Ad Vincula Magazine January 2018

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January 2018

Wisborough Green Parish Magazine

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AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News

Highlights January 2018

Ad Vincula Team

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar ..................................... 4 Pastoral Letter / Regular Church Activities ............... 5 Regular Church Activities / Prayer ............................ 6 Dates for Diary / From the Registers .......................... 7 From the Editor / PACT News .................................... 9 WG Primary School News ........................................ 11 WACT News / Christmas Coffee Morning Thanks ... 13 Christingle - Time for God ........................................ 14 ‘Living Stones’ Vision Day / Festival of Light Trip .... 15 Ad Vinc Competition “How Far Can You Go?” ......... 17 Alpha Course / Cat & Rabbit Rescue ....................... 19 Village Hall News / Gardener’s Calendar ................. 21 Ten New Year Resolutions for the WG Minibus....... 23 Church Building Works Update ................................ 25 Minibus Outing to the Mary Rose ............................. 26 Notice Board ..................................................... 28 - 29 International Cadet Exchange Programme ...... 30 - 31 Recipe of the Month / Flag Raising Dates................ 33 WG Minibus Page .................................................... 34 Wisborough Green History ............................... 36 - 37 Neighbourhood Watch.............................................. 39 Village Organisations - News & Notices ........... 43 - 49 Chichester Cathedral Friends .................................. 51 Church Cleaning / Flower Rosters / Directory .......... 52 Village Organisations Directory ................................ 53 What’s Happening .................................................... 54

Roland Zilz

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council. Please note, it is not always possible to check the credentials and claims of all those advertising, so please ensure that you get references and check any claims before entering into business with them.

Editor Marion Jenkins Asst. Editor Fran Wallace Advertising John Gough Distribution Rev. Clive Jenkins Vicar Jamie Daniell Churchwarden Helen Vause Churchwarden

If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor. Copy Deadline for February 2018 issue:

14 January 2018 Printed by: Bishops Printers Ltd Walton Road, Farlington, Portsmouth PO6 1TR Tel: 023 9233 4900

Cover Picture - Holy Water Lane by the Vicarage (Photo by Peter Edmonds)


St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for January Tuesday

2 January

Wednesday Sunday Epiphany

3 January 7 January


9 January

Wednesday Saturday

10 January 13 January

Sunday 14 January Second Sunday of Epiphany Tuesday 16 January


Wednesday Thursday

17 January 18 January

Sunday 21 January Third Sunday of Epiphany Tuesday

23 January

Wednesday Thursday

24 January 25 January

Sunday 28 January Fourth Sunday of Epiphany Tuesday 30 January Wednesday 31 January Sunday 4 February Second Sunday before Lent

4.30pm ‘til 5.00pm 10.00am 8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm 4.30pm to 5.00pm 10.00am 7.00pm 8.00am 10.30am 4.30pm to 5.00pm 10.00am 12.15pm 8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm 4.30pm to 5.00pm 10.00am 3.15pm 8.00am 10.30am 4.30pm to 5.00pm 10.00am 8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm

Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Rd) Holy Communion Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist Refresh contemporary worship and praise service Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) Holy Communion Alpha Introductory Supper at the Vicarage Holy Communion (BCP) Time for God Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) Holy Communion St Peter’s Luncheon Club in the Village Hall Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist ‘Digging Deeper’ into Philippians Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) Holy Communion Messy Church in the Village Hall Holy Communion (BCP) All Age Communion Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) Holy Communion Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist Refresh contemporary worship

For More Details of Services and Events see CHURCH WEBSITE Follow us on Facebook:

Pastoral Letter “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: with the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” 2 Peter 3:8 The old adage, “Time Flies”, seems to be the case in so many circumstances in life today. As the new year is upon us, it only seems like yesterday, we as a family were preparing for Christmas, ordering the tree, buying presents and decorating the Vicarage. Another saying, “Time is precious”, is equally true for none of us knows the future, only God. St Peter, who wrote the verse above is trying to reassure those early followers of Christ, telling them of God’s unchanging faithfulness in a world that is constantly changing - even in the First Century AD! 2018 is sure to bring with it challenges and opportunities, some already planned for, others yet to be fully realised. You will see in the pages of Ad Vincula that, as a Church, we will be having a day to reflect on what has been happening at St. Peter’s, both in regard to the improvements (which we hope will be dedicated in early summer by the Archdeacon of Horsham) and in how we can better serve the community here in 2018 and into the future. This day will be called “Living Stones Vision Day” for which there is a separate article. This year as a Nation we will be commemorating the end of World War One. When the guns were finally silenced on the 11th November 1918, the peace that ensued with the treaties, alliances and revolutions that were linked to the First World War have 5 impacted the rest of the Twentieth Century. I hope that as a community we can provide a fitting tribute to those who left these shores, never to return again, as in the words of the ‘Kohima Epitaph’: “When you go home tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow we gave our today.” None of us know what 2018 holds, so rather than cross your fingers and hope for the best, why not put your hand in the hand of the Lord Jesus and trust Him for the future. Take the challenge this New Year to find out more about who Jesus is by coming to the Alpha Supper party at the Vicarage on Saturday 13 th January at 7pm We’d love you to come, a warm welcome awaits you. Just ring 700339 if you’d like to come. Clive and Marion

Regular Church Activities PRAYER GROUP AND QUIET MORNINGS If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome on a Tuesday at 4.30pm, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. Contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details of venue. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the home of Wendy Duff at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details. Continued on page 6

Regular Church Activities (Cont) WIZZY TOTS W izzy Tots, W isborough Green’s baby and toddler group, meets at the Village Hall every Tuesday during term time from 9.30 to 11.00 am. Please join us for a coffee, catch up and a play in the Village Hall, all children and parents/carers welcome. It would be lovely to see you all. If you want to find out more about Wizzy Tots, please call Tory on 01403 700809 or Marion on 01403 700339.

DON’T FORGET……… If you haven’t yet experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 9am ‘til 11.30am in the Village Hall Vine Room (during church building works) and 6 EVERYONE is welcome!

Prayer Chain of Prayer Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. A copy of the chain is on the notice board at the back of church. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate its effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality.

Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:

7 January 14 January 21 January 28 January

Glebe Way & Harsfold Lane Petworth Road & Balchins Close Fittleworth Road Brick Kiln Common & Bedham

Dates for the Diary January 2018 Sunday 7th 6pm Refresh contemporary worship and prayer Saturday 13th 7pm Alpha Introductory Supper at The Vicarage Thursday 18th 12.15pm St Peter’s Luncheon Club in Village Hall (see p 28 for details) st Sunday 21 6pm Digging Deeper looking at Philippians Thursday 25th 3.15pm Messy Church in the Village Hall

February 2018 3rd 10am-3pm Vision Day ‘Living Stones’ at St Mary’s Room, Billingshurst. (See p 15) th Sunday 4 6pm Refresh contemporary worship Wednesday 14th 7.30pm Ash Wednesday Eucharist Thursday 22nd 3.15pm Messy Church in the Village Hall Sunday 25th 6pm Digging Deeper into Philippians Saturday

From the Registers (November) Weddings: We ask the Lord’s blessing on Jason Etheridge and Anniela Iqbal who were married at St. Peter’s on Saturday 4th November 2017. We ask the Lord’s blessing on Robert Ryan and Jolene Townsend who were married at St. Peter’s on Saturday 25th November 2017. Funeral:

We give thanks for the life of Andrew John Bristow whose funeral took place on Wednesday 1st November 2017 at St. Peter’s.

