Intentions 108 EN

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Intentions Y26_03/2015 periodical magazine of LeasePlan Belgium

appears four times a year in January - March - June - September


The lost Ferrari of Alain Delon Escape Enjoy a weekend in Paris, Normandy, Deudesfeld, Flushing or Ostend Survey Lease drivers and their driving behaviour

Win a Ferrari 250 California Spider

NOUVELLE JAGUAR XE LA BERLINE DE SPORT REDÉFINIE. La toute nouvelle XE s’inspire du design et des technologies de la fameuse F-TYPE pour devenir la berline de sport Jaguar la plus avancée. Grâce à ses motorisations aux performances intelligentes (99gr/km de CO2 pour le 2.0D 163ch), sa structure légère en aluminium issue de l’aéronautique et ses solutions intuitives de connectivité « InControl », elle redéfinit le segment des berlines de sport premium.



3,8–8,3 L/100 KM. CO2 : 99–194 G/KM. Informations environnementales (AR 19/03/04) : Donnons priorité à la sécurité. Jaguar XE disponible en juin 2015. 3 ans de garantie kilométrage illimité. Modèle illustré : Jaguar XE S.

Intentions Editorial 3


Dear reader, Phoning, drinking or eating behind the wheel: 84% of European drivers are guilty of doing these things on occasions. This is revealed in a survey carried out by the market-research firm TNS for the LeasePlan MobilityMonitor. As much as a quarter of drivers in Belgium admit to texting or checking social media while driving. Initiatives regarding safe driving are therefore anything but a luxury. Because we consider your safety of utmost importance, LeasePlan has launched SafePlan, an initiative to sharpen your driving skills and help you develop a safer driving style. We are all quite familiar with cars that run on diesel, petrol, gas and electricity. But did you know that there are also cars today that can run on seawater? Or that electric cars exist with batteries that can be recharged by sunlight or wind power? Drive technology is evolving rapidly and will also be gradually implemented in our vehicles in the coming years. This Intentions will provide you with a brief overview of the latest technological innovations in the car industry. From the future to classic, with the story of two experts from the French auction house Artcurial. During a routine job on the abandoned grounds of a château, they stumbled across an exceptional collection of classic cars that unfortunately had been left to their fate. The editorial team of Intentions has also discovered some gems, but this time of the touristic variety. Now that spring is slowly making its appearance, you may be feeling the urge to go away for a weekend with your trusted four-wheeler. In which case, you’re in good hands, because we’ve selected five great spring destinations only a few hours driving distance from the Belgian capital. We hope you enjoy reading this issue of Intentions! Michel Van den Broeck Managing Director LeasePlan

Follow us on social networks! @LeasePlanBE

Qui dit mieux ? La Volvo S60 et son nouveau moteur D4 : 102 g CO 2/km – 190 ch

La réponse tient en un seul mot : personne. Les nouveaux moteurs 4 cylindres 2.0 litres sont des références de classe internationale. Aussi bien avec la boîte manuelle qu’avec la boîte automatique à 8 rapports. Prenez, par exemple, la S60 D4 : 190 chevaux déchaînés pour seulement 102 g CO2 /km. Les avantages ? Plaisir de conduire maximal, fiscalité et avantage de toute nature minimaux. En d’autres termes, elle représente la voiture de société idéale. Venez la mettre à l’épreuve et découvrir ce qu’elle a sous le capot. Boîte de vitesses

Contribution nette ATN


Déductibilité fiscale


86,31 €/mois

102 g


99 - 149 G CO2/KM | 3,8 - 6,4 L/100 KM Informations environnementales (A.R. 19/03/2004) : Visuel présenté à titre d’illustration.

Intentions Contents 5

contents 06

LeasePlan News

Everything you want to know about‌ 08


LeasePlan Xpert Day 2015 10


Technowonderland 12


Results of the LeasePlan MobilityMonitor 14


Manufacturers choose their celebrity 16


Spring beckons 18


From scrapheap to museum piece 20


Car seeks name (part 2)

CONTACT LEASEPLAN INTENTIONS Excelsiorlaan 8 - 1930 Zaventem - 02-722 62 11 - Š LeasePlan 2015 PUBLISHER MICHEL VAN DEN BROECK


The Act on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data: personal data will be transmitted to and recorded in a file in the possession of LeasePlan Fleet Management nv with its registered office located at Excelsiorlaan 8, 1930 Zaventem, which is responsible for processing. Personal data will be used by LeasePlan with a view to (i) managing pre-contractual and contractual relations, (ii) preventing misuse and irregularities, (iii) compiling statistics and testing, (iv) providing assistance and information to drivers and (v) conducting satisfaction surveys among drivers. Personal data may be disclosed to third parties in a contractual relationship with LeasePlan, including suppliers and subcontractors of LeasePlan. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data by writing to LeasePlan at the above address and/or the e-mail address




Can my car be hacked?

