September 2018
27th Annual Wisborough Green Charity Balloon Festival (p 26)
Wisborough Green Parish Magazine
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AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News
Highlights September 2018
Ad Vincula Team
St Peter ad Vincula Calendar ..................................... 4 Pastoral Letter ............................................................ 5 Dates for Diary / Prayer .............................................. 6 Prayer / From the Registers ....................................... 7 From the Editor / PACT News .................................... 9 Letters to the Editor .................................................. 11 Nature Notes ............................................................ 13 Church Sponsored Activities ............................ 14 - 15 WG Sports News / Village Hall News ....................... 19 Christmas Tree Festival ........................................... 21 Family Support Work / Weald School News ............ 23 KKWG Update .......................................................... 25 WG Balloon Festival / There But Not There ............. 26 76th Dieppe Service ................................................. 27 Notice Board ..................................................... 28 - 29 Time for God / WG Annual Fair ................................ 30 Hort Soc Visit to Parham / Altar Frontal Update ...... 31 Recipe of the Month ................................................. 33 WG Minibus Page .................................................... 35 Wisborough Green History ............................... 36 - 37 Minibus Theatre Trip / Shoebox Appeal ................... 39 Village Organisations - News & Notices ........... 41 - 49 Gardener’s Calendar ................................................ 45 Neighbourhood Watch.............................................. 51 Church Cleaning / Flower Rosters / Directory .......... 52 Village Organisations Directory ................................ 53 What’s Happening .................................................... 54
Roland Zilz
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council. Please note, it is not always possible to check the credentials and claims of all those advertising, so please ensure that you get references and check any claims before entering into business with them.
Editor Marion Jenkins Asst. Editor Fran Wallace Advertising John Gough Distribution Rev. Clive Jenkins Vicar Jamie Daniell Churchwarden Richard Parish Churchwarden
If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor. Copy Deadline for October 2018 issue:
14 September 2018 Printed by: Bishops Printers Ltd Walton Road, Farlington, Portsmouth PO6 1TR Tel: 023 9233 4900
Cover Picture - Harlequin Balloon over Wisborough Green (Lise Marie Easton)
St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for September Sunday 2 September 14th Sunday after Trinity Tuesday
4 September
5 September
6 September
Sunday 9 September 15th Sunday after Trinity Tuesday
11 September
12 September
13 September
Sunday 16 September 16th Sunday after Trinity
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Sung Communion 4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion 7.30pm Confirmation Prep at the Vicarage 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Time for God (The Joy of Learning) 4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion 7.30pm Confirmation Prep at the Vicarage 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Sung Communion
18 September
19 September
10.00am Holy Communion 6.45pm Service of Installation and Dedication of figures in Church for “There But Not There”
20 September
12.30pm St Peter’s Lunch Club in Village Hall 7.30pm Confirmation Prep at the Vicarage
Sunday 23 September 17th Sunday after Trinity
25 September
26 September
29 September
4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Family Communion Service to include “There But Not There” Commemoration of the Armistice 1918 3.00pm Deanery Confirmation Service at St Peter’s 4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion 7.00pm HARVEST SUPPER in the Village Hall 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Sung Communion 7.30pm HARVEST AUCTION of Produce & Gifts at the Cricketers Arms in aid of the Elliott Charitable Fund
For More Details of Services and Events see CHURCH WEBSITE Follow us on Facebook:
Pastoral Letter But I tell you, says Jesus, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” Matthew 5:44-45 As a child I was fascinated by weather forecasts on the television. In those days, the maps of the British Isles revealed weather patterns, temperatures and wind speeds that seemed to be based on magnetic strip technology! Occasionally the transfers and numbers would fall off to the embarrassment of the presenter and much laughter in homes across the land. One of my favourites was often introduced with the words ‘for farmers and growers’, giving much more detail for those whose livelihood depended on the weather forecast. Weather forecasting today has been transformed with the use of satellites and computers to predict particular meteorological models and their impact on regions right around the world. Technology has advanced so much that you may even have a weather app on your smart phone, giving details of the weather conditions for Wisborough Green during every hour. For those whose livelihood depends upon agriculture, it has been a challenging farming year so far. While technology is taking the lead in so many areas of food production and animal husbandry, we still cannot control our weather. During the hot, dry spell we all just had to ‘carry on’, maybe some of us in a lower gear! Jesus addressed the issues of God’s goodness in the verse above. Many of his contemporaries saw the weather as either a blessing or a curse, sent by God in his judgement of the good or the bad. Jesus is instead saying, God is generous and loving to all he created, even those who choose to ignore him and live selfish lives. They will still have the blessings of his creation to sustain their existence. Let us pray now for our farmers and growers to overcome these present problems and that their businesses and livelihoods can be sustained into the future. Our Harvest Thanksgiving Service will take place on Sunday 30th September at 10.30am. Do please come and join us as we celebrate God’s provision for our needs. That evening at 7.30 pm there will be the auction of harvest produce and gifts at the Cricketers, in aid of the Elliott Fund, our local church-based charity to support those in need in the Village. Clive and Marion
Dates for the Diary September Friday
Sunday 9th Education Sunday
Wednesday 19th Sunday
Thursday Saturday Sunday
27th 29th 30th
October Sunday
November Sunday
8.45am Xpresso in Church re-launch with at 10.15am (later time) Make Space in Church with Xpresso. 10.30am Time For God All Age Service. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Amanda Harris, Head Teacher of Wisborough Green Primary School to our service today. We shall be exploring the importance of ‘Learning’ – something we can all share in. The Service will include worship, music and singing with the opportunity for learning activities that will be fun for all ages. So book the date now! 6.45pm ‘There But Not There’ Inaugural Service. See separate article on p 26 10.30am ‘There But Not There’ themed Service with Communion. 3pm Deanery Confirmation Service at St. Peter’s with the Bishop of Horsham. 3.15pm Messy Church in the Village Hall. 7pm Harvest Thanksgiving Supper in the Village Hall 10.30am Harvest Thanksgiving Service 7.30pm Harvest Auction of Produce and Gifts at the Cricketers Arms Public House in aid of the Elliott Charitable Fund. 10.30am Service for Dedication of the new works in Church by the Bishop of Horsham, followed by a light lunch. 3.15pm Messy Church in the Village Hall. 10am Remembrance Service in Church. 11am at the War Memorial followed by Coffee on the Green.
Prayer Prayer Group and Quiet Mornings If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome on a Tuesday at 4.30pm, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. Contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details of venue. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the home of Wendy Duff at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details.
Prayer (Cont.) Chain of Prayer Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. A copy of the chain is on the notice board at the back of church. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate its effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality.
Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:
2 September 9 September 16 September 23 September 30 September
Newpound Lane Newpound & Roundstreet Common School Road Thornton Meadow Billingshurst Road & Wisborough Gardens 7
From the Registers (July) Baptism:
We welcome into the Lord’s family Montague and Rupert Gough who were baptised at St Peter’s on Sunday 8th July 2018.
Weddings: We ask the Lord’s blessing on Michael Rennett and Hannah Ashton who were married at St Peter’s on Saturday 28th July 2018. We ask the Lord’s blessing on Hywel Griffiths and Emily Staples who were married at St Peter’s on Saturday 28th July 2018. Funerals:
We give thanks for the life of Mary Farely whose thanksgiving service took place at St Peter’s on Tuesday 3rd July 2018. We give thanks for the life of Patrick Murphy whose thanksgiving took place at St Peter’s on Tuesday 10th July 2018. We give thanks for the life of Vi Wakeford whose funeral service took place at St Peter’s on Thursday 12th July 2018. We give thanks for the life of Alan Carne whose thanksgiving service took place at St Peter’s on Friday 13th July 2018. We give thanks for the life of Twig Twelvetrees whose thanksgiving service took place at St Peter’s on Tuesday 17th July 2018.
