Ad Vincula Magazine October 2014

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October 2014

Wisborough Green Parish Magazine

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AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News

Highlights October 2014

Ad Vincula Team

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar ..................................... 4 Pastoral Letter ............................................................ 5 Church Notices / From the Registers ......................... 6 Regular Church Activities / Prayer ............................. 7 From the Editor / Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal ........ 9 Nature Notes ............................................................ 11 WG Primary School News ........................................ 12 Wey & Arun Canal Trust .......................................... 13 Harvest Supper / Roger Moorey Memorial Concert . 15 Women as Priests and Bishops ............................... 17 Oil/Gas Exploration - KKWG Update ....................... 19 Wisborough Greenfingers Tips ................................ 19 Prospective new Energy Cooperative ...................... 21 WG Fete and Horticultural Show ...................... 22 - 23 Notice Board ..................................................... 24 - 25 Community Minibus - Wisborough Green ................ 27 Wisborough Green History ............................... 28 - 29 Recipe of the Month ................................................. 31 Neighbourhood Watch........................................33, 35 Village Organisations - Meetings ..................... 37 - 41 Weather Watch / Cyber Tips .................................... 43 Village Hall 50 Club ................................................. 43 Church Cleaning / Flower Rosters / Directory .......... 44 Village Organisations Directory ................................ 45 What’s Happening .................................................... 46

Roland Zilz Editor

Vacant Advertising

Roger Moody Distribution

Interregnum Vicar

Dr Graham Parr Churchwarden

Helen Vause Churchwarden If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor.


Copy Deadline for November 2014 issue:

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council.

14 October 2014

Please note, it is not possible to check the credentials and claims of those advertising, so please ensure that you get references and check any claims before entering into business with them.

Printed by: Premier Print Group 25-31 Violet Road LONDON E3 3QQ Tel: 020 7987 0604

Cover picture by Roland Zilz - Winkworth Arboretum in October 3

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for October Wednesday

1 October


4 October

Sunday 5 October 16th Sunday after Trinity Tuesday

7 October


8 October

Sunday 12 October 17th Sunday after Trinity

10.00am Holy Communion 7.00pm Harvest Supper in the Village Hall 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Sung Eucharist 4.30pm Prayer Group ‘til 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Kairos


14 October


15 October


17 October 10.30am Quiet Morning (contact Wendy Duff 700295 or Alison Jekyll 700243 for details)

Sunday 19 October 18th Sunday after Trinity Tuesday

21 October


22 October

Sunday 26 October 19th Sunday after Trinity Tuesday

28 October


29 October


1 November

Sunday 2 November All Saints Day

4.30pm Prayer Group ‘til 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Sung Eucharist 4.30pm Prayer Group ‘til 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am All Age Eucharist 4.30pm Prayer Group ‘til 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) 10.00am Holy Communion 7.00pm Memorial Concert for Roger Moorey (see p 15 for details) 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Sung Eucharist

CHURCH WEBSITE - Anything missing or incorrect? Suggestions for improvement? Having problems navigating the site? Please let the “webmaster” (Roland Zilz) know on 700632 or 4

