Ad Vincula Magazine February 2018

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February 2018

Wisborough Green Parish Magazine

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AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News

Highlights February 2018

Ad Vincula Team

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar ..................................... 4 Pastoral Letter / From the Registers .......................... 5 Regular Church Activities / Prayer ............................ 6 Dates for Diary ........................................................... 7 From the Editor / Richard Vause / PACT News ......... 9 WG Primary School News ........................................ 11 Lollipop Volunteers needed / Shoebox Appeal ........ 13 Ad Vinc Competition “How Far Can You Go?” ......... 14 ‘Living Stones’ Vision Day / Beekeeping Taster ...... 15 St Peter’s Triple Mission Update .............................. 17 New Village Community Facebook Group ............... 19 Village Hall News / Gardener’s Calendar ................. 21 Wisborough Green Sports News .............................. 23 Ken’s Dos, Don’ts, Moans & Groans Page .............. 25 St Peter’s Altar Frontal / Xpresso “Big Brew” ........... 26 WG Fete Society Needs your Help! ......................... 27 Notice Board ..................................................... 28 - 29 Christmas Eve Nativity Service / Time for God 30 - 31 Recipe of the Month ................................................. 33 WG Minibus Page .................................................... 34 Wisborough Green History ............................... 36 - 37 Neighbourhood Watch.............................................. 39 Village Organisations - News & Notices ........... 43 - 49 Church Cleaning / Flower Rosters / Directory .......... 52 Village Organisations Directory ................................ 53 What’s Happening .................................................... 54

Roland Zilz

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council. Please note, it is not always possible to check the credentials and claims of all those advertising, so please ensure that you get references and check any claims before entering into business with them. Cover Picture - by Roland Zilz (taken February 2017)

Editor Marion Jenkins Asst. Editor Fran Wallace Advertising John Gough Distribution Rev. Clive Jenkins Vicar Jamie Daniell Churchwarden Helen Vause Churchwarden

If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor. Copy Deadline for March 2018 issue:

14 February 2018 Printed by: Bishops Printers Ltd Walton Road, Farlington, Portsmouth PO6 1TR Tel: 023 9233 4900


St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for February Saturday

3 February

10.00am to 3.00pm

Sunday 4 February nd 2 Sunday before Lent

8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm


Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist Refresh contemporary worship and praise service

6 February

4.30pm to 5.00pm

Wednesday 7 February


Holy Communion

Sunday 11 February Sunday next before Lent

8.00am 10.30am

Holy Communion (BCP) Time for God – Noah’s Ark



Vision Day ‘Living Stones’ at St Mary’s Room, Billingshurst

Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

13 February

4.30pm to 5.00pm

Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

Wednesday 14 February Ash Wednesday

10.00am 7.30pm

Holy Communion Sung Eucharist with Imposition of the Ashes

Sunday 18 February 1st Sunday of Lent

8.00am 10.30am

Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist


20 February

4.30pm to 5.00pm

Wednesday 21 February



Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) Holy Communion

22 February


Messy Church in the Village Hall

Sunday 25 February 2nd Sunday of Lent

8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm

Holy Communion (BCP) All Age Eucharist ‘Digging Deeper’ into Philippians


28 February

4.30pm to 5.00pm

1 March


Holy Communion

Sunday 5 March 3rd Sunday of Lent

8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm

Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist Refresh contemporary worship and praise service


Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

For More Details of Services and Events see CHURCH WEBSITE Follow us on Facebook:

Pastoral Letter Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. “His love endures for ever.” Psalm 136 verse 1 Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day, fall on the same day this month (Wednesday 14th February). In the Christian Calendar ‘Ash Wednesday’ begins the season of Lent, which over the centuries has been observed in various ways, including: fasting, abstinence, prayer and Bible Study with attendance at Church on Ash Wednesday itself. Valentine’s Day, or the weekend either side of it, on the other hand, focuses on the one you love and that may involve flowers, chocolates, a meal out or something even more extravagant! The two commemorations may seem initially, at opposite ends of the spectrum, or poles apart! However if we look closer, ‘Ash Wednesday’ is about the God who loves ‘us’, who sent His one and only Son into the world to save us from our sins and show us how to love God and one another (see, 1 John:4). The verse from Psalm 136 at the beginning of the letter is a Psalm of Praise and each verse is followed by the response, ’His love endures for ever.’ Jesus, who endured the hardship of fasting for forty days in the desert at the beginning of His public ministry, (which mirrored the forty years following the Exodus from Egypt that the Hebrews spent in the desert before entering the ’promised land’) may well have been inspired by verses from the Old Testament like Psalm 136. That’s an amazing statement for both Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day - a love 5 that endures, whatever the circumstances, unconditional love, available at any time for those who seek to follow the one who loves us and the way we should show that love to others. ‘Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.’ (1 John 4:7-8). Clive and Marion

From the Registers (December) Funeral:

We give thanks for the life of Ann Owen whose thanksgiving service took place at St. Peter’s on Tuesday 19th December 2017.

Regular Church Activities PRAYER GROUP AND QUIET MORNINGS If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome on a Tuesday at 4.30pm, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. Contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details of venue. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the home of Wendy Duff at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details. Continued on page 6

Regular Church Activities (Cont) WIZZY TOTS W izzy Tots, W isborough Green’s baby and toddler group, meets at the Village Hall every Tuesday during term time from 9.30 to 11.00 am. Please join us for a coffee, catch up and a play in the Village Hall, all children and parents/carers welcome. It would be lovely to see you all. If you want to find out more about Wizzy Tots, please call Tory on 01403 700809 or Marion on 01403 700339.

DON’T FORGET……… If you haven’t yet experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 9am ‘til 11.30am in the Village Hall Vine Room (during church building works) and 6 EVERYONE is welcome!

Prayer Chain of Prayer Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. A copy of the chain is on the notice board at the back of church. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate its effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality.

Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:

4 February 11 February 18 February 25 February

Butts Meadow & Wyatt Close Carters Way & The Luth Kirdford Road & Skiff Lane Durbans Road

Dates for the Diary February 2018 Saturday


Sunday 4th Wednesday 14th Thursday 22nd Sunday 25th

10am-3pm Vision Day ‘Living Stones’ at St Mary’s Room, Billingshurst. (See p 17) 6pm Refresh contemporary worship 7.30pm Ash Wednesday Eucharist 3.15pm Messy Church in the Village Hall 6pm Digging Deeper into Philippians

March 2018 Sunday Sunday Sunday Thursday

4th 11th 18th 22nd

6pm Refresh contemporary worship 10.30am Time For God - Mothering Sunday 6pm Digging Deeper into Philippians 3.15pm Messy Church in the Village Hall

Holy Week 2018 March Sunday Thursday Friday

25th 29th 30th

10.30am Family Communion - Palm Sunday 7.30pm Sung Eucharist for Maundy Thursday 10am Good Friday All Age Service + Hot Cross Buns 12 noon An Hour’s Devotion at the Foot of the Cross