St Peter’s Thursday 25th January 3.15pm Wisborough Green Village Hall Games, Crafts, Activities, Celebration and Meal all in the Village Hall - Please come as a family For information phone 01403 700339

Future dates - Thursday 22nd February


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From the Editor Happy New Year and welcome to the January 2018 edition of Ad Vincula. I can’t believe another year has gone by! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the year ahead. Only two pictures of Ad Vincula on its travels around the world this month (see p17) let’s hope we’ll get some more after the Christmas break. In addition to the usual articles, this month I would just highlight a few items:    

Report on trip to Longleat Festival of Light (p15), 10 New Year Resolutions for the Village Minibus (p23) Church Building Works Update (p25) Interesting article by Dave Parker following his trip to Singapore with the Sussex Army Cadets under an international exchange programme (p30)

I hope you will find something of interest and do please keep all your articles, comments and photos coming to me at Roland Zilz This magazine can also be viewed on line at:




Petworth Area Churches Together (PACT) - working together in harmony

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 21-26 January 2018 with the theme of That All May Be Free looks to be an encouraging and inspiring time for those seeking to go deeper with God and with each other. A variety of clergy and congregation will be involved in leading the sessions following the outline that all churches will be using across Britain and Ireland. Come expectant to hear a word from God relevant for you and for your life. Note the bonus evening sessions too! For more information the leaflet for the week can be found at : Sunday 21st Jan 3pm at St Giles Coldwaltham Monday 22nd Jan 1pm at the URC Petworth

Unity Week launch service followed by tea & cake Followed by soup & rolls

Tuesday 23rd Jan 1pm at the URC Petworth

Followed by soup & rolls

Tuesday 23rd Jan 6.30pm at the URC Petworth

With coffee & cake

Wednesday Thursday



Jan 1pm at the URC Petworth

Jan 1pm at the URC Petworth

Followed by soup & rolls Followed by soup & rolls

Thursday 25th Jan 6.30pm at the URC Petworth

With coffee & cake

Friday 26th Jan 1pm at the URC Petworth

Followed by soup & rolls Kate & Karl Ayling

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Grounds & Garden Maintenance

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Wisborough Green Primary School News Proud, positive and inspired! This was how I felt when I attended the Roar 2017 Finals at Wakehurst Place. Lilly, Jack and Eden represented our school, in a competition run by 7 billion IDEAS and funded by the Billingshurst Lions. Our team was one of twenty finalists, chosen from schools across the whole of the South East of England. The children had to present their idea to a tough panel of judges, with a focus on changing the world! They worked together brilliantly and their presentation was first class. Winning the best stall, for outstanding presentation and design, was a fantastic finale to the day. Well done to the team and their teacher, Miss Jeal, for all their hard work. Thank you to the Lions for making this all possible and for their continued support and enthusiasm. Please visit our website to view more pictures from this great event. Learning how to look after your mind and body is a necessity for future happiness. We take pride in our approach to education, as we offer our students a chance to excel academically whilst preparing them mentally for a fast paced future. During sleep week, the children thought about how they could improve their own mental 11 wellbeing. They switched off the screens, monitored their diets, exercise and sleep and meditated daily. It certainly made a difference. We are now thinking about how to make some positive changes, to keep ourselves healthy, for life. After much building disruption, our new classroom is ready for action. The room has been designed to provide our children with a cutting-edge environment, a light and airy space, perfect for 21st century learning. The classroom is a versatile space, allowing children to work in a range of groupings. It is fully equipped with technology and resources, so learners really can reach for the stars. 2018 really is time for change. Everyone at Wisborough Green Primary School would like to wish Mrs Sheridan Jones a fantastic start to the new year, after 25 years service. She has been an amazing support to so many children and staff during her time at WGPS and we will really miss her. Thank you and best wishes for the future. If you would like to join our friendly team, as a dining hall assistant, then please contact the school office. The role requires you to support the children during lunch time. You will need to set up the hall and clear away at the end of the session. We would love to hear from you, if you think this could be the role for you. Please ask for Clare by calling 01403 700280 or email Happy New Year - may 2018 be full of joy and happiness. Visit our website for more info: or follow us on Twitter - @WGPS864

Warm regards, Amanda Harrison, Head Teacher 01403 700280

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WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL FOR HIRE For hire charges and more information contact: 12

Mrs Beth Ellis 01403 700083

Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986

Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:

Put Yourself in the Driving Seat! Bespoke tours, with your own car, in UK & Europe. Further afield in hire cars.

Wey & Arun Canal Trust News The first day of Santa special boat trips from Loxwood was on Sunday 10 December, starting in atrocious weather. Congratulations to the boat crews and shore side volunteers who carried on regardless to ensure that customers had an enjoyable time. On 9 December we welcomed a visiting Waterway Recovery Group (WRG) Forestry team, who removed several trees and large branches that were overhanging the canal between Loxwood Lock and Devil’s Hole Lock. The visitors were supported by WACT volunteers using the workboat May Upton. This work will greatly benefit next season’s boat trips. At the end of the year, Dave Verrall retires from his role on the Trust’s staff as Canal Centre Supervisor at our Canal Centre in Loxwood, West Sussex. We are very grateful to Dave for his hard work which has contributed hugely to making the Loxwood Canal Centre such a tremendous success. As always, the Trust is looking to recruit more volunteers, not only for working parties but in support of our essential planning, publicity and fundraising work. A list of some of the opportunities is at: As we begin a new year, we wish all members and supporters a Happy New Year and thank you for your support which is so essential to everything we do. Sally Schupke, Chairman, The Wey & Arun Canal Trust

CHRISTMAS COFFEE MORNING - Thank You! Many thanks to all who braved the wet and windy morning to attend the St Peter's Mission Christmas Coffee Morning - and to contribute so generously. We had a lot of fun and ate too many mince pies as well as other goodies!. The tremendous total of £1,000 was raised to help Sussex families in distress, refugees in Greece and Rachel and Eric in Uganda. Judy

Brick Kiln Common Parish Magazine Delivery Following last month’s plea for a volunteer to take over Anne Wood’s delivery round, we are pleased to welcome Janice Massey to our team of deliverers. Thank you, Janice. John Gough, Ad Vincula Distribution Coordinator


Christingle - Time For God Time for God in December was a celebration of Jesus coming to us as the light of the world. The orange representing the world has a red band showing that His blood was shed for the sins of every person. He comes to us still, as the light in the darkness. The sweets and fruit on the cocktail sticks represent the fruits of the earth and the four seasons. We also decorated gingerbread people and made angels, who in the Gospels bring us the Good News of ‘Jesus born to us’.


We look forward to seeing you in the New Year on 14th Januar y, with another celebration at Time For God.