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From the Editor Welcome to yet another packed edition of Ad Vincula. September is a busy month in Wisborough Green starting with the Annual Charity Hot-Air Balloon Festival on the 2nd (p26). Later in the month we have a special service in the church on Wednesday 19th at 6.45pm to launch the twomonth long “There But Not There” commemoration of the ending of the First World War (p6 & 26). To round off the month, we have the Harvest Festival 29th & 30th (p5 & 6). Other highlights: A reflective letter about the last Dieppe Service in its present form to be held at St Peter’s (p11) and a report with pictures of that final service (p27) A little history about the Annual September Fair (p30) Report on the Hort Soc trip to Parham and an update on the Altar Frontal (p31) I hope you will find something of interest and do please keep all your articles, comments and photos coming to me at Roland Zilz This magazine can also be viewed on line at:
Petworth Area Churches Together (PACT) - working together in harmony
Reflecting on July – it was a great month for PACT with two big events in the yearly calendar. We had the Fete in the Park on Saturday 14th July swiftly followed by the Festival Service in St Mary's on Thursday 19th July – both were really well attended and provided great opportunities for people to hear about the love of Jesus in a unique setting. At the Fete, alongside the incredible cream teas with home-baked scones (huge thank you to everyone who made these!), we also had a prayer corner and some prompters on the tables which encouraged people to think about prayer and friendship – people were invited to write prayers to post into a box, tie ribbons as a gesture of their prayer, make friendship bracelets and send prayer bubbles to heaven. Ephesians 6:18 (MSG) says : “Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no-one falls behind or drops out.” The Petworth Festival Service was a great event celebrating the start of the annual Petworth Festival. Lord Egremont gave an engaging and enlightening talk about the early days of the Festival from 1978 when he was newly married and the adventures in establishing what is now the much acclaimed Petworth Festival. There were children from Petworth Primary School, the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, and the Festival Choir as well as the pianist, XinRu Chen who played. The hymns were proposed by past Creative Directors of the Festival – it was a wonderful event!
Autumn Lecture – Friday 19th October at 7.30pm, St. Mary's Church, Petworth with Mission Aviation Fellowship. PACT is proud to present another great speaker for the autumn lecture – Keith Varney from Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). MAF uses planes to transform the lives of the world’s most isolated people in need. Serving in more than 25 countries their planes bring hope, help and healing to thousands of isolated communities. They deliver practical help, share God’s word and help to heal the sick. They use over 130 light aircraft to deliver passengers and cargo in partnership with thousands of organisations. This promises to be another fascinating evening broadening our horizons to what God is doing all over the world and how we can partner with them.
Kate & Karl Ayling
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QUALITY LOCAL INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATOR · 25 years’ experience · Fully Insured · References available · No VAT
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Letters to the Editor Dear Sir,
DIEPPE RAID ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 2018 I am writing as a former resident of Wisborough Green who still feels strong links to the village and who reads with great interest your excellent magazine, which I get via a friend! I am writing with particular reference to the recent Dieppe Memorial Service at which the Branch Standard of the Canadian Veterans Association of the United Kingdom was laid up in the church. This was a sad occasion as it demonstrated how the numbers of the Veterans Association have decreased with the passing of time. What made the occasion even sadder was that the date clashed with the timing of the Royal British Legion parade, GP90, to which many of the standard bearers of local branches who would normally attend this service were on the way, all very proud to be representing Sussex in a national event, but nonetheless sorry that they couldn’t support the laying up ceremony. In fact there were 33 standards from our county taking part in GP90, of which probably 8 ~ 10 would have supported Trevor, the Veterans’ standard bearer, on that Sunday. It was however nice to see the Hurstpierpoint standard at the service, as this bearer was unable to go to Belgium. I will say that, despite the lack of standards at the service, it was, as always, a thoughtful service which remembered and gave thanks to those who had taken part in the raid, many of whom made the final sacrifice. Also as always, all those attending were given a warm and friendly welcome to the church. As I said, I am a former resident and during my childhood attended St Peter ad Vincula and was actually baptised there in 1942 and at the time the raid took place was a five month old babe in arms! I was pleased to hear that there is a good possibility that a service will still take place in Wisborough Green at around the time of the Dieppe raid anniversary, albeit without the formality of standards, wreath laying etc. God willing, I will still be able to attend such a service along with my husband and family if one takes place. I will close with a sincere thank you to Clive for taking the service and making us all so welcome and to all those members of the church for their equally warm welcome. Pat Homer (Mrs)
Dear Sir,
IN RESPONSE TO RECENT DISCUSSION ABOUT A TREE REMOVED FROM BEHIND STONE WALL COTTAGE I have lived behind Stone Wall Cottage for 53 years and I can assure everyone that the tree in question was NOT an oak tree. Pam Herridge
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WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL FOR HIRE For hire charges and more information contact: 12
Mrs Beth Ellis 01403 700083
Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986
Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:
Put Yourself in the Driving Seat! Bespoke tours, with your own car, in UK & Europe. Further afield in hire cars.
Nature Notes Mostly good news this month, which is grand! Some of you may already know the swifts are back around the church and I’ve just heard that there are lots of bats too. Sixty or seventy reported flying about a few nights ago. Wow! That sounds like an outing for the Swifts by the Church Parishes Wildlife Group. If so photos by – I’ll be there! They are such Barry Clough intriguing creatures, with amazing sonar skills. We could have done with those in London the other day. Tourists are out in force now! As are quite a few foxes. They’re a fairly common sight around dusk, one or two slipping over the road to the park, or round a block of flats to check the bins maybe? Birds are holding on pretty well in towns too, but nothing like the numbers we have here! I am filling our four seed feeders at least twice a day just now, the nuts every other day, and any ground food disappears likewise. Have realised why – the earth is still too dry and hard, the worms are deep down, slugs and snails are a rare sight now, likewise many beetles, so the growing youngsters have had to come back to the feeders. We have a great crowd of starlings, every morning, squabbling over the suet balls – what a racket – I love ‘em. And the lack of slugs has brought us at least two hedgehogs now. I can hear them rattling their dishes as they tuck into cat food at night. I hang out of the window to listen! It makes up somewhat for two casualties, one hit on the road, and one died after four days care at Brent Lodge Rescue. We’d found him struggling across the lane one afternoon, with plastic netting caught tightly round his neck. The wound was infected and very sadly he was too weak to survive, but at least he was warm and fed for a while. As I drove past the Bat and Ball last week, a young red kite flapped up off their field, circled (not very stylishly) and flew off eastwards. What had it been doing down there? Scavenging after their latest event? What a thrill to see it so close. Buzzard youngsters are doing ok, barn owls are being called out at night now by their parent, and a hobby surprised a friend in Bedham, diving straight towards him, a last-minute swerve, then it was gone. It’s a fabulous small raptor, sleek and speedy, with a little black helmet and spotted chest, favourite food is dragonflies and other flying insects. And there are a good number of those around, perhaps doing better than those on the ground. A brown hairstreak was seen in a nearby garden. Its caterpillar feeds on sloes and other prunus shrubs, which are coping in this drought, but fingers crossed for those that feed on nettles and other softer plants. Here’s to a nice damp autumn to restore the balance a bit. Sue J P.S. Forgot to report a weasel last time. Its head was peeping out from a storm drain just down the lane – think it’d been looking for a drink – hope it found one!
