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Alignment to International Mandates
TITLE ADNEC Group’s Role and Contribution
ADNEC has been long committed to improving its sustainability outcomes and impact and has used the UNSDG as a compass towards achieving this aspiration. Through the business activities carried out across the group, and in line with its ESG framework and strategy, ADNEC contributes to the following UNSDG Goals:
SDG 3. Good Health and Well-being
SDG 5. Gender Equality
SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG)
SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
SDG 10. Reduced Inequalities
SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 13 Climate Action
SDG 15. Life on Land
SDG 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals
ADNEC has taken into consideration each of the ten principles that form the UNGC and has reflected them as part of their material ESG topics The ten principles cover topics related to: human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
In addressing its material ESG issues, ADNEC has identified goals and initiatives that align with each of the applicable principles and in consideration of local laws and regulations
TITLE ADNEC Group’s Role and Contribution
ADNEC In year 2021, ADNEC announced its participation in the Net Zero Carbon Events initiative, a global initiative which aims to bring together a wide range of industry stakeholders to jointly tackle climate change and drive towards net zero by 2050
Net Zero Carbon Events (NZCE)
In pursuit of this aim, before end of 2023, ADNEC undertakes to publish its roadmap to achieve this goal. The Pledge was officially launched and announced in November 2021, as part of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) – and the roadmap for NZCE was announced during the subsequent COP27