April 2014 Easter Edition
Wisborough Green Parish Magazine
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AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News
Highlights April 2014
Ad Vincula Team
St Peter ad Vincula Calendar .................................4 Pastoral Letter ........................................................5 Church News & Activities ................................ 6 & 7 From the Editor / UNLOCK Walk ...........................9 St Peter ad Vincula - The Cost of Upkeep ...........11 Lent Quiet Away Day............................................12 Nature Notes ........................................................13 WG Primary School News ....................................15 Open Gardens Weekend......................................17 WG Annual Parish Meeting ..................................19 WG Sports Page ..................................................21 Wisborough Green History ........................... 22 - 23 Notice Board ................................................. 24 - 25 Fishers Farm win 2 Awards ..................................27 Community Minibus - Wisborough Green ............29 Minibus Annual Lunch / Amy Eccles Marathon ....31 Recipe of the Month .............................................33 Neighbourhood Watch..........................................35 Wey & Arun Canal Trust.......................................37 Village Organisations - Meetings ................. 38 - 41 Flag Raising Dates ...............................................41 Weather Watch / Greenfingers Tips / Cyber Tips 43 Church Cleaning & Flower Rosters ......................44 Church Directory ..................................................44 Village Organisations Directory ............................45 What’s Happening ................................................46
Roland Zilz Editor
Vacant Advertising
Roger Moody Distribution
Interregnum Vicar
Dr Graham Parr Churchwarden
Helen Vause Churchwarden If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor.
Copy Deadline for May 2014 issue:
The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council.
14 April 2014
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Cover picture by 'Andrea Sarlo Photography' at Fishers Farm Park
St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for April Sunday 30 March 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Fourth Sunday of Lent 10.30am Sung Eucharist Mothering Sunday - flowers will be given to all the women in church Tuesday
1 April
2 April
3 April
Sunday 6 April Fifth Sunday of Lent Tuesday
8 April
9 April
10 April
Sunday 13 April Palm Sunday
14 April
15 April
16 April
Thursday 17 April Maundy Thursday
4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion 7.00pm Alpha Course at Upfield’s Stores 7.00pm Lent Course at 2 Glebe Way 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Sung Eucharist and baptism of Lily Florence Given 4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion 7.00pm Alpha Course at Upfield’s Stores 7.00pm Lent Course at 2 Glebe Way 8.00am 10.30am 2.00pm 6.00pm
Holy Communion (BCP) Palm Sunday Eucharist Baptism of Jemima Sykes “The Crucifixion” by John Stainer (p 9)
7.30pm Compline 4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 7.30pm Compline 10.00am Holy Communion 7.00pm Alpha Course at Upfield’s Stores 7.30pm Compline 7.00pm Lent Course at 2 Glebe Way 7.30pm Eucharist (Washing of Feet) Stripping of the Altars & Vigil of Prayer
Friday 18 April 9.00am Good Friday 9.30am - 12 noon 12 noon 2.00pm 5.30pm
Morning Prayer Chain of Prayer Vigil Stations of the Cross Communion Service Evening Prayer
Saturday 19 April 9.00am Morning Prayer Holy Saturday 9.30am - 5.30pm Chain of Prayer Vigil 5.30pm Evening Prayer 4
St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for April (cont) Sunday 20 April EASTER SUNDAY Tuesday
22 April
23 April
Sunday 27 April Second Sunday of Easter Tuesday
29 April
30 April
Sunday 4 May Third Sunday of Easter
8.00am The Liturgy of Light - BCP Holy Communion with the lighting of the new candle 10.30am Easter Sung Eucharist 4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am All Age Eucharist 12 noon Annual Parochial Church Meeting 4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion 7.00pm Alpha Course at Upfield’s Stores 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Sung Eucharist
Pastoral Letter Appointing a new Vicar for St Peter’s At the present time the Bishop is finalising the details of the job descriptions for Vicar of Wisborough Green and his team and it will be advertised nationally before Easter. A Mission Team is to be established and based in Wisborough Green. The Priest in Charge of Wisborough Green will primarily be our Vicar, but will also oversee a team comprising of at least one extra Mission Priest, probably also based here in WG. There will be three part-time vicars living and working in the benefices of Northchapel, Ebernoe and Lurgashall, Fittleworth and Stopham and a group based around Sutton. These will be responsible for their Sunday worship, Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and be available two days a week for pastoral duties. One of the main priorities of the Mission Team will be to work with young people and families and to encourage outreach and raise the church’s profile in a positive way within our parish and the other benefices across the group. These exciting developments will provide continuing support for ministry in our village as well as enabling us to be a critical part of new initiatives. We sincerely hope that our congregation and parish will engage positively with the undoubted opportunities these developments will bring. We will keep you updated on a regular basis as the recruitment process progresses. Helen and Graham, Churchwardens 5
Church News THANK YOU! We would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who has continued to help us keep our church running so well whilst we are in this time of Interregnum. There are too many of you to mention individually, but your continued support is much appreciated. Thank you! Helen and Graham
CHAIN OF PRAYER Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. A copy of the chain is on the notice board at the back of church. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate it's effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality..
VILLAGE CAR SCHEME If you, or anyone you know of, needs transport to get to a hospital, dentist or doctor's appointment please contact Jennie Burr on 700607 who will arrange for someone to drive you there. More drivers are still needed to help with this service. If you can spare half a day a month, please contact Jennie Burr on 700607. Thank you.
PASTORAL CARE DURING THE INTERREGNUM It is important for the Parish to be aware that during the interregnum there is still pastoral support for those who need it. Members of the Healing Group, Village Care Team, Prayer Groups and Social Development Team have come together under one umbrella to work as one, providing prayer and care where required. Communication and co-operation is crucial for this to work effectively, so if you hear of anyone who is in need of a Vicar, is ill, coming out of hospital, lonely, moving into the village or just in need of some kind words or prayers, please call Gillian Gough on 700157 and she will contact the relevant person.
Prayer Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:
6 April 13 April 20 April 27 April
Billingshurst Road & Wisborough Gardens Glebe Way & Harsfold Lane Petworth Road & Balchins Close Fittleworth Road
Regular Church Activities PRAYER GROUP AND QUIET MORNINGS If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome at Wendy’s house (2 Clockhouse) on a Tuesday at 4.30, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the homes of Wendy Duff and Alison Jekyll at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff 700295 or Alison Jekyll 700243 for details.
