The majestic Magazine

This magazine was created by the 2022-23 Year 7 English class. It's a compilation of articles, written for a target audience of Year 4-6 students. We wrote about topics that we are interested in, and we hope you are too!!
From planning to finished product it took us around 2 weeks. First we planned our articles, then wrote a first draft. After receiving feedback we made improvements and submitted a final draft. Then we formed two groups: the Editing Team and the Creative Team. The Editing Team was Salma, Indira, Eva, Timothy, Ananias, Farha, who were in charge of checking and editing the final drafts. The Creative Team was Kyora, Kieran, Noor, Jeong-Hyeop, Zoreza, Rina, Seungyeon, Sally, and Razin who needed to create the magazine template including layout, font, and colour scheme, We then created our own magazine pages.
We tried to include something for everyone from art, food, science, gaming, sport, animals, travel, nature, music to the environment. Hopefully you can find something you like to read. We also added some fun activities like colouring, word searches and quizzes.
Enjoy reading. From the Year 7 students
French fries are enjoyed all around the world. Who invented them, however, is still a question. Although it might sound obvious that French fries are from France, multiple countries claim to have invented the little chip.
The French fry has a rich history, which is still debated. It is said that this delectable dish was discovered in Belgium by American soldiers, where the dominant language at that time was French. Belgians, who are annoyed when hearing the term French fry, claim that in as early as the late 1600s, Belgian villagers were already frying potatoes in the winter when lakes were frozen and access to fish was limited.
The potato was introduced in Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century. The first French fry recipe, however, was found in 1795 in the French cookbook: “La Cuisinière Républicaine”, meaning The Republican Cook. This was at about the same time that street vendors in Paris started selling the French fry.
French fries are a sensation all around the world and are prepared in different shapes and types. In France they areprepared alongside a main dish, usually steak or mussels; in Belgium they are usually served in a paper cone with mayonnaise on top. In Canada fries are found in the national dish: poutine which is fries served with brown gravy and cheese curds. And in the U.K they can be eaten in fish and chips, served with salt and vinegar on top.
Who exactly invented the French fry, might stay a mystery forever, but it unique and mouth-watering flavour is enjoyed by millions of people around the world, whether it’s called French fry or something else!French Fries are used in many dishes like fish and chips from Britain. Photo credit: French fry vendor in Belgium Photo credit: CollectieNationaal Verbond van Frituristen (NaVeFri)
Put the sentences in the correct order to make great French fries!
1. Gently simmer them 10 minutes in vinegar water (vinegar will make it extra crispy)
2. Shallow-fry them twice
3. Cut potatoes with a serrated knife
4. Now you have crispy, heavenly fries!
5. Don’t soak the potatoes, rinse them
Instant noodles, or instant ramen, are a block of noodles flavored with the packets of special flavoring or seasoning oil. They are mostly sold in cups and packets ready to cook. Some noodles are fried instead of boiled. Instant noodles are mostly made of processed wheat or flour. They also sometimes come with some vegetables like carrot or pieces of meat and chicken.
The inventor of instant ramen or instant noodles is Momofuku Ando. He made instant noodles in 1958. He has a biography called The Story of the Invention of Instant Ramen, published in 2002. In his biography he remembers walking through Osaka after World War II and seeing a lot of cold, hungry people waiting for a bowl of ramen. So, he experimented with different flavors and made instant noodles in his shed behind his house.
The main ingredients of instant noodles are flour, starch, water, a lot of salt, and kansui. Kansui is a type of alkaline water that contains sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate. Other common ingredients are monosodium glutamate (MSG), seasoning and sugar.
Thank you for reading my article, I hoped you learned more about instant noodles and enjoyed reading about it. Maybe you’ll remember this article the next time you are eating instant noodles! (there's also a secret bowl of noodles somewhere in this page).