Pastoral Letter When we think of Harvest we often think of the combine harvesters plying up and down the fields harvesting a crop of wheat in late August or early September. As a child I can remember that the wheat harvest didn’t start until September and often went on until the early days of October – think of a Harvest Moon! These days with modern varieties of winter wheat the crop is harvested several weeks earlier and also has a much higher protein content so that British wheat is now widely used for breadmaking in a way which used to be the preserve of Canadian hard wheats. Bread plays a very important part in our diet but it also features in many of the stories of God’s people. On the night God led the Israelites out from slavery in Egypt, the people were commanded to bake unleavened bread to take with them (Exodus 13.39). In the countryside around Galilee, crowds followed Jesus out into the desert to hear him speak. Jesus took a few loaves and gave thanks, broke the bread and gave it to the people. Jesus makes it clear that this gift of physical bread is a sign of his gift of the deeper spiritual food which we need – Jesus himself is the bread of life (John 6.35). Again, in an upper room on the night before he was crucified, Jesus celebrated a meal with his friends at Passover. He ‘took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said: ‘Take, eat. This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me’ (1 Corinthians 11.24). All of these stories should be in our mind as we pray this line of the Lord’s Prayer – ‘give us this day our daily bread’. It is this line, with its double stress on ‘this day’ and ‘daily’ which has led many to use the Lord’s Prayer every day as the heart of their own personal prayers. One of the other vital ingredients when making bread is of course yeast which is used to leaven or make the bread dough rise and produce the spongy texture we so much appreciate. Yeast is a living organism which has to be fed itself so that under the right circumstances it will grow and multiply and in doing so produce carbon dioxide which is what makes the dough rise. Harnessing this living organism is rather similar to what Harvest is all about – harnessing the talents and skills of not just yeast but of ourselves in building our communities and our lives together, a God-given gift which binds our community and our parish. On Sunday 28th September we have our Harvest Festival in church when we can all give thanks for the abundant harvest of fruit, flowers and vegetables but also for the talents, skills and gifts which we all bring, and then later in the day the auction of all the produce at The Cricketers. Then on the following Saturday 4th October we hope as many as possible will be able to join us in the Village Hall for our Harvest Supper when we will once again enjoy a time of food and fellowship. This Harvest time, I urge us all to think about the gift of bread and what it means to us and also to think about the ‘harvest’ of skills and talents which go to make our community. Dr Graham Parr, Churchwarden 5

Church Notices Dates for the Diary  Saturday 4th October - HARVEST SUPPER 2014 in the Village Hall. See p 15 for more details.  Saturday 1st November - MEMORIAL CONCERT for Roger Moorey See p 15 for more details.  Sunday 9th November - Remembrance Sunday  Sunday 16th November - Music concert in commemoration of World Wars I & II (more details next month).

UPDATE ON NEW VICAR A new advertisement was put in the Church Times in September, which is a national newspaper, for the Vicar of Wisborough Green and will run until one is found. By the time you read this it is hoped that some applications will have been submitted.

WHAT IS PASTORAL CARE? There are various definitions of Pastoral Care: ‘being a good neighbour to people in need’ ‘showing compassion, encouragement, non-judgemental acceptance, unconditional love’ ‘be present with, listening to and journeying alongside’ ‘sharing burdens and praying for those in our care’ All these statements sum up the many facets of Pastoral care and we, at St Peter’s have a small dedicated team who are happy to visit anyone from the village, young or old, who feel they need some company or support. Many of us live a long way from the comforting network of friends and family and, whilst this is hard to replace, a visit from a friendly face can help. This can be for someone who has just come out of hospital, who is housebound, who is unwell or just lonely.

PASTORAL CARE DURING THE INTERREGNUM It is important for the Parish to be aware that during the interregnum there is still pastoral support for those who need it. Members of the Healing Group, Village Care Team, Prayer Groups and Social Development Team have come together under one umbrella to work as one, providing prayer and care where required. Communication and co-operation is crucial for this to work effectively, So if you know of someone or you think you yourself would benefit from this service please contact Gillian Gough on 700157 or Helen Vause on 700567.

From the Registers (August 2014) Weddings:

Saturday 16 August 2014 - Imogen Mitchell & Andrew Stevenson Saturday 30 August 2014 - Jo Austin-Berry & Robert Taylor

Baptisms: 6

Tuesday 19 August 2014 - Alfie Holmes

Regular Church Activities PRAYER GROUP AND QUIET MORNINGS If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome at Wendy’s house (2 Clockhouse) on a Tuesday at 4.30, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the homes of Wendy Duff and Alison Jekyll at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff 700295 for details.

VILLAGE CAR SCHEME If you, or anyone you know of, needs transport to get to a hospital, dentist or doctor's appointment please contact Jennie Burr on 700607 who will arrange for someone to drive you there. More drivers are still needed to help with this service. If you can spare half a day a month, please contact Jennie Burr on 700607. Thank you.

DON’T FORGET……… If you haven’t experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 9am ‘til 11.30am in church and EVERYONE is welcome! Special Offer - buy 5 coffees and get the 6th one FREE!! Full details from Xpresso.