Church Sponsored Activities Wizzy Tots Wizzy Tots, Wisborough Green’s baby and toddler group, meets at the Village Hall every Tuesday during term time from 9.30 to 11.00 am. Please join us for a coffee, catch up and a play in the Village Hall, all children and parents/carers welcome. It would be lovely to see you all. If you want to find out more about Wizzy Tots, please call Tory on 01403 700809 or Marion on 01403 700339. If you haven’t yet experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 8.45am ‘til 11.30am in St Peter’s Church and EVERYONE is welcome!
Village Care Scheme The St. Peter’s Village Care Team meets regularly and its aims are to give help and support to the residents of Wisborough Green in as many ways as possible. This 14 includes visiting people who are housebound, in hospitals or in nursing homes, and comforting those who are suffering from illness, bereavement, loneliness etc. We also provide (through the West Sussex County Council) a free library service for those who are unable to leave their homes. See next page. Each team member is responsible for looking after an area of the village, for welcoming new arrivals, and for giving friendly advice. We produce “Welcome to Wisborough Green Cards” containing useful information which are always delivered personally. When appropriate, we send out cards on the first anniversaries of Baptism and Confirmation, and for bereavements. We are always open to suggestions and new ideas to help the community. Please feel free to contact Suzanne Mosley on 01403 700946 for any enquiries.
Village Car Service The Village Car Service, a part of the St Peter’s Village Care Scheme (see above), has now been in operation for over twenty years. It provides transport to Doctor’s and Dentist’s surgeries and local hospitals on request. There is no charge for this service but donations are invited from passengers as these are ploughed back into the Team’s budget to pay petrol expenses to the volunteer drivers. The service is co-ordinated by Jennie Burr (tel:01403 700607). We have a dedicated team of drivers and are extremely grateful to them all, but always need new recruits to cover busy periods. If anyone is interested in driving for the village please contact Suzanne Mosley on 01403 700946.
Church Sponsored Activities (Cont.) Village Library Service for Housebound Readers This service is available for readers who are unable to leave their homes. There are large print and talking books available if required. If you would like a selection of books delivered to your home on a temporary or regular basis, please contact: Angela Craddock on 700336.
St Peter’s Luncheon Club St Peter’s Luncheon Club meets six times a year, on a Thursday, in the Wisborough Green Village Hall and is open to anyone who lives in the village or who worships at St Peter's. A two -course lunch, accompanied by a glass of wine, costs £5.00, payable at the door. Members are reminded by telephone a week or so before the event. If you would like to become a member, please ring Hilary Edmonds on 01403 700623. Next lunch: Thursday 20
September at 12.15 for 12.45 in the Village Hall 15
‘St Peter’s Chain Gang’ The Churchyard at St Peter’s is an historic record of successive generations, a home for funerary monuments of architectural and aesthetic excellence, a setting for the church itself and a place for reflection and prayer. As such, its maintenance is of the highest importance. To complement the regular mowing the churchyard receives throughout the year, St Peter’s Chain Gang has been formed. This working party meets every other Tuesday in the churchyard from 9.30am to 12.00 noon to carry out routine tasks aimed at keeping everything neat and tidy. Extra help is always welcome even if you can come for just part of the time. Please bring gardening tools if you are able. Dates for the rest of the year (weather permitting): Tuesday 4th September Tuesday 18th September Tuesday 2nd October Tuesday 16th October Tuesday 30th October Tuesday 13th November Tuesday 27th November Tuesday 11th December
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with Robyn Burbridge
General Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Corticosteroid injections Diagnostic ultrasound Sports Injury assessment and treatment Running and dance assessment and rehabilitation Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation
Tel: 01403 700455
Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite
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For a quality chimney sweep KIRDFORD
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Tel: 01403 783115 e:
Wisborough Green Sports News Football Club. Football should be kicking off by the time you read this. Thanks to some help from a couple of local firms it looks like we will be running 2 teams in the West Sussex league again this season. Training has started on a midweek evening behind the pavilion 6.00 for 6.30 pm start. New players are very welcome. Fixtures for the first month’s games are listed in the pavilion and the Cricketers Arms. League web page - when asked to search league - type in Brickability and it is the Brickability West Sussex League 1st XI play in Championship and 2nd XI are in Div 3 North this season. Cricket Club. Following a difficult season for the Cricket club, the President and Groundsman moved away and the club have had to make do with only the one playing facility this season but, overall, I think things have worked out well. Holidays, the World Cup and test matches against India have all played a part in the shortage of players for both teams. The commitment of players continues to be a problem throughout the last couple of months. As I write this with four games to go in the season, the 1 st XI are sitting in 5th place and look as if they may make 4th spot in a league of 10 teams. The 2nd XI are 8th in a league of 10 but look as if they are safe from relegation this season. League Fixtures for September 2018: Sat 1st - 1st XI Eastergate 1st XI Away / Arundel 2nd XI Home New players are always welcome 1st XI captain James Sadler on 07973 414645 League website: Stoolball Club. The tournament was cancelled on the 12th August due to bad 19 weather; hopefully it can be re-arranged for September. Ken Vickery
Village Hall News The project team met recently to discuss the next actions. We have identified a couple of candidate building firms who we intend to ask to tender for the works but we still need to find a couple more suitable candidates. We are looking for well-established traditional building firms who have experience of working on stone built listed buildings. They need to be able to provide a wide range of services from their own workforce rather than sub-contracted. Also, we would prefer to use a firm that can provide project oversight and management. Alternatively, a volunteer from the local community with project management experience would be welcome to provide part-time oversight of the works. If you know of any building firm that might fit these criteria or of someone who can offer project management skills, please contact me (700502 or email: or Louise Davies (701102 or email: We already hold sufficient funds to get the majority of the works done but we still need to top these up with additional funding in order to complete the whole project. Discussions are ongoing with the Big Lottery Fund. We are spending a lot of time preparing our most compelling case to support a bid for a grant but of course there is no guarantee that this will be successful. We must hope that the investment of our time proves worthwhile. More next month. Keith Carter, Chairman, Village Hall Management Committee
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Set the Date
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Fresh Produce Newsagents
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Stump Grinding & Removal
Contact Paul or Will: 01798 368008
Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483
We are delighted to announce that the Christmas Tree Festival will be returning once again to the Church in Wisborough Green from
Sunday 9th December – Sunday 16th December closing with a Carol Concert on Sunday 16th December at 6pm This year, we shall be raising money for The Sussex Snowdrop Trust for Children as well as for the church, and many helpers will be needed. All enquiries to Richard Parish (700628) or Jamie Daniell (752846)
Make Space Craft Group
Held on the First Friday of each Month from 9.30-11.30am During the Xpresso Coffee Morning in the Church
** Please Note later start time of 10.15am from September ** All are welcome. Bring your craft with you, or just come for a chat. sewin g For further information contact Lorna on 01403 700155 Knitting
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Richard, Caroline and the team would like to welcome you to The Bat & Ball Country Pub and Hayward’s Restaurant. Newpound Lane, Wisborough Green, RH14 0EH 01403 700199 Open 7 days a week Bar open for coffee and drinks 12-11 Mon - Sat Sunday 12-9 Lunch Monday - Saturday 12-3 Dinner Monday - Saturday 6-9. On Sundays we serve our delicious Sunday roast in addition to an array of seasonal dishes 12-8 22
extensions · alterations · brickwork stonework · paving · patios · garden walls all types of carpentry call Twig on
01403 700857 Mob: 07990 581411 Twiglets · The Luth · Wisborough Green
Family Support Work We recently attended the AGM and service at Horsham Parish Church. Proceedings were led by Bishop Mark who spoke of the joys and challenges of Family Support Work. The centre of FSW is Garton House in Brighton. With income secured from the sale of its residential premises Knowles Tooth, Garton house has been completely renovated. There are now 4 flats to let resulting in a regular income and a new office, meeting room and dedicated food bank space. Now is the time to look forward with vision and hope. In the past year 299 families have been helped by professional Family Support Practioners (social workers) – and of course this is ongoing. There are many reasons for family breakdown. Sadly 67% of parents have mental health issues interwoven with sexual and domestic violence. Others are unemployed or 'hardly managing' or ill and disabled. The FS Practioners can call on Playwork Teams in Bognor, Worthing, Hastings and Uckfield to work with families on a one to one basis to offer additional support and help develop bonds between family members. The work is supported by the Mother's Union and Dalesdown residential centre(for holiday breaks). Sadly there is no official help in the Petworth Deanery as yet, but we are hopeful that funds will be made available in the near future – and we are working on it! All the Deanery committees (we are part of Petworth Deanery) work to promote activities, fundraising and volunteers to support families. Many families today face breakdown because of the many problems mentioned. We so value your support and prayers for the families of Sussex and for Family support Work. Judy Moorey 23
Gold Awards - Celebrating Another Fantastic Year at The Weald On Thursday 19th July The Weald School hosted their annual Gold Awards ceremony to celebrate another outstanding academic year, with students, proud parents and VIPs in attendance. The purpose of Gold Awards is to recognise those who have made great effort or progress in school, contributed to their house or excelled in extra-curricular activities. Student technicians did a marvellous job in setting up the sound, lighting and visuals, to show the audience some great highlights of the school’s achievements over the past year, and some very talented students entertained the audience with musical pieces throughout the evening. The guest speaker of the evening was Lizzie Williams, a T54 British Athlete wheelchair racer and member of the British Athletics Academy ‘Parallel Success’. She is working hard towards reaching her dream of becoming a Paralympian and representing Great Britain in Tokyo 2020, and gave a really interesting and inspirational speech about achieving her goals. It was an evening that truly celebrated achievement and everyone who attended felt very proud of the students receiving their awards and The Weald community as a whole.