Photos by Judy Moorey and Helen Vause

‘Living Stones’ Vision Day Saturday 3rd February at St. Mary’s Parish Room, Billingshurst 10am - 3pm Come and join us for a Vision Day as we seek to build on the work that has gone on at St. Peter’s for many years and look forward with faith to the future. The first letter of Peter, chapter 2 verse 4/5 states, “As you come to Him, the Living Stone - rejected by humans, but chosen by God and precious to Him - you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a Holy Priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Our mission is to ensure that both the Church building and the Living Church, that is the Body of Christ, are serving the local community in the most creative and fruitful ways possible with the resources at our disposal, both physical and human. Hot drinks will be provided, plus a simple bread and soup lunch, although you are welcome to supplement this if you wish with your own picnic. I hope many folk will come and join us as we look forward to what the Lord has in store for us in the future here at St. Peter’s. Clive

Festival of Light at Longleat On Tuesday 5th December, 20 or so adventurous spirits braved a cold December day into deepest Wiltshire to view the Festival of Light at Longleat. Fortified beforehand by a welcome lunch at the Three Crowns, we boarded our coach for the 2 hour trip. We arrived at dusk to be greeted with a magical sight as we approached the main house and car park. This year’s theme was fairy tales and all around the house were fantastic displays of all the favourite tales in glorious technicolor lights including Cinderella, Snow White, Goldilocks and many more. Wherever you turned there was yet another amazing creation. Three hours passed so quickly just wandering in awe at the spectacle. According to one of the guides, the displays were created by two Chinese artists who designed and erected them starting in around August. How brilliantly they did their work! Thanks Reg for a great day out. Keith Carter


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with Robyn Burbridge      

General Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Corticosteroid injections Diagnostic ultrasound Sports Injury assessment and treatment Running and dance assessment and rehabilitation Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation

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Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite

Ad Vincula - “How far can you go?” The flow of pictures for our little fun competition seems to have slowed somewhat only two received since last month - both from S E Asia.


Above Left: Sheena Middle in Ao Nang, Thailand

Above Right: Helen Rankin in Saigon, Vietnam

Last month, the distance winner was Sandra Donaghue in Adelaide (10,130m). This month there was a difference of only 176 miles between the two locations but the distance winner with 6,366 miles is Helen Rankin. Congratulations. Don’t worry if your travels don’t take you to distant shores, we still want to find the most unusual location for Ad Vincula so please keep those photos coming in! You can post on our Facebook Site: or you can email to Roland Zilz Fairtrade is a simple way to make a difference to the lives of the people who grow the things we love. This is achieved by changing the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairdeal for farmers and workers in developing countries. Have you seen the St Peter’s Fair Trading stall at the monthly Village Market? Following an increase in the rent we pay to the Market we are in danger of running at a loss. Would you consider sponsoring our £15 rent for one month each year – why not mark an anniversary, birthday or special event. If you would like to know more please call either Gillian Gough 700157 or Val Mourilyan 700089.

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What’s Jesus got to do with life after Christmas? Alpha Course To discover more about who Jesus is and why He came to us as a baby and lived among us as a man, we will be offering the Alpha Course here. This is a course that takes place over approximately ten weeks, meeting for two hours on an evening that will suit the participants, beginning with supper. If you are interested and would like to find out more about the real reason for Christmas and the person behind it, do come and join us for supper on Saturday 13th January, 7pm at The Vicarage, where you will be assured of a warm welcome. Please ring 700339 or email to book your place.


We have many cats, rabbits and guinea pigs at the centre that are looking for loving homes. If you think you can offer a home to one or more of these very special rescued animals, can you please get in touch with us. We rehome 7 days a week by appointment on 01243 641409. The Cat and Rabbit Rescue Centre, Sidlesham.

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Village Hall News I am sorry to say that, despite the earlier progress that we have made with our discussions with Chichester DC, the Senior Planning Officer has now raised a question about the means by which we intend to access the upper level above the main hall. This is a complex heritage issue requiring a balanced solution that enables us to render the space usable with the opportunity to restore and reinstate the remaining heritage features that exist there weighed against the need to access the space through the wall of the original workhouse building. Disappointingly, this will delay us moving on to the next stage. With Christmas nearly upon us, we shall resume negotiations with the Senior Planning Officer in early January. On behalf of the Trustees and the Hall Committee, I wish you all a very happy 2018 Keith Carter, Chairman, Village Hall Management Committee

The Gardener’s Calendar

by Ian Clemens

 Remove old Hellebore leaves to make the new blooms more visible as they emerge this spring.  Remove any faded flowers from your winter pansies to stop them setting seed and prolong flowering.  Cut back the old foliage from ornamental grasses before growth begins - clip them to within a few centimetres of the ground.  Plant bare root roses now in a sunny position for spectacular summer colour.  Harvest parsnips and leeks.  Start chitting (sprouting) early potatoes - stand them on end in a module tray or egg box and place in a bright cool frost-free place.  Remove yellowing leaves from your winter brassicas as they are no use to the plant and may harbour pests and diseases.  Prune blackcurrant bushes, gooseberries and redcurrants to maintain a productive framework.  Try forcing rhubarb plants by placing an upturned bucket or bin over the crown. This will force tender pink stems to grow that will be ready in about 8 weeks.  Plant Amaryllis bulbs in pots now for stunning indoor flowers in early spring.


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Richard, Caroline and the team would like to welcome you to The Bat & Ball Country Pub and Hayward’s Restaurant. Newpound Lane, Wisborough Green, RH14 0EH 01403 700199 Open 7 days a week Bar open for coffee and drinks 12-11 Mon - Sat Sunday 12-9 Lunch Monday - Saturday 12-3 Dinner Monday - Saturday 6-9. On Sundays we serve our delicious Sunday roast in addition to an array of seasonal dishes 12-8 22

extensions · alterations · brickwork stonework · paving · patios · garden walls all types of carpentry call Twig on

01403 700857 Mob: 07990 581411 Twiglets · The Luth · Wisborough Green

2018 - Ten Special New Year Resolutions for the Wisborough Green Minibus 1. as a charity, to continue to provide a community service for the village - run by volunteer drivers and escorts, supported by local donations. 2. to offer a low cost tailored door-to-door service for shopping trips and for special outings 3. in this New Year to offer even more than the 110 trips and 575 passenger journeys from the village than it ran in 2017 4. to offer an alternative service to the council-run buses (see page 34) 5. to continue to run additional special journeys in 2018. In the pipeline already - the Bombay Sapphire Gin Distillery, Windsor Castle, Osborne House on the Isle of Wight and Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Club Tour and Museum 6. to "hire out" the twelve seater minibus to other potential village users. Previously the minibus has run to the theatre in Guildford for The Lighted Fools Company productions, for Wyatt House residential outings and for the village scout troop to Cheddar 7. with a village population of well over 1,500 with nearly 700 households to double in size its 2017 membership 8. to tell everyone - young and old, able-bodied or less able - that they can use the minibus for an annual membership fee of only £5 with each individual fare realistically priced 9. to ask you, the villagers, to not only use the minibus but, if you have a spare morning or afternoon once or twice a month to volunteer as a driver or an escort 10. REMEMBER - THE WISBOROUGH GREEN MINIBUS NEEDS YOU AND IS FOR YOU!  Call organiser Pat Farmer NOW to become a member, driver or escort or to offer up ANY suggestions - 01403 700492  Call Brenda Karn-Smith to book your seat on the minibus - 01403 701076  Call Kate Vernalls for information about those very "special" outings - 01403 701004


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CHURCH BUILDING WORKS UPDATE Since we last reported, the works in the church have gone through a period during which a lot of work has been undertaken by the builders, but with little to see as a result. Just before Christmas, all this changed and all of a sudden the 2 toilets in the former vestry became available for use and the frames for the two new vestries were erected and beginning to show the scale and form that they will take. The down side has been the need to disconnect part of the heating system resulting in the need to wrap up well before coming into the church. This temporary discomfort will fast be forgotten once the works have been completed, which we still hope will be around Easter time. The church has remained open for use all through the works. Jamie Daniell Left: The new Vicar’s Vestry at the back of the north aisle waiting to be clad with oak on the panels and with glass screens and door in the openings. (awaiting removal of the redundant safe - any takers?)

