N. 15 - October 2014

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Quarterly Journal

October 2014 - year IV


N. 15


PARMA 29-30 novembre 2014



DietaCOM ADVISOR RELATORI Giovanni Montagna - Massimo Spattini CERTIFICAZIONE Alla fine del Workshop verrà rilasciata la Certificazione di “DietaCOM ADVISOR” previo superamento del test scritto finale ECM Sono stati richiesti al Ministero della Salute i crediti ECM per le figure professionali di: Medico Chirurgo, Biologo, Dietista, Farmacista RESPONSABILE SCIENTIFICO Massimo Spattini SEGRETERIA Scientifica e Organizzativa AFFWA - Galleria Crocetta 9/A - 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521 1682083 - Fax 0521 294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it www.affwa.it

QUOTE : Entro il 31.10.2014 : Soci € 200,00 non Soci € 240,00 Oltre il 31.10.2014 : Soci € 240,00 non Soci € 280,00 (Le quote sono IVA esclusa)



• • • • • • • • • • • •

Workshop ECM

Endocrinologia generale Valutazione della composizione corporea Ritmi circadiani Dismetabolismi implicati nel sovrappeso Basi fisiologiche del dimagrimento Influenze ormonali sul deposito localizzato di grasso Attività fisica e dimagrimento localizzato Impostazioni pratiche di programmi di allenamento Impostazioni pratiche di valutazione della composizione corporea Prove pratiche di formulazione Diete Integratori alimentari e dimagrimento Prove pratiche di integrazione alimentare

number 15 / 2014

ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 PARMA Tel. +39 0521.941319 Fax +39 0521.294971 www.accademiadelfitness.com accademia-magazine@libero.it


Editor in Chief: Valerio Merola Scientific director: Massimo Spattini Art director: Cinzia Ruggeri Executive editors: Silvia Iorio Editorial staff: Claudia Bonini Cristiana Pedrazzini Andrea Angelozzi Scientific committee: Dott. Damiano Galimberti Prof. Fulvio Marzatico Dott. Filippo Ongaro Prof. Mario Passeri Writers: Andrea Angelozzi Krista Burns Maria Corgna Giovanni Magnani Raffaello Michelotti Giovanni Occhionero Filippo Ongaro Sonja Ongaro Maria Santulli Massimo Spattini Tommaso Villani Cover: Filippo e Sonja Ongaro

It is October, we have left the summer behind us and I hope you have managed to recharge your batteries both from the physical and psychological points of view. We must be ready to cope with a harsh season: the economical crisis is not over yet and the economy is slow to recover. Some positive figures are coming above all from the USA, where it is possible to see new signs of recovery. Also in Los Angeles two years ago there were fewer people around, the restaurants were empty, the beaches and gyms less crowded. This year I found again the same Los Angeles as always, as glorious as its sunshine and as vibrating as its earthquakes. There is nothing like our heavy taxation over there and the Central Bank of America, when necessary, is willing to coin money, which is what also our Central Bank of Europe should do to give new impulse to the economy. Let’s hope that once again the USA can act as a driving force for our recovery. What is certain is that in the USA the field connected to wellbeing, fitness, Anti-aging Medicine and food integrators is still in expansion, a trend

we should follow as well. The USA is certainly founded on meritocracy, so what really matters there is how much you know. This leads professionals to keep up to date as much as possible. Training (courses, congresses, schools) is very expensive, but also very widespread, since it represents the best investment for one’s business. In Italy, given the drawbacks of the National Health Service both from the points of view of coordination and organization, if not of competence, there will be a growing number of people who will apply to private services in spite of the crisis, because health represents a primary good, but their choices will be more and more careful to avoid wasting their money and only the best professionals will be preferred. I underline to the attention of doctors, biologists, dieticians, personal trainers... the money spent on training is not thrown away but invested and will make you earn much more money than any financial interest would ever give you. Massimo Spattini AFFWA President

Photographer cover: Alex Ardenti Managing Editor: Profitness S.a.s. Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 Parma Tel. 0521.941319 Printed and delivered by: Mattioli 1885 S.r.l. Str. della Lodesana, 649 sx Loc. Vaio 43036 Fidenza (PR) Tel. 0524.530383 www.mattioli1885.com Registration n. 12/2004 Court of Parma


L’Accademia del Fitness



MEDITATION The third dimension of well-being


by Massimo Spattini

by Sonja Ongaro



by Tommaso Villani



by Raffaello Michelotti



by Massimo Spattini



by Massimo Spattini



by Andrea Angelozzi






by Krista Burns

SPINOMETRY “The Wellness of Spine stays in its Shape”


by Giovanni Magnani



by Giovanni Occhionero



by Maria Santulli



by Maria Corgna



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L’Accademia del Fitness



Those who really care about their health in its widest sense should introduce meditation in their everyday life. Following a healthy diet and doing physical exercise regularly are fundamental conditions for a healthy life. Yet, they are often considered as a further constraint, one of the many obligations of modern life. Instead, meditation means adding a “third dimension” to one’s approach to health, getting into a state of “emotional ease”, a dimension characterised by a new language, whose fundamental words are awareness, serenity, joy, happiness, calmness, trust, certainty and freedom. Thus, our rational mind becomes a loyal help which can be our support, regardless of the real situation we have to face. Meditation is like a gym for the mind which can, little by little, let us wean from the constant pounding of our several duties, our too many fears, our anxiety, all of which chase us, and of


the tension that is accumulated as a consequence in our body. Meditation does not change the reality of life and does not cancel the dynamics, problems and responsibilities of modern life, but it relieves their effect on the body and it makes emotive interpretation more acceptable and positive. A mind capable of reminding ourselves to live every second of our life with a light heart can make a huge difference, above all in the hardest times. These are not just Eastern theories lacking scientific ground. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the positive effects of meditation on memory, concentration, creativity, anxiety, depression, blood pressure, glycaemia stability and pains of various origin. It is hard to define what meditation is exactly, as it has been practised since ancient times. It started both in the eastern world and in the western world as a spiritual and religious ap-

number 06 / 2012


L’Accademia del Fitness proach. Only in recent times has it become a practice to reach wellbeing. The numerous approaches to meditation make it almost impossible to classify it as a specific technique, also because meditation is more an attitude and a state of being that an activity to perform. Practical aspects such as place, posture, sounds, scent and length are important at the beginning of one’s meditation path. Then, there is a gradual detachment from external factors which helps achieving the right degree of awareness in everyday life. In other words, step by step meditation helps living life with a meditative attitude, as if the place where meditation takes place moved inside of us, creating an inner “portable” meditative place where the most useful and proper feelings and emotions are available. A place of certainty, peace and possibility where effort, tension, duties, uncertainty and contradictions are banned. Inner independence and freedom are the ultimate aim of meditation. This is why it is important not to consider it, not even in its initial phases, as a duty, since this might nullify any beneficial effect, immediately turning it into something boring and frustrating. Meditative attitude means allowing the mind to realize the here-and-now, letting the past and future – inevitable sources of judgment, prejudice, doubts and uncertainty - glide away from one’s emotive view. At the beginning it is helpful to focus on something specific such as one’s heartbeat, the movements of breathing, a sound or a word repeated at slow rhythm, or an object such as a candle or a tree gently swept by the wind. Meditation means observing and listening without judging the world and life that are passing along at that specific moment. This will allow the body and mind to get free from the burden of the past and the anxiety of the future, in order to achieve regeneration and re-establish a higher degree of mind-clearness and creativity. It is particularly important to practise meditation keeping one’s back straight, since it allows to get more free and dynamic respiration and energy flux. Apart from this, what counts more is feeling at ease. Legs, for example, do not necessarily have to be in the lotus position, which the majority of people find quite uncomfortable. As for keeping our back straight, it can be

achieved by lying flat on our back, too, with the only risk that is really easy to fall asleep. If you feel curious to know more about it, you can find plenty of information in books and DVDs or you can attend a course with a good instructor. You can even try the following exercise: even if simple, it could be your first step towards a wonderful adventure of freedom. First of all, try with a smile to make your mind stop judging, try to say it is something trite and boring. Let emotions and your body decide and bear in mind that meditation means going from the dimension of doing to the dimension of being.

Meditative attitude means allowing the mind to realize the here-andnow, letting the past and future – inevitable sources of judgment, prejudice, doubts and uncertainty - glide away from one’s emotive view


Take a mat, chair or a cushion where to sit or lie comfortably with your back straight. Choose a cosy place, free from external distractions. Make yourself comfortable and become aware of your body and the thoughts you have in mind now. Gently take your mind by the hand and lead it towards the abdominal area where you will invite it to observe the movements of your stomach going up and down at every breath. Do not try to control your thoughts; observe them with no judgement. If you realize that distractions and other thoughts arise, accompany your mind again with patience towards the movements of the abdomen. Try to do this every day for at least 5-10 minutes. Try to trust yourself and be proud of what you do instead of being worried of doing it in the right way. Inner silence and peace gradually and naturally set in when you are ready. Days, weeks or months may pass. Actually, this does not really matter much if along the way you allow yourself to perceive pleasure, sense of possibility and joy for being alive with every cell of your body. Doctor Sonja Ongaro Order of Psychologists from Veneto n. 6659 Stress management and performance coaching

L’Accademia del Fitness



Functional training is very popular nowadays. It has been introduced in the fitness world in several ways and with different tools, often depending on the creativity of instructors and personal trainers. It has highlighted the effectiveness of free exercises, sometimes combined with small overloads represented by barbells (olympic weightlifting), dumbbells, sandbags, TRX ropes, kettlebells, medicine balls. According to a scientific definition, the word “functional” is an adjective indicating the correspondence to a use, a purpose, a function through which something or someone operates.


Definition and history of functional training Functional training is related to the function through which a muscle or kinematic chain exists and has developed in a certain way. After about three decades in which fitness training was associated to the idea of massive hypertrophy to be reached through the use of cam machines which allowed analytical workout on specific muscle regions, nowadays FUNCTIONAL TRAINING has become popular again. It was born in the USA in the 1970s as a need to activate as naturally as possible the entire muscu-

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La migliore qualità!

