“We are constituted so that simple acts of kindness, such as giving to charity or expressing gratitude, have a positive effect on our long-term moods. The key to the happy life, it seems, is the good life: a life with sustained relationships, challenging work, and connections to community.”
Paul Bloom

Join us in building trust and relationships with our neighbors, colleagues, friends and strangers. Support a small business. Hire our local graduates. Where there is something to give, offer it. Lend a hand where one is needed and encourage others to join you. These local connections matter. They ensure no one person or entity stands alone and they allow us to grow together as a community, committed to working in partnership with one another for a stronger, more vibrant Albuquerque for the years to come.
Beginning the day we are born, connections determine our growth and well-being. Every day, we have new opportunities to make positive, supportive connections with people around us.
Connections 1
The theme of this year’s annual report is connections matter. At Albuquerque Community Foundation, we understand our role extends beyond investing dollars into the community— because the needs will always be greater than any one organization can support. But as a community connector—a convener of interests and ideas we can foster opportunities for community members, nonprofits, individual donors, funders and companies to band together, combine resources and create lasting change far greater than any one entity could do alone.
In this age of virtual connectivity—when it is easier than ever to remain at arm’s length from one another and rely on social media and technology to create a sense of community let us not forget the importance of embracing the local connections that define our strength as a community. These are the connections that ignite growth and possibilities for our city and those who call it home: how nonprofits collaborate to develop creative and innovative ways of addressing ongoing needs or how our donors, corporate partners and Trustees renew their commitments to combine resources, time and energy for the shared goal of strengthening Albuquerque’s promising future.
Connections build relationships. Relationships build resilience. Resilience allows our community to adapt and thrive even in tough times.

• Launched a Corporate Philanthropy program
snapshot 2
As we close 2018, our vision and mission endure. We continue to be a leader in community philanthropy and to build, invest and manage endowment funds to enhance the quality of our community through informed strategic grantmaking.
• Partnered with My Brother’s Keeper on the MentorMe grant program
Since we were founded in 1981, the goals of the Foundation have remained the same: to coordinate the receipt and investment of charitable contributions, to distribute funds for community needs in a timely and well-researched manner and to serve as a leader and educational resource in encouraging philanthropy in this great city. We continue to strive to make sure that every philanthropic investment returns the greatest emotional, financial and civic benefit possible. We are committed to conversation, community involvement and investment. We endeavor to protect the spirit of each endowment fund and the grants made from those funds, to ensure partnerships that are working together towards these common goals. In 2018, the Foundation:
• Led cross-sector funding group to fund the NM Census in 2020 • Hosted six Trolley Tours with 136 attendees hearing from 36 nonprofits
• Awarded $4.55 million in grants
• Partnered with the NM Funders Collaborative on two grant programs
• Continued its executive leadership role with Healthy Neighborhoods ABQ and City Alive
• Had contributions totaling $10.6 million • Assets under management grew to $94.2 million
• Launched the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Expo (E3)
Albuquerque Community Foundation would like to acknowledge William P. Lang of the Albuquerque Jour nal and Starline Printing for the donation of the printing of this report and Kim Jackson Photography for many of the images appearing in this report.
• Participated in a statewide grantmaking collaborative to support the LGBTQ community
TABLE OF CONTENTS Connections Matter 1 Snapshot 2 Connecting with Leadership ..................................................... 4 Board of Trustees .............................................................. 6 Staff.......................................................................... 7 Great Grant Giveaway 8 Profile in Philanthropy 10, 12, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 42 Grant Program 11 Competitive Grant Program .................................................... 13 Great Grants . . . . ............................................................. 14 Orchestral Symphonic Music ................................................... 20 Endowment Funds 22 Student Aid. 31 Ray Zimmer Heritage Society 34 Jennifer Riordan Sparkle Fund. 35 New Mexico Funders Collaborative.............................................. 36 MentorMe .................................................................... 37 Partners in Philanthropy 38 Future Fund 40 Social Giving Club 43 Philanthropy Central 44 Concours du Soleil ............................................................ 46 Corporate Philanthropy ........................................................ 47 Connect With Us 48 Impact Investing 49 Financial Summary & Highlights 50 Corporate Partners 52 table of contents 3

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I thank you for your continued support and partnership.
As I think about connections, I am reminded of a quote from psychologist and phi losopher, Paul Bloom. He said, “We are constituted so that simple acts of kindness, such as giving to charity or expressing gratitude, have a positive effect on our longterm moods. The key to the happy life, it seems, is the good life: a life with sustained relationships, challenging work, and connections to community.”
The Foundation takes this concept to heart in all we do. In this increasingly connect ed world, we understand, it’s personal connections that drive us forward. It is our connections with donors that inform our grantmaking, our connections with the non profits that guide us to community needs and our connections to the business community that help increase the number of corporate dollars invested in Albuquerque. In a city like ours—so rich with diversity, culture and history—we know there are still uphill battles. Poverty runs deep with nine of Albuquerque’s 17 ZIP Codes showing a poverty rate greater than the national average and with some approaching two and a half times that rate. But we believe this can be a transformational time for our city. On a daily basis we can participate in changing this community by investing in it financially and by connecting with our partners who believe, as we do, that when we work together, we can achieve a more vibrant Albuquerque that provides inclusive economic opportunity for all of its residents.
I have been a proud Albuquerque resident all of my life, worked in a public service capacity in this state for almost 30 years and have now been a small business-owner for nearly two decades. Through my time as Board Chair of the Foundation, I have had the honor of serving this community and seeing first-hand how philanthropy, businesses, individuals and nonprofits can create a platform for growth and prosperity. I look forward to seeing that growth and prosperity continue to materialize and for it to create opportunities for the young people in this community so that they can work and live in safe, productive and thriving communities here in Albuquerque and New Mexico.
Julie Weaks Gutierrez Chair, Board of Trustees
Connecting with leadership 4

Partnerships, Common Ground and now, Connections Matter. These have been the themes of the Foundation’s last three annual reports and they share an important philosophy that roots our guiding principle as a funder and as a community partner: We are better together. It is not a surprise that after three years, we find ourselves reflecting on connections. Beginning in 2015, the Foundation began making significant changes which have propelled us into the next phase of our work. These changes started by connecting more directly with nonprofits, donors and our community-at-large. We began with community conversations. This led us to shift our grantmaking to focus on supporting programs that provide access to economic opportunities. Doors opened, partnerships expanded and the connections grew larger; we took on leadership roles in major multi-sector collaborations like City Alive and Healthy Neighborhoods ABQ. We’ve covered a lot of ground, but in many ways, we are just getting started. In 2018, we planted the seeds for new programs, all developed through a lens of connectivity: the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Expo (E3) is a quarterly event that brings together entrepreneurs, organizations and funders to share their ideas and build connections within Albuquerque’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. And, Tapestry is a community initiative to bolster economic and social prosperity, while building bridges between geographic communities, diverse populations and burgeoning local industries. We believe these programs are taking new approaches to addressing ongoing challenges—and they do so with the support of the public and private sectors joining forces for real, We sincerely thank you for believing in our work, being a part of what we do and making us a stronger foundation each year.
Randy PresidentRoyster&CEO

RobertaBarryMaryStevenGloriaShirleyJamesJohnsN.KingLeslieMalloryK.MoisePooleW.RamoCooper Ramo
board of trustees
Board of Trustees is a group of dedicated individuals who invest in our community with their talent, time and resources. Each trustee serves a three-year term, contributing a minimum gift of $5,000 per year toward the Foundation’s operating expenses. The Foundation is grateful for this remarkable team of volunteers who every day demonstrate forward-thinking, tough decision making, passionate support and philanthropic investment. They are bold and visionary—a team the Foundation is proud to call our own.
Albuquerque draws its strength from those passionate leaders who are committed to making our city the best it can be and inspire all of those around them to do the same. These leaders build connections in our community, meet challenges head-on and celebrate the great accomplishments that are always possible when people work together with a shared Thevision.Foundation’s
John RayMichaelLarryBarbaraChetJeffryRobertSalazarJ.StammE.SterbaStewartTrythallWillardWalkerZimmer
John L. (Jack) Rust
Lee KarlMaríaRobertVictorDouglasCurtisRobertBlaugrundBovinetteBrewerM.BrownJ.ChavezM.GoodmanGriego-RabyGustafson Cindy
The Emeritus Board of the Foundation is comprised of former Trustees who have demonstrated long and distinguished service and contributed significant and ongoing financial support to the Foundation. back row (l-r): Marcus Mims, Ted Jorgensen, George Stanfield, Bill Ebel, Patrick Apodaca: Secretary, Beverly Bendicksen, Steve Keene: Past Chair, Steve Maestas, Rebecca Harrington, Ken Leach, Debbie Johnson front row: José Viramontes, Pam Hurd-Knief, Linda Parker, Arellana Barela Cordero, Julie Gutiérrez: Chair, Walter Stern: Chair-elect, Carl Alongi, Paul DiPaola not photographed: Bill Lang: Treasurer, Glenn Fellows, Ed Garcia, Kathleen Davis, Jerry Roehl, Anne Sapon 6

(l-r) Nick Williams, Denise Nava, Sandy Mwei, Randy Royster, Gabi Gómez, Kelli Cooper, Joanna Colangelo, Andre Durham, Ashleigh Olguin, Hallee Nguyen not photographed: Jeff Carr, Chanel Wiese
7 staff