6 Intentions News

Bike Sense… makes sense

Go Ugo! Despite being barely 12 years old, Brussels youngster Ugo de Wilde has just started his seventh go-karting season. He is taking part in the X30 Jr category of the ASAF championship (Association Sportive Automobile Francophone). This year, he’s facing a tight international programme. The two most important meets of the X30 Jr category are taking place abroad. First up, in April, will be the European Challenge in Castelletto, Italy. Later in the year, in October,

Jaguar Land Rover’s Bike Sense includes a range of technologies to keep drivers alert to

the X30 World Challenge at Le Mans (France) is

hazardous situations involving two-wheeled traffic through a variety of sounds, colours

scheduled. This will be the ideal opportunity for

and even touch warnings. In this way, the manufacturer is looking to significantly reduce

the Belgian representative to go up against the

the number of accidents involving cyclists and motorcyclists.

world’s go-karting elite for the first time. LeasePlan cannot help but be proud of a partner-

Bike Sense uses sensors on the car that can recognise cyclists and motorcyclists from

ship with such a young ambitious talent as Ugo.

afar, long before the driver sees them. The driver is made aware through sound and light

Go Ugo!

signals. A bicycle bell will ring, for example, when a cyclist comes dangerously close. Bike Sense also sees bicycles and motorbikes approaching from behind or riding alongside the car. If this happens, an air cushion in the top of the seat will inflate automatically and give the driver a ‘tap on the shoulder’, causing him to instinctively turn his head and see the potential danger. When a cyclist is in the immediate vicinity of the car, a set of yellow and red LEDs will light up in the windscreen/door pillars and on the dashboard. The sensors will also detect pedestrians crossing behind a parked vehicle. When this happens, the driver is alerted by means of sound and light signals that also indicate the pedestrian’s direction of movement. If the driver fails to respond to the signals, the accelerator pedal will provide additional resistance or start to vibrate. Bike Sense also gives a warning when passengers try to open the door as a cyclist is approaching, initially by means of light signals. If a passenger decides to go ahead and open the door, the door handle will light up and start to vibrate and buzz as a sign of danger.


Intentions News 7

The latest

by LeasePlan

Let us know! Do you have any suggestions or feel that LeasePlan can improve in any area? If so, please send an e-mail to

Eddy Merckx and Jacky Ickx


With 525 victo-

It might seem somewhat contradictory to have a smartphone app for

ries to his name,

using in the car which drastically reduces the risk of accidents and

Eddy Merckx

fines. But nothing could be further from the truth. The Belgian com-

is considered

pany Freeedrive has launched an app that allows you to get behind

to be the most

the wheel safely while staying connected to the outside world. The


developers intend to use the app to tackle a thorny problem behind

cyclist of all

many accidents. Research shows that sending messages while

time. Jacky

driving increases the risk of an accident by as much as 23 times.

Ickx’s career is one of the rich-

It’s always tempting to reach for your smartphone when you receive

est and longest

a message on Facebook or a tweet. Your social network is not aware

in the history

of when you’re driving, after all. The team at Freeedrive came up

of motorsport.

with a solution. The app automatically sends a Facebook and/or

‘The Cannibal’

Twitter message to your social network informing everyone that it is

and ‘Monsieur

not safe to distract you. If you still choose to reach for your device

Le Mans’, close friends since their youth, will both celebrate their

to use a specific app, you will get a prompt notification stopping

70th birthday in 2015 with a large-scale exhibition in Brussels. It was

you. After initial installation via Bluetooth, everything will happen

a huge challenge to capture all aspects of their busy careers and im-

automatically each time you get into your car.

merse visitors in a story full of excitement, adventure, perseverance, strength, victories and setbacks, technique, drama and beauty. The exhibition not only features authentic racing cars and original racing bikes; carefully cherished items from Merckx and Ickx’s private collections are also on display, memorabilia and prized items have been selected from national and international collections, and hitherto unseen photos and radio and television reports have been brought together for the first time. Another unique feature of the exhibition is the chance for visitors to get personally involved: you can race against Eddy Merckx, be a sports commentator or test your knowledge about motorsport. More information at

8 Intentions Event

LeasePlan 2015 Xpert Day LeasePlan organised its annual Xpert Day on 15 January 2015 during the Brussels Motor Show. This year the seminar for fleet managers centred around innovations at LeasePlan.