WIZZY TOTS W i zz y Tots has changed its start time to 9.30 am so feel free to stroll up from school or from Xpresso for a play at Wisborough Green’s baby and toddler group at the Village Hall. This month we only have one session Friday 25th April If you want to find out more about Wizzy Tots, please call Tory on 07903 951917 or why don’t you speak to some of the Mums who meet up at Xpresso (see below) in St Peter’s beforehand! Look forward to seeing you there.
DON’T FORGET……… If you haven’t experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 9am ‘til 11.30am in church and EVERYONE is welcome! Special Offer buys 5 coffees and get the 6th one FREE!! Full details from Xpresso.
From the Registers (February 2014) Funeral and Burial:
Thursday 27th February 2014 – Violet Mewett 7
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From the Editor Happy Easter! Welcome to the April edition of Ad Vincula - at last, the sun is shining next stop “hosepipe ban”! But first, an apology - in the article on the Burns Night Supper last month, Robert and Sheila Armistead somehow came out as Armitage! Very sorry, Robert and Sheila. We have another bumper edition this month and, as usual, I would love to hear from you with any comments or suggestions. Roland Zilz
Annual UNLOCK Walk - 3rd May 2014 Every year a group of Parishioners from Wisborough Green joins this annual walk visiting a variety of churches in London. The aim of the walk is to raise money for Unlock’s work in deprived urban areas across the UK and to raise awareness of the issues that Unlock exists to address. This year’s walk will take place on Saturday 3rd May between 9am and 5pm and the 8 mile route encompasses parts of Camden and Kentish Town with a good part of the walk along the canals. It is a very enjoyable and rewarding day out and, although 8 miles may sound daunting, the walk is conducted at a relatively leisurely pace and we usually find a pleasant park or bit of green to have a picnic en-route. You can get involved by either joining us on the walk or by sponsoring those walking. For more details, please contact me on 01403 700632 or Roland Zilz
The Crucifixion By John Stainer
Palm Sunday, 13th April 2014 at 6 pm St Peter ad Vincula Church Wisborough Green Sung by the extended choir of St Peter Ad Vincula Conducted by Malcolm Brinson - Director of Music The Crucifixion is an Oratorio for two solo voices (Tenor and Bass) and Chorus and interspersed with Hymns to be sung by the Congregation. 9
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Tel: 01403 700754
Mac’s Private Hire 24 hours a day - 7 days a week
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Sue Macleod 07881 628022 01798 342974
St Peter ad Vincula - The Cost of Upkeep Most people like to know that the St Peter's church is there, on top of the hill, for them if they want to have their baby baptised, get married or to have a funeral service for a loved one in the village where they lived. This beautiful, ancient building is well looked after by a group of kind vo lunt eers wh o wo rk tirelessly to keep it in good condition, but there is also a huge financial cost to maintain it and to pay for a Vicar. To pay our full contribution to the Diocese and to keep the church running on a day to day basis is an ongoing challenge. You will see from the certificate printed the amount we paid last year to cover the costs of our clergy, their pension and the upkeep of the Vicarage. On top of this there are the utility bills, repairs and maintenance of the church and churchyard. If you feel able to contribute in any way, however small, we would be most grateful. To do so on a regular basis contact David Warwick 01403 700262. Helen & Graham, Churchwardens
EASTER LILIES If you would like to give a donation for the lilies, which will be used to decorate the church at Easter and to sign a card in remembrance of a loved one, a card and a donation box will be at the back of church on Sundays. Alternatively you can give the money to Maggie Edwards (01403 700944) or one of the Churchwardens. Thank you. 11
Lent Quiet Away Day Oh what a beautiful day, for all of us in the South of England, but particularly so for the 25 friends from our parish that shared a Quiet Day at Micklepage, near Nuthurst in the heart of the West Sussex countryside on Saturday 8th March. The Day was led by Brother Angelo, a familiar figure to St. Peter Ad Vincula during this period of Interregnum. We were taken through a journey of quiet reflection, Brother Angelo sharing with us many different aspects of prayer including the quietness of meditation, and the peacefulness of contemplation; all interspersed with anecdotes and fun stories from his world wide travels and experiences.
A period of reflection, where most of us sat in the sunshine enjoying the early spring flowers and blossom, preceded the gathering for lunch. Andrea’s leek and potato soup was delicious, and conversation relaxed and happy as we sat around the huge kitchen table in the old beamed kitchen at Micklepage. The additional treat to this lunch was the unexpected desert, Helen’s homemade cake. The afternoon session brought us to think about the Holy Spirit. How, through recognising the power of the Holy Spirit within us our lives can be enriched and transformed. We were also taken through stories and teaching about Mission, the Mission of our church and the Mission within us to serve Jesus. The day concluded with a Eucharist held in the amazing “stable” chapel in the grounds of Micklepage, and with the sun still shining and warm, we departed uplifted and refreshed. 12
Doris Smallwood
Nature Notes ‘Oh to be in England now that April’s here’ ….. Well, we are here and so lucky to live in this lovely county of Sussex with its wonderful plant and animal life. Now, however, when the year ahead could perhaps bring disturbance to our peaceful environment and when many creatures could be under threat, I’m looking for beauty to cheer us, wherever we can find it. They say it’s in the eye of the beholder, so I may be alone in thinking this little leaf is a thing of beauty! It caught my eye on a walk in Bedham. A tiny caterpillar or beetle had obviously fed on it, and it was lying beside the path with the pattern glistening in the sun. Matisse, maybe? Or Picasso?? Anyway I liked it! Then we had a beautiful peacock butterfly –just awake after winter, and so desperate for nectar we got really close to photograph it feeding on a red nettle patch. Another day there was a glorious burst of song right outside the French windows. Moments later a wren appeared on one of the flower pots, cocked its head, and sped away into a nearby bush. A tiny bird like that – with lungs like Maria Callas! Oh dear, I seem to be getting a bit ‘airy-fairy’ – better calm down…...But the trees have burst into blossom now, and there are white drifts along the hedges, gorgeous cherry blossom in the gardens, and Spring is here! So perhaps I’m allowed to get a bit carried away. We’ve seen Red Admirals, Brimstones and Commas, so let’s hope this will be a better year for all butterflies, with much less rain to hamper them. The birds are well on their way to nesting, with the usual territorial squabbles. Two blackbirds sorted out the pecking order with a ferocious-looking fight the other day, but peace has now broken out. Our pheasant seems to have won over at least one partner, and one or two other males are now tolerated in the fields nearby. Deer are about and a badger was seen near the village the other evening, trundling along and disappearing into the hedge. Fieldfares and redwings are off, back towards northern Europe, and the warmer westerly winds will help them on their way. And chiff-chaffs are back – hooray! Buff-tailed bumble bee queens are everywhere, looking for nest sites, their loud buzzing another sound that lifts the spirits. They are the biggest British bee and the first to emerge after hibernation. And the other day, on a guided walk, a Sussex Wildlife man told us about the cuckoo bee. I’d never heard of it – but apparently it mimics the appearance of its target, which is always a queen bee. When the workers are away foraging, it infiltrates the edges of the nest, gradually absorbing the scents. After a few visits, it goes straight in, stabs the resident queen and takes over. Naming no names, but maybe Westminster comes to mind! Anyway – A Happy Easter to all! ! Sue J 13
