate. In our view,

Weaker domestic data (Poland), an interest rate reduction

USD/SGD will rise towards 1.40 by the end of this year given

(Hungary), and accumulation of foreign currencies reserves

the SGD's rich valuation and vulnerability to higher interest

(Russia) weighed on the respective currencies.

rates in the US.

…with the exception of the Turkish lira

Low volatility in the yuan to persist?

A positive exception was the Turkish lira. The central bank

The Chinese yuan has been stable in the past three months as

decided to leave interest rates unchanged. Although the CBRT

Chinese authorities aim to calm investor sentiment in the yuan

left its policy rates on hold during its June meeting, the

currency after China experienced capital outflows earlier this

accompanying press statement struck a slightly more hawkish

year. Another possible reason is that a stable currency is

tone. While the CBRT has already pushed interbank rates to

necessary ahead of further capital liberalisation of the yuan,

the upper bound of its interest rate corridor, we think that it

including widening of the trading band. We remain cautious

needs to do more later this year as it needs to combat

that this low volatility environment in the yuan will persist. It is

stubbornly high inflation, a weak lira, and possible market

likely that the central bank will widen the trading band from +/-

unrest due to prospects of Fed tightening. In addition, there are

2% to +/-3% later this year as they seek to allow a more

some tentative signs that the AKP is more willing to form a

flexible exchange rate regime ahead of IMF review of including

coalition than was initially thought. Going forward, we expect

the yuan in the SDR basket. This is likely to result in greater

the lira to weaken to 2.85 versus the US dollar, mainly

volatility in the currency and a weaker exchange rate as

because of US dollar strength.

economic growth in China remains fragile. Second, the current low volatility environment in the yuan is likely to attract more

Lira outperforms the rest

carry trades as the yuan's yield is still relatively more attractive

Performance versus USD in USD terms

compared to other major currencies. This may trigger a response from the central bank to warn speculators that yuan


carry trades are not a one-way bet 1

ABN AMRO emerging market currency forecasts 0 -1


















Source: Bloomberg

Asian currencies lacking direction In Asia, the Singapore dollar (SGD) underperformed as core inflation in May declined for the third consecutive month to


25-Jun 6.21 64 1,110 1.34 33.79 30.93 13,329 54 2.68 12.15 4.17 27.50 312 3.10 15.51 633

Q3 2015 6.26 65 1,130 1.37 33.80 31.30 13,500 52 2.85 12.20 3.95 27.50 315 3.15 15.50 630

Q4 2015 6.30 65 1,130 1.40 34.00 31.50 13,700 50 2.85 12.20 3.90 27.50 320 3.20 15.50 630

Source: ABN AMRO Group Economics

Q1 2016 6.35 65 1,140 1.42 34.50 31.80 13,800 48 2.85 12.20 3.85 27.40 320 3.20 15.25 635

Q2 2016 6.37 66 1,150 1.43 34.80 32.00 13,900 47 2.85 12.20 3.85 27.25 325 3.25 15.25 640

Q3 2016 6.38 66 1,150 1.44 34.80 32.20 14,000 46 2.85 12.20 3.85 27.00 325 3.30 15.00 645

Q4 2016 6.40 66 1,150 1.45 34.80 32.50 14,100 45 2.85 12.20 3.85 26.75 330 3.40 15.00 650


EM FX Weekly - Lira outshines the rest

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