The Great Grant Giveaway brought together 700 enthusiastic guests to support the work of five outstanding nonprofit organizations.
Encuentro Encuentro’s Home Health Aide program aligns a workforce of primarily Latina immigrants with a fast-growing industry—senior in-home health services. Participants in the program enroll in a 15-week course, developed in partnership with CNM. The course aligns educational attainment, employment matching and culturally-responsive partnerships with industry and higher education institutions for Latina immigrants. $27,445
Great Grant Giveaway 8
Barelas Community Coalition (BCC) BCC focuses on enhancing the quality of life in Barelas through building community alliances. BCC is focusing on reno vating the B. Ruppe Drugstore as the B. Ruppe Center for Traditional Healing. This Coalition is also working to revitalize the south 4th Street corridor through the Calle Cuarta business incubator, the Coronado garden, mural projects, food, art and culture-related start-up businesses. $20,570

New Space
New Mexico
Working Classroom is a multi-ethnic, inter-generational community of student and professional artists, writers, actors and directors with a commitment to supporting new and diverse voices and visions in the arts. $28,945
Junior Achievement
With science, technology, national research laboratories and universities all connecting to lend resources and vision to the swiftly developing space industry, public-private collaborators formed to analyze the impact of the commercial space industry could have on Albuquerque and identify strategies to promote, attract, support and sustain a stronger aerospace industry. $23,465
Working Classroom
Great Grant Giveaway 9
Junior Achievement works in partnership with schools to prepare young people for the real world with financial literacy and entrepreneurial thinking. Junior Achievement worked specifically with Bernalillo High School, APS Indian Education Department and Native American Community Academy to extend financial literacy and work readiness curricula to Native American high schoolers. $34,050

Jason is CEO of HB Construction, and a proud member of Cinco Amigos, the community group behind the an nual Concours du Soleil fundraising event. He’s also the outgoing Chair of the United Way of Central New Mexico.
Profile in Philanthropy 10
“We’re proud to raise our daughters here in New Mexico and want them to feel that giving back is what we do as a family. And the kids are at the age now where they get it. They know they’ve been blessed and want to give back,” Rebecca Harrington says. The family has a long history with Albuquerque Commu nity Foundation. Rebecca, a long-time community volun teer, has been a Foundation Trustee for four years. She also serves as chair of the Grants Committee.
The FamilyHarrington
Love hard, work hard, play hard. That’s the Harrington family motto, and the idea behind the Harrington Fam ily Fund, established in 2018. Jason and Rebecca Har rington and their daughters Sienna and Addison, created the fund as a way to involve the entire family in giving back to the community they call home.
“The Foundation is a wonderful way to get connected to great causes in Albuquerque, and to coordinate our indi vidual giving under one umbrella. To be more strategic about it,” Rebecca continues. “The Foundation makes it easy, offers so much help and is always welcoming to the kids when we bring them to see the Foundation’s work.

$4.2+GRANTSmillion* Does not include Scholarships, PNM Crisis Fund and Foundation-designated
Competitive Grant Pr $ Donor Advise d $2.46 M Sandia Foundati on $ 330,800 Donor Designated $ 310,000 OrchestralMusicSymphonicProgram $ 131,92 5 Great Grant Giveaway $ 133,400 Corp or ate Philanthr op y $216,000 Ment or Me $ 100,000 Impact$99,500 Social Giving Club $25,000 Future Fun $25,000d grant program 11
When the Foundation shifted its grantmaking focus to fund organizations that provide access to economic opportunities, we saw how nonprofits throughout every sector in our community were committed to breaking the cycle of poverty and enhancing opportunities for Albuquerque’s economic growth. We learned of employment pipelines for mental health professionals; workforce programs for refugees; urban farming incubation initiatives and job training programs for people experiencing homelessness or for previously incarcerated adults. We also learned that our grants were not just providing access to economic opportu nities—but were reducing the hurdles many communities and individuals face when working towards economic mobility. Many of the Foundation’s 2018 grants reflect programs that provide equitable access to economic opportunities and programs that seek to break or prevent the cycle of gener ational poverty, specifically for underserved and historically underfunded communities and populations. This natural next phase in the Foundation’s grantmaking strategy has opened the door for us to connect with new nonprofits and invest in the community in ways we are confident will remove barriers for economic growth within Albuquerque for years to come. In 2018, the Foundation distributed $4.5 million. This diagram illustrates the sources of our primary grantmaking. In the interest of environmental sustainability, we have not listed every grant. For a full 2018 grant listing, please visit or call and a printed report will be mailed to you. grants.

Profile in Philanthropy
Sally is Professor and Director of the Prevention Research Center at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, where she studies com munity strategies to prevent chronic disease and improve quality of life. Dick, a family and preventive medicine physician, blends a part-time practice with Presbyterian Medical Services in Cuba with volunteer activities at local, regional and national levels. At an age when most people have settled comfortably into retirement, Sally and Dick actively serve Cuba and other communities through their professions and volunteerism. This year, one of their funds provided matching support for a surfaced all-weather trail at the Village of Cuba’s park to encourage physical activity. Another supports a number of estab lished charities while allowing for special one-time contributions. A third will benefit rural students pursuing health careers. “We want our philanthropy to be as seamless as possible,” Dick adds. “Not only does working with the Foundation make good financial sense and simplify our philanthropy, but it allows us to enjoy immediate tangible results of our giving.”
Living, working and volunteering in rural Cuba, New Mexico has been fulfilling for Sally Davis and Dick Kozoll since they met there in 1975. When the married couple sought a strategy for their financial and philanthropic goals, they turned to Albuquerque Community Foundation. “After reviewing the latest tax changes, we realized that the best vehicles for our philanthropy were do nor advised and donor restricted funds offered by the Foundation, with flexibility to structure them to meet our needs,” Dick says.

The 2018 Competitive Grant Program awarded $395,000 in grants to organizations in six fields-of-interest: Arts Culture, Development, Education, Environmental Historic Preservation, Health and Human Services. year, the Foundation receives fund the Competitive Grant Program. proposal does not receive staff does not give grantmaking.
When a
funding, Foundation
up. We take those unfunded proposals and begin working with donors and corporate partners to offer them options for their annual
Ar ts & Culture Af ri can Amer i can Per fo r ming A rt s Center - $ 10 , 000 Albuq uerq ue Philharmonic - $ 7, 000 D ow nt ow n Ar ts & Cultural District - $10,000 Fusion - $ 10 , 000 Keshet - $15,000 T ri c klo ck Theatre - $ 10 , 000 Health Albu qu er qu e Heal th Care for th e H omeless - $18,000 Centro Savila - $ 10 , 000 Childrenʼs Gr ief Center - $ 11, 000 Crossroads f or Wo m en - $20,000 East Central Minist ri es - $ 13 , 000 NM Dental Association F oundation - $9,000 Human Ser vice s Ca th olic Cha ri ties - $ NMCAN - $ 17, 200 NM Immigrant Law Center - $ Rio Grande Food Project - $ Suppo rt ive Housing Coalition - $ Teeniors - $ 15 000 E ducation Albu qu er qu e Re ads - $5,000 Cooper tiv a Korimi - $ 10 , 000 Native American Community A cade my Foundation - $15,000 Sou th we st Creations C ollaborati Vizionz-Sankofave- $ E nvir onmental & Historic Preser Agr i -Cultura N et wo r k/La Cosec Galloping Grace You th Manzano Mountain Art Council - $10,800 The Nature Conser va ncy - $15,000 Rocky Mountain Yo uth Co Sou th Valle y Mainstreet - $ 10 , 000 E conomic & Wo rkforce Development Lu th eran Family Se rv ices - $ 15 , 000 Sou th Valley Economic D ev elopment Center - $25,000 Competitive GRANT PRogram 13
more proposals than we can
Economic & Workforce

New Mexico Philharmonic Funds from the Orchestral Symphonic Music Grant Program supported the New Mexico Philharmonic’s 2018–2019 season, which delivered performances at Popejoy Hall, the National Hispanic Cultural Center, the ABQ BioPark Zoo and churches in various Albuquer que neighborhoods. Funding also supported the fourth annual NM Philharmonic Music & Arts Festival which brought together multiple organizations in cross cultural events and per formances throughout the city.
OffCenter Community Arts OffCenter Community Arts is an inclusive com munity resource, providing a safe, profession ally-equipped “open” arts studio with materi als, free of charge for individuals of all ages. Through an operating grant, OffCenter offered weekly skill-building workgroups, partnered with eighteen social service agencies so cli ents with disabilities could access the open studio and renovated their Art Gallery and Exhibition spaces, in which 268 artists sold $19,080 of locally made artwork. In October, OffCenter also hosted its 16th Annual Folk-Art Festival in Robinson Park, attended by 1,850 people. More than 42 performers and artists provided entertainment and 61 local artists/ vendors sold an average of $168/booth.
Great Grants

Cooperativa Korimi
Coopertiva Korimi provides wrap-around educa tional programs for Spanish-speaking families to overcome obstacles they face in the community, such as readiness to enter preschool, school dropout, college entrance and the ability to successfully enter the job market and workforce. Workshops are held in the South Valley and International District at East San Jose Elementary, Hawthorne Elemen tary, Dolores Gonzalez Elementary, Mountain View Elementary and Encuentro. The workshops serve 20 parents and 100 family members and cover topics such as children’s development, parental leadership, literacy, nutrition and future education and employment opportunities.
Funding for educational programs for people of color and African refugees living primarily in the International District. A substantial percentage of this population has little or no education and is underemployed or unemployed. Vizionz-San kofa provides multi-linguistic, literacy and adult educational programs aimed at increasing longterm community inclusion and sustainable em ployment. During the grant period, approximately 40–60 individuals will benefit from the program, as well as their families and communities.
Great Grants 15