L’Accademia del Fitness lar system through the performance of simple motor exercises which are sometimes forgotten in everyday life, such as squat, jump, all the forms of traction and push - among which push-up and knee-bend. Functional training today means rediscovering one’s body, training it in order to activate integrated muscular chains and form synergies between agonist and antagonist muscles, synergist and fixator muscles, necessary for the performance of movements which look easy but complete and which require high metabolic training. “Functional” means being able to use the core In functional training, all the exercises are of vital importance in order to put the core (lumbar and abdominal region) under tension. The health and trophism of the core, forgotten in tradiTwo series of functional training exercises for beginner and advanced level Example of Cardio Fit Training functional training for BEGINNER MALE: Cardio 10’ Push up 1 x 10 Rope Crunch 1x10 Free body squat 1x10 Repeat everything 2-3 times non stop Cardio 5’ Inverted lunge 1x 10 sx + 10 dx Stabilization with outstretched arms 1 x 10” Repeat everything 2-3 times non stop Cardio 5’ Press with sandbag 1x10 Rope diagonal crunch 1x5 Repeat everything 2-3 times non stop Cardio 5’ Rowing machine with sandbag 1x20 Stabilization on forearm 1x10” Repeat everything 2-3 times non stop Cardio 10’

tional training, is fundamental to keep a correct posture as well as to allow strength expressions performed by the body limbs, since it works as movement fulcrum. Another very important aspect of functional training is the activation of the cardiovascular system. As a result, the organic capacities of the subject can be trained in a way which is directly proportional to the execution intensity of functional exercises. This means complete, intense and shorter training compared to the traditional one, respecting the human biomechanics and physiology, performing new exercises, increasing motor control and proprioception, avoiding trouble or micro traumas at muscular-skeletal level, improving people’s coordination and agility. Apart from this, at aesthetic level the body appears tonic and slender, with harmonious balance of the anatomical parts of the human body. Functional training and methodology of Cross Training Cross Training, a way of performing exercises on a time basis, is part of functional training. Very much appreciated also by the Hollywood star system, it is performed in plain former warehouses through high-intensity time circuits. The movements mentioned before are mixed with sprints, pulling, the use of rowing machines or bikes with no rest. This kind of training allows to intensify the beneficial effects of cardio with the conditioning of explosive-resistance force. At this point it is necessary to introduce Cardio Fit Training (C.F.T.), which is more and more used in functional training, with the repetition of circuit exercises performed on a time basis. C.F.T. is a circuit method structured with an alternation between anaerobic phases (with free body and/ or overload exercises) and aerobic phases on cardio machines. The cardio phase is used after the exercises as active recovery. As the difficulty of the circuit increases, so does the intensity of the anaerobic and aerobic phases.

In functional training, all the exercises are of vital importance in order to put the core (lumbar and abdominal region) under tension.

Example of Cardio Fit Training functional training for ADVANCED MALE: Running 10’ Burpees 1x10 Leopard crunch 1x10 sx +10 dx Repeat 4 times non stop Cardio 5’ Floor pull with sandbag 1x20 Plyo push up 1x7 Repeat 4 times non stop Cardio 5’ Clean & Press with two kettlebells 1x10 Squat & Press with two kettlebells 1x10 Repeat 4 times non stop Running 10


Dott. Tommaso Villani

Fitness instructor, Postural educator, Personal Trainer, Athletic Trainer, Sports masseur, Kettlebell Advanced instructor.

L’Accademia del Fitness


A PERFECT ALLIANCE The term “zeolite” refers to a family of minerals of volcanic nature famous all over the world for their detoxifying properties. Inside our bodies, zeolite acts as a sponge which can absorb and eliminate through the faeces ions and molecules which otherwise could determine the appearance of symptoms of various kinds (allergies, food intolerance, dermatitis, rhinitis, headache, gastro-intestinal disorders etc). Instead of the term zeolite, the word clinoptilolite is often used because clinoptilotites are the most reactive (and therefore functional) subgroup of the zeolite family. Besides its functional features, the importance of zeolite/clinoptilolite is due to the fact that its action is purely mechanical: it is not in any way metabolised by the body. Consequently, its use has no contraindications nor side effects. The growing interest in zeolite in recent years has led to a growing offer on the market, although not all the products are effec-


tive in the same way. In fact, the methods of activation of the mineral applied by the various companies are not standardized, so the beneficial effects in our body depend on the product we choose. In the case of people who practise sports, the beneficial effects of zeolite are extremely interesting, in particular for its action of control on the levels of ammonium and free radicals. The diet of this category of people is very rich in protein and this determines, with the passing of time, an accumulation of nitrogen in the body. In order to prevent the levels of azotemia (concentration in the blood) and uremia (concentration in urine) from becoming critical, nitrogen, under the form of ammonium ion, is eliminated in the urea cycle. However, this cycle implies the consumption of a very important molecule, bicarbonate (or, more correctly, hydrogen carbonate ion HCO3-). At the level of gastric mucosa hydrogen carbonate ion is used

L’Accademia del Fitness

to produce the mucosa from the direct action of chloridric acid. However, if the quantity of ammonium to eliminate through the urea cycle increases, the availability of hydrogen carbonate ions for the production of mucus diminishes: this often determines the appearance of gastritis or disorders such as reflux, which are very common in people who follow a hyper-protein diet. From this point of view, zeolite is very useful for its capacity to bind the ammonium introduced with the food we eat and to allow its elimination without necessarily having to consume bicarbonate. Therefore, it is a very common remedy against gastritis and reflux problems. Moreover, a decrease in ammonium levels in our body allows the central nervous system to function optimally, thus allowing the athlete to keep the level of his/her attention very high during competition. But not only this. During training sessions, the body produces lactic acid whose concentration in the blood increases gradually. When there is protracted or more intense muscle effort, this concentration can reach such high levels that the activation of a further means of energy production is necessary (under the form of ATP) in lack of oxygen. However, this always implies an increase in the concentration of lactic acid and, therefore, of lactate. The accumulation of lactate requires a constant need of oxygen and then a reduced capacity of muscle contraction. The next step is what is usually called “cramp�, that is, a re-

peated muscle contraction which causes pain and the interruption of physical exercise. One of the most well known applications of zeolite is in the field of anti-aging medicine because this mineral can bind free radicals and allow their elimination. If this has a positive effect against the aging process of the body, it has a further important application during physical exercise. In fact, free radicals have oxygen as final electron acceptor. However, if the levels of free radicals decrease, the available amount of oxygen for the production of energy during muscle effort is higher and the production of lactic acid is lower. If zeolite is taken before and after training sessions or competitions, the result is a greater capacity to bear physical stress (in other words, better resistance to effort and, therefore, improved performance) but also a more rapid recovery of energy at the end of the effort. While waiting to discover more features of this incredible natural remedy, the data we so far have can already confirm it: zeolite is a fundamental ally for anybody who practises sport, in the same way as a healthy life style, a healthy diet and proper training.

One of the most well known applications of zeolite is in the field of anti-aging medicine because this mineral can bind free radicals and allow their elimination.


Dr Raffaello Michelotti Biologist


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SOFAR S.p.A. Via Firenze, 40 Trezzano Rosa (MI) www.sofarfarm.it

L’Accademia del Fitness

ELIMINATING REFINED WHEAT Everyone has heard of celiac disease, an intolerance of gliadin, a gluten protein which is contained in most grain-based products. Yet not everyone knows that there is also “gluten sensitivity”, a syndrome in which there are no anatomical lesions affecting the intestinal mucous membranes, or the relevant absorption problems needed to return a diagnosis of celiac disease. But there are chronic inflammation symptoms which can trigger Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Leaky Gut Syndrome. As a result, complex undigested molecules enter the blood flow and trigger the onset of auto-immune diseases (e.g. thyroid disorders). The immune reaction triggered by the gluten increases the inflammation which causes resistance to insulin and an increase in visceral fat, setting off a vicious circle which leads to individuals becoming overweight. Think about how much food made with flour we eat every day, at virtually every meal: bread, pasta, pizza, bakery foods and sugary foods. Gluten is contained in various grains such as wheat, barley, oats, rye, kamut and spelt, but without a doubt the grain most responsible for gluten sensitivity is wheat; not just owing to the fact that we eat more of it, but because modern wheat produced in the last 50 years is the result of bio-engineering techniques. These involve hybridization and treatments which have even seen the use of cobalt radiation, resulting in the production of “synthetic wheat” with a gluten content up to ten times higher than the wheat grown in the early twentieth century. Our ancestors, and even our grandparents, did not have these problems even though their diets were based on bread and grain derivatives, because the gliadin and glutenin protein fractions naturally contained in grains are altogether different to the gluten created by hydrating and mixing the flour so it can become sufficiently sticky and elastic to make foods such as bread, pizza, pasta, etc (you might recall seeing pizza chefs stretching and pulling the flour and water dough used to make pizza). Unfortunately this “stickiness” has negative effects on the gastro-intestinal system. In addition, the starch contained in wheat


stimulates insulin more than white sugar, and insulin stimulates the enzyme known as delta 5 desaturase which triggers production of arachidonic acid, a fatty acid which is the precursor of inflammatory prostaglandins. This last step is further heightened by the gluten through stimulation of the COX-2 enzymes, these being the same that are inhibited by aspirin and ibuprofen. This is how eating refined wheat flours which contain gluten in large quantities is responsible for the inflammation process which causes an increase in bodily fat and excess weight which even withstands low-calorie diets. Note that cutting out bread and similar foods can be difficult, because once it is digested, gluten produces exorphins called “gluteomorphins” that have an opiate-like effect on the brain, producing a false feeling of wellbeing. For several days after cutting out gluten, people can experience something resembling withdrawal symptoms, but once it has been overcome, the general mood will be far more stable than before. Nor is it advisable to replace wheat with refined gluten-free products because in this case the gluten is replaced with starches that further raise the glycemic index of the food, thereby stimulating insulin production once again. Foods that are naturally gluten-free should instead be chosen, such as buckwheat, amaranth and brown rice. Dottor Massimo Spattini Specialized in Sports Medicine Specialized in Food Science Board Certificate in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM-USA) Certificate AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice) - (IFM-USA)

L’Accademia del Fitness

SPOT REDUCTION Until two years ago, let’s say before the publication of my book “The DietaCOM and localized weight loss”, by googling Spot Reduction, a number of correlated studies would appear which dealt with it in negative terms, supporting it was infeasible. Instead, at present the first five entries you get are: • Spot Reduction in Wikipedia • www.masssimospattini.it Spot reduction localized weight loss • www.mypersobaltrainer.it Dr Luca Franzon, fitness circuit • Spot Reduction – passion 4 work out • AB work out: spot reduce your belly fat/ muscle & fitness What happened? Besides the publication of my book, which I believe has contributed to bring this result about above all in Italy,


an important study published in 2006 in the American Journal of Physiology by the University of Copenhagen in Holland has certainly played a fundamental role. The authors made some subjects perform leg extension exercises with one leg applying a light weight to it for 30 minutes consecutively. The researchers then measured the blood flux in the subcutaneous fat tissue both in the trained leg and in the leg at rest. The result was that the trained leg showed significantly higher blood flux and subcutaneous fat lipolysis compared with the leg at rest. In simple words, during the exercise, the adipose cells around the working out muscle released a greater quantity of fat in the blood flux, thus showing that the working out muscle was receiving a greater fat supply which was used as an energy source. These results suggest that when an exercise is performed, the fat of

La dieta COM (acronimo di CronOrMorfo dieta) è un approccio integrato che tiene conto della Cronobiologia degli Ormoni e della Morfologia dell’essere umano. Tutto questo, si sa, è legato alla genetica che indirizza il nostro sviluppo secondo le nostre predisposizioni. Oggi, tuttavia, si ha la certezza che anche l’epigenetica gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel permettere o impedire il manifestarsi di determinate predisposizioni. La dieta COM tiene conto della Morfologia dell’individuo che corrisponde a specifiche prevalenze Ormonali, la cui influenza sulla distribuzione del grasso può essere controllata e modificata, in parte, dalla scelta qualitativa, quantitativa e cronologica degli alimenti, favorendo, di conseguenza un dimagrimento localizzato.

