working from home With lockdown happening so suddenly, many of us found ourselves having to adapt to working from home overnight. Below, our Digital Champions, share their experiences of working remotely in lockdown, the challenges they have faced and how they have overcome them.
To overcome this, we have been able to observe some learner sessions and team meetings, as well as carry out remote “walk and talk” sessions. We have also adjusted some teaching resources to ensure employers are still engaging and adapting some elements of the “practice” qualification. For those learners who are not as confident using digital tools, I have suggested alternative methods such as using What’s App, which they know how to use.
Hayley Carter – CCLD Assessor What has gone well? As a team we have been able to continue with remote teaching and learning sessions to deliver the “CORE” of our new CCPLD qualification. Using a variety of digital platforms and evidence to document this, we have enabled learners to still continue to progress on their qualification even in the current circumstances
Top Tips During remote working, I think it is really important to maintain contact with your work colleagues through digital platforms, and to share ideas and suggestions, as well as to “offload.” It is good to take the time to chat and catch up, so you know you are not in this alone!
What has been challenging and how have you tried to overcome it? Due to the qualification requirements, the new CPLD qualification and the “practical” element involved, remote learning has naturally impacted delivering the qualification.