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Boxal Bridge No news yet concerning the application by the WSCC Highways Dept to get Boxal Bridge (Grade II) delisted after it was listed Grade II in January 2018.
Broadford Bridge Exploratory Site Kimmeridge Oil&Gas Ltd, KOGL, the former Celtique Energie, has applied to WSCC Planning Dept for an 18 month extension to their current planning permission for their Exploratory Oil site at Woodbarn Farm, south of Billingshurst on the B2133, Planning Nos: WSCC/032/18 (extension of time) and WSCC/033/18 (retention of fence). Objections can be sent to: up to the planning committee decision meeting on September 11th which will be heard in County Hall, Chichester starting at 10.30 am. Include the planning reference Nos as well as your name + address. Condition 1 of planning permission ref: WSCC/029/17/WC stipulates that “This permission shall be for a limited period only expiring on 15th September 2018, by which date the operations hereby permitted shall have ceased, all buildings, plant and machinery, including foundations, hard standings shall have been removed from the site, and the site shall be restored in accordance with the approved restoration scheme (ref. Proposed Site – Restoration Plan 3261/BB/18)” Reason: To secure the proper restoration of the site following the approved period for this temporary development. The drill was removed in March and the company admitted that they hadn’t found any substance of value so why shouldn’t they just go ahead and carry out the planned restoration? “The site is restored if no oil or gas is discovered, [and] would take 6 weeks,” CE Exhibition board, June 22-23, 2012 as displayed in the Billingshurst Centre.
Government Consultation on Permitted Development See here: Consultation closes at 11:45pm on 25 October 2018 In the Conservative Manifesto prior to the last election, reference was made to their intention to introduce the concept of Permitted Development for exploratory drilling for shale gas; i.e. that part of UK planning law that allows people to carry out improvements on their home or property without having to apply to the local council for planning permission. In other words it would put Onshore Exploration on the same basis as you putting up a garden shed! If you recall in that election, the Conservatives did not receive the mandate they thought they would get and had to seek support from the DUP. Given only 18% of people support fracking compared to 85% who support renewables plus the acceleration of many factors indicating climate change this proposal should fail now. This was supported by the House of Commons Select Committee which considered the role of Local Authorities and the MPs concluded that local communities should continue to have a role in decision making. A legal challenge is planned by Dame Vivienne Westwood. Jill Sutcliffe, Chair KKWG, 01403 700395 or
27th Annual W.G. Charity Hot-Air Balloon Festival On Sunday 2nd September Wisborough Green will host the 27th CHARITY HOT -AIR BALLOON FESTIVAL. Started in 1991 by Cecilia and Brian Smith, the festival has now become an annual village tradition. This year 14 balloons will launch at dawn (6am) and dusk (6pm). All money raised is for Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice. The pilots donate their balloons and time, and the event is sponsored by local businesses EP Clark, The Three Crowns, Silvester Engineering, The Cricketers Arms and Airworks Worldwide to whom we are very grateful. The team are still in need of marshals to ensure the event can go ahead safely, needed for a short time in the evening. If you can help please email or call 01403 700879. 26
Here's hoping for sunshine and light winds on the day.
There But Not There As you may have read in local publications, people are being invited to reflect on the impact of the First World War by engaging with a moving and reflective installation in St Peter ad Vincula church in Wisborough Green. The 21 men who did not return to Wisborough Green will be back within the village from Thursday 20th September until Thursday 15th November, sitting in St Peter’s church as they may well have as part of the congregation. The church will be open from 7.30 am until dusk (normal services will continue so please refer to times on page 4). Residents and visitors will be encouraged to sit with them and reflect on their courage and their ultimate sacrifice: they did not return 100 years ago. A booklet, giving as much detail as the History Society has found on these men, will be published and provided to the village children, as well as being available to purchase. There will also be a display by the History Society within the church. It is an incredibly important anniversary and we do hope that you will visit the church and pay tribute to those that lay down their lives for their country and this village. Further information available on the village website: More information on ‘There But Not There’, the 2018 nationwide Armistice project for the charity ‘Remembered’ can be found here: Wisborough Green Parish Council
Dieppe Service Sunday 5 August 2018 This year we were privileged to hold the final Service in its present format. The Standard of the Brighton and Hove Branch of the Canadian Veteran’s Association was handed over to St. Peter’s to join the other Standards for care and safe-keeping for the future. During the Service wreaths were laid on behalf of the Canadian Government, the Parish Council, the Royal British Legion and Service organisations, concluding with a wreath from St. Peter’s congregation. In future the first Sunday in August will include prayers and a commemoration of the Dieppe Raid within our normal morning worship. Thank you to all those who have supported this service over the many years that it has been held.
Left: Handing over of the Standard Photos by: Dave Carpenter (Oneoffcreations Photography),
Annie Daniell & Roland Zilz
NOTICE N*E*W Wednesday over 60's club in the Village Hall 10am - 12noon
Inaugural meeting on 12th September 2018 The idea of the Wednesday club is to have fun in a very social and friendly environment. We all know that being with a group of people helps to keep your mind active and generally helps to promote good health. Some games/ activities that have already been suggested are dominoes, whist, bingo and chair exercises. But really, we need you to tell us what you would like to do at the club. The most important thing is that we find things that over 60’s can enjoy together. The club could run every Wednesday if there is sufficient support/demand or perhaps once a month if that is a more supportable option. Why not call in to the Village Hall for a Cup of Tea/Coffee, biscuits and bring your ideas about how you would like to see this new club operate? There will always be a warm welcome for you. Who knows - you may meet up with some friends you haven't seen for a long time and have the opportunity to make new friends.