10.30am Sung Communion - Easter Day

April Sunday

St Peter’s Thursday 22nd February 3.15pm Wisborough Green Village Hall Games, Crafts, Activities, Celebration and Meal all in the Village Hall - Please come as a family For information phone 01403 700339

Future dates - Thursday 22nd March


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From the Editor Welcome to this packed February 2018 edition of Ad Vincula. We have a few more pictures of Ad Vincula on its travels around the world this month (see p14). Do please keep sending your pictures in. In addition to the usual articles, this month I would just highlight a few items:  Appeal for Lollipop Volunteers for Durbans Road children’s crossing (p13),  An update on funding for and the work carried out by the three charities supported by St Peter’s (p17)  An exciting new community initiative - a Community Facebook Group set up by and for the use of the local community for exchanging information (p19)  The welcome return of the WG Sports News page (p23) and the “Dos and Don’ts” page (p25)  A plea by the WG Fete Committee for help to save the Fete (p27)  Report and pictures of the Christmas Eve Nativity Service (p30) and Time for God Epiphany service (p31) I hope you will find something of interest and do please keep all your articles, comments and photos coming to me at Roland Zilz This magazine can also be viewed on line at:

Richard Vause 3/4/1951 - 23/12/2017 Helen and all the family would like to thank everyone who sent all the wonderful messages of support and sympathy to them at this sad time. A larger than life character he will leave a huge hole in many lives. Helen



Petworth Area Churches Together (PACT) - working together in harmony

Palm Sunday Procession – the annual procession will be held on Sunday 25th March, starting at 3pm from Sacred Heart RC Church. The procession depicts Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem – we’ll have the Petworth Town Band, a donkey and a Palm Sunday script ready by a variety of church goers in the town. The event finishes at St Mary’s and is made complete at the end with tea and cake. Spring lecture Friday 13th April with SAT-7 – SAT-7 are a Christian television service broadcasting to 500 million people in the Middle East and North Africa. They seek to make the gospel, the local church and the rights & freedoms of God’s love visible to the people across those nations. It’s going to a fascinating talk learning about the work they do and how they provide inspirational, informative and educational television in a very different environment to ours. Kate & Karl Ayling


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QUALITY LOCAL INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATOR · 25 years’ experience · Fully Insured · References available · No VAT

For a professional service please contact Jonathan Capelin (West Chiltington) 01798 817402

Wisborough Green Primary School News Have you seen a penguin named Ricky roaming around the village? If so, can you return him to Wisborough Green Primary School! The children have thoroughly enjoyed being detectives, on a mission to find the escaped penguin. Our topic this term is 'Extreme Survival', taking us on explorations to Antarctica, Africa and North America. These topics will encourage learning about the great outdoors as this is a brilliant way to develop problem-solving skills and nurture creativity. The outdoors provides rich opportunities for developing imagination, inventiveness and resourcefulness. Our 'Secret Garden' has already been transformed and it now includes a Forest School area, pond and orchard. Students from Chichester University are working closely with members of the local community to develop this fantastic learning area. The pond is currently being enlarged and a decking area is being added, so whole class pond dipping sessions can be carried out. As spring approaches we can't wait to see this beautiful area in full bloom. Looking ahead to warmer days, as the seasons change, we are excited 11 about the introduction of a 'Spring Music Concert'. Wisborough Green has a wealth of musical talent and we felt it was about time we shared t h i s wi t h e v e r yo n e . The older children have enjoyed an African drumming session this term and we are all having fun learning our song for Sign2Sing week. We will be taking part in an annual event organised by the Deaf Health Charity, SignHealth, which raises essential funds for vulnerable deaf children and adults. The term will end with a celebration of music - the proms really are coming to Wisborough this year! If you would like to volunteer in our fantastic school we would love to welcome you. We are always looking for support with reading, art and of course the great outdoors. You can contact us on 01403 700280 or email the school office: Visit our website for more info: or follow us on Twitter - @WGPS864

Warm regards, Amanda Harrison, Head Teacher 01403 700280

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WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL FOR HIRE For hire charges and more information contact: 12

Mrs Beth Ellis 01403 700083

Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986

Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:

Put Yourself in the Driving Seat! Bespoke tours, with your own car, in UK & Europe. Further afield in hire cars.

Lollipop Volunteers Required Wisborough Green Primary School is looking to set up a traffic patrol to help the school children cross Durban's Road in the morning (8.30am - 9am) and the afternoon (3pm - 3.30pm). Do you have a couple of mornings afternoons when you could help?


If so please contact Clare Lonsdale at the school office: telephone: 01403 700280 email : The school will provide all of the training, high vis jacket and the lollypop sign!

Please help us to keep our children safe - sign up now! Wisborough Green, RH14 0EE.

Thank you for your support. Link to Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal Thank you very much to everyone who filled a shoebox last year in time for Christmas. 29 shoe boxes were collected from here - 15 from Trefoil guild and 14 from the church and village. Altogether, 43,966 shoeboxes were sent from the Worthing warehouse and headquarters in December, to be distributed to schools, and communities for underprivileged families and elderly people. They were received with much joy and delight, with the knowledge of our concern and love at this special time of year. So thank you everyone for your generosity. Suzanne Mosley


Ad Vincula - “How far can you go?” We have four more entries this month for our little fun competition with a good spread around the world from Macau, India, Cape Verde and Chile. We would have had one from Australia but our Advertising Coordinator forgot to take a copy of Ad Vincula with her! Please remember to take your copy with you wherever you travel.


Clockwise from Top Left: Lorraine Berry in Trivandrum, Kerala, India (5,220m); Robert Armistead in Macau (6,000m); Derek Cooper at Lake Villarica, Chile (7,590m); Will Vickery in Boa Vista, Cape Verde (2,610m)

Last month, the distance winner was Helen Rankin in Vietnam (6,366m). This month the distance winner with 7,590 miles is Derek Cooper. Congratulations Derek. Don’t worry if your travels don’t take you to distant shores, we still want to find the most unusual location for Ad Vincula so please keep those photos coming in! You can post on our Facebook Site: or you can email to Roland Zilz

‘Living Stones’ Vision Day Saturday 3rd February at St. Mary’s Parish Room, Billingshurst 10am - 3pm Come and join us for a Vision Day as we seek to build on the work that has gone on at St. Peter’s for many years and look forward with faith to the future. The first letter of Peter, chapter 2 verse 4/5 states, “As you come to Him, the Living Stone - rejected by humans, but chosen by God and precious to Him - you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a Holy Priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Our mission is to ensure that both the Church building and the Living Church, that is the Body of Christ, are serving the local community in the most creative and fruitful ways possible with the resources at our disposal, both physical and human. Hot drinks will be provided, plus a simple bread and soup lunch, although you are welcome to supplement this if you wish with your own picnic. I hope many folk will come and join us as we look forward to what the Lord has in store for us in the future here at St. Peter’s. If you would like to attend please ring the Vicarage on 700339 or send an email to for catering purposes. Clive 15

Beekeeping Taster Day Saturday March 3rd 2018 at Rudgwick Village Hall Have you ever thought of keeping bees, but needed to know more? This one day course will give you enough information to answer these questions.

