2023 Student Handbook

Online Orientation 107
Online Success Navigators 107 Device Specifications 107
IIE009 Assessment Strategy and Policy 108
IIE010 Credit Accumulation, Recognition of Prior Learning and Qualification Completion 108
IIE015 Safety, Student Conduct and Discipline Policy 109
IIE023 Intellectual Integrity & Property Rights Policy 109 IIE008 Information Centre Policy 109
Student Wellness 110
Your Student Wellness Manager (SWM) 110 Awareness Campaigns, Community Engagement & Citizenship 111 Career Centre (CC) 112 VC Sports Club 113 VC Voice 115 Social Committee 117 Meridian Hour 118 Student Socials 118 VC Cares 118 Safe Campus 118
Orientation 122 Accommodation 123 Medical Aid 123 Religious Organisations and Prayer Centres 123 Adapting to Campus Life in South Africa 123 Correct Programme and Registration 123 Wellness 124 International Student Forum 124
MyVC Student Intranet 126 VC Assist 126 VC Student Portal 127 Your Connect Email Account 127 VCLearn 127 SafeAssign 127 Student Hub 127 ICT Student Handbook 128
Gauteng 130 KwaZulu-Natal 130 Western Cape 131 Eastern Cape 131
Dear Students,
Welcome to the 2023 academic year.
To our returning students, we welcome you back and hope that you had a good break. To the students who are joining The IIE’s Varsity College for the first time, on behalf of all our teams, I hope that your time with us will be both exciting and rewarding as we partner with you in your tertiary journey.
By starting with this Student Handbook, you will easily connect into our academic, student support and administration support features offered at The IIE’s Varsity College. We understand that navigating tertiary studies, and the associated policies, processes, and platforms, can be rather daunting at times. As such, I recommend that you assume little and ask as many questions as possible.
Timeous and respectful communication and engagement between staff and students is fundamental to your journey ahead. The dedicated Customer Relations Centre provides you with direct access to the Customer Relations Officers, who are best positioned to provide you with information and to assist with queries. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the whereabouts and operating hours of the Customer Relations Centre.
The world is evolving at a rapid pace, and we are committed to enabling you to attain a relevant qualification, while engaging with our lecturing teams and fellow students. To best facilitate this, we continue to review our curriculum, teaching and learning strategy and assessment activities. Our teaching and learning methodologies aim to maximise your critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills. Similarly, by involving yourself with the various sport, social, career and community activities on campus, you enhance your learning experience beyond the classroom.
Your ability to succeed and achieve your personal goals does not solely rest on the provision of the support features detailed in this Student Handbook. You need to actively utilise every opportunity afforded to you, by embracing being a student with us.
Wishing you a happy and successful year with The IIE’s Varsity College.
Louise Wiseman Managing DirectorDECEMBER 2022
22 The IIE’s Varsity College closes for December break
3 The IIE’s Varsity College opens for the 2023 academic year 9 Registration for the 2023 academic year – new and returning students 9 – 20 2022 Semester 2 Exam Sitting 2 30 - 31 2022 Exam Sitting 3 and Discontinuation exams
Full Settlement due on or before registration**
1st Instalment for 10 months due on or before registration – next payment due in the month following registration – until settled** Deposit for 6 months due on or before registration – next payment due in the month following registration – until settled**
**See Finance for more details
10 Late Registration Fee levied for Returning Students 24 Registration closes for PGDA and LLB4
1 – 17 2022 Exam Sitting 3 and Discontinuation exams 27 Academic programmes commence (All 3rd and 4th Years) 28 Academic programmes commence (All 2nd years)
Full Settlement due on or before registration**
1st Instalment for 10 months due on or before registration – next payment due in the month following registration – until settled** Deposit for 6 months due on or before registration – next payment due in the month following registration – until settled**
**See Finance for more details
MARCH 2023
1 Bursary applications closing date 1 Academic programmes commence (All 1st years) 10 Registration closes for full-time programmes 24 Registration closes for all other programmes 31 Academic credit applications for external academic credits closing date Semester 1
Full Settlement due on or before registration**
1st Instalment for 10 months due on or before registration – next payment due in the month following registration – until settled** Deposit for 6 months due on or before registration – next payment due in the month following registration – until settled** **See Finance for more details
JULY 2023 10 Mid-year break begins 24 Education programmes commence Semester 2 31 All other programmes commence Semester 2
NOVEMBER 2023 20 Semester 2 Exam Sitting 1* DECEMBER 2023 TBC The IIE’s Varsity College closes for December break *All asterisks – please check your Programme Assessment Schedule (PAS) for your specific dates. The PAS will always override the dates presented above.
Welcome to The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd’s (The IIE) Varsity College. Joining us is one of the best decisions you could have made! We trust that 2023 will bring you another step closer to your future. We are determined to give you the best level of support during your time of study with us and we wish you many great achievements and successes.
The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd (The IIE) is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (reg. no. 2007/HE07/002) and is a division of the JSE listed ADvTECH Group, Africa’s largest private education provider. The IIE is the largest, most accredited registered private higher education institute in South Africa. The IIE is responsible for the academic governance and quality assurance of all programmes delivered through the campuses, within its educational brands, including The IIE’s Varsity College.
The IIE is internationally recognised and accredited by The British Accreditation Council (BAC). The BAC has been responsible for setting standards within the independent further and higher education sector for 25 years. Their accreditation is held by numerous colleges in the UK and abroad. They provide the leading mark of quality for the education sector, which is used by students, parents, agencies and beyond as a guarantee of standards. For more information please visit: http://www.the-bac.org/.
The IIE strives to ensure that you will:
• Be employable
• Have a broad range of analytical skills, including work readiness skills
• Value diversity
• Have high ethical values
• Become innovative, creative and entrepreneurial
• We focus on building your career – we understand that study is the first step in your career and that what you learn and how you learn needs to lay the foundation for further growth, employment and learning
• The IIE curricula are relevant to the modern world of work and we build strong industry and academic partnerships that ensure and assure this relevance
• We commit to your success which includes a focus on innovative and supportive teaching methodologies, a comprehensive and holistic developmental student support system and the provision of learning opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the student population
• We produce IIE graduates who can and will contribute to the economy and society and who recognise their roles and responsibilities as citizens of a global community
• The IIE is responsible for the assessment and certification of students, development of the curricula and it oversees the delivery thereof. Additionally, The IIE ensures that the correct teaching and learning processes are implemented and are adhered to by The IIE’s Varsity College
• These processes are set out by The Senate, the senior decision making body that determines the policies and regulations that govern all things academic at The IIE’s Varsity College. The Senate is chaired by the Director, who is also the Head of The IIE. The Director is assisted by the Registrar, who is the Secretary of The Senate
The remaining seats on The Senate are occupied by, in the most part, academics and includes representatives from The IIE’s Varsity College. The Senate comprises a number of committees that manage the overseeing of standards, teaching, learning, curricula and assessment for over 135 accredited higher education qualifications. The IIE’s Varsity College is represented on each of these committees
The continual monitoring and improving of quality is of great importance to The IIE. The quality of The IIE programmes is assured through evidence-driven reviews, lecturer-peer reviews, student success tracking and intervention programmes for students needing assistance.
The IIE currently has seven academic faculties: Faculty of Finance & Accounting, Faculty of Information & Communications Technology, Faculty of Commerce, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Engineering, Science & Health. Each faculty has its own Faculty Board. The faculties ensure that the curriculum for each programme meets external, industry and academic standards by working with Faculty Programme Advisory Committees. These committees comprise of academics as well as professional and business people who provide insight from the world of work. This ultimately ensures that what is taught at The IIE’s Varsity College is relevant and up to date in industry.
The Registrar’s office ensures that The IIE complies with all external education regulatory and legislative requirements and internal policies. It also ensures that The IIE works ethically in the delivery of all academic programmes. In addition, the Registrar ensures that, within The IIE, best practice education and administrative processes are properly institutionalised.
You can contact the Registrar’s office at: registrar@iie.ac.za.
From an academic perspective, The IIE Central Academic Team plays two significant roles. The first is supporting all The IIE campuses in the development of quality teaching for quality learning. The second is the leadership of the team of academics in their respective roles, to ensure that the Heads of Programmes (HOPs) are enabled to deliver high quality programmes and provide academic leadership in their faculties. The Heads of Faculty are directly responsible for the academic delivery of that faculty.
• Meet with your student advisor/consultant
• Complete your application online, pay the application fee and submit required supporting certified documentation. You will then receive your Application Confirmation letter
• Once your admission has been evaluated, you will be made an offer. You must accept this offer and make payment of the pre-registration fee by the expiry date
• If applicable, satisfy any pre-registration conditions and submit outstanding certified admission documentation
• Receive approval of your admission.
• The IIE’s Varsity College opens for registration on 9th January 2023, however you will only be able to register once final results and any other
documentation required for admission have been submitted. Once your admission has been approved you will have access to register on your student portal. You will receive an email with a link to the portal, where you will be able to complete your registration.
• Meet with a member of the academic team to complete your academic progression document
• Confirm that your account is up to date and that the campus has all necessary documentation e.g. certified copy of ID, certified copy of NSC etc
The IIE’s Varsity College opens for registration on 9th January 2023. You will receive an email with a link to the student portal, where you will be able to complete your registration.
The following documents must be submitted in order for your admission to be approved:
• Certified copy of the student’s ID/passport
• Certified copy of the account payer’s ID/ passport. Please note that this is required for first time registration OR if you are a returning student and the account payer has changed from the previous year
• Certified copy of your NSC or statement of results or equivalent.
• An exemption certificate from Universities South Africa (USAf) if you have an N5 or N6 SA qualification
• Proof of payment for your USAf exemption certificate if your school leaving qualification is not a South African qualification and you wish to study a degree
• Proof of payment for your SAQA evaluation certificate if your school leaving qualification is not a South African qualification and you wish to study a higher certificate, diploma or post graduate qualification
• Certified copy of your higher education qualification and academic transcript (if applying for postgraduate studies)
• For those with a GED qualification - a SAQA evaluation certificate with NQF 4 equivalence when registering for a higher certificate
If you completed the national senior certificate, IEB or senior certificate prior to 2022 please submit a certified copy of your certificate. If your certificate has been lost or needs to be combined, you need to provide proof of application for the combination or replacement from the Department of Basic Education. If you never received your certificate – please check with your school as they may still have it.
You should receive your official Umalusi NSC certificate in the middle of the year If you have completed the SACAI or IEB curriculum’ a certified copy also needs to be submitted as soon as you receive it. This is needed to fully complete the registration process in terms of the South African legislation and will be required before you can graduate.
Please refer to the Varsity College website because the requirements differ for degree, diploma and higher certificate.
• Certified copy of your passport (first time registration)
• Certified copy of the account payer’s passport. Please note that this is required for first time registration OR if you are a returning student and the account payer has changed from the previous year
• Submit your visa when you receive it.
• Proof of payment for your SAQA evaluation certificate if your school leaving qualification is not a South African qualification and you wish to study a higher certificate, diploma or post graduate qualification
• Proof of payment for your USAf exemption certificate if your school leaving qualification is not a South African qualification and you wish to study a degree
• Proof of medical aid membership
• A copy of your NBT AQL test score (if applicable)
If you are an international student you are required, by law, to apply for a study visa in your country of residence before entering South Africa (this does not apply to students studying in the IIE Distance mode). The onus is on you to provide The IIE’s Varsity College with both the number and a certified copy of the visa. You will not be able to attend lectures until you have done so. Please ensure that, when you apply for your study visa, you specify that you intend to study at The IIE and that the study visa is made out to The IIE as per the study visa application letter. You must also specify the qualification and the duration of study. Your nearest South African Embassy or Consulate will be able to assist you with this.
Failure to submit the required documentation can result in an incomplete or pending registration, your student record being placed on hold and ultimately deregistration. Please ensure you comply by submitting the required documentation timeously.
Please note that this is a legal requirement and that, until we receive a certified copy of a valid study visa, you will not be able to attend lectures unless proof of application and regular follow up is submitted.
Students outside of South Africa studying in the IIE Distance mode do not require study permits to register.
If you have an international qualification and you are applying for non-degree studies (higher certificates or diplomas, honours or any other postgraduate qualification), you are required to have your qualification(s) evaluated by the Directorate: International Qualifications Evaluation and Advisory Services (DFQEAS) at the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) to ensure that you have the equivalent to the South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) at NQF level 4, for higher certificate and diploma studies; NQF level 7 for honours and postgraduate diploma studies. A certified copy of this SAQA certificate of evaluation is required.
In addition, you must present a copy of your Academic Transcript as we need to check if you are meeting any additional programme specific requirements.
The SAQA application form is available at: https://dfqeas.saqa.co.za/dfqeas/user/home
SAQA online applications can be made at: https://dfqeas.saqa.co.za/dfqeas/user/home
If you have an international qualification and you are applying to study towards a degree you can apply online to Universities South Africa for an exemption certificate (https://www.usaf.ac.za/). A certified copy of this certificate is required for registration purposes.
The USAf application form is available at: https://mbit-apply.usaf.ac.za/applicant/add
Applying for qualification evaluations timeously is important as there is usually a waiting period of at least two months.
Failure to submit the required documentation can result in an incomplete or pending registration, your student record being placed on hold and ultimately deregistration. Please ensure you comply by submitting the required documentation timeously.
When you register with us, you accept these terms and the fees as revised for each relevant academic year. You also accept our rules (including all regulations, policies and codes of conduct), which you can read on The IIE website https://www.iie.ac.za/iie-policy-bank and in the student portal.
You may complete this contract in hard copy by printing and signing it or requesting a hard copy to sign from the campus or from your exam centre or an Online Success Navigator.
You will signify your agreement to these terms and to be bound by them if you click to accept or agree to these terms where the Institute offers an option to do so. You warrant that you are authorised to do so.
These terms and our rules form this contract between you and us. This contract only ends for reasons stipulated below or if we or you cancel the registration or if you fail to register for any new academic year. Should you be in default of any payment, the agreement coming to an end does not prejudice our rights to recoup any outstanding monies.
Should you decide to transfer from one campus to another within or across brands of The Institute, or change modes, or reregister at any future time at The Independent Institute of Education, any outstanding monies, and any outstanding disciplinary process in terms of The Institute’s rules will continue to apply to you in terms of this contract.
You will be required to conclude a new contract annually which will include fees for that year. You must notify the campus head or authorised campus person or your online centre manager in writing if any of your details change.
If you do not understand anything, please contact us, and ask for us to explain it before you accept this contract.
Certain important words or phrases are in bold text. Some of these could increase your debt or other legal responsibilities under this contract, or they could limit ours. You must please read them very carefully.
Your fundamental consumer and privacy rights and remedies are guaranteed by law. This contract does not aim to, unlawfully or unduly, reduce, limit, or avoid any rights or obligations under consumer and privacy protection or similar laws.
10.1.1 ACADEMIC MATERIAL, in the context of this contract, means books, notes, equipment, uniform or any other material provided to you or ordered for you once the contract has been agreed to.
10.1.2 ACADEMIC PERIOD means the stipulated period of instruction which may or may not be a year.
10.1.3 ACADEMIC REGISTRATION means agreement to the courses or modules you will be undertaking this year and the associated fees.
10.1.4 ACADEMIC YEAR means the annual period of instruction normally running from 1 January until 31 December, or from 1 July until 30 June the following year or any other period as stipulated.
10.1.5 ACCEPT and acceptance shall have the same meaning as sign.
10.1.6 ATTEND includes taking part in any class or structured academic activity in person on a campus or remotely by online means.
10.1.7 CONTRACT shall have the same meaning as terms.
CONTRACT AMOUNT means the fees and other charges you must pay for the programme for the relevant academic year, including any relevant application fee, pre-registration fees, registration fees and tuition fees. a) In addition to the contract amount, you may be liable for the costs of extra goods and services such as transport, notes, textbooks, stationery, uniforms, remarking or supplementary fees.
b) The contract amount will change if you change the mode of delivery or campus or programme or qualification on which you are registered or the registration type.
10.1.9 DEFERRAL OF REGISTRATION means not reregistering to study at the start of a new academic year or period prior to programme or qualification completion.
10.1.10 DUE DATE means any date in any academic year by which you must pay any part of the contract amount.
10.1.11 EXTERNAL PROVIDER means a separate independent organisation from The Institute that is responsible for providing or awarding any programme or qualification. It may include any external examining body other than The Independent Institute of Education associated with these modules, programmes, or qualifications. It may also include any other party offering academic help, products, or services to our students by arrangement with us.
10.1.12 FEE PAYER means the natural or juristic person responsible for paying the contract amount or other fees due by the student.
10.1.13 FULL SETTLEMENT means the upfront payment terms where the contract amount is paid in full as a single transaction by the specified date.
10.1.14 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY means knowledge, creative ideas, or expressions of human mind that have commercial value and are protectable under copyright, patent, service mark, trademark, or trade laws from imitation, infringement, and dilution. Intellectual property includes brand names, discoveries, formulas, inventions, knowledge, registered designs, software, and works of artistic, literary, or musical nature.
10.1.15 MODE OF DELIVERY means the way in which the programme is presented and includes distance or contact registration.
10.1.16 PAYMENT TERMS means your selection of the period over which you will make payment.
10.1.17 PERSONAL INFORMATION means information that relates to an identifiable and living natural person (which includes students and prospective students, parents, and fee payers and suppliers) and where applicable, an identifiable and existing juristic person (such as a company, close corporation, or a trust).
This information includes: (a) information describing a person, such as their race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, national, ethnicity, colour, sexual orientation, age, health, disability, religion or beliefs,
culture, language and birth of the person; (b) information relating to the education or the medical, financial, criminal or employment history of a person; (c) any identifying or contact details (such as a person’s name, e-mail address, physical address, telephone number, location information); (d) the biometric information of the person; and (e) the personal opinions, views or preferences of (or about) a person or any communications set to or from a person.
10.1.18 POPI ACT means the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013. Also referred to as POPIA.
10.1.19 PROCESSING means activities that involve personal information, including activities such as collecting, storing, using, disseminating, marking, restriction, erasing or destroying personal information.
10.1.20 PROFESSIONAL BODY means any body, recognised in law, to have the responsibility of regulating a particular profession or professions or aspects of the work of a particular profession or professions.
10.1.21 PROGRAMME means any unit of study for which a student registers at The IIE’s Varsity College and includes, but is not limited to, full qualifications, short learning programmes, courses, a year of study, a module or workshop or tuition support.
10.1.22 PROVISIONAL REGISTRATION includes temporary registration of a student who did not meet all the entrance requirements or provide all documents needed by us or any external provider, and it applies until the student meets stipulated conditions. Provisional registration does not impact on the effect of the contract which is not dependent on the type of registration.
10.1.23 QUALIFICATION means a qualification registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) for any South African qualification or duly recognised by South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) or Universities South Africa (USAf) for equivalency on the NQF.
10.1.24 REGISTRATION type means full time or part time registration.
10.1.25 RULES mean our regulations, policies, practices, procedures, standards, the Student Code of Conduct, Dispute, Grievance and Disciplinary Policy.
10.1.26 SEMESTER normally means half of an academic year and includes the period of teaching and learning associated with half of an academic year.
10.1.27 SEMESTER END is the date as defined in the student academic calendar.
SEMESTER START means the date on which a semester is designated as beginning for the programme concerned on the academic planning calendar for that programme.
10.1.29 SIGN means the addition of your signature to and your conveyed intention to indicate acceptance of these terms and includes the use of an ‘electronic signature’ as defined in the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002.
10.1.30 SPECIAL PERSONAL INFORMATION means (a) information that relates to religious or philosophical beliefs, race or ethnic origin, trade union membership, political persuasion, health or sex life or biometric information; (b) criminal behaviour to the extent that such information relates to the alleged commission of any offence or any proceedings in respect of any offence allegedly committed or the disposal of such proceedings.
10.1.31 STUDENT means the person who is registered and studying with The Independent Institute of Education at The IIE’s Varsity College.
10.1.32 TERMS mean the conditions and obligations contained in this document.
10.1.33 THE INSTITUTE means The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd.
10.1.34 TRANSFER means to move a student’s academic record and registration from one campus to another within or between brands of The Institute or to change the mode of delivery or registration type or the programme being studied.
10.1.35 WE, OUR OR US refers to The Institute or The IIE’s Varsity College, or both, depending on the circumstances.
10.1.36 YOU, YOUR OR YOURS refers to everyone who is party to this contract (including the student) together and individually depending on the circumstances.
10.2.1 Each person accepting this contract or submitting an online contract promises and agrees that they are jointly and
severally liable to pay the contract amount to The Institute in full on these terms. This means that you are legally responsible together and individually for paying the contract amount.
10.2.2 Each person accepting this contract is liable for the contract amount including under any circumstances in which a signed undertaking by a third party such as a company or any other sponsor has been provided in the required format but not honoured by such a third party.
10.2.3 We may conduct a credit or affordability check and by signing this contract, you agree to us doing so.
10.2.4 If we do not receive payment by Full Settlement by the due date, we may change the payment terms and you must pay based on the new payment terms we will give you.
10.2.5 Where a payment amount or terms is not specified, the fee payer is deemed liable for the Full Settlement fee by the specified date.
10.2.6 The contract amount must still be paid in full irrespective of student attendance at any class or engagement with any academic activity or online content. It will not be adjusted, reduced, or refunded.
10.2.7 You must complete a “request to transfer” application in the required format (available from the campus or programme administrator) through the required process if the student wants to be transferred to another campus of The Institute or to change the mode of delivery for instance from distance to contact or the registration type from full-time to part-time. The student can only be registered at the other campus or in the other mode or in a different registration type if their account is up to date at the original campus or in the other mode.
10.2.8 The contract amount may change because of any change to campus or mode of delivery or programme and the student will be liable for the contract amount for the new campus, mode of delivery or programme from the point at which the transfer is finalised. An administrative fee may be charged to effect the transfer.
10.2.9 You must follow the stipulated process if the student wants to make any changes to their registration for any programme or part of any programme.
10.2.10 Should you, for whatever reason, receive a financial credit in the current academic year, you may request that the remaining credit balance on your financial account be carried over to the next academic year, subject to the provisions of 10.5.20. The Institute reserves the right to confirm or deny this request in writing. In these circumstances, The Institute’s decision is final.
10.2.11 We may cancel this contract at any time if you are in material breach of these terms and conditions. A material breach will include, but not be limited to, the following circumstances:
(a) Failure to comply with policy, procedures and processes of The IIE;
(b) False, inaccurate or misleading information;
(c) Failure to comply with immigration requirements; or
(d) Failure to pay tuition fees.
10.2.12 We may cancel this contract and refund you any part of the contract amount already paid, excluding any registration or application fee, which you warrant that you understand has not been an advance reservation or “place holder” for purposes of Section 17 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (“the CPA”), and you do not have to pay the rest. We may do this if: (a) the student does not meet the admission requirements, including those stipulated by any professional body, proof of which will be required; (b) too few students are enrolled to justify running the programme; or (c) a provisionally registered student has taken all reasonable steps to comply with the conditions but has still not met them by the specified date.
10.2.13 Any refund in terms of 10.2.10 will exclude an amount for any programme already commenced where the student has already logged on to the relevant learning system,
attended and/or paid as a registration or application fee and/or any academic material already supplied.
10.2.14 This contract is cancelled if we expel the student following a disciplinary process. We will not refund any fees, and you remain responsible for paying the balance of the contract amount in the relevant academic year.
10.2.15 We will not adjust or refund fees if a student is suspended from attending or participating in any programme for any reason but is not expelled following a disciplinary process (where relevant). You must still pay the full contract amount.
10.2.16 The due dates for payment of fees are as stipulated on the fee schedule annually or on acceptance of this contract for the academic period or for the initial academic year or upon acceptance of the academic registration form in second or subsequent years of study as may be the case.
10.2.17 When this contract ends, the terms which protect our rights will still be effective.
10.2.18 You must send and we should receive a signed letter to the person authorised by The Institute if you intend to cancel your registration in terms of this contract. The Institute may retain the following amounts as a reasonable cancellation fee, and you warrant that you understand the meaning of a reasonable cancellation fee as set out in section 14 of the CPA and understand that we have agreed these to be reasonable for the purposes of section 14(3)(b)(i), to cover its administrative and other costs:
10.2.19 If the payment of any contract amount is late, we may exclude the student from campus, from attending classes for their chosen programme or qualification of study, graduation and may also withhold results
If your registration contract covers two semesters and you cancel: The amount below must be paid and will not be refunded: before the stipulated start date of the programme 10% of Full Settlement amount irrespective of the payment option you have made, plus the full cost of any academic material already supplied or ordered specifically for you.
before the stipulated end of semester in your academic calendar 50% of the contract amount, plus the full cost of any academic material already supplied or ordered specifically for you. any time after the end of the first semester 100% of the contract amount, plus the full cost of any academic material already supplied or ordered specifically for you.
If your registration contract covers one semester only and you cancel: The amount below must be paid and will not be refunded: before the stipulated start date of the programme
10% of Full Settlement amount irrespective of the payment option you have made, plus the full cost of any academic material already supplied or ordered for you. any time after the start date of the stipulated programme 100% of the contract amount, plus the full cost of any academic material already supplied or ordered for you.
until the required amount has been paid, without prejudice to our other rights. The student must still complete and submit any assignments and assessments set during this time. You must still pay the full contract amount even if we exclude the student or hold back results.
10.2.20 You remain responsible for any expenses that we incur if you breach this contract. Our expenses may include legal fees, tracing, and collection costs.
10.2.21 If any payment is more than 30 calendar days late, and no payment arrangement has been made, we may require you to pay the entire unpaid balance of the contract amount. We will charge interest on the outstanding amount at the highest rate allowed under the National Credit Act, 34 of 2005 as amended from time to time.
10.2.22 An account statement or a letter signed by an authorised financial manager of The Institute stating the amount you owe at any time is good enough provisional (prima facie) proof of your debt for all purposes.
10.2.23 Any cancellation or deferral or transfer in terms of this clause will not automatically extend maximum allowable completion times for your programme/qualification registration.
10.2.24 You must write to the person authorised by The Institute as soon as you change your address or other contact details and amend these on the system.
10.3.1 You will not disclose any personal details and/or access details including your applicant or student ID which has been issued to you for your online application and registration to any unauthorised third party or record such details in any way that may result in them becoming known to a third party. If you do not keep your personal details/ access details safe, you give up any claim you may have against us for any loss or damage you may suffer because you have not kept them safe.
10.3.2 After your access details/applicant or student ID have been entered, we will assume that any activity in relation to
your online registration is yours and any instruction is genuine. Even if someone else uses your access details, we may carry out an instruction as if you authorised it.
10.3.3 We confirm that we have reasonable security safeguards in place to protect your access details and other personal or confidential information provided by you via the online registration process. However, you accept that, while we will take all reasonable steps to prevent security breaches in respect of online registrations, any information sent over an unsecured link or communication system is susceptible to unlawful monitoring, interception, or access by a third party, for which we will not be responsible.
10.4.1 You indemnify (cover) us against any claim, loss, damage, injury, or death that results from any negligence or deliberate act or omission (failure to act) by the student, on or off campus.
10.4.2 The student takes part in all activities at own risk, and you:
(a) give permission for the student to take part in The IIE’s Varsity College activities on or off campus, including games, sport, cultural, educational, or social activities, tours, outings or any similar activity; (b) understand that the activities carry some risk of injury and are not necessarily supported by us or subject to our supervision or control; (c) indemnify us (including our associated companies, employees, subcontractors and representatives) against any claim linked to any loss, damage, injury or death to the student or their property in the course of these activities, unless caused by our gross negligence;
(d) give permission for any of our employees or representatives to attend to any injury the student suffers while taking part in any activity, and consent to any medical treatment with the same authority as a parent (in loco parentis) where they cannot contact the student’s parent or guardian in a medical emergency; and (e) agree to pay any medical or related costs incurred by The Institute for treating the student.
