8 minute read
Cyfarfod â'r tîm Meet the team
from Insight - Issue 19
by ACT
Tîm Cymorth Dysgu Ychwanegol (CDY) Additional Learning Support (ALS) Team
Dywedwch ychydig wrthym am yr hyn mae eich tîm yn ei wneud? Beth yw eich rolau? Ros Smith ydw i a fi yw Rheolwr Cymorth i Ddysgwyr ac Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol. Mae'r Tîm Gwasanaeth Anghenion Dysgu Hyfforddeiaeth yn cynnwys 8 aelod ar draws 4 rhanbarth: OPH a’r Barri, Hadfield Road, Aberdâr a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Caerffili a Glynebwy, sy'n cefnogi dysgwyr ag Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol. Rôl y tîm yw darparu cymorth un-i-un i ddysgwyr er mwyn iddynt gymryd rhan lawn ym mhob gweithgaredd hyfforddi. Rydym yn cynnig cefnogi mewn amgylchedd ystafell ddosbarth, gyda'u cymhwyster neu unrhyw broblemau emosiynol/ ymddygiadol i helpu eu sgiliau cymdeithasol. Mae tîm y Gwasanaeth Anghenion Dysgu hefyd yn darparu cymorth lles sy'n cynnwys trefnu dosbarthu parseli bwyd a chefnogi materion teuluol i ddigartrefedd. Tell us a little bit about what your team do? What are your roles? I’m Ros Smith and I’m the Learner Support & Additional Learning Needs Manager. The Traineeship ALS Team consists of 8 members across 4 regions: OPH & Barry, Hadfield Road, Aberdare & Bridgend, Caerphilly and Ebbw Vale, who support learners with Additional Learning Needs. The team's role is to provide one-to-one support to learners in order for them to fully participate in all training activities. We offer supporting in a classroom environment, with their qualification or any emotional/behavioural problems to help their social skills. The ALS team also provide wellbeing support which includes arranging food parcel deliveries and supporting with family issues to homelessness.
Sut mae Tîm ALS wedi addasu i COVID?
Rwy'n hynod falch o'm tîm a sut maen nhw wedi addasu a pherfformio gyda COVID. Drwy gydol y cyfyngiadau symud, rydym wedi sicrhau bod lles y dysgwyr wedi bod ar flaen y gad ym mhopeth. Cafodd pob dysgwr ei raddio gyda choch, melyn neu wyrdd, ac roeddem yn ffonio rhai dysgwyr deirgwaith yr wythnos i wirio eu lles. Dros nos, newidiodd ein rôl o gefnogi dysgwyr i gwblhau cymhwyster, er mwyn sicrhau bod ein dysgwyr yn cael eu cadw'n ddiogel ac yn iach. Ar ddechrau'r pandemig roedd rôl tîm y Gwasanaeth Anghenion Dysgu yn 75% lles 25% cymhwyster, ond oherwydd dysgu o bell a'n dysgwyr yn addasu, rydym bellach yn gweithio ar 25% o les a 75% cymhwyster.
How has the ALS Team adapted to COVID?
I am extremely proud of my team and how they have adapted and performed with COVID. Throughout lockdown, we have ensured that the learners wellbeing has been at the forefront of everything. Each learner was rag rated and some learners were called three times a week to check on their wellbeing. Overnight, our role changed from supporting learners to complete a qualification, to ensuring our learners were kept safe and well. At the start of the pandemic the ALS team role was 75% wellbeing 25% qualification, but due to remote learning and our learners adapting, we are now working on 25% wellbeing and 75% qualification.
Beth fu eich moment fwyaf balch yn ystod COVID?
Rwyf mor falch o'r Tîm Hyfforddeiaeth cyfan gan ein bod wedi trawsnewid ein darpariaeth i sicrhau bod ein dysgwyr yn cael y gefnogaeth orau ac yn gallu symud ymlaen drwy eu cymhwyster. Rwy'n falch o'r Tîm Cymorth i Ddysgwyr (AWO ac ALS) a sut rydym wedi gweithio gyda'n gilydd i drafod lles dysgwyr a chefnogi ein gilydd i gael y canlyniad gorau i'n dysgwyr. Er gwaethaf COVID, mae gennym ddysgwyr o hyd sy'n symud ymlaen i gyflogaeth neu sydd wedi cwblhau eu cymhwyster i symud ymlaen i lefel uwch - cyflawniad enfawr. Roeddem hefyd yn falch o dderbyn cyllid ACT i osod popty mewn cartref dysgwr Gwasanaeth Anghenion Dysgu fel y gallent gael prydau bwyd wedi’u coginio. Da iawn i dimau'r Gwasanaeth Anghenion Dysgu ac ADY am eich holl waith caled yn cefnogi ein dysgwyr mwyaf agored i niwed yn ystod y cyfnod clo. Chi yw'r gorau!
What has been your proudest moment during COVID?