Instant noodles with vegetables Photo Credit: Momofuku Ando Photo Credit: WikipediaAre the things humans see different from what animals see? Most animals have panoramic eyesight which is where the eyes have a wide range of vision. Animals such as horses, cows, and sheep have eyes that are notably apart, which means some can see the back of their heads! We’ll be talking about the vision of dogs, birds, and crabs.
This might be surprising to everyone, but dogs can only see colours in shades of blue and yellow. Whilst we humans can see all red, blue, and yellow. Wild dogs hunt, and to help them hunt they have a wide view of vision. Dogs are around 20 times better when looking at moving objects. Do you ever wonder why dogs can see better than us at night? It's because they have a
lens in their eyes which makes their vision brighter than humans.
Birds can fly and vision is very important for them, as this is what helps them catch their prey. Birds are one of the group of animals which have large eyes. Their eyes are placed in a solid vision making them experts in calculating distances. Birds can’t see well under low light conditions; but some birds do migrate over low light conditions. Birds can identify steady-moving objects and animals which helps birds during migration.
Two of the many species of crabs living on the ocean floor have colour-coding skills which help them to identify food. Most crabs live on the ocean floor but how can they see colour? Crabs have a sensitivity to the colours: blue and UV (ultraviolet) light. Female blue crabs become blind when choosing their partner. Fun fact: Crabs can’t move their eyes unless they rotate their body around.
Did you ever think about how your pet can see? Well, now you know. Dogs can see better at night, and both crabs and birds can sense UV (ultraviolet) light, but that depends on each species of animal. Have fun completing a word search!
Have you ever wondered why dogs are so loved and drown you in puppy love? We all know there are many lovable dog breeds around the world with different skills, and personalities. In my opinion here are the Top 3 cutest dog breeds ever!
Golden retrievers have unique personalities. They can be playful, yet they are very gentle with children! They are well known as one of the friendliest, and calmest dog breeds. Golden retrievers learn new tricks and skills quickly and can remember lots of them too, which can help in an emergency. Golden retrievers have the cutest features: a beautiful, gold, furry coat, adorable smiles, floppy ears, and a large round head.
Chow Chows are very loyal dogs, and they create amazing friendships with their owners, making them loving companions. People say Chow Chows are the cleanest dogs and are known to be very attentive. Chow Chows sometimes pick one family member to be their ‘’special one’’ and they are known to be a bit protective over their ‘’special one’’. They do not often enjoy it when other people intrude into their house.
Bernese mountain dogs are big and fluffy, so they are not huge fans of the summer. They like to lay around and be lazy, but still love to go outside for some fun. Bernese mountain dogs can be tall and can grow up to 27 inches. These dogs have multi-colored coats, including black, the main color, and a few markings of red or white.
As you can see there are many cute dog breeds with unique features. Are any of these dogs your favorite or do you have your own? I hope you learned something new from this article. Thank you for reading!
Use your favorite colors to color your own one-of-a-kind cute dog
A dog with a thick beautiful coat and colourful eyes: it’s easy to want a husky. They are not only charming to look at but also make a good friend. Originally from Siberia, the wonderful husky made its way around the world and amaze us with their smart, friendly, and playful characters.
Cute huskies sledding through snow
Photo Credit:
The people of Chukchi, in Siberia, first used the husky as sled dogs and pets. In 1909, huskies were brought to Alaska where they were used in sled dog races, but in 1925 a terrible bacterial disease spread in Nome, a village in Alaska. Huskies were used to transport sick patients to hospitals. The huskies had to face terrible snowstorms and blizzards during the journey.
Huskies are loving, welcoming, smart, and playful dogs. They are mostly known for their friendly behaviour, and they make loyal dogs for people who have an active lifestyle. Huskies are also independent, and love exploring mostly because they have lots of energy. Huskies might be independent, but they want your attention most of the time. Huskies are a similar to babies, they can play with toys by themselves, but want your attention.