Funding for Drivers & Growers, a partnership between Rio Grande Food Project, Fathers Building Futures and the Agri-Cultura Network. How does it work? RGFP “rescues” safe edible food before it is thrown away at local stores, distributors and farms. They then provide living wage work experi ence to truck driver trainees through Fathers Build ing Futures. To supplement healthy foods, RGFP grows produce in its Rain Catchment Community Garden and leverages the Agri-Cultura Network to offer local produce to low-income individuals and promotes nutrition/economic development through traditional and innovative agricultural practices.
Funding for RMYC’s Youth Workforce Training Program, which provides paid community service opportunities to young adults between the ages of 16–25. RMYC recruits “opportunity youth” to work on land conservation, recreation and historic preservation projects in partnership with all levels of government and community organizations. Opportunity youth are defined as young adults who are not working, who are not in school and who are at high-risk for continued or future unemployment. Rio Grande Food Project (RGFP)
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps (RMYC)
Great Grants 16

Teeniors employs tech-savvy teens to help seniors learn new technology. The Foundation’s grant helps Teeniors to deliver Group Training events and Private Home Coaching Sessions to economically disadvan taged seniors. In educating seniors through personal ized one-on-one coaching, Teeniors helps them: con nect to their loved ones through technology; connect to the local business community through websites and social media; broaden their understanding of cy ber security threats; and build positive connections with the people and topics that are interesting to them. For the young people working with the seniors, they learn job skills and soft-skills such as managing a schedule; communicating with different genera tions, being responsible, reliable and punctual.
Lutheran Family Services opened in Albuquerque in 2012 as a refugee and asylee resettlement agency offering social services to the refugee and asylee population in New Mexico. In 2015, after recogniz ing a need for this financially vulnerable population, LFS launched its Economic Development Program. The Foundation’s funding supports: employment services for refugees including career counseling, job development, and vocational training; financial services (financial literacy, credit building, credit counseling, budgeting, loan management and finan cial planning); an individual development account program (1-to-1 savings match); and the microenter prise development program, which offers business classes in 12 different languages, low-interest micro loans for entrepreneurs and ongoing business men torship. In 2018, 15 refugee-owned businesses were launched.
Great Grants 17
Lutheran Family Services (LFS)

NMCAN Funding for Opportunity Passport, a program that ensures young people (ages 14–25) who have experienced the foster care and/or juvenile justice system are financially capable and ready to acquire assets in areas that contribute to long-term finan cial viability and well-being. Opportunity Passport provides the essential transfer and application of knowledge through training and ongoing financial coaching. The program assists 75 young people aging out of systems. They receive financial edu cation and support in establishing, maintaining, and growing a bank account with a 1:1 match up to $3,000 for an asset purchase in the areas of transportation, housing and education.
South Valley Economic Development Center (SVEDC)
Great Grants 18
The South Valley Economic Development Cen ter’s Virtual Incubation (VI) program is a low-cost, high-expertise entrée geared to South Valley res idents who wish to become entrepreneurs, but lack sufficient funds, know-how and access to tra ditional assistance organizations and lending in stitutions. Hosted at SVEDC’s central South Valley facility, VI offers full, on-site 24/7 administrative assistant services, office equipment, three con ference areas including audio/visual capability, a shared work environment and direct access to experts in all realms of running a business. VI cur rently has 100 interested parties, 30 clients on av erage monthly and 23 new companies launched.

The Foundation’s grant will help NM Immigrant Law Center provide immigration services to low-income victims of domestic violence and abuse in order to increase access to work permits, lawful permanent resident status and educational and licensing op portunities. NMILC anticipates that 200 low-income immigrants, victims and vulnerable youth who reside in Albuquerque will receive direct legal services and 150 will receive legal screening and advice. The majority of these clients are Spanish speaking and nearly all have incomes less than 50% of the poverty guidelines.
NM Immigrant Law Center (NMILC)
East Central Ministries According to the American Dental Association, 26% of low-income adults in New Mexico say the appear ance of their mouth and teeth affects their ability to interview for a job. Moreover, advanced gum disease is correlated with higher risk for heart disease, indi cating a link between oral health and overall health. East Central Ministries’ dental program, One Hope Centro de Vida, provides affordable oral healthcare to uninsured/underinsured patients, most of whom are International District residents, Spanish speak ers, and foreign-born. This dental program works to bridge an access gap by providing oral health assess ments, x-rays, cleanings, fillings, extractions, root ca nals, and dental prostheses at affordable prices.
Great Grants 19

20 orchestral Symphonic music
When the New Mexico Symphony closed its doors in 2011, the Foundation held a number of funds for the benefit of the Symphony. One of the many values of endowed funds is they are protected from bankruptcy and can be reallocated to similar groups that continue the mission of the original organization. Today, the Foundation leverages the Symphony’s endowment funds to support symphonic music performances and education through our Orchestral Symphonic Music Grant Program. 2018 Recipients Youth Symphony, $28,500 Mexico Philharmonic, $84,425 Mexico Symphonic Chorus, $5,000 Southwest, $14,000

When Bryan Konefsky moved to Albuquerque from Con necticut nearly thirty years ago, he was a graduate stu dent starting his MFA in painting at UNM. Within a year, he had sold all of his painting equipment and began col lecting what he refers to now as his “palette of cameras.” It started with a 16mm camera and grew quickly from there. Eventually becoming the first person to graduate from UNM with an MFA in “Moving Image Art,” Bryan has since been an adjunct professor, lecturer and principal lecturer on film history and film production at UNM. In the community, Bryan is known as the creative face of Basement Films and the founder of the international ly renowned, Experiments in Cinema, an annual experi mental film festival rooted in community and not awards.
As a filmmaker, Bryan saw the “good, bad and ugly” of the film festival circuit and established Experiments in Cinema as an inclusive festival that reduced barriers, like high registration fees, which often prohibit struggling filmmakers from entering their work into festivals. Work ing with such a wide breadth of filmmakers led Bryan to the next step in his career: moving image philanthropist. In 2018, Bryan established the Bryan Konefsky Fund to support later-in-life film and moving image artists. After noting many funding opportunities exist for the “next great artist,” Bryan sought to establish a fund that fo cuses on artists who “have a little life behind them,” as he explains. These artists make up Albuquerque’s cre ative community—a vibrant hub of artistic visionaries who have chosen to live here, work here or have their projects screened here. Through his Fund, Bryan hopes to create another layer of opportunity to support what he calls Albuquerque’s “dynamic and exciting community of media artists.”
21 Profile In Philanthropy
Bryan Konefsky

Albuquerque2014Community Foundation Education Fund 1984
Tom Jenkins and Elaine Roy Fund
Each of our endowment funds is customized to meet the donor’s philanthropic goals and the needs of the Albuquerque community. We work as partners with donors to help them meet their charitable goals, as well as to receive tax benefits without administrative responsibilities. Funds can be established by individuals, families, businesses or organizations.
AnnScholarshipMemorialFund2010&RussellRhoadesFund 2006
Anne B. Little Fund for Aid to Senior Citizens 2003 Anne B. Little Fund for Education Anne2003B.Little Fund for Health
Following is a list of the Foundation’s funds.
Nina J. Wing Scholarship Fund
The Ann C. Bailey Fund for Animals Bryan Konefsky Fund
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2018
Endowment funds 22
Albuquerque Community Foundation Children & Youth Fund 2002 Albuquerque Community Foundation Economic & Workforce Development Fund
Arthur J. & Naomi C. Rosenberg Charitable Fund 1997 Bank of Albuquerque Charitable Fund 2000 Barnes W. Rose Jr. & Eva Rose Nickol Scholarship Fund 2003 Becky & Rudy Diaz Fund 2006 Fund 2004 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for Animals 2013 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for Educational Opportunities for Navajo Children 2013 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for the Environment 2013 Betty & Luke Vortman for New Mexico Philharmonic 2015 Betty & Luke Vortman Fund 2003 Betty & Luke Vortman Restricted Fund 2013 Funds Established in 2018
Verstella Biondi Charitable TheEndowmentWilliamF.Mann Scholarship Fund
Albuquerque Community Foundation Arts & Culture Fund 1984
Albuquerque Community Foundation Impact Fund 1984
Albuquerque Community Foundation Preservation Fund of New Mexico 1984 Albuquerque Community Foundation Social Giving Club 2015 See pg 43 Albuquerque Community Foundation Visionary Fund 2011 Albuquerque Monthly/Coronado Center Fund 1984 Albuquerque New Car & Truck Dealers Fund 1986 American Home Fund 1986 Anand Fund 2004 Andrew Piech
Spiegel Family Fund 1996
Erik and Veronica Olson Endowment Frank Fine and Leslee Richards HarringtonFund Family Fund Jennifer Riordan “Sparkle” Fund La Meristema Fund
Alan Hudson Fund for Education
Our donors have different motivations in establishing their funds. Some want to give back to organizations that have helped them—others want to memorialize a loved one or create an income stream for a cause that’s close to their heart. Others want to educate, to create or to help cultivate a passion. The Foundation assists donors in meeting their goals, whether they seek to support multiple organizations, donate anonymously or simply share in the joy of giving back to this terrific place we call home.
APS2003Fine Arts Enhancement Fund Arthur1989H.
Albuquerque Community Foundation Emergency Action Fund 2011 Albuquerque Community Foundation Health Fund 2015 Albuquerque Community Foundation Human Services Fund 2001
A. David Sandoval Fund for Music Education 2002 Aetna Life & Casualty Fund 1984
In 2018, Maria and RJ advised their first grant to Best Buddies for its Jobs program, which supports employ ment opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Bright Futures Profile In Philanthropy 23
Best Buddies Jobs serves people with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, multiple disabilities and traumatic brain injury. The program helps individuals maintain jobs by providing ongoing support and training, enabling participants to earn an income, receive benefits such as health insurance, pay taxes and work in an environment alongside others in the community. In Bernalillo County, among existing Best Buddies Jobs participants, 19% of participants have an autistic disorder and 15% have an intellectual impairment; 82% are between the ages of 20–29.
RJ and Maria established the Bright Futures Fund to support organizations that offer innovative approaches to help people thrive and become more self-sufficient. Due to the generosity of the community through the Mayor & First Lady’s Charity Gala, investments were made in the Bright Futures endowment fund at Albuquerque Community Foundation.
Whether public servants as the Mayor and First Lady of Albuquerque or private citizens and business owners, RJ and Maria Berry have always kept philanthropy as a core value in their lives. For the Berrys, “philanthropy lifts up the entire community. It highlights the generosity and passion that we all have for this place we call home.”