You'd be surprised the fun you can have. Contact Reg on 01403 701886 for more information.
TABLE TOP SALE IN AID OF WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL MODERNISATION PROJECT Saturday 17th November 2018 In the village hall 11.00am to 3.00pm Everyone welcome We greatly appreciate the support of the community for this fundraiser event, which has raised around £1500 for the village hall project over the last 2 years. Let’s hope we can raise another good sum this year. Bottle Tombola, Raffle, Handmade crafts and cards, Lucky Dip, cakes, refreshments and much more. Hire of a table costs £15 and can be booked through Reg Hickman Tel: 01403 701886 or email Donations for prizes, raffle and cakes will be gratefully received Thank you
Time For God
Time for God in August explored the theme of Psalm 139 looking at the uniqueness of each person and how wonderfully made we are. We made a bookmark using our own fingerprints for decoration and a mirror reflecting ourselves. Colourful streamers were made and used to praise God for all His creation and last, but not least, we decorated a gingerbread person! Do join us for our next Time for God at 10.30am Sunday 9 th September
Wisborough Green Annual Fair Although there is evidence that a ‘fair’ has been held in the village since the 13th Century it was certainly not what we know today! It seems that the earliest reference to the present day fair on 20th September is in Dallaways ‘History of Sussex’ published in 1819. It states that two fairs were held annually, one on 16th July and another on 20th September. In those days it’s probably a safe assumption that the term Fair was synonymous with ‘Market’ the definition from Chamber’s MidCentury Dictionary being ‘Fair: a great periodical market for one kind of merchandise or for the general sales and purchases of a district, with or without amusements, often reduced to a collection of shows, swingboats and similar amusements.’ In 'The Survey of the Royal Commission on Market Rights and Tolls for 1888', Wisborough Green is noted as holding a Fair on 20th September and as there is no mention of the 16th July, it had probably been abandoned earlier. There is a bit of a gap in the history, but it appears that at some point, the Parish Council (established in 1894) took on the management of the fair. In 1970, Mr Trickett and his family took over the responsibility and for the last 47 years, has organised for the fairground attractions to arrive. The Parish Council agrees to the use of the Green and makes a charge which is used to repair damage to the ground which is inevitable after a wet summer. The visiting fair used to be a highlight of the year for many chiildren, but times have moved on and children seem to have many more opportunities available to them. Mr Trickett understands that times are more difficult for many at the moment and will therefore be keeping his charges as low as possible. Do enjoy the fair and help to keep another wonderful village tradition.
Trickett’s Fair will be on the Green in Wisborough Green Thursday 20th and Friday 21st Sept from 3pm
Horticultural Society’s Visit to Parham Gardens Friday 10th August. Weather Forecast:- Fine, sunny spells. The reality:- Dark storm clouds, heavy driving rain, with intermittent periods of gentle light drizzle! So taking the weather in their stride, with true British grit and determination, 15 intrepid gardeners set out to enjoy Parham Gardens. In the large walled garden, set out on a mathematical grid, the paths ran between a riot of colour dividing the lawn areas and the borders. Through a watery veil we inspected the ‘HOT’ border, a mixture of magenta, orange and red colours spilling over each other in glorious profusion - crimson lobelia cardinalis rubbing shoulders with bronze sunflowers, dark red salvias and penstemon mixing in with scarlet nasturtiums almost as far as the eyes could see. Suddenly, turning a corner, one was confronted by the white border- white cleomes, liatris and phlox intermingled with masses of silver and grey leaved artemisias and fleabane (or if you want to be posh and show off your Latin, Erygium Karvinskiana.) Next a yellow and gold border, before turning another corner into a trial border of climbers, all on thin pyramidal frames and with an interesting identification system of numbered flowerpots relating to a naming board, and including ipomoea, black-eyed Susans and some most extraordinary ornamental gourds. By the time we reached the undercover of the long, narrow greenhouse, holding exotic fuchsias, the sky had cleared and there was a small patch of blue, matching the plumbago under the glass. Fortunately, the garden design incorporated numerous brick gazebos, decorated with sculptures, in which to shelter, and it was with great joy and a sense of accomplishment that we finally repaired to the welcoming kitchen tea rooms. We had a really good (and fun) day despite being drenched to the skin. Now my ambition is to visit Parham on a bright, sunny day. Wendy Duff
Commemorative Altar Frontal for St Peter’s An Update The sewing team has been meeting every Friday from 3 to 5pm. Individual parts of the design are now finished and tacked on to the background fabric of green velvet ready for stitching into position. The finished altar cloth will be displayed in Church for Remembrance Sunday as a lasting memorial of those who departed these shores over one hundred years ago, never to return home.
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Recipe of the Month MANGO, COCONUT & LIME SEMIFREDDO I made this delicious dessert for the first time recently and took to a friend’s summer bbq; it was really popular! I actually found it in a magazine last Christmas as a suggestion to follow a festive meal! So, it obviously goes down well at any time of year! Don’t worry if you can’t find the suggested star fruit (I couldn’t!) for decoration, or indeed bother with the 6 physalis as no-one ever seems to eat these! I just added more slices of mango and pieces of coconut – up to you how to decorate!
1 x 400g tub mango slices in juice, drained 4 medium egg yolks 100g caster sugar 1 x 300ml carton double cream 175ml coconut cream Juice and zest of 2 limes 50g desiccated coconut
To decorate
1 ripe mango, peeled and sliced 1 star fruit, sliced (optional) 100g ready-prepared coconut pieces, finely sliced 6 physalis (optional) Zest of 1 lime
Method 1. Line the base of a loaf tin measuring 20cm x 9cm x 7cm with baking paper. Line the whole tin with clingfilm to give extra support when you are lifting the semifreddo out of the tin. 2. Blend the mango slices to a purée, pour this into the bottom of the tin. Freeze it while you prepare the semifreddo. 3. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl over a pan of simmering water until the eggs turn pale and thick, then remove from the heat and set aside to cool. 4. In a separate bowl, whisk the double cream until thick, then stir this through the egg mix. 5. Add the coconut cream, lime juice and zest and desiccated coconut. Stir to combine. 6. Remove the tin from the freezer – the mango should be lightly set. Spoon the cream mix on top, cover with clingfilm and freeze overnight. 7. To serve, remove from the freezer and turn out on to a board. Top with the sliced mango, star fruit (if using), physalis (if using), coconut and lime zest. WARNING: This recipe contains raw/partially cooked eggs. (Recipe Courtesy of ) Judie Donovan
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Alan Gilbert t: 01403 289316 m: 07803 128847
Wisborough Green Division Divisional Organiser: Pat Farmer Old School Cottage, School Road, Wisborough Green, West Sussex. RH14 0DU Tel: 01403 700492 Email: To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus Association There is a form to complete (obtainable from Pat Farmer) and the annual membership fee is ÂŁ5. For regular bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076) and for special outings: KATE VERNALLS (701004)
Destinations for September 2018 Tues 4th Wed 5th Fri 7th Tues 11th Fri 14th Tues 18th Fri 21st Tues 25th Fri 28th
Horsham & Sainsbury Hever Castle & Gardens, Kent Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Broadbridge Heath Tesco & Newbridge Nursery Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts Horsham & Sainsbury Chichester & Sainsbury
Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am
If you are interested in the visit to Hever Castle & Gardens on the 5th September, or to Marwell Zoo & Tropical House at Winchester on 3rd October, then please give Kate Vernalls a call. We are always on the look-out for new drivers, escorts and, of course, passengers. Please give me a call if you would be interested in being involved with this very worthwhile all-volunteer charity. Thank you.