Prayer CHAIN OF PRAYER Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. A copy of the chain is on the notice board at the back of church. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate its effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality. Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:

5 October 12 October 19 October 26 October

Billingshurst Road & Wisborough Gardens Glebe Way & Harsfold Lane Petworth Road & Balchins Close Fittleworth Road 7

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From the Editor Bienvenue à l'édition d'Octobre d’Ad Vincula. Due to a clash with our holidays, I am writing this from France! Isn’t modern technology wonderful? So, if you spot any errors this month you will know why! Roger Moody is also away this month so a big Thank You to Peter Corthine for stepping in this month to organise the distribution. The big talking point since the last edition has been the annual Wisborough Green Fete. We just could not believe the weather on the day. In the 25 years we have lived in the village, we cannot remember an August Bank Holiday Monday like it but, in true British tradition, the faithful turned out and helped prevent the day being a disaster. See reports and pictures on pages 22 & 23. Elsewhere, in addition to the usual articles, this month we have a notice of a memorial concert for Roger Moorey (p15), an article on the historic General Synod decision to allow women Bishops (p17) and an update from KKWG on oil/gas exploration (p19). We have news of a new village initiative to form an “Energy Cooperative” (p 21) and, in Neighbourhood Watch this month, there are reports of yet more scams designed to extract financial information from the unwary (p33). I hope you find the magazine interesting and useful and, as usual, I would love to hear from you with any comments or suggestions. The magazine can also be viewed on line at: Roland Zilz

LINK TO HOPE SHOEBOX APPEAL 2014 Please help once again this year, by filling a shoebox in time for Christmas, for the underprivileged of Eastern Europe. Often the only choice they have is whether to buy food or fuel. Gifts are not a priority. Families and elderly folk need our help. Apparently it is possible to fill a shoebox for £10 ! See the poster in church for ideas, or log into There is also a list on the leaflets you need to attach to the boxes, you will find these at the back of the church. Please complete the “Gift Aid” section if you are a taxpayer. Please make sure your shoebox doesn't rattle! Small wrapped sweets are good for filling in the gaps. They recommend a size 8 shoebox, so that they are all of a similar size. Thank you in anticipation, of your continued generosity. Closing date is 5th November. Any queries please phone Suzanne Mosley 01403 700946. 9

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Nature Notes If you’ve seen the ducks on the village pond lately you might have wondered why they all seem to be a little smaller this year. No, hang on – it’s just that one of them is considerably bigger than the rest. Peter Edmonds thinks it may be an escapee – and a bit of a mongrel maybe crossed with an Indian Runner. He’s christened it “The Rev Duck”, as it has a distinct white dog collar. And it’s definitely in charge down there. There is also a young heron in regular attendance, so goldfish watch out! Goldfish look nice, but they’re not good for wildlife, especially for any dragonfly or damselfly larvae, so he’s doing a good job. Peter has also reported a mature hedgehog trundling about his garden. This is great news, as they are becoming very scarce. We’ve not seen one over this way for several years now. The fact that there are so few seen on the roads these days shows they are struggling, I’m afraid. Such delightful characters, it would be very sad to lose them altogether. A happier story for sparrows! There are several quite big ‘posses’ of them about, often in our garden, and “Rev Duck” and his Flock they’re extremely noisy at times. The continental Chaffinches are back too, with their extra flashes of white and brighter coloured chests. One of them has worked out how to cling onto a feeder, in the way one of our robins used to. Well, all those lovely seeds together in a plastic tube? Who wouldn’t give it a try? Further afield, in a garden in Sullington under some timber, a young grass snake was found curled up amongst several slowworms, all fast asleep. And another young snake was attempting to swallow a large frog! They rushed for the camera, but on returning found the frog gone and a still skinny young snake sneaking back behind the timbers. An exciting encounter the other day as I drove back from Loxwood. A brownish bird suddenly dipped down in front of me into the opposite verge. There was nobody behind me, so I braked rather hard, and watched a young male kestrel fluttering up and off with a small dark shape in his talons, a little rodent. As he flew, I hoped I hadn’t disturbed enough to make him drop his lunch. I just couldn’t quite see, darn it! Another ambush took place when a hornet was seen to attack a bumble bee that was quietly feeding on a sedum flower head. It stung the bee several times to subdue it and then carried it off. Again we couldn’t see where exactly it went. A larder somewhere? Has anyone any ideas? Now my usual nag at this time of year! Please can Bonfires to be built as near the Night as possible, and checked for wildlife before they’re lit? Thank you! And house martins and swallows etc will be gone now. As always, we wish them well and really hope to see them back next year. May the winds be with them. Sue J 11