“La Dieta COM in pratica” è un manuale dove le stesse informazioni presenti nel libro “La dieta COM e il dimagrimento localizzato” vengono rielaborate e rese di più semplice comprensione, arricchendosi di numerosi aspetti pratici come esempi di diete, schemi di integrazione alimentare, schede di allenamento e infine ricette di cucina funzionale per ogni biotipo. Le ricette tengono conto del gusto, dei sapori e della forma di una buona tavola, nell’assoluto rispetto delle tabelle nutrizionali della Dieta COM. “La Dieta COM in pratica” rappresenta un valido strumento per le persone comuni che intendono conoscere se stesse e attuare quelle strategie di stile di vita finalizzate ad assecondare le proprie caratteristiche individuali favorendone, nel contempo, lo sviluppo armonico e proporzionato scevro da inestetismi e patologie.

L’antiaging o antiage è una terminologia che oggi è di moda, tanto è vero che è ormai utilizzata per molti prodotti rivolti alle cure del corpo e del viso. In realtà il concetto dell’antiaging va oltre, anche se non disconosce, le cure estetiche ed è rivolto principalmente a contrastare i danni funzionali legati al processo di invecchiamento. In questo libro Massimo Spattini, insieme a 12 esperti, ognuno per le proprie competenze specifiche, trattano l’alimentazione, l’integrazione alimentare, l’esercizio fisico, la postura, l’allenamento funzionale, l’igiene dentale, il sesso, la psiche e, le cure estetiche, le terapie ormonali e il check-up diagnostico. Ogni argomento è trattato in maniera semplice e comprensibile, in modo da poter fornire già utili indicazioni per iniziare un percorso finalizzato a trovare la “fonte della giovinezza”.


Scoprirete il vostro regime alimentare più adatto con l’indicazione anche dei menù, delle ricette e degli integratori

Un approccio funzionale a 360° per il benessere e un invecchiamento ritardato

Come perdere grasso nei punti giusti mangiando i cibi giusti al momento giusto

L’Accademia del Fitness the body part which is being trained is preferably burnt. The matter is certainly more complex because, in order to obtain the best results, specifically structured training sessions should be appropriately carried out to exhaust glycogen in advance, associated to a diet with no carbohydrates and with an increase in fats - as suggested by Mc Donald L. in his book “The stubbornfatsolution”, 2008. This strategy is based on the fact that adrenergic stimulation due to training also reverberates on adipose tissue alpha2 receptors which are antilipolytic and also on the fact that body parts where fat accumulation is more likely to occur (above all the lower part of the body) particularly abound in them: a low-carb /high-fat diet can modify the beta2/alpha2 receptor ratio, inhibiting the latter. However, rather than dealing with this topic in this context which would require more space, I would like to propose two training sessions here. The first one, for women, comes from the fitness short-circuit – My personal trainer by Dr Luca Franzoni. This circuit has been defined P.H.S. which stands for P= Peripherical Heart Training (PHA) – H = High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) – S= Spot Reduction (S.R.). In this circuit the three beneficial effects of the above mentioned circuits can be summed. PHA improves blood flux circulation, avoids stagnation of liquids and trains cardiorespiratory system. H.I.I.T. increases EPOC (Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption) and boosts metabolism also during recovery phase. Therefore, it intensifies weight loss also at rest. S.R. improves weight loss in those body parts where fat is more obstinate. Exercise WARMING-UP BIKE (MEDIUM RHYTHM) BIKE (FAST RHYTHM) SQUAT PLANE BENCH PAUSE STETCHED LEGS ROWING BIKE (MEDIUM RHYTHM) BIKE (FAST RHYTHM) CRUNCH WORKOUTS FOR GLUTES CRUNCH INV BRIDGE FOR GLUTES BIKE (MEDIUM RHYTHM) BIKE (FAST RHYTHM) SUMO SQUAT BENCH 30° LEG CURL LAT REVERSE GRIP MACHINE BIKE (MEDIUM RHYTHM) BIKE (FAST RHYTHM) CRUNCH WORKOUTS FOR GLUTES CRUNCH INV BRIDGE FOR GLUTES WINDING DOWN EXERCISES

Time/reps 5/10’ 1.30 0.30 8 8 8 8 1.30 0.30 15 15 15 15 1.30 0.30 8 8 8 8 1.30 0.30 15 15 15 15 5/10’



Repeat three times in super set


Repeat three times in super set


Repeat three times in super set


Repeat three times in super set

For men who wish to obtain the famous so-called six pack, in other words, sculpted abdominals, I recommend a specific train-


During the exercise, the adipose cells around the working out muscle released a greater quantity of fat in the blood flux, showing that the working out muscle was receiving a greater fat supply which was used as an energy source. ing session for the abdomen which, rather than considering the number of exercises, must take time into account and should last about 30 minutes without interruption. At the end of the training session for the abdomen, at least 30 minutes of cardio exercises should be performed. As a cardio exercise I personally recommend one I invented, which I call ABScardio, that is a horizontal exercise gym bike performed stressing the traction rather than the stretching phase (this concept is probably clearer to those who practice bike racing, in which there is an alternation of the stretching and traction phase). It is a little like performing “knees to chin” exercises in which the abdominals are involved. While performing this exercise, one must also perform a twist (torsion of the abdomen): taking simultaneously the right elbow towards the left knee which reaches the chest, thus stressing the oblique muscles. This training session must be carried out at least three times a week after routine training with weights or separately. In order to perform abdominal training for thirty minutes, a certain degree of training is obviously necessary. It can be reached gradually starting from 15 minutes and increasing 5 minutes a week to get to 30 minutes. The following is an example of a possible training session: Each exercise must be repeated 20 times, in super set and completely: • knees to chin exercises • reverse crunch • standard crunch • oblique crunch • woodchopper exercises • side bridge Repeat for a total of 30 minutes. Dottor Massimo Spattini Specialized in Sports Medicine Specialized in Food Science Board Certificate in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM-USA) Certificate AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice) - (IFM-USA)



■ La teoria neuro-endocrina dell’invecchiamento ■ Alimentazione neuro-endocrina ■ L’allenamento come stimolo ormonale ■ Integratori alimentari per la modulazione dei valori ormonali ■ La terapia sostitutiva ormonale con ormoni bioidentici per contrastare il decadimento psico-fisico: applicazioni ed indicazioni terapeutiche, effetti benefici ed effetti indesiderati

Specialista in : - Scienza dell’Alimentazione - Medicina dello Sport Certified in Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM - USA) Certified AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice) - IFM (USA) Docente nell’anno accademico 2012/2013 nel Corso di Formazione “Metodologie Anti-aging e Antistress” dell’Università Sapienza di Roma con l’insegnamento “Ipotesi di terapia sostitutiva ormonale per contrastare il decadimento psico-fisico: applicazioni potenziali ed effetti indesiderati psicofisici della terapia sostitutiva ormonale”.

ECM : sono stati richiesti i Crediti per le figure professionali di: Medico Chirurgo, Biologo, Dietista, Farmacista

Segreteria organizzativa AFFWA - Galleria Crocetta 9/A - 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it - www.affwa.it Quota iscrizione SOCI: € 200,00 - Non SOCI: € 240,00 (le quote sono IVA esclusa) Iscrizioni e pagamento entro il 16-01-2015

L’Accademia del Fitness

CANNABIS: WHY NOT? The regional law of Abruzzi N.4 of the 4th January 2014 has decreed that it is possible to use and make galenic preparations of cannabinoid–based medicines, subject to prescription. That is to say, they are at the expense of the national health system. This could be the beginning of a new frontier of liberalizations which – as it happened in other countries such as Uruguay and, recently, the USA – may lead to economic, social and health benefits. In our country there has always been very heated debate between the supporters of cannabis for therapeutic purposes and its denigrators, who – until now – have always imposed their position. Apart from political-social analysis on the use of cannabis, it would be significant to point its chemical-physiological properties as well as some ways to use this plant for therapeutic and nutritional purposes. Cannabis sativa (Linnaeus 1753) is a plant belonging to the family of Cannabinaceae. It has always been used in the textile, building and paper industry. From the medical perspective, cannabis contains drugs called cannabinoids or cannabinols. These compounds are classified as terpenophenols, belonging to the family of eicosanoids. They have the capacity to interact with the cannabinoid receptors of the Endocannabinoid system (ECS). Endocannabinoids are lipidic compounds, produced by our body, with paracrine/autocrine action. They bind to the cannabinoid receptors (CR) CB1 and CB2. The CB1 receptors are mainly located in the central nervous system and in the cells of glia, where they regulate important brain functions such as cognitive activity and memory, the emotional sphere, motor control and the perception of pain. These receptors are collocated in the terminals of CNS and PNS neurons, where they modulate


the excitatory and inhibitory activity. They also regulate the energy activity and cellular metabolism. The CB2 receptors are collocated in the cells of the immune system and they modulate the release of cytokines and the migration of immune cells. In the nervous system such receptors are present in the cells of the microglia, but some of them can be found in neurons. The system of Endocannabinoids is a system of neuromodulators which can regulate the neuronal excitability implied in many physiological functions. Among natural/synthetic cannabinoids, the most significant are Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol or THC and Cannabidiol (CBD), also called phytocannabinoids. The endocannabinoids are: Anandamide (AEA), Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), Noladin (2-AGE), Virodhamine (Arachidonic acid2-amino ethyl-ester HCl) and N-arachidonoyldopamine (NADA). Leaving aside endocannabinoids for a moment, our attention will be focused on the possible use of phytocannabinoids for therapy and prevention. A 2013 study (Δ9- Tetrahydrocannabinol Disrupts EstrogenSignaling through Up-Regulation of Estrogen Receptor β (ERβ). Takeda S., Yoshida K., Chem Res. Toxicology 2013) has drawn attention to the possible preventive role of THC for estrogencorrelated tumours. Patients who undergo chemotherapy are given this cannabinoid because of its recognized analgesic activity, to reduce the symptoms of nausea and to induce appetite (the so-called “chemical hunger”). This study, carried out in vitro on human tumoral mammary cells (MCF-7), showed how THC binds to the estrogen receptors, in