     

How much time do I need? What equipment do I need? How much does it cost? Is my property suitable to keep bees on? Can I look inside a beehive to see if I like it first?

Is help available if I need it? Come along and find out without obligation. This is a popular annual event, now in its thirteenth year, organised by the Wisborough Green Beekeepers Association, whose members live in West Sussex and South Surrey, within about 20 miles of Wisborough Green. Further information for beekeepers and non-beekeepers including the Beginners Taster Day can be found on Contact Roger Patterson 01403 790637 or 07976 306492 or email: for course details or Gordon Allan 01798 343470 or email: to book your place.

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with Robyn Burbridge      

General Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Corticosteroid injections Diagnostic ultrasound Sports Injury assessment and treatment Running and dance assessment and rehabilitation Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation

Tel: 01403 700455


Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite

St Peter's Mission Group A new year update Thank you all for supporting St Peter's threefold mission group. It was a delight when many from the community came to the Christmas coffee morning. We were more than delighted with the financial response of over £1000 and we have received much gratitude from the charities. Family Support Work has had a very busy time over Christmas. They have hosted toy services and Christmas parties – as well as the more important work with many families. A Sussex farmer annually gives over 100 organic turkeys to FSW and three were given to Wisborough Green village. Aegean Solidarity continues its work in Greece and the Aegean islands. It is always good to hear about their support for the Orange House – a house to help mothers and children in Athens. And the charity helps other small but vital projects – Breakfast for the hundreds of refugees on Chios and giving pants and sanitary products - the 'Unmentionables'. We know from Joel that there is terrible overcrowding and barely basic care in the camps. Fund raising has become more difficult since the refugees are not so much in the news. It is hard to imagine their lives. We continue our very blessed situation in comfortable homes with water and warmth and so much more. It is always good to hear about Rachel, Eric and their children working in Uganda, on behalf of Youth With A Mission, where again life can be a daily struggle. I know myself that it can be difficult to respond in a positive way to many situations in the world today. We all have busy lives and often it is difficult to cope. We are blessed to focus on three very different situations where we have first hand information and Know that a difference is being made. Please continue to pray for adults and children who long to live normal lives. Judy Moorey

Make Space Craft Group

crochet drawing Held on the First Friday of each Month from 9.30-11.30am

During the Xpresso Coffee Morning in the Village Hall Vine Room (during church building works) All are welcome. Bring your craft with you, or just come for a chat. sewin g

For further information contact Lorna on 01403 700155



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For a quality chimney sweep KIRDFORD


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Tel: 01403 783115 e:

New Village Community Facebook Group

A new Facebook Group has been set up for residents and friends of Wisborough Green to use for interchange of information Several villages in our area have a Community Facebook closed Group. Some, like Kirdford (570 members), Plaistow and Ifold (795 members), Barns Green area (632 members) have had a community Facebook Group for several years and Billingshurst seems to have both a closed Group (2,277 members) and an open Facebook Page with 1,963 followers. I wondered, therefore, why Wisborough Green didn’t appear to have anything similar. There is the “items for sale Wisborough Green etc” but I couldn’t find anything on Facebook that allowed residents and friends of Wisborough Green to exchange information. After consulting a few people, it was decided to establish the “Wisborough Green Noticeboard” closed Group. At the time of writing, this Group already had nearly 50 members simply through “word of mouth”. Do please consider joining the Group as the more people who belong, the more useful it will be. The link is above but, if that doesn’t work, please search for Wisborough Green Noticeboard in Facebook. Currently, the admins for the Group are Kate Perry and myself but, if anybody else would like to volunteer to help, please let me know. Many thanks, Roland Zilz Fairtrade is a simple way to make a difference to the lives of the people who grow the things we love. This is achieved by changing the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairdeal for farmers and workers in developing countries. Have you seen the St Peter’s Fair Trading stall at the monthly Village Market? Following an increase in the rent we pay to the Market we are in danger of running at a loss. Would you consider sponsoring our £15 rent for one month each year – why not mark an anniversary, birthday or special event. If you would like to know more please call either Gillian Gough 700157 or Val Mourilyan 700089.


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Set the Date


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Contact Paul or Will: 01798 368008

Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483

Village Hall News We had a constructive meeting with the Senior Planning Officer in mid-January at which we were able to clearly demonstrate our thinking behind accessing the upper level above the main hall. The issue of how best to access this space remains, but we identified to the Senior Planning Officer three clear options from which she could choose. She agreed to refer back to the Heritage Adviser to help make the choice and will then advise us the one that would be supported by the Planning team. We pointed out the delays that had already occurred in considering our application due to the apparently conflicting advice received from the planning team and therefore asked for this issue to be decided as soon as possible. I will advise further in the next Ad Vincula. Keith Carter, Chairman, Village Hall Management Committee

The Gardener’s Calendar

by Ian Clemens

 Any dormant fuchsias that you’ve over-wintered in the greenhouse can be put on the staging so that they are in full light and given a misting of water to encourage them to start wakening up.  This is your last chance to winter prune that wisteria. Really!  Check stored dahlia tubers, discarding any that have rotted. Move the tubers into a light, warm place and they’ll soon come into growth.  Start planning this year’s bedding display. Time to plant antirrhinums, marigolds, begonias, cosmos, lobelia petunias and pansies from seed.  Hopefully you’ve been saving egg boxes to use for chitting your seed potatoes. If not then a seed tray or similar will do. Chit them now for planting from mid-March onwards.  Sow windowsill crops of salad leaves and herbs.  Start planting Broad Beans, Brassicas, Carrots, Parsnips and onions.  Indoors sowing of tomatoes, cucumbers, chillies and peppers.  Plant new fruit trees and continue to prune those that are already established.


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Richard, Caroline and the team would like to welcome you to The Bat & Ball Country Pub and Hayward’s Restaurant. Newpound Lane, Wisborough Green, RH14 0EH 01403 700199 Open 7 days a week Bar open for coffee and drinks 12-11 Mon - Sat Sunday 12-9 Lunch Monday - Saturday 12-3 Dinner Monday - Saturday 6-9. On Sundays we serve our delicious Sunday roast in addition to an array of seasonal dishes 12-8 22

extensions · alterations · brickwork stonework · paving · patios · garden walls all types of carpentry call Twig on

01403 700857 Mob: 07990 581411 Twiglets · The Luth · Wisborough Green

Wisborough Green Sports News Sports Association. The planning application for a new sports pavilion is moving on and hopefully in next months AD VINCULA we will be able to announce that a planning application has been made to Chichester District council. In the meantime we have started looking at ways of raising the necessary funds to build the new pavilion. The existing pavilion is being repaired and decorated during spring this year so any help with a paint brush will be gratefully received. 1st XI continue to struggle having lost 3 key players at the start of the season. It looks inevitable that they will be relegated to the championship next year. The 2nd XI are doing slightly better having been promoted for the second year running they are holding theIr own just above mid table. The club needs as much support as possible over the closing months of the season so 23 please come and support or play if possible. The senior XI appear to be going from strength to strength and certainly win more than they lose and always have 16-20 players available for Sunday games. Football Club