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Garden & Grounds Maintenance Grass and Hedge Cutting, Beds, Turfing etc. Total & Selective Weed Control All types of Fencing Fully equipped, experienced & insured Tel: 01403 700648
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For a professional service please contact Jonathan Capelin (West Chiltington) 01798 817402
Wisborough Green Primary School News Our Spring Term has been rather damp so far! It has been quite difficult for the children as we have had quite a lot of what we call ‘wet playtimes.’ We do try to get them outside as much as we can but the rain has been relentless. Rather than playing outside, the children stay in school and they have a choice of activities to do. We have a collection of board games for the children to play but we know that they (and we) prefer it if they can be outside. Thankfully at the time of writing this letter, the weather seems to be improving and we have all been enjoying the recent sunshine! Our learning journey in KS1 has now changed to ‘On the Move.’ The children all returned after half term with their scooters and bikes and have been telling me some very interesting scientific facts about friction and how wheels work. The learning is very much guided by the interest of the children in each class so one of them might be focussing very much on airplanes, whilst another class will be interested in learning about boats. Although the children follow the same topic, it always looks very different in each class which perfectly illustrates how creative our curriculum really is. We have to keep a very close eye on attendance in schools and this is something that we at Wisborough Green Primary School have been really focussing on. To encourage better attendance, we celebrate best attendance in Friday assembly and the winning class receive special stickers. I do challenge each class to achieve 100% each week! Obviously if a child is poorly or contagious, they must stay at home, but we always encourage children to try to come to school. As I am sure you will have read in the press, holidays in term time are a very contentious issue at the moment. From last September there was a change in how holidays are authorised. As Headteacher I am no longer able to authorise the ten days that parents were traditionally entitled to within the school year. Now, unless it is an exceptional circumstance, I am unable to authorise any holiday. There has been a lot of discussion about what constitutes ‘an exceptional circumstance’ but I would usually discuss this on an individual basis. Parents are now encouraged to meet with me to discuss their plans before they book anything. Some schools have had to refer cases to West Sussex County Council, who may apply a fine of £60 per parent per child. This can prove quite costly when booking a holiday in term time. We reiterate to parents that there are 13 weeks during a school year when the parents can book these holidays and our parents do their best to stay within this. Our attendance as of 7th March was over 97% and has improved so much so we must be doing something right! The Summer Term is going to be quite busy for us as the new classroom project is set to start on the 7th April. I will be writing to residents who live close to the school, with more details about this. It has taken a long time to finalise the plans to expand the school, so that it can sustain itself. Funding for schools is based on pupil numbers predominantly and now that we will be able to comfortably accommodate 25 children in year group, the school is in a much better position financially moving forward. The governors applied to increase the admission number from 20 to 25 to achieve this and this increase took effect from Cont over...........
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with Robyn Burbridge
General Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Corticosteroid injections Diagnostic ultrasound Sports Injury assessment and treatment Running and dance assessment rehabilitation Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation
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Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite 16
Wisborough Green Primary School News (Cont) September 2012. With the new classroom, the school could accommodate up to 205 children. However, with an admission number of 25, our limit would be 175. We are able to now accommodate extra children who move into the village, which is what we set out to do. Currently we have 180 children in the school. We are mindful that the increase in numbers can cause extra traffic in and around the village at certain times of the day. We encourage walking to school but this is not always possible, as some of the children live too far away. We also actively encourage parents to park considerately and use the ‘park and stride’ areas. There is little else we can do but we are in communication with the Parish Council and West Sussex County Council on a regular basis to address these issues . Best wishes, Trudy Emberson Headteacher
HELP NEEDED! I am looking for someone to help me with Wisborough Green cubs. (8-10 1/2 yr olds) We are very outdoors focused and cover a vast range of activities. We meet on Tuesdays at 5.30 to 7.00 pm Please call me if you have any questions Carol Pearson 01403 700536 or 07779 337057
Open Gardens Weekend Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th June 2014 Once again we will be holding our very successful Open Gardens weekend in the village and a large number of gardeners have already kindly agreed to let visitors view their gardens. We are always looking for new gardens, both large and small, established and new, to include in the tours so, if you live near the centre of Wisborough Green and would be happy for people to look at your garden, please let me know. You don’t have to be an expert gardener to get involved! This year, as it is 100 years since the start of the First World War, we are going to have this as the theme to the weekend. Please do get in touch if you would like to take part in the event – there are plenty of ways you can help even if you are not a keen gardener. Put the date in your diaries now as this will once again be a wonderful village activity. Further details will follow of all that will be in store. To offer your garden or help at some stage during the weekend please contact: Annie Daniell on 01403 752846 or Email: 17
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Tel: 01403 783115 e:
extensions · alterations · brickwork stonework · paving · patios · garden walls all types of carpentry call Twig on
01403 700857 Mob: 07990 581411 Twiglets · The Luth · Wisborough Green 18
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Charity Shop & House Clearance Opp. The Three Crowns, Wisborough Green We welcome donations of all saleable items
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Set the Date
Catering for every occasion Providing high quality, home-cooked food for a wide range of events – weddings, christenings, funerals, cocktail parties & corporate events Contact Emma Foden: 01403 700653
Painting/decorating Tiling Loft ladders & boarding Electrical work Carpentry No job too small Competitive rates References available
Trevor Price 01403 701993 WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL FOR HIRE For hire charges and more information contact: Mrs Louise Slade on 01403 700421 20
Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance
T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483 Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices.
Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.