Michel Van den Broeck, Managing Director, got the proceedings under

possible by taking over all operational tasks without additional

way by presenting the impressive figures of our annual customer-

billing (such as end-of-contract damage, etc.). The fleet manager

loyalty survey. No less than 95 per cent of LeasePlan customers are

will receive only one invoice a month with a fixed amount. This will

satisfied with the service provided. But at LeasePlan we never rest on

result in a lower TCO. Johan Portier concluded by talking about My

our laurels. Satisfaction alone is not enough. ‘Our aim is to shift from

LeasePlan, your online co-pilot, which will be further expanded with

customer satisfaction to customer delight,’ explained Van den Broeck.

more options to make it even easier for you as the driver.

Moreover, LeasePlan continues to build on the safety of every driver. We are also here to assist you in an ever-changing society.

As in the leasing sector for passenger cars, LeasePlan is also market leader in Light Commercial Vehicles (with a 20.6% share). This is due

Commercial Director Johan Portier discussed in depth the products

in no small measure to our continuous improvements. LeasePlan

and innovations at LeasePlan. In the area of mobility, LeasePlan

has three major goals for LCVs in 2015. Frank Deroy, Manager LCV

is introducing a mobility budget for drivers. SafePlan, which has

& Public department: ‘We want to minimise off-road time, optimise

already been announced and will be rolled out in the course of this

the management of LCV costs and – as with ‘normal’ lease drivers –

year, is intended to encourage drivers to drive their vehicles more

improve driving behaviour.’ LeasePlan is also optimising its end-of-

safely and responsibly. A new innovation is Telematics, a system

contract procedure. End-of-contract damage is being reviewed and

currently in the pilot phase. A black box in the leased car will enable

more use will be made of smart repairs. This will undoubtedly reduce

LeasePlan to contact the driver proactively at any time. LeasePlan’s

costs. LeasePlan has also introduced a new service: advertising

FleetPlan is designed to make the fleet manager’s life as easy as

removal from all vehicles, both LCVs and passenger cars.




UN SILENCE QU’ON VA ENTENDRE. Le silence de ce diesel 1.6 CDTI est plus agréable que jamais, maintenant que l’intérieur cuir vous est offert. Vous êtes divinement installé, sachant que ce moteur puissant ne consomme que 4,1 l/100 km et que les émissions sont de 109 g CO2/km à peine. C’est ça, l’excellence allemande à la portée de tous. Découvrez les conditions de cette action chez votre Concessionnaire Opel ou sur

4,1-4,3 L/100 KM

109-114 G/KM

info environnement (AR 19/03/2004): *Offre réservée uniquement aux clients professionnels pour toute commande de Mokka placée entre le 1/1/2015 et le 31/3/2015.

10 Intentions Future

Technology never stands still in the car industry. Engineers go to extreme lengths in their quest for energy-efficient solutions for our sacred cow. They have designed cars, for example,

Techno wonderland that can run on seawater or generate energy by the movement of air. What not so long ago might have sounded like pure

science fiction could be the norm in the near future. We’d like to share some of these technological marvels with you.

The fuel cell as a mini-power plant Electric cars still have to contend with two major drawbacks: a limited range and the time it takes to recharge the batteries. That is why Toyota tried a different tack with this Mirai and opted for an entirely different technology: the fuel cell. This is a kind of mini-power plant that converts hydrogen – stored in a tank in a gaseous state – into electricity and water. The electricity required for powering the vehicle is generated by means of a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. This ground-breaking car has the driving range of a traditional saloon, can be refuelled in less than five minutes and has no exhaust emissions other than water vapour. Unfortunately, the number of hydrogen refuelling stations

Driving on seawater

currently available is still very limited. However, now that Toyota is introducing an affordable hydrogen car this year in the form of the

This sports car does not run on diesel or petrol, nor on electricity or

Mirai, which will cost around 48,000 euros in Japan, the situation

natural gas. None of these. The amazingly beautiful Quant e-Sport-

may soon change.

limousine you see here drives on seawater. At the heart of the car is a battery system that generates energy from seawater using ‘flow cell’ technology, which stores the liquid electrolyte (brine) in an external tank and pumps it through the batteries. This produces 920 hp and enables the car to reach 100 km/h in 2.8 seconds. It has a top speed of 380 km/h. Two 200-litre tanks ensure that the e-Sportlimousine has a range of 600 km. NanoFlowcell technology was originally used by the US space agency NASA in 1976 and developed further for use in cars by the Nanoflowcell company located in Liechtenstein. The manufacturer is currently working hard on a production model, but the price tag will not be cheap. The car will cost – wait for it – more than a million euros.