Wisborough Green Primary School News Our new year has started very well, there was quite a surprise for parents and children as they walked into the school grounds – our building has been finished, along with a brand new playground surface and new fencing. Inside, most of the decorating is complete and we have new carpets everywhere. With the new blinds and new furniture, everything looks fresh and modern. We are very proud indeed; our school is looking so beautiful. Mr Goodchild, our fantastic premises manager, has worked incredibly hard throughout the school holiday with the contractors and has ensured that the building was ready for the children on the 4th September. And it was! Thank you so much Mr Goodchild from all of the children, staff and governors at the school! The swimming pool is up and running, thankfully! We missed not being able to use it last term. We hope to swim until half term, depending on the outside temperature. The new Reception children, our new Explorers, are settling in so well! It is wonderful to see how quickly the children adapt to school life. Not only do we welcome a whole class of new children, we also welcome a new group of parents which is great for the school. Our buddies from Year 5 have been working with the children to help them settle in more quickly. They bring the children into school, stay with them for a few minutes, then help out organising book bags and lunchboxes and then play together at break time. At lunchtime they sit with the children, encouraging them to eat quickly enough to have some play time. At the beginning of the school year, our focus is very much on settling the children into their new classes, setting the new class rules and making sure everyone is clear about our expectations for behaviour and learning. We have a beautiful new school environment to maintain and we feel as a staff that some of this should be the children’s responsibility so we have been asking them to suggest ways that we can achieve this. They are full of great ideas; our job will be to make sure that we all stick to them! The staff at Wisborough Green Primary School work incredibly hard and we do our best to provide the very best education for the children that we can. We have a new curriculum which is exciting and challenging for all. Our new website has faced a few delays unfortunately but should go ‘live’ any day now! 12

Wisborough Green Primary School News (Cont) At the beginning of the school year, all teachers meet the parents to introduce themselves and outline the learning that is planned for the year. This time the teachers have been sharing information about our new style homework. Now the children have set tasks to complete every week (learning times tables, reading, practising spelling etc) but can choose from a menu of tasks to complement their topic. We hope parents like it as it means that they can be more flexible when tasks need to be completed, especially as so many of the children have after school clubs and commitments. We do try to keep parents informed about everything we do, via the weekly newsletter, parent consultation meetings and phone calls as needed. It has been lovely to come back to such a beautiful (and almost finished) school. Our next focus really needs to be our car park and the outside environment. It was quite a difficult summer term having building work completed whilst attempting to run the school but we got to the end of term relatively unscathed and the end result is definitely worth it! Kind regards, Trudy Emberson, Headteacher presents‌

The Autumn Lecture Friday 17th October 2014 7:30pm St. Mary's Church, Church Road, Petworth, GU28 0AD With

FIONA CASTLE OBE Living Without Regrets

A dancer and singer, who was married to Roy Castle, the well known entertainer, who died of lung cancer. Fiona has written a book on coping with cancer, also, five anthologies of prose and poems and has been a presenter at Premier Radio, the Christian radio station. Come and hear how her faith enabled her to cope with Roy's death and cancer.

Refreshments will be served Free Entry All are welcome Further information: Gerald Gresham Cooke 01798 342151 13

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Garden & Grounds Maintenance Grass and Hedge Cutting, Beds, Turfing etc. Total & Selective Weed Control All types of Fencing Fully equipped, experienced & insured Tel: 01403 700648


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For a professional service please contact Jonathan Capelin (West Chiltington) 01798 817402

Memorial Concert for Roger Moorey Saturday 1st November 2014, 7.00 pm St Peter Ad Vincula Church, W Green This concert has been arranged to celebrate the life of Roger Moorey whose love of music is well known. Those taking part will include:

The Riverboat Shuffle (Roger’s Jazz Group)