10.5.1 You warrant and promise that all your information in the application and registration process and this contract is true and correct.
10.5.2 The person accepting these terms warrants and promises that you have full contractual capacity.
10.5.3 In addition to the acceptance of these terms and conditions as part of this registration process by the fee payer or the student, the student will be required to indicate acceptance of these terms by accepting them on the student portal the first time they access said portal and will be bound accordingly.
10.5.4 We may cancel or change any start or end date or timetable and class composition without notice, but with good reason, to allow for changing circumstances.
10.5.5 We may change the curriculum and content of any programme or module offered.
10.5.6 We may cancel the offering of any programme or part of a programme if there is not enough demand, as long as the contract amount is adjusted accordingly and as long as, in the case of a programme, students have not yet commenced their course of study on that programme.
10.5.7 The student must make sure they are registered for all the right modules, programmes and qualifications.
10.5.8 The student must make sure they understand all registration requirements, the prospectus, and all rules for selecting any subject and the longest time allowed to finish their chosen programme as they may apply.
10.5.9 You warrant and promise that you have properly checked the relevant qualification, programme, subjects and modules before accepting this contract. You release us from responsibility for any loss or debt resulting from any incorrect registration or assessment, for any reason.
10.5.10 The student must get the South African Qualification Authority or Universities South Africa, or both, to certify any international qualification as required, at the student’s own cost.
10.5.11 You hereby acknowledge that, where applicable, professional qualifications are
designed to comply with the requirements of the relevant South African professional body and The Institute is bound by these requirements.
10.5.12 You hereby acknowledge that you know which bodies run, accredit, and award the student’s study programme or qualification and understand how to register.
10.5.13 Where relevant, you must register with any relevant external provider for the student’s study programme or qualification and comply with their relevant requirements, policies, and procedures, including paying the contract amount.
10.5.14 Our rules are available on https://www.iie.ac.za/iie-policy-bank and the student portal. We give students access to the rules within five working days of the stipulated starting date of a programme. Students have 10 days to read and understand the rules and how they apply to their programme. After this, we may assume you have read, understood, and promised to follow all the rules from your date of acceptance of this contract.
10.5.15 We may change rules or introduce new rules about academic and operational matters, student conduct and other issues at any time and the changes will be published on the student portal. The student must follow these new or changed rules.
10.5.16 We take academic integrity very seriously. We will take disciplinary action against any student we believe is involved in cheating, plagiarism, or any other breach of academic integrity. If the student is suspended or expelled, you are still responsible for paying the full contract amount.
10.5.17 All Intellectual Property generated through the performance of your study obligations vests with The Institute, unless formally agreed otherwise in writing by the Registrar of The Institute in advance of the production of such Intellectual Property. When this contract is accepted, you agree that the student is deemed to have ceded and assigned (transferred) to The Institute any rights to and ownership of any intellectual property the student creates in the course of any academic study, research, or project with us or in using our equipment or facilities. If this deemed cession is held to be inadequate for any reason, then you/the student agree to sign a deed of cession and assignment with The Institute.
10.5.18 We will do our best as soon as practically
possible to resume any programme which is stopped or altered because of any circumstances beyond our reasonable control. These include force majeure, states of disaster or emergency, acts of God and government, disease, electricity load shedding, disrupted supplies of water, extreme weather, natural disasters, war, revolution, industrial or student unrest and similar events.
10.5.19 The mode of delivery and registration type and the student’s originally chosen manner or ability to attend may not be the same as prior to the circumstances in 10.5.18 above if such circumstances preclude the same.
10.5.20 This contract may only be changed if it is done in writing and accepted by or on behalf of all parties. No specific or implied waiver of our rights is valid unless in writing and signed by all parties. However, parties agree to regard any changes to our rules as valid and effective five working days after publishing the changes on the student portal.
10.5.21 To provide you with learning material, access to our digital and physical facilities as well as educational services and feedback, we need to process your personal information and special personal information. We will not ask for more personal and special personal information than is necessary for us to fulfil our responsibilities or obligations in terms of this contract, which is to provide you with educational services.
10.5.22 You give us permission to collect and process your personal information and special personal information and to release such information to third parties/service providers as may be necessary for us to provide educational services to you or to meet legal obligations or in the case of emergency. You warrant that you give this permission freely, voluntarily and without undue influence and duress.
10.5.23 We will share your personal and special personal information with other industry, regulatory bodies, and service providers but only in so far as is required by them to fulfil their duties.
10.5.24 You (including the student) hereby give us permission to send you information
about academic or financial matters, lecture times, campus activities and any similar information using electronic communication, including text messages and email.
10.5.25 We may also send marketing material to you by electronic communication, and you may opt out of receiving further such marketing material by opting out through the appropriate function on the first marketing communication received by this means.
10.5.26 We will treat your personal information and special protected personal information with caution and have all generally accepted information security measures in place that are required to protect it. To see the full extent of our Information Privacy Notice, please visit our website at www.advtech.co.za.
10.5.27 You may request from us disclosure of the personal information and special personal information we hold on you, or request amendment or correction, update or deletion of such information and we will attend to your request in accordance with relevant policy of The Institute, the POPI Act and the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000. Such a request shall be made using the process detailed in our PAIA Manual which may be obtained from our website detailed in 10.5.26 above. It is important to note that a request to delete personal or special personal information may result in us being unable to provide our services to you. You have the duty to inform us of any changes to your personal information and special protected information relevant to our contractual relationship, as and when this occurs.
10.5.28 We allow students to use our information systems and networks for their studies and communicating with other students and lecturers. But we may check any information students create, store, send or receive using our systems and networks. This means that we may monitor, intercept, record or inspect all communications or data, but are not obliged to do so. The student agrees to this condition.
10.5.29 You also allow us to use any of the student’s work (including work entered into any competition by us) for our marketing and promotion.
10.5.30 You also unconditionally consent to us using any image of the student in any of our material, including social media.
10.5.31 We may report anything to do with conduct, breach of any rules, or health (to the extent that a significant threat has been recognised) to their parent, guardian or fee payer, or any relevant authority, and you have given us permission to provide such reports by accepting this contract. This may include personal information.
10.5.32 Your academic transcript will contain all information required by regulation including your progress and academic performance in all attempts at all modules as well as a statement of good standing related to your conduct unless you have a disciplinary record with us in which case no such statement of good standing will be provided.
10.5.33 In terms of the Immigration Act 13 of 2002, international students who are not permanent residents of South Africa must get a relevant visa for study valid for the full study period from the South African Department of Home Affairs at their own cost. The visa must be in favour of The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd. If the authorities grant any visa, asylum, refugee, or similar status for study purposes, and later withdraw or do not renew it, this contract is automatically cancelled. Application and other fees will not be refunded. This means you remain responsible for the full balance of the contract amount. We will consider a refund if you send us proof that a study visa has been denied or an asylum seeker visa has not been renewed.
10.5.34 International students who are enrolled for distance learning are responsible for procuring the necessary visa for entry into South Africa as may be required for the programme.
10.5.35 We do not make any guarantee, promise or representation about the student’s success, failure, or performance in any student’s chosen study programme.
We require a student to fully participate in the programme and to subject themselves to the rules of The Institute. We reserve the right to terminate the contract on reasonable notice if a student does not do so.
10.5.37 The contract is binding once accepted. It is a condition of registration that documents needed to complete our registration process must be submitted, and that we accept the documents. If any of these are not supplied, the student will not be able to graduate or be certificated. The student must make sure we have certified copies of the documents and must resubmit them if necessary. All documents submitted must be valid and we will take appropriate action if any fraudulent documents are submitted.
10.5.38 This contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the law of the Republic of South Africa.
10.5.39 The parties consent to the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court having jurisdiction in respect of any legal action which either party may institute against the other arising from this contract.
10.5.40 The parties, including the student, choose their street addresses below for service and delivery of legal notices and communications (domicilium citandi et executandi) in connection with this contract:
(a) All parties to this agreement, including the student: The address and contact details as provided to us and entered on our student system.
(b) The Institute: ADvTECH House, Inanda Greens Office Park, 54 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196 (marked for the attention of the Director of The Institute).
The following scholarships, bursaries and awards are available at the IIE’s Varsity College:
The scholarship available at the IIE’s Varsity College for new undergraduate students only, include:
• Excellence Scholarship: To qualify for one of these the student needs to have achieved an average of at least 75% in Grade 11 or 4 subjects (other than Life Orientation) with 80% or more.
• Achiever Scholarship: These are awards for candidates with a Grade 11 average of at least 60% and a household income less than R400 000 per annum. Applicants are also required to submit a 600-word motivation with their application. *Only South African citizens
This bursary category consists of the following awards:
• NSC Award: Any scholar achieving a National Senior Certificate pass with an average of 80% across seven subjects qualifies for a an NSC award.
• The Aggregate Distinction Award: Any student who attended lectures in 2022 and obtained a 75% aggregate for any FullTime Qualification qualifies for an academic award of R4 000 in respect of tuition fees only. Students are required to be registered for a full complement of modules, and if in the final year of completion, this must be a minimum of four modules.
Any student who studied an IIE undergraduate degree and achieved an average of 75% in their final year studies, is eligible to apply for an academic bursary for their first year of postgraduate studies only, when they register for a full-time IIE postgraduate programme.
Any student who attended lectures in 2022 and obtained a 75% aggregate, across a minimum of eight modules for any Part-Time Qualification offered in the Distance mode, qualifies for an academic award of R2 000 in respect of tuition fees only. Students are required to be registered for a full complement of modules with a minimum of eight modules.
Engagement Bursaries are awarded to students who are registered at the IIE’s Varsity College and hold positions of leadership. Bursaries are awarded to students who serve on the following student committees: VC Cares, Social Committee, Sports Committee, VC Voice and Career Centre Ambassador Committee.
Leadership awards are awarded to any prospective full-time, contact student who assumed a leadership role at the school they matriculated from. The leadership roles are Head Prefect, Deputy Head Prefect or equivalent at school. These students must be registered for a full complement of subjects/ modules and must be attending lectures at The IIE’s Varsity College.
Several sport bursaries are available to students who have excelled in their respective sport disciplines, in addition to students who are interested in becoming a Sports Club Administrator. The categories consist of the following awards and bursaries:
• National Sports Discretionary Bursary: This bursary is awarded at a National Level and is based on the current process of recruiting top sports men and women to The IIE’s Varsity College who have represented South Africa at National Senior A.
• Major Sports Club Bursaries: The Major Sports Club bursaries are campus/region specific and may be awarded to individuals specifically earmarked to represent The IIE’s Varsity College in selected major sports clubs.
• Sports Club Administrator Bursary: This bursary is awarded to prospective or current students who are interested in being a Sports Club Administrator for any one of the Sports Clubs offered on campus.
To complete your sports bursary application, you are required to submit a Sports Bursary Application Form, an updated Sports CV and relevant supporting documentation to the campus Sports Coordinator. The Sports Bursary Application Form can be found on the Varsity College website under SPORT/Sports Bursaries.
This award is awarded to any student who has an immediate family member who is concurrently studying at The IIE’s Varsity College. The value of the award is 5% of the qualification that the student is completing, provided the account payer is the same. The award amount does not include the cost of the academic material. The award applies to both full-time and part-time students on contact or distance programmes.
Please note: Ts & Cs apply. Other bursaries and awards, including discretionary amounts that have been agreed to with respect to Financial Needs/Relief, Competitions, Special awards and Corporate agreements are available. Please contact your campus for the full details of any of the aforementioned bursaries. Bursary, scholarship, and award offers are subject to change or withdrawal and are offered at the discretion of The IIE’s Varsity College
and cannot be confirmed until registration is completed. Final date for consideration of Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards is 1 March 2023, except where another closing date has been specifically stipulated.
The person accepting this contract warrants and promises that they have read this contract and understood it, and that they have the authority to accept and be contractually bound by the terms of this contract. The person accepting this contract is aware that the student will also be required to accept these terms the first time they log in to the student portal.
By clicking “I accept”, you: (i) represent and warrant that you have read and understood these Terms of Registration and; (ii) signify your agreement with these Terms of Registration and to be bound by them and (iii) signify that the student is aware of the binding nature of these terms to which the student will need to signify agreement by accepting them on the student portal.
The IIE’s Varsity College programme fees are ONLY for tuition. Educational material and textbooks are for your account.
PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to recalculate fees without prior notice should the account payer default on payment.
International students can only settle their fees using the full settlement or 6 month payment options.
Please note that only one payment method may be selected.
Payment for Full Settlement is due on or before registration.
Please note that should we not receive the registration contract and confirmation of payment on or before 10 February 2023 – Returning Students will be levied a Late Registration Fee from 11 February 2023.
Full settlement is a lower value amount than the 6 or 10 month instalment plan options.
The deposit is due on or before registration. Your next payment is due in the 6 months following registration in consecutive monthly payments thereafter until the account is settled.
The 1st instalment for the 10-month option is due on or before registration. Your next payment is due in the 9 months following registration in consecutive monthly payments thereafter until the account is settled.
Full settlement, deposit, or 1st instalment for the 10-month option is due on or before registration. Your next payment is due in the month following registration and in consecutive monthly payments thereafter until the account is settled. Fees must be paid before the last day of the due month.
If the last day of the month falls on the weekend, The IIE’s Varsity College requests that payment be made on or before the last working day of the month in order that the payment reflects for the correct month.
The following steps will be followed by The IIE’s Varsity College in the event of non-payments;
Account 30 days in arrears – Access to your online portal will be blocked.
Account 60 days in arrears – Notice of suspension will be issued.
Account 90 days in arrears – You will be suspended and denied access to your respective campus to attend lectures or take part in activity taking place on campus. Results will be withheld and the you will not be able to register for additional modules until the account is settled.
Account 120 days in arrears – Account will be handed over to the Pre-legal department. Any cost incurred thereafter will be for the account payer. The IIE’s Varsity College reserves the right to withhold assessment results as well as The IIE certificate until such time that all fees are settled in full.
During this period, you will still be expected to submit all assignments as well as write assessments and exams as required. The IIE’s Varsity College reserves the right, in terms of The IIE policy, to withhold assessment results as well as The IIE certification until such time that all fees are settled in full.
Full Settlement R N/A R
10 Mths** R 9 x R R
6 Mths R 6 x R R
• Registration opens on the 9th January and you will be invited to register if your admission has been approved.
• Payment must take place at the point of registration via PayU when completing your online registration.
• The full settlement, deposit, or 1st installment for the 10-month option is due on/before registration. Until payment is made, you will not be able to submit your registration. Your next payment is due in the month following registration and in consecutive monthly payments thereafter until the account is settled.
• Please note that should the payment plan selected not be adhered to, we reserve the right to adjust this to the 10-month option.
**This payment method is not available for international students or students registering for modules in one semester only
In the interest of safety and security, cash payments are not accepted on campus and we request that you make cash payments directly into the campus bank account.
Payments by means of credit card or debit card may be made at the campus cashier.
Cash payments may be deposited at any branch of ABSA Bank. Please note that Direct Deposits and EFT’s are only available for Full Settlement payments, Deposits and first instalments for 10 months. Should you select terms as your payment method - you will be required to complete a debit order instruction.
Please ensure that the deposit slip is completed, accurately, as follows:
Add the campus name after the words ‘VARSITY COLLEGE’, e.g. ‘VARSITY COLLEGE – PRETORIA’.
See below for the correct banking details for the campus that you are enrolling to study at.
Bank: ABSA
Branch: Corporate Gauteng
Branch code: 632005
Payments into the incorrect campus bank account will cause a delay in crediting your account and will cause your account to go into arrears.
Insert accurate depositor details and contact telephone number otherwise the campus will not be able to contact the depositor in the event of a payment query.
Ensure that the STUDENT NUMBER is used as the payment reference. If the student number is not available at the time of payment, then please use the student’s ID number and student’s surname. Please fax/email the deposit slip to the campus finance department as proof of payment and retain the original for your records.
Debit orders are run on the 1st, 15th or 25th of each month. If you have selected terms as your payment method - you must complete the DEBIT ORDER INSTRUCTIONS when registering. Debit orders are available for South African students, and International students with South African bank accounts. International Payments are only available for International Students that do not have local bank accounts.
Unpaid or returned debit orders will incur a R300 administration charge and, in addition, The IIE’s Varsity College reserves the right to reverse any discounts previously allowed should the terms and conditions of such discounts no longer be met.
Account number:
Cape Town campus: 4052259471
Durban North campus: 4052241080
Pietermaritzburg campus: 4052241315
Nelson Mandela Bay campus: 4052259023
Pretoria campus: 4052245482 Sandton campus: 4052240115 Waterfall campus: 4078316043 Westville campus: 4052241551
VC Online: 4091759511
Student loans are provided by certain registered financial institutions, such as banks. These loans are structured in such a way that, during the time you are studying, all that needs to be paid on a monthly basis is the interest accrued on the amount you have borrowed.
Only when you complete your studies and enter the working world, will the capital amount of your loan need to be repaid. Should you require a list of institutions that can provide advice or assistance, please ask a Student Advisor.
Where students are the recipients of a Loan or Bursary Account payers are liable for any deficit between fees billed and payment received.
Are charged where a student is required to repeat a module of an IIE programme to progress. The fee amount, where applicable, is available at your campus. Please note that, in line with academic programme criteria, you are only able to register for a maximum number of module credits per academic year. Please ensure you are registered for the correct number of credits before completing this section. Should you require assistance on this, please contact the Admissions Centre or the Customer Relations Centre on campus.
Students who achieve either a Maths Literacy mark between 50% and 59%, or a Maths mark between 30%-39% or have not done Accounting and Economics in their NSC exams, may be admitted in 2023 for contact study towards the Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship or the Bachelor of Commerce in Law on condition that they register for the extended version of Economics 1A and Accounting 1A. See the BCom section for more details.
R300 (non-refundable) is charged to all students who join The IIE’s Varsity College Sports Club. The fee entitles you to participate in any one of the organised sporting activities on campus and you will receive a 2023 Sports Club T-shirt. The fee excludes the costs of The IIE’s Varsity College branded sports attire and any annual subscription fees that may be required to join our open clubs e.g. VC Rugby Club or licenses that may be required by national sporting bodies to officially participate in their events.
Full-Time international students will be subject to an International Student Levy of R6 000, payable on registration. Part-Time international students will be subject to an International Student Levy of R3 000, payable on registration.
A late registration penalty fee will apply to all returning students who do not meet the registration deadline of the 10 February 2023. The fee will be levied from 11 February 2023. The late registration fee for Full-Time returning students is R2 500 and R1 000 for Part-Time and Postgraduate returning students.
For further information on how to apply for Assessment Support relating to learning Concessions and Needs assessments refer to the Academic Support section related to Assessment Support relating to learning Concessions and Needs assessments. For the costs of using BrightSparkz please chat to your Head: Academic on campus or contact BrightSparkz directly. The BrightSparkz contact details can be found in the Academic Support section of this handbook.
Your Head: Academic can guide you through this process, and can provide a referral to an Educational Psychologist in your area if necessary for Assessment Support relating to learning Concessions and Needs assessments. Students who request a separate venue for assessments due to medical conditions would also need to speak to the Head: Academic on campus.
After the marking process has been completed and the mark is disputed, even if no error is picked up, you may apply for a remark on the Student Hub within 20 working days of the result being released or within five working days of having viewed the paper at a cost of R275 per script for undergraduate students and R500 per script for postgraduate/honours students.
A contact undergraduate student who receives a minimum of 30% for a summative assessment is permitted a second opportunity to write the examination (known as a supplementary examination (SUP) or resubmit the summative assessment if it is a portfolio or practical. The cost of a supplementary exam is R525. If this payment has not been received upfront it will automatically be billed to your account.
Special examinations are for undergraduate students who have only two modules outstanding that prevent them from graduating. All special examinations take place in the third sitting. The cost of a special exam is R525.
If you misplace your physical student card, you will need to replace it at a cost of R50.
Should you misplace your qualification, you may request a reprint at a cost of R400.
The IIE’s Varsity College have a variety of scholarship, bursaries and awards available. To find out more, book an appointment with a student advisor at an IIE Varsity College campus close to you.
The IIE’s Varsity College Scholarship Programme is a merit-based programme with a Corporate Social Investment element, focused on ensuring access to top performing prospective students who would not otherwise have been able to access private higher education. These scholarships in all programme categories apply only to undergraduate students, who have applied to the IIE’s Varsity College, for their first year of study at any higher education institution. Closing date for Scholarship applications is 7 October 2022.
• Excellence Scholarship: To qualify for an Excellence Scholarship, you must have achieved an average of at least 75% in Grade 11, or equivalent, excluding Life Orientation, or 4 subjects (other than Life Orientation) with 80% or more
• Achiever Scholarship: The Achiever Scholarship is for candidates with a Grade 11 average of at least 60% and a household income less than R400 000 per annum *
Awards are awarded to prospective and current students who have excelled academically and include the following:
• NSC Award: Any scholar achieving a National Senior Certificate pass with an average of 80% across seven subjects qualifies for an NSC award *
• The Aggregate Distinction Award: Any student who attended lectures in 2022 and obtained a 75% aggregate for any Full-Time Qualification qualifies for an academic award of R4 000 in respect of tuition fees only. Students are required to be registered for a full complement of modules, and if in the final year of completion, this must be a minimum of four modules
Any student who studied an IIE undergraduate degree and achieved an average of 75% in their final year studies, is eligible to apply for an academic bursary for their first year of postgraduate studies only, when they register for a full-time IIE postgraduate programme
Any student who attended lectures in 2022 and obtained a 75% aggregate, across a minimum of eight modules for any Part-Time Qualification offered in the IIE Distance mode qualifies for an academic award of R2 000 in respect of tuition fees only. Students are required to be registered for a full complement of modules with a minimum of eight modules
Engagement Bursaries are awarded to students who are registered at The IIE’s Varsity College and hold positions of leadership. Bursaries awarded to current students serving on the following student committees: VC Cares, Social Committee, Sports Committee, VC Voice and Career Centre Ambassador Committee.
There are a number of sport bursaries available to students who have excelled in their respective sport disciplines according to the different categories included below and further details included in the Student Services section of this handbook.
• National Sports Discretionary
• Major Sports Club Bursaries
Any student who was head prefect, or equivalent, of a school during 2022, who is registered for a full complement of subjects/ modules and who is attending lectures at The IIE’s Varsity College in 2023, qualifies for a R6 000 award in respect of 2023 tuition fees only.
• Sports Club Administrator Bursary
Prospective applicants should contact a campus and speak to a Student Advisor, who will supply more information and provide an application form.
This award is awarded to any student, who has an immediate family member who is concurrently studying at The IIE’s Varsity College in 2023. The value of the award is 5% of the qualification that is being completed, provided the account payer is the same. The award does not include academic material.
Any student who was deputy head prefect, or equivalent, of a school during 2022, who is registered for a full complement of subjects/ modules and who is attending lectures at The IIE’s Varsity College in 2023 qualifies for a R3 500 award in respect of 2023 tuition fees only.
Additional awards and bursaries for academics are available that are specific to individual campuses. Ensure you speak to a Student Advisor from your chosen campus before selecting this option.
Bursary, scholarship and award offers are subject to change or withdrawal, are offered at the discretion of The IIE’s Varsity College and cannot be confirmed until registration is complete.
Please note that all bursaries and scholarships are subject to the following conditions and may only be applied for when the following conditions are met:
• Academic bursaries are in respect of 2022 performance and are applicable to 2023 programme fees only, unless otherwise stipulated
• Bursaries and Scholarships, except for Sports team bursaries, Corporate Bursaries and Staff Bursaries or unless specifically stipulated in the definition, do not apply to Part-Time students
• A full complement of modules must be registered for, as per the IIE programme structure document, and if the final year of completion, this must be a minimum of four modules. This is only applicable to students studying in the Full-Time mode – for academic, engagement and leadership bursaries
• Only students who studied an IIE undergraduate degree and achieved an average of 75% in their final year studies, are eligible to apply for a bursary if they register for a full-time IIE postgraduate programme
• Any student who attended lectures in 2022 and obtained a 75% aggregate, across a minimum of eight modules for any Part-Time Qualification offered in the IIE Distance mode qualifies for an academic award of R2 000 in respect of tuition fees only. Students are required to be registered for a full complement of modules with a minimum of eight modules
• While more than one category may be applied for, the maximum amount per student per year is up to 20% of the programme fees except for the Sports Club, where the values may be higher. This rule may not apply to scholarships – a student on a scholarship is not eligible for another bursary
• Family Loyalty bursaries will only be paid where the account payer is the same for both family members
• Should the account fall into arrears and payments not be made according to the payment plan selected, The IIE’s Varsity College reserves the right to cancel the bursary or scholarship and reverse part, or all the credit awarded
• Should a registration contract be cancelled, the bursary or scholarship will be reversed prior to the calculation of any penalties or fee portion owing
• Please note applications will not be considered if they are not received by 1 March 2023 for all programmes, and if they are not accompanied by the necessary documentary evidence (e.g., testimonial, exam results, letter on a sports union letterhead, etc)
• All applicable students must be issued with the appropriate approval letter confirming the bursary or scholarship
• Repeat modules are not included in calculations
• Modules that are credited academically from the current academic year must be removed from the fee total before any percentage calculation is calculated
The IIE’s Varsity College has an Academic Operations team on every campus. This team is responsible for ensuring compliance with academic operations and administrative policies and procedures by the respective Schools. The Academic Operations team is responsible for your student experience; ensuring that all administration related to your qualification is handled efficiently and effectively. Customer service is important to us, as such we have a dedicated customer relations team on campus that will assist you with any queries you may have regarding your journey with us.
The customer relations platform is available via VC Assist. By logging your query on VC Assist, you will gain direct access to a Customer Relations Officer on your campus who will respond to your query.
In addition to VC Assist and the Customer Relations Officer on campus, please feel free to contact your Head: Academic Operations on campus at any stage. You may access VC Assist here: https://www.varsitycollege.co.za/assist/
The below categories are relevant to the operational management of your programme and you can contact your Academic Operations team regarding this.
• You have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity regardless of gender, race, sexual preference, political affiliation, nationality, marital status, disability or religious belief.
• You have the right to access the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of The IIE.
• You have the right to access all facilities and resources available on an IIE site of delivery, in accordance with its various function and conditions for use.
Your lecturer will note your attendance at each session. It is therefore important that you attend each scheduled session, as per your timetable.
If you miss any lectures you need to ensure that you find out, from your lecturer, what was covered during the lecture you missed. It is your responsibility to ensure you catch up on any work you have missed.
Some modules within your programme may have a prerequisite or corequisite requirement to complete either before (prerequisite) you can proceed with another module or in conjunction (corequisite) with another module.
It is important to take note of your programme’s prerequisite modules as you may not be able to proceed with a module in the following semester or year if you are not successful in the prerequisite for that module which will affect your registration and progression for your qualification.
You may not enrol for a module without having successfully completed the related prerequisites. Prerequisites can also be between semesters or between years.
Please ensure that you are registered for the correct modules and in the correct semester and/ or year. Your Student Advisor or a staff member from the Customer Relations Centre will assist you with this.
Should you need to amend your registration to add or deregister from any modules, you need to complete an Amendment to Contract form with a staff member from the Customer Relations Centre.