Husky enjoying the view Photo Credit: Zoreza FarooqHuskies might look like wolves, but other than their looks, they are nothing like them. An average husky’s height is 34-40cm, and they weigh 16-27 kg. Their life span is around 12-15 years, which is longer than most other dogs their size. Huskies love to exercise, so 2 hours of exercise would be perfect for them. Huskies can eat meat, fruits, rice, vegetables, and eggs, unlike wolves.
I hope you learned something new in my article! Maybe you could convince your parents to buy you a husky and even though they are expensive, who knows you might get one!
Do you know what the oldest land animal on Earth is? It is actually a tortoise! At 190 years old, a giant tortoise called Jonathan, who lives in the Seychelles, is the oldest land animal ever.
Let's read and learn more about tortoises.
Tortoises are animals classified as reptiles. They are hatched from eggs and are born with a hard shell made from bone. They are mostly vegetarian, eating fruit, plants, and vegetables. They live on the land and don’t stay in water like turtles do. Some species of tortoises are very small, and some are colossal.
Tortoises, especially giant tortoises, are well known for living very long. Actually no one really knows about why they can live so long, but most scientists think the reason they live so long is because they do not really move fast. If they do not move fast, they can save energy. Also for giant tortoises, they do not have predators who may want to kill them, so they have less or no stress which could help them to live longer too.
Tortoises are not so easy to have as a pet, because they are very delicate animals, and each species prefers different temperatures, or moisture in the air. Some prefer dry, some prefer high temperatures, so it is important before you get one, that you do your research first. It is also important to remember that tortoises live for at least years, so it's a big commitment!
Jonathan the oldest land animal Photo credit: theepochtimes com Some tortoises species beautiful but delicate Photo credit: everythingreptiles.comIhopeyoulearnedsomethingabouttortoises.Youmightevenbeinterested ingettingoneasapet. IfyouwanttoknowmoreaboutJonathan, youcanopenthislink Thankyouforreading.
Why not complete a word search?
Danger is everywhere, maybe even in your garden! Did you know that deadly plants can grow anywhere, and can even kill you! In this article, I’m going to tell you about the top 3 deadliest plants in the world.
Water hemlocks are one of the deadliest plants on Earth. It typically grows in wet, muddy places. Unfortunately, water hemlocks are confused with non-poisonous plants such as wild carrots and parsnips because they have similar features. Additionally, water hemlocks grow to about 2.5 meters tall. It's leaves are divided, and the flowers are close to each other in a group. If you eat water hemlock the effects can be sweating, vomiting, excess saliva, a rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, restlessness or confusion.
Deadly nightshades grow in chalky soil and disturbed ground where scrub or verges are found. The plants often have shiny black berries, which are green at first and then turn glint black. Their green leaves are oval pointed and have a ribbed look with purple-brown flowers around the berry. Deadly Nightshades mainly grow in Central and Southern England. When eaten, it can cause blurry vision, rashes, headaches, trouble speaking, and hallucinations.
Water Hemlock Photo credit: flawildflowers. orgWhite snakeroot is a poisonous North American herb. There, this plant is found in meadows and woodlands. Much admired, white snakeroots can grow up to 1.5 meters tall. Proudly, this plant can have one stem, or it could have a lot of snakeroot plants around like clumping. The leaves are 18 cm tall, and grow in opposite directions from each other.
White snakeroots have small white flowers on them. If you touch a white snakeroot, it can affect your heartbeat, muscles and coordination,
There are many more deadly plants out there. If you want to know more why not explore this website and learn more about other plants.
It's time for a Wordsearch!
White Leaves
White Snakeroot plant Photo credit: Arkansas Native Plant SocietyI wanted to find out what my classmate's favourite science experiment was, and it turned out to be the “Rainbow Fizz” experiment. It’s also my favourite! The Rainbow Fizz experiment is great to try (with an adult), and I hope you enjoy reading about it in my article.