L’Accademia del Fitness particular to receptor α, interfering with the bond of 17-β estradiol (E2). The bond between estradiol and Er α is ascribed as one of the main causes for mammary tumour. This provokes an overexpression of the other estrogen receptor ER β,which in turn interferes with the cancerogenic action of receptor α until it suppresses that activity. The specific mechanism of how THC acts has not been found yet. The researchers believe that the antiestrogenic action is due to the fact that THC destroys the E2/ER α signal in the MCF-7 cell lines through the up-regulation of the ER β expression. The THC dosage given vary from 1µM to 50µM (3mg-150mg). The highest suppressive action was said to be at 25µM. Other scientific studies and many reviews have demonstrated the role of THC in neurodegenerative diseases. In all the studies carried out on patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease THC was given in the form of its analogous medicine (nabinol or dronabinol). The results showed a remarkable decrease in behaviour alteration, as well as an increase in body weight (in patients who refused to eat) after only a 6-week therapy. The negative effects were excessive euphoria, excessive drowsiness or tiredness, but this did not make the researchers very worried (Volicer et Al. 1997). Other studies carried out both in vitro and in vivo on mice suffering from Alzheimer’s disease have demonstrated that the intake of cannabidiol (CBD) prevents the formation of the Beta-amyloid protein, thus reducing the memory deficit which is typical of the disease (Iuvone et al.2004; Janefjord 2013). As for Alzheimer’s disease, several scientific studies have demonstrated that the combined action of THC and CBD

can reduce inflammation in subjects suffering from this disease (and not only this). This action is caused by the stimulation of the CB2 receptors in the immune system of the microglia cells which can prevent, or at least delay, the loss of neuronal functionality (Cabral and Griffin-Thomas 2009;Martin-Moreno et al.,2012; Aso et al.,2013). From the nutritional perspective, hemp seeds are an exceptional nutritional source. They contain all the essential amino acids in high content as dry weight. They contain quite a big amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linolenic, linoleic and alpha linoleic acid, as well as a big amount of vitamins and minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc.). Thanks to their stimulating effect on the immune system, hemp seeds are often used to prevent seasonal cold, relieve the symptoms of arthrosis, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders. In conclusion, the properties of this plant - whose psychotropic properties have been often demonized – have been not considered much by the scientific community. The therapeutic use of cannabis in acute and to prevent the onset of some diseases has been taken into consideration only in recent times. Cannabis as a medicinal plant represents an easy, cheap and relatively safe way to treat some pathological conditions, and it could also be a system to reduce crime linked to the illegal use of such plant.

the properties of this plant - whose psychotropic properties have been often demonized – have been not considered much by the scientific community


Andrea Angelozzi Nutritional biologist – Fitness Instructor - Antiaging and Antistress Methodologies Higher Training Course

Naturalmente innovativa La For Farma è una realtà italiana consolidata presente sul mercato dell’integrazione alimentare dal 2004, specializzata in fitoterapia clinica, particolarmente attenta alla qualità di materie prime, processi produttivi e prodotto finito. Attenzione alla qualità significa poter fornire alla Classe Medica e ai Farmacisti prodotti sicuri, ben tollerati ed efficaci. I nostri nutraceutici sono tutti formulati da esperti fitoterapeuti e specialisti clinici. Vengono prodotti presso stabilimenti certificati che ci garantiscono:

• I migliori principi attivi presenti sul mercato • Estratti titolati e standardizzati con le corrette metodologie • Tecniche e sinergie di fitocomplessi e nutrienti che ottimizzano la biodisponibilità per una migliore efficacia • Analisi sicure • Produzione, confezionamento, etichettatura in linea con la regolamentazione CEE Tutti i nostri prodotti sono formulati con dosaggi, titolazioni, posologie e forme farmaceutiche (compresse, capsule, perle) in linea con la letteratura scientifica e secondo le indicazioni del Ministero della Salute. I nostri prodotti sono tutti senza glutine e senza lattosio, tutte le creme sono di origine e ad azione naturale, nickel e gluten free, senza parabeni nè derivati animali nè olii minerali e dermatologicamente testate. Tutti i nostri integratori alimentari sono notificati al Ministero e presenti nel Registro degli integratori.

FOR FARMA s.r.l. Via delle Ombrine, 17 - 00054 Fiumicino (RM) tel.: 065916517 - fax: 0697626018 - info@forfarma.it - www.forfarma.it E00473_D1V_12_01.indd 1

30/12/11 09.24



Poll, Anti-oxidant, Synergic, Systemic Oxygen is appropriately considered the vital element par excellence – at least in aerobic organisms, which are the prevailing forms of life on our Planet. Oxygen accepts, through terminal metabolism, the reducing equivalents extracted by the various nutrients. Thus, it allows the creation, by means of oxidative phosphorylation, of adenosintriphosphate, fundamental for all the cellular functions (metabolism, growth, reproduction, movement, etc.). Even in its radical form, oxygen has a pivotal role in vital processes: in the most evolved species it contributes to the protection against pathogenic microorganisms (viruses and bacteria). Obviously, an altered bioavailability of this precious element, especially if intense and/or prolonged in time, will have negative consequences on the functions of the whole organism. Especially in Man, when oxygen partial pressure (a measurement of gas concentration) in arterial blood falls below the threshold level of 60 mm Hg, the tissues undergo a condition defined as “hypoxia”. Hypoxia can be caused by a reduction of the oxygen available in inhaled air (hypoxic hypoxia), by the in-


crease in the extraction of the gas on part of the tissues due to a decrease in circulation velocity (stagnant hypoxia), by the reduction of the total amount of functionally active haemoglobin in circulation (anemic hypoxia) or by a failure, generally iatrogenic, in oxidative phosphorylation (histotoxic hypoxia). Whatever the cause, hypoxia is followed by a condition of tissue suffering which is often subtle since it is difficult to recognize, due to the non-specificity of symptoms (asthenia, headache, lack of concentration, etc.). Actually, it is only when the reduced availability of oxygen becomes chronic that it shows pathognomonic signs (pallor, nail fragility, hard hair growth, etc.) Until the first half of the 1950s, hypoxia was believed to be the only undesired event somehow ascribable to oxygen altered “metabolism” . Actually, relatively recent studies have demonstrated that an increase in oxygen availability – hyperoxia – can be dangerous, too, since it causes an increase in the possibility of unrestrained creation of highly reactive chemical species such as hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide, whose histolesive potential is well-known.

number 15 / 2014



ALIMENTARE ■ ANTROPOMETRIA: misurazioni - plicometria ed impedenziometria ■ Biochimica ed endocrinologia dell’alimentazione ■ Alimentazione nell’attività fisica ■ Diete del Fitness: Gruppi sanguigni - Mediterranea Metabolica - Paleodieta - Warrior Diet - Dieta Zona ■ DietaCOM® e dimagrimento localizzato ■ Integrazione alimentare ■ Intolleranze ed allergie alimentari - I Prebiotici ■ Le teorie dell’invecchiamento ■ La discordanza evolutiva ■ Genetica ed epigenetica ■ Alimentazione Antiaging : alimentazione ed integrazione antinfiammatoria, antiossidante e antiglicante ■ Programmazione neurolinguistica : l’aspetto motivazionale

SEDE: PARMA DATE: 29-30 nov / 17 gen / 14 feb / 21 mar 18 apr ESAME (con e senza frequenza): 6 giugno Accademia Funzionale del Fitness - Wellness - Antiaging Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it



L’Accademia del Fitness A more recent demonstration has proved that the fluctuations of oxygen partial pressure – that is, the decrease of the gas level in the tissues followed by its increase – can be at least as dangerous as hypoxia or hyperoxia. Such phenomenon is known as ischemia-reperfusion. It occurs when the blood flows abundantly through a vessel where there had been a transitory obstacle to circulation, either functional (ex. spasm followed by dilation) or mechanical (ex. thrombosis followed by coagulum lysis). Phenomena of ischemia-perfusion occur physiologically, when more or less extended parts of our body undergo compression-decompression phases (ex. going from prolonged sitting to the standing position), or in pathological conditions such as organ ischemia and the so-called sleep apnea, or due to the undesired effect of specific treatments (ex. organ transplant, bypass surgery, etc.). In all these cases transitory hypoxia causes – through a complex mechanism which involves calcium and some proteases - the conversion of the enzyme xanthine dehydrogenase into xanthine oxidase. When oxygen partial pressure goes back to normal, xanthine oxidase uses the precious gas to produce highly reactive chemical species, such as hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide, which are responsible for reperfusion tissue injury. From this perspective, the phenomenon of ischemia-reperfusion is one of the primary factors which cause the so-called oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a lack of balance between the production and elimination of free radicals. On this point, experimental evidence demonstrates that it is possible to prevent the damage caused by ischemia-reperfusion through antioxidant intake. From what has been mentioned above, it is clear that keeping a constant level of tissue oxygenation – within the limits of the variability depending on the metabolic need - is an essential condition for correct cellular functionality. It is important to consider this when we want to treat hypoxia. Actually, in this condition, an intake of oxygen above the required level can cause the partial transformation of the gas molecules into histolesive free radicals. On this point, the link of actual causality between hyperoxia and retrolenticular fibroplasia in hypoxic newborn is well-known. This is due to the fact that oxygen, vital gas par excellence, in some conditions can turn into a real killer of the cells. In this context, CELLFOOD® (Deutrosulfazyme®), a natural integrator distributed in Italy only by Eurodream s.r.l. (La Spezia),

duly reported at our Ministry of Health, is really a unique product. In its typical formulation in drops, CELLFOOD® is a colloidal system in aqueous dispersant phase, whose polydispersant phase is made of deuterium sulphate (D2SO4) and by a complex mixture of 78 minerals, 17 amino acids and 34 trace enzymes. In particular, minerals cover almost all the periodic table, while among the 17 amino acids there are all the essential ones both for adults (isoleucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine) and for children (arginine and histidine). The enzymes are peculiar to the formulation: some of them perform hydrolytic activity, others are responsible for oxidoreductase. In vitro experiments have demonstrated that CELLFOOD® dissolved in water, at the dosage generally used as integrator, can increase the availability of molecular oxygen (from 1.9 to 3.0 mg/mL after 60 minutes). This is why the product – most likely thanks to its peculiar mechanism, different from the conventional ones (oxygen therapy, hemotransfusion, etc.) – can be used clinically to treat hypoxia. Moreover, in vivo studies carried out on obese people, smokers and athletes – all subjects at high risk of oxidative stress – have pointed out that the regular intake of CELLFOOD® is associated to the reduction in the serum levels of hydroperoxides, markers and amplifiers of cellular damage, measured through the d-ROMs test® (Diacron International, Grosseto). This datum is in agreement with the high value of the ORAC test performed in vitro by the formulation in its Multivitamin version. It is worth noticing that in athletes CELLFOOD® - compared to a placebo - causes an increase in physical performance without increasing significantly the serum levels of lactate. In conclusion, in the intricate puzzle caused by the double face of oxygen, the above-mentioned data indicate that CELLFOOD®, through a biochemical mechanism which is still being studied by researchers, is now a unique formulation which can make oxygen bioavailable “on demand”, that is, in the right amount and at the right time to the tissues at risk of hypoxia. At the same time and apparently in a paradoxical way, it prevents the gas in excess from turning into free radicals and favouring the insurgence of injury caused by oxidative stress (antioxidant effect).