St Peter’s Music Group St Peter’s Choir Roger’s Family & Friends Refreshments will be served. The event is free but will be ticketed to gauge numbers. There will, however, be a retiring collection the proceeds of which will be divided between FSW and St Peter's. For more information and to reserve your ticket contact Judy (700700) or Helen (700567) 15

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with Robyn Burbridge      

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Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite 16

Women as Priests and Bishops Just a few months ago I was very privileged to be elected as a representative of Chichester Diocese on the General Synod of the Church of England, the national governing body for the church. At its meeting in York in the middle of July a historic decision was taken by synod to approve legislation which paves the way for the appointment of the first women as Bishops as early as the end of this year. I am sure many of you will be aware that for some time the vexed question of the potential consecration of women priests as Bishops has been a hot topic of debate and sometimes very contentious. One of the strengths of the Church of England is its ability to embrace people with a wide range of theological and liturgical views, but at the same time this can sometimes make it extremely difficult to embrace change and evolution as both wider society and our understanding of scripture develops. As a result, the church can on occasions look decidedly out of touch! At the same time the church also tries very hard to hold the wide range of views together and indeed this has been the case for those parishes who for reasons of conscience cannot support the ordination of women where appropriate provision has been made for the last 20 years. When the previous attempt to pass legislation to allow the consecration of women as bishops was defeated in November 2012 it was very clear that the decision of General Synod did not represent the views of the Church of England in the parishes and pews and there was much recrimination. It was therefore fascinating to see how the discussions which have gone on over the last 18 months have clearly resulted in a very significant change of heart and the new legislation package was overwhelmingly approved by the laity, clergy and the bishops. It has also been very reassuring how the views of our own diocese have changed markedly over that same period. At a meeting of Chichester diocesan synod in May this year the new package was approved by a significant majority and this reflects a sea change in the diocese partly as a result of significantly greater trust in the senior clergy over recent times and particularly since the appointment of Dr Martin Warner as Bishop of Chichester. The respect for and acceptance of women priests in the diocese continues to grow and this has been further confirmed through the recent appointment of Canon Fiona Windsor as our own Archdeacon of Horsham and of Rev Lucille Gale as the Diocesan Director of Ordinands, a role concerned with discernment and selection for training of potential candidates as new clergy. As the church begins to finally enjoy the full gifts and blessings of women priests and bishops our own diocese will also take an important role in encouraging the ministry of all regardless of gender. Alleluia!! Dr Graham Parr Churchwarden and General Synod Member 17

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Set the Date

Catering for every occasion Providing high quality, home-cooked food for a wide range of events – weddings, christenings, funerals, cocktail parties & corporate events Contact Emma Foden: 01403 700653



Painting/decorating Tiling Loft ladders & boarding Electrical work Carpentry No job too small Competitive rates References available

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Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance

T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483 Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices.

Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.

Oil/Gas Exploration - KKWG Update The application by Celtique Energie for an Exploratory Oil/Gas well on land at Boxal Bridge in Kirdford on the border with Wisborough Green Parish was unanimously REJECTED by WSCC Councillors on the advice of their planning officers on 22nd July. Following this decision, Celtique Energie now has three months, ie, until 22 nd October, in which to appeal. In turn, a parallel application by Celtique Energie for a similar borehole at Fernhurst in the South Downs National Park was unanimously REFUSED by the SDNP Planning Committee on 11th September. An emphasis was placed on planning guidance and noise. 3,591 signatures were received on petitions (e- and paper) urging West Sussex County Council to declare the area a FRACK FREE ZONE. This proposal was put forward on the basis of a recommendation made in a report issued by RSPB et al 1 which analysed the designated areas for landscape and wildlife and the water stressed areas. Clearly, this county rates very highly on both issues. WSCC now has to arrange for the full Council to debate the issue – date and venue yet to be announced. October 25th: Folk Against Fracking for fun and fund raising! North Hall, Loxwood Village Hall, Guildford Road, Loxwood, West Sussex RH14 0JF. Music, dancing and some singing! Tickets include food: £15; young people £5 and under 5s for free. Ring: 01403 700395. See poster p24. At Balcombe, local residents took legal advice and called for a Judicial Review of the decision made by WSCC Planning Committee on 29th April which sanctioned an examination of the contents of the borehole already drilled there by Cuadrilla. Strong arguments need to be made which show that the decision was not taken in the correct way. It cannot just be the case that you don’t like the decision, rather it is the process which has to be shown to be flawed. This case is due to be heard in the High Court 67th November. Watch out for further information and updates on KKWG website: 1