Pat Farmer, Divisional Organiser
Early October 2018 Dates Tues 2nd Wed 3rd Fri 5th Charity No: 1173818
Horsham & Sainsbury Marwell Zoo Cranleigh & Notcutts
9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am
Sponsored by
Wisborough Green History - DOMESTI Last month I described the beginnings of refuse collection in the country and then how Wisborough’s service developed up to the sixties with details of the types of vehicle and the landfill sites used. The weekly collection by Chichester District Council continued largely unchanged in Wisborough through the seventies to the nineties. It was the practice for the “binmen” to call at each house to extract the polythene bags from their dust bins and take them to a convenient roadside place to await the arrival of the refuse collection lorry. One such collection point was the lay -by opposite Wisborough Green Stores. The bags were then placed into a large bin (like a wheelie bin) and hoisted into the back of the lorry where they were pushed forward and compressed. The two photos taken in February 2004 show the bin being loaded into the refuse collection 36 lorry. The bags were never thrown directly into the lorry; this would be highly dangerous for the dustman should he slip and fall into the lorry. Over the past couple of decades, concern about the environment has brought with it a massive increase in recycling around the world. Rubbish tips are no longer seen as the most appropriate solution for dealing with our waste. The government recognises this and thus charges local councils for every ton of landfilled rubbish as an incentive to recycle their waste. In 1998 the council started providing a recycling service. They provided two large plastic boxes per household (one green and one black) into which waste suitable for recycling could be placed. The contents were emptied on alternate weeks with the weekly general rubbish collection. The boxes measured 20" by 15" and 15" deep; the black one was for paper and cardboard, the green one was for plastic and cans. Although no longer used for their original purpose, I'm sure alternative uses have been found for most
IC REFUSE COLLECTION (Concluded) of them. Glass was regarded as too dangerous to collect as splinters could injure the dustmen so a communal bottle bank was provided in the village hall car park with bins for green, brown and clear glass. In February 2005, the council stopped collecting from dustbins and the boxes. Instead the waste was collected from two types of wheeled bins (called wheelie bins) that were provided by the council. A red one (described as burgundy) was used for most types of recyclable rubbish but not glass bottles and a grey one for all other general rubbish. The rubbish from the bins was collected each Tuesday (or the following day if Monday is a national holiday). The type of bin collected alternated, so that each bin type was collected fortnightly. Householders were required to put their bin out just within the front boundary of the property (called the curtilage) by 7am; gone were the days when the “binmen� came onto the property to collect the polythene bags and empty the plastic boxes. The collecting refuse lorries were equipped with the same type of grab mechanism as earlier and so the wheelie bins were upended and their 37 contents emptied into the lorries as before. Although glass bottles were not allowed initially to be put into the red wheelie bins because of the danger of glass splintering when the bins were emptied, this was rescinded in 2011 as the likelihood of bottles splintering was insignificant. As a result, the bottle bank bins were removed. The two photos on this page show the brand new wheelie bins being delivered to homes facing onto the green in 2005.. The council also provided a fortnightly garden refuse collection service. This collected garden waste, e.g. weeds, grass cuttings, etc. for which the council supplied a green wheelie bin. This service, however, came at an extra cost. Finally, I want to acknowledge the assistance received from Bob Riley (Divisional Manager, Contract Services, Chichester DC) and Andy Ifould (his recently retired colleague). In addition, the photo of the Dennis Chichester DC lorry in the last issue is reproduced courtesy of the Dennis Factory collection at the Surrey Heritage Centre. Richard B
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G R Kilford & Co. Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order 1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272
Restoring furniture for over 35 years.
Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment
Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice
Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH
Tel 01403 700848
Tel: 01428 707269
Email: Hetas Training Cert. no. 1385 38
LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115
Minibus Theatre Trip
Saturday 27th October 4.00pm The Mill Studio, Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford
We shall be taking the Minibus to this performance of ‘On Golden Pond’ by Ernest Thompson
“A work of rare simplicity and beauty” (The New York Daily News) In this funny, endearing and touching story, Ethel and Norman Thayer return to their summer home on Golden Pond for the forty-eighth year. He is a retired professor nearing eighty, but still as tart-tongued, observant and eager for life as ever. His spirited wife, Ethel, delights in all the small things that have enriched and continue to enrich their long life together. Changes are on the horizon when their daughter Chelsea and her fiancé Bill visit and leave Billy Junior with Ethel and Norman to care for over the summer. A bond is created as the generations learn from each other. As the summer wanes, so does their brief idyll, and in the final, deeply moving moments of the play, Norman and Ethel are brought even closer together. Directed by David Hemsley-Brown with Richard Parish, Sue Pollard, Polly King, Nick Lund, Eddie King & Harry Jarvis Tickets for the performance are £15.00 and the Minibus fare will be £4.00 (+£2.00 insurance if you are not a member of the Minibus Association) Please ring: RICHARD PARISH (700628) as soon as possible to book both your ticket and your seat on the bus
Link to Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2018 Yes it’s that time again! Please think about filling a shoebox for the underprivileged families and elderly in Eastern Europe, In time for Christmas. They need to be ready by early November. Leaflets listing possible contents will be in the back of church. The gifts you give show our love and care for families for whom gifts at Christmas are not normally a possibility. They bring so much joy at an otherwise cold dismal time for them. For more information please look up or contact Suzanne Mosley on 01403 700946. Many thanks. Many thanks, Suzanne Mosley
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Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance
Mac’s Private Hire 24 hours a day - 7 days a week
01403 701 842 T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483
Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices. Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.
Tel: 01403 700 73 0
07917 850 746 Airports - Social & Business Lady Driver Available Wisborough Green Based
Holiday Homes For Hens Going on holiday? Bring your hens and ducks to us at Garden Poultry Care in Kirdford. We’ll take care of your birds in a safe, friendly, free range area.
Call Nik 01403 820796
Local Club and Society News Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club We entertained Walberton in a friendly match on Tuesday afternoon 24th July, with Wisborough running out winners in the match by 19 shots. On Mat 1 (Jane, Marilyn, Gavin and Bernard) winning 26-10 and Mat 2 (Hilary, Lorraine, Tony and Monica) winning 19-16 giving a Match Result of 45-26. The Club Triples Competition on Monday 6th August was well attended with 6 teams taking part, the top two teams going through to Finals Day on the 3rd September. The teams all played 4 games of 8 ends against random opponents and it turned out to be a very competitive day. Finishing in 3rd place with 4 points were David, Marilyn, Joan/ Jean, in 2nd place with 5 points were Monica, Hilary and Alex. But congratulations go to Bernard, Linda and Gavin who remained unbeaten throughout the day to take top spot with 7 points. Our sponsors (Eight Wealth Management) were in attendance, represented by Steve Adsett who presented a cheque for £250 (see photo right) to our President Reg Hickman. We then travelled to Forest for a friendly match on Saturday 11th August, with Wisborough losing the match by 23 shots. On Mat 1 (Connor, Marilyn, Lorraine and Monica) losing 13-22 on Mat 2 (Linda, Hilary, Gavin and Tony) losing 8-22, giving a Match Result of 21-44. 41 Finally we entered a team in the Portsdown Charity Fours in Waterlooville on Sunday 12th August, finishing 2nd in our group behind a team from Infinity. Well done to Linda, Gavin, David and Monica who during the day won 3 of their 5 games, narrowly losing the other 2. Upcoming Fixtures: 3rd September – Finals Day (All Day) 10am (home), 10th September – AGM 3:30pm (home), 11th September – Alfold 2pm (home) Monica Enticknap, Captain
Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club The Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club meets in The Village Hall every Wednesday from 4 to 6pm. Do come along and give it a try – we are a very friendly bunch. Contact Philip Midwinter on 01403 700402 for more details.