The Wisborough Green Sports Page Football Club. No report this month. Cricket Club. Nets for juniors and s enior s hav e c onti n ued at Cranleigh school on Sundays with many colts and some seniors attending. Colts signing on evening is going to be Friday the 4th April 2014 from 6pm with some coaching on the night weather permitting. Nets for seniors will commence towards the end of April on the green on a Tuesday and / or Thursday evening from 6pm please come along if you would like to play. (Alternatively ring Ken Vickery on 01403 700927 to discuss availability.) Matches for seniors and colts will begin at the end of April weather permitting with League games for the seniors commencing on the 10th May 2014. Preparation on the grounds will have commenced by now - you have possibly seen work going on at Collards and on the square. Stoolball Club. No report this month but I would like to apologise to those members of the stoolball club that have felt "belittled" by my comment in last month’s magazine suggesting that some of them "can't catch or hit the ball with a little round bat". I am sure I will be surprised by their achievements in the coming season that no doubt will make me eat my words! WGSCA. It has been agreed that the football pitch refurbishment will go ahead again this year at the end of April so do not be surprised to see tractors going up and down the green spreading sand and verti draining. We are also hoping that the long awaited artificial turf patio will finally be laid in April. Disclaimer - The above are my thoughts only and this is not an official page by the WGSCA or any of the clubs. This is just an attempt to try and keep villagers informed of what is happening on the green in the past and present month. Anybody can submit an article if they feel I have missed anything or if they wish to add anything. If you have any sports reports that you would like included in this section please send to and I will coordinate. Ken Vickery 21
Wisborough Green History - H Balchin Ltd. H Balchin Ltd was the most prominent general builder in the village for most of the twentieth century. Its premises were originally on the site of the shops opposite The Three Crowns and latterly in Balchin's Close. A building business was started in the late nineteenth century by James Balchin who was a joiner. The business went bankrupt around 1920. His son, Harold, acquired the business soon afterwards and established the company as H Balchin Ltd. He was born in 1899 as the oldest of seven children, viz. Harold, Frank, Cecil, Ami, Edi, Alice and Norah. Frank and probably Cecil ran businesses in association with Harold; details of these next month. Harold lived in Primrose Cottage in Newpound Lane and from 1938 in Oak Wood in Billingshurst Road. The company was a large employer of craftsmen in the village and also trained their own apprentices. It built many of the houses in the village, including the three houses built as chalet bungalows in the Luth, a house in the grounds of The Park and the shops where their old workshops once stood. It rebuilt the bakery into Abbots electrical shop which is now occupied by the tea shop and Zest. It also rebuilt the workshops of West Sussex Antique Timber with a steel framework with brick infill in the Second World War as the earlier wooden workshops (then owned by Carter Brothers) were gutted after being set on fire by incendiary bombs. Incidentally, Harold Balchin was the chief fire officer in the Auxiliary Fire Service for the village and its fire engine was stationed at the Balchins premises until the fire station in School Road was built c1941. The company operated from a large wooden barn on the site of Churchill's, etc. This was fronted by a long wooden building facing the road in which were its offices, showroom, etc. The showroom was at the front, behind were the offices and at the rear was a workshop containing the woodworking machines powered by an oil engine in the barn and fed from there by a belt; the company's speciality being carpentry. Attached to the right hand side of the building was what would have seemed to have been a shack in which (in the memory of most people alive today) was a small shop selling confectionery, newspapers and tobacco. However this would have been a false assumption as this was the older structure having been in existence since before 1910 whereas the showroom, etc was built c1925. More details next month. The company's workshops moved to new premises in Balchin's Close in 1963 on the site now occupied by the three houses. The new shops were then built on the site of the old workshops. The tiles from the old barn were re-used on the new shops, this being done by Bernie Cooper. The showroom and office continued for a short while in front of the new shops while the new facilities were completed; they were vacated by 1965 and demolished soon after. The company ceased trading in April 1984. The new workshops were acquired by a developer and later on in 1991 by West Sussex Antique Timber . (To be concluded next month ) RB RIGHT - H Balchin's showroom with their Austin A40 in front was taken circa December 1962. The car was used by Balchins in the harsh winter of 1962/3 to go around the district repairing pipes, etc. They carried their larger equipment on the roof rack. They also used other cars and a van.
ABOVE - H Balchin Ltd's workshops are in the background and in front is the showroom, office and woodworking machine shop (taken c1962 shortly before relocating). The little right-hand shop is occupied by Panda that transferred to one of the new shops.
Notice B CELEBRATES 10 YEARS! on FRIDAY 11th APRIL from 10.30am – 12.30pm We invite you to pop into WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL and enjoy an Open Morning to see the creativity that happens in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere each month. There will be an informal display of members’ work and refreshments to help celebrate our birthday!
For details about Wisborough Art Workshop, please contact Patsy Moore: 01798 861 860 or
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WINNERS! “Best Food & Beverage 2014” It was announced in February at the National Farm Attractions Network awards, held in Harrogate, that Fishers Adventure Farm Park in Wisborough Green had received not one, but TWO prestigious awards! The Fishers team were overjoyed at the awards ceremony when it was announced that they were the winners for ‘The Best Food & Beverage 2014’ at any farm park in the whole of the UK. This was shortly followed by another thrilling revelation that they had bagged the runners-up award for ‘The Best Farm Attraction UK 2014’. Pat McEvoy, Catering Manager at Fishers commented “We are delighted & proud to have received this award. It is a great recognition of all the hard work and dedication from every member of our catering team. We are committed to using fresh produce as much as possible from local businesses and suppliers and will hopefully continue to do so”. When it comes to good food, there is nothing better than fresh, local produce. Fishers fruit and vegetables are delivered fresh every morning and their shop local policy means that they do a great deal to support businesses in the area. They buy milk from the local dairy (Pulborough/Bury) bread from the village shop in Wisborough Green, meat from the butcher in Billingshurst and Loxwood and they also use their very own, Fishers Farm reared, meat! Their pork, beef and lamb is used regularly in homemade burgers and sausages, as well as the popular Sunday roasts. You can’t get more local than that!