Right: The new toilet and storage area by the main north entrance with steps up to the organ loft (awaiting the return of the refurbished organ)


Minibus Outing to The Mary Rose, Portsmouth Wednesday, 15th November 2017 The minibus was full, everyone at ease, the driver and escort, as ever, ready to please. The weather quite mild, in fact slightly warm, all very relaxed, to the manor born. The top speed was set at a steady fifty, there was no need yet to be very nifty. On our prompt arrival at the distant Port, no pomp or ceremony as one might have thought. The mayor wasn’t there, or his bewigged clerk, he was at another affair, and left us in the dark. It’s high time now for me to get a proper grip for the reason I tend to be so verbose is to pay homage to the ship: the honoured Mary Rose. But despite the fact she had that name she lay at the bottom – who was to blame? 26

It was in 1545 when the ship took her nosedive, all hands were lost - at great human cost. I, for one, must have been very naïve, from what I’d seen, I just couldn’t believe. Despite the size and considerable bulk it can only be surmised as a great big hulk. As the men in the hold struggled for their lives, it's been told that Henry juggled with his wives. The ship was top heavy and it turned turtle as it sank to the bottom it began to hurtle. There has never been talk of hygiene washing or bathing, things like that, what little has been said is very old hat. All the men in the hold, and this Is no joke, to be bold: they were classed as pigs in a poke. The presentation of the “Mary Rose” Is second to none exhibiting so many artefacts from an age long gone. A wonderful day and an enjoyable trip, history and tradition of a well-known ship. As it can’t be absorbed in one visit, the annual ticket, in this, is quite explicit. One can attend as often as one desires, for the following 12 months, it so transpires. Walter Arthur

Opinions sought on draft West Sussex Rights of Way Management Plan People’s opinions are being sought on the County Council’s draft Rights of Way Management Plan for 2018 to 2028. Anyone with an interest in accessing the countryside is encouraged to express their views. Deborah Urquhart, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “We want to hear people’s opinions, whether they are someone who simply enjoys rural walks, or are a landowner or another stakeholder. All responses will be considered and the document will be amended as appropriate before publication in 2018.” The County Council manages more than 4,000km, or 2,500 miles, of Public Rights of Way, such as footpaths, bridleways and byways. The draft plan sets out its approach to managing the network, as well as signposting how improvements can be achieved over the next 10 years. The Council’s vision for Public Rights of Way is: “to enable people to enjoy the countryside on foot, by bicycle and by horse, for health, recreation and to access services, while recognising the need to balance this with the interests of those who live and work in the countryside and the management of special landscapes”. You can take part in the consultation at: highways-and-transport/rowmp. The closing date is 31 January, 2018. Paper copies are available to view at all West Sussex libraries: and the main county council offices: If you need this information in an alternative format, please email: or telephone 01243 777620. The Council published its first Rights of Way Improvement Plan in 2007 and, as directed by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, is reviewing it for the next ten years through consultation with the public and wider stakeholders. The new draft plan has been called the West Sussex Rights of Way Management Plan to bring more weight and focus to the management of the existing Public Rights of Way network.


NOTICE ST PETER’S LUNCHEON CLUB St Peter’s Luncheon Club meets six times a year, on a Thursday, in the Wisborough Green Village Hall and is open to anyone who lives in the village or who worships at St Peter's. A twocourse lunch, accompanied by a glass of wine, costs £5.00, payable at the door. Members are reminded by telephone a week or so before the event. If you would like to become a member, please ring Hilary Edmonds on 01403 700623. This month we meet: Thursday 18th January at 12.15 for 12.45 in the Village Hall.

Special Cruises on the Wey & Arun Canal, Loxwood 28

Special cruises will be running on the canal on Mothering Sunday, 11th March 2018. A ‘Coffee & Danish Pastry Cruise’ will depart at 11.00am and Cream Tea Cruises will depart at 2.15pm and 4.30pm. Black tie service will enhance the relaxing treat for Mums (and all passengers)! The trips take 1½ hours. Tickets cost £14 for adults and £10 for children and must be booked in advance. Our themed Easter Cruises will be running on Good Friday, 30th March, Easter Day, 1st April and on Easter Monday, 2nd April. Plenty of Easter characters will be on the canal to entertain you – come along and join in the fun! The trips take 40 minutes and depart at 11.00am, 12.00 and 2.00pm. Children will receive a chocolate gift from the Easter Bunny while adults can enjoy the chance to unwind and enjoy the scenery. Tickets cost £10.00 per person and include refreshments. Booking in advance is advisable. Bookings for special events and weekend public trips can now be made online via the Trust website. For enquiries about private charters, volunteering opportunities and membership please call The Wey & Arun Canal Trust Office on 01403 752403 or email


Sunday 18th February 7.00pm Lighted Fools Theatre Company’s recent production at The Mill Studio, Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Guildford of Tim Whitnall’s, awardwinning one-man show, ‘Morecambe’ was a sellout success and very well received by its packed audiences with David Webb receiving spontaneous standing ovations after each performance. If you saw it and would like to see it again, want to recommend it to others or missed it but have heard all about it, then here’s your chance. For one night only it will be presented in the theatre at Fishers Adventure Farm Park. The play forms an incredibly emotional yet hilarious evocation of a perennial national treasure, Eric Morecambe. It takes its audience back to 1984 to join the much-loved comedian for the penultimate stop on his heavenward journey, reminiscing, before dancing off into immortality. Tickets have been on sale at Fishers since before Christmas and are selling fast

Tickets: £10.00 01403-700063 Online:


International Cadet E I, along with another adult instructor, was lucky enough to be chosen to lead a group of ten cadets from Sussex Army Cadet Force to take part in the International Cadet Exchange Programme in Singapore between the 16th and 25th of November 2017. This programme is organised by the Singapore National Cadet Corps to foster relations between cadet forces of different nationalities. This year the other cadets involved were ten from the USA, ten from Australia, four from Brunei and twenty from India. With one American, three Australian, two Brunei and three Indian instructors. This interesting mix gave us all a chance to work together and learn about each other’s countries. As this was a visit to the NCC we stayed on their campus which is part of a regular Singapore Army camp. At night the camp was alive with the sound of crickets and lizards and added to this I had squirrels living in the loft space above my room. It sounded at times as though they were playing football with a nut as it kept being rolled backwards and forwards across the ceiling. The camp was pleasant though with coconut palms with coconuts on them, mangos, breadfruit and many other trees and shrubs. Minah birds were a constant companion, always looking for scraps in the open dining hall. The Singapore National Cadet Corps, Instructors and cadets, provided an action packed ten days with cadets from all countries working in mixed groups at a variety of sport and team building activities. These included abseiling, archery and sport 30 challenges. I think the best activity was dragon boat racing and kayaking in Kalang harbour. While we were at the harbour we had a visit by a family of Asian Short Clawed otters, they came in quite close to us and at one point popped up between the boats. It is one thing to see otters in captivity but something else to see them in the wild. The kayaking in the afternoon was cut short by a huge tropical storm which was impressive with thunder, lightning and extremely heavy rain. The groups visited the Singapore Air Force museum which proved to be very interesting, giving an insight into the history and present state of the SAF. A visit to the Republic of Singapore Navy was one of the highlights of the trip with a lecture about the RSN today and its role in South East Asia. This included a talk on the history of the navy since 1967 when it took over two rather old wooden boats showing a vast contrast with what they have today. This was followed by a visit to the RSN museum and finally a chance to go on board one of their modern warships.