For Club fixtures please check the web site This is not always reliable but is the best place to look for fixtures. Cricket Club With the 2018 season approaching we can confirm that the 1 st XI will be playing in Division 5 West and the 2 nd XI will be in Division 8 West of the newly formed Sussex Cricket League which combines all teams in Sussex into one pyramid league. The Colts section will again this season play in the Identium league in the following age groups Under 9, 12,14 &16. The Cricket Club AGM was held on Sunday 14th January and the club officials remain as last year. Chairman - Steve Calder-Smith, Secretary - John Newman, 1st XI captain James Sadler. New players are always welcome. Please call 1st XI captain James Sadler on 07973 414645 Ken Vickery

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‘Dos, Don’ts, Moans & Groans’ Page Well, by popular demand, I am returning to the Do’s, Don’ts, Moans and Groans page this year. My family say I am turning into a grumpy old man as I am always moaning about something. So here goes. Do stick to those new year resolutions (mine was to do Moans and Groans page again this year and to lose a few more pounds) so sticking to first one is easy enough. Do get out and enjoy yourselves this year. A walk in Petworth Park, a Stroll along a beach or even a walk to the village green to watch a sport being played - please join in, all clubs are looking for new support on and off the field. When you get home from your walk DO go onto the West Sussex County Council web site, Highways section and report all the trips and hazards that you have seen on your walk. This covers roads, footpaths, verges. kerb lines, uneven footpaths, manhole covers and a whole host of other items and only takes about 3 minutes to log a problem. If we all do it they will repair them. Here is my first Moan of the year submitted by a local resident and added to by myself. The moan concerns the local bus shelter notice board which they state always looks scruffy and is normally at least two months out of date. They have suggested that the notice board could go inside the shelter and a small notice could be put on the outside saying notice board is inside. I would like to see the bus shelter up graded along with the phone box as an information hub that visitors could go to for local information.


Here is my first Groan of the year and it is all about the village green, Can I firstly say that the grass looks better than ever this year and I am sure that this is because of the spiking that was done in the autumn. Unfortunately the spiking only goes about 100-150 cm deep and as in previous years when this has been done it has turned the green into a sponge. The top 150mm of soil is so soft it is unbelievable and I am sure from past years it will not dry out for several months. When writing this in the first week of January I am positive we will not see any football in January and we will be lucky if we have any in February either if it continues to rain. Why am I “Groaning” about this? Well you see I have told the village green committee about this problem that has happened after we have spiked it in past years and yet they have still gone ahead with it anyway. We have been trying to get the Fair repairs carried out by the Parish council in the autumn for the last six or so years with no success why couldn’t this have been done instead. My final DO for this month please e-mail me at with anything that you feel happy or unhappy with. People do read this and take note so please help me to help the village. Ken V

1918-2018 Commemorative Altar Frontal for St. Peter’s Are you someone who is good at needlework: tapestry or embroidery? Would you like to be involved in producing a commemorative Altar Frontal as part of our Village Commemoration of the end of World War One? If so, please contact me so that we can gather together a team who would enjoy the challenge to create a visible reminder of the anniversary of the end of the Great War. This would be displayed in Church for Remembrance Sunday as a lasting memorial of those who departed these shores over one hundred years ago, never to return home. Clive Jenkins 700339

Join us at our Big Brew on Friday 2nd of March 2018 at Xpresso Coffee Morning As part of The Fairtrade Fortnight, (26 Feb to 11 March), we are having our Big Brew in the Village Hall. Please join us, along with friends and relatives. Times are 0845 to 1200, when we will be there to serve you. 26

delicious coffee and tea as well as cakes Remember that all monies raised go to help Traidcraft and the special thing is that the UK Government will match your donations pound for pound. This means that, best of all, each pound raised will be doubled.

See you then on Friday 2nd March from 0845.

Annual Unlock Walk - Saturday 28th April 2018 A date for your diary. The 'Unlock Walk' supporting churches in inner city London takes place on 28th April in Tottenham. I well remember visiting Tottenham on the Unlock walk 20 years ago – and have photos of St Peter's Milestone and Cornerstone children in Tottenham to prove it! Sadly we are older and wiser! (Some of us have become decrepid!) We walked then in a very different London and it was shortly after the Broadwater Estate riots and we were particularly worried to keep our charges safe. But we were met with joy and cake! Today the local churches are reaching out to their multicultural and vibrant communities through tough conditions. It is an 8 mile walk and we go into about 8 churches – so not too difficult! Do let me know if you would like to join us. Tel. 700700. Judy Moorey

Wisborough Green Fete Society – Needs your help! It might not be the rain that stops the Fete this year…..we really need new members to join the organising committee in order to ensure that this fantastic village tradition continues. We have recently said good-bye to two long-standing committee members and are now in need of new volunteers to join our team. I know that there are often pleas for help, but without people willing to come along and get involved we do risk losing some of the village events that make our community so great. What would the August Bank Holiday be like with no more village Fete! We are a friendly and fun group of local people. We meet 5 or 6 times a year in the pub (of course!) to keep abreast of the event planning, there is some work to be 27

done between meetings and you would ideally need to be available on the August Bank Holiday weekend. It isn’t that onerous but we do need volunteers who have some time to take on some of the organising and planning tasks. If you are interested in finding out more or would like a no-commitment chat about what is involved, please do contact Louise on 700689 or Andrea on 700435. Or just come along to our forthcoming AGM.



Fish ‘n’ Chips lunch at Wyatt House Thurs 15th February at 12.30 All welcome Please phone Cathy on 700673 to place your order 28

(ordered from Jack Fullers, Billingshurst)

Sunday 18th February at 7.00pm Lighted Fools Theatre Company’s recent production at The Mill Studio, Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Guildford of Tim Whitnall’s, award-winning one-man show, ‘Morecambe’ was a sell-out success. If you missed it or would like to see it again, then here’s your chance. For one night only it will be presented in the theatre at Fishers Adventure Farm Park. Tickets have been on sale at Fishers since before Christmas and are selling fast

Tickets: £10.00 01403-700063 Online:




THURSDAY, 19th April 2018 Two course Dinner and Coach - £24-00 all in. The Coach will leave outside The Three Crowns 6 pm. First race takes place 7-30pm If interested, please contact, Reg Hickman 01403 701886 Or E-MAIL REGHICKMAN5@GMAIL.COM Deposit £10-00 secures a Place. Balance due, by 5th March 2018. THANK YOU.

Christmas Eve Nativity Service - The 5pm service on 24 December 2017 took the form of a playlet interspersed with songs and carols as we journeyed with Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the birth of the Christ Child. Children were encouraged to dress up as either Shepherds, Angels or Kings to join with the 'cast' and they did not disappoint. The church was bursting at the seams with standing room only at the back. This was a very special and enjoyable service.