Woodland Walk and Easter Treasure Hunt at Ingfield Manor Woods, Five Oaks, Billingshurst. Thursday 17th April 2014 11am – 3pm Easter Treasure Hunt - Eggs-cellent Easter fun for all the family! Come and join us on a special treasure hunt through the woods of Ingfield Manor on Thursday 17th April 2014, starting at 11am. Included in the price is a ride on the ‘Easter Bunny Express’ miniature train, a chocolate treat for each child that successfully completes the Easter trail and a chance to view our beautiful woods - all for just £5 per child and adults go FREE! Face painting, refreshments and a raffle will also be available at a small charge. Tickets available for purchase on the day. For further information contact Nikki on 01403 780444 or email 27
Community Minibus Association (W Sussex) Wisborough Green Village Organiser: Pat Farmer (700492)
Registered Charity No 275787
To use the minibus, you need to be a member of the Minibus Association. The annual membership fee is £2.00 – MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL
For bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076) Destinations for April 2014 th
Fri 4 Mon 7th Fri 11th Mon 14th Good Friday 18th Mon 21st Fri 25th Mon 28th
Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts Worthing & Morrisons Horsham & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Bank Holiday Chichester & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts
Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 2.00 pm Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am
The Minibus Annual Lunch will take place on Wednesday 30th April 12.30 pm at The Three Crowns - please see page 31 for details - all are very welcome. Advance notice too of a Summer Outing (see below) - a boat trip on the Chichester Canal on 6th June – please book early to avoid disappointment as there are limited places available. With best wishes, Pat Farmer
Early May 2014 Date Fri 2nd Mon 5th Fri 9th Mon 12th
Horsham & Sainsbury Bank Holiday Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts
Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 2.00 pm
WISBOROUGH GREEN COMMUNITY MINIBUS SUMMER OUTING CHICHESTER CANAL BOAT TRIP WITH CREAM TEA FRIDAY 6th JUNE 2014 11.00AM Enjoy a summer’s afternoon drifting along the Chichester canal while being served a delightful cream tea in your seat. The countryside along the canal is a nature reserve and you will see a number of different water birds. The boat can hold a maximum of 40 people and toilet facilities are available on board. (More details next month) Price for boat trip, cream tea and minibus £20 Please book as usual with Brenda Karn-Smith on 701076 Payment for this visit will be required by 20 May 2014. 29
Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser
R W Scott & Son Est 1932
All types of carpentry & joinery. Internal & external including stairs, doors, windows sliding, sash and casement. Trade enquiries welcome.
For a quality chimney sweep
Tel: 01403 784665 · Mob: 07768 163853 5 Ansells Yard, Wisborough Green
Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps
LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115
Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment
Specialist Cars Six Seater Private Hire Wheelchair access vehicle Experienced Female Driver Call for a reasonable quote 01403 700627 or 07810 376740 Email:
Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH Tel: 01428 707269 Email:
Registered Charity No 275787
W.G. VILLAGE MINIBUS ANNUAL LUNCHEON Wednesday 30th April 12.30 pm at The Three Crowns
Choice of Main meal and Pudding + Coffee
ÂŁ15-00 All are welcome To book please call Richard Pinkham on 01403 700114 or Pat Farmer on 01403 700492
Amy Needs Your Sponsorship Amy Eccles, who married Simon Eccles in St Peters Church on 1st August 2009, is running the London Marathon on April 15th and is looking for sponsorship to help raise funds for Bliss ( Her son Arthur was dangerously premature - you may recall Peter Dixon included him in prayers for many months. She writes: "Bliss is very close to our hearts being a charity for Babies Born Too Soon, Too Small or Too Sick. We have been very lucky not to need their support now Arthur is thriving at home but there are many babies and their families who aren't so fortunate and need help. You can donate via my Just Giving Web Page Please feel free to pass this on to friends and family - every little helps! Thank you in advance, Amy " You can also contact Jon and Lyall Eccles on 01403 753200. Amy is in serious training, getting out of their car on returning to London from a visit to us 22 kilometres from home and running the rest of the way! 31
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G R Kilford & Co. Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order 1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272
Restoring furniture for over 35 years.
Free valuations at the saleroom & home visits by appointment Forthcoming Sales: 26 , 30th April, 1st & 2nd May 24th, 28th, 29th & 30th May 21st, 25th, 26th & 27th June th For enquiries & appointments: 01403 700 858 Bellmans Auctioneers, Newpound, Wisborough Green, RH14 0AZ 32
OPEN DAILY For Lunch and Dinner Offering light snacks to dining experiences FAMILY FRIENDLY offering a varied children’s menu Real Ales Large garden Dogs welcome in the bar and garden 01403 820223
Recipe of the Month Apricot Fruit Cake This is very moist, crumbly fruit cake and is absolutely delicious. The recipe book says it is best kept in the fridge wrapped in foil or clingfilm, but I don’t like cold cake so usually ignore this bit of advice. I find it doesn’t last long enough for this to be a problem! It does freeze very well. 200g/7oz self-raising flour 100g/4oz glace cherries - halved 425g/15oz can of apricots 150g/5oz butter or soft margarine (stork) 115g/4 ½ oz caster sugar 2 large eggs 100g/4oz currants 100g/4oz raisins 100g/40z sultanas 160C, 325F, Gas 3 1.
Grease and line a 1½ kg/3lb loaf tin.
Sieve the flour and add ¾ of the cherries keeping the remainder for the top of the cake.
Drain the apricots and chop finely.
Cream the butter and sugar until light and creamy
Beat in the eggs, adding a tablespoon of flour with the last amount of egg.
Fold in the flour and all of the fruit.
If the mixture seems a little stiff 2 tablespoons of milk can be folded in at this point.
Turn into the prepared tin and arrange the reserved cherries on the top.