To do this experiment you will need drain or toilet bowl cleaner as an Acid and for the Alkali will need some crystal of washing soda. If you don’t have one of these items, then you can buy it online. You also need to have a glass and Universal Indicator, which is a substance that makes Acids and Alkali change colour. And finally, you need water.
First, put the crystal of washing soda into the glass, then add two-thirds of a glass of water. Next, add the Universal Indicator, one-third of the toilet cleaner and the experiment is done. The water will be a rainbow
This experiment works because the crystal of washing soda is an Alkali, so it makes the bottom blue and the toilet cleaner is an Acid, so it makes it red. The yellow and dark blue are there because the Acid and Alkali mix with the water, as it dilutes the liquid.
K-Pop is gaining popularity every single day, which also means plenty of Korean girl groups are rising in popularity too, But which female K-Pop groups have the most fans around the world? These are the top 5 female groups in K-Pop right now!
S.E.S is the first female K-Pop group that debuted in 1997 and rose to fame in the late 90’s and early 2000’s but disbanded in 2002. S.E.S has 3 members, Bada, Shoo and Eugene. They are the inspiration of many 2nd generation idols.
TWICE debuted in 2015 and released their breakout song, “Cheer Up”, only 6 months after their debut. TWICE consists of 9 members, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu. They are the first female K-Pop group to have Japanese and Taiwanese members.
Red Velvet debuted in 2014 with 4 members, Irene, Seulgi, Joy, and Wendy, but had another member, Yeri, who joined around a year later, during their era of fame. They are famous for concepts of their “Red” (happier) and “Velvet” (elegant and scary) songs and their amazing vocals.
BLACKPINK is an internationally known group that debuted in 2016, with the songs “Whistle” and “Boombayah”. They have 4 members, Jennie, Rosé, Lisa, and Jisoo. Their song “DDU-DU-DDU-DU” gained worldwide attention and now has over 2 billion views on YouTube.
Girls’ Generation is a group that first appeared in 2007 with 9 members, Taeyeon, Sunny, Jessica, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona and Seohyun. They are the inspiration for many current idols and are the “Nation’s Girl Group” of South Korea, with many hit songs including “Gee” and “Into the New World”.
As you can see, K-pop is a fantastic genre of music and I hope you have learnt something new from this article. Do you like K-pop? If so, who is your favourite group? Thank you for reading this article and I hope you enjoyed it!
The newest Pokémon game was released on 18 November 2022, with many controversies, along with appreciation. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, despite its well-made story, has many glitches that could affect a player's gameplay. In this article, I'm going to introduce the 4 weirdest glitches in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
The first glitch I am going to introduce to you is the “wall breaking glitch”, in which the character of the game ignores every obstacle and goes past the walls or falls under the map infinitely. It can happen anywhere and anytime. The only explanation for this glitch is that the character slipped into a leap between a ledge and flat ground, causing an error.
Another frustrating glitch in the game is "Tera Raid battle glitch". The AI used on raid Pokémon contains some problems. The ordinary raid battle follows a certain pattern. You can attack three times before the Pokémon generates a crystal bar that reduces damage. Players can “Teralizes” to decrease its Hp. But because of the error, it randomly creates a barrier before you reach three hits.
The next mind-blowing glitch is "Hand standing Pokemon”. This glitch happens when you land between rocks, or edges riding your legendary, and they will stop in the pose when they land. If you’re afraid of being stuck forever, don’t worry. Game Freak has made a system to move characters to a nearby spot when the program detects when character's are “Stuck”.
The final and most bizarre glitch that I’m going to show is “Model glitch”. You might not find much difficulty in your gameplay, but it looks rather funny under some circumstances. For example, people can turn into giants by riding their Pokémon. Or riding a Pokémon, which makes you like floating in the air. But in other cases, you might find it creepy. People’s bodies twisting and spinning like a drill. But still smiling like nothing is happening.
