2 .1 . 1
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Alterations, extensions and new buildings in the Area The form and character of Lurgan is a product of its historic development as a market town. Within the ATC a high proportion of
2. 1.2
Where future development is to take place the Department shall seek a higher quality in terms of design and materials used . The form of
the o riginal buildings remain. Although the buildings are varied in
new buildings should respect the rhythm, scale and building lines of
detail and design, there is a unity to the main street produced by the
the town centre streets. There is little scope for the extension of most
consiste11t building line; pitched roofs with the ridge line running
of the town centre buildings except for additions to the rear, or roof
parallel with the street; common use of materials; and the vertical
extensions. Guidelines for development within the rear of properties.
emphasis of the elevations created by the rhythm of bays and
particularly courtyard developments, are dealt with below in the
windows. Where redevelopment has taken place it has in some
section "Guidelines for courtyard development".
instances produced an unsympathetic design unresponsive to the character of the town centre.