Your timetables are uploaded onto the MyVC Student Intranet at the start of the semester. Your timetable will list all the modules that you are registered for during the semester.
• The timetable confirms the schedule of lectures you are to receive for each of the modules you are registered for, including the venue and lecturer. In addition your timetable will include venue and lecturer information.
• Our face-to-face programmes are aimed at students wishing to dedicate themselves to full-time face-to-face studies for the duration of their qualification. This means that students are expected to be available for classes during the morning and/or afternoon throughout the academic year depending on how the timetable is structured.
• Unfortunately, you are not able to select a morning or afternoon format to suit your personal circumstances.
• We encourage you to take up part-time employment outside of class time, weekends
and in the evenings, but you must prioritise your studies and we urge you not to commit to work schedules until after you have received your timetable and academic calendar.
• While we strive to offer time efficient timetables (where classes are grouped together in the morning or the afternoon), we cannot guarantee that either format will necessarily be available for all programmes every semester.
• You are required to attend classes unless you are studying a qualification offered by the Online Centre in which case face-to-face lectures is not a requirement.
• You may also be required to write assessments or submit coursework or assignments outside of normal class time.
• If you are repeating a module/s from a previous year of study, please liaise with the Customer Relations Centre to ensure that you have all the required timetables for modules across different years of study.
Timetables are subject to change and it is therefore important that you refer to the most recent version which will be available on the MyVC Student Intranet.
Should you experience a clash between two modules on your timetable, please discuss this with the Customer Relations Centre immediately.
Your Programme Assessment Schedule (PAS) can be accessed via the MyVC Student Intranet at the start of the semester. This schedule will list all the formative and summative assessment dates for each module so that you can plan for and work towards your academic success.
• This schedule will confirm all assessment dates for tests and exams as well as assignments, tasks, Portfolio of Evidence and take home assessment submission deadlines.
• Contact Full-Time tests and exams are scheduled at 8am, 11am and 2pm. Contact Part-Time tests are scheduled on a weekday at 8am, 11am and 2pm. Take home tests and exams are required to be submitted by 9pm on the submission due date.
• Contact Part-Time students need to familiarise themselves with the test and exam weeks in advance so that appropriate leave can be arranged with your employer.
• The PAS is subject to change, so please ensure that you are always referring to the most recent version.
• Integrated Curriculum Engagement (ICE) due dates will be issued to you by the lecturer.
• Please take note of your programme Continuous Assessment (CASS) release dates. During this period, you are required to check all your results on the Student Portal and bring any concerns to the Customer Relations Centre. Changes to results cannot be made once the CASS release date has passed.
• Past exam papers are available on the Library website. Access to the Library website via: https://advtechonline.sharepoint.com/sites/ TertiaryStudents/IIE%20Past%20Papers/Forms/ AllItems.aspx
• Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with The IIE009 Assessment Strategy and Policy by accessing all The IIE policies using the following link which will direct you to the MyVC Student Intranet.
• Access to the MyVC Student Intranet via https://advtechonline.sharepoint.com/sites/ VarsityCollege/VarsityCollegeStudentPortal/ SitePages/Home.aspx
You will be issued with a student card, either physical or digital, once your registration is complete. Have your student card with you at all times, as well as a valid form of photo identification should you only have a digital student card, especially when writing tests and exams. You will not be permitted into the examination venue without valid photo identification as laid out in The IIE009 Assessment Strategy and Policy.
The entry requirement for all The IIE exams is a CASS mark of 40% average. It is important to keep an eye on the Student Portal and your CASS mark leading up to the final exams to ensure that you know if you qualify to write the exam.
Integrated Curriculum Engagement (ICE) tasks will be conducted throughout the semester for each module. The completed tasks contribute 10% towards your CASS mark. It is your responsibility to attend classes and receive copies of the ICE tasks and requirements in order to benefit from these activities.
ICE tasks are not limited to in-class activities. ICE tasks have been designed for completion on VC Learn before, during or after class.
It is important that you attend the very informative referencing and plagiarism workshops offered on campus to familiarise yourself with the requirements for referencing when submitting any formative or summative submissions. Plagiarism is academic theft and will be treated very seriously.
All theoretical assignments must be submitted through the relevant anti-plagiarism tool, SafeAssign (this will be indicated on your PAS).
It is your responsibility to ensure you submit your assignment using the correct anti-plagiarism tool. You will receive your login details for the site with the list of all your assignments you have to submit onto the site in the first few weeks of class. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION
• To contribute to a harmonious and positive learning environment that is respectful of all those who are in the environment.
• To comply with the rules, policies and procedures of The IIE (which includes the assessment strategy and policy, student code of conduct, SafeAssign assignment submission process and assignment submission time).
• To participate actively, honestly and positively in all activities that constitute the teaching and learning process.
• To monitor your own progress during your studies and to seek advice when you experience any difficulties, using facilities available such as the Student Portal and VCConnect.
• To ensure that you are familiar with when and how to communicate any administrative and operations concerns you may have.
• To order academic material timeously before lectures commence.
• To ensure that your contact details are always up to date on the student system (The Student Portal).
• To ensure that you have a student card at all times when on an IIE site of delivery (this is your official identification on campus).
• To ensure that you are familiar with all platforms of communication (The Student Portal, VCConnect, Blackboard, SMS, etc.) and, if required, to respond to the communication appropriately.
• To ensure you are familiar with The VC Student Hub and VC Assist platforms.
If you do not pass your modules with a result of 50%, you may qualify to write a supplementary exam, but you must have at least achieved a sub minimum of 30% in your final exam for undergrad qualifications and 40% for post-grad qualifications. You have to keep an eye on your final results to know if you passed or not. If you do not pass the first exam sitting, you need to ensure that you apply and pay the required fee for the supplementary exam. Alternatively you will be automatically billed for this exam. It is important to be aware of the supplementary exam dates.
Always ensure that you have the most updated timetables and PAS. Your timetable indicates a weekly schedule for the semester and the PAS contains the dates and times of all your assessments. You will be notified via your VCConnect e-mail address of any updates and changes to both these documents, therefore it is important to check your VCConnect emails every day. Supplementary Exam dates are communicated in advance on the PAS and it is your responsibility to ensure that you check your results and are prepared for the supplementary exams should you qualify.
If you are preparing to take the next step towards your future by graduating it is your responsibility to contact the Admissions Centre for graduation details. You also need to check with your Campus Admissions Centre that they have a certified copy of your ID or Passport and your NSC or equivalent. In the event that you are eligible for graduation, you will receive a graduation pack which will include your invite to graduation as well as details about your graduation attire, photographs etc.
Should you wish to apply for “Early Graduation” so that you can apply for Honours or External Universities please do so on the Student HUB.
Click on this link: https://www.varsitycollege.co.za/student-hub/ Application/confirmation-of-graduation-saqaverification-syllabus-request.aspx
Once you have graduated you can access The IIE Marque https://www.iiemarque.ac.za and use this to share your academic history and transcript with prospective employers.
Being part of an Alumni is an old tradition that allows graduates to stay in contact with fellow graduates and to grow through the support of their tertiary institution. As an IIE graduate you will form part of our exciting VC Alumni Community.
The IIE’s Varsity College Career Centre, in partnership with industry, serves to support you with all aspects relating to your career development and growth through coaching, mentoring and engagement. We want you to thrive in industry! But for you to do so, you need to proactively stay connected with us.
Consult with your Career Centre Coordinator (CCC) on campus for CV development, interview support and navigating your career. Recently qualified IIE graduates are invited to attend the annual Graduate Employment Workshop (GEW). The aim of this workshop is to equip those individuals who have not yet secured employment with the necessary practical work readiness skills to enter into the job market.
website: https://www.varsitycollege.co.za/alumni
The VC Alumni Career Platform allows you to discover your “professional” self by encouraging you to complete various career assessments, plan and execute your next career move, learn how to maintain a healthy work life balance and act on growing your leadership and business skills.
Access the Job Search Engine on the VC Alumni Career Platform to explore and apply for full-time and graduate employment opportunities.
Reconnect with fellow Alumni by attending the VC Alumni Connect Evenings and Alumni reunions. This is a great opportunity to grow your business network.
Encourage your company to recruit students or graduates through The IIE’s Varsity College Career Centre or offer your skills and experience. Link up with your Career Centre Coordinator for more information on how you can get involved. If you are a high flyer in industry or know of Alumni who have achieved great success in their career, we want to know about it!
Contact us at: alumni@varsitycollege.co.za
Give yourself enough time to complete all your assignments on time. Late submissions are not accepted. Online assignment submissions are due by 21:00:00 on the due date. Physical assignment submissions are to be submitted to your campus designated assignment submission area on campus before 17:00:00 on the due date unless otherwise stipulated. A completed assignment coversheet is required with each physical submission. Online assignment submissions are made via VCLearn.
You will have the option to apply for academic credits onto your current programme if you have studied at The IIE previously or at another tertiary institution. Should you want to do this, submit your application through the Student Hub.
Credit can only be granted for up to 50% of the credit value of a qualification for learning completed in: • Another completed qualification or • Through short learning programmes
Only up to 50% of the credit value from one completed qualification can be presented for recognition in another qualification.
Any and all credits for an incomplete qualification may be granted for a different qualification.
Certain qualifications require you to achieve a minimum result before academic credit for that module may be approved. To avoid disappointment, please ensure you understand these requirements for the programme you are registering.
Academic credits will not be automatically awarded so you must attend lectures and complete all assessments for the module until the result of your application has been determined.
If you would like to benefit from the financial credit received from an approved academic credit, please ensure your applications are received by: Semester 1: 31 March 2023 Semester 2: 15 August 2023
Any applications received after the closing dates above will be processed but will be subject to the full fees irrespective of the application outcome.
Step 1
Once your registration has been finalised by The IIE’s Varsity College, you will receive an email with a personalised link to Varsity College Books. Click on this link and you will automatically be signed into the Varsity College Books Portal.
Step 2
Review your contact details and proceed to your shopping cart.
Step 3
Your shopping cart will be prepopulated with the books you require. Review and proceed.
Choose either “Courier” or “Collect from Pretoria store”. If you opted for “Courier”, then also enter your delivery address.
Step 5
Make payment (EFT/Instant EFT or Credit/Debit Card or MobiCred - Buy now and Pay Later) and expect delivery of your books within 1 to 3 business daysIt’s that Simple!
At Wize Books we strive to provide the best possible experience when it comes to our clients purchasing their textbooks. Over and above the best service in the country, we aim to impress you with exceptional pricing as well. Our dedicated website for the IIE’s Varsity College students will prepopulate your shopping cart for the upcoming semester based on your qualification and academic history.
Our dedicated customer service team at Wize Books are ready to assist you and provide focussed attention if required by you as our valued client. However, you can check out our FAQs below before contacting us – the answers to all your questions may already be covered here and will, therefore, save you time and effort.
If you have not finalised your registration with The IIE’s Varsity College and need a quotation for bursary purposes, you are welcome to contact our Customer Service agents by sending an email to: enquiries@varsitycollegebooks.co.za. They will require your bursary/sponsor/ company’s details as well as the modules you will be taking to provide an official quotation. If you are already registered at The IIE’s Varsity College, please place your order, MAKING SURE THAT IN STEP 1 you Select “Invoice Company” and then fill in your bursary/sponsor/ company’s details and VAT Number. Please select EFT as your payment option. As you then finalise your order you will receive a Pro Forma Invoice/ Quotation, made out to your bursary/ sponsor/company which will enable you to forward this document to them for payment. This will make it super easy for you, for your sponsor and for Wize Books.
This is because we have not yet received your registration details or your registration has not been finalised by The IIE’s Varsity College.
Kindly contact the Campus Customer Relations Centre who will direct your query to the campus student administrator at your relevant Varsity College Campus to ensure that your registration has been finalised and then allow up to 24 hours from registration to receive the email with your personalised link to log into the portal. If you have already contacted The IIE’s Varsity College and have been waiting for 24 hours, but still have not received the personalised email, please get in touch with our Customer Services team via telephone 012 362 5885 or email enquiries@varsitycollegebooks.co.za providing your student number, correspondence from The IIE’s Varsity College and your contact details for us to assist.
Great news, your shopping cart will be prepopulated with all your prescribed material for the semester. Kindly log into the Varsity College Books Portal at www.varsitycollegebooks.co.za to check that the codes next to each title match the modules that you registered for. Alternatively, you can contact your student administrator at The IIE’s Varsity College to confirm the modules and corresponding last 4 digits of the ISBN numbers.
You clicked the email link or logged in using your student number/ID number. At the bottom of the page, click on the action button “Proceed to step 1”. If you do not see this button at the bottom of the page, click on “Order” in the menu on the top right which will take you step by step to place your order.
If no books appear in your shopping cart, it means The IIE’s Varsity College has not sent us your modules as of yet. Please contact VC Assist to ensure they correct this, as currently you are not enrolled for any modules.
Once you have completed your online registration with The IIE’s Varsity College, you will receive an email with a personalised link to Varsity College Books. When you click on this link, you will automatically be signed into your Varsity College Books Portal.
When placing your order, you will see the estimated lead times indicated in GREEN or RED colour next to each title in Step 2. The lead times in GREEN indicate the availability of the books and the expected delivery date. However, if the lead times are shown in RED, it means that the book is out of stock/we are awaiting the book from the publishers. If all your books are in stock, your order will take 1–3 business days to be delivered to a main/ city centre after we have received payment. Please note, however, that delivery times are area/location dependent and therefore delivery to outlying areas may take longer.
We accept credit cards and cheque cards. Should your payment be unsuccessful the first time, you can log back in and click on “Order History” from the top right menu, look for the order you wish to pay and click on “Make Payment”. This should allow you to make a
payment for a specific order number. Should this also be unsuccessful, please inquire with your bank to activate 3D secure, or kindly repeat the process using a different card.
If you do not have Internet Banking or a credit card, then do not stress. You can also use Instant EFT if you don’t have Internet banking - this will release your order immediately if successful. Alternatively, place the order choosing Normal EFT in Step 4. This will then generate a Pro-Forma Invoice for you indicating the amount to pay, the EXACT reference to use and our ABSA Bank Details. Take this document and visit any ABSA Bank Branch to do a direct cash deposit into our account.
IMPORTANT - Be mindful to ensure the ABSA Bank Cashier uses only your Order number as the reference for the cash deposit to avoid any delays in allocating your payment.
Don’t Stress! Just email us your Proof of Payment together with your Name, Surname, Cell number and the CORRECT Order number. When sending the mail, kindly mail it to pop@varsitycollegebooks.co.za with subject “Incorrect Reference used when I made payment” and stipulate in the body of the Mail “Attention Wize Books - Charmonique”. This will enable us to quickly allocate your payment to your order to get your parcel released.
Don’t stress about this! We have added the feature that enables you to amend your own delivery address. Just log into the portal, click on “Order History” at the top. Look for the relevant order, and click on “View Details”. Scroll to the “Delivery Address” section and click on the pencil icon. This will allow you to instantly change your address.
Note: Should your parcel already have received it’s waybill, you will not be able to amend it’s delivery address and additional charges will apply to re-route your parcel.
Always make sure that you place your order as soon as you receive your “Portal is Open” notification. This will ensure that you receive your books timeously and don’t have any issues. We preorder enough books before the semester starts, but we are dependent on publishers and, growth in student numbers at The IIE’s Varsity College often outweighs the expectation. The publisher might have a delay that is totally out of our control; however, be assured that we will do our part in engaging and chasing up on receiving the stock. We want to serve EVERY student with the best service south of the North Pole, but this will require you, the student, to give us that opportunity.
We will keep you informed throughout the process – all the way from placing your order, receiving payment for your order, dispatching of your order, any delays from publishers on your order and after sales feedback. That said, once your order is ready for collection or has been dispatched you’ll receive a notification via your email address and cellphone number that you provided when you placed your order. Should you wish to collect in store (at our NEW Pretoria Store), a security PIN will be sent to you once the order is ready to be collected. You can then come to the store with your 5 digit PIN, and collect your books. Without this 5 digit PIN, AND the person collecting the order, ID or driver’s licence, you will not be able to collect your parcel.
Our New PRETORIA Store is located at: 1116 Prospect Street, Hatfield, Pretoria
Directly opposite University of Pretoria’s Magrietjie Ladies Residence.
• IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education
• IIE Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase & Further Education & Training Teaching
• IIE Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching
• IIE Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching
• IIE Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care & Education
• IIE Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting
• IIE Bachelor of Accounting
• IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Data Analytics
• IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Honours
• IIE Bachelor of Computer & Information Sciences in Application Development
• IIE Higher Certificate in Mobile Application and Web Development
• IIE Bachelor of Laws
• IIE Bachelor of Arts in Law
• IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Law
• IIE Higher Certificate in Legal Studies
• IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Management
• IIE Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Management
• IIE Bachelor of Commerce
• IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship
• IIE Higher Certificate in Logistics & Supply Chain Management
• IIE Higher Certificate in Business Principles & Practice
• IIE Higher Certificate in Human Resource Practices
• IIE Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
Admission requirements apply. For further information, please contact a Student Advisor at your nearest campus.
The IIE’s Varsity College School of Humanities & Social Sciences is a part of The IIE’s Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences.
As a graduate of the School of Humanities & Social Sciences you will make a significant contribution in all social contexts – including business, education, government and health provision.
Graduates are equipped with advanced written, spoken, analytical, critical thinking, problem solving and digital skills which enables them to critically engage with current social issues and trends, locally and globally. Understanding people relations is beneficial in every industry, and graduates are sought after and employable because of these highly valued skills.
The School of Humanities & Social Sciences includes: IIE Higher Certificate in Communication Practices, IIE Bachelor of Arts, IIE Bachelor of Social Science, IIE Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Communication and IIE Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology.
To Watch Video: CLICK HERE
The purpose of this qualification is to build on students’ existing knowledge key areas in the field of communication in order to develop accountable and skilled communication professionals and leaders able to contribute meaningfully both to academic practice and to the communication planning, implementation and management activities of organisations. It emphasises the strategic role of communication in realising organisational strategic initiatives.
To this end, students will broaden and deepen their understanding of fundamental communication theories and research methodology and will be required to interrogate and evaluate multiple sources of knowledge in key areas of business related communication. Graduates will thus cultivate the skills required for further specialised study in support of the principles of life long learning.
Through the development of crucial communication related skills and competencies, highly attractive to prospective employers, graduates will be equipped to take up communication related positions in a variety of businesses and communication related sectors where they will be able to add value to the organisation in which they are employed.
The qualification design and selection of modules and outcomes aim to guide and support the development of an honours graduate with the insight and competency to conduct rigorous academic research; critique theory using appropriate criteria; analyse the reciprocal relationship between strategic communication practices and organisational leadership; survey market conditions to forecast emerging opportunities for communication innovation; develop innovative and implementable communication
strategies and apply a broad spectrum of communication skills to communication related activities in organisations. This honours qualification further aims to develop informed citizens that will engage critically, ethically and imaginatively with the world around them.
1. Critically analyse communication theories and approaches.
2. Evaluate leadership and strategic communication practices in organisations within national and international contexts.
3. Apply contemporary communication techniques to inform the achievement of strategic organisational objectives.
4. Conduct primary research using an appropriate research design.
5. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and propose innovative solutions to communication problems in varied contexts.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet and academic calendar options via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
Access the Contact Part-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Part-Time qualification academic calendar here.
This qualification is designed to consolidate and deepen the students’ expertise in the disciplines of five core and aligned fields within Psychology, namely developmental, community, psychopathology, therapeutic interventions and Psychological assessment.
The research capacity of the students will be developed and will prepare students for further research-based postgraduate study. The purpose of this qualification is critical to further the developmental path to a successful career in the health professions through providing students with competencies in theoretical and practical application of relevant principles, processes, procedures and research techniques. By understanding processes in the mental health context, as well as best practice in the field, graduates will be able to strategically solve individual and social problems. These strategic problem-solving abilities will be developed through a high level of theoretical engagement and intellectual independence. Furthermore, graduates will be adequately prepared to demonstrate competencies in contributing to the economic well-being of their organisation in a responsible manner. Graduates will be well-prepare with the insight and skills that are required for further specialised study in support of the principles of life-long learning.
1. Demonstrate knowledge and engagement in the area of clinical and counselling psychology.
2. Understand research theories, methods and techniques, and to apply this knowledge in order to conduct an independent research project.
3. Demonstrate the skills of interrogating multiple sources of knowledge in psychology, and evaluating both this knowledge and the process of psychological knowledge production.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the complexities of selecting, applying and transferring standard psychological techniques to a range of unfamiliar problems.
5. Demonstrate specialised skills in order to identify, analyse, and address complex and abstract psychological problems through the systematic use of psychological knowledge and methods.
6. Identify and address ethical issues based on critical reflection and the suitability of mental health value systems in specific psychological issues.
7. Critically review information, synthesise data, manage and evaluate processes in psychological contexts in order to develop creative responses to psychological problems and issues.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet and academic calendar options via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
Access the Contact Part-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Part-Time qualification academic calendar here.
The purpose of this qualification is to develop students’ cognitive and practical skills in a variety of sectors and organisations. The programme will provide students with a firm grounding in the disciplines of Communication Science, English Literature, Media Studies, Psychology and Journalism, and is suitable for students interested in a general Arts degree. This 3-year degree is structured in accordance with the new HEQSF guidelines and the focus in this degree is on developing students’ ability to think critically, to act ethically, and to engage in active problemsolving across different disciplines.
Graduates of this programme should find employment in a variety of areas including, but not limited to: production coordination, communications practice and management, proofreading, editing, copywriting, relationship management, media relations and consulting, subediting, and teaching. The qualification also provides a strong foundation into postgraduate studies. This indispensable proficiency will provide students with an advantage in the workplace and promote access into a variety of entry level positions from which they may promote themselves.
1. Demonstrate the ability to apply and evaluate key theories within the disciplines of English, Communication, Sociology, Psychology and Journalism.
2. Demonstrate an ability to identify, analyse, and solve local and international problems of a communication and societal nature in an ethical, responsible, and creative manner.
3. Demonstrate an ability to employ communication, writing and English skills in order to communicate effectively, reliably, coherently and appropriately in professional and academic environments.
4. Demonstrate an ability to develop and communicate one’s own ideas and opinions in well formed arguments using academic and professional language.
5. Design a research project incorporating a range of methods to resolve problems or introduce change within communication, literary, or media contexts.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet, academic calendar and postgraduate options via the links below.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
Access the IIE Distance qualification fact sheet here
Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here
Access the IIE Distance 2nd Intake qualification academic calendar here
Social science studies require students to read, debate, examine and discuss issues. It teaches them to
carefully build arguments and propositions. Students will be encouraged to think independently and to develop new ways of approaching problems.
Students who have successfully completed the programme will be able to: Critically review, analyse, evaluate and synthesise knowledge.
- Critique arguments by displaying creative thinking in the social science disciplines, preceded by reviewing, consolidating, analysing and synthesising a body of knowledge.
- Identify and argue current trends in the intellectual context of technological and social change.
Independently identify and solve problems en route to an attitude of lifelong learning.
Present clearly, concisely and coherently the current interpretations and potential future developments in the issues underlying the content of and approaches to the disciplines they study.
Write an exposition reflecting a broad understanding of a body of knowledge and theoretical concepts with advanced understanding in some areas.
1. Critically review, analyse, evaluate and synthesise knowledge.
2. Critique arguments by displaying creative thinking in the social science disciplines, preceded by reviewing, consolidating, analysing and synthesising a body of knowledge.
3. Identify and argue current trends in the intellectual context of technological and social change.
4. Independently identify and solve problems en route to an attitude of lifelong learning.
5. Present clearly, concisely and coherently the current interpretations and potential future developments in the issues underlying the content of and approaches to the disciplines they study.
6. Write an exposition reflecting a broad understanding of a body of knowledge and theoretical concepts with advanced understanding in some areas.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet, academic calendar and postgraduate options via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
The Higher Certificate in Communication Practices is primarily an entry-level access qualification with the aim of building students’ academic literacy and English language skills that will enable them to articulate into a cognate Bachelor of Arts degree. The programme will provide students with foundational knowledge, cognitive and conceptual tools and practical techniques that are applicable to English Language and Communication Practices. Students will develop skills to gather, process, produce and present information, while also gaining foundational knowledge and conceptual tools in ideation and visualisation, and effective social media practices. Students will develop academic and professional, writing and presentation skills which they can apply in both the academic context and entry-level work positions. On completion of this Higher Certificate, students will have the required foundational knowledge for either entry into a cognate Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree, or the world of work.
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the use, structure and significance of appropriate language in written, oral, visual, and multimodal communication.
2. Apply the academic and digital literacies, critical thinking, ideation, and problemsolving skills necessary to understand and interpret information, solve problems and communicate effectively.
3. Present information within different communication contexts by gathering, interpreting, and constructing messages for diverse purposes and audiences.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
Phase-out/Discontinuation is the process used to discontinue an offering, which includes special assessment concessions to assist learners in completing their offering.
The IIE may elect to discontinue offering a qualification, or curriculum, or mode of offering to new students on a campus, at a brand, or in its entirety. The offering is then phased out over a period and these are referred to as “phase-out” arrangements.
The following qualifications are in Phase-Out at The IIE’s Varsity College for 2023 and letters have been issued to registered students:
Qualification in Phase-out in the School of Humanities & Social Sciences
1. Year three of Bachelor of Arts (BAG0701)
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
2. Year three of Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communication (BACC0701)
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
3. Year one semester one ONLY and Year 2 of Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communication (BACC0701)
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
Teachers play a vital role in shaping future generations as they sculpt our leaders of tomorrow. The IIE’s Varsity College School of Education (SoE) is dedicated to and focused on preparing young, dynamic and skilled future teachers for a life long and successful career in education.
The IIE’s Initial Teacher Education Qualifications (ITE) equip a new generation of teachers for the 21st century classroom. Innovation in teaching methods and setting trends in education is what sets The IIE’s Varsity College apart.
Our qualified, professional and experienced SoE team is passionate about establishing and nurturing a thorough grounding in the key disciplines of each teaching phase. Throughout their qualification, aspiring student teachers are mentored by this professional team. What is important to note is that The IIE’s Initial Teacher Education qualifications have a Teaching Experience component. This critical component exposes students to diverse educational settings which ensures that they develop the practical skills essential for excellence in teaching. It also includes an element of Service-Learning which gives the students the unique opportunity to demonstrate their civic responsibilities.
To Watch Video: CLICK HERE
IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Higher Education
IIE Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching)
Senior Phase: Grade 7,8,9 and Further Education Training: Grade 10,11,12
IIE Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching Foundation Phase: Grade R,1,2,3
IIE Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching
IIE Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education
Intermediate Phase: Grade 4,5,6 Also includes a focus on Grade 7 (first year of the Senior Phase)
ECD: 0 - 4 years
The purpose of this qualification is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to practise teaching and learning effectively and in an educationally sound and professional manner. Students will be well equipped to add educational value to their own discipline, to their students and to support continuous improvement practices in any Higher Education institutions.
Upon successful completion of this qualification, students will have a critical understanding of the theory and practices related to Higher Education teaching. The qualification aims to develop an awareness of the constructs and frameworks (theoretical, legal, diverse, political and ethical) within which a Higher Education level educator operates.
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the policies, legislation, educational management, leadership and quality management systems and practices that govern and inform the formal Higher Education environment in South Africa.
2. Apply selected, appropriate theories and teaching models to make informed decisions on teaching, curriculum design and development, to support and facilitate the learning process.
3. Demonstrate applied competence to use appropriate technology effectively and appropriately in the teaching and learning environment.