I am so proud of the whole of the Traineeship Team as we have transformed our delivery to ensure our learners have the best support and are able to progress through their qualification. I am proud of the Learner Support Team (AWO and ALS) and how we have worked together to discuss learner's wellbeing and support one another to get the best outcome for our learners. Despite COVID, we still have learners who are progressing into employment or have completed their qualification to move onto a higher level - a huge achievement. We were also chuffed to receive ACT funding for a cooker to be installed in an ALS learner home so that they could have cooked meals. A huge well done to both the ALS and ALN teams for all your hard work in supporting our most vulnerable learners during lockdown. You’re the best!
Tîm Presenoldeb a Lles Attendance and Wellbeing Team
Dywedwch ychydig wrthym am yr hyn mae eich tîm yn ei wneud? Beth yw eich rolau? Neil Evans ydw i, Swyddog Presenoldeb a Lles Arweiniol Glynebwy ac rwy'n gweithio gyda grŵp gwych o bobl sy'n cynnwys Steve Briggs a Tara Piekielniak (Hadfield Road), Chris Blower (OPH), Jade Trimnell (Aberdâr a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr) a Jim Newland (Caerffili). Ein nod yw sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn mynychu eu sesiynau ac i helpu i ddelio ag unrhyw faterion maen nhw’n eu profi ar hyn o bryd. Gall hyn gynnwys pob math o faterion iechyd meddwl fel gorbryder, iselder, problemau teuluol a pherthynas ac ati. Ein swyddi fel AWO yw cefnogi'r dysgwyr gymaint ag y gallwn i wneud eu hamgylchedd dysgu yn lle diogel a hapus i fod ynddo. Tell us a little bit about what your team do? What are your roles? I’m Neil Evans, Lead Attendance and Wellbeing Officer for Ebbw Vale and I work with a brilliant group of people consisting of Steve Briggs & Tara Piekielniak (Hadfield Road), Chris Blower (OPH), Jade Trimnell (Aberdare & Bridgend) and Jim Newland (Caerphilly). Our aim is to make sure that learners are attending their sessions and to help deal with any issues they are currently experiencing. This can include all sorts of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, family and relationship issues etc. Our jobs as AWO’s is to support the learners as much as we can to make their learning environment a safe and happy place to be in.
Sut mae Tîm AWO wedi addasu i COVID?
Mae'r tîm wedi addasu yn y ffordd orau y gallant yn ystod y sefyllfa bresennol. Pan aethom i mewn i'r cyfnod clo am y tro cyntaf, cawsom y dasg enfawr o gysylltu â phob dysgwr ar y rhaglen Hyfforddeiaeth i wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn ddiogel a bod popeth yn iawn. Roedd yn her fawr ond roedd yn bwysig i ni sicrhau ein bod yn cadw mewn cysylltiad – yn enwedig i'r dysgwyr hynny sydd angen ychydig mwy o gymorth a rhywun i siarad â nhw.
Beth fu eich moment fwyaf balch yn ystod COVID?
Rwyf mor falch o'r tîm. Maen nhw wedi gweithio mor galed drwy amseroedd heriol i sicrhau bod ein holl ddysgwyr yn cael cynnig cymorth. Mae'r tîm wedi rhoi'r dysgwyr yn gyntaf, ac yn ogystal â gwneud eu rôl eu hunain o ddydd i ddydd maen nhw wedi bod yn gwirfoddoli i gyflwyno banc bwyd i ddysgwyr a gwirio dysgwyr yn weledol i wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn ddiogel. Roedd un dysgwr arbennig o agored i niwed a oedd ar fin gadael y rhaglen Hyfforddeiaeth. Roedd hi'n ddigartref ac yn syrffio soffas, felly buom yn gweithio i'w chefnogi i gael lle mewn hostel, gan drefnu credyd cynhwysol iddi a chynyddu ei phresenoldeb. Rydym bellach wedi gallu lleihau ein cefnogaeth gan ei bod wedi setlo ac yn gweithio'n dda. Mae'n gyflawniad gwych!
How has the AWO Team adapted to COVID?
The team have adapted in the best way they possibly can during the current situation. When we first went into lockdown we had the huge task of contacting all learners on the Traineeship programme to make sure that they were safe and everything was ok. It was a big challenge but it was important for us to make sure that we stayed in contact – especially for those learners who need that extra bit of support and someone to talk to.
What has been your proudest moment during COVID?
I am so proud of the team. They have worked so hard through testing times to make sure all our learners are offered support. The team have put the learners first, and as well as doing their own day-to-day role have been volunteering to deliver food bank to learners and visually checking in on learners to make sure that they are safe. There was one particularly vulnerable learner who was on the verge of leaving the Traineeship programme. She was homeless and sofa surfing, so we worked to support her in gaining a place in a hostel, sorting her with universal credit and increasing her attendance. We have now been able to reduce our support as she is settled and working well. It’s a great achievement!
Sylw Arbennig Sylw arbennig i Jim Newland, AWO, a wnaeth ymddeol o ACT yn ddiweddar. Diolch yn fawr am eich holl waith caled a'ch ymrwymiad Jim. Byddwn yn eich colli! Shout Out A big shout out to AWO Jim Newland who recently retired from ACT. Thanks so much for all your hard work and commitment Jim. You will be missed!
System Rheoli Dysgu a Datblygu Staff (LSM) Staff Learning and Development Management System (LSM)