Bake for 2 hours in a warm oven or until cooked. Helen V
VILLAGE SPRING CLEAN There will be another community litter picking session on Saturday 5th April, meeting at the Sundial at 2.00 pm. Gloves, litter picking sticks, bags and bag holders will be provided. Please support this community event and help clear litter from the village verges. If you require any further information then please call the Clerk on 701102, otherwise just turn up on the day. We look forward to seeing you! Wisborough Green Parish Council 33
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The Cricketers Arms The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369
A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates. Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter 34
Neighbourhood Watch Fall in burglaries saves Sussex more than £2m Sussex Police's blitz on burglars has helped save the county more than £2 million this year alone. The Home Office estimates that every domestic burglary costs an average of £5,000 in terms of damage caused by the criminal, the value of the items taken, the emotional cost to the victim and the criminal justice system bill for investigating and prosecuting offenders. The latest figures for this year show that the number of burglaries committed in Sussex has fallen by almost 15% - down from 3281 between April 2012 and January 2013 to 2795 in the equivalent period in 2014. Using the Government's calculations, reducing the number of burglaries by 486 has saved the people of Sussex just over £2.4 million over the last 10 months. Sussex Police launched Operation Magpie in June to tackle burglary across the county, and Neighbourhood Watch plays an active part in this. Detective Superintendent Jez Graves said: "We've had some great successes in catching and charging burglars and their accomplices since the launch of Operation Magpie.” "It is pleasing when our investigations result in the recovery of victims' property and the imprisonment of offenders, but we also put a lot of effort into trying to prevent the offences happening in the first place, through visible and targeted patrols and by working with our communities and partners in relation to crime prevention. I'm pleased that there are fewer crimes and less victims but one burglary is one too many and I am determined to keep the pressure on criminals." Tackling burglary has been a consistent theme during Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne's monthly performance and accountability meetings with the Chief Constable. Mrs Bourne said: "Residents have told me that burglary is a concern to them and this is something I have challenged the Chief Constable on. That is why I was pleased to join the launch of Operation Magpie in June last year and see Sussex Police taking a proactive approach to targeting burglars in our county. These latest figures show that the number of burglaries has fallen in the past 10 months, which is very encouraging and, critically, this reduction has saved the force a significant amount of money at a time when it is being asked to make considerable efficiencies.” "The impact of a burglary can have a profound effect on victims and they may often describe it as a robbery or an invasion of their home; terms that actually relate to acts on a person not a property. This reinforces the deep, personal impact that a burglary has on someone that experiences it. I have a made a commitment to ensure we can all feel safer on our streets and in our homes, and I will continue to keep a watchful eye on this issue on behalf of local residents." If you have information about a burglary call 101, email or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you see a burglary taking place call 999. 35
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Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986
Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:
01403 820099 or
07768 124593
Licensed by Chichester District Council
Twelvetrees Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice
Tel 01403 700848 Email: Hetas no 1385
Wey & Arun Canal Trust Easter Bunny Cruises: Friday 18th April – Monday 21st April 2014 Join in the fun of a special Easter Cruise on the Wey & Arun Canal. 40 minute trips depart at 11.00am, 12.00, 2.00 and 3.00pm. The boat departs from the wharf beside the Onslow Arms on the B2133 in Loxwood and travels along the decorated canal and through a restored lock. Children will receive a chocolate gift from the Easter Bunny while adults enjoy refreshments and the chance to unwind and enjoy the scenery. Tickets cost £9 per person. Booking in advance is advisable. Please call The Wey & Arun Canal Trust Office on 01403 752403 or email: For further information please visit:
Boat volunteers needed to benefit canal restoration Canal boat trips are a key part of funding the restoration of the Wey & Arun Canal and more volunteer boat crews are needed to help meet the growing demand for cruises. “The number of boat trips we ran grew by 33% in 2013 and we’re struggling to find enough crews to run the cruises,” says Wey & Arun Canal Trust’s Boat Operations Manager, Rosie Sugar. “We need people to fill a variety of roles – you could even become a skipper and we can help you get a Boat Masters Licence to achieve this but we are especially in need of crew and you will receive full training (free).” The Canal Trust operates three boats, including a 50 -seater electric boat, for weekend boat trips and private charters between April and October from the Loxwood Canal Centre. Funds raised by the cruises directly fund restoration of the canal and this source of income will become critical as the Trust aims to accelerate the work over the next few years. According to Rosie Sugar, the only requirement is for volunteers to be over 16 years old and be moderately fit in order to operate the locks and work the boats. “There are also cabin crew vacancies which involve serving refreshments and selling merchandise on the cruises and for these positions you just need enthusiasm and a friendly disposition,” she explains. To find out more about these volunteer roles and what the training involves, please contact Rosie Sugar by email on or by phone on 07900 320757. WACT Boat Volunteer
Farmers’ and Village Market News
Next Market Thursday 10th April 2014 Village Hall 9 am – 12.30 pm
From Wisborough Green Primary School to Wisborough Green Farmers Market in sixty years written by Durwin Banks Does anyone remember Miss East at WG School? She was my first teacher and then Miss Shaw, who I think taught us to dance around the maypole ready for celebration on the green. As small family farmers there was always a lot of work and life was hard. My linseed journey started with building a still to distil chamomile, but I could not produce enough to wholesale and did not have the funds to make creams or shampoos. At that point I advertised the still. (I still have it, if anyone has a vodka recipe.) As a result of this I met a man who was pressing hemp and he showed me his system of pressing seeds to get the oil. So it was these efforts to find ways of earning a decent living from the land that led to ideas and finally to one that was life changing. I was always aware that linseed fed to livestock made their coats shine and produced good finished beef than much beef today. So with this small amount of knowledge I bought a press and started pressing for livestock, going around knocking on doors selling oil for their horses and other animals. Eventually merchants sold my oil. Within a few months I soon learnt much about the omega 3 that linseed contains and how important it is for the human body both to build it in the first place and to keep it well through life. Then I just knew that selling linseed for personal use was what I had to do. After many adventures in the world of marketing, this business started. Feedback from my customers led me to realise how important were the benefits of linseed in peoples' lives. I was being told of all sorts of conditions and problems people suffered from that had been helped with my linseed in their diet. Mahatma Gandhi had already said that “whenever flaxseeds (linseeds) become a regular food item among the people, there will be better health." It is a proven fact that a cholesterol lowering effect is noticed when a teaspoon of oil or equivalent in capsules is part of a daily regime. Over the last few years I now work with many therapists dedicated to helping people change for the better. I broadcast on YouTube and have a radio show Thursdays 11.00 to 12.00 on Natural Health Radio; find it on the internet. I love to talk with people. Wisborough Green Farmers and Village Market Committee P.S. The winner of the March Market raffle is Mrs Joyce Atwater (Eagland) now at Southwater. This was drawn by Janet Carter of “Blossom and May”. 38