4. Conduct research into an aspect of teaching and learning in the Higher Education context and within own discipline in pursuit of identifying and applying teaching best practice.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
Access the IIE Distance qualification fact sheet here.
Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calender here.
The IIE’s Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Senior Phase (SP) and Further Education and Training (FET) Teaching is a professional teaching qualification that seeks to ‘cap’ a suitable undergraduate degree or an approved diploma. The qualification offers entry level initial professional preparation for undergraduate degree or diploma holders who wish to develop focused knowledge and skills as classroom teachers in the Senior Phase and Further Education and Training band in their chosen subject(s).
The purpose of this qualification is to qualify students to follow a career in teaching in the Senior Phase (Grades 7-9) and Further Education and Training band (Grades 1012). This PGCE qualification is structured in
accordance with the Department of Higher Education and Training’s (DHET) Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (2015). It is also aligned with the new Higher Education Qualifications Framework’s (HEQF) guidelines. The qualification will equip SP and FET school teachers with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies for employability and further specialization study, in support of the principles of life-long learning.
1. Demonstrate sound subject, curricular and pedagogical knowledge through the practice of teaching.
2. Identify and adapt teaching methods to the unique needs of learners in diverse settings.
3. Use and develop reliable methods of assessment to assess learning and improve teaching and learning.
4. Reflect critically on practice, skills and ethics to enhance professionalism in the teaching profession.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
Access the Contact Part-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Part-Time qualification academic calendar here.
Access the IIE Distance qualification fact sheet here .
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) (SP & FET)
Senior Phase (Grades 7-9)
Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES &
8 weeks practical teaching Further Education & Training (Grades 10-12)
The PGCE (SP & FET) programme has a required Teaching Experience, or Work Integrated Learning (WIL) component, which is governed by the Department of Higher Education and Training (2015) in terms of specific requirements. To facilitate this and ensure that all students meet these requirements for graduation purposes, The IIE’s Varsity College has established relationships with a cross-section of schools around the country, all of which meet the specified criteria of the DHET.
The Teacher Education qualifications of The IIE Faculty of Education have Work Integrated Learning (WIL) that occurs in the schools with particular requirements. The following is important in this regard:
All final year students registered for an initial teacher education qualification with The IIE are required to provisionally register with SACE.
All students undertaking an academic qualification with a school-based WIL component will be required to have a valid police clearance certificate or an Afiswitch Criminal Check Certificate as accepted by SACE, on commencement of their Teaching Experience component in a school.
The requirement in this programme is that students develop the practical skills and engagement necessary for successful teacher education. Students will be fully engaged in schools during their 8 week Teaching Experience period, while they are supported and assessed by qualified mentor teachers and The IIE’s Varsity College Supervisors. This module links with the Professional Didactic modules (which are prerequisites) and with the other educationally focused modules in the programme, as it affords students opportunities to integrate and apply theory and methodology into practice.
(1) Students will be allowed access to the main school based WIL [referred to as Teaching Experience (in semester 2] per relevant year if: a) The student has met the 80% lecture attendance requirement for each of the identified modules as is aligned to Teaching Experience for that year.
(2) Dealing with Exceptions: In cases where students’ have not met the 80% lecture attendance requirement for 1 or more of the identified modules as is aligned to Teaching Experience for that year:
a) Students will be expected to achieve a combined 80% attendance (i.e. average) across the identified modules on condition that no single module attendance falls below 70%. Students who fall into this category will submit a 1 page motivation for Teaching Experience access to The IIE’s Varsity College School of Education Campus Programme Manager for consideration by The IIE’s Varsity College Head of School of Education.
The IIE Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Foundation Phase Teaching (FPT) is an undergraduate professional qualification aimed at preparing students to teach learners from Grades R to 3. This four year Bachelor’s degree is structured in accordance with the Department of Higher Education and Training’s (DHET) Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (2015). It is also aligned with the new Higher Education Qualifications Framework’s (HEQF) guidelines. The degree will equip Foundation Phase classroom teachers with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies for employability and further specialisation studies, in support of the principles of lifelong learning. This BEd degree provides a fundamental and comprehensive education underpinned by subject knowledge in the teaching of all three Foundation Phase subjects (Language, Mathematics and Life Skills) for Grades 1 to 3. It additionally enables Foundation Phase teachers to prepare Grade R learners for formal learning. There is an integrated focus on educational theory and methodology, aligned with the requirements for a professionally qualified beginner teacher
1. Demonstrate integration of knowledge, skills and abilities when conducting the lesson.
2. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the content of the curricular areas and phase specialisations.
3. Demonstrate the ability to carry out the roles of a teacher as appropriate to their practice that includes specialist in a phase, subject discipline or practice; learning mediator; interpreter and designer of learning programmes and material; leader, administrator and manager; scholar; research.
of manager/administrator/leader within the education system, institution and community, underpinned by respect for and commitment to the teaching profession.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
The IIE Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Intermediate Phase Teaching (IPT) is an undergraduate professional qualification aimed at preparing students to teach children from Grades 4 to 7. This four year Bachelor degree is structured in accordance with the Department of Higher Education and Training’s (DHET) Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (2015). It is also aligned with the new Higher Education Qualifications Framework’s (HEQF) guidelines. The degree will equip Intermediate Phase classroom teachers with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies for employability and further specialisation study, in support of the principles of lifelong learning
This BEd degree provides a fundamental and comprehensive education underpinned by subject knowledge in the specialist teaching of the following subjects:
• English First and First Additional Language Teaching
• First Additional Language Teaching (isiXhosa, isiZulu, Northern Sotho or Afrikaans)
• Natural Science and Technology Teaching
• Mathematics Teaching
• Social Sciences Teaching. The qualification’s focus on educational theory and methodology is therefore closely aligned
4. Demonstrate the ability to undertake various functions, responsibly, in terms SCHOOL OF EDUCATION
with the requirements for a professionally qualified beginner teacher.
1. Demonstrate integration of knowledge, skills and abilities when conducting the lesson.
2. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the content of the curricular areas and phase specialisations.
3. Demonstrate the ability to carry out the roles of a teacher as appropriate to their practice that includes: specialist in a phase, subject discipline or practice; learning mediator; interpreter and designer of learning programmes and material; leader, administrator and manager; scholar, researcher and lifelong learner; assessor and community, citizenship and pastoral role.
4. Demonstrate the ability to undertake various functions responsibly in terms of manager/administrator/leader within the education system, institution and community, underpinned by respect for and commitment to the teaching profession.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet and academic calendar via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
Teaching Experience is a cornerstone of teacher training. Each year, The IIE Bachelor of Education degrees have a required Teaching Experience component, which is governed by the Department of Higher Education and Training (2015) in terms of specific requirements. To facilitate this and ensure that all students meet these requirements for graduation purposes, The IIE’s Varsity College has developed strong relationships with a variety of schools around the country.
As such, each year of study in this programme will see students placed by The IIE’s Varsity College in differently resourced schools. This will ensure that students develop the practical skills and engagement necessary for successful initial teacher education. This partnership and shared vision underpins our approach and provides a space for theory and practice to interact. It is an invaluable, concrete rehearsal for eventual practice as a qualified educator.
During Teaching Experience, students are supported in their development by The IIE’s Varsity College Supervisors. This includes:
Guiding students with their teaching practice.
Assessing lessons
And providing students with developmental feedback
Teaching Experience weeks are struc tured as follows over the 4 years. Please note this may be subject to change yearly:
Foundation Phase
Grade R YEAR 1
Teaching Experience 1 (4 weeks)
Grade 1 YEAR 2
Teaching Experience 2 (5 weeks)
Grade 2 YEAR 3 Teaching Experience 3 (6 weeks)
Grade 3 YEAR 4 Teaching Experience 4 (8 weeks)
Intermediate Phase
Grade 4 YEAR 1 Teaching Experience 1 (4 weeks)
Grade 5 YEAR 2 Teaching Experience 2 (5 weeks)
Grade 6 YEAR 3 Teaching Experience 3 (6 weeks)
Grade 7 YEAR 4 Teaching Experience 4 (8 weeks)
Total number of Teaching Experience weeks in the 4 year degree = 23 weeks
The Teacher Education qualifications of The IIE Faculty of Education have Work Integrated Learning (WIL) that occurs in the schools with particular requirements. The following is important in this regard:
All final year students registered for an Initial Teacher Education Qualification with The IIE are required to provisionally register with SACE.
All students undertaking an academic qualification with a school-based WIL component will be required to have a valid police clearance certificate or an Afiswitch Criminal Check Certificate as accepted by SACE, on commencement of their Teaching Experience component in a school
(1) Students will be allowed access to the main school based WIL [referred to as Teaching Experience per relevant year if: a) The student has met the 80% lecture attendance requirement for each of the identified modules as is aligned to teaching Experience for that year.
(2) Dealing with Exceptions: In cases where students’ have not met the 80% lecture attendance requirement for 1 or more of the identified modules as is aligned to Teaching Experience for that year:
a) Students will be expected to achieve a combined 80% attendance (i.e. average) across the identified modules on condition that no single module attendance falls below 70%.
Students who fall into this category will submit a 1 page motivation for Teaching Experience access to The IIE’s Varsity College School of Education Campus Programme Manager for consideration by The IIE’s Varsity College Head of School of Education.
Social awareness and citizenship is integral to teacher education. The practical preparation of our students will also include an element of ServiceLearning, which gives teachers the unique opportunity to demonstrate their civic responsibilities. Service-Learning is therefore an essential component of Teaching Experience in The IIE Bachelor of Education degrees, as it promotes social awareness and develops skills
for effective citizenship, paving the way for life long learning and participation. The integration of Service-Learning into The IIE Bachelor of Education degrees has been carefully scaffolded to ensure opportunity for learning experiences across a variety of contexts.
• The IIE Bachelor of Education degrees (Foundation Phase and Intermediate Phase Teaching) offer a suite of language choices at First Additional and Communicative Language levels (see Table 1 below).
Each student will do the below three languages:
1. English First and First Additional Language
2. First Additional Language (FAL) (region specific)
3. Communicative Language (region specific)
First Additional Language (FAL)
Communicative Language (COL) –First year only
IsiZulu IsiZulu
IsiXhosa IsiXhosa
Northern Sotho (Sepedi)
Northern Sotho (Sepedi)
PLEASE NOTE: FALs and Communicative Languages offered by The IIE are campus specific, and not all FALs and Communicative Languages can be accommodated at each campus.
The Communicative Language must be selected from the languages listed in Table 1 above, but it must not be the same as the First Additional Language. Please note that the Communicative language is only offered in the first year of your studies and does not require any previous study of the language.
• All applicants to the BEd programmes must have obtained at least a Level 3 (40%) at the NSC or equivalent level, as a HL or FAL, in the language they are seeking to study as a FAL in the BEd OR
• Must demonstrate language proficiency (LP) in the selected FAL BEd language/s. To be admitted via this option, candidates are required to pass a language proficiency test in the relevant language. For a breakdown of the Indigenous language groupings click here
Applicants wishing to register for The IIE BEd Foundation Phase Teaching & The IIE BEd Intermediate Phase Teaching programmes must have obtained at least a Level 3 (40%) at the NSC or equivalent level, as a HL or FAL, in the language they are seeking to study as a FAL in the BEd.
Must demonstrate language proficiency (LP) in the selected FAL BEd language/s. To be admitted via this option, candidates are required to pass a language proficiency test in the relevant language.
ALL applicants, regardless of route of entry to the BEd programmes, are required to meet the indicated additional language requirements for the selected FAL and for English as the Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT). In the case of those students who have already graduated from an appropriate initial higher education qualification such as a Higher Certificate, the English requirement may be waived on successful completion of an appropriate proficiency test.
The BEd is designed for South African students and schools and therefore the language requirements are designed to support the development of languages in South Africa. Should you therefore be required to sit the proficiency test, this will be held on campus at the beginning of each year prior to registration and a pass mark of 50% is required.
Should you fail this test you will unfortunately not be able to register onto the relevant BEd programme.
The IIE’s Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education (HCECCE) is an entry level/introductory qualification (at NQF Level 5) to the study of early childhood development (ECD) education from birth through to 4 years of age. It is intended to provide students with “basic introductory knowledge, cognitive and conceptual tools and practical techniques to enable further study in ECD” (DHET, 2017: 24).
This one-year higher certificate is structured in accordance with The Department of Higher Education and Training’s (DHET) Policy on Minimum Requirements for Programmes Leading to Qualifications in Higher Education for Early Childhood Development Educators (2017), and with the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) for Children from Birth to Four Policy (2015). In addition, it is aligned to the HEQSF guidelines, and will provide students with the beginning knowledge, skills and applied competences identified to be critical for facilitation at this level.
1. Demonstrate basic mastery of child development and learning theories, learning areas, cognitive tools, play-based pedagogy, and the South African laws relevant to early childhood development and learning in order to develop birth to four year olds’ agency, literacy, numeracy, health, hygiene, safety, and overall executive functioning.
2. Apply relevant theoretical and practical knowledge in an inclusive, integrated manner to identify, support, and address a variety of multicultural and inclusive educational needs in young children (birth to four year olds).
3. Develop the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with all education stakeholders on various topics using a range of suitable tools and platforms in at least two official South African languages.
4. Use relevant and integrated best-practice assessment and learning support strategies to gauge progress and improve learning and development in young children (birth to four year olds).
5. Observe and reflect on various legal, ethical and professional standards and requirements in the execution of early childhood educationrelated duties as part of current and continuing professional development. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet and academic calendar via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification factsheet here .
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here .
The 6-week ECD Experience will comprise of 3-weeks ECD Online Supplementary Activities and 3-weeks ECD-based work-integrated learning. The ECD-based work-integrated learning will take place at selected pre-schools, early childhood learning centres, daycare and educare facilities as arranged by the relevant campus.
This critical component allows students to practice their understanding of theory, and provides significant opportunities for practice and reflection on teaching and learning/facilitation in the Early Childhood Development band, thus allowing for suitable preparation of graduates as beginner ECD practitioners.
During ECD Experience students are supported in their development by The IIE’s Varsity College Supervisors. This includes: guiding and assessing students while undertaking their ECD practice; and providing students with developmental feedback.
This qualification of The IIE Faculty of Education has ECD-based Work Integrated Learning (WIL) that occurs in the ECD context with particular requirements. The following is important in this regard:
All students undertaking an academic qualification with an ECD-based WIL component will be required to have a valid police clearance certificate or Afiswitch Criminal Check Certificate on commencement of their ECD Experience component in an ECD context.
(1) Students will be allowed access to the main ECD-based WIL [referred to as ECD Experience in semester 2] if:
a) The student has met the 80% lecture attendance requirement for each of the identified modules as is aligned to ECD Experience for the year.
(2) Dealing with exceptions: In cases where students’ have not met the 80% lecture attendance requirement for 1 or more of the identified modules as is aligned to ECD experience for that year: b) Students will be expected to achieve a combined 80% attendance (i.e. average) across the identified modules on condition that no single module attendance falls below 70%.
Students who fall into this category will submit a 1 page motivation for ECD Experience access to The IIE’s Varsity College School of Education Campus Programme Manager for consideration by The IIE’s Varsity College Head of School.
A career as a chartered or professional accountant is stimulating and fast paced, where ambition, attention to detail and the ability to process financial information quickly and accurately is highly valued and handsomely rewarded. The School of Finance & Accounting prepares students for such a career by delivering a student centric accounting programme that facilitates learning in all disciplines. The School’s IIE qualifications embrace the core academic competencies of professional accounting frameworks.
As a student you will study content relevant to your chosen qualification, you will be inspired by professionally qualified lecturers who are passionate about the training of accountants and you will develop lifelong learning skills to prepare you for the highly competitive and ever evolving world of business.
The flagship qualification, The IIE Bachelor of Accounting degree (BAcc) is specifically designed to cover the core content of the educational component of the SAICA Competency Framework of the Chartered Accountancy profession.
The IIE’s Varsity College School of Finance & Accounting is responsible for the academic operations of the professional accounting qualifications at The IIE’s Varsity College.
To prepare students for a future career in business, by delivering a student centric accounting qualification that facilitates learning in all disciplines and embraces the core competencies of the professional accounting frameworks, to equip students with the necessary pervasive skills to succeed as professionals in the business world.
To Watch Video: CLICK HERE
The following programmes are offered in the School of Finance & Accounting
The IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting provides the knowledge and skills required within the fields of Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Financial Management and Taxation, that affords a successful learner admission to the South African Institute of Chartered Accountant’s Initial Test of Competence examination. The Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting is presented for learners who wish to qualify as Chartered Accountants. The programme is therefore designed to meet the academic requirements of the Competency Framework of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA). This Competency Framework provides the academic programme requirements for entrance to the Initial Test of Competence, the first of two professional exams assessed for the Chartered Accountant qualification.
This qualification is designed to graduate students with the ability to think and act strategically, professionally and ethically and to contribute meaningfully to the Accounting and Business sector. The programme design thus facilitates the development of a well-rounded Chartered Accountant. Graduates have both the theoretical depth and the applied skills relevant to further study or to succeed in the world of work.
1. Prepare and, critically review complex company and group financial statements and supporting notes in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
2. Demonstrate awareness of the regulatory environment applicable to a registered auditor when conducting an assurance or nonassurance engagement.
3. Application of advanced costing techniques, performance management, decision-making problems and strategic and financial management in a broad range of complex and unfamiliar business applications.
4. Application of complex taxation legislation.
5. Application of advanced knowledge to a variety of business simulations by integrating information from the core disciplines to arrive at an appropriate solution to a complex problem.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet and academic calendar via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here . Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here
This qualification provides students with a thorough theoretical grounding and knowledge base in the key principles of Accounting, including the disciplines of Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Finance and Taxation. The scope of the qualification is aligned to the syllabus requirements of professional accounting organisation and related accounting professional bodies. Thus, the Bachelor of Accounting is for students who intend to pursue a career in accounting.
Students will be well prepared with the insight and skills relevant to further specialised study in support of the principles of lifelong learning. The specific skill sets incorporated in the design present a combination that is highly attractive to prospective employers and adds value to the organisation that employs them.
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the broad South African business and legal environment and the national economy in which businesses operate.
2. Demonstrate the ability to provide accurate financial information from the processing of initial transactions to the preparation of financial statements for a complex range of business enterprises and groups in accordance with relevant legislation and the International Standards of Financial Reporting.
3. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and resolve a range of business problems for both long and short term decision making purposes.
4. Complete audits in a range of business environments using International Audit Standards.
5. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with all interested stakeholders in business in a professional and responsible manner on a range of business related topics.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet and academic calendar via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here .
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here .
The IIE Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) degree is a SAICA accredited Bachelors’ degree designed to meet the specific educational requirements of SAICA. The programme design supports the core disciplines of Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Finance and Taxation which form the backbone of the SAICA competency framework.
Phase-out/discontinuation is the process used to discontinue an offering, which includes special assessment concessions to assist students in completing their offering.
The IIE may elect to discontinue offering a qualification, or curriculum, or mode of offering to new students on a campus, at a brand, or in its entirety. The offering is then phased out over a period and these are referred to as “Phase-Out” arrangements.
The following programme is in Phase-Out at The IIE’s Varsity College for 2023 and letters have been issued to registered students. Programme in Phase out in the School of Finance and Accounting:
• Year 3 Bachelor of Accounting (BAC0701).
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here
SAICA accredited 3 year Bachelors Degree in Accounting SAICA accredited postgraduate qualification (CTA)
Two professional exams assessed by SAICA 3 year training contact
SAICA Membership
The path to qualify as a Chartered Accountant in South Africa (CA(SA)):
The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) is the leading professional accounting institution in South Africa. Its main role is to develop Chartered Accountants to become leaders in government, business and communities. Accreditation by SAICA of The IIE BAcc degree confirms that the appropriate resources have been put in place to effectively deliver the programme and that the programme is designed to meet SAICA’s requirements in terms of the standards of teaching and learning.
The IIE BAcc degree is accredited by SAICA at five of The IIE’s Varsity College campuses:
• Cape Town
• Durban North
• Pretoria
• Sandton
• Durban Westville
The education and training of a Chartered Accountant CA(SA) is competency based. It focuses on ensuring that the CA(SA) has the necessary level of underlying knowledge and the practical skills and experience to apply that knowledge effectively.
The SAICA competency framework identifies and describes the professional competencies (knowledge, skills and attributes) that a Chartered Accountant should demonstrate at entry point to the profession (i.e. on completion of the required academic programme, training contract, professional programme and SAICA assessments).
The competency framework therefore underpins how The IIE BAcc degree is developed and delivered.
In accordance with this framework, students will receive a thorough theoretical grounding and knowledge base in the key principles of Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Finance and Taxation and develop the pervasive skills as required by the accountancy profession.
The final assessments on the path to becoming a CA(SA) are administered by SAICA and include:
• The Initial Test of Competence (ITC) is written after the completion of a SAICA accredited CTA programme and is an assessment of core technical competence. There are two examination opportunities per year for the ITC - January and June.
• Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) is the second part of the qualifying examination and assesses professional competence. To qualify for APC a student must have passed the ITC, completed a minimum of 20 months of the training contract and successfully completed the professional programme with a registered provider.
All students must complete a three year learnership contract at a registered training office. The learnership contract is skills based and includes compulsory skills, elective skills and residual skills.
The IIE’s Varsity College School of Information Technology is a part of The IIE’s Faculty of Information and Communications Technology. The dynamic and fast paced Information Communications & Technology (ICT) sector of the economy is experiencing a skills shortage. The IIE’s Varsity College School of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), through The IIE degree, diploma and higher certificate programmes, is addressing this shortage with its industry ready IT graduates.
What sets the School apart is that it continually engages with the IT industry, keeping abreast of evolving IT technologies and amending its curricula in sync with developments in the IT world. The School uses the latest technologies in its classrooms which make for a relevant blended learning approach that promotes practical learning. Lecturers employed by the School of Information Technology consult and work in the industry and share a wealth of industry experience and knowledge.
The following qualifications are offered in the School of Information Technology. A brief description of each programme follows below.
The IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Honours will provide candidates with advanced theories and knowledge in key disciplines of Computer and Information Systems. These key disciplines inform the professional practice of Information Technology (IT). Graduates will be equipped with research skills which will form the foundation of further postgraduate studies.
The design for this Honours degree has been informed by issues affecting enterprises and future technologies. This Honours degree will also develop graduates’ abilities to understand the role IT plays in the information systems and applications in a business environment.
1. At the completion of this programme students will have developed the skills to critically analyse research literature and conduct a literature review.
2. At the completion of this programme students will have developed the skills to design a research project.
3. At the completion of this programme students will have developed the skills to plan and undertake rigorous independent research.
4. At the completion of this programme students will have developed the skills to communicate research activities and findings.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here .
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here .
The purpose of the IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Data Analytics is to undertake advanced reflection by means of systemic thinking, practices and research methods in data analytics. The programme aims to further the development of fundamental knowledge in Big Data, Data Visualisation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Statistics. On completion of the programme, graduates would have attained the theoretical and technical skills in Data Analytics to inform business decisions and articulate into an appropriate Master’s degree.
Since the aim of the qualification is to develop a Data Analyst who is equipped with theoretical, technical and practical knowledge, it is also important that graduates attain a thorough grounding in statistical and mathematical fundamentals. Therefore, the Statistical and Mathematical Analysis module will provide students with mathematical and statistical theory, concepts and practical knowledge which are required to interpret and interrogate data.
1. Identify, manage, analyse and interpret data through the application of appropriate techniques to inform business decisions.
2. Design, develop, maintain and implement data collection and management approaches to support data analysis.
3. Identify, analyse and interpret trends or patterns in complex data sets and present information using multiple visualisation techniques
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
Access the IIE Distance qualification fact sheet here.
Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here.
The purpose of this qualification is to qualify students to follow a career in Software Application Development. The outcomes for this qualification were identified as critical to drive a successful career in software development providing competent desktop and mobile application developers in the private and the public sectors. By understanding business processes in the context of business rules, students will be able to solve business problems and meet business needs through software application development. Students will be suitably prepared to demonstrate competencies in application development, and to contribute to
the economic wellbeing of their organisation in a responsible manner.
The qualification design supports the logical progression in learning throughout the programme by introducing students to the foundational and mathematical concepts, theories and fundamental knowledge in the first year to position them to master the more complex skills of analysing, interpreting and developing the principles and theories of desktop software development, mobile application development, cloud computing development and dynamic web development in the context of current IT trends and requirements. The design of the qualification will facilitate critical learning through the exposure to and application of specialised learning areas plus relevant support learning areas to enable the student to manage the versatile and dynamic context of application development.
This qualification is designed to graduate students with the ability to think and act strategically and professionally and to contribute meaningfully to the organisations that employ them. The qualification design thus facilitates the development of a well rounded Software Developer.
1. Demonstrate the ability to apply key theories in the design and development of software applications.
2. Provide ethical and professional software solutions.
3. Design software applications on a variety of platforms.
4. Communicate effectively and professionally as a member of a software design and development team.
5. Demonstrate the ability to conduct research related to IT programming and Cloud Computing.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here .
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here .
The purpose of the Higher Certificate in Mobile Application and Web Development is to provide learners with the basic introductory knowledge, cognitive and conceptual tools and practical techniques for higher education studies in the field of mobile application and web development.
This qualification is primarily vocational and will enable qualifying learners to be employed in entry-level positions in the Information Technology (IT) sector. The qualification aims to equip learners with the insight and skills required to keep abreast of emerging trends and build in-demand skills, which supports the principle of life-long learning.
Successful completion of this qualification signifies that the learner has attained a basic level of higher education knowledge and competence in the field of mobile application and web development and, can apply such knowledge and competence in an occupation or role in the workplace. This qualification includes a simulated Work-Integrated Learning component.
Introduce and apply problem-solving techniques to a mobile application and web development environment.
Conceptualise, design, develop and maintain basic mobile and web-based applications.
Apply design and user-experience principles to mobile and webbased interfaces.
Communicate and participate effectively and professionally as a member of a development team.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here .
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here .
Access the IIE Distance qualification factsheet here
Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here .
Phase-out/discontinuation is the process used to discontinue an offering, which includes special assessment concessions to assist students in completing their offering.
The IIE may elect to discontinue offering a qualification, or curriculum, or mode of offering to new students on a campus, at a brand, or in its entirety. The offering is then phased out over a period and these are referred to as “Phase-Out” arrangements.
The following qualifications are in Phase-out at The IIE’s Varsity College School of Information Technology for 2023 and letters have been issued to registered students:
• Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences in Network Engineering (BCNE0701)
Azure Dev Tools for Teaching is a Microsoft program that provides students with free software and development tools through Varsity College. You will use your VCCONNECT email address to get access to licensing for a wide range of software that you will need during your studies.
Each campus has a FTP server that will allow you to download course specific software not provided by Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching. The FTP server address and guide is in the ICT student handbook on the IIE Library Connect website.
Once you are a registered student, you will have access to the Student Software page on the IIE Library Connect website accessible via this link https://iielibraryconnect.iie.ac.za/
The software per programme may be accessed via the links below:
• Diploma in Information Technology in Software Development (DISD0601)
• Higher Certificate in Information Technology in Support Services (HCSS0501)
Access the Contact Full-Time academic calendar here . Access the Contact Full-Time academic calendar here . Access the Contact Full-Time academic calendar here
We realise that you would need access to the software you use during your studies. This software is made available to you via the following platforms:
You will have access to a virtual machine which will have all the software that you require for your qualification installed. You will be able to access the virtual machine from anywhere.
BCAD0701 Download document here. BCNE0701 Download document here. DISD0601 Download document here. PDDA0801 Download document here. HMAW0501 Download document here.
