
I would like to thank all my mentors and teachers who guided me during my long sales career and helped me draw inspira on from their knowledge. I learned a lot from my friends from America, both live and at seminars. In the USA, selling is a way of life in all sectors of the economy. Direct sales and a direct approach to people are highly valued and have been established in Europe for a long me as well. My en re life is organized on the basis of a direct approach to people, and I am trying to transfer this approach to all the people around me.
Andrej MlinšekI have been involved in sales since I was 19 years old. I've probably read a few thousand books on the topic of sales and I've been to more than
hundred seminars led by the best leaders from around the world. I have always been fascinated by interac ve contact with people, and I s ll sell, speak and advise people every day. We are all involved in SALES, whether we realize it or not. A den st sells himself and his services and must be a good "salesman" if he wants the pa ents to return to. All parents know that it is necessary to "sell" something to the child in a nice way if we want him to do it. Planet Earth rotates in such a way that if you want someone to do something for you, you have to tell them in a nice way why they should do it. All the best experts in their fields know how to work with people and that's why they are the best.
I am wri ng this book so that even people who have never encountered sales may realize that we all need to learn to sell if we want to be successful in this world. I wish and hope that everyone who reads this book will find something for themselves and their life and develop some sales skills that will help and benefit them in life.
Andrej MlinšekThe best salespeople master similar or iden cal sales skills and abili es.
For anyone who is new to sales or who wants to learn new sales strategies, it is good to have mentors who can help them improve their sales success.
We'll look at successful sales tac cs that every salesperson who wants to achieve real success must master.
When we meet or have a mee ng with a new client, it is important to focus on their wants and their needs.
This means that we talk about their needs, wishes or comments, with the aim of gathering informa on that will help us at our final presenta on and sale to a specific customer.
Whenever you meet with a poten al customer, always make sure you have enough informa on about the customer before star ng the sales pitch.
If you work with companies, it is possible to obtain informa on online.
If you deal with direct sales to physical customers (as I have been doing for 30 years), the biggest guarantee of quality customers is on the basis of REFERRALS.
I talk a lot about referrals in this book because it is very important to get REFERRALS from your customers.
The best customers will always give you the best recommenda ons.
This is how we can automa cally reach new high-quality customers, without any prior verifica on.
What does it mean?
Successful people always socialize with each other. Always seek REFERRALS from successful people.
Successful salespeople always build trust with their customers, regardless of their sales performance.
Those of us who have been involved in sales for decades know that it is very easy to sell a certain product, but we also know that post-sales ac vity is very important for business success and long-term presence on the market.
The customer's trust in the salesperson is crucial for the sale to last even a er the sales presenta on.
As we know, most customers in the European Union can return a product without reason within 12 months of the sale.
Therefore, it is all the more important that the act of sale is only the beginning of a long-term rela onship with the customer.
Customer trust is probably the basis of the post-sales ac vity carried out by the best companies.
The right customer base, which is updated daily, enables a constant flow of income to the company in bad and good mes.
It is recommended that you speak LESS than your client during the mee ng or presenta on.
Try to really understand your customers and their wants and needs.
Ac ve listening to the customer means listening to them with all our senses and really wan ng to help them realize their needs.
The best salespeople use a technique called MIRRORING customer behavior.
This means that if we want the customer to feel comfortable with us, we have to act like they do.
If the poten al buyer is a calm person, the seller must also calm down and emit a calm energy, and vice versa, if the buyer is aggressive or emits strong energy, the seller must adjust his approach likewise.
People trust and respect people who look like them and talk and act like them.
Many mes I have seen the best reps literally turn into a “CHAMELEON” and completely blend in with the customers and their behavior.
Of course, things go much further and nowadays on the Internet we can see how the most successful "INFLUENCERS" record even their bad moments in order to get closer to their followers and show them that they too are vulnerable.
As a result, followers buy their products and their programs.
It is o en important to make the sale short and simple.
It is recommended to prepare and visualize the sale before the mee ng itself.
All the best reps work in such a way that they can be calm and in control of the presenta on.
Visualiza on has always had a strong impact on successful sales throughout my sales career, and it s ll does.
Whenever I have a mee ng with new salespeople or when I'm at a presenta on with a poten al client, I always VISUALIZE the ul mate SUCCESS.
This technique especially helped me when I was at rock bo om in my life and began to approach new customers.
In the morning and on the way to the customers, I VISUALIZED how I would successfully close the sale - and then forgot about it.
During the day, I didn't have the me to think about my daily goals, but in the end, I achieved exactly the result that I had visualized in the morning.
We don't just sell our product or our service, we also sell "OURSELVES".
It is necessary to understand that in sales we represent ourselves and that our professional approach to the customer also decides the outcome of the poten al sale.
A professionally dressed and responsible salesperson will always have an advantage over others and an open door for advancement on the career ladder.
This doesn`t apply only to salespeople, but also to doctors, teachers, bankers, etc.
In English there is a wonderful saying "THE MESSAGE IS THE MESSENGER".
This means that the den st and his professional a tude represent his clinic.
If the doctor is messy, ina en ve and does not behave respec ully, it will affect the result of his work.
Whenever I choose a new colleague or go to a den st, I pay a en on to all the signs before I start using his or her service.
Much of the literature is about how the best salespeople are "CONSULTANTS" and not just salespeople.
The customer always feels whether you are just trying to sell your product or really doing something that is good for them.
The main difference between sales and marke ng is that sales refer to a transac on in which products or services are exchanged for money, while marke ng refers to ac vi es and plans carried out by companies to promote a par cular purchase or sale.
Sales and marke ng complement each other and nowadays it is almost impossible to sell products and services without marke ng them first.
Direct sales, in which I have been working for more than 30 years, used to be ed exclusively to the implementa on of sales processes, without product marke ng.
Due to the very good ability to reach customers without adver sing, all direct sales representa ves neglected MARKETING.
Even in our organiza on Adria kus Group, we only began paying a en on to marke ng 8 years ago.
We have two external companies that professionally edit our websites and a few people who edit our social networks.
In the past, many companies in direct selling and other industries have done many good and posi ve things for their customers, but this was not visible anywhere and people outside the direct selling industry had no insight into what was actually happening in it.
In our case, we traveled all over the world, we were on almost every con nent, but only people who actually went on these trips knew about that.
We organized dozens of mee ngs, seminars on personal growth and took care of our people so that they felt successful and were sa sfied at their work.
Nowadays things are different because our ac ons are recorded, we are present on all social networks and on the Youtube channel.
All our clients and new candidates can see what we do, what our company culture is like and how we socialize; it is our most powerful weapon in marke ng and later in sales.
Many people wonder what is more important, MARKETING or SALES. The answer used to be SALES, but nowadays MARKETING is much more important.
We are not talking so much about product marke ng, especially in direct sales, but about PROMOTING our organiza on and presen ng the way we work.
Every successful company presents its organiza on, its company CULTURE as well as its sa sfied employees and customers.
Sa sfied employees are the basic condi on for obtaining sa sfied customers.
Successful LEADERS and CEOs know that their first goal is to take care of their people and in turn they will take care of your customers.
The result of such a MARKETING approach is that we have a constant influx of new people into our organiza on in all areas of our work.
This is especially important in 2023, when all companies are facing a shortage of QUALITY personnel.
So, MARKETING has always been an important part of the SALES PROCESS; if we take care of successful PROMOTION, this will also be followed by successful SALES.
All these factors led me to join DIRECT SELLING at the age of 25, and they s ll apply today.