Exchange Programme Visits to Arab Street, China Town and Little India gave us an opportunity to do some shopping and immerse ourselves in the local culture. Haw Par Villa, set up by the man who made Tiger Balm, was an unusual visit, this was at one time a very popular attraction for the population of Singapore part of it set up to portray the Chinese moral values. There was a pond with a number of quite large terrapins. Singapore Zoo was also an interesting visit, who would expect to see a polar bear eighty mile north of the equator? One small part of the zoo is being used to show various crops that are important to that region of Asia. Some of the UK cadets and the Australian cadets had a visit to the Botanical Gardens on the last day after the other countries had left. I had a chance to look at the amazing National Orchid Garden, well worth a visit but sadly I did not have long enough to see it properly. The cadets from Sussex held a wreath laying ceremony at Kranji War Memorial to commemorate Lance Sergeant William Warman and a party of 600 gunners from the Royal Artillery who were captured at Singapore, and taken to Papua New Guinea to build an airstrip and subsequently shot when they were no longer needed. The Australians joined us at the memorial as they also lost a lot of soldiers in the fight for 31 Singapore which led to surrender to the Japanese in 1942. The participants of the trip formed up watching our small ceremony. William Warman lived at Mannings Heath at one time and I knew one of his brothers hence my reason for doing this. As part of the programme cadets from the USA and India visited their relevant embassies and the cadets from the UK visited the British High Commission. Here we had a talk from the defence advisor. To sum up I found this, my first visit outside Europe to be a fantastic experience. I think the highlight of the trip was not so much what we did but doing these things with an amazing group of people of mixed race and religions. To give the cadets a chance to do this type of trip is also a valuable lesson in life, working together in teams with these different cadets. It has certainly made me think about going back to Singapore to see what I didn’t see this time round and to meet up with some of the friends I have made there. Possibly with a trip to Brunei at the same time, I have had the free sample and it worked. If anyone is interested in the Army Cadet Force please look up Sussex Army Cadet Force, we are always looking for cadets and instructors. You too might get these opportunities. David Parker

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Recipe of the Month SPICE CINNAMON BISCUIT ALASKA PIE I actually made this as a dessert choice after the Christmas meal last year but it makes a pretty good celebratory dessert for any occasion I think!

Ingredients    

200g gingernut biscuits 75g pecans 75g unsalted butter, melted 900ml tub Carte D’Or Cinnamon Biscuit Ice Cream  4 medium egg whites  200g caster sugar  1 tsp cornflour

Method 1. In a food processor, whizz the biscuits and pecans into fine crumbs. Tip into a bowl and mix in the melted butter. 2. Firmly press the mixture evenly into base 33 and up the sides of a 3.5cm deep, 20.5cm (8”) round fluted tart tin. Freeze for 15 mins until solid. 3. Scoop the Carte D’Or Cinnamon Biscuit ice cream into the biscuit base (still in tin) and smooth until roughly level. Freeze until ice cream is solid. 4. Pre-heat oven to 220 C (200 C fan) mark 7. In a large grease-free bowl, whisk egg whites until they hold stiff peaks. Gradually add the sugar, whisking well between each addition – the meringue should be stiff and glossy. Whisk in the cornflour. 5. Working quickly, pile the meringue on to the ice cream layer, making sure it covers the ice cream completely. Swirl into peaks. 6. Bake in preheated oven for 3-4 minutes until golden. Remove from tin and serve immediately. (courtesy of Good Housekeeping magazine) Judie Donovan

Flag Raising Dates 09 January

Birthday of the Duchess of Cambridge

20 January

Birthday of the Countess of Wessex

Wisborough Green Division Divisional Organiser: Pat Farmer Old School Cottage, School Road, Wisborough Green, West Sussex. RH14 0DU Tel: 01403 700492 Email: To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus Association There is a form to complete (obtainable from Pat Farmer) and the annual membership fee is ÂŁ5 starting on 1st January. MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL For bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076) and for outings: KATE VERNALLS (701004)

Destinations for January 2018


Tues 2nd Fri 5th Tues 9th Fri 12th Tues 16th Fri 19th Tues 23rd Fri 26th Tues 30th

Horsham & Sainsbury Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh Horsham & Sainsbury Godalming & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Guildford Town Centre Horsham & Sainsbury

Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am

At the end of 2017 we had just 38 members on our books in Wisborough Green and it is therefore obvious that we need to make a concerted effort to increase this number in order for our minibus to continue to be viable. To this end you will find our 10 New Year’s Resolutions on page 23! As we do not wish to compete with the service bus which runs a regular schedule from Wisborough Green to Horsham on a Monday and Thursday, we have decided to trial a change for the next quarter - January through March, and run a regular trip every Tuesday to Horsham, and then to different destinations on Fridays, whilst continuing with the special outings, usually on Wednesdays, that are so popular. We should greatly appreciate any feedback about this change. I look forward very much to hearing from our present members who wish to renew their subscription for 2018 and from prospective new members who would like to join and enjoy the door-to-door service the minibus offers. Sponsored by

In the meantime I wish you all a healthy and peaceful 2018

Pat Farmer, Divisional Organiser (Continued on page 35)

Wisborough Green Division Divisional Organiser: Pat Farmer (Continued from page 34)

Early February 2018 Dates Fri 2nd Tues 6th Wed 7th Fri 9th

Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Bombay Sapphire Distillery Godalming & Sainsbury

9.30 am 9.30 am 10.00 am 9.30 am

Chichester Cathedral Upcoming Events Lunchtime Concerts at Chichester Cathedral – Spring 2018 Tuesdays from 16th January – 13th March: 1.10pm – 2.00pm Admission is free. Bring your sandwiches and come along and enjoy the concert. Coffee provided. All are very welcome. For more information please see:

Opera comes to Chichester Cathedral Saturday 27th January: 7.30pm Chichester Cathedral, in collaboration with the University of Chichester, and the Chichester Marks Holocaust Memorial Day committee, will be staging the opera ‘PUSH’ – a tale of survival, hope and forgiveness - on Holocaust Memorial Day. The University of Chichester Orchestra will perform, together with a choir composed of children from local schools. Tickets cost £10 for adults, £5 children, or £5 for side aisle and can be purchased from the Novium Museum Box Office. Please see website for details:

‘Book at Breakfast’ with Chichester Cathedral’s Chancellor Thursday 8th February: 9.00am – 10.00am Join the Cathedral Friends’ for a continental breakfast and a lively and stimulating discussion of the current Book - ‘The Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age’ by Marina Cantacuzino. In the Dresden Room, 4 Canon Lane. Tickets cost £7.00 (includes breakfast) available on 0333 666 3366 or see:


Wisborough Green History - JAMES Jim moved his business from London to West Sussex in 1969. When the workshops at Butts Works were recommended to him, he realised that they were ideal for his purpose and so he signed the lease . . . Jim initially leased the present two front workshops while the owner Jack Graveley continued with the original wooden sheds that had served as stables, tack room and office, some wooden garages and a modest brick built workshop that were just beyond. Jim initially employed just two mechanics, viz. Wally White who came with him from Clemsfold and Wally Dunkerton. The photo shows Jim (on the left) with Wally White inside Butts Works in the early days at Wisborough. Wally D had been employed by Jack but had been made homeless. Jim felt a commitment to him and so allowed him to live in a caravan at the rear of Butts Works for as long as he needed.