NOTE: It is advised that you purchase your own:
• 500GB HDD
• I3 Minimum CPU
• 8GB RAM minimum
Should you wish to run android studio on your laptopyou will need the following:
• Processor: i5/i7
• RAM: Minimum 8GB/ideally 16GB
• HDD: 500GB/andy SSD
The School of IT has the IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Honours and IIE Postgraduate Diploma is Data Analytics. However the IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences in Application Development is a NQF level 7 qualification which is registered with the CHE (Council for Higher Education). Students who have completed this qualification will be allowed entry into an NQF level 8 qualification (Honours or Postgraduate Diploma) at any South African Higher Education Institution. This is dependent on the requirements of the institution you apply at.
The Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching guide provides you with a step by step guide that will enable you to access the license keys for the software used during your program. You will also have access to online resources which will be very useful during the course of your studies.
Download the Azure Dev Tools Teaching Guide here .
The IIE’s Varsity College School of Law is a part of The IIE’s Faculty of Law. The overarching vision of The IIE’s School of Law at The IIE’s Varsity College, is to produce high performing, quality graduates who are equipped to thrive in the evolving landscape of the legal profession.
Our small classes allow for collaborative interactive debates and discussions on topical legal issues and our Law Information Evenings, Career Fairs and online webinars give our students the opportunity to network with members of the legal profession.
School of Law students are enabled to take an active role in using their legal skills to create meaningful change in the careers that they pursue. These skills include trial advocacy, critical reasoning, critical thinking and team work. Law is multi-faceted and opens up a world of possibility in many different industries. It allows students to become social engineers of change, particularly within the realm of legal technology.
To Watch Video: CLICK HERE
The following qualifications are offered within the School of Law: IIE Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree, IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Law degree, IIE Bachelor of Arts in Law and IIE Higher Certificate in Legal Studies.
Our flagship qualification The IIE Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree is designed to respond to the current developments in innovation and technology, which is redefining 20th Century legal practice and allows for the development of a holistic law graduate.
The primary purpose of this qualification is to prepare graduates to function effectively in a variety of careers and specialisations in which the disciplines of Law, media and communications science, language and/or criminology intersect. In support of the principles of lifelong learning, the Degree equips students with the insight and skills required for further specialised study, for example, further studies in Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB).
This three year degree is structured in accordance with the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF) guidelines. On the one hand, the degree will provide students with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies necessary for employment as legal specialists with significant language and communication skills. On the other hand,
graduates specialising in media, language and communications will be able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of critical aspects of modern South African Law.
This qualification, therefore, integrates traditionally independent learning areas into an interdisciplinary degree.
Students will develop essential problem solving, critical thinking and communication skills. Students will be able to work in teams, be adaptable to change, acquire skills and knowledge relevant to both Law and the chosen area of specialisation, and be adequately prepared for a range of professional work environments.
Critical learning is facilitated through exposure to, and application of, specialised and support learning areas in the study and practice of language, communication, criminology and modern South African Law.
There is a logical progression of learning. Students are introduced to the more basic and fundamental aspects of their learning areas in the first year and then progress to the higher order skills of analysis, interpretation and application of the principles and theories of their specialised learning areas during the second and third years of study. The inclusion of numeracy, reasoning and writing skills and the consideration of ethical issues will address the concerns that have been expressed by the organised legal community with respect to legal education in general.
Graduates will also, depending on the electives they select, gain additional specialised skills in critical thinking, media related legal issues, communications science and/or criminology. The specific skillsets incorporated into this qualification are designed to present combinations which are attractive to prospective employers, will add value to the work place and will facilitate further study.
The inclusion of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) modules will result in graduates who are more work ready and employable than is currently the norm with legal graduates. The WIL modules, running over two years, will include work directed theoretical learning, problem based learning (PBL) and where possible, real workplace learning. The WIL module is dedicated to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Students are grouped in a ‘law-firm’ context, an effective strategy supporting the simulated workplace environments required by the practical WIL components found in first and second year modules of this qualification.
Throughout the degree, students will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and its progress, within a well structured and managed learning environment. In the first year of study, the foundational and introductory Law modules are offered in conjunction with non Law modules (three of which are electives from which students need to select one) in order to develop socially integrated law graduates, capable of interacting successfully with society and eventually enabled to access a variety of alternative careers and opportunities for Postgraduate study.
The second year of study focuses on developing the students’ range of theoretical and substantive legal knowledge, together with an increased understanding of legal content and structure of the South African legal system. Deeper levels of insight and understanding than was the case in the first year of study are required.In the second year of study, application of legal sources matures as students engage with decided cases and more advanced academic texts. Students are expected to become conversant with those techniques, allowing the critical analysis and application in practice of legal texts. Emphasis is placed on positioning the Law modules in the broader South African context, legal system and constitutional dispensation.
The final year focuses on the ability of the student to demonstrate a critical understanding of the disciplines and to present this in the form of original and meaningful solutions to a range of problem scenarios. As far as the Law modules are concerned, the practical emphasis of the qualification shifts to the development and refining of advanced skills
of critical analysis, deductive thinking and the interpretation and application of legal texts:
This qualification adopts a scaffolded approach to skills development. Accordingly, the practical skills and attributes acquired over the three years of study will be consolidated in the practical (WIL) component of the year’s work.
This qualification is designed to graduate students with the ability to think and act intelligently, rationally, strategically, professionally and ethically. The development of a well rounded knowledge base in the chosen core discipline (communications science, English or criminology) is facilitated in partnership with substantial knowledge of the law, allowing professional entry practice in a broad range of law, media and communications-related careers as well as further studies in either law or the three core disciplines.
1. Critically analyse fundamental legal concepts, principles and theories related to underlying values and norms, including those supporting the South African Constitution.
2. Critically evaluate information and evidence from a legal perspective.
3. Work effectively as a team in the legal process.
4. Solve problems ethically and creatively in a given legal and social context.
5. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles, theories and practices of the various disciplines in the programme.
6. Solve problems using relevant research methods in theoretical and applied contexts.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here .
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here .
This qualification is designed to foster the ideals of transformative constitutionalism so as to enable students to think critically, be able to understand the Constitution and its impact on the development of the law, be concerned with the advancement of social justice, adhere to the highest levels of ethical legal practice and be able to situate local events within a globalised world. It will equip students with the necessary theoretical background, professional practice skills and thorough understanding of the distinct methodologies required for the professional practice of law and the administration of justice in the modern South African Constitutional State.
1. Apply relevant methods, techniques and strategies involved in legal research and problem solving in theoretical and applied situations.
2. Obtain detailed knowledge about, and the ability to critically analyse fundamental legal concepts, principles and theories and to relate these principles and theories to underlying values and norms, including those norms and values supporting the Constitution.
3. Collect, organise, analyse and critically evaluate information and evidence from a legal perspective.
4. Display adequate written and oral advocacy skills and the ability to communicate effectively in a legal environment.
5. Resolve complex and diverse legal problems creatively, critically, ethically and innovatively.
6. Work effectively with colleagues and other role players in the legal process as a team or group and contribute significantly to the group output.
7. Display computer literacy and numeracy skills to effectively communicate, retrieve and process relevant data in a legal environment.
8. Solve problems ethically and creatively in a given legal and social context.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
This qualification is aimed at promoting access to higher education and equipping students with appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes attuned to the demands of business and industry.
Students will gain a critical understanding of the interplay between the disciplines of modern business management, strategic financial planning and the governing rules of our law.
The qualification design reflects the logical progression of learning by introducing students to the foundational and fundamental aspects of their learning areas in the first year and then progressing to the higher order skills of analysing, interpreting and applying the principles and theories of focus areas in the second and third years of study.
This Bachelor of Commerce in Law is designed to develop the student’s ability to think and act strategically and professionally and to contribute meaningfully to the organisations they will be serving. Consequently, it facilitates the development of a well rounded strategic business knowledge base in conjunction with substantial legal skills, knowledge and insight to allow for professional practice entry into a broad range of business enterprises as well as further studies in law or commerce.
1. Demonstrate well rounded and systematic knowledge of the structure of the South African legal system and the relationship between the various sub disciplines of law that comprise our legal system.
2. Identify and evaluate the basic principles and norms of the modern South African Private and Mercantile Law.
3. Engage with advanced legal texts pertaining to legislation, court precedent and academic articles to source, identify and select appropriate and relevant information to support and inform statements, recommendations and decisions related to legal and corporate financial position.
4. Interpret, analyse and solve questions of law of an advanced nature, including legal problems encountered in financial planning.
5. Articulate, contextualise and communicate a legal conundrum and its likely solution in a professional and academically appropriate manner.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here .
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here
The design of this qualification facilitates basic critical and practical learning through exposure to, and application of, specialised and support learning areas in the theory and practice of the South African law and the legal system.
The qualification introduces students to the South African law and legal system, communication, basic legal and literacy skills
as well as legal office support skills. The qualification design instils a problem solving approach to learning accompanied by the development of the ability to apply solutions within a familiar context.
The qualification also requires that the student develops the ability to answer for their own actions and work effectively in teams. In modules such Legal and Literacy Skills the focus falls on introducing students to the principles and practices of academic knowledge and writing. In the modules Fundamentals of the South African Legal System, Principles of Employment Law and Aspects of Private Law, selected aspects of the substantive South African law of particular relevance to the world of commerce and fundamental understanding of our law and legal system are introduced.
In modules such as Legal and Literacy Skills and Work Integrated Learning the focus falls on both verbal and written communication skills, including knowledge of persuasion and legal argumentation. The module Debt Collection and Civil Procedure provides students with fundamental knowledge with respect to debt collection and the practical application of civil procedural law. The module Legal Office Support provides an understanding of the fundamental principles of legal office administration and associated paralegal skills within the modern South African legal environment.
In addition, the curriculum has been designed to support the achievement of the outcomes related to this qualification by incorporating the different skills acquired in different modules in the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) component of this qualification.
Practical work completed is presented in a portfolio which will be submitted at the end of the course and can also be used by the student in their applications for employment or further study. Throughout the qualification, cognisance is taken of the importance of an ethical and sustainable approach to doing business and applying the law in the modern South African context.
1. Demonstrate the ability to present and communicate information, including legal information, reliably, critically, ethically and coherently.
2. Demonstrate a basic yet systematic knowledge of the structure of the South African legal system and the relationship between the various sub disciplines of law that comprise our legal system.
3. Identify and evaluate the basic principles and norms of private and mercantile law in the overall context of modern South African legal and business practice.
4. Engage with advanced legal texts pertaining to legislation, court precedent and academic articles in order to source, identify and select appropriate and relevant information to support and inform basic statements, recommendations and decisions related to a legal position.
5. Gain a general understanding of the hierarchy of the South African system of courts and tribunals, in particular the functioning of a Magistrates Court, the procedures and methods applied in the courts and the documents (pleadings) used in court procedures.
6. Gain a general understanding of the administration of the typical attorney’s office and the most common matters dealt within the modern South African Attorney’s office.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here .
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here .
Phase-Out/Discontinuation is the process used
to discontinue an offering, which includes special assessment concessions to assist students in completing their offering.
The IIE may elect to discontinue offering a qualification, or curriculum, or mode of offering to new students on a campus, at a Brand, or in its entirety. The offering is then phased out over a period and these are referred to as “Phase-Out” arrangements.
The following qualifications are in Phase-Out at The IIE’s Varsity College for 2023 and letters have been issued to registered students:
• IIE Higher Certificate in Legal Studies Part Time (HLE126)
Access the Contact Part Time qualification academic calendar here.
• IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Law Year 2 and Year 3 (BCEL322)
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
• IIE Bachelor of Arts in Law Year 2 and Year 3 (BALW316)
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here
• IIE Bachelor of Laws Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 (BLAW411)
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
The IIE LLB aims to produce law graduates that are not only technically competent but highly sought after. As innovation and technology has redefined 20th century legal practice, those entering the legal profession need to function more efficiently.
The IIE School of Law aims to produce graduates at the cutting edge of the legal profession, so that students not only have the requisite legal knowledge but also the skills which will enable you to succeed in your chosen field.
There is a strong focus on the development of critical and analytical thinking, research abilities, social awareness and ethical behaviour.
The ability to communicate well – verbally and in writing – will be a skill of immense value in practice and is one of the most important attributes of a legal practitioner.
The Moot Court Competition forms a part of the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) modules, facilitated by The IIE’s Varsity College School of Law on the IIE LLB, IIE BA Law and the IIE BCom Law degrees. The WIL module is designed to develop the requisite legal skills for students to transition into legal practice. Students are provided with a supervised exercise in Appellate Advocacy and are required to research and draft Heads of Argument based on a hypothetical case on appeal.
Students are placed into teams of two to represent either the Appellant or Respondent in the matter. Students present their research in a form of oral presentation in order to improve their oral advocacy skills, for which they are allocated a mark on their WIL module. It is compulsory for all first year LLB students to participate in the knockout rounds on each campus. The four highest scoring students proceed to the semi finals on each campus.
The top two highest scoring students on each campus proceed to the Regional Moot Court Final competition, against other The IIE’s Varsity College campuses in the region. Since 2019 the IIE School of Law has introduced a National Moot Court competition where the Top 2 teams in the country compete on a national level. This will enable a broader exposure to the development of the students’ advocacy skills. The competition is an intensive one, requiring students to dedicate sufficient time and effort in drafting legal documents in line with the quality required in legal practice. The competencies that are developed in the Moot Court competition are a critical contributor to developing invaluable competencies throughout the law student’s studies and legal career.
The IIE’s Varsity College focuses on bridging the relationship between legal academia and the legal profession. Students are encouraged to network with industry professionals and to apply for vacation work. Students are supported in this through the WIL modules which require students to observe High Court and Magistrates Court matters, with the goal of acquiring knowledge on the structure of the courts, the relevant role players and extensive collaborations with the legal industry. This networking opportunity enables them to forge relationships, with industry professionals, often leading to students securing vacation work.
The IIE’s Varsity College School of Law initiatives such as the placement project, webinars with industry related experts, career support, among others, have also resulted in meaningful partnerships being forged with industry experts, resulting in student placements in the form of vacation work from second year level. This type of work experience is of paramount importance for the student demonstrating their commitment to their chosen career path. It also provides an opportunity for students to develop a greater awareness of the skills required to not only survive but thrive in the legal profession.
The IIE’s Varsity College School of Management is a part of The IIE’s Faculty of Commerce. The School of Management is the largest school within The IIE’s Varsity College. Our accessible and flexible study options set us apart. Depending on the qualification you choose to study towards, you may study via contact or distance (online) mode; Full-Time or Part-Time.
The IIE qualifications, which include higher certificates, diplomas, degrees, honours and postgraduate diplomas, provide a higher education framework for our students to follow.
This framework maps out your journey in the world of business, regardless of what the student’s current level of knowledge, academic background and future aspirations may be.
This School provides a dynamic and respected academic environment with lecturers who have the right balance of academic qualifications and industry experience in the fields in which they lecture. Our online learning management system - available to both contact and IIE Distance students - further supports your access to real world case studies, examples and discussions.
In addition, you are able to connect with like minded individuals, engage with skilled subject matter experts and create foundations for your career success. The skills that you will learn during your time with us will remain with you for a lifetime. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION
To Watch Video: CLICK HERE
The following qualifications are offered within the School of Management. Please note the modes of delivery per qualification and the additional information for IIE Distance students.
The purpose of this qualification is to enable students to build on existing knowledge about the functional areas of management and to deepen their expertise and understanding of key management theories applicable to the contemporary context of business. This will consolidate and deepen student insight and expertise in the core fields of the management discipline.
The Honours degree will provide students with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies identified by industry as critical for business development and sustainability in either the private, the government sector or in NGOs. Students will also be well prepared with the insight and skills that are relevant for further specialised study in support of the principles of lifelong learning. The specific skill sets incorporated into the design presents a combination that is highly attractive to prospective employers and adds value to the organisation that employs them.
1. Evaluate innovative leadership and management practices in business, considering the implications of leadership and management strategy, as well as the national and international environment.
2. Analyse and strategise the global forces shaping international business from a South African perspective, including globalisation, trade and investment, and management in an international environment.
3. Analyse practical and accessible evidence based approaches to managing contemporary issues and innovation in a wide range of contexts, both South African and international.
4. Evaluate contemporary management theories, approaches and practices as they relate to managing a business.
5. Implement an appropriate research design for primary and secondary research and report critically and analytically on data collected through primary and secondary research.
The Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Management aims to develop learners holding a Bachelor of Commerce degree with one of the Management disciplines at HEQSF Level 7 or an equivalent qualification, critical thinking and reflective skills. Furthermore, in line with industry demand, this qualification will build on a broad knowledge base of business, developed at undergraduate level and consolidate and deepen learners` insight and expertise in the core fields of the management discipline, thereby, extending learners knowledge on contemporary management theories in contemporary business contexts.
Students will be engaged with the various theories, research methodologies, techniques and contemporary issues relevant to management, with the aim of applying and advancing their knowledge of the contemporary business world. Thus, the qualification provides students with an advanced set of expertise and theoretical depth in management that will support their progression in an organisation, in producing a more rounded industry-ready postgraduate student.
Students will be equipped with a deep understanding of key management and leadership attributes, focusing on contemporary factors that impact on business today. Not only will this develop higher level business acumen in learners, but the theories of business will also be underpinned by the ability to apply solution focused, systemic research geared towards building businesses in the South African and African economy, as well as being able to function in an international context.
The Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Management qualification will therefore qualify competent business managers and leaders who are able to work in, and contribute to effective management in the contemporary business environment.
Through a range of cutting edge management related competencies, which includes innovation and contemporary issues relating to business management, the purpose and outcomes of this qualification are seen as critical in driving a successful career in the business environment and will prepare learners to take up positions in a variety of business and related sectors.
Critical cross field outcomes: All the Critical Cross Field Outcomes are addressed in this qualification.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet via the link below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here
Access the Contact Part-Time qualification fact sheet here
Access the Contact Part-Time qualification academic calendar here
The IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Management qualification will provide students with the indepth theoretical knowledge in management that will support their progression in an organisation, producing a well-rounded, industry-ready postgraduate student.
This qualification aims to develop critical thinking and reflective skills in graduates whom then will have the ability to act strategically, professionally and ethically which will enable their meaningful contribution to the managerial environment within their respective industry.
The design and selection of modules on this Postgraduate Diploma in Management aims to guide and support the development of students with the relevant insights and competencies to conduct situational business research, analyse and strategise around expansion into international territories, apply the relevant financial knowledge and skills to ensure the business is managed ethically, achieves sustainability and profitability through good decisionmaking techniques which are supported by the various management techniques, and lastly develop leadership skills and characteristics. The Postgraduate Diploma in Management is designed to instil the practices of critical thinking, analysing and academic discourse in self-directing the development of a field specific Research Report. The five (5) core modules on this qualification are Strategic Management and Leadership; Contemporary Management Principles and Practices; Applied Accounting and Finance for Managers, Global Business Management and Practice, and Research Methodology and students can choose one elective from the following electives: Supply Chain Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Project Management
Upon completion of the Postgraduate Diploma in Management, students we be able to:
1. Critically analyse the contemporary management theories, approaches and practices related to managing continuous change within the current business environment.
2. Evaluate innovative leadership and management practices in business, considering the implications of leadership and management strategy in the national and international environment.
3. Analyse the global forces shaping international business from a South African perspective, including globalisation, trade and investment, and international management.
4. Analyse the financial statements of an organisation, making deductions regarding the income, balance and cash flow statements that could impact the operations of the business.
5. Report critically and analytically on data collected through primary and secondary research.
6. Critically evaluate contemporary management approaches implemented within a functional area of management in an organisation.
Critical Cross Field Outcomes: All the Critical Cross Field Outcomes are addressed in this qualification.
Access the Contact Part-Time qualification fact sheet here
Access the Contact Part-Time qualification academic calendar here
Access the IIE Distance qualification factsheet here.
Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here
Four core disciplines are available in Contact Full-Time mode and IIE Distance mode of delivery – Strategic Management, Financial Management, Marketing Management, and Finance and Accounting.
The purpose of this qualification is to provide graduate level knowledge, applied competencies and the necessary attitudes needed to prepare students for professional careers within the field of commerce.
1. Communicate effectively and professionally in a business environment, using academic and professional business conventions and formats.
2. Formulate, implement and evaluate business strategies based on discipline specific concepts, principles and business analysis.
3. Assess and interpret the financial position of a business entity to inform strategic business decisions.
4. Respond to given or contextual abstract problems related to the business environment.
5. Take informed ethical business decisions, drawing on appropriate ethical values and approaches, within a business environment.
6. Apply a range of methods to resolve problems or introduce change within a business environment.
7. Use information systems and appropriate technology in business.
Critical Cross Field Outcomes: All the Critical Cross Field Outcomes are addressed in this qualification.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here
Access the IIE Distance qualification fact sheet here
Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here
Access the IIE Distance 2nd Intake qualification academic calendar here
The purpose of this qualification is to provide graduates with general business principles and theory as preparation for entry into general employment, either as an entrepreneur or entrepreneurial thinker in corporate organisations. It will expose graduates to concepts, principles and theories of entrepreneurship within the context of a developing country such as South Africa. This Degree will develop the graduate’s capacity to analyse scenarios within the discipline of entrepreneurial studies, to make innovative decisions critical to the development, and the establishment of innovative and creative business ideas.
The specific skillsets incorporated into this qualification present a combination, which is highly attractive to prospective entrepreneurs and employers and adds significant value to the workplace and the country’s economy. This Degree is designed to equip graduates with the ability to think creatively and innovatively, act strategically, professionally and ethically and to contribute meaningfully to the South African economy through the establishment of/and expanding of entrepreneurial ventures. The IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship will facilitate the development of a well‐rounded entrepreneur with a solid foundation in business management. It also allows for comprehensive depth of theoretical knowledge and understanding applied within the context of entrepreneurship. As a graduate with an IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship, you will be equipped with a broad knowledge base, in‐depth theoretical knowledge and application of competencies relevant to further study, enter the world of work or establish a business venture. The design of the qualification will facilitate learning through the exposure to and application of core learning areas such as business management and entrepreneurship, enabling graduates to employ their knowledge and skills in complex business environments and entrepreneurial ventures.
1. Understand the entrepreneurial business principles, practices and theories supportive of identifying economically viable business opportunities within emerging economies such as South Africa that allows for the successful establishment and Management of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs).
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research methodologies, theories, techniques and principles.
3. Demonstrate entrepreneurial problemsolving skills by analysing business environments to develop innovative and creative financially viable business strategies inclusive of the economic development of local communities within an emerging economy.
4. Make sound business decisions and act ethically and professionally within the legal framework presented by the South African government Communicate appropriately and effectively within the business environment.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure please, download the fact sheet via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
Access the IIE Distance qualification fact sheet here
Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here
Access the IIE Distance 2nd Intake qualification academic calendar here
The IIE Higher Certificate in Logistics & Supply Chain Management focuses on logistics and supply chain management theories, principles and practices as well as basic finance, purchasing, customer relationship management, transport economics and operations support skills to provide the particular balance of skills identified as critical for successful further studies into the broader logistics and supply chain management field. In addition, graduates are well-prepared for entry-level positions in the supply chain and logistics management field.
The qualification is designed to allow for foundational learning to take place through the exposure to, and application of, specialised and support learning areas in the theory and practice of logistics and supply chain management. The qualification is suitable for students who want to pursue a career in logistics and supply chain managements. This qualification prepares graduates for the entry level positions in the field of logistic and supply chain management.
1. Demonstrate a broad theoretical knowledge and understanding of the holistic view of logistics and supply chain components within the logistics and supply chain management environment.
2. Demonstrate a broad theoretical knowledge of the business management principles.
3. Demonstrate the ability to apply basic financial skills and knowledge in the completion of financial records.
4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role, value and function of effective operations and
quality management in the business context.
5. Demonstrate the abilities to analyse the supply and demand function of transportation within the South African context.
6. Demonstrate an understanding of the purchasing function within the logistics and supply chain management function and applying the theories and processes within the business environment.
7. Demonstrate an understanding of the scholarly skills and abilities in academia together with the usage of technology devices.
Critical Cross Field Outcomes: All the Critical Cross Field Outcomes are addressed in this qualification.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet via the link below:
Access the IIE Distance qualification fact sheet here.
Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here.
Access the IIE Distance 2nd intake qualification academic calendar here.
This qualification is an entry level qualification which is vocational and industry orientated. It encapsulates introductory knowledge in the areas of general business administration and project management and will prepare the successful graduate for a junior position in the general business environment.
The cognitive and conceptual tools and practical techniques which are incorporated in this qualification will equip students to advance their studies in higher education and provide them with the basic business management skills needed for employment and
progress in business administration.
In addition, the inclusion of the Experiential Learning (EL) module provides the student with the basic practical knowledge which can be applied in an occupation or role in the workplace.
The purpose of this qualification is to equip students with foundational knowledge and skills to either be employed in a small business or a large corporation. This qualification provides a broad introductory understanding of the establishment and management of a business, incorporating the following skills:
• Project Management
• Business Administration
• The ability to be employed in a computerised environment
This qualification provides both a practical and a theoretical foundation. Students acquiring the qualification will demonstrate competence at NQF Level 5 in the area of management and will develop a related range of fundamental and core competencies.
1. Demonstrate effective use of a personal computer and associated equipment and software packages.
2. Apply the basic principles of business management in a business environment.
3. Apply mathematical skills in a business environment.
4. Communicate effectively and professionally in a business environment.
5. Explain the role and function of the Internet in a business environment.
6. Explain and apply the basic principles of accounting in a computerised business environment.
7. Explain and apply the basic principles of project management to perform related administrative functions.
8. Explain the role, function and use of project management tools in a business environment.
9. Explain the importance of the role and function of public relations in a business to support the effective management of projects with internal and external
10. Document the output and communication of a project.
11. Explain the role and value of administration to support management functions in a business context.
Critical Cross Field Outcomes: All the Critical Cross Field Outcomes are addressed in this qualification.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here
Access the IIE Distance qualification fact sheet here
Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here
The purpose of this qualification is to educate and qualify learners to take up entry level positions in human resource and payroll administration related jobs. The qualification aims to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed to administer and conduct various human resource functions including payroll administration, against the background of labour legislation and statutory requirements.
The qualification requires learners to demonstrate an understanding of theoretical human resource and payroll administration skills and the application of these skills. The core focus of the qualification is on human resource management and payroll administration which is taught in the modules: Human Resource Practice 1A and 1B, Pastel Payroll and Payroll Administration.
Supporting modules are required to provide the background against which human resource and payroll administration are applied in business. These modules include, inter alia, Business Management and Office Administration. Business Communication and Introduction to Personal Computing which will further prepare the learner to meet the generally accepted requirements of employees in modern business practice. Industrial Relations and Labour Law will provide the background against which the core focus of the programme is applied in the workplace.
The WIL (Workplace Integrated Learning) component of the qualification requires the linking of all the key elements logically and demonstrated competence thereof in a simulated case study project, to refine the application of skills learnt across the programme as a whole. The curriculum contributes to the achievement of the intended outcomes by introducing basic concepts that provide the foundation and the application of theoretical skills to a broad range of practical contexts.
1. Demonstrate the ability to present and communicate information reliably and appropriately within a given context.
2. Demonstrate applied competence in human resource practices and processes in a business.
3. Demonstrate applied competence in payroll administration practices.
4. Demonstrate the ability to function effectively and ethically as a team member in a business.
Critical Cross Field Outcomes: All the Critical Cross Field Outcomes are addressed in this qualification.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet via the link below:
Phase-Out/Discontinuation is the process used to discontinue an offering, which includes special assessment concessions to assist students in completing their offering.
