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Adam Starkey

Sheffield, United Kingdom

In June 2015 I completed my Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture at the University of Sheffield where I studied for 5 years. My previous employment was at Gensler from August 2015. During this time, I worked on a diverse range of projects in the UK, mainland Europe and the middle-east. My role as a landscape architect assistant was to contribute to the schematic and detailed master-planning design stages. In 2013 during my year-out I completed a 6-month internship in China at a local Landscape Architecture firm in Guangzhou. During this time, I worked as part of an international team and gained immeasurable experience of living and working in a foreign environment. My main skills are in using graphical software such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign. I am also experienced in using Autocad and sketchup, with growing familiarity in Rhino, Vectorworks and Revit.


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