It is worth noticing that in athletes CELLFOOD® - compared to a placebo - causes an increase in physical performance without increasing significantly the serum levels of lactate


by EURODREAM scientific committee La Spezia www.eurodream.net




PERSONAL TRAINER PARMA 8-9 NOVEMBRE 22-23 NOVEMBRE 29 NOVEMBRE - 13 DICEMBRE Esame: 14 DICEMBRE AFFWA - Accademia Funzionale del Fitness - Wellness - Antiaging Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it www.affwa.it


L’Accademia del Fitness



Intense physical training. Highly specific nutrition plans. 100% dedication to perfecting the human form. Athletes face many extremes in order to be the best of the best. But even the most rigorous of training may not be enough to perform at the top if posture is not taken into consideration. If you are like the majority of athletes, your training program is missing an essential component: functional posture correction. Certainly, a balanced posture exudes confidence and excellent physical form. But the benefit of proper posture begins in training, both for injury prevention and achieving balance in muscle development. Athletes build a much stronger core foundation by focusing on posture. The stronger your foundation, the more receptive your muscles are in your extremities. This makes muscles easier to sculpt and train. The correct posture is very important for performing functional exercises and is absolutely necessary to optimize athletic potential. A study conducted in 2004 by the American Medical Athletic Association concluded that athletes who want to take their athletic performance to the next level must focus upon stabilizing their core and training their postural muscles. Posture affects and moderates every physiological function of the body, from breathing to balanced movements. Despite the considerable evidence that posture affects physiology and function, the majority of athletes and coaches overlook the significant influence of posture and athletic performance.




Gli obbiettivi e benefici della Chiropratica Posturale sono molteplici! !! •  Migliore postura e allineamento spinale! •  Prevenzione dagli infortuni ! •  Riabilitazione dei muscoli posturali! •  Ottimizzazione delle performance sportive tramite lʼequilibrio del sistema neuro-muscolo-scheletrico.! •  Miglioramento del tempo di reazione, maggiore coordinazione e potenza Chiama ! American Posture Institute! per un appuntamento! 0521 285 258 ! American Posture Ins0tute Via Mazzini, 1 – Parma Tel 0521 285258 Email api@americanpostureins0tute.com Facebook /American Posture Ins0tute

L’Accademia del Fitness The posture of the body begins with the alignment of the spine. If the spine is misaligned, the body will naturally compensate with the position of the hips, shoulders, and head to hold the body upright against gravity. Changes in the ideal spinal position produce spinal pathologies and loss of function. Spinal pathologies destroy joint reflexes and arc fibers, causing nerve impedance. This results in slower reaction times and less accuracy when performing athletic activities. In this way, proper alignment of the spinal column helps to prevent serious sportsrelated traumas. To have a better-balanced posture and increase coordination, athletes should integrate balance training into their workout regimens. Exercises such as vibration therapy and standing on one-leg for intervals of 30 seconds or more have been demonstrated to help athletes increase balance and coordination. As with any exercise, when performing balance training, pay special attention to maintaining proper posture of your body Posture is a dynamic process; proper

alignment allows smooth transition from one posture to the next. Athletes with good dynamic posture move with precision, coordination, and ease. The links of the kinetic chain move in perfect synchronicity increasing accuracy of motion. Proper bodily alignment allows efficient muscle utilization minimizing overall fatigue and stress to the joints. Functional posture correction is the key to maximize athletic potential. Dynamic postural training gives aspiring athletes the winning edge over their competition. While other athletes continue to focus on their physique, not their form, the smart athletes will focus on developing their dynamic posture patterns to supersede their competition. In terms of longevity and injury prevention, those who workout correctly will outplay and outlast their competitors. Do you have what it takes to be a FITPosture athlete?

The links of the kinetic chain move in perfect synchronicity increasing accuracy of motion. Proper bodily alignment allows efficient muscle utilization minimizing overall fatigue and stress to the joints.


Dr. Krista Burns DC, DrHA, CPEP Doctor of Chiropractic Doctor of Health Administration Certified Postural Specialist

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L’Accademia del Fitness


“THE WELLNESS OF SPINE STAYS IN ITS SHAPE” “And so does its health”. The wellness of the spine (and also its health) depend on its shape. The wellness and health of the spine are fundamental for physical efficiency, aesthetic aspect, sports activities and all the common everyday activities. They depend above all on the shape that the 27 vertebrae have as a whole to resist gravity. What is the ideal shape of the spine? How is it possible to keep it efficient, healthy, young? The shape of the spine is studied by observing its profile, characterised by an evident curvilinear structure. The so-called “physiological sagittal curves” have important biomechanical functions, besides giving the spine its typical “S” shape. The most important curve of the profile is lumbar lordosis, which presents posterior concavity. It is formed by 5 vertebrae starting from the sacrum. The dorsal tract, composed of 12 vertebrae, forms a curve with anterior concavity called dorsal kyphosis. Finally, the 7 vertebrae of the cervical tract, which holds the weight of the head, form cervical lordosis with posterior concavity.


The picture on the left shows the profile of a normal spine, while the one on the right shows the shape of this profile measured through Formetric Spinometry.

number 15 / 2014 “And so does its health”. The wellness of the spine (and also its health) depend on its shape. The wellness and health of the spine are fundamental for physical efficiency, aesthetic aspect, sports activities and all the common everyday activities. They depend above all on the shape that the 27 vertebrae have as a whole to resist gravity. What is the ideal shape of the spine? How is it possible to keep it efficient, healthy, young? The shape of the spine is studied by observing its profile, characterised by an evident curvilinear structure. The so-called “physiological sagittal curves” have important biomechanical functions, besides giving the spine its typical “S” shape. The most important curve of the profile is lumbar lordosis, which presents posterior concavity. It is formed by 5 vertebrae starting from the sacrum. The dorsal tract, composed of 12 vertebrae, forms a curve with anterior concavity called dorsal kyphosis. Finally, the 7 vertebrae of the cervical tract, which holds the weight of the head, form cervical lordosis with posterior concavity. The picture on the left shows the profile of a normal spine, while the one on the right shows the shape of this profile measured through Formetric Spinometry. SPINOMETRY is a sophisticated digital equipment for 3D optical measurement of the morphology of the trunk. It is based on the principle of rastereography (grids of bright stripes) combined with triangulation algorithms. 3D Formetric Spinometry is a precious tool for the evaluation of vertebral shape, since it reproduces and measures in a thoroughly accurate way (with an accuracy of 0.2 mm) the sagittal profile of the spine. Spinometry can give an accurate evaluation of the vertebral spine by measuring the most important biomechanical and postural parameters. With the same sensitivity and accuracy it also points out shape alterations which put the spine at risk.

when under physical effort. In this way, each vertebra and the related intervertebral disc cushion their own part of the load without being damaged. Actually, in order to have effective absorption action and avoid disc damage, sagittal curves are not enough: they also have to be balanced in width, depth, angle degree, body barycentre position. In other words, they have to meet biomechanical principles of functional balance. In the ideal profile, lumbar lordosis has a depth of about 30 mm (lumbar sagitta). Dorsal kyphosis has a depth of about 40 mm (kyphosis sagitta). Finally, the cervical sagitta, which indicates the natural head protraction, measures about 60 mm. A very important parameter is Postural Flexion, which expresses the natural forward unbalancing of the body barycentre (normally about 35 mm). The wellness of the spine is affected by many factors: one’s job, muscular tone, weight, sedentariness, wrong posture, efforts, genetic factors. Yet, the most important factor is certainly the shape of the spine in the sagittal plane (Shape).

Biomechanical studies have demonstrated that a curvilinear spine is 10 times more resistant than a straight spine!

Why did nature provide the spine with sagittal curves? Which advantages do they bring? Biomechanical studies have demonstrated that a curvilinear spine is 10 times more resistant than a straight spine! Physiological sagittal curves form a sort of natural shock absorber which can harmoniously distribute among all the vertebrae the loads that the spine has to sustain, above all

Formetric Spinometry is currently very successful in the best centres in the USA, Canada, Northern Europe, Korea and Singapore. In modern society, due to the lengthening of life expectancy and of the working age, it is important to keep the spine healthy and efficient up to very old age. Therefore, accurate and effective measurement tools are necessary to achieve this goal. Thanks to its accuracy, rapidity in execution, innocuousness and non-invasive character (it does not use X-rays), Spinometry is easy to use and it is very effective, too. Spinometry is used in many fields: in early diagnosis of scoliosis (age of development), in cranial-mandibular-cervical disorders, in improving sports performance, in postural rehabilitation. In anti-age evaluations Spinometry is mainly useful to measure the main parameters of the vertebral shape, even in asymptomatic subjects, in order to assess if the sagittal profile of the rachis guarantees efficiency, balance and proper functioning. If the subject has vertebral pain, it must be treated and solved. Yet, the aim of these evaluations is above all to achieve efficient and well-balanced shape. What are the consequences of unbalanced vertebral shape? Is the risk limited to possible painful episodes? Or could there be structural and irreversible damages to the spine?


L’Accademia del Fitness The great news about Spinometry is that it examines the spine functionally, not just structurally like X-ray and imaging exams. It is very frequent to find a shape which is different from the ideal one, and as a consequence it is also frequent to find its functional alterations. It is not by chance that 90% of the population suffers from lumbar pain at least once and 70% suffers from cervical pain. Sometimes shape alterations cannot be changed. In other cases they can be changed partially or totally, until ideal balance is reached. The following picture represents on the left the ideal shape of the spine (picture A), while the other pictures represent examples of the most common alterations which can be found.

Picture B presents a shape with total lack of lumbar lordosis; picture C represents excessively extended dorsal kyphosis (dorsal-lumbar hyper-kyphosis); picture D represents a severe form of lumbar hyper-lordosis with disappearance of kyphosis; picture E represents a particular spine, with curve flattening and barycentre withdrawal. If the shape is unbalanced, the forces which act on the spine cannot be distributed smoothly and cannot be fully cushioned. Therefore, they concentrate in some critical areas, creating disc overloading and increasing the risk of disc disease (hernia, protrusion, Discopathy, disc arthrosis). The second consequence of altered shape is the disadjustment of vertebral reflex. The two posterior articulations of each vertebra (facet joints) are put into action by small paravertebral muscles, whose activity is regulated by the reflex of the spinal marrow. Shape alterations cause excessive or insufficient stimulation of this reflex, which in turn determine a “stop” of the vertebra: articular movement is reduced, the spine becomes more stiff and local or irradiated pain often arises. These vertebral blocks are defined “Reflected Facet Dysfunction” or “Minor Intervertebral Derangement”, since they are not visible through radiography. They could cause numerous painful disorders, well-described by the Parisian school of Maigne, who improved the therapeutic methodology to solve them. Reflected Facet Dysfunctions, often present in asymptomatic subjects with a non-painful stiff spine, in turn alter the shape, thus creating a vicious circle which increases the risk of disc pathology and structural lesion. Anti-aging assessment through Spinometry is necessarily combined with a clinical functional exam, according to the classical semeiological method of French Manual Medicine. It consists in making a diagnosis of the facet dysfunctions and then eliminate them through targeted chiropractic techniques (CHIROPRACTIC TEST). The chiropractic test re-establishes the real shape of the spine, making it flexible, nonpainful and proper-functioning. When the spine is back to normal, the SELF-CORRECTION TEST allows the assessment of the possible abilities of the subject in changing the shape into a more harmonious and balanced one. If necessary, a programme of targeted postural rehabilitation can be organised. Finally, the OCCLUSION-POSTURAL TEST, always carried out when the spine is back to normal, assesses the possible influences of dental malocclusion on posture and on the spine structure. It is quite a frequent problem, since dental malocclusion occurs in 70% of the population. The following graphs show a clinical case where it is possible to see –repeating spinometry and occlusion-postural test within a short time - important shape variations in relation to dental occlusion (occlusion-postural test).