The IIE may elect to discontinue offering a qualification, or curriculum, or mode of offering to new students on a campus, at a Brand, or in its entirety. The offering is then phased out over a period and these are referred to as “Phase-Out” arrangements.
The following qualifications are in Phase-Out at The IIE’s Varsity College for 2023 and letters have been issued to registered students:
• Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM412)
Access the Contact Part-Time Academic Calendar here
• Higher Certificate in Office Administration (HCOA132)
Access the Contact Part-Time Academic Calendar here
• Higher Certificate in Bookkeeping (HCBK132) Part-time
Access the Contact Part-Time Academic Calendar here
• Diploma in Sport Development and Management (DSDM314)
Access the Contact Full-Time Academic Calendar here.
• Diploma in Commerce in Business Management (DCBM322)
Access the Contact Full-Time Academic Calendar here
• Higher Certificate in Event Management (HCEM122)
Access the Contact Full-Time Academic Calendar here
The IIE Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering is an integrated curriculum designed by top engineers. It equips you with a solid scientific foundation in modern civil engineering design and the skills to create physical and social environments for the 21st Century.
Based on contemporary sustainability theory, the degree will introduce you to issues like the fundamental mathematical and physical sciences in theory and practice, the application of engineering sciences to civil engineering projects and key expertise in geotechnical, hydraulic, structural and transportation engineering. This is a degree for people who want to build a better world.
This professional degree is endorsed by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES
The following qualifications are offered within the School of Engineering.
The Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering degree provides graduates with the basic skills, knowledge, and insights to reach a deeper understanding of managing the built environment through the application of the principles learnt in the tertiary phase. The Civil Engineering programme fulfils the exit level requirements as prescribed by the Engineering Council of South Africa. The typical learners in this Civil Engineering course will be students who have demonstrated competence in mathematics and physical science.
The learner should have sound analytical skills, creative instincts, and a penchant for the solving of complex engineering problems. Graduates may take on positions within private consultation firms and development laboratories, large and small private enterprises involved with the design, development, production, and marketing of civil engineering systems, subsystems, and components of products. Opportunities may also be available in government and non-profit organisations. Private consulting positions or creating opportunities in an Entrepreneurial role are further options. Graduates may also choose to pursue a career in academia, either as a discipline-specific lecturer or researcher. The programme includes a
prescribed level of understanding and knowledge of infrastructure which is in practice closely associated with the role of the Civil Engineer.
At the completion of this programme students will have developed the skills to:
1. Demonstrate competence to identify, assess, formulate, and solve convergent and divergent engineering problems creatively and innovatively.
2. Demonstrate competence to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic science, and engineering sciences from first principles to solve engineering problems.
3. Demonstrate competence to perform creative, procedural, and nonprocedural design and synthesis of components, systems, engineering works, products, or processes.
4. Demonstrate competence to design and conduct investigations and experiments.
5. Demonstrate competence to use appropriate engineering methods, skills, and tools, including those based on information technology.
6. Demonstrate competence to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with engineering audiences and the community at large
7. Demonstrate critical awareness of the impact of engineering activity on the social, industrial, and physical environment.
8. Demonstrate competence to work effectively as an individual, in teams and in multidisciplinary environments.
9. Demonstrate competence to engage in independent learning through welldeveloped learning skills.
10. Demonstrate critical awareness of the need to act professionally and ethically and to exercise judgment and take responsibility within own limits of competence.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here .
The IIE’s Varsity College has moved away from ‘traditional lectures’ where you would learn by passively listening to the lecturer. We believe that this approach to teaching has lost its relevance for students entering today’s world of work. Our teaching approach is anchored in Active Learning principles with the support of technology to extend learning outside the classroom.
The platform used to enable your learning outside the classroom is called VCLearn. Essentially VCLearn is an online learning environment that contains activities developed to drive learning. It also has a number of tools which include discussion boards, online journals and blogs that your lecturer will request you to use at different stages of the semester to support your learning. Your lecturer’s feedback on the activities that you complete on VCLearn will be an indication of how well you have grasped the key concepts. This will ensure that you are not only better prepared for assessments, but that you will, in the process, develop critical thinking and learning skills required for the workplace.
“Smart thinking demands that we do more than just think vaguely about things” – Mathew Allen.
Your entire learning experience as a student is dependent on your ability to think smartly. Most students can easily memorise facts, however your ability to formulate an informed opinion based on existing knowledge, will set you apart from “ordinary thinkers”. To develop thinking skills, you are encouraged to do the following:
• Fully engage in the activities set by your lecturer, especially the ones that challenge you.
• Don’t shy away from “group work”. Interaction with your peers will expose you to different viewpoints and broaden your understanding. It will also test and develop your ability to formulate and defend your opinions. A skill that is critical to survival in the workplace.
• Learn from your mistakes! Use the feedback from your lecturers to understand where you went wrong, and how you can improve going forward.
• Most importantly, when the learning gets tough, ask for help and persist! The section below will inform you on the various supports available to you.
Support to get you ready for the first day of lectures. Your lecturers challenge you from day 1.
The following orientation workshops will gear you for the start of lectures:
• VCLearn training
• Academic writing skills, including how to avoid plagiarism
• Training on the Teaching and Learning approach used at The IIE’s Varsity College
If you fall behind for any reason, speak to any member of your Academic Support Team. Depending on the support you need, either one (or more) of the following support services will be made available:
If you have adhoc (quick questions), approach your lecturers directly and where possible, they will provide immediate assistance.
If you need in depth explanation on specific topics you may request a formal session with your lecturer. This can take place one on one or with a small group of students with similar queries/challenges.
Tutorials are often scheduled for complex modules (such as Accounting and Economics). Here you will get an opportunity to apply principles learnt and practice through activities which will deepen understanding of topics.
Booster sessions are scheduled when there is a need to support students in preparing for assessments (tests and exams).
Master classes by an expert on a topic related to your studies are held to provide deeper insights, and share innovative thinking or offer different angles to reinforce learning on a topic.
Each campus offers a range of support workshops on different topics. These may include workshops to help you build general learning skills or workshops that are focused on a topic related to a module on your programme. Students are notified of these workshops via email or posters on the notice boards. These workshops could also take place online using VCLearn.
Please note: The Programme Managers of your School may select between these support services. Therefore, you would need to enquire which of the above is available for your qualification.
Speak to your Information Specialist about the following library services:
• Information literacy training
• Referencing and plagiarism workshops
• Book loan facilities: open collection and short loan/prescribed books section
• Assistance with research and referencing
• Printing and photocopying services
• Inter library loan system
• Online databases training and research
• Reference collection
• Downloading of eBooks and articles from electronic databases
• Downloading of past exams papers from the library website
• Access to the IIESpace Repository
• Use of Library Connect (OPAC, online databases and catalogue)
• Internet facilities
• Study areas
• Monthly theme displays aligned with social awareness themes
• Computers with relevant software to be used for research and typing of assignments and other educational activities
The IIE’s library webpage https://advtechonline. sharepoint.com/sites/TertiaryStudents/IIE%20 Past%20Papers/Forms/AllItems.aspx
a. E-Shelf
• LibraryConnect
• Academic Policies
• Electronic Databases
• Journals
• Law Resources
• Trial Databases
• Past Papers
• Student Software Downloads
• Load Print Credit
b. Referencing and Plagiarism prevention
c. Writing assignments
d. Postgraduate research support
e. Research
Cape Town
Durban North
Nelson Mandela Bay
07h00 19h00 (Mon to Thur)
07h00 17h00 (Fri) 08h00 13h00 (Sat)
07h30 20h00 (Mon to Thur) 07h30 16h30 (Fri) 08h00 13h00 (Sat)
07h00 20h00 (Mon to Thur) 07h00 17h00 (Fri) 08h00 12h00 (Sat)
07h00 19h00 (Mon to Thur) 07h00 17h00 (Fri) 08h00 13h00 (Sat)
07h30 20h00 (Mon to Thur) 07h30 17h00 (Fri) 08h00 13h00 (Sat)
07h00 20h00 (Mon to Thur)
07h00 16h00 (Fri) 08h00 13h00 (Sat)
08h00 19h00 (Mon to Thur) 08h00 17h00 (Fri) 08h00 12h00 (Sat)
07h30 19h00 (Mon to Thur) 07h30 16h45 (Fri) 08h00 13h00 (Sat)
Distance students living close to a contact campus are welcome to make use of the campus Information Centre/Library facilities.
All your details are automatically imported into the Information Centre system once you have registered and you will become a member of the Information Centre. Your student card is your access to the Information Centre services.
The loan period for open collection and recreational reading is 7 days with a limit of 3 items for undergraduate students. Postgraduate students may loan 5 items for 14 days.
Short loan items such as prescribed books, newspapers, module manuals may only be borrowed for a 2 hour period during the day and overnight from 4pm until 10am the next day (provided that the item is not reserved).
Loan extension can be done via telephone or you may bring the item to the Information Specialist who will then update the record. Renewals will apply only if the same copy is not on the waiting list to be used by another student.
All loans and returns are processed on the Information Centre management system which periodically generates alerts for overdue loans. In that case, a fine up to R10 per day for open shelf and R10 per hour for short loans will be charged for late returns. The fines are capped at R100 for open shelf and R500 for short loan material. After not returning a book for 10 working days, you will be charged the full replacement cost of the book.
Are you faced with challenges that negatively impact on your learning, but you are sceptical about asking for help?
The IIE’s Varsity College recognises that some students, by virtue of being differently abled, may have a special learning requirement or an impairment which may require holistic support to enable them to achieve their academic goals.
Learning barriers are not always physical or visible. For this reason, you may be experiencing a learning barrier without even realising it. Common barriers to learning include the following:
• Learning barrier: e.g. dyslexia presents difficulties with accurate and/or poor spelling and decoding abilities.
• Physical impairment: any physical impairment that impacts on your ability to meet the set academic requirements, e.g. hearing loss or any abnormality that hinders the ability to write or type.
• Mental illness: e.g. anxiety disorder that makes it difficult for you to complete an assessment within the set time.
Ask yourself these questions:
• Do I find it difficult to write/type because of a physical impairment?
• Do I feel overwhelmingly anxious about my life and studies?
• Do I find it difficult, for no apparent reason, to concentrate during lectures and assessments?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is advisable that you make use of the Public Services available (e.g. hospitals and clinics) or consult a specialist such as an Educational Psychologist or Psychiatrist. It is important that you do not self diagnose.
To find out more about specialists who can help you, please visit: www.findhelp.co.za/faq
At The IIE’s Varsity College students with learning and/or physical impairment are offered holistic support which is classified into the following categories:
• Academic Support: The campus will, as far as possible, accommodate concessions for learning barriers in your lecture venues and with the materials used in lectures. Some of the concessions will also apply to your assessments. These concessions are granted depending on your learning difficulty, medical condition, or physical impairment in question.
• Information Centre and IT support: Information Specialists and IT Technicians are able to assist you with any technical concerns e.g. adjusting the font size and display functions in the Information Centre computers.
Readers, writers, prompters and personal assistants are utilised at various secondary and tertiary institutions to facilitate the assessment process for students who experience and have been diagnosed with specific barriers to learning, in order to complete an assessment in the allotted time frame. Some students may require one form of assistance, while others may require more than one.
In order to qualify for Assessment support relating to learning concessions and needs for tests and examinations, The IIE needs to provide you with approval of an assessment concession. Assessment support relating to learning concessions and needs should be applied for well in advance to ensure that you receive the concession prior to booking an individual to assist with the required services. Assessment support relating to learning concessions and needs are applicable to distance students as well.
STEP 1: To apply at The IIE for Assessment support relating to learning concessions and needs, you will be required to submit supporting documentation evidencing your diagnosis. Should you submit a health care professional report, it cannot be older than 18 months.
STEP 2: Speak to a professional. This will either be a private practitioner or a public service provider (clinic or hospital). He/she will assess your condition and, if confirmed, provide a document that describes the condition and recommends the accommodations and/or concessions that can be made to assist you.
STEP 3: Assessment Support relating to learning concessions and needs. Log your application/query on VCAssist and select the applicable category. Ensure that you upload the required documentation as detailed in Step 1. Should you need further assistance/consultation, you are welcome to meet with the Head: Academic on campus.
STEP 4: You will receive notification by your Head: Academic that a concession has been granted to you (or not).
A: Feeling anxious before and after a significant event (such as a speech, a class presentation, an assignment, a test or exam) is normal. However, if the anxiety affects your ability to function then it is advisable that you consult a Psychologist/Psychiatrist so that they can make a relevant diagnosis.
STEP 1: To apply at The IIE for Assessment Support relating to learning concessions and needs, you will be required to submit supporting documentation evidencing your previously approved concessions from school. Evidence referred to is the letter you received from the Department of Education approving your concession for your NSC or IEB examinations.
STEP 2: Assessment Support relating to learning concessions and needs. Log your application/query on VCAssist and select the applicable category. Ensure that you upload the required documentation as detailed in Step 1. Should you require further assistance/consultation, you are welcome to meet with the Head: Academic on campus.
STEP 3: You will receive notification by your Head: Academic that a concession has been granted to you (or not).
A: A school concession letter can be submitted with your application for Assessment Support relating to learning concessions and needs . However, in the absence of such a letter, you have to submit a completed health professional’s report with a clear indication of the concessions that are being recommended with your application.
A: A chronic condition can either be persistent (occurs continuously or without change) or periodic (occurs repeatedly from time to time). In the case of a persistent condition, Assessment support relating to learning concessions and needs will be granted; however, if it is a periodic condition, Assessment support relating to learning concessions and needs might not be considered. A detailed medical certificate is critical when evaluating your application.
The IIE’s Varsity College has an agreement with Brightsparkz to ensure readers, writers, prompters and personal assistants are available to students who have been granted Assessment support relating to learning concessions and needs by The IIE.
BrightSparkz have been providing assistance of the highest calibre to satisfied learners and students for over 10 years and have been providing assessment concession services for over 5 years, at both school and university level.
Remember: you will have to book and pay for the services provided by Brightsparkz and the contract that you enter into is with them and not with The IIE’s Varsity College.
Cape Town, Durban, Pietermaritzburg & Nelson Mandela Bay: Tel: 084 404 4006 Email: info@brightsparkz.co.za Johannesburg & Pretoria: Tel: 011 025 7572 Email: tutors@brightsparkz.co.za
Studying in the IIE Distance mode requires careful planning, focus and the need to take responsibility for your own studies. Although every module you register for will have a dedicated Online Tutor (OT), there is a clear expectation for distance students to manage their own learning – relying on your OT to guide you through the content rather than providing you with lectures in the traditional sense. Time management is also really important because, although distance studies do afford you a measure of flexibility, there are still assignment deadlines and exam dates in place that must be adhered to. Please read through the information on the following pages and, should you have any questions, please contact the VC Online Centre for assistance.
shared by your Online Tutor.
• Announcements that will update you on important information pertaining to your module.
• Access to your live Collab sessions and recordings.
• A range of tools that your OT will use for engaging and facilitating the content of your module.
• Your Grade Centre.
• Feedback on the work you complete and submit.
If you are a student studying in the IIE Distance mode you will need to participate in both an on-boarding process (On-boarding will take place online. The dates and times of these sessions will be communicated to students via the Online Centre) and an online orientation, using the live Collab platform and the content of the short learning programme entitled, ‘How to Become a Successful Online Student’ (OLLO020).
• Test your login credentials and access to VCLearn.
• Check that your modules display as they should.
• Access to your Online Tutor.
• All your module content.
• Your ICE activities.• Any additional Resources
• Undergo a ‘device-wellness’ check to ensure that your device meets the specifications required for the level of online engagement required for distance studies.
• Develop your (VCLearn) platform navigation skills.
• Introduction to the Assessment Policy and platforms available
If you are a student studying in the IIE Distance Mode, the VCLearn platform becomes your “online classroom” – it is here that you will find:
• Work through the course content of the online SLP.
• Log in to a live Collab session to go through the most critical aspects of becoming a successful online student.
If you are a student studying in the IIE Distance mode you have access to a dedicated online Library Information Specialist and her team, who are able to assist you with your assignments, database training, academic writing and research. These Information Specialists can be contacted via the VC Assist platform and the Library / Information Specialist channel.
Please note that if you are not able to attend one of the IIE’s examination centres for the purpose of writing an assessment, an Assessment Venue Fee per module will be applicable to secure an alternate venue. Please contact the VC Online Centre for more information.
• Operating System – Windows 8.1 or above/ MacOS 10.9 or above
• Memory (RAM) - 4GB
• Hard Disk Space - 20GB
• Audio
• Stereo output
• Microphone input
• Latest available drivers installed
• Graphics - 1280 x 720 resolution minimum
• Webcam
• Wireless Network Adapter (802.11 AC compatible)
• Internet Connectivity – 8 to 10Mbps
• Internet Browser – Chrome (latest stable channel installed)
• Java – Version 7 (see notes below)
All IIE Distance students will be supported by an Online Success Navigator (OSN). These individuals are there to provide students with a wide range of generic, non-academic support measures to ensure a more seamless learning experience throughout the student academic journey.
It is essential that students have a device for personal use that meets the below minimum requirements:
Chrome (Stable Channel) – For information on Chrome’s release channels, refer to the Chrome Release Channels page. All other Chrome channels are unsupported. Chrome does not support Java 7 on the Mac platform. A 64-bit browser (Safari or Firefox, for example) is required to run Java 7 on Mac OS X. 32-bit browsers such as Chrome do not support Java 7 on the Mac platform.
• Google Chrome, Version 45.0.2454.85 has permanently stopped supporting NPAPI browser plugins. This includes the Java applets that the SAS uses as well as any NPAPI plugin. Please review KBA 40427 formore details.
• Chrome OS - Chrome OS and Chromebooks are NOT supported for use with Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing.
• Important Note for Mac OS 10.10, Mac OS 10.11, Mac OS 10.12 and Mac OS 10.13 users – Java 8 is NOT supported, you must use the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher to launch your sessions and recordings. Please review KBA 000037998 for more information on how to download the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher. For further information regarding these distance offers, click here: https://www.varsitycollege.co.za/programmes/ online
It is imperative that you, as a student studying at The IIE’s Varsity College, familiarise yourself with The IIE policies. The link below will direct you to these policies on the MyVC Student Intranet.
Access the MyVC Student Intranet: https://www.iie.ac.za/iie-policy-bank
There are 24 policies in total. This is an outline of the most commonly referred to sections of the more widely used policies:
• Code of Conduct
• Student Complaints Process and Principles
• Disciplinary Process
• Appeals
You will find answers to the following questions:
• What is plagiarism and how to avoid it?
• What are the three levels of plagiarism offences and the consequences? For specific details on how to reference to avoid plagiarism, consult The IIE’s Guide to Referencing.
This guide can be accessed from the library via the following link: https://irp.cdn-website. com/271d35b6/files/uploaded/The%20IIE%20 Harvard%20Style%20Reference%20Guide%20 %E2%80%93%20Adapted%20for%20The%20 IIE%202022.pdf https://www.iie.ac.za/IIE%20 Library/Pages/default.aspx
You will find answers to the following questions in this policy:
• What types of books are available at the library?
• What other publications are available?
• As a The IIE’s Varsity College student, do I have access to online resources?
• Where can I buy my textbooks from?
• What are the rules for borrowing books? How long can I borrow books for? What if I don’t return a book?
• What other facilities are available from the library?
Your Student Wellness Manager (SWM) is your on campus student registered (either with the SACSSP or HPCSA) professional and experienced counsellor tasked with promoting your holistic development and wellness during your studies with us.
Your SWM is available to discuss any important personal concern you may be facing professionally and confidentially and to then work with you to develop new ways of resolving or managing your personal concern.
Your SWM offers predominantly short term counselling and psychotherapy, with the aim of ensuring that the impact of whichever personal, emotional or psychological problems you may
experience is minimal in terms of the academic aspect of your life so that you can perform optimally. Your SWM will provide you with a tool kit that will benefit you on a personal and academic level. Professional help is available in the following areas:
• Adjusting to campus life
• Homesickness, loneliness
• Cultural transition
• Social skills
• Self-esteem issues
• Confidence building
• Individuation from parents
• Stress and anxiety
• Depression and suicidal feelings
• Loss and bereavement
• Trauma and crisis intervention
• Rape and sexual assault
• Sexual identity issues
• Addictions
• Relationship issues
• Family problems
• Any other personal, emotional, social or psychological problem
May include assessment, brief counselling (up to 6 sessions) and/or referral to an appropriate off campus professional should long term or specialised counselling be necessary.
• Individual
• Group
• Consultations
• Prevention and wellness programs
All aspects of any form of counselling will be regarded as strictly confidential by your SWM (as per the SACSSP and HPCSA’s code of confidentiality and will not be divulged to any other party with the following exceptions):
• When you provide written consent.
• When your or someone else’s life is threatened due to your state of mind or your stated or implied intent.
• When disclosure of information is required by law or the counsellor is ordered by a competent court to do so.
• When required for the purpose of case management within the Student Wellness Service.
You can also be referred by staff members who may be concerned about your emotional wellbeing, BUT you have to give your consent to be referred.
In this instance you are encouraged to make direct contact with your SWM for an appointment.
Please note that no feedback is provided to the staff member who referred you or to any other staff member for that matter, unless you give written consent for this to be done.
Your SWM, with the assistance of VC Cares (student volunteer body) coordinates awareness campaigns on campus around a variety of issues relevant to you, the student and also campaigns that are designed to encourage the campus community to take initiative to learn more about social and community issues. Sharing information through campaigns often ignites ongoing healthy conversations about a certain topic which increases awareness. Being aware could be the first step in the prevention process. These campaigns:
• Are run throughout the academic year with monthly event calendars detailing events in high traffic areas on campus.
• Are fun and interactive.
• Include themes such as adjusting to tertiary life, diversity and inclusion, sexual health, alcohol and drug awareness etc.
Core to our educational philosophy is your holistic development. We encourage and facilitate your balance between studies and participating in a variety of community engagement initiatives. A true citizen gives back through actions and donations and participates in welfare to give back to the less fortunate. The SWM with the VC Cares Committee provides these platforms to get you involved with local communities, disadvantaged schools and Non-Profit Organisations with your fellow students.
The Career Centre is a work-readiness centre that provides you with opportunities to gain workplace skills that will complement your academic qualification. Our partnership with business and corporate also gives you the opportunity for potential work experience and graduate placement, preparing you for your future career and getting your CV to the top of the pile.
You may not realise it, but the part-time work you do while studying will give you a head start at building a competitive CV. Employers want a mix of work based and academic based learning and will be impressed by the fact that you have shown initiative and stepped into the workplace already.
Consult with your Career Centre Coordinator (CCC) on campus for support with mapping out your career expectations and goals, CV development and interview techniques, as well as job search strategies to help you to stand out to prospective employers.
Access the Career Centre Platform via the VC_Career Centre App or VC website. The Career Centre platform grants you exposure to a wealth of interactive career tools, CV and cover letter templates, e-learning content and the latest part-time and full-time work opportunities.
Attend various face-to-face/virtual employability workshops, industry days, Career Fairs and Part-time work expos on your campus. The VC_Career Centre App also keeps you informed of upcoming events arranged by the Career Centre.
• Access the Career Centre Platform for resources and tools on how you can start now to prepare for your future career.
• Book a consultation with your Career Centre Coordinator who will coach you on how you can develop your career plan, design your CV and prepare for interviews. Access the job directory on the Career Centre Platform to apply for part-time job opportunities.
• Attend the face-to-face/virtual part-time Work Expo and Career Centre workshops throughout the year.
• Access the job directory on the Career Centre platform and apply for part-time and full-time/graduate job opportunities.
• Consult with your CCC who will coach you through job search strategies and applying for graduate opportunities. Access the Career Centre Platform and make use of the Interview360 feature (for online mock interviews) and prepare to ace your interview.
• Attend the Career Centre (face-to-face/ virtual) events and workshops during the year. Build valuable contacts with employers of choice at the Careers Evening/Career Information Afternoon/ Industry days and the annual Career Fairs. We recently also partnered with the South African Graduate Employers Association (SAGEA) and participated in the Virtual Grad Expo, giving you more opportunities to connect with potential employers and apply for graduate opportunities.
IIE Bachelor of Commerce IIE graduate from The IIE’s Varsity College Durban North Customer Management Trainee with RCL Foods
“The support from the Career Centre has always been impactful for me. The Career Centre helped me to be more confident in grabbing the bull by the horns myself with guidance and resources from the Career Centre.”
IIE Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology IIE graduate from The IIE’s Varsity College Nelson Mandela Bay HR Intern with BKB Ltd. “During the job-hunting process, Robin believes that one should be open to roles that may not necessarily match your qualification exactly, as it may provide insight into your own personality and broaden your horizons.”
IIE Bachelor of Commerce IIE graduate from The IIE’s Varsity College Pretoria Assistant Accountant with Tiger Brands
“I advise current students to utilise the Career Centre as they are very helpful and care about what you become after you graduate. I wouldn’t be in my current role at Tiger Brands if it wasn’t for the assistance I received from the Career Centre. Be sure to join the IIE VC Alumni community after you graduate.”
IIE Bachelor of Commerce IIE graduate from The IIE’s Varsity College Sandton Data Scientist with Standard Bank South Africa
“Zahrah advises those looking for job opportunities to be open to non-traditional roles and to make use of their network as much as possible.”
I have found that Varsity College students are well-rounded individuals who have not only the technical skills but the soft skills necessary to transition to the working world. Over the last few years, we have been fortunate that Varsity College has provided the platform for us to mould these graduates into becoming worldclass Engineers in the IT field. It is a testament to the institution, its culture, and its ability to deliver world-class education
by enhancing the employability of people and thus making a difference to the challenge of skill that we have in South Africa. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Varsity College and to unlocking the potential of VC graduates to make a difference to our customers.”Wayne Erradu, Chief Technology Officer at NETCONFIG
Learning goes beyond the lecture room. We believe that finding the right balance between academics and sports contributes to overall academic success, and helps you develop the skills you need to thrive in your future. The VC Sports Club has an activity for everyone with events ranging from the annual University Sports South Africa (USSA) tournaments to social campus internal leagues. Register and get involved. Catering for the semi-professional, social athlete, team player or individual sportsman and woman the VC Sports Club offers a variety of different types of sports clubs. Not every campus offers all the same sports clubs and the offering per campus depends on the location and available facilities.
All Major Sports Clubs offer expert coaching to students and most of the club’s 1st teams compete in the top tier in their local leagues or competitions. The IIE’s Varsity College offers the following major sports clubs to students, alumni and the public:
Campus Sports Life Clubs offer sports that are fun, healthy and geared towards the individual and are the kind of outdoor activities that once you start, you’ll
likely keep doing for the rest of your life. Campuses are equipped with extra skis, boats, bikes and boards for newbies. These clubs include:
The number of team sports clubs per campus is determined by the location of the nearest arena or suitable league. The campus team sports clubs participate in the local leagues at either a social or competitive level.
Alternatively, the club will host an internal Varsity College league and students within the club are encouraged to enter their own teams. Campus Team Sports Clubs include:
Action Soccer/ Futsal/SOCA 5s Touch Rugby/TAG rugby Action Netball Volleyball
Action Cricket Basketball Action Hockey Netball Action Softball Football
Lifestyle activities like gaming (Esports), dodgeball and hiking, are offered at a social level by some campuses as part of The IIE’s Varsity College Sports Club. Some of the campuses offer a Fitness Club which includes a variety of activities like walking, yoga and pilates. This ensures we give every student the opportunity to get involved in The IIE’s VC Sports Club and enjoy a balanced student lifestyle. Social Lifestyle Sports Clubs include activities such as gaming, chess, hiking, dodgeball and fitness clubs.