Powered by sun and wind Another car to make use of a revolutionary power system is this Mercedes G-Code. A hydrogen engine fed by a fuel cell drives the front wheels, while an electric motor takes care of the rear wheels. What makes this G-Code even more special is the fact that the lithium-ion batteries can be charged not only from a conventional socket but also simply by leaving the car in the sun. In the ‘multi-voltaic’ silver paint finish are microscopic solar cells that are able to recharge the battery cells. And electrostatic energy is also generated when air flows over the car. All these factors make the car extremely environmentally friendly. The G-Code provides space for four people. Each seat is independently positioned and contains built-in body scanners. This means that the system is able to adjust the air conditioning, activate a massage function and, if desired, blow extra oxygenated air into the interior.

100 kilometres on one litre of fuel With the Eolab, Renault also has a prototype in-house that pushes the boundaries of ultra-energy efficiency. The average car will consume roughly between five and seven litres of fuel per 100 km. The Eolab, on the other hand, needs less than one litre to travel 100 km. How does it do this? Thanks to the use of ultra-light materials such as aluminium, plastic and magnesium, the Eolab is a feather weight. It is also extremely streamlined and equipped with a very economic hybrid drive, making it possible to do daily trips virtually emission-free. It recovers energy while driving. Recharging is done from a conventional power outlet. It has a range of 60 km on electric power and a top speed of 120 km/h. Renault is not the first manufacturer to present a car that consumes less than one litre per 100 km. That honour already went to the Volkswagen XL1, a lightweight eco-wonder notable for its futuristic, teardrop-shaped design with large wing doors extending far into the roof. Unlike the XL1, which is being made in limited numbers, Renault took into account right from the outset that the Eolab may be destined for mass production in the near future.

Shark Skin bodywork What is remarkable about this Peugeot Exalt is the use of unusual materials. The bodywork, for example, has been made from ‘Shark Skin’, a rough material that mimics the texture of a real shark for optimum aerodynamics. In addition to steel and leather, natural materials such as wood and wool have also been used in the interior. It is also no surprise that Peugeot has fitted the Exalt with a hybrid drive. The air extractor in the rear bumper, the curved roof and the profiled exterior mirrors all ensure less air resistance, which in turn results in lower fuel consumption. A black light system is built into the headlamps to make road markings and signs more visible during dawn and dusk. The Peugeot Exalt is also equipped with a special air-conditioning system called Pure Blue, which removes bacteria and spores from the air.

12 Intentions Survey

Safety first!

But what about in practice? A recent survey carried out by TNS for the LeasePlan MobilityMonitor reveals some striking results regarding road safety. A total of 3,377 lease drivers in 20 different countries were asked about their driving behaviour.

Raising awareness in the workplace

‘We need to urge drivers to adapt their driving behaviour to the various objectives relating to safety, but also in the areas of cost management and CO2 emissions,’

Half of the lease drivers who were surveyed worldwide say that the companies they work for focus on driver safety. Almost a third of all drivers questioned reported that they were able to attend courses and workshops or take tests on safe driving. In Belgium, only 16% of drivers said that they receive workshops on safe driving from

(Nathalie de Vries, senior consultant at LeasePlan)

their employer, while 24% receive tips and tricks. LeasePlan notices a growing interest among fleet managers in topics related to the individual driver, such as safety and driving behaviour. ‘We need to urge drivers to adapt their driving behaviour to the various objectives relating to safety, but also in the areas of cost management and CO2 emissions,’ says Nathalie de Vries, senior consultant at LeasePlan.

80% of Belgians use smartphones at the wheel 84% of the surveyed drivers admitted to doing other things while driving. Phoning while driving is the favoured activity (73%), followed by drinking (42%) and eating (37%). As much as a quarter (27%) of drivers in Belgium admitted to texting and checking social media while at the wheel. What is striking is that drivers in Western European countries such as France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands drive and use social media far more often than drivers in other countries. LeasePlan would like to respond to this trend. For this reason, it

The majority of drivers (63%) encounter tailbacks driving either to or from work.

provides assistance to fleet managers in increasing driver safety. The SafePlan programme is a good example of this. SafePlan and the associated costs by creating more awareness among

56% of Belgians get stuck in traffic on the way to work

drivers and by improving their skills concerning safety and

The survey also shows that drivers take an average of 50 minutes to

responsible driving.

get to or from work. Journey time differences between countries are

helps companies to reduce the number of avoidable accidents

The greatest annoyances

also significant. The average single journey in Portugal and Brazil, for example, takes more than 90 minutes. In the Czech Republic, Greece

The lease drivers were also asked about other topics relating to

and Spain, people do not spend more than 30 minutes driving to

safe driving. According to the LeasePlan MobilityMonitor, the


most annoying behaviour on the road is tailgating (24%), followed by driving too slowly (20%) and cutting off (17%). Strikingly, the

The majority of drivers (63%) encounter tailbacks driving either to or

youngest drivers in Belgium are the ones who demonstrate the

from work. Belgium is one of the most densely populated areas in

most annoying behaviour in traffic. For example, 78% of 18 to

Europe. We are therefore also faced with the most traffic congestion:

34-year-olds admit to occasionally tailgating, while 76% of the

56% of Belgians reported getting stuck in traffic while commuting to

same age group admits to speeding often. What is most disturbing

or from work. This is the highest rate in the European Union after the

is that no less than 73% occasionally cut off other drivers.