Wisborough Green ‘Mountain’ Rescue Run by local volunteers. Stuck in a ditch or up a tree? Call us. Contact: Mr Brian Smith 700346.
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R G OIL BOILER SERVICES Servicing – Breakdowns – Commissioning Full Heating/Domestic Installations & Maintenance Bathroom Replacements Robin Gilfoyle
01403 700780 42
Emergency Call Outs
OFTEC Registered
07729 241787
Wisborough Green History Society Wisborough Green Village History Society is a small group of people who enjoy talking about and researching the history of the village. Several of our members are life-long residents of the village, others have lived here for many years and all have interesting memories and anecdotes to relate. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the village hall committee room at 10.30am - new members are always welcome.
Tuesday 9th October 10.30am Talk "Pat Gierth - Artist & Designer" by Nicolette Frances The Village History Society has invited Pat Gierth's niece, Nicolette Frances, to come and talk to us about Pat's life. As many will remember, Pat designed the Silver Jubilee Tapestry which hangs in the church. He was a long-time resident of the village, a parish councillor and played a significant role in village life. If you helped stitch the tapestry, or would like to hear the talk, please come to the church at 10.30am on Tuesday 9th October. Finally, does anybody recognise any of the individuals in the photo below? The photo is of the Home Guard Platoon in 1942/43 and we would love to identify the individuals. Sue Killingbeck, Secretary (Tel: 01403 700704) 43
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The Cricketers Arms The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369
A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates.
Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Wisborough Green Horticultural Society September Break Regret cannot comment about AUGUST SHOW – all the results and Cup Winners will feature in the October edition of Ad Vincula, Suffice to say we hope it was successful. Future Dates:
Monday October 1st – 8pm - the first of our winter talks “Winter Gardens” by Amanda Patton (regretfully the summer has to end!). Saturday October 6th – 10.30am - Autumn Plant Sale on Little Green.
Our car sharing visit to Parham Gardens on Friday 10th August was enjoyed by all despite the rain! See article by Wendy Duff on p 31 What an odd growing year! The “Beast from the East” then the “BIG DRY” accompanied with very warm temperatures kept gardeners and growers on their toes! .
The Gardener’s Calendar
by Ian Clemens
Continue to feed and dead-head your hanging baskets and container plants, they will often keep going until the first frosts. Start to divide herbaceous perennials as the weather cools. Plant spring-flowering bulbs such as daffodils, crocus and hyacinths now. Keep dead-heading your Penstemons, Dahlias and Roses to prolong flowering. Cut off the foliage of maincrop potatoes at ground level 3 weeks before lifting them to prevent blight spores infecting the tubers as you lift them. This will also help to firm the skins of the potatoes improving their storage qualities. Keep feeding and watering French and runner beans to make the most of them. When beans and peas finish cropping simply cut the plant away at ground level, leaving the roots in the soil. These crops fix nitrogen which is slowly released into the soil as the roots break down. Start planting overwinter onions and garlic, including elephant garlic, for early crops the following year. Cover your brassicas with netting to prevent birds making a meal out of them. Pot up strawberry runners to make extra plants for next year. Plant out any rooted runners of strawberries for a good crop next year. Mow long grass under fruit trees to make it easier to spot windfall fruits. Look out for rotting fruits on your pear, apple and plum trees. Pick them off as they will spread disease if left on the tree. Take hardwood cuttings to increase your stock of currants, gooseberries & figs.
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LOXWOOD LANDSCAPES Paul Gregson Hard & soft landscaping Garden design Free estimates & all work considered 01403 753 204
07949 312 402 46
Wisborough Green FARMERS MARKETplus News
Next Market: Thursday 13th September 2018 Wisborough Green Village Hall 9.00am – 12.30pm Another excellent and well-attended Market in August! Visitors were not put off by the rain and enjoyed the interesting variety of stalls, some familiar, some new. The Macmillan stall had another very successful morning and Imbhams Farm did well, selling out of bread. Delicious bakes from JubyLee, tempting chocolates, Ian's home grown tomatoes, beetroot and beans, for meat-lovers marinated pork loin - we can eat well in Wisborough Green! To make presentbuying easy there are tie-dye creations, Jenny Holmes' bags, pottery and more. We hope to introduce a new layout and some new stalls soon. The cheese stall will return so do come and see what September 13th brings. We are looking for a greengrocer who 47 will provide fruit and vegetables yearround to supplement Ian's home-grown, seasonal produce so if you have any ideas about this or any aspect of the Market, do let us know. Sally Marsh, WGFM If you would like to be part of this exciting community experience and volunteer ideas, skills and/or occasional participation at any level, please contact: Ray Vernalls (see below) If your village organisation would like to take one of the Market’s monthly free of charge stalls to promote your club, or an event, please contact: Ray Vernalls on 01403 701004 or at Follow us on social media for updates, photographs and market chat: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @WGvillagemarket
Market Sponsors:
Arts Society Meetings The Arts Society - West Sussex On Tuesday 4th September, Antony Penrose will give a talk on
Lee Miller: Witnessing Women at War A documentation of one of the biggest social changes in British and European History, told against the background of Lee Miller's own life story On Tuesday 2nd October, Jennifer Toynbee-Holmes will talk on
Whistler,Wilde and Sargent: The Talent in Tite Street London's Tite Street was one of the most influential artistic quarters in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2pm. Doors open at 1.40. Tea and coffee after the lecture. Contact Jackie Buckler on 01903 411086 or email: Visitors most welcome - ÂŁ5
The Arts Society - South Downs The September talk is for members only and is NOT at Fittleworth Village Hall On Wednesday 3 October, Janusz Karczewski-Slowikowski will give a talk on
The Life & Work of Thomas Chippendale All meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 10.30am. Coffee from 9.50am. Visitors warmly welcomed (ÂŁ5). Please call 01403 785302
HATE IRONING OR JUST TOO BUSY? Local Ironing Service at Affordable Prices FREE Collection & Delivery or simply drop off to suit Fast Turn Around No Amount Too Big / Small
Please Call Sarah on: 07796 674403
WI Report There was no meeting in August. The WI will be back to normal in September. We will have a talk on the “Secret Life of Hedgehogs” on the 6th September at the Village Hall at 8.00 p.m. Looking forward to seeing all members after the summer holidays and welcome new members who wish to come. Sue Nicholls 01403 700827 Mary Benson (President) 01403 700284
Weather Watch Wisborough Green rainfall for July was 45mm (last year 92mm – 10 yr average 58mm). From early June till late July it was very dry indeed and we were all grateful that the hot weather ended to give us much needed rain. In the past hot weather broke down quite quickly after a few days but this summer so far has certainly been different! Comparisons are being made to the summer of 1976 when there were hosepipe bans. The winter of 75/76 was very dry unlike this last winter so with any luck we will escape them – but we will be needing the winter rains (hopefully not yet!) Weathervane recorded 32°C in Wisborough Green in July but in Faversham (Kent) the thermometer hit 35.3°C. Coldest for July was 0.9°C at Tulloch Bridge (Inverness-shire). 49 As for June, sunshine levels were high – 138% of average. Weathervane
Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the August Draw is Gillian Gough who wins £50 The winner of the second prize of £20 is Sandra Donoghue. The September Draw will be at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 12 September at the Three Crowns and if any member or prospective member would like to attend they will be very welcome. Ruth Andrews, 01403 700671
Wisborough Green Allotment Holders - Fish Supper Various allotment holders and their partners had a fish and chip supper on the allotments on August 8th. Luckily the weather held fine and there was plenty of social chat – not necessarily horticultural! Should you wish to be a member of this happy band and want an allotment contact: Louise Davies (Parish Clerk) 01403 701102 .