The VC Sports Club is managed by the Campus Sports Coordinator who appoints Club Administrators to run each sports club on campus. Passionate students who have the knowledge and admin skills, can be appointed as a Sports Club Administrator, and will be responsible for organising training, scheduling racing opportunities, confirming team lists and supporting beginners. Club Administrators are supported by the VC Sports Club Committee, who are responsible for marketing and advertising the all the sports clubs on campus.
We participate a number different USSA tournaments annually: athletics, canoeing, golf, netball, rugby (15s & 7s), surfing, water polo, cycling, football, hockey, softball, swimming, cricket and esports and our teams have achieved great success recently.
Each year we celebrate athletes’ achievements. Awards include the prestigious VC Sports Club All Star award for the student with the highest level in both sports and academics. Other awards include Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year and Club Administrator of the Year.
There are several sport bursaries available to students who have excelled in their sport disciplines and can represent VC in their respective sport, in addition to, students who are interested in becoming a Sports Club Administrator.
Critical to the success of the Sports Clubs on campus are the dedicated, committed and experienced Sports Club Administrators. If you’re passionate about any of the sports mentioned in this brochure and you have the administration skills and energy to see it grow in a student environment, please apply at your nearest campus to become a Sports Club Administrator. This bursary is applicable to the sports clubs offered on campus.
Bursaries are available to students who are interested in representing The IIE’s Varsity College and becoming a member of one of our competitive major sports clubs – e.g. rugby (KZN), hockey (KZN), football (Sandton), netball (Cape Town), water polo (National), softball (Pretoria), cricket (Cape Town) and athletics (National) – and have achieved a high level of sporting performance (e.g. provincial or national representation). Bursaries are awarded depending on the positional and transformation requirements of each sports club.
Students that have achieved National Senior Protea colours, in the year prior to registration, can apply for a sports
bursary. Preference is given to students participating in sporting disciplines offered by IIE’s Varsity College or if it is a USSA sport. These sports include, cycling (mountain biking or road), surfing, canoeing, surfskiing, swimming and golf.
Complete the sports bursary application form in the link below or find it at the back of The IIE’s Varsity College Sports Club brochure. Compile a CV of your sporting achievements and a short motivation as to why you would be suitable for one of the above sports bursaries. You can download the form on the link below and submit it to a Student Advisor or the campus Sports Coordinator for review. https://www.varsitycollege. co.za/PDFs/Handbooks/2020/ SportsBursaryApplicationForm_final.pdf
The VC Voice main forum consists of several chairpersons/representatives from all the different student committees/ forums on campus. Members of this forum meet on a monthly basis to discuss pertinent topics within their School and the wider campus body. The elections for the various positions within the VC Voice Committee below:
There are two election processes required for the VC Voice Academic Forum and that would entail the election of the Class Representatives per class (or group) and the election of the School Representatives that will represent each School on campus and these School Representatives will form part of the VC Voice Main Forum.
6.1.1. The Programme Managers (or any other designated senior member of staff) are responsible for managing the VC Voice Academic Forum election process on campus and these are their roles and responsibilities.
6.1.2 Ensuring students are aware of the roles and responsibilities of the VC Voice Academic Forum Class Representative, before the election process begins.
6.1.3 Ensuring that the election processes are moderated, in keeping with the constitution and is free from influence of staff or management.
6.1.4. The ballots and voting record should be retained for a minimum of 1 month following the election in the unlikely event of a disputed outcome.
6.1.5 The election of the VC Voice Academic Forum Class Representatives:
6.1.6 Representatives are elected annually at a time suitable to the campus. However, the election process must be completed by the end of February in each year.
6.1.7 Representatives are elected by the respective students in each class (or group).
6.1.8 A maximum of two representatives per class must be elected. This number is based on the number students per programme and campus requirements as decided upon by each School’s Programme Managers.
6.1.9 Election of the VC Voice Academic Forum School Representatives:
6.1.10 This election process must occur 2 weeks after the announcement of the elected VC Voice Academic Forum Class Representatives.
6.1.11 Each School will hold a vote to appoint their School Representative. Top 3 candidates from the vote will be interviewed by H-SS and/or SM.
6.1.12 Following the interview process the School Representative will be announced. The format of the announcement shall be at the discretion of the campus.
6.2.1 President: This position will be filled via a general, democratic voting process through the wider student body. Once nominations are conducted, candidates will have to rally for votes from the campus, including the VC Voice committee members and subsidiary bodies.
6.2.2 Administrator: this position will be filled in by a general election amongst the class representatives and interested parties.
6.2.3 Social Committee Chairperson: This position will be filled following the announcement of the Social Committee. The chairperson for the Social Committee for the current academic year will automatically fill this position.
6.2.4 VC Cares Chairperson: This position will be filled following the announcement of the VC Cares committee. The chairperson for VC Cares for the current academic year will automatically fill this position.
6.2.5 VC Sport Club Representative: This position will be filled following the announcement of the VC Sports Club committee. The chairperson for VC Sports Club for the current academic year will automatically fill this position.
6.2.6 International Affairs Representative: this position will be filled in by a nominated student via the H-SS’s discretion.
6.2.7 Career Centre Ambassador Representative: applications and letters of motivations to be submitted to Campus Career Centre coordinators. Selection of one ambassador to be on the VC Voice committee. Other students selected may be reimbursed for hours worked. This is at the discretion of each campus.
6.3.1 To promote the interests of the The IIE’s Varsity College student body it represents.
6.3.2 To create a culture of collaboration, unity, diversity and belonging amongst students.
6.3.3 To facilitate a safe environment for critical engagement and sharing of opinions in creating.
6.3.4 To ensure that the extra curricular programme (social, community, sporting and cultural) is well organised and inclusive of all students.
6.3.5 To foster and maintain a spirit of community interaction and development.
6.3.6 To facilitate communication between students and staff within the institution.
6.3.7 To assist in ensuring that the rules and policies of The IIE are upheld.
6.3.8 Recognise and support all students’ clubs, societies or the like as approved by the Campus Management.
6.3.9 Liaise with the with appropriate third parties to add value to the campus offering - within the guidance and boundaries provided by the Campus Management.
6.3.10. In terms of student leadership, set an example by:
a. Attending all lectures and academic sessions that the student is registered for in the current academic year.
b. Completing all assignments on the due date.
c. Writing all assessments in accordance with The IIE’s assessment policies.
d. Engaging in opportunities for leadership development and critical engagement on and off The IIE’s Varsity College Campus.
e. Adhering to and upholding The IIE’s Code of Conduct.
The VC Voice Academic Forum is a group of students who have each been elected by their respective classmates to represent their class “voice”.
These student reps will interact with the senior management team to discuss various student related topics to continue to grow and improve the student experience on campus.
Keep this in mind if you are looking for leadership opportunities.
6.4.1. The VC Voice Academic forum will consist of students representing each School that is represented on each campus.
6.4.2. The School Representatives will work in conjunction with the Programme Managers or designated academic support person who is involved with academic and operational affairs within each School.
6.4.3. Each campus must formalise the Schools according to specific program offerings and student capacity. At the discretion of the H-SS/H-A, Schools with smaller student capacity may be incorporated into bigger Schools.
6.4.4. Each class (or group) per year per School is required to elect two Class Representatives. These Class Representatives will form the VC Voice Academic Forum; however, it is only the main School Representative i.e. those School Representatives elected per School that will sit on the VC Voice.
6.4.5. The following are examples of Schools under which these members will belong to:
• School of Education
• School of Humanities & Social Sciences
• School of Law
• School of Finance & Accounting
• School of Information Technology
• School of Management
• School of Engineering
The VC Social Committee is a group of elected students who organise social events on campus.
If you would like to be part of the VC Social committee, chat to your PR and Events coordinator to find out how to get involved.
The Social Committee is solely responsible for all student events and activities related to the social and cultural aspects of the student experience. The objectives of the Social Committee are:
7.1. To promote the interests of The IIE’s Varsity College students it represents.
7.2. To ensure the social and cultural programme is well organised and covers the diverse needs of the students.
7.3. To ensure participation of students in all spheres of social and cultural activities .
7.4. To create a safe environment for the students to learn and interact on a social and cultural front.
Meridian Hours take place on campus and gives you the opportunity to participate in various social, cultural and community engagement activities such as Minute to Win It competitions and NGO Open Days.
Open Mic sessions will provide you with opportunities to demonstrate skills such as singing or dancing, expressing views, reading poetry or displaying other talents, much to the appreciation and delight of the many students who will gather around to cheer you on and support you.
We all know that a vibrant social calendar is a crucial part of a student experience. Join us for fun filled events such as the Sunset Cruise, Spring Bash, Year End Party and more.
If you enjoy being part of societies and cultural groups, you are studying at the right place!
Contact your PR and Events Coordinator or one of the VC Social Committee members to find out about the awesome events on and around your campus.
Remember to join in the fun whilst learning and growing at the same time!
VC Cares is The IIE’s Varsity College’s student volunteer body – a group of students who have a heart for the community. The team assists the SWM is planning and implementing events both on and off campus.
VC Cares members are inspired, equipped, and mobilised to make a difference in their world. Not only do their actions help others, it also helps them become happier, more successful adults.
If you are interested in getting involved please chat to your SWM or a VC Cares member.
A safe campus is one in which students are able to pursue their learning experiences without any fear of a threat to their safety, health and well-being as well as being assured of the quality and integrity of the teaching and learning environment, and the safety of individuals at all times.
The IIE’s Varsity College employs private security staff to assist Campus Management in maintaining security on campus. As such, it is imperative that instructions given by the campus security team is followed by all students, irrespective of their mode of study.
Security guards will be responsible for the following security measures on campus:
• Access control procedures, checking student cards upon entry onto campus.
• Ad hoc vehicle checks.
• Maintain and control traffic rules within The IIE’s Varsity College campus.
• Maintain and control of general security process and procedures within The IIE’s Varsity College campus.
• Assistance during search and seizures
The use of tobacco products is governed by smoking control legislation. As such, the use of any tobacco products, including e-cigarettes/Vapes may only be used in designated smoking areas. These designated smoking areas are allocated in accordance to legislation.
E-cigarettes/Vapes etc are thus not allowed in classes and may not be used outside of the demarcated smoking area.
Substitution of a tobacco substance with a controlled or prohibited substance; or the addition of a controlled or prohibited substance, when using tobacco products, will result in disciplinary action being taken against the offending person.
Outsourced security guards responsible for general campus security. This team is managed by the Campus Facilities Coordinator.
Substances that are not for sale on the open market for the use intended, without a prescription from a registered health care professional.
Smoking area that is identified and demarcated in accordance with legislation.
The IIE’s Varsity College staff trained and registered to assist in the evacuation of students and staff during a fire drill. During a fire drill, Fire Marshall’s will be wearing reflective safety vests.
Information Centres, corridors, ablutions, seating/pause areas, study venues, sports facilities and campus canteen.
Infographic route map detailing the closest assembly point during a fire drill.
Any explosive material or device; Any firearm or gas weapon; Any article or object that may be employed to cause bodily harm to a person or damage to property, or to render a person temporarily paralysed or unconscious.
The IIE’s Varsity College first aid staff are trained and registered to assist with first aid.
prescription medication is prohibited on our campuses.
It is important to note that certain habit-forming substances, that are not specifically referenced in legislation, but are not for sale on the open market for the use intended, are not permitted on our campuses.
Should students of The IIE’s Varsity College require prescription medication from a registered health care professional, and require access to prescribed medication whilst on campus, the following guidelines refer:
• Prescribed medication should be stored in a safe place.
• Any illegal or unauthorised trade in
• All prescription medication should be clearly marked in its original packaging, detailing the students name, date of dispensary of the medication, and details of the health care professional that has prescribed the medication.
• Whilst on any IIE Varsity College campus, only the daily required dosage should be in the student’s possession. All additional medication should be left at home.
• Failure to provide sufficient proof of the above, may result in disciplinary action being taken against the offending person.
The IIE’s Varsity College campuses are dangerous object free zones. No one is allowed to carry or store a dangerous object on the premises of a campus of The IIE. No one is permitted to threaten to use any item or object as a weapon.
The campus of The IIE’s Varsity College will not hesitate to invoke the provisions of public safety and criminal legislation, and the support of the SAPS and/or private security, to manage the presence or suspected presence of any weapon or item being used or threatened to be used as a weapon.
Illegal substances may not be on The IIE’s Varsity College campus at any stage for any reason. Any form of exchange such as possession, selling, donating, swapping, supplying or trading of any illegal or banned substance will automatically result in The IIE’s Varsity College pursuing criminal and disciplinary charges against such a person(s).
If a student is reasonably suspected of drug abuse, a urine or other non-invasive test may be carried out under the following circumstances:
• The test is conducted by a person of the same gender.
• It is done in a private area and not in view of another student.
• One witness, of the same gender as the student, is present but not in view of the student.
• The sample is clearly and correctly labelled with full particulars.
• An authorised device is used.
Any student whose sample tested positive for an illegal drug, may face disciplinary action, and criminal charges may be instituted by the campus against such a student.
Searches and seizures are recognised as valid methods of ensuring the safety of the campus and may be carried out from time to time. The Campus Head or his or her delegate may, at random and without a warrant, search any person on the campus premises if he or she has reasonable suspicion that such a person has a dangerous object or illegal substance in his or her possession, seize any dangerous object or illegal substance and report the matter to the SAPS where necessary.
Furthermore, The IIE’s Varsity College, reserves the right to arrange for members of an authorised substance abuse prevention or control agency such as the SAPS, to conduct searches, including the use of sniffer dogs, on its campuses. This means that the permission from the Registrar will be obtained before carrying out such a search by any authorized agency.
During search and seizures, any dangerous object or illegal substance that has been seized will be:
• Clearly and correctly labelled with full particulars, including: i) The name of the student in whose possession it was found; ii) The time and date of the search and seizure; iii) An incident reference number; iv) The name of the person who searched the student; v) The name of the witness; and vi) Any other details that may be necessary to identify the item and incident.
• Recorded in an official record which should be submitted to the office of the Registrar.
• Handed over to the SAPS immediately. Possession and/or use of illegal substances is in violation of the Safety, Student Conduct and Discipline Policy (IIE015). Disciplinary action will be taken against the offending person.
The IIE’s Varsity College will periodically conduct Fire Drills as part of their Occupational Health and Safety mandate. In the event of a fire drill, please follow the following guidelines:
• All lecture rooms and common areas will have an evacuation route and plan located at the exit point. Please familiarise yourself with the map detailing your assembly point.
• Once the fire alarm sounds, fire marshalls will be stationed at various points across campus, directing you to your assembly point.
• During an evacuation procedure, please remain calm and do not run.
• Do pack up your belongings but move quickly and carefully to your assigned assembly point.
• Should you be in a lecture venue, your lecturer will ensure all windows have been closed, wait for all the students to vacate the venue, and close the venue door.
• Should you be in a common area, please move to the closest assembly point.
• Once the fire marshals have confirmed it is safe to do so, staff and students may leave the assembly point and return to lecture venue or common area.
In the event of a medical emergency, The IIE’s Varsity College has trained First Aiders. During an incident that requires first aid assistance, the matter must be reported to the reception staff, or campus management immediately.
A registered First Aider will be sent to the person requiring assistance. Once the First Aider is on site, bystanders are asked to follow the instructions given by the First Aider. At no stage, should a person not registered as a First Aider, attempt to assist or administer first aid.
The IIE’s Varsity College orientation programme (O’Week) takes place early in the first semester. Our Orientation programme is designed to help you acclimatise to your campus and to make new friends as you start navigating your tertiary studies with us. O’Week typically includes academic sessions and fun and stimulating activities. Please participate in as much of O’Week as you can and take note that certain events may take place at night or off campus. You will also have the opportunity to sign up for the various campus committees and services offered at your campus during O’Week – don’t miss out!
Herewith some information on these: VC Cares (The IIE’s Varsity College student volunteer body) and volunteering: sign up with
VC Cares during O’Week and volunteer to engage with your campus’ community and get involved in responsible citizenship initiatives. The Social Committee: This committee is the custodian of your social and cultural student experience. Captained by the campus PR and Events Coordinator, the Social Committee is key to creating a fun filled experience on and off campus. Chat to one of your Social Committee members or your campus PR and Events Coordinator about joining the committee and you can also find out more about the events from them.
Sport: The IIE’s Varsity College offers a variety of sport activities. These are campus specific and cater for a variety of interests and ability levels. The campus Sports Coordinator is responsible for this portfolio.
Join your campus’ Sports Club at a cost of R300. A Sports Club membership will allow you to participate in all the sport activities your campus has to offer including a 2023 Sports Club T-shirt.
Career Centre: As a registered The IIE’s Varsity College student, you have access to the Career Centre on campus. This service provides various work readiness initiatives as well as part-time and fulltime employment assistance. (*** Please take note that valid work permits may be required for certain employers). The Career Centre Coordinator can assist you with registering on the Career Centre website, where job opportunities are advertised. We highly recommend that you register on this website sooner rather than later.
The IIE’s Varsity College has partnered with DigsConnect.com. Their online platform provides students access to various types of accommodation options within close proximity to all eight of The IIE’s Varsity College campuses. More information on student accommodation can be found on The IIE’s Varsity College website or directly at DigsConnect.com.
Your campus Head: Student Services and Student Advisors are also in a position to assist you with accommodation information.
As part of your registration requirements, you are required to submit confirmation of your medical aid. There are various companies that offer medical aid packages. Please refer to the Campus Information Section of the Student Handbook for information on medical services, hospitals and doctors for your campus.
For religious organisations and prayer centres around your campus, please refer to your campus information at the end of the handbook.
AIRPORT SAFETY: Keep an eye on all your personal belongings at all times and do not leave any of these unattended.
• Keep your valuables out of sight at all times and your windows closed especially when stopping at intersections.
• Do not stop in the emergency lane, unless your car has broken down.
• Stick to main routes and avoid driving long distances at night.
• When driving behind a taxi, be vigilant. Taxi drivers may randomly stop to pick passengers up or to drop them off. This random stopping may cause an accident.
• Adhere to the rules of the road and be patient.
• Avoid walking at night - rather use a taxi service.
• Be vigilant at all times and be aware of people around you.
If you are not sure about the programme and/or modules that you are studying speak to your Student Advisor, Customer Relations Centre or Admissions Office on campus. They will help you with any queries you may have. It is vital that you are registered correctly. Don’t forget to submit all your required documentation for registration.
6. Are you doing the correct programme and are you registered for it?
The Student Wellness Manager (SWM) on your campus is responsible for student wellness. This includes free primary counselling services. If you are not feeling well (including feeling lonely, lost or just overwhelmed), please book an appointment with your SWM who will gladly assist.
International students are encouraged to join the International Student Forum on your campus. The Forum has a representative on the VC Voice Committee in the instance of a large international student body. The VC Voice Committee serves as the voice of the FullTime The IIE’s Varsity College students. Its purpose is to encourage student involvement on issues that impact them, as it is necessary to build a responsive and holistic student approach on campus.
The International Student Forum representative looks after the interests of the international students on campus. This entails assisting international students with campus integration and informing them about support structures available on campus and within the local community. The International Forum representative brings the following support to the international student base:
• Initial and transitional support
• Creating awareness around campus structures
• Increasing opportunities for interaction with local students
The Head Student Services or Head: Academic on your campus will know if there is an International Student Forum on the VC Voice Committee.
Look out for posters and other communication detailing the International Forum events that take place on campus.
7. Not feeling OK emotionally or otherwise?
Our accessible user-friendly Student Systems are at your service.
The MyVC Student Intranet is a part of The IIE’s Varsity College website where you, as a student, can access the information and services to help you manage your academic and student life at The IIE’s Varsity College. You will be able to use The MyVC Student Intranet as an ‘online profile’ to order academic material, to access library services, for administration, for career centre information and much more.
Access The MyVC Student Intranet via: https://advtechonline.sharepoint.com/sites/ VarsityCollege/VarsityCollegeStudentPortal/ SitePages/Home.aspx
VC Assist is an online customer relations platform providing students with direct access to the VC Customer Relations Centre for queries and assistance. Queries may include anything from timetabling, lecturer queries, finance to admission queries and any campus related queries.
Visit The MyVC Student Intranet and access VC Assist or go directly to VC Assist via https://www.varsitycollege.co.za/assist/
The Student Portal is a portal for all student registration information and details. You will receive login details for the portal once you have registered. The Admissions Centre will give you the details during your first week of lectures. On the Student Portal you will be able to view your registration, your modules, your personal details, your documents as well as your results and other important information. All your academic results will be published on the portal and will not be released telephonically or displayed on campus. The Student Portal can be accessed via The MyVC Student Intranet. Click here to access your Student Portal.
You will be issued with your personal Connect email account to use throughout your studies at The IIE’s Varsity College. All important information, updates and general communication will be sent to your Connect account and it will be wise for you to check this daily. The log in you use for the Student Portal can also be used for VCConnect.
VCLearn is a “Learning Management System” which provides you with an online learning environment following an activity based approach to learning. VCLearn offers you greater accessibility and flexibility; encouraging you to engage and collaborate beyond the classroom. VCLearn is accessible via The MyVC Student Intranet and can be logged into with the same details as your VCConnect and Student Portal.
Access VCLearn via: https://myvc.iielearn.ac.za
SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention software application and can be accessed via VCLearn. If the assignment is for a VCLearn module, you will need to use SafeAssign.
Any student paper submitted via SafeAssign is checked against a variety of source bases; for e.g.: Internet websites, library online databases, eBooks, newspapers, magazines, online journals, online reference sites and past student papers that are held in the institutional databases.
Originality reports show you and lecturers any similarities within a student submission that the assignment may have to any text that exists online or offline. This will allow you to address potential plagiarism prior to the due date, and for the lecturer to see any potential plagiarism offenses after the due date.
The Student Hub (which can be accessed via The MyVC Student Intranet and VC Assist on the IIE’s Varsity College Website) - is an online digital platform where you may seek assistance or log academic and assessment applications in a number of different areas. You may also log a request for IT assistance or a general campus enquiry. It is user friendly and can be accessed from any device 24/7. Training will be provided by your campus and a How to Guide will be made available. Students may apply via the Student Hub in the following areas:
Waterstone Drive, off Benmore Road
Benmore Gardens Sandton 2196
Tel: (011) 784 6939 Email: sdtn@varsitycollege.co.za
Janadel Avenue
11 Riverview Park
Midrand 1686
Tel: (010) 224 4300 Email: wfl@varsitycollege.co.za
116 Clearwater Road, Cnr. Clearwater & Glenwood Roads
Lynnwood Glen Pretoria 0081
Tel: (012) 348 2551
Email: pta@varsitycollege.co.za
12 Radar Drive
Durban North 4051
Tel: (031) 573 2038
Email: dbn@varsitycollege.co.za
1 Link Road, Cnr. St James Avenue & Link Road
Westville 3630
Tel: (031) 266 8400
Email: dbw@varsitycollege.co.za
Harwin Road
Pietermaritzburg 3201
Tel: (033) 386 2376 Email: pmb@varsitycollege.co.za
Study, work and live your way at the IIE’s Varsity College. Let us help you find your place to thrive.
To get hold of any of the staff mentioned below please ask for them at Reception. Any further queries can be directed through Reception. For the name of the relevant staff member, please refer to Campus Information. For your convenience we have included this section so you will know who to speak to regarding a range of issues.
Q - When I have a course-specific query, who do I see?
A - You need to make contact with the Customer Relations Centre.
Q - When I have a query regarding attendance or results, who do I see?
A - You need to make contact with the Customer Relations Centre.
Q - When I don’t know how to go about my studies, or I need specific subject consultation, who do I see?
A - You need to make contact with your Academic Team or Schools Programme Manager.
Q - When I want to get involved with social or sporting events/activities, who do I see?
A - You need to make contact with your Sports Coordinator or Sports Clubs Administrators.
Q - When I have a personal problem, who do I see?
A - You need to make contact with your Student Wellness Manager (SWM).
Q - When I want to get involved with community engagement activities or with VC Cares, who do I see?
A - You need to contact your SWM or enquire at Reception.
Q - When I seek part-time work opportunities, who do I see?
A - You need to make contact with the Career Centre Coordinator.
Q - When I have a problem with my account, who do I see?
A - You need to make contact with the Finance Department.
Q - When I need to speak to someone regarding student finance options, who do I see?
A - 2023 New students, please make contact with your Student Advisor, returning students please make contact with your Customer Relations Centre.
Q - When I have a problem regarding my registration, who do I see?
A - You need to make contact with the Admissions Officer.
Q - When I need to make a payment, who do I see?
A - You need to go to the cashier’s office.
Q - When I need help with research for my assignments, who do I see?
A - You need to make contact with the Information Specialist.
Q - When I need to make photocopies, who do I see?
A - You need to have your username and password set up by the IT Administrators. Once this is done you will need to buy credits from the payment office and then you can make use of the photocopier in the Information Centre. Please ask the Information Specialist for any further assistance.
Q - When I have an issue that no-one else has been able to help me with, who do I see?
A - You are welcome to make an appointment to speak with a Departmental Head or the Campus Head.
Q - When I have a security related issue, who do I see?
A - You need to report any matters of security to the security guards, the Facilities Manager or go to Reception.
You must keep your student card on you at all times whether it be physical or digital; should you only have a digital card you will also require a photographic form of ID. You will require it to gain access to campus, for assessment purposes and Information Centre access.
Please ensure that you do not leave valuables unattended.
Each lecture room has information regarding the emergency regulations.
Offers affordable and healthy meal options. Do not use queuing for food as a reason to be late for lectures.
There are a number of methods for communication on campus, including emails, SMS, Intercom, notices in the lecturer rooms and campus information boards. Please be aware of notices and keep abreast of events on campus. Furthermore, formal email communication is sent to student vcconnect email addresses. Please ensure you are checking your vcconnect email address regularly
Your campus will hold two meridian hour sessions per week; one academic and one student services which will run from 12h00 to 13h00. Your campus will advise on which days these are to be held.
By law you are only allowed to smoke within a designated smoking area. Should you be found smoking outside of this area, disciplinary action will be taken.
Home Affairs
012 406 2500
Matriculation Board 010 591 4401
SAQA 012 431 5000
Angola 012 342 0049
Benin 012 342 6978
Botswana 021 421 1045
Côte d’Ivore 012 342 6913/4
DRC 012 344 6475/6
Ethiopia 012 346 5485
France 012 425 1600
Malawi 012 342 0146
Consulate 031 303 7130
Rwanda 012 342 6536
Zimbabwe 021 342 5125
Botswana High Commission
012 430 9640
Kenyan High Commission 012 362 2249/50/51
Namibian High Commission 012 481 9100
Swaziland High Commission 012 344 1917
Zambian High Commission 012 326 1847
For further embassy or consulate contact details please visit: www.dfa.gov.za/foreign/forrep/index.htm
At the heart of Johannesburg, is Sandton. A bustling and dynamic city offering a vibrant social life. Jozi, as it is locally called, is the biggest man-made forest in the world – a unique experience where city life meets nature. Here you’ll find our largest campus – a sprawling complex within secure grounds that boasts a beautiful, thoughtfully designed student environment with ample parking, access to public transport and plenty of nearby accommodation options, all within a 40 minute drive of OR Tambo International Airport.