Jack Graveley died in 1973 and Butts Works and the adjoining land that stretched from Thornton House to Butts Meadow were inherited by his daughter Jean Brett and her husband Brigadier Brett from whom Jim continued to rent. Jack had included detail in his Will that Jim should be able to remain at Butts Works if at all possible. As a result of Jack's death he was now able to use all of Butts Works; in particular, the brick workshop that became a machine shop that was called the spinning shop (see illustration in the August issue). In the 1980s Jean Brett decided to give the ground and property to her children, but insisted that Jim’s lease was to continue. Jean and her husband had been most kind to Jim over the years and agreed that when the plot was sold for development, he should be invited to purchase part of the existing workshops and arrange for a new building to

S E PEARCE (SUSSEX) LTD (Cont) 6 be built to continue his business. The land was sold for housing in 1988 and was cleared in readiness for development. Unfortunately, this resulted in the demolition of the wooden sheds and the spinning shop that were at the back of Butts Works that Jim had been using as this part of the land was required for the housing. The two photos show the Thornton Meadow site cleared in readiness for development, but before any clearance of the Butts Works site had taken place. The upper view shows the drive up to the green with the spinning shop in the foreground and the green in the background. The second photo shows more of the plot with the spinning shop on the right and with the old Wyatt House in the background. Jim purchased the 37 remaining part of Butts Works in 1988 but as a result of losing the demolished buildings, Jim needed a replacement to continue running his business as suggested by Jean Brett. A new workshop and offices were built the following year just beyond the original two workshops, the construction being undertaken by the Thornton Meadow builders in parallel with their development of the new estate. This was most convenient; in particular, it assisted with the planning of drainage and services. During the time his business expanded to occupy the whole site and then the smaller site with the new workshop, Jim took on more staff such that by 1989 he employed five mechanics, a secretary and his son David, who joined in 1977. (Continued next month) Richard B

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

G R Kilford & Co. Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order 1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272

Restoring furniture for over 35 years.


Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment

Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice

Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH

Tel 01403 700848

Tel: 01428 707269

Email: Hetas Training Cert. no. 1385 38

LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115


Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News & Advice How To Shop Online Safely Check web address Always check you’re on the correct website. Criminals can set up fake websites that have a similar design and web address to the genuine site.

Is it a secure connection? Web pages you enter personal or financial details into should display a locked padlock sign and have a web address that starts with https. This means your connection to the website is secure.

Phishing Don't click on links or attachments within unsolicited emails. The number of online shopping related phishing emails increases significantly during the holiday period.

Bank transfers 65% of Action Fraud reports during the 2016 Christmas period were linked to online auction sites. Don’t pay for goods or services by bank transfer unless you know and trust the person. Payments via bank transfer offer you no protection if you become a victim of fraud.

Residents warned of property banding reduction services People in the Chichester District are being warned to be extra vigilant and be aware of calls from companies offering to challenge their council tax banding for a fee. Following a recent complaint, the council is reminding people that they can find out their council tax banding for FREE by contacting the Valuation Office. A number of companies contact residents directly and offer to challenge the banding on a resident's behalf. The companies' methods include:  Charging an up-front fee then not making the challenge at all.  Asking for a person's bank details so they can provide a refund but instead taking money from the account.  Offering a resident an agent, telling them they must have one by law in order to challenge the banding, when this is not the case at all. (Continued on page 41)


Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser


Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance

Mac’s Private Hire 24 hours a day - 7 days a week

01403 701 842 T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483

Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices. Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.


Tel: 01403 700 73 0

07917 850 746 Airports - Social & Business Lady Driver Available Wisborough Green Based

Holiday Homes For Hens Going on holiday? Bring your hens and ducks to us at Garden Poultry Care in Kirdford. We’ll take care of your birds in a safe, friendly, free range area.

Call Nik 01403 820796

Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News & Advice (Continued from page 39)

Chichester District Council is urging people not to give any bank details over the phone and to end any suspicious telephone call immediately. Any suspicious phone calls, text messages or emails should be reported as soon as possible to:  Chichester District Council's Council Tax team;

 Sussex Police on 101; and  West Sussex County Council Trading Standards on 03454 04 05 06. Residents are also reminded that any genuine direct phone number given by Chichester District Council will be in the format of 01243 534***. In some cases these companies may carry out cold calls at people's homes. Residents who do receive a cold call are urged to seek identification from the person at the door, ring a cold caller's office to confirm their identity and dial 999 if a cold caller refuses to leave. Councillor Philippa Hardwick, Cabinet Member for Finance at Chichester District Council, says: "We are urging residents to be extremely careful and not give out any details over the phone. If you are concerned about the banding of your property, you can do this for free by contacting your local Valuation Office. Anyone can do this and you do not need a third party despite what these companies may tell you over the 41 phone. No council will contact residents in this way and we certainly will not undertake cold calls at people's homes and ask for their bank details. I would urge everyone to be vigilant and also keep an eye on older relatives or neighbours. Anyone concerned about a call should report it immediately." For more information go to the Council Tax section at the Valuation Office Agency: People can also contact Chichester District Council's Council Tax team:

Farm Watch Do you ride a horse? Do you ride a bicycle? Do you enjoy walking? If so, please keep an eye out for any unusual or suspicious behaviour while out and about. If appropriate and safe to do so, take a photo and share it with police, or simply make a mental note. Still, the largest crime type is the theft of power tools, chainsaws, hedge cutters, leaf blowers and strimmers. These items are easy to move on so please make a note of the serial numbers, make and model of every piece of equipment that you own as without them you are unlikely to get them back. If you have information about any crime call 101, email: or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you see a crime taking place call 999. Regards, Priscilla Pinkham

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R G OIL BOILER SERVICES Servicing – Breakdowns – Commissioning Full Heating/Domestic Installations & Maintenance Bathroom Replacements Robin Gilfoyle

01403 700780 42


Emergency Call Outs

OFTEC Registered

07729 241787

Local Club and Society News Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club Wisborough Green travelled to Fittleworth for the annual ‘local derby’ on Wednesday evening 29th November, with Wisborough losing an entertaining match by 14 shots. On Mat 1 (Hilary, Gavin, David and Monica) losing 15-20 on Mat 2 (Joan, Marilyn, Lorraine and George) losing 7-19 and on Mat 3 (Evelyn, Dawn, Shirley and Pauline) winning 1411 giving a Match Result of 36-50. Fifteen members enjoyed a weekend bowling break at Warner’s Lakeside, at Hayling Island from the 1st to 4th December. A great weekend was rounded off with Wisborough providing five of the six finalists in the three main competitions. In the Pairs, Bernard and David remaining unbeaten on their journey to victory. In the Fours, Marilyn, Shirley, Jean and Carol winners with Dave H, Lorraine, Gavin and Chris runners up. In the Mixed Fours, Dave H, Shirley, Lorraine and Gavin winners with Monica, Jane, Carol and Des runners up. Needless to say celebrations went on well into the night.