Donald E. Carnicom & Mina L. Koym Carnicom Fund 2011 Doyel Family Fund 2005
Hanna/Woodford2003Family Fund 2013
Conscience of Society Fund 1986
Carolyn Dooley Martinez Fund 2006
Harvey Yates Education Fund 1984 HB Construction Fund 2011 Hearst Music Education Fund 2013 HENMAR Fund 1998
David R. Woodling Memorial Fund
Garcia1988Automotive Group Fund 1999 George & Jenean Stanfield Fund 2010 George Clayton Pearl Family Fund
Jack1996Grevey Memorial Fund 2005 Jackie A. Fallis Fund 2007 James Ledwith Memorial Scholarship Fund 2011 24
Dr. & Mrs. Sterling Edwards Family Education Fund 1994 Dr. Barry & Roberta Cooper Ramo Advised Fund 2001 E. Blaugrund Family Fund 1994 Ebel Family Fund for Children & Youth 1985 Effective Families 2003 Eye Associates Gerald & Alice Rubin Memorial Foundation Fund 2005
David E. & Cynthia M. Stuart Fund for the Linda S. Cordell Book Award David2015Maccini Memorial Fund 1996
Bob L. Turner Family Fund 2014 Bridge Fund 2004 Bryan Cline Memorial Soccer Scholarship Fund 1987
Blaine Ryan Kindler Memorial Education Fund 1999 Bob & Gwen Cameron Charitable Fund 2006
Colton Fund for Arts & Culture 2009 Cindy & Ken Johns Family Fund
Future2001Fund of Albuquerque Community Foundation 1997 See pg 40 Galles Chevrolet Friends of Youth Fund
Glenwood1993 Impact Fund 2017 Goodman Family Fund 2003 Gordon Church Fund 2007 Gorvetzian Croker Family Fund 2010 Greg & Diane Harrison Ogawa Family Fund
Davis-Kozoll2008 Village of Cuba Fund Dazzo2017Family Fund for Children & Youth 2000 Debbie & David Dozier Fund 2014 Don Blaugrund LGBT Fund 2006
Cramer Family Fund 2006 Crazy Granny’s Cookie Jar 2000
Cumulus Media Fund to Expand Music Education in APS Schools
CTWCRW Fund 2017
Frank1997& Judy Love Impact Fund 2017 Frank & Mickey Peloso Fund 2006 Frank & Mickey Peloso Memorial Fund 2007 Frank D. & Marie K. Gorham Fund for Classical Music 2013
Frank D. & Marie K. Gorham Fund
Carl David Bedford Fund for People in Need 2003
Marian Frances Smith Hooks Memorial Fund 2001 Daulton Family Foundation Fund
Cavanaugh Young At Heart Fund
First Things First Fund 2008 Florence & Bob Stamm Fund 1986 Floyd & Patricia Wilson Fund 2001 Frank & Dolores Hines Family Fund
Himalayan Progressive Education Fund Holocaust2009Memorial Fund 1988 Hopkins Campbell Family Fund 2012 Hospitality & Tourism Scholarship Fund 2015 Howard W. & Zona Ehret Henry Fund for the Performing Arts 2010 Hueter Bass Family Fund 2000 Infinite Gesture Fund 2016 Jack & Donna Rust Family Fund
Endowment funds
Classical1996Music Fund 2013 Connor Mantsch Memorial Fund 2014
Dave & Mary Colton Fund for Children & Youth 2009 David & Martha Cooper Fund 1984
Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M. 2005
Charles2009D. Ryan Memorial Fund for Education 2003 Chester French Stewart Fund 2005 Cinco Amigos Fund 2007
The Verstella Biondi Charitable Endowment Fund works to improve the lives of neglected, abused and under served children. Since her grandmother’s passing in 2016 at age 97, granddaughter Sarah had been trying to think of a special way to honor her grandmother. Last year, she established this permanent fund in Verstel la’s name as a tribute to a strong and talented woman, mother, grandmother, wife and friend. Verstella was born on Armistice Day in 1918 in Rutland, Vermont, the fourth of eight children. Growing up in pov erty, she left school at a young age to do domestic work and help her mother. She married James A. Biondi, and together they had three children, ten grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
Profile In Philanthropy
The recipients of the Verstella Biondi Charitable Endowment Fund will work to share her spirit of love and caring for children. 25
A lifelong and passionate artist, Verstella brought energy, focus and intelligence to her art and craft work. She was a true maker in every sense of the word, from canning, crocheting, doll-making and knitting, to wood carving, painting and baking. She had a strong love of learning; she began oil painting in her 40s and took up wood carving in her 70s. Her greatest creation was the warm and loving home she created for her family.
Verstella EndowmentCharitableBiondi

Endowment 26
Molly R. Huber Fund 2007 Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Arts & Culture Fund 1985 Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Fund 1986 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Fund 1994 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Health Fund 1994 Nancy Anderson Roberts Arts & Culture Fund 1983 Nancy Anderson Roberts Fund 1983 Nancy Thompson Harris Memorial Fund 1997 Nathan Wineberg for Senior Centers 2006
Jolly2006Family Foundation 2011 Jorgensen Family Fund 2007
New Mexico Manufactured Housing Association Scholarship Fund 1996 Ngala Memorial Fund to Assist Musicians with Medical Care 2014
Jeanne M. Trauger Memorial Homecare Fund 2009
JoAnn & Steve Ruppert Fund 1998 Joe & Christine Di Gregorio Fund
Michael Henningsen Youth Fund Minnie2014Gooch Hall Charitable Fund 2007
Nicholas C. Nellos Memorial Fund for At-Risk Children 2002 Nina Forrest Fund 2015 Notah Begay III Scholarship Fund 1999 Novak MPGJ Family Fund 2008
John2017&Marie Marshall Fund 2004
John F. & Mae M. Lark Fund in Honor of Franklin & Bernice Jones 1994 John P. & Terri Salazar Fund 2013
NDB & CEB Fund 2017 Nellita E. Walker Fund 1997 New England Fund 1990 New Mexico Heart Institute Foundation Fund 2001 New Mexico Human Rights Education Coalition 2014
Pamela B. Gordon Fund 2011 Para los Niños Fund 1989 Patricia McDonald Fund for Health 2016 Paul A. & Patti A. Marianetti Fund 2005
June D. Schutzberger Fund 2014
Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship Fund 1996 Kubié Family Fund for Classical Music 2013 Kurt & Edith Kubié Family Human Services Fund 2013 Kurt & Edith Kubié Family Impact Fund 2007 Lanting Shibuya Fund 2012 Lasso the Moon Fund 2016 Lawrence Monte, Sr. Memorial Lee2008&Jan Miller Fund 2017 Lee Blaugrund Fund 2005 Levy Family Fund 2008 Lewis O. & Leona R. Kohlhaas Fund 2000 Linda K. Estes Giraffe Award Fund Lucy2005Ann Warner Fund 2002 Lynn Rosner Memorial Fund 1997 Maggie’s Giving Circle 2006 Maisel/Goodman Charitable Fund Manuel2002Lujan Excellence in Education Scholarship Fund Margaret1991 & Ted Jorgensen DonorAdvised Fund 2007 Margarita Martinez Fund for Theater Arts 1988 Marie Kelly Gorham Fund for Women’s Issues 2006 Martin S. Morrison Fund 2006 Mary Stephenson Utsinger Fund for Children 2011 Mary Stephenson Utsinger Fund for Preservation 1987 Mayor’s Fund for Children 1987 Mayor’s Prize 2015 Mediation Fund 1989 Mesa Del Sol Education Fund 2008
King2008Family Fund 2006 Kirschner Family Fund 2014
Jim & Ann Nelson Student Aid Fund for Foster Youth 2007
John2006&Kathleen Avila Family Fund
Jane & Doug Swift Fund for Art & Education 1997 Jane P. Sandoval Fund for Fossil Preparation 2002
Junior League of Albuquerque Charitable Fund 1984 Kate Nanlohy in Memory of Charles Marko 2009 Kelli & Kevin Cooper Family Fund 2006 Kevin & Lian Yearout Family Fund 2009 Killin Fund 2002 Kim & Steve Nunley Acorn Fund
Johnnie Mae Tate Memorial Fund
Ann C. Bailey Fund for Animals
At the time of her death, Ann C. Bailey, originally from the Pittsburgh area, had been living in Albuquerque for several years. Annie, as she was known, had moved to New Mexico from Washington, DC, where she had owned an art framing shop. She was looking for a fresh start after living on the East coast.
Profile In Philanthropy 27
Friends report that Annie was a generous person who shared her resources freely. She surrounded herself with her pets–a dog named Bristol and two cats, Harper and Izzy. Ill health prevented her from leaving her home and her animals brought her great comfort and joy. The Ann C. Bailey Fund for Animals was established to support and improve the care, maintenance and wel fare of animals.