Wisborough Green Horticultural Society Yes. No talk in April. It was on 31 March! Sorry if you missed it. The early bird catches the Talk. MAJOR REMINDER regarding this year's SUBSCRIPTIONS to be a member. If you are not already paid up, JOIN A.S.A.P. and join the rest of us members. If you have a friend or new neighbour do invite them to join our friendly group with a very varied programme of talks, visits and two terrific Shows. ÂŁ7 for a solo membership. ÂŁ12 if you are a couple. Please send cheque (made out to WGHS) to or drop it off for: Alison Midwinter, Fernlea, Kirdford Road, Wisborough Green, RH14 0DD Keep in mind that we will be having our Spring Plant Sale on Saturday 10th May at 2pm on the little Green where the Millennium sundial rests. Please beg, borrow or buy wellies to come in, as the ground may still be soggy, if that heavy clay soil has not dried out a bit. Please dig and delve, prick out and nurture so that your arms are full of contributions to the sale. People are hungry for vegetable plants especially and we always sell out - so we need more of these. Our flowering plants and the rest are pretty well sold out too. What is left we grow on and they turn up in the Autumn sale. There will be donated pottery containers to buy, so if you have garden equipment you no longer need but someone else could, please bring it in the morning or before the sale and leave it at the side of the gravel area next to the open garage by The Old School House. May you all go away happily with your arms full of plants and things horticultural. Remember to book a seat on the coach trip to Selbourne and Gilbert Whites' House and Garden on Wednesday 25 June. He was an 18th century pioneering naturalist. His home is full of hands on things to do, watch and see. More: the lovely 18th century parkland and garden, the exhibition about Captain Oates of the Scott expedition to the South Pole, the 19th century explorer Frank Oate's collection, an award winning tea shop on the spot, a terrific gift shop and also some plant sales followed by a special visit to Blackmoor Nurseries of fruit fame. What variety. Ring Kate Steele 01798 813357. Do remember that non members are welcome too. Aija Hamilton BILLINGSHURST Bowling Club opens for the 2014 season on Saturday 19 April at 2.00pm. New members welcome, experience not necessary. Come along then or have a try on one of our open evenings - last Friday in April plus all Fridays in May from 6-7.30pm - other days/times by arrangement. All equipment supplied. For further information contact Keith (Chairman) tel (01403) 784599 or see our website at: 39
Decorative & Fine Arts Society Meetings WEST SUSSEX DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY The April lecture, in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2.15 on Tuesday 1st April is
"Michaelangelo: art, power and conflict" The May lecture, in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2.15 on Tuesday 6th May is:
"Everything stops for tea - the social history of tea-drinking" The lecture is preceded by coffee. Visitors are welcome at a fee of £5 and anyone wishing to become a member should contact Beth Dugan 01730 815339. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SOUTH DOWNS DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY The April meeting will be in Fittleworth Village Hall on Wednesday 2nd April
“Marc Chagall’s Poetic Vision” Speaker – Mr. Frank Woodgate BA The May meeting will be in Fittleworth Village Hall on Wednesday 7th May
The Cat and the Fiddle: Images of Musical Humour from Medieval to Modern Times Speaker – Mr. Jeremy Barlow MA ARCM Coffee served from 9.50 a.m. New members and visitors welcome. If you would like to join us please ring the Membership Secretary on 01403 783359
Wealden Trefoil Guild Wealden Trefoil met on March 4th at Homelea Wisborough Green the home of June Clark for a social evening and pancakes. We welcomed 2 guests, Jean Edney and Jan Ashram and after the business part of the meeting, several members had brought books they had found interesting and informative and gave a brief resume of their chosen book. Jean Edney gave members a potted history of the Queen Mother’s Clothing Guild for which we knit items including squares for blankets. All items are sent to British Charities including Chestnut Tree House, St Barnabas and Crawley Open House. Ruth Isaacs had made pancakes for everyone which we heated in a microwave and served with lemon and sugar and were enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be in our usual home of St Mary’s Room in Billingshurst on April 1st and will be a talk and demonstration of Reflexology by Jane Goldsmith, visitors welcome. Ruth Isaacs, Chairman Tel. 01403 785402 or June Clark, Secretary Tel: 01403 700522 40
WI Report For our March meeting we had one of our own members demonstrate how to make wonderful bunnies from a Cadbury’s cream egg; how do you do that I hear you enquire, well you just take a leaf out of Tony Hart’s book and get busy with icing paste in various colours and hey presto!! Caroline Frost of decorates the most exquisite cakes usually with her individual flowers, but tonight she showed us how to make a bunny!! Bring on Easter.
Our next meeting on the 3rd April will be a demonstration by Rawlins Butchers from Cranleigh. Sharon Reilly will show us the tricks of the butchering trade and no doubt will instruct us how to get the best joint for Easter. By the time you read this we will have held our jumble sale and many thanks go to those who helped in any way, we couldn’t have done it without you. Sue Nicholls Contact: Gaye Harris (President) 01403 820229
Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the March Draw is Sara Thompsett who wins £75 The winner of the second prize of £20 is Ian Andrews The April draw will be at the Cricketers at 6.30pm on Wednesday 9th April and if any member or prospective member would like to attend they would be very welcome. Please contact me for further details Ruth Andrews 01403 700671
Flag Raising Dates - March 21 April
Birthday of Her Majesty The Queen
23 April
St George’s Day 41
Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser
For more details please contact your local personal stylist
Holly Stone 01403 700110 or 07909 951338 SHOP NOW OR HOST A TRUNK SHOW TODAY!!
A full range of upholstery services for traditional and contemporary furniture. Full upholstery, fitted & loose covers, cushions, headboards & accessories Free quotation. Collection and delivery
Contact Paul or Will: 01798 368008 42
Weather Watch February - A wet month yet again. The winter quarter (Dec-Feb) was reportedly the wettest since 1761. Wisborough Green rainfall for February was 198mm (last year 53mm – 6 yr average was 56mm). Wettest for the month was Achnagart, Wester Ross with 432mm Highest temp for the UK was 14.9°C at Heathrow with the lowest recorded -7.7°C Altnaharra in Sutherland. Despite the rain, sunshine levels were 112% of normal. After a wet start to March and with several dry and sunny days - prepare for the drought! Weathervane
Wisborough Greenfingers Tips Plan where other bulbs could be added for extra impact next year. What plants will fluff up and hide the bare patches of bulbs gone to earth? Plan to add. What would have made the garden more attractive this grey winter? Would it still look good in the spring garden? Plan to add.