Though there are negative aspects in the game, I think the joy of playing Pokémon Scarlet & Violet isn't impacted. And we know, someday, there will be a perfect Pokémon game that can satisfy everyone. But now, why don’t you go to the game shop nearby and purchase this new Pokémon game?
Controversy: Heated disagreement in public.
AI (Artificial Intelligence): The computer system which can perform human-required tasks.
Error: Problem caused in program.
Circumstance: Certain situations related to event or action.
Player turned into monster by riding pokemon, Miraidon. Photo credit: YoDo you play Genshin Impact? Do you want to play Genshin Impact? Genshin Impact was released in 2020 by the Chinese gaming company Mihoyo. Genshin Impact is an adventure game enjoyed by people all over the world. People can have adventures, with others, using multiplayer mode. Genshin Impact is a story about adventures through seven countries to find a lost family. In this article, I’m going to tell you about Genshin Impact events.
Genshin Impact Rantern Rite Event
Photo Credit: HoYoLab
The top Genshin Impact event is the Lantern Rite event. The Lantern Rite event is held every New Year, and it is the most popular event in Genshin Impact because each year it has a different story, and you can see beautiful village decorations. Additionally, it gives many rewards.
The second top event is the Golden Apple Archipelago event. It is an event that is held every year, usually in the summer. The Golden Apple Archipelago are special islands that can only be visited during the event period. There you can play mini-games and explore the Golden Apple Archipelago with characters.
The third top event is Akitsu Kimodameshi. This event was held from December 25, 2022, to January 2, 2023. The Akitsu Kimodameshi event is a test of courage, where players work with the characters to investigate what happened in the forest. During the investigation, the players met a ghost. Players then helped the ghost to solve problems and challenges.
You can explore this website: to find more information about the characters, strategies, and events.
Find some characters in this word search
So many terrible things happened in 2022! The biggest issues the world is facing are global warming, floods, landslides, and many more. Disasters like these happen at different times,in different countries, and in some cases have killed thousands of people.
First, let's look at Japan. In February 2022, heavy snow fell nationwide, and Japan was also hit by a strong cold wave, resulting in a record heavy snowfall mainly in Northern Japan and the Sea of Japan’s coastline. The mountainous areas of Nagano Prefecture saw more snow than usual. In June 2022, Japan recorded its highest heat wave in 147 years, when Tokyo recorded an extremely hot day exceeding 35 degrees Celsius.
Now let's turn our attention to the United States. In August 2022, America experienced its worst drought in more than 1,200 years.As a result, 229 million acres (an area more than four times Hokkaido in Japan) of crops were lost. In December 2022, a heavy snow fell in New York, USA, and it snowed for several days.
Lastly let’s focus on Sydney, Australia. In July 2022, after four days of torrential rain and 800mm of rain in New South Wales, the river flooded. Authorities urged 50,000 people to evacuate. Many people were trapped in cars trying to drive on flooded roads. The rain water flooded areas where they grew crops, causing serious damage to the vegetables and fruits.
As you have read so many terrible things happened in 2022. Let’s hope that 2023 is better for all of us!!
Question9)Whatisthemostcommontypeoftrashthatlittersouroceans?A:CigarettesB:PlasticbagsC:BeverageplasticbottlesD: Straws/stirrersQuestion10)Howlongdoesittakeforaglassbottleorjartodecompose?
Have you ever heard of figure skating? If you haven’t, you’ve missed an amazing experience. Figure skating is a competition that displays beauty, unlike other typical sports. Figure skating has been an Olympic Winter sport since 1976.
Figure skating is one of the most popular winter sports and was first introduced in the 1908 summer Olympics in London. It was also the first Olympic sport that was made for females. Figure skating takes place on an ice-skating rink, either indoor or outdoor. Figure skaters wear specific types of shoes. The shoes have these blades underneath to help the skaters move on the ice.