Italians (61.8%).

14 Intentions People

Manufacturers choose their celebrity

Maria Sharapova

The launch of a new car model often goes hand in hand with a large-scale marketing strategy. Often car manufacturers turn to a celebrity to attract attention to their make and model. From singers to athletes and television personalities, there are numerous examples.

Tia Hellebaut

The Borlées and Lexus is a well-known American rapper, producer and singer with the hip-hop band ‘The Black Eyed Peas’. The musician has a passion for cars and in recent years has built a strong reputation in the automotive world. In 2014, he was chosen as ambassador for the launch of the latest Lexus model, the NX. The American played a major role in Lexus’s new advertising campaign ‘Striking Again’.

Tia Hellebaut and Skoda Tia Hellebaut can look back on a successful

Bear Grylls

career in athletics. Belgium is still proud of her great performance at the Olympic Games in Beijing. This extremely athletic woman is also an energetic mother of two young daughters.

José Mourinho and Jaguar

Compelling reasons for Skoda to choose Tia

The world-famous and eccentric football

as an ambassador! ‘With two young daughters

manager of the English football club Chelsea,

aged four and two, I needed to have a car with

José Mourinho, has been the ambassador of the

a spacious luggage compartment,’ explains Tia

Jaguar F-Type ever since its launch. The manager

Hellebaut. ‘With the Skoda Octavia Combi, I’m

was also one of the first people to drive an

over the moon. My friends are really impressed

F-Type Coupé in the UK. The life of an ambassa-

by the amount of space this car offers. It’s also

dor can be really tough!

very attractive to look at.’

The Borlées and BMW

Maria Sharapova and Porsche Maria Sharapova has been Porsche’s global

The Borlée family already had a contract with

ambassador since 2013. The 27-year-old tennis

BMW Belux in 2011, and in 2013 it was extended

star signed a three-year partnership with Porsche

for another four years. This means that Olivia,

and plays the leading role in the global commu-

Jonathan, Kevin and their father Jacques can

nications campaign of Porsche AG.

use their BMW for travelling to and from sprint competitions and training until 2017. Seeing that

Bear Grylls en Land Rover

the entire family is passionate about cars, they

The British mountaineer and adventurer Bear

launch and marketing campaign of the Discovery

are extremely happy about their collaboration

Grylls was chosen by Land Rover as brand

Sport. It goes without saying that this vehicle fits

with BMW.

ambassador and played an important role in the

in perfectly with his profile.

16 Intentions Escape

Let spring


your fancy

Spring has finally arrived! Time to book that holiday you’ve been looking forward to for so long. Would you prefer a bustling city or the quiet of nature? We would like to propose a few spring destinations to you in collaboration with


Intentions Escape 17

Paris (France) The city of romance

Normandy (France) A combination of history, legend and mystery

This idyllic city is bursting with trendy

In Normandy, you can enjoy the characteristic landscapes

restaurants and inviting little bars in the Montparnasse area and around the Pompidou Centre. Of course, you can also



and impressive UNESCO World Heritage Sites to your heart’s content. A must-see attraction is the Pont de

enjoy the many places of interest that ‘The

Normandie, one of the most impressive bridges in the

City of Light’ has to offer, including the Eiffel

world, which spans the Seine. Revel in the spectacular

Tower or the Champs-Élysées. Be sure to take

cliffs of Etretat, take a walk through Deauville or climb

in the mysterious smile of the Mona Lisa in the

Mont Saint-Michel. Other places definitely worth

Louvre or the provocative dancers at the Moulin

seeing include the Breton capital Rennes, the historic

Rouge. Perhaps you’re more interested in religious

Saint-Malo and Le Tronchet, with the largest golf course in Brittany. For anyone interested in the

buildings. If so, make sure you visit Notre-Dame Cathedral or picturesque Montmartre with the Sacré-Cœur Basilica. In the heart of the French


capital, you can take a leisurely bike ride or

Second World War, a visit to the landing beaches should certainly not be missed.

Deudesfeld (Germany) Woods and deep blue lakes

walk along the Saint-Martin Canal or relax among the old trees, beautiful fountains and numerous statues in the Luxembourg Gardens.