Time For God - January Celebrated Epiphany Epiphany is the time that the Church celebrates the coming of the three Kings to visit Jesus. It begins on 6 th January after the twelve days of Christmas and lasts for four Sundays. We made three beautiful stained glass windows, filling in the king’s gowns with cellophane sweet wrappers, these are displayed in the Church.


There was the opportunity to make a crown, decorate a star biscuit and be creative with a gift box with ‘jewels’, sparkly stars and tissue paper. Gold coins were available to put in the boxes and were joyfully received! We will be exploring Noah’s Ark during our next Time For God on Sunday 11th February, 10.30am at St. Peter’s to which everyone is welcome!

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Recipe of the Month Baked Sea Bream and Lentil Parcels With Green Goddess Pesto I made this recently for supper and it was really tasty and light (apart from when I added some homemade sweet potato wedges, although these are lighter than regular chips!).

Ingredients (Serves 2)    

2 sea bream or sea bass fillets Salt, to taste 400g can lentils, rinsed and drained Lemon wedges, to serve

For the green goddess pesto:  25g fresh basil leaves  10g fresh mint leaves  50g roasted pistachios (I just dry-fried over medium heat quickly)  ½ jalapeno chilli, deseeded and roughly chopped (I substituted with ½ a regular red chilli)  100ml olive oil  Juice of 1 lemon  ½ tsp salt  2 tbsp shaved Parmesan


Method Preheat oven to 200 C/400 F/gas mark 6 1. Blend the pesto ingredients together in a food processor. Sprinkle plenty of salt on to the fish fillets. 2. Cut out two 30cm squares of baking paper and place on a roasting tray. Carefully put half the lentils in the middle of one paper square and half in the other. Spoon 2 tablespoons of pesto on to each pile of lentils. Place the sea bream on top and then spoon another tablespoon of pesto on top of each fillet. Pick up the baking paper corners and wrap the fish parcels up, twisting to secure. 3. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes until just cooked through. Squeeze over fresh lemon juice and serve. Any leftover pesto can be kept in the fridge for 5-7 days (Courtesy of ‘A Year of Beautiful Eating’, Madeleine Shaw) Judie Donovan

Wisborough Green Division Divisional Organiser: Pat Farmer Old School Cottage, School Road, Wisborough Green, West Sussex. RH14 0DU Tel: 01403 700492 Email: To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus Association There is a form to complete (obtainable from Pat Farmer) and the annual membership fee is £5 starting on 1st January. MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL For bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076) and for outings: KATE VERNALLS (701004)

Destinations for February 2018


Fri 2nd Tues 6th Wed 7th Fri 9th Tues 13th Fri 16th Tues 20th Fri 23rd Tues 27th

Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Bombay Sapphire Distillery Godalming & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Guildford Town Centre Horsham & Sainsbury

Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am

At time of writing there are a couple of places left on the Bombay Sapphire outing as above. Please give Kate a ring for more information or to book your place. Kate is also taking bookings for the Windsor Castle visit on the 7th March – at your own pace you can visit the State Apartments, the Queen’s Dolls’ House, St George’s Chapel and so on and there is always the possibility of catching the changing of the guard. Please ask Kate for further information. I am presently collecting in membership subscriptions for this year and look forward to hearing from members who have not yet renewed for 2018 and from those who would like to join.

Pat Farmer, Divisional Organiser

Early March 2018 Dates Fri 2nd Tues 6th Wed 7th Fri 9th

Cranleigh Horsham & Sainsbury Windsor Castle Chichester & Sainsbury

Sponsored by

9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am

The Parishes Wildlife Group Red kites are being seen more regularly over the village and are being recorded in our Parishes. During 2018 the group will be presenting talks on making a meadow and our rare Sussex plants in spring followed by a guided walk in the summer; recording the wildlife found in the Parishes of Wisborough Green and Kirdford not forgetting an evening walk to look for bats around the pond and stream, a walk which last year was memorably rained off after two marvellous talks on moths and on bats last July. During 2017, we were able to run the series of talks and walks, produce a leaflet available in shops, pubs and the Parish Hall and retain Dr Alizon Barker to carry out a survey of the River Kird and its dragonflies. With thanks to the Fete Committee, KKWG, WGPC and the South Downs National Park Sustainability Grant for financial support. Watch out for posters and information in the local papers. Jill Sutcliffe, or tel: 01403 700395 Mike King, or tel: 07949 909351

Special Cruises on the Wey & Arun Canal, Loxwood Special cruises will be running on the canal on Mothering Sunday, 11th March 2018. A ‘Coffee & Danish Pastry Cruise’ will depart at 11.00am and Cream Tea Cruises will depart at 2.15pm and 4.30pm. Black tie service will enhance the relaxing treat for Mums (and all passengers)! The trips take 1½ hours. Tickets cost £14 for adults and £10 for children and must be booked in advance. Our themed Easter Cruises will be running on Good Friday, 30th March, Easter Day, 1st April and on Easter Monday, 2nd April. Plenty of Easter characters will be on the canal to entertain you – come along and join in the fun! The trips take 40 minutes and depart at 11.00am, 12.00 and 2.00pm. Children will receive a chocolate gift from the Easter Bunny while adults can enjoy the chance to unwind and enjoy the scenery. Tickets cost £10.00 per person and include refreshments. Booking in advance is advisable. Bookings for special events and weekend public trips can now be made online via the Trust website. For enquiries about private charters, volunteering opportunities and membership please call The Wey & Arun Canal Trust Office on 01403 752403 or email


Wisborough Green History - JAMES Last month I described how Jim and his company evolved and expanded as Butts Works and the Thornton Meadow site were developed. Onto the actual running of the business . . . An important part of running the company is the generation of new business. When a potential customer gets in touch regarding bodywork for their car Jim tries to get a feeling for not only the car and what he's looking at, but also for the customer himself. Jim has always wanted to involve the customer as much as possible with the rebuild so that he feels that they have organised it, have made the decisions and have got what they wanted. Also, the car must have what it requires because the car is the most subject of all of the attention. Jim's view is that one only borrows these cars and uses them until they can be passed onto to a new owner. The Bentley cars are of such superb quality that they are likely to last many years. (I understand that around 65% of all of another quality car marque that have been built (viz. Rolls Royce) are still running.) If it's going around with the wrong livery, wrong colours and wrong body, then Jim won't be thanked by the new owners. A couple of photographs (the first one including Jim) from the early days are shown.


Jim's usual approach is to invite the car's owners to the works to see just what is undertaken at Butts Works. They will also be shown the men and the style of work that is going through at that time and to look at photographs of work that has been undertaken in the past. Potential customers are asked to bring their thoughts and ideas on what they require and how they visualise the completed car. Also required are photographs of their car's chassis and other technical details. From there Jim has direct contact with the owner and gets a feel as to whether the whole thing is likely to work both mechanically and personally. If the owner of the car and the coachbuilder don't get on from the start, then the exercise is going to be strained which may affect the intended result. So both parties have to have confidence in each other.