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Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News & Advice Your identity proves you really are you. Until it’s stolen. Your identity is one of your most precious possessions. Apart from defining you as an individual, it also proves that you really are you. As well as needing it for everyday tasks like buying online, banking and social networking, it is also essential for signing up for phone contracts, loans, mortgages and other finance… and without it, you can’t obtain driver’s licences, passports or other official documents. When a criminal steals your identity, they can claim that they really are you too – and do all of these things in your name. They can also sell on your identity to other criminals, and even commit criminal acts in your name. That’s why it’s vital to protect your identity against theft. Identity thieves most commonly work online, often taking advantage of the information you over-share on social media, or a weak email account password. However, they can also use printed documents that haven’t been shredded or securely filed. To safeguard your identity, start by following GSO’s simple, expert Top Tips: Never share account information with friends, family or other people. 51 Be careful about the information you share on social media, such as date of birth and family/pets’ names you also use in your passwords. Never post images of your passport, driver’s licence, NI number or other confidential items. Never divulge private information data in response to an email, text, letter, phone call or web form unless you’re certain that the request is authentic. Call to check on the number you know to be correct. Have up-to-date security software/apps running on your computer and mobile devices. Update software and apps when prompted. Choose strong passwords and keep them safe. Don’t use one password for more than one account. Take care when using public Wi-Fi hotspots: Your information may not be secure. Always beware - of people looking over your shoulder when you’re entering private information on a computer, mobile device, or ATM. Arrange for paperless bills and statements instead of printed ones. File sensitive documents securely, and shred those you no longer need – preferably with a cross-cut shredder. Get regular credit reports to check if anybody has taken out finance in your name. For more information on protecting your identity - Please visit, and click on ‘Protecting Yourself’ and then select ‘Preventing Identity Theft’ If you have information about any crime call 101, email: or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you see a crime taking place call 999. Regards, Priscilla Pinkham
Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 1 September
Mr & Mrs Edmonds
8 September
Mr & Mrs Grengs
15 September
Mr Pinkham & Mrs Brett
22 September
Mrs Nicholls & Mrs Daniell
29 September
Mrs Holt & Mrs Zilz
If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Jill Brett know – 700350.
Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays) 7 September
Sue Elliott/Caroline Boxall
14 September
Sue Elliott/Caroline Boxall
21 September
Annie Daniell
29 September (Saturday)
ALL THE TEAM (Harvest Festival)
Xpresso is held in the church Fridays from 8.45 to 11.30am.
Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary Joint PCC Treasurers Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music
Rev. Clive Jenkins 700339 email: Mr Jamie Daniell 752846 Mr Richard Parish 700628 Mrs Sue Nicholls 700827 Mrs Sharon Moncur Mr Roger Moncur email: Mrs Sue Nicholls 700827 Mr David Warwick 700262 Mr Malcolm Brinson 01730 816101
Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers TBA Cleaners Mrs Jill Brett Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards Readers Mrs Val Mourilyan Chalice, Sacristans, Intercessors Mrs Henrietta Warwick Healing Mrs Gillian Gough Website:
700350 700944 700089 700262 700157
For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact the Vicar ASAP or, if unavailable, one of the churchwardens.
Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :
Mr Roland Zilz Mrs Marion Jenkins Mrs Fran Wallace Mr John Gough
Advertising Distribution Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman Parish Council Clerk Police (non-emergency) Primary School Business Manager Primary School PTA Secretary Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Beavers (6-8 yrs) Sports Clubs Association (Pavilion) St Peter’s Luncheon Club Short Mat Bowls Club Spitfire Simulator Group Stoolball Club Table Tennis Club Village Hall Bookings Village Hall Committee Chairman Village Car Service Village Care Team Village Housebound Library Service Wisborough Green Conservative Association Wisborough Green Fete Society Wisborough Green Mountain Rescue Wisborough Green Trust Wisborough Green Website Wisborough Green Website Editor Women’s Institute
700632 700339 700320 700157
Mr Brian Smith 700346 Nina Lambkin 701027 Mr Steve Calder-Smith 700821 Mrs Aija Hamilton 700588 Mr Craig Vit 700369 Mrs Pam Warburton 701903 Philip Midwinter 700402 Mr Jim Gavin 700220 Mrs Pat Farmer 700492 Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith 701076 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Mr Peter Drummond 01798 865546 Mrs Louise Davies 701102 101 Mrs Clare Lonsdale 700280 Ms Mariamne Scott-Kerr 07775 627653 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Carol Pearson 700536 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Mr Ian Elliott 700474 Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 Mrs Beth Ellis 700083 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Mrs Suzanne Mosley 700946 Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Ms Andrea Leighton 700435 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mr Richard Bairstow 700140 Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Mrs Mary Benson 700284
What’s Happening in September Sun 02 Tue 04
Thur 06 Fri 07 Tue 11 Wed 12 Thur 13 Fri 14 Tue 18
Wed 19 54 Thur 20 Fri 21 Sat 22 Tue 25 Thur 27 Fri 28 Sat 29 Sun 30
Charity Hot Air Balloon Festival (p 26) Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) St Peter’s Chain Gang (p 15) Arts Society - West Sussex (p 48) Purple Bus for young people aged 11-16 Mobile Library WI Meeting (p 49) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) Make Space Craft Group (p 21) Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) History Society Meeting (p 43) Purple Bus for young people aged 11-16 Over 60’s Club Inaugural Meeting (p 28) Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 49) Farmer’s & Village Market Plus (p 47) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) St Peter’s Chain Gang (p 15) Purple Bus for young people aged 11-16 BCS Open Rehearsal (p 29) ‘There But Not There’ Inaugural Service (p 6 & 26) St Peter’s Luncheon Club (p 15) Mobile Library Annual Funfair (p 30) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) Annual Funfair (p 30) Jazz by the River (p 28) Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) Purple Bus for young people aged 11-16 Messy Church (p 6) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) Harvest Thanksgiving Supper (p 6) Harvest Thanksgiving Services (p 6) Harvest Auction of Produce & Gifts (p 6)
The Green Dusk & Dawn WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am St Peter’s Churchyard 9.30 am Fittleworth Village Hall 2.00 pm Layby by the Green 7.00 - 9.00 pm The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm WG Village Hall 8.00 pm St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am St Peter’s Church 10.15 - 11.30 am WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 10.30 am Layby by the Green 7.00 - 9.00 pm WG Village Hall 10.00 am - 12 noon The Three Crowns 6.30 pm WG Village Hall 9.00 am - 12.30 pm St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am St Peter’s Churchyard 9.30 am Layby by the Green 7.00 - 9.00 pm Billingshurst Primary Schl 7.30 pm St Peter’s Church 6.45 pm WG Village Hall 12.15 for 12.45 pm The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm The Green from 3 pm St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am The Green from 3 pm Dorset House, Bury 12.30 - 3.30 pm WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Layby by the Green 7.00 - 9.00 pm WG Village Hall 3.15 - 5.00 pm St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am WG Village Hall 7.00 pm St Peter’s Church 10.30 am The Cricketers Arms 7.30 pm
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** DEADLINE 14th September PLEASE ** ADVERTISING: Please telephone: Fran Wallace on 01403 700320 or email:
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