CYBER TIPS “Keep checking your email because it's the only way i can reach me.” There is a danger in publishing advice like my Cyber Tips, because the clever people who set out to damage our computers get more and more clever all the time, sometimes with the help of that advice. I have kept on and on in this series about being alert to the possibility that any email may be spam or worse. I have explained before how you can find out if a “From” address that looks genuine is genuine. Click on the “From” address and its properties will be displayed on your screen to tell you if the address is dodgy or not. You can still do that but it is no longer a guarantee. I have recently received an illiterate email, supposedly from a friend, asking me to send him £2100 because he is in trouble in Ukraine. It is typical of the emails that have been doing the rounds for years. They must sometimes be successful, otherwise they would have disappeared long ago and replaced by something a little more subtle. But more subtle they are becoming! I clicked on the “From” address, not because I believed that my friend sent the message, but because I like to keep up with the latest tricks if I can. Lo and behold, this time I cannot distinguish the rogue address from my friend’s genuine one. There has to be something hidden but I can’t see it …. Yet! Watch this space and stay safe Peter Edmonds 43
Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 05 April
Mr & Mrs Edmonds
12 April
19 April
Mr Preston-Jones & Mr Devenney
26 April
Mr & Mrs Grengs
If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Jill Brett know – 700350.
Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays) NO flowers during Lent. 17 April (Maundy Thursday)
Anne Beasley - White Pedestal
19 April (Easter Saturday)
25 April
Jacky Grengs
CLEANERS & FLOWER ARRANGERS PLEASE NOTE: Xpresso is held in the church Fridays from 9.00 to 11.30am.
Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music
INTERREGNUM Dr Graham Parr Mrs Helen Vause Mrs Val Mourilyan Mrs Liz Atkinson Mrs Tricia Howarth Mr David Warwick Mr Malcolm Brinson
700793 700567 700089 700462 700445 700262 01730 816101
Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers Mr Robin Miles 823361 Cleaners Mrs Jill Brett 700350 Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards 700944 Readers & Intercessors Mr Phil Donoghue 701094 Chalice & Sacristans Mrs Andrea Parr 700793 Healing Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 St Peter’s Links Mrs Sandra Donoghue 701094 Wizzy Tots Parent & Toddlers Mrs Tory Cato 07903 951917 Website: For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact one of the churchwardens or PCC secretary ASAP.
Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :
Editorial Advertising Distribution Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman Parish Council Clerk Police (non-emergency) Primary School Business Manager PTA Secretary Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Beavers (6-8 yrs) Sports Clubs Association (Pavilion) St Peter’s Luncheon Club Short Mat Bowls Club Spitfire Simulator Group Stoolball Club Table Tennis Club Village Hall Bookings Village Hall Committee Chairman Village Car Service Village Care Team & Library Service Wisborough Green Arts Wisborough Green Conservative Association Wisborough Green Fete Society Wisborough Green Sideshows Society Wisborough Green Trust Wisborough Green Website WG Website Editor Wisborough Green Youth Club Women’s Institute
Mr Roland Zilz Vacant Mr Roger Moody Mr Brian Smith Nina Lambkin Mr Tim McMath Mrs Aija Hamilton Mr Craig Vit Mrs Pam Warburton Philip Midwinter Mr Jim Gavin Mrs Pat Farmer Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith Mrs Priscilla Pinkham Mr Keith Charman Mrs Louise Davies Mrs Clare Lonsdale Ms Vanda Miller
700632 700123 700346 701027 700373 700588 700369 701903 700402 700220 700492 701076 700114 700545 701102 101 700280 700736
David Ribbens 01483 200688 Carol Pearson 700536 Simon Santa-Cruz 07584 620669 Mr Ian Elliott 700474 Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 Mrs Louise Slade 700421 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Mrs Sheila Armistead 700319 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Mr Sam Cookman 700301 Mr Christopher Stride 700495 Mr Richard Bairstow 700140 Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Mrs Sarah Jackson 700574 Mrs Gaye Harris 820229 45
What’s Happening in April Tue 01
Wed 02 Thur 03 Fri 04 Sat 05 Wed 09
Thur 10 Fri 11 Sat 12 Sun 13 Tue 15 Wed 16 Thur 17 Fri 18 Mon 21 Wed 23 Thur 24
Sat 26 Sun 27 Wed 30
West Sussex Decorative & Fine Arts Society (p 40) Wealden Trefoil Guild (p 40) Parish Council Planning Meeting (if required) South Downs Decorative & Fine Arts Society (p 40) Rural Children’s Bus WI Meeting (p 41) WG Colts signing on evening (p 21) Village Spring Clean (p 33) Mobile Skip Rural Children’s Bus Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 41) Farmer’s & Village Market (p 38) Mobile Library Wisborough Art Workshop Open Day (p 24) BCS Concert (p 28) “The Crucifixion” by John Stainer (p 9) Parish Council Meeting Rural Children’s Bus Woodland Walk & Easter Treasure Hunt (p 27) Easter Bunny Cruises Wey & Arun Canal (p 37)
Fittleworth Village Hall 2.15 pm St Mary’s Rm, Billingshurst 7.00 pm Vine Rm, WG Village Hall 8.00 pm Fittleworth Village Hall 10.00 am The Pavilion WG 12.15 - 1.15 pm WG Village Hall 8.00 pm The Green 6.00 pm The Sundial Green 2.00 pm The Pavilion WG 8.30 am - 1.30 pm The Pavilion WG 12.15 - 1.15 pm The Cricketers 6.30 pm WG Village Hall 9.00 am - 12.30 pm The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm WG Village Hall 10.30 am - 12.30 pm Leisure Centre, Billingshurst 7.30 pm St Peter’s Church 6.00 pm Comm. Rm., WG Village Hall 7.45 pm The Pavilion WG 12.15 - 1.15 pm Ingfield Manor Woods 11.00 am Loxwood 11.00 am - 3.00 pm
Rural Children’s Bus Mobile Library Youth Club Annual Parish Meeting (p 19) BCS Quiz ‘n’ Chips (p 25) Annual Parochial Church Meeting Village Minibus Annual Luncheon (p 31)
The Pavilion WG The Pavilion WG WG Village Hall WG Village Hall WG Village Hall St Peter’s Church The Three Crowns
12.15 - 1.15 pm 2.55 - 3.15 pm 6.30 pm 8.00 pm 6.45 pm 12.00 noon 12.30 pm
Ad Vincula—your Parish Magazine Keeping Wisborough Green in touch EDITORIAL: Please email: ** DEADLINE 14th April PLEASE ** OR leave on chest inside main church door Please mark envelope “For Ad Vincula Magazine” ADVERTISING:
Please telephone Roland Zilz on 01403 700632 or email:
Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser
Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser