February 2017
Wisborough Green Parish Magazine
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AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News
Highlights February 2017
St Peter ad Vincula Calendar ..................................... 4 Pastoral Letter / PACT News .................................... 5 Dates for the Diary / Prayer ........................................ 6 Regular Church Activities / From the Registers ......... 7 From the Editor / New Year’s Day Village Quiz ......... 9 WG Primary School News ........................................ 11 Village Hall News / Gardener’s Calendar ................ 13 Sports News / Ken’s DDM&G Page ......................... 15 Wey & Arun Canal Trust News ................................ 17 WGSS - Journey on the Orient Express .......... 18 - 19 Make Space Craft Group / FSW Update .................. 21 KKWG Update / Parishes Wildlife Group ................. 23 Notice Board ..................................................... 26 - 27 Christmas Eve Nativity Service ................................ 28 Time for God Epiphany / Tabitha’s Short Story........ 29 Recipe of the Month / RBL Poppy Appeal 2016 ...... 31 Wisborough Green History ............................... 32 - 33 WG Minibus Page .................................................... 35 Neighbourhood Watch........................................37, 42 Village Organisations - News & Notices ........... 39 - 45 WACT - Book a talk on Canal .................................. 45 Weather Watch/ Village Hall 50 Draw ...................... 47 Church Cleaning / Flower Rosters / Directory .......... 48 Village Organisations Directory ................................ 49 What’s Happening .................................................... 50
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council. Please note, it is not always possible to check the credentials and claims of all those advertising, so please ensure that you get references and check any claims before entering into business with them.
Ad Vincula Team Roland Zilz Editor Marion Jenkins Asst. Editor Fran Wallace Advertising John Gough Distribution Rev. Clive Jenkins Vicar Dr Graham Parr Churchwarden Mr Jamie Daniell Churchwarden
If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor. Copy Deadline for March 2017 issue:
14 February 2017 Printed by: EVONPRINT Mackley Industrial Estate Small Dole, W Sussex, BN5 9XR Tel: 01273 494631
Cover picture - “Sunrise over the Green” by Suzanne Mosley 3
St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for February Wednesday
1 February
2 February
Sunday 5 February th 5 Sunday after Epiphany
8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm
Holy Communion Messy Church in Village Hall Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist Refresh contemporary worship and praise service
7 February
4.30pm to 5.00pm
8 February
Holy Communion
Sunday 12 February rd 3 Sunday before Lent
8.00am 10.30am
Holy Communion (BCP) Time for God
Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)
14 February
4.30pm to 5.00pm
Wednesday 15 February
Holy Communion
16 February
St Peter’s Luncheon Club in Village Hall
Sunday 19 February 2nd Sunday before Lent
8.00am 10.30am
Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist
Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)
21 February
4.30pm to 5.00pm
Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)
Wednesday 22 February
Holy Communion
Sunday 26 February Sunday before Lent
8.00am 10.30am
Holy Communion (BCP) All Age Eucharist
Tuesday 28 February 4.30pm Shrove Tuesday to 5.00pm
Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)
Wednesday 1 March Ash Wednesday
Holy Communion Sung Eucharist with Imposition of the Ashes
10.00am 7.30pm
2 March
Sunday 5 March First Sunday of Lent
8.00am 10.30am
Messy Church in the Village Hall Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist
For More Details of Services and Events see CHURCH WEBSITE Follow us on Facebook for late news: 4
Pastoral Letter ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ John 3:16 With Valentine’s Day fast approaching many folk will be thinking about sending cards, gifts, flowers etc to the one they love. Commercially this is an important date for many retailers, restaurateurs and florists, who provide specific Valentine consumables and events. It seems that the advice from those in the ‘trade’ is, “don’t leave it too late, or you’ll be disappointed!” For many of us we may leave these things to the last minute, not allowing enough time to get the things done we need to, maybe rushing from one thing to the next! There are many factors that contribute to this state of unease, that can eventually lead to a state of dis-ease: work pressures, money pressures, family pressures, all take their toll on our well-being. I know that a certain amount of pressure is required for many of us to live and work to the best of our ability. However, like the ingredients in a cake they need to be in proportion to the whole mixture. The verse quoted at the top of the page, perhaps one of the best known in the New Testament, was prompted by a man named Nicodemus, who wanted to know more about who Jesus was and what was his purpose. Jesus’ response was to tell Nicodemus and people ever since, that God’s love is for us, and not against us, which can easily be misinterpreted and maligned by those who seek to discredit Jesus as they did then, and even now. For Jesus’ love came not from a directive or prescriptive cosmic deity, but from the Heart of a loving Heavenly Father, whose constant love sustained His Son Jesus and those who have followed Him ever since. No wonder the verse that follows states: ‘For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him’. Now this is real love, that is for all time and won’t fade when the roses lose their petals, all the chocolates disappear from the box, or when you ask for the bill!.
Clive and Marion
PACT News Petworth Area Churches Together (PACT) - working together in harmony
New Chairman – Group Captain Hugh Rolfe CVO CBE (RAF Ret’d) - we have a new Chair for PACT – Hugh Rolfe worships at the Sacred Heart RC Church in Petworth. He follows in the admirable footsteps of Rev Bob Mitchell and Gerald Gresham-Cooke who we thank wholeheartedly for their capable and diligent service over the last two years. We warmly welcome Hugh Rolfe into the PACT fold and pray every blessing over his term with us – for divine guidance and enjoyment in equal measure. Karl Ayling Web:
Dates for the Diary February 2017 Thursday 2nd th
3.30pm Messy Church straight from School (details p21)
6.00pm ‘Refresh’ Contemporary worship, prayer and testimony
10.30am ‘Time For God’ … Love is …? Come and join the fun exploring the theme during this informal service for all ages.
12.15pm St Peter’s Luncheon Club in Village Hall (details on p7)
March 2017 Wednesday 1st Sunday
7.30pm Ash Wednesday Service to begin Lent
6.00pm ‘Refresh’ Contemporary worship, prayer and testimony
3.30pm Messy Church straight from School (details p21)
6.00pm ‘Digging Deeper’ looking at Colossians. Our Diocese has designated 2017 as the Year of the Bible to encourage us all to take a closer look at Scripture.
10-4pm Quiet Day at the Bishop’s Palace, Chichester. 6.00pm ‘Digging Deeper’ looking at Colossians. Our Diocese has designated 2017 as the Year of the Bible to encourage us all to take a closer look at Scripture.
Prayer Chain of Prayer Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. A copy of the chain is on the notice board at the back of church. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate its effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality.
Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:
5 February 12 February 19 February 26 February
Butts Meadow & Wyatt Close Carters Way & The Luth Kirdford Road & Skiff Lane Durbans Road
Regular Church Activities PRAYER GROUP AND QUIET MORNINGS If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome on a Tuesday at 4.30pm, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. Contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details of venue. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the home of Wendy Duff at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details.
WIZZY TOTS Wizzy Tots, Wisborough Green’s baby and toddler group, meets at the Village Hall every Tuesday during term time from 9.30 to 11.00 am. Please join us for a coffee, catch up and a play in the Village Hall, all children and parents/carers welcome. It would be lovely to see you all. If you want to find out more about Wizzy Tots, please call Tory on 01403 700809 or Marion on 01403 700339.
DON’T FORGET……… If you haven’t yet experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 9am ‘til 11.30am in church and EVERYONE is welcome! Special Offer - buy 6 coffees and get the 7th one FREE!! Full details from Xpresso.
From the Registers (December) Weddings: We ask the Lord’s blessing on Nathan Crawt and Amy James who were married on Thursday 8th December 2016 at St. Peter’s. We ask the Lord’s blessing on Daniel Hanna and Harriet Cullinan who were married on Saturday 31st December 2016 at St. Peter’s. Funerals:
We give thanks for the life of Myrtle Driver whose funeral took place on Friday 9th December at St. Peter’s. We give thanks for the life of Berly Evans whose funeral took place at Crawley Crematorium on Tuesday 13th December. 7
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Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance
Mac’s Private Hire 24 hours a day - 7 days a week
01403 701 842 T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483
Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices. Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.
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07917 850 746 Airports - Social & Business Lady Driver Available Wisborough Green Based
Holiday Homes For Hens Going on holiday? Bring your hens and ducks to us at Garden Poultry Care in Kirdford. We’ll take care of your birds in a safe, friendly, free range area.
Call Nik 01403 820796
From the Editor A warm welcome to the February 2017 edition of Ad Vincula. Looking through the various pleas for new members to help run village societies or organisations (Booking Secretary Village Hall p13, WG Fete Society p27, Sideshows Society, p27), I can’t help but worry about the future of some of our long-running village activities. I know everybody is incredibly busy these days but surely, In a village of our size, there must be some younger people able to give some of their time to help these activities continue? In addition to the usual articles this month, I would just highlight a few items - WACT report on upgrades to canoeing facilities on the canal (p17); Report with pictures on the Sideshows Society’s Annual Dinner - Journey on the Orient Express (p18-19), Reports of the Christmas Eve Nativity Service (p28) and Time for God Epiphany Service (p29) and, finally, a short story by Tabitha Smallwood-Brown, aged 7 (p29). I hope you will find something of interest and do please keep all your articles, comments and photos coming to me at Roland Zilz This magazine can also be viewed on line at:
New Year’s Day Village Quiz Cricketers Arms – Wisborough Green Well folks, in spite of the intermittent rain, this year’s New Year’s Day Quiz on Sunday 1 January 2017 raised £86 for Wyatt House, our local retirement home. This, the 4th annual quiz, involved finding where small sections of 18 different photographs were taken around the village. Around 50 jolly competitors left from the Cricketer’s Arms Pub shortly after openingtime, and just under an hour later, they became dribbling back. No less than three ‘teams’ had correctly identified all 18 pictures, in spite of the organisers having done their devious best to make the quiz even harder this year! Several others got quite a few correct answers, but all in all everyone who took part – grown ups, kiddywinks and dogs – reckoned that they’d had a chuckle or two, and any delicate heads from the previous night’s celebrations were now well cleared. Huge thanks to everyone who took part and also to those who made over-kind donations. Jim Gavin
All proceeds, as always, to Wyatt House Retirement/Sheltered Housing 9
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Garden & Grounds Maintenance Grass and Hedge Cutting, Beds, Turfing etc. Total & Selective Weed Control All types of Fencing Fully equipped, experienced & insured Tel: 01403 700648
QUALITY LOCAL INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATOR · 25 years’ experience · Fully Insured · References available · No VAT
For a professional service please contact Jonathan Capelin (West Chiltington) 01798 817402
Wisborough Green Primary School News This term we have jumped into the oceans of the world to discover more about the 'Big Blue'. Exciting key texts have been chosen to inspire the children to develop a love of reading. We welcomed Piers Torday last term as his book, 'The Last Wild', inspired so many. He even took the time to read some of the writing the children had produced and wrote back to us to say how impressed he was. There really is a buzz around school for books and this term the children have already met the Rainbow
Fish, the Snail and the Whale and the troubled china rabbit Edward Tulane. All aboard! The Titanic set sail, taking the children on a nostalgic journey back in time. As the term progresses, the historical journey will unveil who survived this disaster at sea and who did not. Cooking, dancing and drama were some of the many activities the children experienced to launch their new topics for the term ahead. Our Learning Council are busy working hard to help make improvements so we reach the highest standards in all areas of the school. They agreed that the teachers provide a great education and know what all children need to do next to succeed. This term they will be identifying what else we can do to improve break times. One of the best times of the day is when the children are playing outdoors. They enjoy skipping, playing games and socialising with their friends. We would love to extend the adult support at lunchtimes and we are looking for an additional supervisor to join us. If you think you have the skills to help the children during their lunch break and would like the opportunity to be part of our brilliant team then please contact the school office 01403 700280 or email This is a paid position and would require you to work from 11.45am to 1.15pm every day. We would be happy to consider part-time hours for the right candidate. We have many fun activities planned for the next few weeks including: a football tournament, a visit to a Hindu Temple and a historical trip to Chichester. I am looking forward to welcoming the spring with 'Lambing Live' at Brinsbury College, watching the tiny chicks hatch and seeing our garden grow again. What are you looking forward to this year? School Website:
Warm regards, Amanda Harrison, Head Teacher, Tel: 01403 700280 11
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WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL FOR HIRE For hire charges and more information contact: - Vacant -
Put Yourself in the Driving Seat! Bespoke tours, with your own car, in UK & Europe. Further afield in hire cars. 12
Wisborough Green Village Hall Update As many of you will know our Bookings Secretary, Louise Slade, has now relinquished her role after more than 15 years’ service to the community. We are extremely grateful to her for all the work she has carried out in supporting the Hall and wish her well for the future.
Village Hall News
Unfortunately no-one in the community has come forward to step into the role, despite our best efforts to find a replacement. The Hall Committee has therefore taken the difficult decision that, regrettably, we cannot accept any new Bookings for the time being until a new Bookings Secretary is in place. All regular Hall users with forward bookings for the remainder of the year are unaffected as are those who have single bookings already in place. The Bookings role takes around an hour a week dealing with a few emails and phone enquiries. For more information about the role, please call or email me 01403 700502 Keith Carter Chairman, Village Hall Management Committee
The Gardener’s Calendar
by Ian Clemens
Any dormant fuchsias that you’ve over-wintered in the greenhouse can be put on the staging so that they are in full light and given a misting of water to encourage them to start wakening up. This is your last chance to winter prune that wisteria. Really! Check stored dahlia tubers, discarding any that have rotted. Move the tubers into a light, warm place and they’ll soon come into growth. Start planning this year’s bedding display. Time to plant antirrhinums, marigolds, begonias, cosmos, lobelia petunias and pansies from seed. Hopefully you’ve been saving egg boxes to use for chitting your seed potatoes. If not then a seed tray or similar will do. Chit them now for planting from mid-March onwards. Sow windowsill crops of salad leaves and herbs. Start planting broad beans, brassicas, carrots, parsnips and onions. Indoors sowing of tomatoes, cucumbers, chillies and peppers. Plant new fruit trees and continue to prune those that are already established.. 13
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with Robyn Burbridge
General Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Corticosteroid injections Diagnostic ultrasound Sports Injury assessment and treatment Running and dance assessment and rehabilitation Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation
Tel: 01403 700455
Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite 14
Wisborough Green Sports News Football Club We are just over half way through the season and having played 15 league games the 1stXI are fourth in the West Sussex Premier league having won 6 and drawn 4 of their games. They have 22 points and have West Chiltington hard on their hills. The second XI have played 13 games and are sitting in 4 th spot of their respective league. For fixtures please look on the league web site - this is not always reliable but is the best place to look for fixtures. Cricket Club Nets will commence at the end of March (indoors) and will run on into April. The new season starts 1 st week of May. New players are always welcome. Call 1st XI captain James Sadler on 07973 414645 . We would like to welcome new families to the village and invite new colts to training on Friday evenings from mid April on the village green. ( details to follow next month) Ken Vickery
‘Dos, Don’ts, Moans & Groans’ Page Well January has gone and we are into February already. I have not had any moans and groans from villagers in the past month we must all be doing well. Here are a couple from me, though: Cricket season is coming and very soon we will have 150 kids running around on the village green. PLEASE, PLEASE pick up that dog poo. Some of them are so large that you must see your dog doing it. If you don’t want to pick it up then please don’t go on the green with your dog. I will be naming and shaming anybody who I see letting their dog foul the green. Waste and recycling facilities at Billingshurst - as you are probably aware by now if you take hardcore to the waste facility at Billingshurst you now have to pay £4 a bag to dump it. This charge I believe has resulted in fly tipping starting again. I have seen 4 or 5 bags of waste dumped in the gateway at the bottom of Arunbrook recently. If you see waste being dumped again please take the registration number and report it. Do go and take a look at the very old Blacksmiths plate that was used for wheel making. It is outside the public toilet and has recently been rescued by Graham Wells our local blacksmith from, I believe, his drive. More on the history of the plate in a later issue. Do remember to e-mail me ( with anything that you think is right or wrong with the village, Ken V 15
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House Clearance in aid of
S.C.R.I.P.T (Securing Childhood Restoring Innocence Preventing Trafficking)
Call 07961 833587 for a free quote
Tel: 01403 783115 e:
Wey & Arun Canal Trust News CANAL TRUST UPGRADES CANOEING AND KAYAKING FACILITIES CANOEING and kayaking on the Wey & Arun Canal has been made easier with the installation of two new landing stages. Inexperienced paddlers in particular will now find the waterway at Loxwood in West Sussex more accessible. The stages have been built using a generous grant from Canoe England, which is part of British Canoeing, the national governing body for paddlesports in the UK. They are next to the Drungewick slipway and near Drungewick Lock, at the southern limit for navigation on the canal to the east of Loxwood village. The new facilities were installed by the Wey & Arun Canal Trust (W ACT), which welcomes canoeists, kayakers and New canoe landing stage paddleboarders by arrangement on navigable sections of the canal in West Sussex and Surrey. Trust volunteer engineer Brian King collaborated with Canoe England to design the landing stages, which are made of oak with stainless steel fixings and an anti-slip surface. Brian is now working with Canoe England to select other sites for upgraded landing stages to further improve the experience for paddlers. “The canal is for everyone who enjoys the countryside and we are keen for canoeists, kayakers and paddleboarders to use our restored sections in West Sussex and Surrey,” said WACT chairman Sally Schupke. “As well as the Loxwood section, more than a mile of canal on the Summit Level between Alfold and Dunsfold in Surrey will soon be available and we welcome paddlers who want to have a day out there.” Canoeists on canal at Loxwood Members of Canoe England and British Canoeing can use the canal free of charge, but must notify the Trust when they intend to visit. Others can purchase an annual licence for £15 or a day licence at £5 online via the boat licences page at Group rates are available for organisations such as the scouts and sea cadets. All visits must be arranged in advance to avoid congestion, and all paddlers must book in at the Canal Centre, off Loxwood High Street before setting out on the waterway. 17
The Wisborough Green Sideshows Soc This New Year’s Dinner for the retired members of our village, held on Saturday 14 January, was a very moving experience, mainly because the Society changed the Village Hall into the Orient Express Train! The diners received a First Class ticket to the luxury dining car. On arrival at Wisborough Green Station, guests were met by a Ticket Inspector and a Booking Clerk. The booking hall was filled with the sounds of steam trains and the occasional puff of steam.
The guests were then escorted to their table by a white jacketed steward, complete with white gloves. Champagne flowed and everyone settled in for their journey to Venice.
At 4-45pm prompt the Orient Express Train left the station and headed for the capital of Belgium where guests enjoyed a delicious starter of Brussels Pate. After a top up of more water and coal the train then headed for Paris where an authentic Beef Bourguignon Dish was served with a range of delicious vegetables. The train then sped on across Europe at quite a pace eventually arriving in the magical city of Venice where an amazing Vanilla Panna Cotta with amaretto biscuit crumb was served with a coffee shortbread, yummy. The meal was rounded off with cheese and biscuits accompanied by a glass of port followed by coffee or tea. Good wine flowed freely throughout the journey and everyone felt really relaxed. 18
ciety - Journey on the Orient Express This was an amazing meal; it was designed and cooked by “The Three Crowns”. Tim Skinner has been absolutely brilliant with his outstanding support to the Sideshows Society in helping them to continue this marvellous village tradition. So a huge vote of thanks went to Tim and the rest of “The Three Crowns” team. Phil and Sandra from “Pimpernel Events” transformed the village hall into the magical experience of the Orient Express Train, The society was delighted to welcome on board Dave Newton and his band “The Three Stokers” who provided the music from the countries the train passed through. The success of the dinner party was mainly due to the hard work of a very small committee and the army of volunteers who turn out every year to help with the party; the Chairman complimented them all and thanked them during his speech. The Dinner, which has become a Wisborough Green Tradition, is funded by donations from ‘Friends’ and the BBQ run by the Lee family at the Summer Fete. The Billingshurst Lions made a financial contribution as did a number of our guests. There was a very emotional end to the evening as the Chairman, Chris Stride, announced that, after 43 years on the Sideshows Committee this would be his last party as Chairman, as he will not be seeking re-election to the committee at the forthcoming AGM. Sandra then presented Chris with a memento of a writing set from the actual Orient Express. The Wisborough Green Sideshows Society has a very important AGM to be held on Monday 27th February 2017 at 7-30pm at the Three Crowns. The committee is seeking a new Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer so if you have suitable experiences and want to help continue this wonderful tradition then please call the Sideshows Society on 01403 700495 to discuss. (See p 27 for AGM Notice) 19
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Make Space Craft Group
is now being held sewing
On the First Friday of each Month crochet From 9.30-11.30am During the Xpresso Coffee Morning At St. Peter’s Church
All are welcome. Bring your craft with you, or just come for a chat. For further information Contact Eunice 701808 Family Support Work UPDATE The new year starts with a fresher look for FSW thanks to Lloyds Community Foundation. Thank you to all Parishes who fundraised for FSW at Christmas. The children FSW supports enjoyed wonderful parties and Panto trips organised by our Family Workers and supported by their local Deanery Committees. Festive hampers were delivered to families and they were supplied with turkeys kindly donated by Bridgers Farm of Hurstpierpoint. Thank you to all who have given so far as part of our WINTER FUEL APPEAL. Your donations do make a difference for example one of our Workers in December was able to support a family in need who had no electricity, no heating and without benefits due to a change in personal circumstances. Our Worker was able to visit and offer financial support needed to get them through. Dates for your diary in 2017 – East Sussex Walk will take place on Easter Monday 17th April in Ashdown Forest and the West Sussex walk will be held on Thursday 24th August, in the Arundel area. Please post any donations, with cheques payable to CDAFSW, to Family Support Work, Garton House, 22 Stanford Avenue, Brighton BN1 6AA
‘The Sussex Charity for Children since 1890’ Registered Charity Number: 285337 Roslyn Thomas, Community Fundraiser, Family Support Work
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Richard, Caroline and the team would like to welcome you to The Bat & Ball Country Pub and Hayward’s Restaurant. Newpound Lane, Wisborough Green, RH14 0EH 01403 700199 Open 7 days a week Bar open for coffee and drinks 12-11 Mon - Sat Sunday 12-7 Lunch Monday - Saturday 12-3 Dinner Monday - Saturday 6-9. On Sundays we serve our delicious Sunday roast in addition to an array of seasonal dishes 12-5 Come and join us on Tuesday 14th February Valentines Dinner
extensions · alterations · brickwork stonework · paving · patios · garden walls all types of carpentry call Twig on
01403 700857 Mob: 07990 581411 Twiglets · The Luth · Wisborough Green
Update West Sussex may not be in the headlines but issues of concern remain: Boxal Bridge: West Sussex Highways Department intends to hold a meeting about Boxal Bridge with the Parishes, KKWG and Sussex Wildlife Trust early in 2017. Broadford Bridge: UKOG which took over the license, PEDL 234, from Celtique Energie in June 2016, plans to bring in a rig to drill in the spring as the well pad has already been prepared.....the EA permit is already issued but the WSCC permission given in February 2013 expires on 15 September, 2017 (ie 3 years after work to construct the well pad on the site began). Firstly fossil fuels should be staying in the ground and secondly why introduce a rig when the site has to be fully cleared and vacated by mid- September? Markwells Wood, NW of Chichester and situated within the South Downs National Park. An application made by UKOG: Application No: SDNP/16/04679/CM
Location: Markwells Wood-1 Well Site, South Holt Farm, Dean Lane End, Forestside, Rowlands Castle, West Sussex.
Proposal: Appraisal and production of oil incorporating the drilling of one side track well from the existing well (for appraisal), three new hydrocarbon wells and one water injection well, and to allow the production of hydrocarbons from all four wells for a 20 year period. NB: Objections can still be made - cite Ref No and send to SDNP Planning officer at Planning: including your name and address. Objections have already been received by the Environment Agency, Southern Water, Portsmouth and District Water and well as KKWG! Jill Sutcliffe, Chair KKWG
The Parishes Wildlife Group The Parishes Wildlife Group (Kirdford and Wisborough Green) will shortly be emerging from hibernation! Besides some meetings on dormice, bats and moths, the group intends to provide some training on recording our local wildlife using i-Record, dragonfly survey and water condition monitoring designed to ensure that our local streams are in a healthy condition. If anyone would like to join us and help with such events, contact Jill or Mike. Jill Sutcliffe: 01403 700395; Mike King 07949 909351 23
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Set the Date
Catering for every occasion
Painting/decorating Tiling Loft ladders & boarding Electrical work Carpentry
Contact: Emma Foden Tel: 01403 700653 email:
Providing high quality, home-cooked food for a wide range of events – weddings, christenings, funerals, cocktail parties & corporate events
No job too small Competitive rates References available
Trevor Price 01403 701993 BE SAFE – BE SWEPT A full range of upholstery services for traditional and contemporary furniture. Full upholstery, fitted & loose covers, cushions, headboards & accessories Free quotation. Collection and delivery
Contact Paul or Will: 01798 368008
For a quality chimney sweep KIRDFORD
Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps
R W Scott & Son Est 1932 All types of carpentry & joinery. Internal & external including stairs, doors, windows sliding, sash and casement. Trade enquiries welcome. Tel: 01403 784665 Mob: 07768 163853 5 Ansells Yard, Wisborough Green 24
St Peter’s Thursday 2nd February 3.30pm Wisborough Green Village Hall Games, Crafts, Activities, Celebration and Meal all in the Village Hall Please come as a family For information phone 01403 700793
Future dates Thursday 2nd March Thursday 6th April
Worship, teaching, prayer ‘Digging Deeper’ into God's Word for living today in God's World Taking a closer look at Bible passages. 6 - 7pm followed by hot drink and cake.
St Peter ad Vincula Phone 01403 700339 For details
Digging Deeper Sundays 19th Feb 19th Mar 6pm 25
NOTICE Special Cruises on the Wey & Arun Canal, Loxwood Special cruises will be running on the canal on Mothering Sunday, 26th March 2017. A ‘Coffee & Danish Pastry Cruise’ will depart at 11.00am and Cream Tea Cruises will depart at 2.30pm and 4.30pm. Black tie service will enhance the relaxing treat for Mums (and all passengers)! The trips take 1½ hours. Tickets cost £14 for adults and £10 for children and must be booked in advance. Our themed Easter Cruises will be running on Good Friday, 14th April, Easter Day, 16th April and on Easter Monday, 17th April. Plenty of Easter characters will be on the canal to entertain you – come along and join in the fun! The trips take 40 minutes and depart at 11.00am, 12.00 and 2.00pm. Children will receive a chocolate gift from the Easter Bunny while adults can enjoy the chance to unwind and enjoy the scenery. Tickets cost £10.00 per person and include refreshments. Booking in advance is advisable. Bookings for special events and weekend public trips can now be made online via the Trust website. For enquiries about private charters, volunteering opportunities and membership please call The Wey & Arun Canal Trust Office on 01403 752403 or email
ST PETER’S LUNCHEON CLUB St Peter’s Luncheon Club meets six times a year, on a Thursday, in the Wisborough Green Village Hall and is open to anyone who lives in the village or who worships at St Peter's. A two-course lunch, accompanied by a glass of wine, costs £5.00, payable at the door. Members are reminded by telephone a week or so before the event. If you would like to become a member, please ring Hilary Edmonds on 01403 700623. This month we meet: Thursday 16th February at 12.15 for 12.45 in the Village Hall. 26
BOARD AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY VILLAGE FETE **** NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEEDED **** PLEASE HELP KEEP THIS GREAT VILLAGE TRADITION GOING We'd love to hear from people who want to support and assist us in the planning, operation and management of the annual village fete. Please get in touch, we really are a nice bunch of people! You can either give one of us a call on the numbers below or come along to our AGM where we start planning this year's fete.
WGFS AGM Wednesday 15th February 2017 8pm – The Three Crowns All Welcome contacts: Andrea 01403 700435 or Kate 01403 700099
The Wisborough Green Sideshows Society AGM on Monday 27th February at the Three Crowns starting at 7-30pm Everybody welcome - please come along and get involved! The Wisborough Green Sideshows Society was founded nearly 70 years ago in order to provide a Christmas party for the pensioners of the parish and to support local charities. The majority of the current committee have now served for many years and will not be standing for re-election. It is time for some “new blood” to take the Society forward.
If you want to see this wonderful village tradition continue, please come along to the AGM and consider joining the committee. If you would like to find out more about what’s involved, please call Chris Stride on 01403 700495. 27
Christmas Eve Nativity Service - The 5pm service on 24 December 2016 took the form of a playlet interspersed with songs and carols as we journeyed with Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the birth of the Christ Child. Children were encouraged to dress up as either Shepherds, Angels or Kings to join with the 'cast' and they did not disappoint. The church was bursting at the seams with standing room only at the back. This was a very special and enjoyable service.
The little girl (Tabitha) in the picture above standing next to Victoria Smallwood has written a little story inspired by her experience of this event - see facing page. 28
Epiphany Sunday 8 January 2017 - Epiphany is when the Church celebrates the coming of the wise men to visit Jesus. On Sunday 8th January in our Time for God service we explored the theme of Epiphany with activities - making crowns, decorating cakes and more ....
THE FAIRIES IN THE WOOD by Tabitha Smallwood-Brown (aged 7) In a magical kingdom ruled by a beautiful queen, just along Winkleberry road, there was a family of 7. In that particular house, there was a cat called Silky, a Daddy called Jason, a Mummy called Susannah, 2 rabbits called Ruffles/Radar, a brother called Solomon and a sister called Tabitha. On Christmas eve afternoon, they were going to go to a church service with their granny, Solomon was going to dress up as a king! Tabitha and Auntie Vic were going to dress up as stars! While they were waiting, they went to the woods, when they were so deep in the woods that no one could hear them, then suddenly out of nowhere there was a mysterious glowing light then as they got closer it didn’t look like a big light anymore, it looked like a LOT of fairy’s! That’s how they met the fairy’s in the woods! Then they went to Fairy Land! In Fairyland, they met an animal called the Jabberwocky!!! At first, they were frightened, then the Jabberwocky was SO kind he gave them A tour of the village!! Then it was time to go back they said goodbye to the fairy’s and their good friend the Jabberwocky and once again the glowing light shined and they soon found themselves back in England, it was nearly time for the church service!! Quickly they got changed into their costumes and they were just about on time!!! And it all went perfectly!! 29
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Recipe of the Month
Rhubarb Traybake This recipe is courtesy of the National Trust and is apparently a speciality of Polesden Lacey, made with the early pink rhubarb that they grow in their kitchen gardens. Although it is delicious as a cake to have with a cup of tea it's also good warm as a pudding with cream or custard.
209g self-raising flour 175g soft brown sugar 175g soft butter or margarine 5 eggs 200g cream cheese 80g caster sugar 1 tsp ginger 150g rhubarb, washed and chopped into 2cm pieces
Oven 170C, gas 3. 20 X 25cm tin lined with baking paper.
Method 1. Place the flour, brown sugar, butter and 3 eggs in a bowl and beat until pale and fluffy. 2. Pour the mixture into the tin. 3. Make the cheesecake topping by whisking together the remaining 2 eggs, cream cheese, caster sugar and ginger. 4. Pour this runny topping over the cake mixture and spread into a thin layer. 5. Sprinkle with the raw rhubarb all over. 6. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Helen V
The Royal British Legion Annual Poppy Appeal 2016 My sincere apologies for such a long delay in reporting the very satisfactory results of last years appeal. With the help of two new door to door collectors we have reported a total of £1,660.81p. Interesting to note that £10 came in two bags of small change collected over the year - every little bit counts. Thank you all once again for raising such a good result; a fine way to complete the year of Somme commemorations. John Ansley (01403 700302) 31
Wisborough Green History - THE ORIGINS O My investigations over the last two months into the events where the three crowns symbol was employed as their insignia has not indicated any connection with the Three Crowns pub in our village. Initial investigations considered that there was some substance to a distant rumour of a connection with the Benedictine Order, but nothing was discovered and neither was anything discovered by investigations into those entities that used the symbol. Another line of investigation has been pursuing the history of other Three Crowns pubs in the country of which there are around 20 scattered all over the country. Unfortunately, most have no idea of their pub's history and usage of the name, but some have reference to other events, e.g. the Three Crowns in Bushey (Herts) is named after the former kings of Cologne where the symbol was over a local merchant's house. One that proved interesting was the Three Crowns just off Jermyn Street, London. It proudly states that its name refers to the martyred St Edmund who was honoured as the Patron Saint of England and whose emblem was three gold crowns on a blue background. Almost nothing is known about St Edmund. It is believed that he was born in 841 in East Anglia and that he reigned as King of the East Angles from 855 until being killed in battle on 20th November 869 (or 870), his death shown in the attached medieval illumination. The kingdom of East Anglia was devastated by the Vikings after their Great Heathen Army advanced on the kingdom and killed him. He may have been slain in battle but tradition states that he met his death at an unidentified place known as Haegelisdun (either near Diss in Norfolk or Maldon in Essex) after he refused the Danes' demand that he renounce Christ. On the orders of Ivar the Boneless and his brother Ubba he was beaten, shot with arrows and then beheaded. Legend has it that his head was thrown into the forest but was found safe by searchers who heard the cry of a wolf indicating where they should look. Edmund's body was buried in a wooden chapel near to where he was killed, but then transferred to Beodoricsworth (the modern Bury St. Edmunds) where in 925 the AngloSaxon king Athelstan founded a community devoted to the new cult. His remains were visited by many kings, including Canute who converted to Christianity and rebuilt the abbey. In 1095 the abbey and church were rebuilt again and Edmund's remains were re-interred in the new building. Coins commemorating Edmund were minted from around 895 to 915 when East Anglia was absorbed by Wessex. 32
OF THE THREE CROWNS' NAME (Concluded) Although the Vikings had destroyed any evidence of his reign, Abbo of Fleury wrote about his life and martyrdom in around 986 in his work Passio Sancti Eadmundi. Some of it is fanciful, e.g. when the body was exhumed it seemed that a miracle had occurred as all of the arrow wounds had healed and the head re-attached with only a line around his neck to confirm the decapitation. The shrine and monastery at Bury soon became one of the most famous and wealthy pilgrimage locations in England; the 13th century manuscript shows Edmund being crowned by angels. The cult gradually declined until revived by the re-appearance of Abbo's work in the 12th century. The shrine was destroyed in 1539 during the Reformation and the abbot and monks expelled. Edmund's body was stolen in 1217 and donated to the Basilica of Saint-Sernin in Toulouse by the Dauphin (later Louis XIII). After the city was thought to have been saved from the plague in 1631 by pleadings to Edmund, a new shrine for his relics was built and his cult flourished for a couple of centuries. In 1901 the Archbishop of Westminster received some relics thought to be those of St Edmund, They were intended for the high altar in Westminster Cathedral but were housed in the Fitzalan Chapel at Arundel Castle where they remain under the care of the Duke of Norfolk. The banner of St Edmund was attributed to him retrospectively in the second half of the 12th century, the crowns representing his martyrdom, virginity and kingship. This was also the banner or symbol used by Sweden since the 14 th century and by inference its connection to the Vikings who were responsible for the death of Edmund. The symbol also appears on the coat of arms for East Anglia and several entities in the area. During the Middle Ages, St George replaced Edmund as the Patron Saint of England. This started when King Richard I visit the tomb of St George in Lydda (in Israel) on the eve of a victorious battle. In 1348 Edward III founded the Order of the Garter and promoted George. There have been several attempts to re-instate Edmund as the Patron Saint of England the most recent being in 2013 when Greene King brewery launched a well supported campaign to restore St Edmund to his rightful place and to have 20th November as his saints' day. Where does this leave the investigation? In the absence of any real evidence my leaning is towards the pub being named after St Edmund. The period of the pub's origin ties in quite well with the period of St Edmund's reign as Patron Saint of England, but perhaps some evidence will emerge one day to settle the matter? Richard B. 33
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G R Kilford & Co. Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order 1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272
Restoring furniture for over 35 years.
Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment
Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice
Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH
Tel 01403 700848
Tel: 01428 707269
Email: Hetas Training Cert. no. 1385
LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115
Wisborough Green Division Divisional Organiser: Pat Farmer Old School Cottage, School Road, Wisborough Green, West Sussex. RH14 0DU Tel: 01403 700492 Email: To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus Association There is a form to complete (obtainable from Pat Farmer) and the annual membership fee is £5. MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL
For bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076)
Destinations for February 2017 Fri 3rd Mon 6th Fri 10th Mon 13th Fri 17th Mon 20th Wed 22nd Fri 24th Mon 27th
Cranleigh & Notcutts Horsham & Sainsbury Godalming & Squires Horsham & Sainsbury Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Planetarium and Lunch Shoreham Holmbush Centre Horsham & Sainsbury
Depart 9.30 am Depart 2.00 pm Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 10.00 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am
You will see above that we have a visit planned to the South Downs Planetarium in Chichester on Wednesday, 22nd February. We are booked in for 1.30 pm and will probably have an early pub lunch before our visit. The cost of the trip will be £10 to include entry to the Planetarium – lunch to each participant’s cost. I hope you will join us for what promises to be a most enjoyable day.
Pat Farmer, Divisional Organiser
Early March 2017 Dates Fri 3rd Mon 6th Fri 10th
Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts Chichester & Sainsbury
9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am
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Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News & Advice Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Defra has extended the Prevention Zone that requires all poultry to be housed or separated from contact with wild birds after a further case of AI was confirmed in a backyard flock in Wales. The Prevention Zone, first announced on 6 December 2016, will now remain in place until 28 February 2017 and all poultry owners are required to take the appropriate measures to ensure their flock abides by government’s call for increased biosecurity. The extension applies to England, Wales and Scotland. Download the Defra leaflet “How to keep your birds safe from avian influenza (bird flu)” from here: NFU chief poultry adviser Gary Ford said: “I would urge all of our poultry members to continue to practice enhanced biosecurity at all times and to be vigilant for signs of disease. I would also ask that members of the public who keep hens, geese and ducks to follow Defra’s advice as they have an important part to play in reducing the risk of AI both to their birds as well as the commercial poultry sector.” The housing order imposed by Defra as part of the Prevention Zone is enforceable by trading standards; if anyone sees any keepers of poultry not housing their birds please contact your local county council without delay as their actions could pose a risk to other poultry. Here’s some guidance on how to deal with the housing order which is part of the Defra Prevention Zone: When you’re feeding your birds, make sure you are doing it in an area where wild birds are not able to access the feed. You should net the area your birds have access to if your housed area is not big enough. By using fine mesh you will deny wild bird access. If your hens are inside, make sure you occupy the birds by giving them something to peck and play with like a straw bale or cardboard. Be sensible, if you’re having contact with other birds make sure you change your clothes and disinfect your footwear thoroughly. Make sure you keep the number of visitors to the birds at an absolute minimum. Ensure you are on top of rodent control Disinfectant foot baths should be made available at the correct concentration and kept in suitable and lidded containers and kept at suitable locations such as site entrances and entrances to poultry areas. Under EU legislation a ‘derogation’ allows eggs and poultry meat from free range birds that are compulsory housed under a Government Order to continue to be marketed as free range for a period of up to 12 weeks. As it currently stands, the 12-week period will end on 1 March. From this date, if free range birds are still required to be housed then eggs and poultry meat cannot be sold as free range. (Continued on page 42)
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R G OIL BOILER SERVICES Servicing – Breakdowns – Commissioning Full Heating/Domestic Installations & Maintenance Bathroom Replacements Robin Gilfoyle
Emergency Call Outs
OFTEC Registered
01403 700780
07729 241787
Sussex: 01403 820215 Surrey: 01483 267727 Email: Newpound, Wisborough Green, West Sussex RH14 0AZ Mem. No. L052
Local Club and Society News Wisborough Green Spitfire Simulator Club Why not join the Spitfire Simulator Club? The prime purpose of our simulator project is to raise money for the RAF Benevolent Fund and to that end, simulator flights are normally charged for. However, with the Simulator Club, members make a small donation to the RAFBF (ÂŁ5 per year) and their name goes into a hat every month and the winner gets a flight for free. To join the group, contact Brian Smith on 01403 700346 or
Wisborough Green History Society Wisborough Green Village History Society is a small group of people who enjoy talking about and researching the history of the village. Several of our members are life-long residents of the village, others have lived here for many years and all have interesting memories and anecdotes to relate. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the village hall committee room at 10.30 am - new members are always welcome. Sue Killingbeck, Secretary
Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club The Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club meets in The Village Hall every Wednesday from 4 to 6pm. Do come along and give it a try – we are a very friendly bunch. Contact Philip Midwinter on 01403 700402 for more details.
Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club We were quickly into action in the New Year and hit the ground running with 2 good wins. The first was at home against Ewhurst with, on Mat 1 Jane Adsett, Marilyn Knight, Shirley Bundy and Bernard Adsett winning 24-17. On Mat 2 Jean Head, Lorraine Berry, Tony Broughton and Reg Snelgar won 26-12 for a win in the match 50-29. In the second at home against Pulborough Reprobates, on Mat 1 Jane Adsett, Marilyn Knight, Shirley Bundy and Bernard Adsett won 22-14. On Mat 2 Sue Taber, Tony Broughton, George Shipway and Pauline Shipway won 23-13 for a win in the match of 45-27. February Fixtures: 8th Pulborough 7pm (home) Monica Enticknap, Captain 39
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The Cricketers Arms The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369
A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates.
Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Wisborough Green FARMERS MARKETplus News
Next Market: Thursday 9th February 2017 Wisborough Green Village Hall 8.45am – 12.30pm Happy February everyone! We hope you have had a splendid start to the year and are fully recovered from the festivities of December. Thank you once again to everyone who volunteered and shopped with us last year. We have had a much needed market break in January after the busy-ness of the Christmas Market and the committee has been meeting to discuss plans for the year ahead. Upcoming Markets - February’s market is being held on Thursday 9th of February and will be a love-themed affair for Valentines Day. If you are cooking a special meal for your loved one you can’t go wrong with locally-produced meat from Calcot Farm Produce or fish from The Fresh Fish Shop. Our March market on 9 th March will be the market’s 15th Anniversary! Join us for a birthday bash and cake! 13th April is our Easter Market and 11th May is a celebration of British food as the ‘Hungry Gap’ comes to an end. Stallholders - The Farmers Market is very much a community endeavour and we would particularly welcome new applications for stallholders from Wisborough Green and the surrounding areas. We would be delighted to hear from any budding chocolatiers! Volunteers - The market is run by a team of volunteers and we are always appreciative of extra hands! If you think you can spare any time to help keep the market going and growing please contact us at Meanwhile you can always find news, updates and photographs by following us on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @WGvillagemarket We look forward to seeing you at our next market, on Thursday 9 th February. For further information email: And remember: Without your support the market would not exist!! Sada Ray
Market Sponsor Market Sponsor
Neighbourhood Watch (Cont) (Continued from page 37)
Sussex Police backs knife surrender campaign Sussex Police is supporting a national initiative to tackle knife crime. The surrender is part of a national drive to raise awareness of people who have lost their lives to knife crime. The knifes will be given to the British Ironwork Centre and used in a 20 foot tall angel in memory of those whose lives have been tragically lost to knife crime. Chief Inspector Bruce Mathews said: "Thankfully knife crime isn't generally a problem in Sussex, this surrender will give members of the public the opportunity to dispose of any knives without prosecution. If you possess a potentially dangerous knife, please take this opportunity to get rid of your knife safely and anonymously. Knives are deadly weapons. Carrying one is illegal and you will be arrested and prosecuted should we catch you with one. Someone carrying a knife is much more likely to get stabbed themselves as situations can quickly escalate." Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne said: "I am pleased to hear that Sussex Police will be offering knife bins across Sussex as part of the national knife surrender. The sculpture will be a very poignant reminder to us all of the victims of knife crime and it's vital that we continue to raise awareness of the extremely serious consequences of carrying a knife."
Fraud You can read the latest Operation Signature newsletter by clicking this link: This month we are warning readers of fake Amazon emails and also there is news from BT and the new scheme to stop nuisance calls. If you have information about any crime call 101, email: or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you see a crime taking place call 999. Regards, Priscilla Pinkham
WANTED!! Village Hall Bookings Secretary - Hall Bookings Currently Suspended (see p 13) The Hall Committee needs to recruit someone who has a working knowledge of email, WORD and Excel. The Hall diary and Bookings system is well established and straightforward to manage. See note on p 13 for more info. This is a voluntary role but an important one for the community and the many users of the Hall which cannot operate without a Bookings Secretary. The current Hall Committee runs with a minimum number of volunteers and has no capacity to absorb this role within its current composition. If you feel that you could carry out this role, then please call or email me for more information: Keith Carter 01403 700502 42
Wisborough Green Horticultural Society Monday, 6th February 2017 - 8pm Village Hall Talk by Annie Guilfoyle “What Makes a Great Garden” What are we going to be faced with this year weather-wise? How best to hedge our bets with sowing and planting? Thank goodness the spring bulbs are in, at least they are a tough bunch of friends. We can dream…. Maybe our February speaker will open new vistas and visions and dreams. Annie is a garden designer of very varied experience. She is a person of great practical experience as well as helping to establish the new educational unit at Great Dixter Gardens. Annie is also the garden consultant for the gardening educational programme at West Dean. She established the garden design courses at KCL School of Design at Hampton Court Palace. Annie was also involved in BBC’s Small Town Gardens series and also contributed to the RHS Encyclopedia of Garden Design in 2009. Bring your plot planning or planting problems to the meeting for an expert view. Many of us get ideas from what fellow gardeners do and some of their difficulties or puzzles may be ours too. For non members or members that as yet have not dropped in for a talk there will be a warm sociable welcome with refreshments at the end when people mill around chatting and sipping. A reminder: The Table Top Competition accompanies the evening talks and the AGM. It will be the same every time. “From your own garden or allotment five flowering (preferably) or evergreen stems displayed to best effect.” The points awarded each month are cumulative. The winner will be announced at the June Show. Enjoy the winter colours and perfumes in the garden and in the competition. Aija Hamilton Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser
Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986
Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:
YOUR BUSINESS Advertise here for as little as £60 a year! tel: 01403 700320 for info 43
Decorative & Fine Arts Society Meetings WEST SUSSEX DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY The lecture on Tuesday February 7th given by Ian Swankie is
Pots and Frocks -The World of Grayson Perry - From Essex Potter to Superstar National Treasure On Tuesday March 7th Caroline Shenton will give a talk on
The Day Parliament Burned Down The story of the fire through depictions of the disaster by Turner, William Heath and others This talk will be preceded by the PLoughman's Lunch at 12.30 pm Tickets available from committee members or on the website. Meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2pm. Doors open at 1.40. Tea and coffee will be served after the lecture. For membership details please contact Jackie Buckler on 01903 411086 Visitors are welcome for a fee of £5
SOUTH DOWNS DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY Inspiring, Dynamic and Fun On Wednesday 1 February, the lecture will be
Travels in Rajasthan with Rudyard Kipling by Elizabeth Merry On Wednesday 1 March, the lecture will be
All the Beasts of the Earth and the Flowers of the Field by Jane Gardiner All meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 10.30am. Coffee from 9.50am. Visitors warmly welcomed (only £5). Please call 01403 785302
Flag Raising Dates
06 February
Her Majesty’s Accession
19 February
Birthday of the Duke of York
WI Report I’d love to be able to tell you all about our meeting on the 5 th January but we have been sworn to secrecy by our Speaker, Peter Edmonds! It was all very hush hush but the few things that I am able to pass on was that Peter joined the RAF when still a teenager and all because he was unable to reach the standard of 120 words per minute in shorthand his career took a very different one than he had planned! He started at Tangmere and went to Egypt, Cyprus and Russia then back to England which made for a very exciting career (most of the time!). Our next meeting is on Thursday 2 nd February 2017 when I think you should all bring your dancing shoes and be prepared for a bit of hip hop. All are welcome. Sue Nicholls 700827 Mary Benson (President) 01403 700284
BOOK A TALK ON HISTORIC CANAL FASCINATING insights into a historic canal and its restoration are revealed in talks on offer to clubs and organisations. They are disclosed by speakers from the Wey & Arun Canal Trust (WACT), which is bringing a 19th century waterway through Surrey and Sussex back to life. The Trust has a panel of volunteers available to give presentations about the history and restoration of what has been described as ‘London’s Lost Route to the Sea’. This is the name given in recent years to the Wey & Arun Canal, which once enabled cargo to be taken from the capital to the South Coast. Goods ranging from gold bullion to gunpowder were carried to destinations such as Littlehampton and Portsmouth. WACT speakers give illustrated talks on the canal’s history and the Trust’s restoration projects. They are experts in the history of the waterway, which ran 23 miles from Shalford in Surrey to Pallingham, West Sussex. They explain what is happening at restoration projects along the route, more than half of which has been worked on by volunteer working parties. Bridges have been rebuilt, locks constructed and towpaths resurrected for use by walkers, cyclists and riders. So far, more than three miles of canal, at Loxwood in West Sussex, have been brought back to full navigation, with public boat trips and special cruises run from April to the end of October and at Christmas. “We can adapt the content and length of our talks to suit individual requirements,” said WACT Chairman Sally Schupke. “We have had a lot of interest from many types of clubs and societies. Everyone is surprised by the huge number of elements involved in our work to create a green corridor for the benefit of people and wildlife.” The Trust welcomes requests for speakers from Surrey, Sussex and Kent. To arrange a talk, e-mail: or call 01483 505566.
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Weather Watch December in Wisborough Green was very dry with rainfall of only 18mm recorded compared with 99mm last year (my 9 yr average is 120mm). Kinlochewe in Wester Ross was unlucky enough to get 100mm in one day! In this part of the UK it was the driest December since 1926 – though the total for the whole year is only 10% below my average. Lowest temp was -9.0°C at Aviemore and the highest was 17.0°C at Hawarden (Flintshire). I guess we already knew Scotland was cold and wet and over Christmas they suffered from the named storms “Barbara” and “Connor.” Sunshine was above average for December – this was two months in a row, so a sunny end to 2016 for us in Wisborough Green. Apparently 2016 was the warmest year on record for the world as a whole. The Met office is forecasting that 2017 is likely to be warmer due to delayed effects of El Niño which is currently at its peak. Weathervane
Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the January draw is Gillian Gough who wins £50 The winner of the second prize of £20 is John Ansley The February draw will be at The Three Crowns at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 8 February 2017 and if any member or prospective member would like to attend they will be very welcome. We are always looking for new members so, if you are interested, please contact me for details. Part of your subscription goes towards the Village hall for the benefit of all. Ruth Andrews, 01403 700671
WANTED! New Drivers/Escorts for the Wisborough Green Minibus (We particularly need more escorts) I should very much appreciate hearing from anyone who feels they could devote one or two mornings (or sometimes afternoons) a month to help maintain our service to those who otherwise might become progressively more isolated – the minibus can become a lifeline to some, being their only means of transport, and, in many cases I hope it is also a great source of friendship. If you could find the time to help, I should be very happy to hear from you, and will explain what is required. Thank you.
Pat Farmer E: T: 01403 700492 47
Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 4 February
Mr & Mrs Grengs
11 February
Mr & Mrs Brett
18 February
Mrs Nicholls & Mrs Daniell
25 February
Mrs Holt & Mrs Zilz
If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Jill Brett know – 700350.
Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays) 3 February
Sharon Moncur
10 February
Sharon Moncur
17 February
Sheila Armistead Shirley White
24 February
Sheila Armistead Shirley White
CLEANERS & FLOWER ARRANGERS PLEASE NOTE: Xpresso is held in the church Fridays from 9.00 to 11.30am.
Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music
Rev. Clive Jenkins Dr Graham Parr Mr Jamie Daniell Mrs Sue Nicholls Mr Tony Cook Mrs Sue Nicholls Mr David Warwick Mr Malcolm Brinson
Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers Mr Robin Miles Cleaners Mrs Jill Brett Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards Readers & Intercessors Mrs Val Mourilyan Chalice & Sacristans Mrs Andrea Parr Healing Mrs Gillian Gough
700339 700793 752846 700827 785435 700827 700262 01730 816101 823361 700350 700944 700089 700793 700157
Website: For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact the Vicar ASAP or, if unavailable, one of the churchwardens.
Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :
Mr Roland Zilz Mrs Marion Jenkins Mrs Fran Wallace Mr John Gough
Advertising Distribution Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman Parish Council Clerk Police (non-emergency) Primary School Business Manager Primary School PTA Secretary Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Beavers (6-8 yrs) Sports Clubs Association (Pavilion) St Peter’s Luncheon Club Short Mat Bowls Club Spitfire Simulator Group Stoolball Club Table Tennis Club Village Hall Bookings Village Hall Committee Chairman Village Car Service Village Care Team & Library Service Wisborough Green Arts Wisborough Green Bridge Club Wisborough Green Conservative Association Wisborough Green Fete Society Wisborough Green Sideshows Society Wisborough Green Trust Wisborough Green Website Wisborough Green Website Editor Women’s Institute
700632 700339 700320 700157
Mr Brian Smith Nina Lambkin Mr Steve Calder-Smith Mrs Aija Hamilton Mr Craig Vit Mrs Pam Warburton Philip Midwinter Mr Jim Gavin Mrs Pat Farmer Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith Mrs Priscilla Pinkham Mr Keith Charman Mrs Louise Davies
700346 701027 700821 700588 700369 701903 700402 700220 700492 701076 700114 700545 701102 101 Mrs Clare Lonsdale 700280 Ms Clair Beresford 701908 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Carol Pearson 700536 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Mr Ian Elliott 700474 Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 - vacant - See Note on p 13 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Mrs Sheila Armistead 700319 Kay Wooldridge 700464 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Ms Andrea Leighton 700435 Mr Christopher Stride 700495 Mr Richard Bairstow 700140 Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Mrs Mary Benson 700284 49
What’s Happening in February Wed 01
South Downs Decorative & Fine Arts Society (p 44) Fittleworth Village Hall
10.30 am
Thur 02
Messy Church (p 25) WI Meeting (p 45)
WG Village Hall WG Village Hall
Fri 03
Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 7) Make Space Craft Group (p 21)
St Peter’s WG St Peter’s WG
Mon 06
Horticultural Society Talk (p 43)
WG Village Hall
Tue 07
Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 7) WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am West Sussex Decorative & Fine Arts Society (p 44) Fittleworth Village Hall 2.00 pm Planning Committee (if required) Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 8.00 pm
Wed 08
Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 47)
The Three Crowns
Thur 09
Farmer’s & Village Market Plus (p 41) Mobile Library
WG Village Hall 8.45 am - 12.30 pm The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm
Fri 10
Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 7)
St Peter’s WG
Sat 11
Consultation - Traffic, Village Hall & Pavilion Plans WG Village Hall
Tue 14
Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 7)
WG Village Hall
Wed 15
WG Fete Society AGM (p 27)
The Three Crowns
Thur 16
St Peter’s Luncheon Club (p 26)
WG Village Hall
Fri 17
Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 7)
St Peter’s WG
Tue 21
Parish Council Meeting
Comm Rm, WG Village Hall
Thur 23
Mobile Library
The Pavilion WG
Mon 27
WG Sideshows Society AGM (p 27)
The Three Crowns
Tue 28
Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 7)
WG Village Hall
3.30 pm 8.00 pm 9.00 - 11.30 am 9.00 - 11.30 am 8.00 pm
6.30 pm
9.00 - 11.30 am 10.00 am - 4.00 pm 9.30 - 11.00 am 8.00 pm 12.15 pm 9.00 - 11.30 am 7.45 pm
2.55 - 3.15 pm 7.30 pm 9.30 - 11.00 am
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