Sometimes shape alterations cannot be changed. In other cases they can be changed partially or totally, until ideal balance is reached.


number 15 / 2014

A) The graph showing natural conditions presents excessive lumbar lordosis and dorsal kyphosis. It is technically defined as a rachis in kypho-lordosis. B) An occlusion-postural test allows to change the relation between the arch of the lower and upper jaw: lumbar lordosis is brought back to normal, but the dorsal and cervical sagittae increase, thus causing head hyperprotraction (forward head) C) The subject uses RMP (Repositioning Mandibular Plate) which has brought back normal occlusion relation between the arches: the cervical and dorsal sagitta are back to normal and lumbar lordosis remains normal. D) The subject has removed RMP: the shape is altered again and the forward-head posture is back.

CONCLUSIONS – Why perform a Spinometry? Is it possible to intervene if the shape is altered? The aim of Anti-age Spinometry is avoid being too late. The damage suffered from the spine in a life-time are linked to improper use, incongruous effort, wrong posture, overweight, muscular insufficiency, retraction of the myofascial system, genetic factors, specific jobs. The structural damage that the spine accumulates in time, which can be group under the general name of spondyloarthrosis, are mainly irreversible. As a consequence, prevention is fundamental – through early diagnosis – since damage is certainly not inevitable with the aging process. The assessment of vertebral shape through Spinometry is essential both in the prevention of permanent structural damage of the rachis, and for the diagnosis and treatment of vertebral dysfunctions, which are totally reversible. The methodologies of postural rehabilitation – which should improve the shape, as the name suggests – have been carried out so far without clinical tools for measurement and monitoring. Thus, there has not been a real assessment of the results so far. Spinometry before and after the treatment is a big progress in the choice and monitoring of postural methodologies. The wellness and health of the spine can be kept for long, if structural damage is prevented and if the rachis is flexible and efficient. At the same time, such conditions of wellness and health must be kept and further increased with programmes of muscular development and stretching of the myofascial systems. Doctor Giovanni Magnani Degree in Medicine, Specialised in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Specialised in Neurology, master’s degree in Chiropractic and Osteopathy


L’Accademia del Fitness


AN EFFECTIVE HELP FOR SPORTSMEN AGAINST PAIN The locomotor apparatus is made of organs which have the function of supporting the body and making its movements possible. It is represented by a skeletal system, provided with articulations (each one shaped according to the different functional needs) and moved by muscles. The elements of the locomotor apparatus work in coordination and allow a wide range of movements thanks to a complex system of levers in which the muscles produce motive power, the articulations are the hub of movement and the bones form the lever arms which carry the weight of the various body segments. Both amateurs and athletes often suffer from chronic disorders caused by the excessive stress of some muscles and/or articulations which can affect the performance and, if not properly treated, they can lead to withdrawal from sports activities. THE MOST COMMON CHANGES OF THE LOCOMOTOR APPARATUS Disorders of the Locomotor Apparatus There is a wide range of disorders of the locomotor apparatus: from traumas of medium importance (distortion, dislocation, small fractures) to contusion, haematoma, contracture, pulled muscles, articular effusion, tendinitis, tenosynovitis and bursitis, to chronic articular diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis, gout, ankylosing spondylitis and other particular forms of articular degeneration. Articulation Mobility and Flexibility The articulations are one of the structures of the body more sensitive to aging. Both the bone extremity of the articulation and the cartilage which covers the articular surface progressively rarefy in time and lose the cellular and connective component. As a result of this process, almost all the structures of the articulation are affected. The process can be favoured and accelerated by many factors: certainly the aging process; genetic predisposition to the development of articular diseases; obesity, which causes overload of some articulations such as the hip and the knee; specific working activities which exhaust some articulations, such as the elbow and the shoulder; nutritional lack of elements necessary for good bone trophism (calcium and phosphate) and articular trophism (mucopolysaccharides). Signs and Symptoms of Articulation Disorders Articulation disorders can appear in several ways. The most common symptom, which occurs in almost all the changes, is certainly pain. There are also objective changes, for example inflammation, bone and articular deformation, changes in the


mobility of articulation. The type and time of appearance, the intensity and duration of these symptoms and signs vary according to the specific disease. Pain not to be underestimated Pain is certainly the most important symptom of the diseases of the locomotor apparatus. Therefore, it is an essential component in the clinical picture of the various articular diseases, from degenerative forms to the inflammatory ones. Nonetheless, there can be different characteristics of pain sensation. In the diseases of the locomotor apparatus which cause the inflammation of the surrounding skin or tissues, pain is superficial and is perceived as a stinging or burning sensation, localized in the affected area, and it often becomes worse by exerting the slightest pressure. Instead, articular pain is characterised by deep pain which, unlike superficial pain, is widespread and difficult to locate. This kind of pain is often perceived in a different body part from the one affected by the lesion that causes it. This

number 15 / 2014

Physic Level 1 – Trauma One – cpr/spray Physic Level 2 – Trauma Two – cpr/spray Physic Level 3 – Trauma Three – cpr/spray Physic Level 4 – Artidol – cpr/spray Physic Level 5 – Cervical – cpr Physic Level 6 – Lumbar – cpr Physic Level 7 – Prepair – cpr Physic Level 8 – Fast – cpr/spray Physic Level 9 – Rigeneration – cpr/spray Physic Level 10 – Tonic – bust

BIOGROUP s.r.l. Variante esterna – Bagnoli del Trigno (IS) Tel. 0874 870014 Fax 0874 870973 www.biogroup.it 41

L’Accademia del Fitness and cervical region are particularly interesting. Example of natural formulation of extracts useful to treat lumbar disorders such as myalgia, lumbar radiculopathy, articular pain in the lower limbs: Dioscorea (Dioscorea villosa L.) rhizome E.S. tit. 6% diosgenin It favours articular functionality and mobility. Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch.) root powder Reduces inflammation.

is the case of reflected pain. In other cases, for example in case of compression of a nerve trunk or root, pain is irradiated: the painful sensation is irradiated along all the nerve. Inflammation Inflammation is the answer given by the immune system to the presence of pathogen agents: germs if it is an infection or irritating substances which can be accumulated in the articular cavity due to metabolic dysfunctions. In other cases, such as rheumatoid arthritis – an autoimmune disease – inflammation is caused by an anomalous response of the immune system, which attacks elements of the body because it recognises them as extraneous. Whatever its cause, inflammatory response is characterised by an increase in the blood flux to facilitate the movement of the defensive cells (which travel through blood) towards the affected articulation. This is the reason why inflamed articulation presents the following signs: tumefaction (increase in articular volume due to inflammation of the soft tissues of the articulation and to the increase in the amount of the synovial liquid), pain, reddening and increase in temperature of the skin that covers the articulation affected. With a certain frequency, articular inflammation also affects the soft tissues in close proximity, such as the serous sac, the tendons and the muscles. This periarticular reaction is generally present in the phases when inflammation is more intense. Yet, inflammation of the soft tissues can occur even if the articulation in close proximity has not been affected, such as in the case of bursitis or tendinitis, that is, inflammation of the serous sac and the tendons. MEDICINAL PLANTS: EFFECTIVENESS AND SAFETY The fundamental difference between a medicinal plant and a synthetic medicine is therapeutic index. Generally, when vegetable extracts are selected in order to be put into a preparation, their tolerability, as well as effectiveness, is evaluated so that the preparation is as much as possible devoid of secondary effects and it can be also used for long periods. Using a natural product does not mean that the synthesised medicine cannot be used. On the contrary, sometimes smart synergy between the 2 preparations can increase the recovery process and reduce secondary effects. Actually, a natural preparation can be associated to the medicine in the treatment of the acute phase and it could even replace it in chronic treatment. The natural substances useful to fight the troubles of the lumbar


Willow (Salix alba L.) bark E.S. tit. 3% salicin It favours articular functionality. Harpagophytum procumbens (Harpagophytum procumbens DC.) root E.S. tit. 2.5% harpagoside Painkiller action, anti-inflammatory, myorelaxant. Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) leaves E.S. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory action, it favours micro-circulation. Angelica sinensis (Angelica sinensis Diels.) root E.S. Ir reduces pain and edema, it favours micro-circulation. Mandarin (Citrus reticulata L.) pericarp powder It favours blood circulation, articular functionality and mobility. Peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.) root powder It favours micro-circulation.

