Healthcare Facilities Winter 2020

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t has now been more than four months since the COVID-19 pandemic has been acknowledged as a major health crisis. The public health measures that have been implemented at both a local entity level and state wide to address the spread of the virus have seriously affected our workloads as healthcare engineers and facility managers. This unprecedented event has caused all of us in the industry to reset our previous thinking on how “business as usual” will look in the post pandemic environment. Social distancing, online learning and web based meetings will likely be the new normal and we as healthcare facility professionals have had to become more agile and adaptable in our approach to service delivery. In line with this, the IHEA is continuing to pursue various issues ranging from embracing technology to provide training and professional development opportunities via the LDP program, increasing our online presence by improving the IHEA website and introducing the Young Professionals Group on social media. Working towards broader engagement with the Commonwealth and State Governments and specific healthcare agencies. We will continue to keep members informed in this regard. In other news, members may already be aware that Karen Taylor, former IHEA CEO, has resigned to take up a new position in the education sector. Karen has worked with the IHEA for the last 5 years and has been instrumental in improving membership engagement and connecting IHEA in a more contemporary way via social media. Karen’s leadership and broad knowledge of corporate functions has enabled a high level of professionalism to be introduced into the operation of the IHEA and she leaves a legacy that positions the board well to take our

organisation into the future. I’m sure you will all join me in wishing Karen all the best for the future. Given the current situation with COVID-19 the IHEA board has taken the decision to appoint Clive Jeffries as interim CEO. Clive has worked with the IHEA recently in a marketing and business development role and has a proven track record in senior management. Recruitment to fill the position on a longer term basis will be considered after we have settled into the post-pandemic environment, and we are in a better position to attract the best candidate for the role. Due to the current uncertainty around interstate travel the national conference has been postponed until 13 – 15th September 2021, please check the website for updates around this important event, but for now mark this date in your diaries. The Conference will be held in Perth, WA as planned for this year and we look forward to the opportunity to get together again in person. In closing, I would also like to draw members’ attention to a series of very useful documents and technical papers specific to the international response to COVID-19 published by our partner organisations IFHE and IHEEM. The informative bi-weekly newsletters can be accessed by visiting the IHEEM website at and navigate to COVID-19 International Response. You can also sign up to receive these newsletters direct to your inbox every fortnight. Astute members will recognise the current IFHE president and IHEA board member Darryl Pitcher appearing in the first issue. Yours truly, Jon Gowdy – IHEA National President


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