2011 The
William “Bill” Cooper Memorial Fund in Rhetoric & Logic Family
Performing Arts Fund 1988
T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Perpetual Fund 1995 Taylor & Joan Bowen Charitable for Preservation of Public Trees & Gardens 2006 Taylor & Joan Bowen Charitable for Wildlife Protection & Control 2006 Team Tio Fund 2011 Bright Futures Fund FUNd 1988 Pam Schneider Memorial Scholarship Presented by American FederationAdvertisingofNewMexico REALTOR® FUND of the Greater AssociationAlbuquerqueofREALTORS® Robert P. Tinnin, Jr. Endowment
1988 Vitality
Trythall Family Fund for in Continuing Education Works & Allene Kleweno Fund Bank for Classical Music Wells Fargo Bank Fund 1998
Santangelo Fund 2007 Sean Hopkins Fund 2013 Shelly & Rafael Colón Memorial Fund 2006 Stephen J.E. Sprague Memorial Fund 2007 Stephen L. Moody Memorial Fund for Children with Special Needs Strosnider1995Family Fund 2004 Susie Kubié Symphonic Music Scholarship
The Ties Fund R. Brown Fund Hearts Fund
2017 Walter
2011 Theodore
1983 Three
2014 The
2006 Women
N. Eitzen Fund 2000 Robby Baker
Education Scholarship Fund 1993 Endowment funds 28
Scholarship 2014 Woodcock
Wilfred “Coach” Tull Fund 2005 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Health & Human Services Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Victim Assistance
Philip’s Family Fund 2017 Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship for Women 2012 Rashap Family Fund 2016 Reba Price Fund for Animal Welfare 2016 Reba Price Fund for Children & Families 2016 Reba Price Fund for Performing Arts
2012 THE
Paul Noble Vosburgh & Jane Berry Vosburgh Fund 2007 Peggy Cavett-Walden & Professor Jerrold Walden Fund for Art & Music 2014 Peggy Pick Bacon Memorial Fund for Education 1995

Profile In Philanthropy 29
Together, the couple owns local travel company Sun Tours. Frank founded Lieber’s Luggage, which he ran for 20 years and Leslee for 20 more, before they sold it last year. Anyone with even a passing familiarity with the local theater scene recognizes Leslee as a director, fundrais er and board member of the Vortex and the New Mexico Shakespeare Project.
Together, they spearheaded the capital campaign for con struction of the Vortex’s new theater. Frank serves on the board of Roadrunner Food Bank and is the current Trea surer. He was instrumental in the 2007 capital campaign for the Food Bank’s permanent home on Singer NE. He has also served on the ACCION loan review committee. Because they both have experience aiding capital cam paigns, the Fine Richards Fund will have a special em phasis on supporting capital campaigns for social service and arts organizations. “The Foundation has the infrastructure to manage foun dations and trusts, and allows us to pay attention to other matters while having confidence that the funds will be well managed and distributed,” says Frank.
Leslee Richard and Frank Fine have lived in Albuquerque for more than 40 years. It’s their home, and they raised two daughters here. “We are committed to the community and want to see it grow and improve,” they say. “We established the Fine Richards Fund with Albuquerque Community Foundation as a way to have a long-lasting impact on the community and organizations we care about.”
Leslee Richards and Frank Fine

William “Bill” Mann has seen a lot of changes in Albuquer que over the years. The son of an undersheriff and house wife, he was born in 1936. He grew up on his parents’ veg etable farm, land that is now the New Mexico Museum of Natural History. After graduating from Albuquerque High School, Bill at tended the University of Albuquerque (now closed and the campus of St. Pius X High School). Always one to stay busy, he also worked several part-time jobs during his college years. With his degree, Bill took a position with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as a liquidator, someone who manages the orderly distribution of a company’s as sets. Bill relocated several times for his job, something he enjoyed because it gave him the opportunity to continue learning about different parts of the country and about many different types of companies. Home and Albuquerque called him back in 1980, when he began managing his parents’ estate. When planning his own legacy with Albuquerque Community Foundation, Bill said, “I want to educate people and I don’t want to pay es tate taxes!”
William ScholarshipMann Profile In Philanthropy 30

Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nickol Scholarship for Albuquerque High School students pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering or math
In 2018, the Foundation awarded over $150,000 in student aid to 141 students throughout the state. Through our 17 scholarship programs, awards ranged from $500 to $4,000. The Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Fund, the Foun dation’s largest student aid program, awarded over $44,000 to high school seniors and current college students. Of the recipients attending college in 2018–2019, more than 50% are attending college in New Mexico.
New Mexico Manufactured Housing Association Scholarship for students living in a mobile or manufactured home
By alleviating the financial barriers most students face after graduation, scholarships provide an extra opportunity for students to succeed. The Foundation’s scholarship programs are doing just that–creating an impact and helping New Mexico students achieve their academic goals.
Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship for Women who are continuing or returning to college for their first undergraduate degree in need of financial assistance for their senior year of school
Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship for La Cueva High School students with learning, language or reading disability
William F. Mann Scholarship for graduating seniors, preference for Albuquerque High School students
Trythall Family Scholarship for Excellence in Continuing Education for students working 20 hours weekly and attending undergraduate or vocational school part-time to further their career goals
Women in Rhetoric and Logic Scholarship for graduating Albuquerque Academy female debate
James Ledwith Memorial Soccer Scholarship for students who have overcome a significant challenge
David R. Woodling Memorial Scholarship for students pursuing a career in metal technology or welding technology
Woodcock Family Education Scholarship for Albuquerque metro high school graduating seniors of exceptional promise in the fields of science and math
Youth in Foster Care Scholarship for high school or current college students from the foster care system student aid 31
The Pam Schneider Memorial Scholarship presented by American Advertising Federation of New Mexico for students studying the field of communication and marketing
Carl F. Scott Scholarship for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M. for Quay County students graduating high school or currently enrolled in college
Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship for students with community service experience; preference given to students studying early childhood education & participants of the Key Club Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance for financial aid assistance to support the gap in student financial aid
Notah Begay III Scholarship for Native American students
Manuel Lujan Excellence in Education Scholarship for graduating seniors from 24 designated high schools
Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship for students pursuing a career in the automotive or vocational tech fields
New Mexico Hospitality and Tourism Association for pursuit of a degree in hospitality & tourism
Nina J. Wing Scholarship for foster care students attending Central New Mexico Community College
Susie Kubié Symphonic Music Scholarship for students pursuing a degree in music and participating in the Albuquerque Youth Symphony
Bryan Cline Memorial Soccer Scholarship for Eldorado High School students graduating seniors playing varsity soccer
Nina J.
Nina John Wing passed away at the age of 89 in 2011. Born in Beaumont, Texas, Nina was the daughter of Grace Saludis John and Zachanias John. She was valedictorian of her high school graduation class, received a Bachelor’s of busi ness administration from the University of Texas, and then earned a degree in education and a Master’s degree in counseling. Nina moved to Albuquerque in 1958. Established with a generous gift from the estate of her sister, Sylvia J. Ferguson, Nina established the Nina J. Wing Scholarship to provide support for students previously in foster care who are now attending Central New Mexico Community College. ScholarshipWing
Profile In Philanthropy 32

Alan Hudson Fund for Education
The Alan Hudson Fund for Education was es tablished to honor Alan’s lifelong advocacy for education.
Profile In Philanthropy 33
Alan Hudson was a long-time Albuquerque resi dent, linguist, professor and actor well known in the theater community. Born in Dublin, Ireland in 1946, he became a United States citizen in 1993. He died in January 2018. His father encouraged Alan and his brother, Ter ry, to learn Irish, and Alan also studied French and Italian as a child. As an adult, he became fluent in Welsh, German and Spanish, earning his BA in Celtic languages from Trinity College, Dublin. After he received his PhD in linguistics from Yeshiva University in New York, Alan joined the linguistics program of the University of New Mexico in 1974. He served as department chair from 1982 to 1990. Under his chairmanship, the linguistics program became a department and began offering a PhD.
He retired from UNM in 2003. Alan’s last ing achievements at UNM include author ing several studies on the status of Span ish in New Mexico, supporting what is now one of the outstanding sign language programs in the country, and for the addition of Native American languages. Alan greatly loved theater. He performed in more than fifty community plays. He also served as dialect coach, and promoted and organized the multi-theater Southwest Irish Theater Festival of 2014.