Example of natural formulation against trouble of the cervical and upper latissimus tract: Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha Engl.) resin powder It reduces pain and edema, it favours micro-circulation, it reduces blood stagnation, it favours tissue regeneration. Harpagophytum procumbens (Harpagophytum procumbens DC.) root E.S. tit. 2.5% harpagoside Painkiller action, anti-inflammatory, myorelaxant. Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) leaves powder It reduces pain and edema, it favours micro-circulation. Angelica sinensis (Angelica sinensis Diels.) root E.S. Ir reduces pain and edema, it favours micro-circulation. Ash (Fraxinus excelsorius L.) leaves powder Painkiller and anti-inflammatory action. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) flowers powder It favours micro-circulation, it reduces blood stagnation. Dr. Giovanni Occhionero Pharmaceutical Chemist expert in natural integration in sport and antiaging phytotherapy Simeb teacher (Italian Society of Biointegrated Medicine)

number 15 / 2014


Il Mineral Evo serve a capire se nel nostro organismo sono presenti, e in quali quantità, i minerali essenziali, tossici ed altri elementi in traccia che aiutano a stabilire lo stato di salute. La sua interpretazione è affidata all’equipe medico nutrizionale di Natrix lab che è in grado di interpretare i risultati e stabilire cosa fare per ripristinare lo stato di equilibrio dell’organismo. L’OMS ha riconosciuto l’importanza e la validità del test che oggi ha largo uso nella medicina forense, ma è stato validato e viene tenuto in grande considerazione da altri enti che si occupano di sicurezza e salute. Il Mineral Evo, riveste molta importanza nella diagnosi di alcune carenze nutrizionali, ed è consigliato anche in momenti delicati, come la gravidanza e l’allattamento, che richiedono procedure sicure e standardizzate. I minerali entrano nel nostro organismo attraverso i cibi, le bevande e l’aria che respiriamo e possono essere molto dannosi. Tutti sono presenti nell’ambiente in cui viviamo fin dall’antichità, ma in passato il rischio di assorbirli era minore, perché legato a situazioni specifiche. Oggi invece praticamente tutti i prodotti di cui facciamo uso, dalle pentole di alluminio alla farina, fino alla carta con-

tengono metalli tossici. Ma soprattutto il cibo che mangiamo. Nel capello, a differenza di sangue e urine, la presenza dei minerali non è influenzata da malattie o infiammazioni; il capello infatti trattiene i minerali presenti nei liquidi in circolo, compresi quelli tossici e quelli che non vengono rilevati nelle analisi del sangue e delle urine (come il cromo, il nichel e il manganese). In pratica, completa le indagini cliniche già in uso, ed è in grado di apportare informazioni sulla funzionalità del metabolismo rilevando quali equilibri siano stati alterati, di quali integratori minerali e vitaminici abbiamo bisogno, quali metalli tossici stiamo accumulando molto prima che si manifestino i sintomi o che le analisi del sangue rivelino la loro presenza. Per questo può essere associato ad altri test che i laboratori Natrix hanno messo a punto per valutare lo stato di salute. Una volta fatta la diagnosi, l’equipe medica potrà dare indicazioni terapeutiche per migliorare la dieta o integrarla con i minerali che mancano al fine di ripristinare l’equilibrio fisiologico. Tutto questo oggi viene fatto anche attraverso una piattaforma ed un sistema proprietario di Natrix lab, che si basa sulla telemedicina, che prende il nome di “Telenutrizione” (www.telenutrizione.it).

Natrix Lab: il laboratorio certificato (UNIENI-ISO 9001 : 2000) di riferimento per le tue analisi personalizzate: • FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST: valutazione delle intolleranze alimentari IgG-mediate, metodo ELISA. • CELIAC TEST: Valutazione immunitaria della positività al morbo celiaco. • ANTIAGING PROFILE: (Free Radical Test + Antioxidant Capacity Test) valutazione globale dello stress ossidativo. • CELLULAR AGING FACTORS: valutazione dell’invecchiamento cellulare (ossidazione, metilazione, glicazione, infiammazione). • LIPIDOMIC PROFILE: valutazione del profilo lipidomico plas-matico e di membrana (acidi grassi). • CARDIO WELLNESS TEST: analisi globale del benessere cardiovascolare, integrato con l’indice di rischio di contrarre patologie a carico del sistema cardiovascolare. • ZONA PLUS TEST: valutazione del rapporto (AA/EPA), Glicemia, Insulina, indice HOMA. • HORMONAL PROFILES: dimagrimento, stress, sport, buona notte, donna fertile, donna menopausa, uomo. • IN FLORA SCAN: Il pannello più approfondito di valutazione del benessere intestinale.


L’Accademia del Fitness


FASHIONABLE TREND OR NEW FRONTIER OF MEDICINE? Anti-aging medicine is a medicine specialization based on the application of scientific medical technologies for the early detection of disorders, for their prevention and treatment in order to lead patients to a healthy life style. It is not the treatment of diseases but the support in order to reach a state of wellness. We can give it many different meanings and connotations. For the scientific community anti-aging research refers to the attempt to slow down, prevent, invert the aging process. So far, no tested technology allows us to reach this aim in human beings with scientific incidence. At present, there is no scientific method available to measure accurately the effects of a presumed therapy against aging. Anti-aging medicine means early diagnosis and prevention of diseases connected to old age which can affect the subject’s quality of life. There are many strategies which can be followed, for instance reducing calorie intake to diminish the risk


of degenerative conditions connected to aging. Aging is linked for one third to genetic factors and for indeed two thirds to environmental factors and to one’s life style (stress, smoking, diet, physical activity…). Therefore, we are all 70% responsible for our aging. Genetic causes cannot be treated, but it is possible to eliminate other causes adopting a life style which can slow down aging. This means keeping our body and our mind young for as long as possible, thus reducing the risk of diseases which may become degenerative. Not many people have a real anti-aging culture and adopt a life style which should include a healthy diet, regular physical exercise (clearly following the advice of a sports doctor), the elimination of harmful habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs etc.), avoiding stress (stress management) and using integrators (anti-oxidation). People generally tend to consider anti-aging as aesthetic medi-



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Le teorie dell’invecchiamento La discordanza evolutiva Genetica ed Epigenetica La modulazione ormonale Gli integratori ormono-stimolanti La cronormorfodieta Alimentazione ed integrazione antinfiammatoria, antiossidante e antiglicante Gli integratori alimentari Il fitness metabolico Il fitness muscolo-osteo-articolare Metodologie anti-stress Esercizi per la funzionalità sessuale Qi Gong La Medicina Funzionale Antiaging

DATE (2015): 7-8 febbraio / 21 marzo 11 aprile / 23 maggio / 6 giugno



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ESAME: 20 giugno SEDE: PARMA QUOTA € 560,00 + 40 (quota associativa) (alla quota corso va applicata l’IVA di legge) • Le iscrizioni e il pagamento dovranno pervenire entro il 16.01.2015 • E’ necessario inviare richiesta di ammissione con curriculum entro il 31.12.2014 Segreteria Organizzativa: AFFWA Galleria Crocetta 9/A - 43126 Parma Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it www.affwa.it

L’Accademia del Fitness cine (for instance, treatments such as botox injections, fillers) and even in a medical context, although the subject is dealt with in scientific congresses, people still confuse it with those beauty treatments with injections which can solve aging problems without considering that anti-aging must be studied under many points of view (hormonal, metabolic, functional, psychological, food). Helping a subject to change life style means explaining and evaluating together with the patient all the above mentioned aspects. An attempt must be made to detect all those genetic and biochemical factors which combined together in various ways, and also with the environment, are responsible for the acceleration or deceleration of our decline. It is evident that studying the correlation of these parameters can significantly and hugely affect our wellbeing and healthy life expectancy. For an aging check it is necessary to undergo a detailed medical exam, an organ function test, nutritional analysis, assessment of lean/fat mass ratio, psychological test, d-ROMS test e BAP test, glycation index analysis, inflammation level, hormone, immune system, skin and sport assessment. The aim is to discover

the subject’s biological age, his/her various risk factors in order to elaborate a completely personalized anti-aging programme which will allow the subject to develop and implant their potential, restore their psycho-physical wellness and gradually follow the changes which have taken place and the effects of the therapy. No doubt the theme of anti-aging is popular today. Everybody is talking about it and many subjects place their trust in people who are not actually in the position to elaborate a wellness programme based on scientific medical knowledge which can help reach a state of wellness. This does not mean to bring the subject back to the past, but to slow down time. So the question they will often be asked will be “you ’re in such a good shape, what have you done?” and the answer will be “…prevention, anti-aging… I put myself in the hands of an ANTIAGING ADVISOR ”.

The aim is to discover the subject’s biological age, his/her various risk factors in order to elaborate a completely personalized anti-aging programme


Doctor Maria Santulli Specialised in Food Science, Specialised in Haematology and Antiaging advisor.

number 15 / 2014


L’Accademia del Fitness

PNEI AND NUTRIZIONE Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology studies the connection between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems and their relation with the psyche. Basically, Pnei consists in the study of stress systems. The hyperactivity of stress systems generates oxidative stress and inflammation. From the acronym Pnei comes the name of the innovative method of integrated diagnosis and systemic therapies: Pnei 4u®. According to Pnei 4u®, there are four pillars in a vanguard therapy: excellent drugs, postural programme, nutritional antioxidant and anti-inflammatory strategy and what we call “emotional empowerment”. By emotional empowerment we mean the patient’s capacity, by means of the instruments provided by individual coaching sessions, to modify his/her own emotional state in a few seconds, even in problematic contexts and to maintain this empowered state at his/her will. This is particularly useful in patients af-


fected by compulsive eating disorders who find it difficult to follow any kind of diet. The hyperactivity of stress systems first of all induces an increased cortisol and catecholamine secretion which in turn increment the production of interleukin 6 by the subcutaneous visceral tissue and vascular endothelium. Interleukin 6 enhances the proliferation of smooth vascular muscles and of fibroblasts leading, eventually, to the appearance of obstructive lesions which are typical of atherosclerosis damage. Interleukin 6 levels are also correlated to body mass index and to insulin resistance and represent a predictive factor against type 2 diabetes and myocardial infarction. Interleukin 6 also plays a fundamental role in bone resorption. Insulin’s relevant biological activity on endothelial cells, plaques and leukocytes has recently emerged, as it has global anti-inflammatory and vasodilation effect.


TI RENDE LIBERO FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST Le intolleranze alle proteine alimentari, dette allergie ritardate, sono reazioni conseguenti l’introduzione di alimenti di consumo comune. Queste reazioni sono causate da un’iperproduzione di immunoglobuline di classe G (IgG). Emicrania, disturbi gastro-intestinali e respiratori, stanchezza cronica, dermatiti, irritabilità, sovrappeso, sono solo alcuni dei sintomi ricorrenti nei soggetti affetti da allergia ritardata. Il FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST (F.I.T.) di Natrix permette di verificare la reazione dell’organismo nei confronti di 46, 92 o 184 alimenti. Ciò che ha reso il F.I.T. affidabile è la metodica analitica ELISA,

affidabile e ripetibile e la lunghissima esperienza di Natrix nel campo della diagnostica delle intolleranze.

celiaci, per il monitoraggio della malattia celiaca in soggetti che seguono una dieta priva di glutine.


Natrix Lab: il laboratorio certificato (UNI-ENI-ISO 9001: 2000) di riferimento per le analisi:

Ad oggi per ogni celiaco diagnosticato, ve ne sono sette a cui la celiachia non viene diagnosticata. L’ingestione di glutine, nei pazienti affetti o predisposti a celiachia, provoca un grave danneggiamento della mucosa intestinale. Il CELIAC TEST è una prova allergometrica che consente di effettuare un saggio di I° livello completo per la celiachia. Il CELIAC TEST è consigliato in caso di sospetto di malattia celiaca, in familiari di primo grado (genitori, fratelli) di soggetti

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Tutte le analisi sono eseguibili anche tramite un semplicissimo prelievo capillare e salivare.