Wisborough Green entertained Arundel in a friendly match on Tuesday 5th D e c em be r , wi t h Arundel running out winners by 17 shots. The teams each winning one mat, Mat 1 (Jane, Gavin, David and Bernard) winning a titanic battle 23-20 and Mat 2 (George, Evelyn, Shirley and Pauline) losing 7 - 27 giving a Match Result of 30-47. January Fixtures: Wednesday 3rd Reprobates 6:30pm (home), Tuesday 9th Ewhurst 2pm (home), Saturday 13th Forest 2pm (away), Tuesday 16th Midhurst 2pm (home), Monday 22nd Lavant 6:30pm (home). Monica Enticknap, Captain

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The Cricketers Arms The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369

A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates.


Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Local Club and Society News (Cont) Wisborough Green History Society Wisborough Green Village History Society is a small group of people who enjoy talking about and researching the history of the village. Several of our members are life-long residents of the village, others have lived here for many years and all have interesting memories and anecdotes to relate. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the village hall committee room at 10.30am - new members are always welcome. Sue Killingbeck, Secretary (Tel: 01403 700704)

Wisborough Green Spitfire Simulator Club Why not join the Spitfire Simulator Club? The prime purpose of our simulator project is to raise money for the RAF Benevolent Fund and to that end, simulator flights are normally charged for. However, with the Simulator Club, members make a small donation to the RAFBF (ÂŁ5 per year) and their name goes into a hat every month and the winner gets a flight for free. To join the group, contact Brian Smith on 01403 700346 or

Local Club and Society News (Cont) Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club Congratulations to Di Burroughs, the winner of the Grand W.G. Table Tennis Competition - runner up was Tony Cook (last year’s winner). Twenty-nine of us had a splendid Christmas Dinner at the Cricketers on Wednesday 6 December where the winner of our summer knockout demonstrated her newly acquired skills of juggling (bravo Rhela!). The first afternoon of the New Year Table Tennis starts on Wednesday 3 rd January 4pm in the Village Hall. It may help to trim your body again after the Christmas excesses! If you haven’t been before do give it a try – we are of very mixed ability and is great fun! The Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club meets in The Village Hall every Wednesday from 4 to 6pm. Do come along and give it a try – we are a very friendly bunch. Contact Philip Midwinter on 01403 700402 for more details.

Make Space Craft Group

crochet drawing Normally held on the First Friday of each Month from 9.30-11.30am

During the Xpresso Coffee Morning in the Village Hall Vine Room (during church building works)


All are welcome. Bring your craft with you, or just come for a chat. sewin g

For further information contact Lorna on 01403 700155


Wisborough Green Horticultural Society Please Note - No Talk in January Next Talk: Monday 5th February 8pm - “Clematis” Regrettably the speaker failed to turn up last month – obviously an unfortunate glitch happened - our sincere apologies. However suitably “fired up” with Christmas mulled wine and mince pies we decided to have an impromptu ‘Gardeners Forum’. Various topics were raised and discussed including deer problems, peat compost, garden chemicals, leeks and raspberry growing to name but a few. Should have shared a Victorian answer to a mealy bug problem (they are so difficult to get rid of) – use a diluted spray of methylated spirits! Worth a try. As usual there is no talk in January but the next talk is about Clematis on Monday 5 th February. Meanwhile a Happy New Year to everyone – let’s hope we get some really cold weather to kill of some those pests (see Weather Report on page 48). WGHS

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

YOUR BUSINESS Advertise here for as little as £60 a year! tel: 01403 700320 for info LOXWOOD LANDSCAPES Paul Gregson Hard & soft landscaping Garden design Free estimates & all work considered 01403 753 204

07949 312 402 46

Wisborough Green FARMERS MARKETplus News Please Note - NO Market in January

Next Market: Thursday 8th February 2018 Wisborough Green Village Hall 8.45am – 12.30pm

Christmas market What a market! There was a full house of stalls offering many Christmas gifts and ideas, with a large selection of festive foods and treats, including the return of old friends ‘The Sicilian Kitchen’. Father Christmas (a.k.a. Philip Midwinter) was there once more with his helpers, Sue Jameson and Carol Holt assisting with the super raffle; Pupils from WG Primary School came along to sing Christmas songs and carols; and there were musical interludes with Gill Parish on the piano, all creating a wonderfully seasonal atmosphere. The main raffle prize winners were:  Meal for 2 at The Three Crown Inn .............Jane Stott of Wisborough Green (donated by The Three Crowns)  2 tickets for The Spitfire Experience ..........Mr & Mrs Spackman of WG (donated by The Spitfire Experience)  Large Chocolate Christmas Tree ................Linda Brimfield of Balls Cross (made by Pure Chocolate Truffles)  Luxury Caribbean Christmas Cake ............Mr & Mrs Bristow of Storrington (from stallholder Cruickshank Catering)  A bottle of Moet Champagne ......................Aija Hamilton of Wisborough Green And many more smaller prizes.

January market. As usual, there will be no market in January. This gives both the stallholders and volunteers a well-earned break and allows the committee time to review the past year and plan for the next. In the meantime we would like to thank all our shoppers, stallholders, sponsors and volunteers for their tremendous support in 2017 and wish everyone a happy and successful 2018. Follow us on social media for updates, photographs and market chat: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @WGvillagemarket

Market Sponsor

Market Sponsor


Arts Society Meetings The Arts Society - West Sussex There is no meeting in January On Tuesday 6th February, Imogen Corrigan will talk on

Antonello da Messina - the Great Sicilian Renaissance Artist The use of light combined with perspective and detailed symbolism make Antonello da Messina's paintings unforgettable. Meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2pm. Doors open at 1.40. Tea and coffee will be served after the lecture. Contact Jackie Buckler on 01903 411086, Visitors very welcome - £5

The Arts Society - South Downs There is no lecture in January 48

On Wednesday 7 February, Gail Turner will speak on

The Golden Age of Spanish Painting (1560-1660) All meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 10.30am. Coffee from 9.50am. Visitors warmly welcomed (only £5). Please call 01403 785302

Weather Watch The driest November for at least 10 years – only 43mm (last year 119mm - ten year average is 125mm). Quite a sunny month for November with the warmest day 16.2°C at two extremes of the country – London and Aboyne in Aberdeenshire. Searching the internet for a winter weather prediction I found this: “Because squirrels and jays harvested the hazel nuts before St Filbert’s day (Aug 18th) it will be a cold and hard winter”. Whoever heard of St Filbert?! However, just in case, I’ve oiled the runners of the toboggan..... Weathervane