There are a lot of opinions about when figure skating was first invented. There’s one idea that ice skating might have originated in Scandinavia. However, modern skating was first invented by a ballet dancer named Jackson Haines in the 1860s. Shortly after, it was introduced in the Summer and Winter Olympics. It did not become an Olympic sport until 1976, and until this day, it’s still a popular sport.
Figure skating improves balance and builds muscles in your legs and core. Figure skating is a form of art to express feelings. The reason why people like figure skating is because the movements are graceful looking and beautiful. Even though figure skating is quite hard to learn it’s still a popular sport because it can be enjoyed by people from all ages. Figure skating is most popular in Russia, China, America, Canada, and Japan.
Born in 1994, Hanyu is a Japanese figure skater who has broken world records on 19 occasions. He claimed his first gold medal at the 2010 junior world championships.
Midori Ito is a Japanese figure skater who was born 1969. She was famous for being the first Asian woman to win a gold medal.
Ilia Malilin
An 18-year-old boy, named Ilia Malinin, is an American figure skater who was known for becoming the first skater to perform a mid-air spinning jump 4 times at once.
I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about figure skating. If you want to start figure skating maybe first try going to an ice-skating school at the nearest ice-skating place in your area.
Have you ever been bored in Jakarta, but not know where to go? Well, I am going to give you recommendations of some fun places to visit around Jakarta.
One of the fun places you could visit in Jakarta is Youreka. Youreka is a play place for children to learn how to be a farmer and learn about food process. When you enter Youreka you will receive a check book, for all the activities to do in Youreka. The activities you could do are feeding the replica cows, milking the cows, feeding chickens, learning how to make food and many more.
Another place you could visit in Jakarta is KidZania. KidZania is a fun place that teaches children about work. In KidZania you can have jobs such as a police officer, doctor and many more. In return for working in KidZania you get pretend money referred to as KidZos which you can use to buy souvenirs from the gift shop. The entry fee for KidZania for kids is IDR 225.000, IDR 50,000 for toddlers and IDR 185,000 for adults.
Finally, you could also visit Dufan which stands for Dunia Fantasy. Dufan is an amusement park with crazy rollercoasters and less scary rides for younger children. Because Dufan is a very famous park, a lot of people go there every day and the lines can be very long. To avoid the lines I would recommend getting the fast track access which is an extra IDR 500,000 . To get in to Dufan starts at IDR 200,000.
As you can see, Jakarta has many enjoyable places to play. I hope you visit one of these fun places. Thank you for reading!
Use your favorite colors to make this picture colourfull!
Do you know or like Bob Ross? This article is all about Bob Ross who was a famous artist born in Florida in 1942. He had a wife and a son. His son would grow up to also be an artist. Bob Ross sadly died, aged 52, in 1995.
Bob Ross was born in Orlando, Florida, USA. Bob joined the Air Force when he was 18 years old. He started painting in the early 1960‘s when he was in Alaska. He used oil painting techniques, which he saw on Bill Alexander’s show. Bill is the person to inspired Bob to start art as well as teach him art. Bob Ross married to a woman named Lynda Brown. They would then have a baby named Steve.
Bob Ross is known for his oil paintings and his use of the wet-on-wet technique. This technique doesn’t wait for it to dry, and helps the colours blend well. He had a series on YouTube called “The Joy of Painting” where you can see him paint. The series has 31 seasons with 403 episodes in total! Millions of people have tried to recreate his artwork by watching his videos.
Bob Ross, Lynda Brown and Steve Ross Photo Credit : twoinchbrush comBob Ross changed the world in many ways. He has inspired many people to start art and to try the wet-on-wet techniques, the way he strokes his brush using oil paint and his use of painting knives. He also made people happy with his attitude as he always made jokes while painting in his videos. People still watch his videos to this day.
Thank you for reading my article. If you want to watch Bob Ross and the episodes of Bob Ross’s series, you can find them here -