The Ray Zimmer Heritage Society, named in honor of one of the Foundation’s founders and its first Board President, is designed to make Albuquerque a place of stronger partnerships for generations to come. The Heritage Society con nects the past, present and future. It recognizes donors whose far-sighted generosity will benefit future generations through deferred gifts and estate plans. These individuals have committed to the future of our community by naming Albuquerque Community Foundation in their wills, qualified retirement plans, life insurance policies, trusts or other Acknowledginginstruments.
Anonymous (4) Mr. & Mrs. Ron Abramshe John & Kim Ackerman Ms. Gertrude E. Adams Ms. JoAnn Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Rex Allender Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Andes Mr. Ron Beauchamp & Ms. Cecilia Navarrete Mr. C. David Bedford Beverly & Perry Bendicksen Ms. Nancy M. Berg Mrs. Fran Berglund Mr. & Ms. Bernie Bernard Mr. & Mrs. Wes A. Bigney III Ms. Claudia Bloom James & Diane Bonnell Mrs. Joan Bowen Susanne B. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Donald Carnicom Mr. Kenneth L. Conwell II Mr. James L. Cook & Ms. Roberta J. Buell Kelli & Kevin Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cotruzzola Mr. Warren B. Cox & Dr. Sue Forster-Cox Tom & Jan Daulton Ms. Gale Williams Doyel & Mr. Gary K. Moore Ms. Lauri Ebel Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ebel Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eitzen Mr. & Mrs. David Emin Ian & Katie Esquibel Ms. Nada Fahnestock Ms. Nina Forrest Mr. & Mrs. Howard Friedman Ms. Nancy Furbush & Brenda Ms.NehringSarahM. Geiger Mr. Larry Gilbert Terri Giron-Gordon & Gary Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Donald Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Graham III Ms. Jeanne Grealish Mrs. Ginger Grossetete Mr. Howard W. Henry Mr. Kreg Hill & Dr. William Christensen Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hopkins Jane Jones Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kleweno Mr. Bryan Konefsky Ms. Amy Legant Mr. Allen Lewis & Ms. Carla Aragón Judy Bearden Love Kathleen “Nats” Lunde Dr. Gloria & Mr. Robert
David H. Zeuch & Nena Joy Mr.Almodovar&Mrs.Ray Zimmer
Ron & Mary Moya Mrs. Mary W. Nuñez Kathy Oakley & Doug Edgar Mr. David Oberg Ms. Laree E. Perez Mrs. Mary Poole Mr. & Mrs. Russell Rhoades María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster
Ms. Myrna Smyer & Mr. Carlton Mr.CanadyWilliam Snead Andrea Sterling & David
Ray Zimmer Heritage Society 34
Society members is our simple way of recognizing future benevolence.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ruppert Mr. Arthur Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Seeley
Stuart Todd Tibbals & Andrea Escher Mrs. Valerie Trujillo Ms. Karin Urban Mr. & Mrs. John Vanlandingham Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vosburgh Ms. Debbie Walters Ms. Diane K. Yanney
Jennifer Riordan Sparkle Fund 35
In April of 2018, Albuquerque lost an extraordinary individual—a woman whose passion and dedication to better our community exemplified what it means to be a wife, a mom, a friend, an executive, a volunteer and a human being. Jennifer Riordan’s DNA was comprised of love and kindness. In moments of division, Jennifer was a unifier. In times of need, Jennifer was giving. When a project seemed impossible, Jennifer became the champion. Jennifer’s sheer existence was a lesson to others in how to not only be a good person—but to be a humble person, full of dignity, grace and joy. In her honor, Jennifer’s husband, Michael, along with their children Averie and Joshua, established the Jennifer Riordan Sparkle Fund to support causes Jennifer cared about so deeply and to continue her legacy of always being kind, loving, caring and sharing. Recognizing that Jennifer had many passions, the Sparkle Fund focuses on topics Jennifer held close to her per sonal and professional heart: childhood education, financial literacy, women’s empowerment and Albuquerque vitality. In its first year of grantmaking the Sparkle Fund supported seven local organizations with $50,000.

Verdes Foundation Wells Fargo Western Sky Community Health
Recognizing a need for funders to collaborate and create higher impact grant opportunities by pooling time, energy and resources, the New Mexico Funders Collaborative was established in 2017. The Collaborative is guided by a shared belief that we are stronger together and we can work in partnership to create long-term systemic change in New Mexico.
New Mexico Gas Company
Albuquerque Community Foundation Bank of Albuquerque Bradbur y Stamm Construction
LoIntelvelace Health System
McCune Charitable Foundation
PNM Resources Foundation
New Mexico Funders Collaborative 36
Sandia National Labs Foundation Southwest Capital Bank United Way of Central New Mexico’s Hispano Philanthropic Society
Nusenda Credit Union Foundation
Casa de Salud received the $25,000 Communities in Action: Mental & Be havioral Health grant to support a pilot, integrative behavioral health ini tiative for increased access to counseling/therapy, additional integrative healing services and mental health first aid, trauma-informed care and crisis intervention skills training.
In 2018, the Collaborative awarded two high impact grants through the Jennifer Riordan Educate2Elevate program and the Communities in Action: Mental & Behavioral Health program.
New Mexico Funders
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico, Boys and Girls Club of Central New Mexico and Junior Achievement of New Mexico received the $50,000 Jennifer Riordan Educate2Elevate grant for their JAMS part nership. JAMS, a job readiness, academic success, mentoring and ser vice learning initiative, is an onsite, one-to-one mentoring, education al, out-of-school time and career readiness program offered year-round and afterschool in safe locations for at-risk youth to learn and grow.

Fathers NM collaborates with high schools and other partners to serve young men who are expecting or parenting. Through the mentorship program, young fathers will have mentors to support them through education, employment and post-incarceration pathways.
NM Immigrant Law Center’s Immigration Corps is a mentorship and training program for YMOC at all stages of preparation for a legal career. The program matches YMOC with legal professionals and provides mentorship for new immigration attorneys and paralegals planning to apply to law school, as well as students interested in immigration law.
Research shows that youth who are at-risk for falling off track but have a mentor are: 55% more likely to enroll in college; 78% more like ly to volunteer regularly and 130% more likely to hold leadership positions.
Developed in partnership with My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, the City of Albuquerque and the Foundation, the MentorMe grant program supports nonprofit organizations that provide creative and innovative mentorship opportunities to benefit young men of color (YMOC) in the Greater Albuquerque Area.
Native American Community Academy Foundation’s Hiyupo Boys Group provides 1:1 mentoring, college and career counseling and group activities grounded in Indigenous art and healing practices for 30 Native boys aged 12–19.
Together4Brothers engages young male leaders (African American/African, American Indian/Indigenous/Native, Asian Pacific Islander, Chicano/Hispano/Latino, Middle Eastern and Multiracial), ages 14–20 in 12-week leadership and mentoring programs with a focus on community connectivity in the International District.
MentorMe awarded a total of $100,000 with five organizations each receiving a $20,000 grant:
Mentor Me 37
Adelante’s DiverseIT technology training program, in partnership with Cultivating Coders, provides mentorship and job training for YMOC who are either enrolled or have completed a coding curriculum.

Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for ACF 2013 Frank Gorham, Jr. Fund 1989 Glenn Fellows and Patricia Hancock Administrative Fund 2017
Henry C. Dennis and Sara B. Dennis 624 Champion Building Fund 2014 Albuquerque
Community support is crucial to the Foundation. Our work would not be possible without our Partners in Philanthropy. These generous donors support the Foundation’s operations so that we can devote our attention to our community and our grantees.
Theodore R. AdministrativeBrownFund 1983 Robert and Ann AdministrativeClarkFund 1991 Laura and Zack Clem, Jr. Fund 2007
Partners in Philanthropy
Our Partners in Philanthropy invest in us, so that we can invest in others. These donors exemplify and embody the notion of community support. Please join us in thanking the following donors, who help us achieve our goal of supporting Albuquerque through Thephilanthropy.following donors have elected to support the Foundation’s operations in perpetuity through the establishment of an endowed administrative fund.
Moise Family Administrative Fund 1997 Peltier Gustafson & Miller PA Fund Nancy1996Anderson
Mr. Bill C. Rothanbargar María Griego-Raby & Randy
Mr. C. David Bedford Steve & Jolene Benoit Gaucho Imports, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Blaugrund Tom & Francesca Blueher Mr. Robert L. Bovinette & Mrs. Yvonne L. Truesdell
Philanthropy 39
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Pachelli
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Custer Tom & Jan Daulton Debbie & David Dozier Ms. Lauri Ebel Frank Fine & Leslee Richards Dr. Daniel B. Friedman Pilar Garcia Patton & Keith Patton Terri Giron-Gordon & Gary Gordon Sharon Gross Dr. & Mrs. Mr.HagengruberRoger&Mrs.Lowell
Partners in
John & Kim Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Carl Alongi Ms. Susan Beard
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Brown Loral StevenButler&Louise
A. Hare The Honorable Harris L. Hartz
Connie & Doug Henry Mrs. Mary Herring Nancy Herring & Matthew Mrs.SeguraRosalyn R. Hurley Dr. & Mrs. James R.
Tolber Will & Elaine Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Chew Joanna Colangelo David & Mary Colton Jan & Norm Corzine Lisa Crawley & Julie Cason Billie Jo Crouse
Hon. & Mrs. James Parker Calla Ann Pepmueller Leslie Phinney Jeff & Peggy Roberts
future fund 40
Chavez* Helena Campion Rathi & Ben Casey & Misty Ciepiela Corey GabrielleThomasCooperCooperCostales
Future Fund is a collaborative giving circle comprised of young leaders from various sectors who share in the love of philanthropy and community engagement. Membership is $200 annually and 100% of that goes toward supporting local nonprofits. In 2018, the Future Fund focused on expanding partnerships in the community to connect with other organizations where young people are committing to make Albuquerque a great place to live—in particular, Young Professionals of Albuquerque, Young Nonprofit Professionals New Mexico and the National Hispanic Cultural Center were key partners. Together, these groups combined their collective efforts to build a stronger young pro fessional network in Albuquerque and have greater philanthropic impact.
MANA de Albuquerque $2,000 New Mexico Asian Family Center $1,500 Amy Biehl High School Foundation $1,500 Terri Nikole Baca Christian “Xian” Bass Matthew Bernabe Vincent & Svetlana Brothers Shawna Brown* Andrew & Jessica Bundy
Grants Fathers Building Futures: To provide previously incarcerated adults with soft skills training, job training in one of two microbusinesses (wood shop or freight/distribution), safety training, and education on operating procedures with the goal of helping clients transition to long-term employ ment in the private sector. $15,000 St. Martin’s HopeWorks: For the HopeFound program which is designed to rapidly re-house families with children experiencing homelessness. $5,000