An ideal destination for relaxing is surely the German

Versailles, the magnificent 17th century palace

town of Deudesfeld: an absolute must for anyone who

of the Sun King, Louis XIV, is certainly worth

wants to get away from it all in the beautiful, green surroundings of the Eifel Mountains. Take a walk through

a trip. And you’re bound to score brownie

this fascinating landscape of the Volcanic Eifel. The

points by taking your loved one on the Ferris wheel in the Tuileries Garden, a boat trip up the Seine or a hot-air balloon ride in Parc

feld Deudes

region owes its name to the volcanic activity which gave rise to enormous craters. These craters filled

André Citroën. And if you have a spare day, why

with water from melting snow, resulting in deep blue

not take the kids along to Disneyland® Resort

crater lakes such as Holzmaar and Meerfelder Maar.

Paris, where fun is guaranteed!

Deudesfeld is a paradise for mountain bikers, with various cycling routes criss-crossing the volcanic

Flushing (the Netherlands) With your feet in the water

landscape and towns like Meerfeld, Daun and Bernkastel-Kues. But if you’re not so adventurously

With its two kilometre long boulevard, the pavement cafés on Bellamy park and the beautiful view across the broad Western Scheldt, Flushing is a real attrac-

inclined, be sure to go along to Manderscheid,


tion in the Dutch region of Zeeland. Stroll along the

where the Manderscheider Burgen, two castles from the 17th and 18th centuries, are really worth exploring. As too are the nearby Maarmuseum and

boulevard with its many works of art, statues of

Heimatmuseum. And if you’d like to see more of the

naval heroes, cannons, modern-design sanse-

area, you can plan a trip to the city of Trier, some 68

vierias and restaurants or walk to the town centre

kilometres away. This is the centre of the wine trade

for a spot of shopping or to enjoy a drink at an out-

and the birthplace of Karl Marx.

door café. Children can have great fun in the reptile house ‘Iguana’ or at ‘Het Arsenaal’, the largest indoor pirate theme park in the Netherlands, where

Ostend (Belgium) A seaside metropolis

you will encounter all kinds of tropical fish, sharks

Perhaps you should not search too far from home,

and even pirates. Four kilometres away lies

especially when Belgium has its own little gems. Take

Koudekerke, which is protected from the sea by the beautiful dunes. Take

Ostend, for example, a bustling seaside resort with shopping

a walk along the beach or a bike ride through the Walcheren peninsula.

streets, great restaurants overlooking the North Sea and a dyke for getting some fresh air. Stroll along the boulevard past the Royal Galleries, take a look inside the house of James Ensor, view the


wealth of Belgian art on display at the Mu.ZEE or visit the beautiful-

Specially for the readers of Intentions, has special

ly renovated Kursaal Casino. If you have children, take them along

offers available for these five destinations. For further details,

to the ‘Earth Explorer’ science park, where they can experiment

check out (under Escape) and

with the overwhelming forces of nature.!

18 Intentions Classic

From scrapheap

to museum piece

Just imagine for a moment: you’re walking around somewhere and you see an abandoned barn with the door ajar. Curiosity gets the better of you and you think ‘there’s no one around, I’ll just take a look inside’. What you see there exceeds all expectations: right before your eyes under a thick layer of dust is a beautiful classic car.

Photo: Artcurial

Intentions Classic 19

This is what happened to Pierre Novikoff and Matthieu Lamoure,

“Het was alsof we Doornroosje hadden wakker gekust.”

two experts from the renowned auction house Artcurial. Albeit on a much grander scale. What initially seemed like nothing more

Matthieu Lamoure and Pierre Novikoff with Alain Delon’s 1961 Ferrari 250 California Spider.

than a routine job would turn out to be the discovery of a lifetime. On a château estate in Echiré, in the middle of France, they found an extraordinary collection of prestigious classic cars that had stood wasting away for decades, rusting and gathering dust in the various barns and stables on the grounds. When Lamoure and Novikoff saw the cars for the first time, they were overcome with emotion: ‘This is how Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon must have felt when they were the first people after thousands of years to enter the tomb of Tutankhamen. It was as if we had wakened Sleeping Beauty with a kiss.’ They discovered more than 60 classic cars from the 1920s to the 1970s, including many rare examples of iconic makes such as Bugatti, Hispano-Suiza, Panhard-Levassor, Maserati, Ferrari, Delahaye, Delage, and more. Under the lean-to of a garage, Lamoure and Novikoff came across a 1956 Maserati A6G Gran Sport Frua, only three of which exist in the world. They Photo: Artcurial

also found the Talbot Lago T26 Cabriolet that was once owned by Egyptian King Farouk. The greatest surprise, however, was the 1961 Ferrari 250 California Spider, which film actor Alain Delon used

gradually passed into oblivion. Even after Baillon passed away ten

to impress the ladies and which was found buried under piles of

years ago, few people knew about the extraordinary collection of


timeless classic cars. Only when Baillon’s son also died and his heirs contacted Artcurial auction house did the collection once