S E PEARCE (SUSSEX) LTD (Cont) 7 It is usual for Jim to involve the partner of the owner in the design and especially the colour of the car. For example, if a female partner has a special colour that she wears regularly, e.g. a certain shade of red, he would dissuade the owner from having the car in that shade or perhaps even red at all, as it's almost impossible to get a match with the partner's favourite colour. In this case, that colour would be avoided and instead Jim would try to use a colour that would complement it. A lot of time and worry can be put into all this, but if it's in the hands of a professional coachbuilder, he can see all the colours and help as much as possible. The chosen colour must complement the car and be pleasing and acceptable to the owners who ultimately will have to live with it. Over the years Jim and his team have completed a great number of cars and many of them have appeared at the Bentley Drivers Club Kensington Garden Concours. They've won all of the Vintage Classes, viz. the 3, 4½, 6½ and 8 litres, the Derby Class and they've been overall winners at these events. Jim has personally judged at the 37 Classic Motor Shows at Hatfield House and was fortunate enough to be invited to California to be one of the European judges at Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance in California. Jim is proud that the standard of work that he and his team have achieved has been of a very high quality so as to satisfy his discerning customers. Once the cars have been completed they are generally maintained by them over a number of years. Sometimes the customer will bring them back for little additions that they would like and any small alterations or adjustments. An important part of running the business is maintaining communications with his customers. He has given advice and encouragement to so many of them. Similarly, they have kept in touch with him by writing or telephoning, such that many customers are now his friends. Sometimes they even just pop into the works for a cup of coffee! Since being in Wisborough, Jim's company has undertaken so many jobs that he can't remember all of them especially as he has worked for customers all over the world. Although the majority of the work has been on Bentleys there have been also many other makes of car. In one memorable commission he remembers buying hundreds of lizard skins to make all of the leatherwork and trimwork in lizard on two Mercedes for a collector in New York. They looked beautiful when finished and were as the original specifications for they had found lizard skin underneath the old seat covers when they removed them. (Continued next month) Richard B

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G R Kilford & Co. Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order 1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272

Restoring furniture for over 35 years.


Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment

Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice

Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH

Tel 01403 700848

Tel: 01428 707269

Email: Hetas Training Cert. no. 1385 38

LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115


Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News & Advice Fake Government Grants Fraud Alert Individuals and businesses are being warned to watch out for cold calls and online contact from fraudsters who are offering victims the opportunity to apply for Government grants for an advance fee. To make the grants look legitimate fraudsters have set up bogus companies and convincing looking websites that claim to be operating on behalf of the UK Government. Fraudsters cold call businesses and individuals offering the grant and if they’re interested direct them to fill out an online application form with their personal information. Once the fraudsters have that information they’ll contact back victims and congratulate them on being accepted onto the grant programme.

Pre-paid credit cards Applicants are then asked to provide identification and are instructed to get a pre-paid credit card to deposit their own contribution to the fake Government grant scheme. Fraudsters will then contact victims on the phone or are emailed and asked for the details of their pre-paid credit card and copies of statements to in order for them to add the grant funds. Of course the grant funds are never given by the fraudsters and the money that’s been 39 loaded by the victim onto the card is stolen. If you receive one of these calls, hang up immediately and report it to us. We’ve already taken down one website fraudsters have been using to commit this fraud and are working with Companies House to combat this issue.

How to protect yourself: Be wary of unsolicited callers implying that you can apply for grants. You should never have to pay to receive a government grant, and they definitely won’t instruct you to obtain a pre-paid credit card. The government should have all the information they need if a genuine grant application was submitted, therefore any requests for personal or banking information either over the phone or online should be refused.

What to do if you’re a victim:  If you think your bank or personal details have been compromised or if you believe you have been defrauded contact your bank immediately.  Stop all communication with the ‘agency’ but make a note of their details and report it to Action Fraud.  If you have been affected by this, or any other type of fraud, report it to Action Fraud by visiting or by calling 0300 123 2040. Neighbourhood Watch continued on page 41……...

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Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance

Mac’s Private Hire 24 hours a day - 7 days a week

01403 701 842 T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483

Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices. Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.


Tel: 01403 700 73 0

07917 850 746 Airports - Social & Business Lady Driver Available Wisborough Green Based

Holiday Homes For Hens Going on holiday? Bring your hens and ducks to us at Garden Poultry Care in Kirdford. We’ll take care of your birds in a safe, friendly, free range area.

Call Nik 01403 820796

Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News & Advice How To Shop Online Safely Residents warned of property banding reduction services Farm Watch


If you have information about any crime call 101, email: or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you see a crime taking place call 999. Regards, Priscilla Pinkham

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R G OIL BOILER SERVICES Servicing – Breakdowns – Commissioning Full Heating/Domestic Installations & Maintenance Bathroom Replacements Robin Gilfoyle

01403 700780 42


Emergency Call Outs

OFTEC Registered

07729 241787

Local Club and Society News Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club Wisborough Green travelled to Lavant for a friendly match on Sunday 10th December, with Lavant winning by 12 shots. On mat 1 (Jane, Carol H, Marilyn and David) losing 11-24 that after the game being close until the 15th end. On mat 2 (Joan, Gavin, Lorraine and Dave H) winning 23-22 with a strong finish after being behind until the 20th end, therefore giving a Match Result of 34-46. We travelled to Ewhurst for a friendly match on Tuesday 12th December, with Ewhurst winning by 5 shots. On mat 1 (Jane, Colin, Hilary and David) losing 8-21 and on mat 2 (Jean, Evelyn, Lorraine and Shirley) winning 21-13 with Shirley playing brilliantly throughout, giving a Match Result of 29-34. We travelled to Reprobates on the 15th December for a one mat friendly. (Evelyn, Gavin, Marilyn and Lorraine) losing 7-27 in what was an enjoyable match played in a good spirit. We entertained Reprobates in the return match on Wednesday evening 3rd January, with Wisborough winning on both mats and running out winners by 15 shots. Mat 1 (George, Monica, David and Bernard) 21 - 18 and Mat 2 (Marilyn, Lorraine, Shirley and Pauline) 23 - 11 giving a Match Result of 44 - 29. We entertained Ewhurst also the return match on Tuesday 9th January, with Wisborough running out winners by 34 shots. Wisborough had convincing wins on both 43 mats, with Mat 1 (Jane, Lorraine, David and Bernard) winning 32-5 (18 ends) and Mat 2 (Hilary, Gavin, Shirley and Monica) winning 17-10 (18 ends) giving a Match Result of 49-15. February Fixtures: Wednesday 7th Pulborough 6:45pm (home), Tuesday 13th West Chiltington 2pm (home), Wednesday 28th Fittleworth 7pm (home) Monica Enticknap, Captain

Wisborough Green Spitfire Simulator Club Why not join the Spitfire Simulator Club? The prime purpose of our simulator project is to raise money for the RAF Benevolent Fund and to that end, simulator flights are normally charged for. However, with the Simulator Club, members make a small donation to the RAFBF (ÂŁ5 per year) and their name goes into a hat every month and the winner gets a flight for free. To join the group, contact Brian Smith on 01403 700346 or

Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club The Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club meets in The Village Hall every Wednesday from 4 to 6pm. Do come along and give it a try – we are a very friendly bunch. Contact Philip Midwinter on 01403 700402 for more details.