MaureenMelissaTimHalleeDeniseMatthewErinErikKristinMarwan*McLoughlin&SarahMeaseMuffoletto&NikkiMulliganN.Nava&JohnNguyenNislyNuñezO’Leary&Michael Buck* Mitchel Olson John Michael & MacKenzie Ordorica Amanda & Yiannaki Pavlakos Lacee Peloquin
Allie Federici Cole & Kelcy Flanagan Nicholas Ganjei Pilar Garcia Patton & Keith Patton Kristin Garcia Victor & Mia Garcia Gabriela Gómez Lisa & Ryan Goodman Scott NickJenniferGoodmanGordonGordon&Anna Mallory Billy & Rachel Gupton Alexandria & Tyson Hafler Mariah ChristinaAnnemarieHarrison*HentonHerreraFurst & Brandon Furst Alexander & Maria Heubeck Andy ChristopherHsi Jaramillo*
Dea & Matt Crichton Katherine & Benjamin Davidson Sue KatieDoucett&George Douglas Joy JessicaNicoleDowDozierDuncan & Sabrina Moore Andre Durham & Katja Fitz Danielle Erhard Arlene Espinoza-Armijo & Jesse IanArmijo&Katie* Esquibel Teala & Michael Farrington
Future fund *Board Member 41
Aldis KendallVictoriaLesliePhilipbarPhinneyPrideRogers & Shilpa Reddy James Ross Jaymie MoniqueRoybal&Manny Rubio Andrew & Hannah Salazar Rhiannon & Adan Samuel Jessica Sanchez Sofia Sanchez* Vince ChristopherSandovalSchroeder & Crystal Avila Cynthia Schultz Subha Shettigar Ms. Kristelle Siarza & Spencer Moon Danielle Silva David* & Shelley Silverman Babsy Sinandile Brett & Morgan Smith Rachel Smith & Russ Biggs Tiffany & Justin Smyth Jasmine & Aaron Stromberg David Stroud & Matt Sandoval Karie Taylor & Mike Montanez Aaron Kellie*Thompson&Charlie Tomlin Sonya B. Torrez Tri TaylorTrinh*Trodden & Sal Gonzales Daniel O. Trujillo Richelle Urenda John MelodyLorilynnMitchAlexandraVarozVavruska&CamareeVigilViolantaWells&Hannah Bluhm Chanel Wiese & David Carl Skyler* & Brittany Wildenstein Mr. Nick Williams Hannah Wood Farah Benjamin Gerstner
Scott Hindman & Meaghan Stern Rachel Johannsen* Justin & Monica Kimbrough Chauna & Tyler King Jennifer Klass Aaron Kraft* & Monear Makvandi Seema Katiyar LaGree & Brooks LaGree Damian Libutti Derek Lin Amy* & David Liotta Christina M. Lujan Rebecca Lujan* Dominic Madrid Amanda Marquez Mo
Erik and Veronica Olson come from very different back grounds—he from New Jersey and a former Air Force officer, she a third generation New Mexican from a fam ily known for music. But the couple had the same goal when establishing their endowment last year. “My family has deep roots in the area. This is where we’ve chosen to live, where our businesses are and where we’re raising our kids,” Veronica says. “So any thing we can do to better the local community will help us, our kids and our businesses. Albuquerque Commu nity Foundation embodies that goal, too. They are mak ing a local difference.”
Erik’s a commercial realtor with CBRE. Veronica is part of Sparx, the four Sanchez sisters who found fame singing Latin classics, corridos, cumbias and pop songs. The couple has two boys, Cristian and Julian, in elementary school.
“I’m focused on growing the business aspects of Albuquer que—jobs and economic development,” says Erik. “With her arts background, Veronica wants to support music and dance and we both think education is vitally important. We know the Foundation has vetted the organizations that will benefit from grants and we can be as involved with the process as we want to be. We’re still figuring that part out, but our intention is to include the boys as well. That’s another part of the reason for establishing the fund with the Foundation.”
Erik and Veronica Olson

The Social Giving Club has become more than just an opportunity to join with friends and enjoy social time. Members are a family, coming together to create a significant impact in the Albuquerque community. This sentiment can be seen through the laughs, the hugs and the joy everyone shares when it comes to collective grantmaking. What a whirlwind the past three years have been; a total of $75,000 granted in the Albuquerque community to date. This is an impact not many grantmakers can pull off with only 50 people! In 2018, the Club awarded a $25,000 grant to Future Focused Education. The Foundation was also able to allocate additional resources to help support the two other nonprofits that presented during the Club’s Grant Night: Adelante’s GiveABQ program and Lutheran Family Services’ refugee program.
Cris & Ken Abbott Ms. Rohini Arter Alena & Jeff Bard
Future Focused Education works with local employers who are concerned about workforce needs. Through the Future Focused Internship Program, forward-thinking employers can provide underserved and underrepresented students with authentic learning experiences that develop the skills and character necessary for these students to overcome barriers and become successful leaders in their communities and in their future professions. The program provides a bridge for students from the Leadership Schools Network to life after high school that puts them on a path toward higher education and living-wage employment.
Mr. Sanjay Engineer Mr. Glenn Fellows & Ms. Patricia Hancock Ms. Nina Forrest John & Carol Grassham Mr. & Mrs. Ted Grumblatt Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Harms John & Kim Helm Pam Hurd-Knief & Dr. Ron Knief Mrs. Carol Jakowatz Ms. Lynn M. Johnson & Mr. Fritz R. Eberle Jane Jones Mr. & Mrs. Terry Keene Lee JudyMichaelsBearden Love Ms. Karen Lovelady Tom & Carol Maddux Ms. Carolyn M. Martinez Mr. & Mrs. James Martinez Maureen & Steve Martinick Mr. & Mrs. Lennard McMillan Ms. Leslie E. Neal Serena & Xavier Pettes
Mr. & Mrs. Will Raskob Jeff & Peggy Roberts Anna & Gabriel Sanchez Anne & Ken Sapon
Future Focused Education Grant
Social Giving Club 43
Suzanne Strong Corinne Thevenet Rogan & Laurie Thompson Ms. Chaoming Ting & Mr. David Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Bard Emily & Mark Benak Ms. Jessica Bohan McElroy Jen Anderson & Chris Boone Robin Brule & Lonnie Talbert Mr. & Mrs. Victor Chavez Larry Chenoworth Mr. Kenneth L. Conwell II Kelli & Kevin Cooper Mike DebbieDexter&David Dozier
Julie Silverman Ms. Margaret E. Smith
Charlotte & Stuart Schoenmann
Marcos & Katherine Trujillo Ms. Debbie Walters Mr. Frank Wilson Jessica & Kat Wright

