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ADNEC Group’s ESG Transformation Agenda (1 of 4)
What We Aspire to Achieve
What We Have to Do Well
Protecting Our Land, Air, and Seas
1. GHG Emissions & Carbon Footprint
2. Energy Efficiency
3. Renewable Energy
4. Food Waste
5. Non-Food Waste
6. Sustainable Materials
1. Minimize (and offset where necessary) Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, and align to Net Zero Goals (50% reduction by 2030 and Net Zero by 2050)
2. Optimize energy consumption to reduce negative consequences while creating immediate cost savings
3. Reduce energy consumption for the same level of business by 5% YoY
4. Switch to 100% renewable energy as a fuel source for on-site needs
5. Reduce food waste generation and achieve 0% food waste disposal to landfill
6. Reduce non-food waste generation and achieve 0% non-food waste disposal to landfill
7. Increase use of recycled material vs non recycled materials by 10% YoY
1. Invest into green technology to reduce Scope 1 emissions
2. Become more energy efficient and invest into renewable energy to reduce Scope 2 emissions
3. Engage external entities to collect accurate data on Scope 3 emissions and invest into carbon offsetting initiatives to achieve net zero
4. Actively work with facilities management to optimize energy consumption
5. Invest into technology and expedite implementation of BMS
6. Engage employees to raise awareness and change behaviours to achieve energy savings
7. Leverage physical space and facilities for solar panels
8. Conduct feasibility studies on emerging technologies such as solar windows and invest into viable opportunities
9. Adopt advanced demand analytics and raise customer awareness
10. Develop better segregating and composting/conversion capabilities
11. Partner with entities on food donation initiatives
12. Maximize reliance on re-usable and recyclable materials and reduce single use of plastic
13. Raise awareness and incentivize employees, customers and suppliers to take advantage of existing capabilities and to seek out new ideas and methodologies for removing waste
14. Engage with the industry to redesign events to utilise sustainable materials and be waste free
15. Offer solutions for sale that leverage sustainable materials to support stakeholder efforts and decisions