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ESG Opportunities
Each of the material issues identified as part of the Group’s ESG Strategy present a set of specific opportunities for the organisation to improve its value proposition and creation to stakeholders These opportunities can be summarized through the following four outcomes:
1. Strengthening ADNEC’s investment profile through improved financial sustainability
2. Improving business resilience, security and governance
3. Enhancing the Group’s value proposition through improved services, efficiencies, and competitive advantages
4. Contributing to social and environmental impact through more conscious investments
Environment Social Governance
1. Leverage price premiums on customer preferences towards green solutions
2. Improving brand perception in eyes of the customers and employees, attracting more customers and better talent to ADNEC
3. Partnering with other leading entities on ESG initiatives and becoming a Centre of Excellence
4. Obtaining higher and cheaper access to green capital
5. Improved management systems and business control through the implementation of ISO certifications (e.g. ISO 50001 and ISO 17743)
6. Collection and utilization of new data to support in building management and operational / commercial effectiveness
7. Hedge against uncertainty associated with fuel prices
8. Improve employee health and wellbeing through better and more efficiency building environment control
9. Increase in food waste treatment solutions (e g Liquid Food Composting) would result in lower costs in procurement of biofuel, while also reducing waste to landfill
10. Conversion of food waste into secondary uses (e g animal feed) can create revenue generating opportunities for ADNEC businesses
11. Reduce business costs by improving operational and commercial efficiency
12. Leverage price premiums on customer preferences towards green solutions
13. Add credibility and trust across ADNEC’s supply chain by adopting sustainable materials use policies
14. Diversifying energy supply and achieving long term cost savings
1. Improving ADNEC’s contribution and impact to the community
2. Improved management systems and business control through the implementation of ISO certifications (e.g. 45003) to promote mental health in the workplace
3. Establishing a clear framework for workforce wellbeing to guide initiatives and investments
4. Attracting better talent by being recognized as an employer of choice
5. Better staff retention and ability to attract best talent
6. Increased productivity and morale
7. Higher employee engagement
8. Strong brand reputation
9. Attracting the best female talent and increase female employee retention
10. Improving job satisfaction for female employees by removing the perception of a ‘glass ceiling’
11. Attracting the best Emirati talent and increase Emirati employee retention
12. Developing a competitive edge in acquiring and retaining customers by shifting focus from customer satisfaction to customer experience
13. Increasing brand awareness within the community and improving brand image
14. Contributing to national goals
15. Creating opportunities to create alliances or partnerships with other businesses
16. Creating opportunities to attract and recruit good talent
1. Advancing business ethics across the ecosystem by ensuring strict adherence to ethical standards from suppliers
2. Improved brand image of ADNEC
3. Lower procurement costs in the long run
4. Enhanced data security systems to increase trust and transparency on ADNEC in terms of information sharing from customers, suppliers and partners
5. Moving beyond cybersecurity and developing a group wide digital transformation strategy to make ADNEC more competitive, efficient and responsive
6. Improving company performance and transparency through aligning employee behaviours with business ethics and corporate values
7. Building trust with investors, the community, and public officials
8. Promoting long-term financial viability, pipeline of opportunities, and returns
9. Achieving higher valuations during fund raising activities, translating into higher share prices
10. Improving management oversight and control across all levels, resulting in better efficiency
11. Building confidence amongst customers by ensuring sustainability of products and services
12. Mitigating financial, business, and human losses in the event of a disaster
13. Giving a competitive advantage over those that don’t have thorough business continuity plans