The Foundation helps organizations achieve their goals and meet various needs in our community. In Albuquerque, we’re fortunate to be served by so many generous nonprofits and philanthropists who invest in our city. The Foundation consid ers effective management of organization endowment funds an important contribution to maintaining the strength of our community’s nonprofit organizations. We believe that managing endowment funds through Philanthropy Central is one of the things we do best. It is a privilege to help ensure Albuquerque remains a city of philanthropic visionaries.
Philanthropy Central 44
Adelante Development Center
There are two types of Philanthropy Central Funds: Organization Endowment Funds (where an agency establishes a fund with their money) and Donor-Designated Endowment Funds (where a donor establishes fund for the benefit of an agency).
Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Albuquerque Little Theatre
John Catholic Charities Center for International Studies & Albuquerque International CentroAssociationSavilaHopkins Center
Albuquerque Boy Choir Albuquerque Chapter of The Military Officers Association of AlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAmericaGenealogicalSocietyHealthCarefor the
Corrales Cultural Ar ts Council CottonwoodPreparatoryClassicalSchool de DominicanProfundisEcclesial Institute Dual Language Education of New Mexico Easter FilipinoExplora!SealsAmerican Foundation of New Mexico First Presbyterian Church Friends of Music Friends of the Corrales Library
Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center
AlbuquerqueStoppers Rose Society
BigARCABrothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico Boy Scouts of America Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico Cancer Services of New Mexico Carrie Tingley CathedralCasaCasaFoundationHospitalAngelicaEsperanzaChurchofSt.
Good Shepherd Center Greater Albuquerque Habitat for GreaterHumanityAlbuquerque Housing GuadalupePartnershipCounty Hospital Heading Home Junior League of Albuquerque Leadership New Mexico
Animal Humane New Mexico Animal Protection of New Mexico
Albuquerque Metropolitan Crime
Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program All AmyFaithsBiehl High School Foundation
The following have entrusted their endowment(s) to us.
Many of these organizations depend upon the annual distributions from their endowment(s) to help them meet the needs of our community. Others choose to reinvest their annual distribution into their fund for faster growth. Endowment funds are most successful and yield the greatest investment potential the larger they are. By pooling the funds of your organization with the Foundation’s endowment, you will enjoy the benefits of a diverse investment portfolio, as well as low investment fees that typically come only with very large funds.
Challenge New Mexico Chamber Music Albuquerque Children’s Cancer Fund of New Children’sMexicoGrief Center of New ChristinaMexicoKentEarly Childhood CibolaCenterCounty Education
Albuquerque Meals on Wheels
AlbuquerqueHomeless High School Alumni AlbuquerqueAssociationHispano
St. Martin’s HopeWorks
NewFoundationMexicoCoalition for NewLiteracyMexico Conference of NewChurchesMexico PresbyterianPlannedPenniesPB&JParentsOutpostOperaNewNewNewNewNewNewNewNewNewNewFoundationEngineeringMexicoGeologicalSocietyMexicoMilitaryInstituteFoundationMexicoMuseumofNaturalHistoryFoundationMexicoOsteopathicFoundationMexicoParentsofMultiplesMexicoPBSMexicoPhilharmonicMexicoSchoolforBlind&VisuallyImpairedFoundationMexicoVeterans’MemorialFoundationMexicoVoicesforChildrenSouthwestProductionsReachingOutFamilyServicesfortheHomelessParenthoodoftheRockyMountainsEarInstitute
Roadrunner Food Bank San Felipe de Neri Church Santa Rosa Moise Memorial Library
MANA de Albuquerque Manzano Day School
Philanthropy Central 45
Senior Citizens’ Law Office Silver Horizons New Mexico Society for the Preservation of American Indian Culture Southwest Branch of International Dyslexia Association Special Olympics St. George Greek Orthodox Church St. Mark’s in the Valley Day School
TheFundArc of New Mexico Think New Mexico United Way of Central New Mexico UNM Cancer Research & Treatment Center
Sunset Mesa Teacher Endowment
VSA arts of New Mexico Watermelon Mountain Ranch WildEarthWESST Guardians YMCA Central New Mexico YWCA Middle Rio Grande
New Mexico Academy of NewScienceMexico Art League New Mexico Ballet Company
New Mexico BioPark Society New Mexico Cancer Center
Menaul NationalSchoolDance Institute of New NationalMexicoHispanic Cultural Center Foundation National Sisterhood United for Journeyman Lineman
Grants Albuquerque Community Foundation Duke City Repertory Theatre (provided Superheroes) Sandia National Labs’ Entrepreneurship Academy Teen Start-Up Weekend—Bosque School UNM Foundation for Law Scholarships UNM Formula SAE Program—Lobo Motorsports
Concours du Soleil also hosts Rally du Soleil as part of its fundraising efforts to support entrepreneurship. 2018’s Rally took 20 individuals in 10 exotic cars on a luxurious ride through open byways across the stunning northern New Mexico and southern Colorado landscapes. Now in its third year, Rally du Soleil continues to engage car enthusiasts and raise funds for Albuquerque’s growing entrepreneurial programs.
The 2018 Gala theme, Superheroes and Super Cars, raised over $100,000. In addition to an evening black-tie gala, the Concours du Soleil weekend featured a new event to engage more families and more children in the activities. Haggerty Insurance and Harmonix Technologies sponsored Kids & Cars, a Youth Brunch, where children ranging from toddlers to early teens saw Concours cars up close and interacted with Batman, Superman, Spiderman and Wonder Woman who roamed through the crowd. Over 100 youth attended—many from local nonprofits and schools like the Boys and Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Native American Community Academy, Horizons, George I. Sanchez Middle School, Girl Scouts, Explora and SAFE House.
du Soleil, an annual fundraising event organized by the Foundation and five local businessmen, the “Cinco Amigos,” hosted the 12th Concours du Soleil in September. The Cinco Amigos joined philanthropists and community lead ers to support Albuquerque’s economic development and local entrepreneurial industry.
Concours du Soleil 46
Cinco Amigo Rally du Soleil

Long-time corporate partner, Bradbury Stamm Construction (BSC), adopted a new approach to corporate philanthropy in 2018. They established an Employee Giving Committee and partnered with the Foundation on developing a strategic and measurable grantmaking program—all guided by their employees’ giving priorities. With education as a clear focus area, the BSC Giving Committee worked with Foundation staff to review applications and awarded grants to 16 nonprofits providing literacy, STEAM, skills-based, GED, ESL, mentoring and afterschool programs. Community Foundation Albuquerque Girls
CNM WorkingReadingPB&JNewKuaneJenniferHorizonsFoundationAlbuquerqueRiordanEducate2ElevateKids/UnitedWayofSantaFeDayYouthandFamilyServicesFamilyServicesWorksClassroom
Oasis APS Title I Homeless Project Boys &
“ ” Corporate Philanthropy 47
We have always been a philanthropic company; however most of our donations were decided upon by our ownership and done quietly. Lately, we have seen a shift in the desires of our employees to know what Bradbury Stamm is doing for the community and to play a part in it. Through our partnership with Albuquerque Community Foundation, we have been able to align our donations with our employees’ interests while also working to make more strategic, higher-impact grants to the community. The Foundation’s expertise saves us time in determining which nonprofit programs are aligned with our goals. They will ensure our grants generate results.
Club Children’s Grief Center Christina Kent Early Childhood Center CLNkids
Albuquerque GED
Did you know that 77% of Americans consider a company’s commitment to social causes when decid ing where to work and 92% of Americans have a more positive image of a company when the company supports a cause the consumer cares about? In 2018, the Foundation began working with our corporate partners to develop customized corporate philanthropy programs that resonate with employees’ giving priorities while addressing critical needs in our community.
Connecting Employees and Companies who Care with Causes that Matter

I’d like to support the work of the Foundation. Enclosed is my donation of $____________________. All gifts are tax deductible to the maximum allowed by law. q My contribution will arrive through United Way. Name as it should be listed in publications: q I prefer to remain anonymous _________________________________________ Card #____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ Name on card ______________________________ City ________________State________Zip ______ Expiration date _____________________________ Email:____________________________________ Security Code ______________________________ Phone (____ )______________________________ Signature _________________________________ My Gift is: q Unrestricted q Partner in EndowmentFriendPartnerBenefactorCommunityPhilanthropyBuilder$2,500+$1,000-$2,499$500-$999anygiftupto$499Giving: q Arts & Culture q Administrative q Economic & Workforce Development q Education q Environmental & Historic Preservation q Health q Human Services q Impact (most pressing needs) Payment: q Check q MasterCard q Visa q American Express q Online at Make your check payable to: Albuquerque Community Foundation q Social Giving Club $1,000 q Future Fund Young Donor Group $200 q Please contact me, I am interested in learning more about a planned gif t or endowed fund. PhoneName:___________________________(____)_____________________ Please mail this completed form to: Albuquerque Community Foundation P.O. Box 25266 Albuquerque, NM 87125-0266 envelopeaninreturnandheretear connect with us thank you for your generosity 48

Titan Development Real Estate Fund I LP
Impact investing 49
The Foundation was one of several investors in a public private partnership that led to a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Develop ment Administration for Partnership for Community Action. PCA is building the South Valley Social Enterprise Center with Southwest Creations Collaborative, a women driven social enterprise as anchor tenant.
Designed to create development in high growth secondary and tertiary real estate markets, including Albuquerque. Their primary asset classes are multi-family, self-storage, senior living and industrial.
The Foundation’s Impact Investing initiative invests in the local economy through both private equity and direct low-interest loans. Through the investments, we look for both financial and social return as defined as: • Stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives and economic development • Improve the lives of low-income people through the creation and retention of jobs offering living wages and benefits • Provide access to affordable capital and housing • Provide quality education • Enhance the quality of life in the Greater Albuquerque Area To date, four private equity investments and three direct loans have been made through this initiative totaling $1.7 million.
Partnership for Community Action (PCA)
Impact Investments Nusenda Credit Union Coop Capital
The Coop Capital program is an innovative, relationship-based, micro-lending program that provides capital for entrepreneurs who have no access to collateral, are credit-challenged or lack the support of alternative financing. By receiving endowment Capital funding, entrepreneurs are better positioned to start or expand their local businesses.

Summary & Highlights
The financial information below reflects highlights from unaudited financial statements in the 2018 calendar year. Our most recent audited financial statements with accompanying notes (plus a report from an independent auditor) are available on our website at
The Finance Committee oversees our accounting process. They’re also responsible for overseeing the audit process. The Investment Committee oversees all aspects of the investment program, ensuring assets are well-diversified and designed to meet the Foundation’s objectives. Our investment management summary, along with quarterly investment performance reports, is also available on our website. We welcome your comments and input. The objective of the Foundation’s investment program is to produce growth and income sufficient to support both donor goals and Foundation objectives and to maintain the purchasing power of the fund for future beneficiaries.
The long-term total return need of the Foundation’s portfolio is CPI, plus the current spending policy rate, plus the Foundation’s average administrative fee.

CommunityAmbassador—$10,000Builder—$15,000Benefactor—$5,000Partner—Upto$2500In-Kind AT&T Chavez-Grieves Engineering Dion’s EnvisionIt Kim Jackson Photography LoPour & Associates, DDS New Mexico Mutual Charles Stephen & Company Champion—$25,000 The Payroll Company Contract Associates Popejoy Hall 52 corporate partners
As philanthropy continues to be at the forefront of society’s agenda, customers and clients want to do business with companies that are connected to and invested in their local communities. Businesses which collaborate with the Foundation send a strong message to their employees and customers who care about our community and want to be a part of positive change. When companies invest in the Foundation, they create a win-win partnership that benefits the company, the Foundation and the larger Albuquerque community. Corporate investments support the future im provement of our community for thousands of local employees, their families and generations to come.

Coalition of New Mexico Community Foundations - Albuquerque Community Foundation, Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico, New Mexico Community Foundation, Santa Fe Community Foundation and Taos Community Foundation at the historic Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, NM • 2018