The former owner of this impressive fleet of cars was Roger

again become news. In early February, 59 cars from the Baillon

Baillon, the ex-owner of a transport company. In the 1950s, he

collection went under the hammer at an auction in Paris. The

put together a collection of exclusive cars with the intention of

sale attracted huge numbers of bidders and onlookers and was

building a real car museum. However, just as he was about to start

a resounding success. The hammer went down on every car for a

on the large-scale restoration of his private fleet, the oil crisis of

price far exceeding its estimate. Some were even bought for twenty

the early seventies struck and his business went down the drain.

times their estimated value. In total, the 59 Baillon cars gene-

He sold about 50 of his cars and was forced to park his plans for

rated more than 25.2 million euros. The absolute top seller was the

a car museum. The remainder of the fleet was left untouched and

Ferrari that used to be owned by Alain Delon, which was sold for a record amount of no less than 14.2 million euros. This auction is

Phantom traffic jam

further proof that the classic car market is doing really well. Times have never been better to invest in a classic car.

It was a completely different story for the one hundred and fifty American cars from the Second World War that formed an illustrious phantom traffic jam in the middle of the Ardennes forest, near the village of Châtillon in the far south of Belgium. The vehicles were left behind by the American soldiers who at the time were stationed in the neighbourhood during the Second World War. After five years of war, the soldiers were able to go home. But when they themselves were faced with paying for the repatriation of their vehicles, they decided to leave them behind in the coniferous forest, where they were left to their own fate for more than 60 years. In 2010, the mayor at the time had had enough of the hordes of tourists who visited this remarkable vehicle cemetery, and had the wrecks removed one by one.

Would you like your own 1961 Ferrari 250 California Spider? Enter our competition and you could win a miniature version of this classic sports car! Just send the correct answer to the following questions before 30 April 2015 to Competition question: Which blonde celebrity was often seen with Alain Delon in his beloved Ferrari 250 California Spider? Bonus question: How many people have entered this competition?


20 Intentions Automotive


name part 2 The Volkswagen Tiguan: half tiger, half iguana

Intentions Automotive 21

Alfa Romeo’s MiTo refers to the cities of Milan (Milano) for the design and Turin (Torino) where it is manufactured.

In the previous Intentions, we told you that there are currently more than 800,000 names registered for car models. This led us to ask the question: where do car manufacturers get their inspiration for naming their cars? It seems that some take inspiration from nature, others find it in geographical locations, while others are extremely creative in their search for the perfect name.

Seat may have been part of the German Volkswagen Group since 2002 but the manufacturer continues to remain true to its roots with its completely Spanish-sounding range of car names. The party island of Ibiza and the mythical Alhambra Palace are well known, as are the cities of Malaga, Cordoba, Marbella, Toledo and Léon. And here’s another one for you: ‘Cupra’, the collective name of Seat’s ultra sports models, is short for ‘Cup Racer’. Other makes, too, make full use of place names when naming their models. Hyundai found inspiration in the United States with the Santa Fe and Tucson. Kia went to Rio (de Janeiro) and the Italian port of Sorrento. And Nissan is also fond of Italy, with their Murano named after the island famous for its glassware. Alfa Romeo’s MiTo refers to the cities of Milan (Milano) for the design and Turin (Torino) where it is manufactured. It is also a play on the Italian word ‘mito’, meaning ‘myth’ or ‘legend’. Which provides a nice link to the Toyota Yaris, which has its origins in Greek mythology, referring to ‘Charis’, the Greek goddess of charm. The name Celica is based on the English word ‘celestial’. Avensis is simply derived from the French verb ‘avancer’ (to advance). Aygo is a phonetic representation of ‘I go’. Opel, on the other hand, chose a completely different tack and named its latest two models after the car-maker’s founder and his eldest son: Adam (Opel) and Karl (Opel). Volkswagen has associations with nature. Just think of the Golf or the Beetle. We remain in the animal kingdom with the Tiguan: half tiger, half iguana. It was the readers of the German magazine Auto Bild and its sister publications who at the time were asked to vote on the name of the future Volkswagen SUV. Of the five nominations, Tiguan emerged as the winner. And it’s no wonder Volkswagen is flying high. The Scirocco is a Mediterranean wind that blows hot, dry air northwards from the Sahara. The Passat is the German word for the trade winds, the predominant winds in the tropics. Both Volkswagen and Nissan reserve the names of nomadic tribes for their sturdy SUVs: the Moroccan Touareg and the Iranian Qashqai. What’s your favourite car name of the past 30 years? The next Intentions will bring you the third and final part of the story, and we’ll also discuss Porsche’s relationship with classic rallies.