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The Cricketers Arms The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369

A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates.


Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Local Club and Society News (Cont) Wisborough Green History Society Wisborough Green Village History Society is a small group of people who enjoy talking about and researching the history of the village. Several of our members are life-long residents of the village, others have lived here for many years and all have interesting memories and anecdotes to relate. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the village hall committee room at 10.30am - new members are always welcome. Sue Killingbeck, Secretary (Tel: 01403 700704)

Wisborough Green ‘Mountain’ Rescue Run by local volunteers. Stuck in a ditch or up a tree? Call us. Contact: Mr Brian Smith 700346.

Wisborough Green Horticultural Society Next Talk: Monday 5th February 8pm - “Clematis” by Everett Leeds Next talk is Monday February 5th at 8pm in the Village Hall (come in good time for 45 coffee!). The subject is Clematis through the Seasons. Such lovely garden plants and no doubt Everett Leeds will remind us about pruning times of the different types. Everett was a founding member of the British and International Clematis Society, and has been chairman on multiple occasions, has co-authored an encyclopaedia and a pocket guide to clematis, so he should know his subject! There have been several articles in the media about a new aggressive disease affecting plants – a bacterium called Xylella fastidiosa. Originally coming from the Americas it is causing widespread problems on the Continent, wiping out swathes of olive trees in Italy. Unlike most pests and diseases which target specific plants, Xylella can hit more than 350 different types of plant – many of which are garden favourites. Xylella restricts the water movement in plants and results in their eventual death. The RHS is advising the horticultural industry and gardeners to “future-proof” gardens etc by purchasing plants that are UK sourced and grown. On a lighter note, Exeter University’s medical school has suggested that people living in urban areas are less likely to be admitted to hospital with respiratory problems if there are lots of trees in their neighbourhood. Sounds good for us living “in the country” and correlates with earlier studies saying it is good to have house plants in the home. So for the future “go wild” greening up your house and garden – pre-supposing Xylella doesn’t wipe everything out! Please make a note in your diary that the visit to Wakehurst last year that was cancelled has been re-scheduled for Wednesday June 13th. P.S. The butterflies at Wisley continue until March 4th – cheers up the wintry weather! WGHS

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LOXWOOD LANDSCAPES Paul Gregson Hard & soft landscaping Garden design Free estimates & all work considered 01403 753 204

07949 312 402 46

Wisborough Green FARMERS MARKETplus News

Next Market: Thursday 8th February 2018 Wisborough Green Village Hall 9.00am – 12.30pm Well it’s a new year. All us market volunteers have had a one month break and we are now getting ready for the first market of what we hope will be, a very successful 2018. We are still looking for a secretary/administrator and hope to be able to report next month that we have been successful. Please note new start time of 9.00 am. The February market is just a few days before Valentine’s Day, so why not come along and buy something special for that special someone from one of our local food or craft stallholders? Market dates for your diaries : February 8th March 8th April 12th May 10th June 14th July 12th August 9th September 13th October 11th November 8th December 13th

Follow us on social media for updates, photographs and market chat: Facebook: WisboroughGreenFarmersandVillageMarket Instagram: wisboroughmarket Twitter: @WGvillagemarket 47

Market Sponsors:

An invitation to the Fifth Gospel A pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Christ`s birth, ministry, death and resurrection has been described as being a Fifth Gospel. Certainly such an experience brings the Gospels alive in a way that nothing else can do and makes all the difference as we read or hear them read and as we celebrate the Christian year. I have twice led deanery pilgrimages and propose to lead another pilgrimage in October this year with an open invitation to anyone who would like to go. Seven nights will be spent at an hotel overlooking the old city of Jerusalem and three in a hotel in Tiberias by the side of the Sea of Galilee. The itinerary includes Bethlehem, Yad Vashem, Caesarea Philippi, Nazareth, Capernaum, sailing on the Sea of Galilee as well as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Mount of Olives and other sites in Jerusalem. At the airport a coach, driver and Palestinian Christian guide will be there and will remain with us until we return to the airport. If you would like more information, please contact me. There is a leaflet at the back of the church. Canon John Bundock 01403 752425

Arts Society Meetings The Arts Society - West Sussex On Tuesday 6th February, Imogen Corrigan will talk on

Antonello da Messina - the Great Sicilian Renaissance Artist The use of light combined with perspective and detailed symbolism make Antonello da Messina's paintings unforgettable. On Tuesday 6th March, Gavin Plumley will talk on

Gustafson Klimt: Imperial Muralist Turned Radical Painter Klimt was a prominent figure in Vienna at the turn of the century. The rejection of public pomp is reflected in his style and works Meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2pm. Doors open at 1.40. Tea and coffee will be served after the lecture. Contact Jackie Buckler on 01903 411086, Visitors very welcome - £5 48

The Arts Society - South Downs On Wednesday 7 February, Gail Turner will speak on

The Golden Age of Spanish Painting (1560-1660) On Wednesday 7 March, Gail Turner will speak on

Art and Culture of fin-de-siecle Vienna All meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 10.30am. Coffee from 9.50am. Visitors warmly welcomed (£5). Please call 01403 785302

Flag Raising Dates 06 February

Her Majesty’s Accession

19 February

Birthday of the Duke of York

WI Report For our first meeting in 2018 members brought along one of their most recently read favourite books and gave a short précis of it and why it appealed to them. The books were very diverse, ranging from murder mysteries to photography books. We all went away with a huge list for our next holidays! Our next meeting is on Thursday 1st February 2018 when Penny Green from Knepp Castle, is going to tell us all about the ‘Re-Wilding of Knepp’. Some members had been on a WI walk around Knepp in July 2017 and as a result Penny was booked to tell us all about this interesting project. All are welcome. Sue Nicholls 700827 Mary Benson (President) 01403 700284

Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the January draw is Peter Corthine who wins £50 The winner of the second prize of £20 is Elizabeth Gough The February draw will be at the Cricketers at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 7 February 2018 and any member or prospective member who would like 49 to attend will be very welcome. The 50 club is looking for new members and the new year would be a good time to join. Please, please contact me for details of the monthly prizes available. Ruth Andrews, 01403 700671

Weather Watch The jet stream moved south after Christmas and gave us a very wet end to 2017. Wisborough Green rainfall for December was 145mm (last year 18mm – 10 yr average 110mm). The total amount of rain for the whole year equalled our average for the last ten years! Slightly more sun than usual for December and the warmest temperature for the month was 15.2°C at Shaw in Shropshire with the coldest minus 13.0°C at Casslet in Sutherland. Storms “Caroline” and “Dylan” certainly caused some damage in parts of the country last month. Generally we are fortunate enough to live in a benign climate – unlike some areas in the world this last year. Weathervane