This guide will hopefully make your life a little easier while studying with us. Academic performance is important but so is finding that work-life balance, so let us help you find your way, from accommodation to support services to social and sports clubs. If you need any further information please chat to SIbahle Mnisi, our Student Wellness Manager. Here’s to a successful and fun filled year – enjoy!
Kim McIntyre
Tanja Van Staden
Leanne Coetzee
Lienkie Van Wyk
Jessica De Abreu
Jenna Ramnarain
Vasanthee Govender
Leichen Tonkin
Pat Scalone
Andre Van Der Westhuizen
Doreen Mukuku
SandtonMfowabo Maphosa
Sibahle Mnisi
Relebogile Maomela
Jared Margetts
Anto Kagisho
Lindiwe Mabuya
Lindelani Manyai and Xolile Vilakhazi
Birthright 079 742 8861 Pregnancy Crisis Clinic 012 342 3452 Marie Stopes - Sandton 064 468 5566 Addictions
SANCA 011 673 0400 Narconon 011 024 5464 Cancer Support CANSA 0800 226 622 Hospice Association 011 483 9100 Children
Childline 0800 055 555 Jhb Child Welfare Society 011 298 8500 011 768 4342
Lifeline 011 728 1331
Customer service is important to us, and as such we have a dedicated Customer Relations Centre on campus that will assist you with any queries you may have as well as support your student experience by equipping you with the right information at the right time.
The customer relations platform is available via the Student Hub and is called VC Assist. By logging your query on VC Assist, you will gain direct access to a Customer Relations Officer on your campus. VC Assist is a centralised platform on which queries relating to all aspects of your campus experience can be logged and resolved.
POWA 011 642 4345 Nisaa 011 854 5804 Family Planning
Marie Stopes Clinic 0800 11 77 85
0800 012 322 Love Life 0800 121 900 011 523 1000 Esselene Clinic 011 725 6711
Sexual Harassment Sandton Protection Unit 011 722 4200 Gay & Lesbian Helpline OUT 012 430 3270 066 190 5812
Should you require any other services, please consult the VC Help File in the Information Centre or speak to the Student Wellness Manager.
Dr Peer 011 783 4575
Dr S H Schneider 011 783 4414
Dr Griffith 011 884 8034
Sandton Mediclinic 011 709 2000
Morningside Mediclinic 011 282 5000
Helen Joseph 011 489 1011
Olivedale Clinic 011 777 2000
Absa, Sandton City 011 505 4500
First National Bank, Sandton City 011 883 5104
Standard Bank 0860 123 000
Medicross 011 796 1400 Sandton 011 709 2000
PHARMACIES Dis-Chem, Benmore 011 783 9715
Dr D Shand
011 803 4913
Mrs M Lautenbach 082 324 7024 Bryanwood Centre 011 706 2269
Our Waterfall campus opened its doors in 2012, making it the newest edition to the family. Looking more like Google Headquarters than a typical university, the atmosphere is relaxed yet lively with a thriving sports scene. Student accommodation is plentiful in the surrounding neighbourhoods of Waterfall and Midrand, and around the corner you’ll find the Mall of Africa, South Africa’s largest mall ever built in a single phase, home to over 300 local and international brands.
This guide will hopefully make your life a little easier while studying with us.
Academic performance is important but so is finding that work-life balance, so let us help you find your way, from accommodation to support services to social and sports clubs. If you need any further information please chat to Tim Michael Verne, your Head: Student Services. Here’s to a successful and fun-filled year – enjoy!
Avadhi Ghela
Sameera Sheik Imam
Ruan Brashaw
Juanita Abrahams
Tim Michael Verne
Shannon Gibbs
Jared Margetts
Nomcebo Langa
011 403 1718
Marie Stopes Clinic 012 323 0148 Amato Pregnancy Crisis 012 342 3452
SANCA 011 673 0400 Narcotics Anonymous 083 900 6962
Cancer Support
CANSA 0800 226 622 Hospice Association 011 483 9100
Childline 0800 055 555 Jhb Child Welfare Society 011 298 8500
Crisis Counselling
Lifeline 086 132 2322
Domestic Violence
National Network on Violence against Women 012 348 1231 Stop Women Abuse 0800 012 322
Customer service is important to us, and as such we have a dedicated Customer Relations Centre on campus that will assist you with any queries you may have as well as support your student experience by equipping you with the right information at the right time.
The customer relations platform is available via the Student Hub and is called VC Assist. By logging your query on VC Assist, you will gain direct access to a Customer Relations Officer on your campus. VC Assist is a centralised platform on which queries relating to all aspects of your campus experience can be logged and resolved.
Family Planning
Marie Stopes Clinic 0800 11 77 85 Pretoria Academic Hospital 012 354 159 Amato Pregnancy Crisis 012 342 3452
HIV/AIDS Helpline
0800 012 322 Love Life 0800 121 900
Legal Services Legal Wise 011 787 5059
Sexual Harassment
Midrand Protection Unit 011 347 1600
Gay & Lesbian Helpline OUT 0860 688 688
Should you require any other services, please consult the VC Help File in the Information Centre or speak to the Student Wellness Manager.
Dr Yvonne Hoy 011 466 1950 Midrand Dental Care 011 315 3777
Dr Francois Visser 011 805 8456
Dr Robbertze 012 653 6664
Netcare Waterfall Hospital 011 304 6721 Life Carstenhof Clinic 011 655 5500 Unitas, Centurion 012 677 8000
Medicross 011 666 5000 Midrand Medical Centre 011 315 2512
Dis-Chem, Calswarld Centre 011 697 0800 Clicks, Sanridge 011 318 0310
Absa, Midrand
011 697 8035 Nedbank, Midrand 086 055 5111 Standard Bank, Midrand 086 010 1341 Capitec, Midrand 086 010 2043
South Africa’s capital, Pretoria, is well known as an academic city with an active student life. Our Pretoria campus is situated in an upmarket residential area. Our Pretoria campus also has its very own student accommodation complex. Nearby shopping and entertainment, as well as good access to transport and affordable accommodation, all make this campus a great option for students.
This guide will hopefully make your life a little easier while studying with us.
Academic performance is important but so is finding that work-life balance, so let us help you find your way, from accommodation to support services to social and sports clubs. If you need any further information please chat to your Head: Student Services. Here’s to a successful and fun-filled year – enjoy!
Lyndsay de Sa
Melanie Shotter
Renate Struck
Lieza Van Der Vyver
Kevin Prinsloo
Solanda Dos Santos
Dr Ilze Breedt
Fathima Jogiat
Alane (Shamala) Naidoo
SandtonDemi Rae Snyman
Nandi Nyandeni
Cecilia Viljoen
Annelize Kruger and Dipolelo Maake
Matlawa Sarah Mafarafara
Marie Stopes Clinic 0800 117 785 Connect Women’s Clinic 012 752 7398
SANCA (Castle Carey) 012 542 1121 Narcotics Anonymous 074 038 3804 (WhatsApp only) or 086 100 6962
Cancer Support
CANSA 012 329 3036 Hospice Association 011 483 9100
Childline 0800 055 555 Child Welfare South Africa 087 822 1516
Crisis Counselling
Lifeline 012 804 1853
Domestic Violence
POWA 011 642 4345 Nisaa 011 854 5804
Customer service is important to us, and as such we have a dedicated Customer Relations Centre on campus that will assist you with any queries you may have as well as support your student experience by equipping you with the right information at the right time.
The customer relations platform is available via the Student Hub and is called VC Assist. By logging your query on VC Assist, you will gain direct access to a Customer Relations Officer on your campus. VC Assist is a centralised platform on which queries relating to all aspects of your campus experience can be logged and resolved.
Family Planning
Pretoria Academic Hospital 012 354 1000 Amato Pregnancy Crisis 012 342 3452 Medicross Constania Park 012 998 5552
Helpline 0800 012 322 Attic 012 308 8743 Skinner St Clinic 012 354 1654
Legal Services Legal Aid 012 401 9200
Sexual Harassment SAPS Garsfontein Police Station 012 470 4200
LGBTQIA + Wellbeing Helpline OUT 066 190 5812
Should you require any other services, please consult the VC Help File in the Information Centre or speak to the Student Wellness Manager.
Medicross, Constantia 012 998 5552 Intercare, Glenfair 012 368 8800
Hatmed 012 362 7180
Intercare, Glenfair 012 368 8800
Medicross, Constantia 012 998 5552 Medicross, Silverton 012 804 4356
Kalafong Hospital 012 373 4710 Wilgers 012 807 8100
Pretoria Academic 012 354 1000 MuelMed 012 440 0600
Kloof Hospital 012 367 4000
Pretoria East Hospital 012 422 2300
Life Faerie Glen Hospital 012 369 5600
Steve Biko Academic Hospital 012 354 1597
Medicross 011 666 5000
Midrand Medical Centre 011 315 2512
Clicks, Menlyn 012 348 6162 Dis-Chem, Glenfair 012 472 8720
Mr Jacques Botes 083 892 4200
Mrs M. du Toit 082 673 5223
Mrs V. Samouris 012 998 8343
Nanette Louw 072 341 8002 Lorna Geer enquiries@lornageer.co.za
Vista Clinic 012 664 0222
Akeso 0861 435 787/ info@akeso.co.za
Cape Town has been named the best destination in Africa and TripAdvisor’s top destination. The Mother City is surrounded by mountains, oceans and winelands. Cape Town has a rich cultural heritage, great shopping, worldclass restaurants and a lively night-life. Just 30 minutes from the city centre, our Cape Town campus is a vibrant, multi-cultured student environment, which makes for an exciting neighbourhood that buzzes with students all year round.
This guide will hopefully make your life a little easier while studying with us. Academic performance is important but so is finding that work-life balance, so let us help you find your way, from accommodation to support services to social and sports clubs. If you need any further information please chat to Shernell Pather, our Head of Student Services. Here’s to a successful and fun-filled year – enjoy!
Saleem Jackson
Trish Trompeter
Nicolene Van Vuuren
Shernell Pather
Christine Anna Le Roux
Joaneen Ellmann
Meghan Fourie
Charlotte Tinnion
Brent Davids
Rape Crisis, Observatory 021 447 9762
Rape Crisis, Athlone 021 633 9229 Rape Crisis, Khayelitsha 021 361 9085
CTDCC Observatory 021 447 8026
CTDCC Mitchells Plain 021 397 0103
SANCA - Toll free 0861 472 622 Kenilworth Clinic 021 763 4500 Alcoholics Anonymous 021 418 0908 Al Anon (for family) 0861 25 26 66
Cancer Support
CANSA 0800 22 66 22 Hospice 021 531 0277 St Luke‘s 021 797 5335
Childline 0800 055 555
Crisis Counselling
Lifeline Hotline 0861 322 322 Lifeline 021 461 1111
Depression Anxiety SADAG 24 hr Helpline 0800 12 13 14
SADAG Suicide Crisis Line 0800 567 567 Adcock Ingram Helpline 0800 70 80 90
Association for Persons with Disabilities 021 555 2881
Domestic Violence Stop Woman Abuse Helpline 0800 150 150 Mosaic 021 761 7585
Customer service is important to us, and as such we have a dedicated Customer Relations Centre on campus that will assist you with any queries you may have as well as support your student experience by equipping you with the right information at the right time.
The customer relations platform is available via the Student Hub and is called VC Assist. By logging your query on VC Assist, you will gain direct access to a Customer Relations Officer on your campus. VC Assist is a centralised platform on which queries relating to all aspects of your campus experience can be logged and resolved.
Family Issues
021 447 7951 Hope House 021 715 0424
Gambling National Helpline 0800 006 008
The Counseling HUB 021 462 3902
HIV Aids Helpline 0800 012 322
Homelessness U-turn 021 674 6119 Haven Night Shelter 021 425 4700
Legal Service Legal Aid Advice Line 0800 110 110
Pregnancy options 1 Family planning Marie Stopes Clinic 021 762 6468
Smoking Smokenders 021 788 9120
Support for LGBT
The Triangle Project 021 686 1475
The Trauma Centre 021 465 7373
Should you require any other services, please consult the VC Help File in the Information Centre or speak to the Student Wellness Manager.
Dr Odendaal 021 683 1171
Dr Cahill 021 674 2136
021 670 4000
Claremont 021 670 4300
Vincent Pallotti 021 506 5111
Groote Schuur 021 404 9111
Medicross 021 670 7640
Vitacare 021 685 3030
Rustenburg 021 686 3997
Wynberg 021 797 8141
Cathy Karasellos (Clinical)
021 685 2882
Carol Newman (Counselling) 083 355 3479
Bhamini Rugnathji (Counselling) 072 451 0385
The city of Durban is a surfer’s paradise, with pristine beaches and warm water stretching from the north to the south. Only two kilometres from Durban’s Golden mile, our Durban North campus is a safe, modern space, set among sprawling sports fields where you can enjoy rugby, hockey and numerous other outdoor activities.
This guide will hopefully make your life a little easier while studying with us.
Academic performance is important but so is finding that work-life balance, so let us help you find your way; from accommodation to support services to social and sports clubs. If you need any further information please chat to Eshana Ratibar, our Student Welness Manager. Here’s to a successful and fun-filled year – enjoy!
Rajesh Chandarman
Daylene Reddy
Catherine Durholz
Lucie Bowyer
Braam Mouton
Eshana Ratibar
Ebrahim Adam
Dr Tracey Haselau
Dr Razia Khan
Sandton Cape TownYandisa Mdolomba
Thembeka Makhubela
Sinothile Mthiyane
Deveshinee Maharaj
Zibuyile Mngadi and Musa Zama
Customer service is important to us, and as such we have a dedicated Customer Relations Centre on campus that will assist you with any queries you may have as well as support your student experience by equipping you with the right information at the right time.
The customer relations platform is available via the Student Hub and is called VC Assist. By logging your query on VC Assist, you will gain direct access to a Customer Relations Officer on your campus. VC Assist is a centralised platform on which queries relating to all aspects of your campus experience can be logged and resolved.
Birthright 031 201 5471
Marie Stopes Clinic 031 201 1140 Rape Crisis 031 312 2323
SANCA 031 202 2274 Minds Alive 031 266 1112
Cancer Support
CANSA 031 205 9525 Highway Hospice 031 208 6110
Childline 031 201 2059
Crisis Counselling
Lifeline Hotline Bling 086 132 2322
Lifeline 031 303 1344
Suicide, Depression & Anxiety 0800 567567 0800 212223
Durban North Victim Support Group (Calls and WhatsApp) 066 483 8589
Medicross Constania Park 012 993 9000
Blind Society 031 202 7277
Quadriplegic Association 031 701 7444
DBN and Coastal Mental Health 031 502 3622
Association for persons with physical disabilities 031 403 7041
Domestic Violence Advice Desk, Durban 031 262 9673
GBV Command Centre 0800 428 428 Advice Desk for Abused Women 031 262 5231 Stop Women Abuse Helpline 0800 150 150
HIV AIDS Helpline
0800 012 322 Marie Stopes Clinic 031 201 1140 Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF) 031 202 0016
National Association of People Living With Aids 031 309 3914
Legal Services
Legal Aid Advice Line 0800 110 110 The IIE’s Varsity College Community Law Clinic 031 573 2038
Sexual Harassment
Open Door Crisis Centre 031 709 2679
Should you require any other services, please consult the VC Help File in the Information Centre or speak to the Student Wellness Manager.
Dr Moodley 031 561 1313
Dr Godfrey 031 564 4673
Dr Nelson 031 563 5088
Dr Brink 031 562 8505
Netcare Umhlanga Hospital 031 560 5500
Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital 031 581 2400
Life Entabeni Hospital 031 204 1300
McCords Eye Hospital 031 268 5700
Life Westville Hospital 031 251 6911
Absa, Broadway 031 581 7700
First National Bank, Broadway 087 575 9404
Standard Bank, Broadway 0860 123 000
Nedbank, Broadway 0800 110 929
Capitec Bank, Kensington Square 0860 102 043
031 562 9393
Durban North 031 563 0518
La Lucia 031 562 9796
Broadway 031 563 8216
James Sharrat 031 563 5812
Mt Edgecombe Psychology Practice 031 539 6801
Jeethen Ramnanan 076 331 8429
Lisa Dales 082 323 4111
Rakhi Beekrum 0315630508
Located just outside of Durban central, our Westville campus is situated among the green hills of the Westville suburbs. The campus is conveniently located near sports fields, recreational facilities, shopping malls, the city centre and Durban’s famous golden beaches. The campus has a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere with a strong focus on academics.
This guide will hopefully make your life a little easier while studying with us.
Academic performance is important but so is finding that work-life balance, so let us help you find your way, from accommodation to support services to social and sports clubs. If you need any further information please chat to Zanele Ntombela, our Student Wellness Manager. Here’s to a successful and fun-filled year – enjoy!
Yenusha Ramluggan
Jackie Gounden
Chantal Hammer
Jessica Kell
Kenneth Pilkington-Williams
Janescia Naicker
Raeesa Moola
Jodie du Plessis
Nishanee Gokool
Zanele Ntombela
Celeste Grant
Carey Robertson
Warwick Jones
Siva Moodley
Vanessa Naicker
Lameesha Mahomed
Samuel Faloye
Jamie Murugan
Rosanne Jackson
Kara Lortan
Ndumiso Cele
031 303 4308
Marie Stopes Clinic 031 201 1140
SANCA 031 303 2202
TADA 031 202 2274 Narcotics Anonymous 083 900 6962
Cancer Support
CANSA 031 205 9525
Highway Hospice 031 208 6110
Crisis Counselling
Open Door Crisis Centre 031 709 2679
Blind Society 031 309 4991
Headway Natal 031 266 2713
Quadriplegic Association 031 702 2723
Domestic Violence
Helpline 031 502 1883
Advice Desk 031 262 5231
FAMSA 031 202 8987
Customer service is important to us, and as such we have a dedicated Customer Relations Centre on campus that will assist you with any queries you may have as well as support your student experience by equipping you with the right information at the right time.
The customer relations platform is available via the Student Hub and is called VC Assist. By logging your query on VC Assist, you will gain direct access to a Customer Relations Officer on your campus. VC Assist is a centralised platform on which queries relating to all aspects of your campus experience can be logged and resolved.
Family Planning
031 203 7060 Pinetown 031 718 2622
Rape Lifeline 031 312 2323
Sexual Harassment
Open Door Crisis Centre 031 709 2679
Gay & Lesbian Helpline Gay & Lesbian Centre 031 312 7402
Should you require any other services, please consult the VC Help File in the Information Centre or speak to the Student Wellness Manager.
Dr S Geldenhuys
031 701 3719
Dr S Blanckenberg 031 266 9258
Dr M Westbrook 031 764 6688
Dr G Sanpersad 031 265 1047
Crompton, Pinetown
031 702 0777
Westville 031 265 0911
Entabeni 031 204 1300 McCord 031 268 5700
St Augustine’s 031 268 5000
Medical Centres
Crompton, Pinetown 031 702 0777 Westville 031 265 0911
Absa, Westville (031) 266 5354
First National Bank, Westville (031) 267 0750
Standard Bank, Westville 0860 10 1341 Sandton
Dis-Chem, Westwood
031 266 0721
Medi-Rite, Pavilion 031 265 1072
Ms C Newton 082 491 1136
Ms C Chester 031 303 5578
Ms G Nyawose 031 701 0043
Mr R England 083 412 2287
Ms Leigh de Wet 072 315 1842
An hour from Durban, in the capital of KwaZulu-Natal, our Pietermaritzburg campus is located on the lush grounds of St. Charles’ College. Historically significant buildings and lecture halls open directly onto beautifully manicured lawns, while state-of-the-art security and safety systems ensure your wellbeing. Surrounding neighbourhoods offer students accommodation options within safe walking distance to campus.
This guide will hopefully make your life a little easier while studying with us.
We value the holistic development of our students, and therefore provide them with opportunity to develop in areas both within and outside the lecture venue. Pietermaritzburg’s Student Services team are here to support our students with their wellbeing, career readiness and sport & social engagement. Here’s to a successful and fun filled year - enjoy!
Eve Reddy
Braam Mouton
Dr Timothy Obaje
Prisilla van der Byl
Revasha Sookdew
Myrna King
Sonya Nursoo
Adelaide Williams
Rita Govender
Serena Naidoo
Travis Hesom
Brenda Kelly
SANCA 033 345 4173 AKESO 087 098 0454 Cancer Support Hospice 033 344 1560 Children The Child & Family Welfare Society 033 342 8971 Childline 033 394 5177 Crisis Counselling South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) 0800 456 789 LifeLine 24 Hour Counselling Line 0861 322 322 Lifeline 033 342 4447 Domestic Violence FAMSA 033 342 4945 Stop Women Abuse 0800 012 322
Customer service is important to us, and as such we have a dedicated Customer Relations Centre on campus that will assist you with any queries you may have as well as support your student experience by equipping you with the right information at the right time.
The customer relations platform is available via the Student Hub and is called VC Assist. By logging your query on VC Assist, you will gain direct access to a Customer Relations Officer on your campus. VC Assist is a centralised platform on which queries relating to all aspects of your campus experience can be logged and resolved.
Family Planning East Boom Community Health Centre 033 264 4900 Family Planning and Baby Clinics 033 387 1821 Comprehensive Family Planning, Northdale Hospital 033 387 9000 Scottsville Family Clinic 033 342 1011 Hayfields Pharmacy 033 386 5477
Gay & Lesbian Helpline Gay & Lesbian Network 033 342 6165 HIV/AIDS Lifeline 033 342 4447 Sexual Abuse Rape Crisis 033 342 4447
Should you require any other services, please consult the VC Help File in the Information Centre or speak to the Student Wellness Manager.
Dr K Moodley
033 394 2074
Dr Bhika 033 342 6118
Dr Tyala 033 342 4787
Dr Stavrides 033 342 8803
St. Anne’s 033 897 5000
Medi-Clinic 033 845 3700
Northdale (State) 033 387 9000
Greys (State) 033 897 3000
Med 24 071 250 1186
Scottsville Family Clinic 033 342 1011
Dischem Pharmacy
033 108 0001
Hayfields 033 386 5477
Scottsville 033 386 1029
Intercare Woodburn 033 880 0300
Absa, Scottsville
033 845 6600
First National Bank, Hayfields 033 395 5000
Standard Bank, Hayfields 0860 10 1341
Nedbank, Hayfields 080 055 5111
Capitec, Scottsville 0860 102 043
Samcare Therapy Centre
033 342 9204
Clive Willows 033 345 1185
Prishika Pillay 033 387 1100
John Soderlund 082 799 3471
Thokozani Sithole 087 250 0160
Cindy Coleman 083 290 3069
Nestled in the Nelson Mandela Bay Area is the seaside city of Gqeberha, also known as ‘the friendly city’. Our Nelson Mandela Bay campus lives up to that nickname, offering you a safe, secure and friendly environment in which to develop your knowledge and professional skills. It’s an exciting and welcoming setting where you can advance academically and achieve an all-important work-life balance.
This guide will hopefully make your life a little easier while studying with us.
Academic performance is important but so is finding that work-life balance, so let us help you find your way, from accommodation to support services to social and sports clubs. If you need any further information please chat to Jaci Howell, our Student Wellness Manager. Here’s to a successful and fun-filled year – enjoy!
Customer service is important to us, and as such we have a dedicated Customer Relations Centre on campus that will assist you with any queries you may have as well as support your student experience by equipping you with the right information at the right time.
The customer relations platform is available via the Student Hub and is called VC Assist. By logging your query on VC Assist, you will gain direct access to a Customer Relations Officer on your campus. VC Assist is a centralised platform on which queries relating to all aspects of your campus experience can be logged and resolved.
Marie Stopes Clinic 060 096 1592 Pregnancy Crisis Centre 071 997 0147
Narcotics Anonymous 086 100 6962 Dept of Social Development Substance Abuse 0800 121 314
Cancer Support CANSA 041 373 5157 Hospice 041 360 7070
Childline 116 E.P Youth Care Centre 041 373 7602
Crisis Counselling
Revive (previously LifeLine) 081 710 1741 Counselling, SADAG 011 234 4837 Suicide Crisis line 0800 567 567
Blind Society (Nkosinathi Foundation) 041 487 1150
Association for the Physically Disabled 041 484 5426
Domestic Violence
SAPS Domestic Violence Helpline 0800 150 150 FAMSA 041 585 9393
Family Planning
Marie Stopes Clinic 060 096 1592 PE Central Community Health Centre 041 373 1525 Central Clinic 041 585 9111
Helpline 0800 012 322 ATTIC 041 506 2641 National HIV Helpline 0800 012 322
Legal Services Legal Aid 041 363 8863
Sexual Harassment Rape Crisis Centre 041 484 3804
Should you require any other services, please consult the VC Help File in the Information Centre or speak to the Student Wellness Manager.
Finnezz 041 586 3233 New Asia 041 373 0099 Cubaña 041 582 5282 White Tiger 041 582 2354
041 368 2690 Walker Drive 041 360 4055 Cleary Park 041 482 0079 The Boardwalk 041 507 7777 Metlife Plaza 041 360 4100 Baywest Mall 041 492 0326
Walmer Park
Algoa Bay Yacht
087 095 729 Crusaders Football Club 078 415 1810 Diaz Club 041 365 2168 Londt Park Sports Club 041 360 9261 Ocean Divers 041 581 5121 Storms River Adventures 042 281 1836
Dr Meurs, Newton Park 041 364 0041
Dr W Strydom, Cape Road 041 374 3624
Dr N Koch, Cape Road 041 391 8700
Dr G Roux, Lovemore Heights 041 368 3706
Dr M Venter, Walmer Medicross 041 396 4800
Greenacres 041 390 7000
St George’s 041 392 6111
Mercantile 041 404 0400
Dora Nginza 041 406 4111
Livingstone 041 405 9111
Medicross, Cape Road
041 391 8700 Greenways 041 368 3706
Clicks Pharmacy, Greenacres 041 363 0748 Dis-Chem Pharmacy, Newton Park 041 396 2600
Mr G Smith, Summerstrand 041 583 6212
Ms R Gowar, Lovemore Heights 041 360 0603
The IIE Distance delivery mode provides you with the opportunity to study in the comfort of your own home and to plan your study workload to suit to your individual pace. As an IIE distance student you will receive all your support online from a dedicated team of IIE Varsity College Online tutors.
The IIE Distance delivery has been designed with our students’ needs in mind, and includes the following:
A structured online learning environment that will take you through the learning process; making use of the best of instructional design thinking that will enable you to understand and apply your knowledge as you progress through your studies. The online design ensures that you are able to track your progress and meet each crucial milestone along the way.
A learner guide designed to lead you through the textbook. It includes questions and answers for practice and revision.
Access to an online information specialist who can direct you to a range of digital library resources, and provide you with assignment support as well as referencing and plagiarism guidance.
Online Tutors who are subject matter experts and who maintain the human experience of the learning process in each of your modules.
An Online Success Navigator (OSN) to provide you with a wide range of generic, non-academic support measures to ensure a more seamless learning experience throughout your academic journey.
Our most successful students are those who make use of the full range of support provided by the online team, while also assuming the necessary responsibility for the management of their own learning.
Head: Online Centre - David Mc Connell
Head: Academic Operations – Rosemarie Vieira
Manager: Online Teaching and Learning – Liesl Scheepers
Head: Student Recruitment (IIE Distance) – Lauren Latter
Head: Student Services - Rebecca Shimmin
General Queries – oc@varsitycollege.co.za
Contact Number – 087 354 5884
All information contained in this Student Handbook is subject to change and was correct at the time of publication to the website. The policies available on the MyVC Student Intranet will always override the policy information referred to in this Student Handbook.