22 Intentions Technology

Laptops, tablets, smartphones: they all use Wi-Fi. Digitisation and internet are occupying

Can my car be hacked? Car hacking occurs when someone else makes unauthorised use of the wireless technology of your car and takes control of your vehicle. A couple of years ago, two researchers made quite ​​ a stir when they used a laptop to hack a Toyota Prius. In next to no time, they took over the steering and braking system and made

an increasingly prominent place in our everyday lives. Car manufacturers are also following this trend and are developing cars that can be linked to the internet and can serve as roaming Wi-Fi hotspots. But wherever there is Wi-Fi, there is also the risk of hackers.

More and more cars will be equipped with an online connection and will increasingly be targeted by malicious hackers.

the car honk its horn. BMW and Tesla also recently had to close software holes to keep out hackers. Sometimes the right hacking tools – cheap and easy to find on the internet – a smartphone and a Bluetooth connection are all that are needed to hack a car. A frightening thought!

In 2012, BT was the official communication services partner for internet security at the Olympic Games in London. The company

The degree of ease it takes to hack a vehicle mainly depends on

successfully managed to avert more than one billion cyber attacks

its network architecture. Vehicles that are equipped with wireless

over the period of three weeks. We recently had a chat in London

connections such as Bluetooth or that can start remotely via

with Steve Masters, Vice President Customer Innovation & Solution

smartphone are easier targets than vehicles that use a completely

Design at British Telecom. ‘We develop software for the security

internal network. To date, only a handful of cars have actually been

of the car’s network to safeguard it against external attacks. You

connected to the internet and there have been no reports of a

can compare it to American football, in which the whole team

successful car hacking. In the future, however, more and more cars

continuously protects the man with the ball against attacks from

will be equipped with an online connection. And, as a result, they

the other team. Imagine for a moment that a 14-year-old kid hacks

will increasingly be targeted by malicious hackers.

into your car and starts to mess with your brakes or steering. Or

So should we be worried in the future?

that someone with bad intentions unlocks the doors of your car remotely. These are things that luckily haven’t happened as yet, but

Not really, because car manufacturers naturally recognise the

in practice are quite possible. Fortunately, there are IT specialists

danger as well. Moreover, each car manufacturer has its own com-

such as British Telecom which provide a safety shield, a line of

puter system and therefore its own software, making it difficult

defence around the car so that it is protected from cyber attacks,

for hackers. Car manufacturers call on specialists in the field for

malware, viruses and so on. Digital security is undoubtedly one of

the security of their computer systems, such as technology giant

the greatest challenges of the future.’

British Telecom.

Prête pour l’aventure urbaine. La nouvelle CLA Shooting Brake. Avec la nouvelle CLA Shooting Brake, vous faites des choix clairs. Celui du design expressif d’un coupé sportif. Celui de la fonctionnalité d’un break, avec un espace de chargement polyvalent qui suit toutes vos envies. Et celui de la connexion, grâce à Mercedes connect me de série, l‘accés permanent à vos données et au monde digital de Mercedes-Benz.

A Daimler Brand

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3,9 - 7,1 L/100 KM •101 -165 G CO2/KM

Informations environnementales AR 19/3/2004 : - Donnons priorité à la sécurité.

Pour ceux qui visent plus haut.

LA TOUTE NOUVELLE FORD MONDEO Phares avec Ford Dynamic LED technology

Donnez des ailes à vos collaborateurs avec un style résolument audacieux, ainsi que les phares Dynamic LED technology et le système Active City Stop avec l’Alerte de Distance. L’histoire prend son envol sur

ATN net* à partir de 60€

L/100 KM 3,6-7,5

3,6-7,5 L/100 KM.


94-174 G/KM

94-174 G/KM CO2.

Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur notre site Fiscalement déductible à 90% - ATN net 60€*. Consommation de carburant moyenne de 3,6 L/100KM - Ecoscore 63*. *Basé sur la Mondeo Business Edition 5P 1.6 TDCi ECOnetic 85kW Start/Stop. Le calcul de l’Avantage net se fonde sur le taux maximal de précompte professionnel de 53,5%. Ces valeurs sont données à titre purement indicatif et n’engagent pas la responsabilité de Ford Motor Company SA en cas de différence entre l’Avantage indiqué et l’Avantage finalement obtenu. Spécifications du véhicule non représentatives. Donnons la priorité à la sécurité. Informations environnementales [A.R. 19/03/2004]:

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