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Chichester Cathedral Upcoming Events Lunchtime Concerts at Chichester Cathedral – Spring 2018 Tuesdays from 16th January – 13th March: 1.10pm – 2.00pm Admission is free. Bring your sandwiches and come along and enjoy the concert. Coffee provided. All are very welcome. For more information please see:

‘Book at Breakfast’ with Chichester Cathedral’s Chancellor Thursday 8th February: 9.00am – 10.00am Join the Cathedral Friends’ for a continental breakfast and a lively and stimulating discussion of the current Book - ‘The Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age’ by Marina Cantacuzino. In the Dresden Room, 4 Canon Lane. Tickets cost £7.00 (includes breakfast) available on 0333 666 3366 or see:

Family Activity – ‘Famous Folk’ (See poster on p 29) Friday 16th February: 10.00am – 3.00pm Come along to the Cathedral for some holiday fun! Families can collect stamps on a passport and find out about some of the Cathedral’s famous characters. There will be people to meet, a variety of activities to do, games to play and things to make, including crowns and magic sculptures! £1 per child. No need to book, just drop in. Suitable for children aged 3-12, who must be accompanied by an adult. For further details call 01243 812497 or see

Chichester Theological Society Lecture: Thursday 22nd February: 6.30pm ‘William Blake: Radical Prophet’ by Professor Christopher Rowland, Emeritus Dean Ireland’s Professor of Exegesis of Holy Scripture at the University of Oxford. Professor Rowland is looking forward to giving this lecture in the city where Blake stood trial for sedition! This illustrated lecture will take place in the Cathedral nave. All are welcome. Free entry with a retiring collection.

‘Be a Chorister Day’ at Chichester Cathedral Saturday 3rd March: 1.00pm – 4.00pm Come and spend an afternoon singing with Chichester Cathedral’s famous choir! If you know a boy who’s interested in music and singing, and is in year 2 or 3, then this will be an unforgettable experience for him. To book contact Lesa Burchell at the Prebendal School on 01243 520970.


Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 3 February

Mrs Nicholls & Mrs Daniell

10 February

Mrs Holt & Mrs Zilz

17 February

Mrs Lewis & Mrs Roberts

24 February

Mr & Mrs Armistead

If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Jill Brett know – 700350.

Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays)


2 February

Annie Daniell

9 February

Annie Daniell

16 February

LENT (No flowers)

23 February

LENT (No flowers)

CLEANERS & FLOWER ARRANGERS PLEASE NOTE: During the building works in church please take extra care.

Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music

Rev. Clive Jenkins 700339 email: Mr Jamie Daniell 752846 Mrs Helen Vause 701845 Mrs Sue Nicholls 700827 Mr Tony Cook 785435 Mrs Sue Nicholls 700827 Mr David Warwick 700262 Mr Malcolm Brinson 01730 816101

Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers Mr Robin Miles Cleaners Mrs Jill Brett Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards Readers Mrs Val Mourilyan Chalice, Sacristans, Intercessors Mrs Henrietta Warwick Healing Mrs Gillian Gough

823361 700350 700944 700089 700262 700157

Website: For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact the Vicar ASAP or, if unavailable, one of the churchwardens.

Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :


Mr Roland Zilz Mrs Marion Jenkins Mrs Fran Wallace Mr John Gough

Advertising Distribution

700632 700339 700320 700157

Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman

Mr Brian Smith 700346 Nina Lambkin 701027 Mr Steve Calder-Smith 700821 Mrs Aija Hamilton 700588 Mr Craig Vit 700369 Mrs Pam Warburton 701903 Philip Midwinter 700402 Mr Jim Gavin 700220 Mrs Pat Farmer 700492 Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith 701076 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Mr Peter Drummond 01798 865546 Parish Council Clerk Mrs Louise Davies 701102 Police (non-emergency) 101 Primary School Business Manager Mrs Clare Lonsdale 700280 Primary School PTA Secretary Ms Clair Beresford 701908 Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) David Ribbens 01483 200688 Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Carol Pearson 700536 Beavers (6-8 yrs) David Ribbens 01483 200688 Sports Clubs Association (Pavilion) Mr Ian Elliott 700474 St Peter’s Luncheon Club Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Short Mat Bowls Club Mr Keith Carter 700502 Spitfire Simulator Group Mr Brian Smith 700346 Stoolball Club Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Table Tennis Club Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 Village Hall Bookings Mrs Beth Ellis 700083 Village Hall Committee Chairman Mr Keith Carter 700502 Village Car Service Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Village Care Team & Library Service Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Wisborough Green Arts Mrs Sheila Armistead 700319 Wisborough Green Conservative Association Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Wisborough Green Fete Society Ms Andrea Leighton 700435 Wisborough Green Mountain Rescue Mr Brian Smith 700346 Run by local volunteers. Stuck in a ditch or up a tree? Call us Wisborough Green Trust Mr Richard Bairstow 700140 Wisborough Green Website Wisborough Green Website Editor Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Women’s Institute Mrs Mary Benson 700284



What’s Happening in February


Thur 01

WI Meeting (p 49)

WG Village Hall

8.00 pm

Fri 02

Make Space Craft Group (p 17) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 6)

WG Village Hall WG Village Hall

9.30 - 11.30 am 9.00 - 11.30 am

Sat 03

“Living Stones” Vision Day (p 15)

St Mary’s Hall, Bill’hurst

Mon 05

Horticultural Society Meeting (p 45)

WG Village Hall

Tue 06

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 6) Arts Society - West Sussex (p 48) PC Planning Committee (if required)

WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Fittleworth Village Hall 2.00 pm Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 8.00 pm

Wed 07

Arts Society - South Downs (p 48) Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 49)

Fittleworth Village Hall The Cricketers

Thur 08

Mobile Library Farmer’s & Village Market Plus (p 47) WG Fete Society AGM (p 27)

The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm WG Village Hall 9.00 am - 12.30 pm The Three Crowns 8.00 pm

Fri 09

Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 6)

WG Village Hall

Tue 13

History Society Meeting (p 44)

Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 10.30 am

Thur 15

Fish ’n’ Chips Lunch (p 28)

Wyatt House

12.30 pm

Fri 16

Family Activity @ Chichester Cathedral (p 28)

Chichester Cathedral

10.00 am

Sun 18

Lighted Fools Play - “Morecombe” (p 28)

Fishers Farm Theatre

7.00 pm

Tue 20

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 6) Parish Council Meeting

WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 7.45 pm

Thur 22

Mobile Library Messy Church (p 7)

The Pavilion WG WG Village Hall

2.55 - 3.15 pm from 3.15 pm

Fri 23

Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 6)

WG Village Hall

9.00 - 11.30 am

Tue 27

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 6)

WG Village Hall

9.30 - 11.00 am

10.00 am 8.00 pm

10.30 am 6.30 pm

9.00 - 11.30 am

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