WI Report Happy New Year to all members, potential members and past members. We celebrated our December meeting with a fantastic spread of food prepared by our members and Chris, our guest entertainer a very talented magician, entertained, mesmerised and bamboozled us with a wide variety of tricks and illusions. We are still asking ourselves: “how did he do that !?!?” Our first meeting in 2018 is on 4th January. As previously done several years ago we will have “A Good Read”. Members can bring along details of a particularly good book they have read during the year, either as hard copy or on kindle, or audio, give a little detail and explanation as to why the book was so enjoyed. It is not necessary for everyone to bring a book but it will be a good opportunity to find some excellent holiday reading. Looking forward to seeing you all again in 2018. Mary Benson (President) 01403 700284

Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the December draw is Matt Carter who wins £75 The winner of the second prize of £20 is Avis Moore The January Draw will be at The Three Crowns at 6.30pm on Wednesday 10 January 2018 and any member or prospective member who would like to attend will be very welcome. The 50 Club is always looking for new members so please give me a call. Ruth Andrews, 01403 700671

Wisborough Green Village Hall 50 Club Grand Christmas Bonus Draw Cash Prize £500 (This is in addition to the normal monthly draw) The winner for 2017 is

Sarah Jackson


Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser


CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL FRIENDS What have Chichester Cathedral worshippers, tourists, bell ringers, schoolchildren and choristers got in common? They all benefit in one or more ways from generous financial support from Chichester Cathedral Friends! In the past 3 years alone, The Friends have donated over £375,000 to fund 26 different projects, each of which contributes to the Cathedrals’ strategic activities of Worship, Hospitality and Education. Worshippers use the 1000 chairs that were installed in 2 01 7 a nd t he kneelers in the Lady Chapel and St Richard’s Shrine. In Advent, the beautiful Advent Candle stand enhances worship w h i l s t o u r contribution to the restoration and reordering of the Sailor’s Chapel has revived the north-west corner of the Cathedral. Tourists are amazed at the Cathedral’s many artefacts and enjoy being able to closely inspect our Roman remains thanks to the walk-on glass that Friends funded. And work is in progress, thanks to a substantial grant from the Friends, to develop a new web site. Bell ringers climb a tight spiral staircase of 80 steps to reach the ringing chamber in the medieval bell tower. Friends recently funded a secure stainless-steel handrail to improve the safety of access to this important site. The Cathedral is a popular destination for school children from around the diocese. Friends have helped make the Learning and Engagement centre an attractive and well-equipped place for schoolchildren and their teachers to meet and work. And hot off the press, The Friends has just entered into an agreement to fund a Scholarship for a Cathedral Chorister for 5 years! Look out for the chorister proudly wearing the Friends medal! Chichester Cathedral Friends is a registered charity. Membership costs £15 per year and £25 for a couple. More information can be obtained from The Secretary, Chichester Cathedral Friends, The Royal Chantry, Cathedral Cloisters, Chichester, PO19 1PX or by email to website:


Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 6 January

Mrs Mosley & Mrs Scrase

13 January

Mr & Mrs Edmonds

20 January

Mr & Mrs Grengs

27 January

Mr Pinkham & Mrs Brett

If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Jill Brett know – 700350.

Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays)


5 January

Katie Christopherson

12 January

Katie Christopherson

19 January

Maggie Edwards

26 January

Maggie Edwards

CLEANERS & FLOWER ARRANGERS PLEASE NOTE: During the building works in church please take extra care.

Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music

Rev. Clive Jenkins 700339 email: Mr Jamie Daniell 752846 Mrs Helen Vause 701845 Mrs Sue Nicholls 700827 Mr Tony Cook 785435 Mrs Sue Nicholls 700827 Mr David Warwick 700262 Mr Malcolm Brinson 01730 816101

Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers Mr Robin Miles Cleaners Mrs Jill Brett Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards Readers Mrs Val Mourilyan Chalice, Sacristans, Intercessors Mrs Henrietta Warwick Healing Mrs Gillian Gough

823361 700350 700944 700089 700262 700157

Website: For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact the Vicar ASAP or, if unavailable, one of the churchwardens.

Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :


Mr Roland Zilz Mrs Marion Jenkins Mrs Fran Wallace Mr John Gough

Advertising Distribution

700632 700339 700320 700157

Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman

Mr Brian Smith 700346 Nina Lambkin 701027 Mr Steve Calder-Smith 700821 Mrs Aija Hamilton 700588 Mr Craig Vit 700369 Mrs Pam Warburton 701903 Philip Midwinter 700402 Mr Jim Gavin 700220 Mrs Pat Farmer 700492 Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith 701076 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Mr Peter Drummond 01798 865546 Parish Council Clerk Mrs Louise Davies 701102 Police (non-emergency) 101 Primary School Business Manager Mrs Clare Lonsdale 700280 Primary School PTA Secretary Ms Clair Beresford 701908 Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) David Ribbens 01483 200688 Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Carol Pearson 700536 Beavers (6-8 yrs) David Ribbens 01483 200688 Sports Clubs Association (Pavilion) Mr Ian Elliott 700474 St Peter’s Luncheon Club Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Short Mat Bowls Club Mr Keith Carter 700502 Spitfire Simulator Group Mr Brian Smith 700346 Stoolball Club Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Table Tennis Club Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 Village Hall Bookings Mrs Beth Ellis 700083 Village Hall Committee Chairman Mr Keith Carter 700502 Village Car Service Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Village Care Team & Library Service Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Wisborough Green Arts Mrs Sheila Armistead 700319 Wisborough Green Conservative Association Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Wisborough Green Fete Society Ms Andrea Leighton 700435 Wisborough Green Mountain Rescue Mr Brian Smith 700346 Run by local volunteers. Stuck in a ditch or up a tree? Call us Wisborough Green Trust Mr Richard Bairstow 700140 Wisborough Green Website Wisborough Green Website Editor Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Women’s Institute Mrs Mary Benson 700284



What’s Happening in January PC Planning Committee (if required)

Comm Rm, WG Village Hall

8.00 pm

Thur 04

WI Meeting (p 49)

WG Village Hall

8.00 pm

Fri 05

Make Space Craft Group (p 45) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 6)

WG Village Hall WG Village Hall

9.30 - 11.30 am 9.00 - 11.30 am

Tue 09

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 6) History Society Meeting (p 44)

WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 10.30 am

Wed 10

Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 49)

The Three Crowns

Thur 11

Mobile Library

The Pavilion WG

2.55 - 3.15 pm

Fri 12

Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 6)

WG Village Hall

9.00 - 11.30 am

Sat 13

Alpha Course Introductory Supper (p 19)

WG Vicarage

Tue 16

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 6) Parish Council Meeting

WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 7.45 pm

Thur 18

St Peter’s Luncheon Club (p 28)

WG Village Hall

from 12.15 pm

Fri 19

Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 6)

WG Village Hall

9.00 - 11.30 am

Sun 21 to Fri 26



Tue 02

6.30 pm

7.00 pm

PACT Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (see p 9 for locations and times)

Tue 23

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 6)

WG Village Hall

9.30 - 11.00 am

Thur 25

Mobile Library Messy Church (p 7)

The Pavilion WG WG Village Hall

2.55 - 3.15 pm from 3.15 pm

Fri 26

Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 6)

WG Village Hall

9.00 - 11.30 am

Tue 30

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 6)

WG Village Hall

9.30 - 11.00 am

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** DEADLINE 14th January PLEASE ** ADVERTISING: Please telephone: Fran Wallace on 01403 700320 or email:

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