L’Accademia del Fitness Compulsive eating disorders which are frequent in people with chronic hyperactivity of stress systems, lead to a condition of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance typical of stressful situations and of the metabolic syndrome represents one of the main mechanisms of chronic inflammation in obese patients or those affected by compulsive eating disorders. The latest evidence in literature underlines the role of adiponectin (adipokine produced by adipose organs) in the determination of depressive behaviour: actually, adiponectin is said to have a psychomodulating activity, so its lack, typical of a dysfunctional adipose organ, would lead to depressive reactions. The essential feature of the Pnei therapy in compulsive eating disorders mainly consists in the patient’s choice of an “empowered” behaviour in response to stress, against totally depowered behaviour reactions (excessive consumption of food, drugs, alcohol, smoking). This result is achieved after 6/8 sessions of individual coaching in which the operator follows specific techniques of modern “energy psychology”.

The Pnei 4u® method, based on integrated diagnosis and systemic therapies, also known as Pneisystem® is at present based on an innovative software which, by analyzing a number of psycho-biological parameters, provides a numeric datum which defines not only the patient’s initial situation, but also allows constant monitoring of his/her therapeutic progress resulting from the Pneisystem® method. Moreover, this method also avails itself of therapeutically vanguard drugs (homotoxicology, low dose therapies, phytotherapy and nutraceuticals) as well as specific acupuncture techniques, and makes use of the so-called allopathic therapies only in cases of absolute necessity. The new concept of Pneisystem® therapy system represents a new aspect of modern medicine.

Compulsive eating disorders which are frequent in people with chronic hyperactivity of stress systems, lead to a condition of insulin resistance.

Prof. Maria Corgna Surgeon – Specialised in Endocrinology and Dysmetabolic Diseases Teacher and Expert in PsychoNeuroEndocrinoImmunology Creator of Pnei4U Method.

NUTRIGENETICA per una nutrizione personalizzata

La genetica in aiuto degli specialisti per una maggiore personalizzazione della Dieta e dello Sport Test genetici di predisposizione:

Celiachia Intolleranza primaria al Lattosio Metabolismo dei Folati Metabolismo Glucidico e Lipidico Metabolismo della Vitamina D Sport e Metabolismo Muscolare

E’ possibile richiedere i test effettuando un semplice tampone buccale dal quale verrà estratto il DNA per le analisi richieste. Il tampone potrà essere ritirato presso lo studio dello specialista da corrieri autorizzati su tutto il territorio nazionale. Per maggiori informazioni contattare il numero 06 3295370 Laboratorio di Genetica Medica “Krom Genetics” (Certificazioni ISO 9001 e MedLab) info@kromgenetics.it www.kromgenetics.it





LE TESTIMONIANZE PALASPRINT LA SPEZIA Nonostante lo scetticismo iniziale, già nel primo mese di prova ci siamo accorti dei numerosi vantaggi che ci ha portato sia a livello di fatturato che di fidelizzazione. Grazie!!!!

MIQO TREVISO Dopo essere stati scelti come area test ed aver toccato con mano i vantaggi di un progetto scientifico, abbiamo continuato ad utilizzarlo con successo, incrementando il fatturato e la fidelizzazione. Proprio ciò che serviva al nostro club !!!!!



35 anni educatrice


42 anni impiegato

Ho avuto da subito buone sensazioni confermate poi dal test di misurazione eseguito dopo appena 2 settimane: meno 4 cm di circonferenza in entrambe le cosce! Consiglio a tutte di farlo!

Innanzitutto funziona! Ho deciso di sottopormi al metodo nonostante mi stessi già allenando in maniera tradizionale. Perdere quasi 7 cm in circonferenza addominale in sole 4 settimane mi ha lasciato veramente a bocca aperta.


35 anni parrucchiera

e-mail: info@metooconsulting.it Alessandro: 3421466681 Igor: 3468584330

L’allenamento è stato efficace in quanto mi ha fatto perdere centimetri e allo stesso tempo migliorare il tono muscolare. Perdere 7 cm sui fianchi in sole 4 settimane è semplicemente fantastico!!

L’Accademia del Fitness LATEST RESEARCH IN FITNESS, WELLNESS AND ANTIAGING MEDICINE By Dr. Filippo Ongaro AFFWA Vice President www.filippo-ongaro.it In spite of the efforts made in recent years both in the fields of research and information, an unhealthy diet and a sedentary life style are still making a lot of damage. A recent study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation shows that there has been a 33% increase in the global amount of obesity between 1980 and 2013 (The Lancet, published online May 29, 2014). This increase is particularly alarming among children and adolescents, and it is particularly serious that a reduction in obesity has not been observed in any country in the world in the last 30 years. This epidemic overweight is associated to an increase of infarction, ictus and cancer incidence, as well as to the upsetting increase of hepatic diseases. Unfortunately, diets are notoriously famous for being inefficient. 95% of the people who start a diet and lose weight regain it in the course of 12 months. In order to achieve considerable and lasting weight loss what is necessary is not a radical and temporary diet, but rather a healthy and long term diet with a deficit of about 300 KCal per day, which is sustainable in time and easy to obtain with a little food reduction and with the proper physical activity. Some factors must be kept in mind also in the choice of the physical exercise to perform with the aim of losing weight. Activities with weights contribute to create muscular mass which in turn is determining for basal metabolic increase (the amount


of calories used at rest in 24 hours), a decisive factor in weight loss. Likewise, the activities with a variation of rhythms such as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) not only contribute to keep calorie consumption high also in the phase of post exercise recovery, but they also contribute to reduce the secretion of ghrelin, a hormone which increases appetite (International Journal of Obesity, published online July 9, 2013). Recent research has shown the role of brown fats in metabolism regulation. As in many animals and children, also in adult human beings a small amount of brown fat exists (brown adipose tissue o BAT) which can convert the energy supplied by food directly into heat, a fundamental and important function from the evolutionary point of view to resist the cold. Individual differences in BAT amounts determine a more or less accentuated predisposition to put on weight. BAT is activated by the sympathetic nervous system and higher energy consumption corresponds to a higher level of its activation. Some studies show that also beige fat exists and it is more easily activated than brown fat, but with similar functions, which seem to be stimulated also by substances such as ginger and capsaicin, which improve the conversion of white fat into beige fat (Nature, 510:76-83, 2014). Capsaicin is a chemical substance contained in red peppers used to make paprika, a very popular spice in Mexican cuisine.

number 15 / 2014 This substance helps to lose weight by means of two mechanisms: on the one hand it modifies the activity of a gene which controls our appetite in the brain and on the other hand it stimulates the activity of brown fat. A recent study shows that capsaicin can also alter the activity of white fat, making it behave like brown fat. (The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, published online May 2, 2014). To lose weight in a healthy way, milk serum protein integrators play an important role. These proteins which have a high biological value can stimulate muscle anabolism both with and without physical exercise. A recent meta-analysis of 14 researches involving 626 adult subjects confirms that milk serum proteins can contribute to increase muscle mass, particularly if taken by subjects who regularly exercise with weights, but also by those who do not do any physical exercise. (Journal of the American College of Nutrition 33, published online April 4, 2014). Moreover, in cases of subjects who go on a diet to lose weight, milk serum integration is fundamental to help preserve the muscle mass. This aspect is particularly important with aging. Actually, between the age of 40 and 60 a person loses an average of 20% muscle mass which goes together with a loss of bone density and strength, greater risk of falling and of trauma and lower insulin sensitivity. The intake of 20-30 grams of protein with high biological value is sufficient to stimulate protein synthesis, particularly thanks to the presence of leucine, an amino acid which is fundamental to activate mTOR, a regulator of muscle protein synthesis. Although many insist on supporting that animal proteins are harmful (but without evidence to support this sup-

position), many studies confirm that the consumption of 20-30 grams of protein with high biological value in the daily meals is fundamental to maintain an elderly subject’s muscle mass and the functional capacity intact. (The Journal of Nutrition, published online April 17, 2014). The intake of animal proteins does not necessarily mean eating large quantities of well cooked red meat, for which there are concrete data of potential risks. For instance, it is possible to give more space in one’s diet to fish, eggs and lean red meat, especially if raw (tartar or thinly sliced raw meat, for example) and to include these proteins in a type of Mediterranean diet based on vegetables, wholemeal cereals, olive oil and legumes, as this kind of diet also helps reduce fat accumulation. (British Journal of Nutrition, 111:14811487, 2014). Dr. Filippo Ongaro Surgeon Health Director Institute of Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine s.r.l. (Ismerian) Vice-President of AMIA (Italian Association of Anti-Aging Medical Doctors) Vice-President of AFFWA Functional Fitness-Wellness-Antiaging Academy



VII edizione della settimana per la prevenzione dell'obesità e per un corretto stile di vita. Parma, 4-11 Ottobre 2014 WWW.OBESITYWEEK.INFO sabato 4 ottobre

martedì 7 ottobre

giovedì 9 ottobre

sabato 11 ottobre

Palazzo Vescovile - Sala Antolini Piazza Duomo - Parma Ore 09.30 - 12.00 Tavola Rotonda Il “modello Parma” come proposta sostenibile di sviluppo economico-sociale In collaborazione con CEA Centro Etica Ambientale - Parma

Sede dell’Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri della Provincia di Parma Via Po, 134 - Parma Ore 21.00 - 23.00 Convegno medico I Martedì dell’Ordine Microbiota intestinale e obesità In collaborazione con Ordine dei Medici di Parma

Aula Canuto - Dipartimento di Anatomia Umana c/o Ospedale Maggiore Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma Viale Gramsci, 14 - Parma Ore 15.00 - 18.00 Convegno medico Alimentazione ed integrazione nel calciatore In collaborazione con Corso di Laurea in Scienze Motorie, Sport e Salute - Università degli Studi di Parma

Sala congressi dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Via Abbeveratoia - Parma Ore 9.00 - 13.00 Congresso medico ECM Obesità infantile: approccio clinico integrato In collaborazione con Gruppo di Studio sull’Obesità SIEDP

lunedì 6 ottobre Libreria La Feltrinelli Strada Farini, 17 - Parma Ore 18.30 - 19.30 CaffExpo, Caffè Scientifici Letterari La sfida della prima colazione: sempre la solita zuppa? In collaborazione con Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

mercoledì 8 ottobre Ristorante “Arte & Gusto” Via Emilia Est, 87 - Parma Ore 17.30 Incontro/Degustazione con lo Chef Fabio Tacchella Cucinare sano e con gusto: trucchi e strategie ai fornelli In collaborazione con Federazione Italiana Cuochi

venerdì 10 ottobre Sala congressi dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Via Abbeveratoia - Parma Ore 9.00 - 13-00, 15.00 - 18.00 Congresso medico ECM Da qui all’obesità: l’alleanza terapeutica nel trattamento del paziente obeso e dismetabolico In collaborazione con SIO e ADI regionale Emilia Romagna


sabato 11 ottobre Palazzo della Pilotta - Parma Ore 16.00 - 18.00 Convegno L’evoluzione del modello di sviluppo agroalimentare parmense, dall’antichità ad oggi In collaborazione con il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Parma

Strada della Lodesana 649/sx, 43036 Fidenza (PR) Tel 0524-530383 – Fax 0524-82537 E-MAIL info@obesityweek.info

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