Angling Trust, the National Trust, RSPB, the Salmon&Trout Association, the Wildlife Trusts and the Wildfowl&Wetlands Trust (WWT) (March, 2014) Are we fit to frack: Policy recommendations for a robust regulatory framework for the shale gas industry in the UK; This report is underpinned by a separate document, Hydraulic fracturing for shale gas in the UK: Examining the evidence for potential environmental impacts

Jill Sutcliffe

Wisborough Greenfingers Tips  Try Spring Cleaning the garden area this autumn; just any debris that has built up e.g. old plastic pots, worn out canes, wire netting and any unwanted or duplicate tools. If anything can be used by someone else, pass it on to the Plant Sale on 4th October.  Try to get any autumn pruning done that is so often put off. If in doubt, come to the Sale or Autumn Meeting and ask for advice from active gardeners.  Remember bulb planting – the sooner the better. 19

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Prospective new Energy Cooperative Prospective new energy cooperative for Kirdford and Wisborough Green As stated in the KKWG article above the application for exploratory drilling for oil and gas on the borders of Kirdford and Wisborough Green was refused by West Sussex County Council on 22nd July. This whole issue has raised the need to address energy policy - our needs and our use of energy and how we are going to provide for this. There is a simple solution, if we make the effort and take responsibility and control - we can do it ourselves! Balcombe has created its own energy cooperative called PowerBalcombe ( and its aim is to supply 100% of Balcombe’s electricity demand through community owned and locally generated energy. This is the key - to source potential renewables tailored to our particular area which will not spoil our landscape or generate unwanted and unnecessary traffic on our roads. We can do this here in Wisborough Green and Kirdford if we are willing to support energy schemes which are owned locally and benefit our community There are many questions which need to be asked and answered: What are our energy needs and those of local businesses? Can these be met by renewable energy sources and provide local employment? What energy generation opportunities might there be in our area (in addition to wind and solar), small or large, both now and in the future? For example there may be geothermal potential - would you want to encourage this and benefit from the technology once it becomes established? This may be a way to encourage investment in local businesses and encourage jobs in this emerging sector. We will be organising an open evening sometime in the next few months to discuss energy conservation and how to set up an energy cooperative with speakers who are experts in this field and who have set up energy cooperatives in their local area. Keep an eye on future Ad Vincs for details. Please contact me on with the questions you would like to ask. If you are already using any form of renewable energy I would love to hear from you what type it is and how long you have had it in place. Renewables are the future and we can take that future into our hands. Together, we can create a positive response to the energy debate. Katy Fletcher 21

WISBOROUGH GREEN FETE & Wisborough Green Fete Society

A Massive Thank you! Wow, it couldn’t have been a wetter Bank Holiday Monday if it had tried. But the motto ‘the show must go on’ rang around the village green as a group of brave (or should that be mad) committee members and volunteers started to set up on the soggiest Bank Holiday morning there has ever been! We were astounded that not one volunteer cried off despite the atrocious conditions and come 1pm friends and families showed their support, turning out in good numbers, dressed in their finest raincoats and wellies, and carrying a fantastic array of umbrellas! We are truly grateful to everyone who came along to help man stalls, and to all those who came to have fun in true British style. Your enthusiasm and good spirits brought sunshine to the green – no really it did! Also a big thank you to the members of the Sideshows Society who did a valiant job keeping the volunteers warm with hot drinks and delicious cakes. We even managed to run many of the children’s races, the dog show (a great year to get a rosette) and the egg throwing. We are also very grateful to Fisher’s Farm Park for bringing along their beautiful shire horses, who despite being a bit damp, looked spectacular. Our new attraction for the year, the ‘Test your Strength’ stall proved hugely popular too with plenty of people having a go to ring the bell. It will certainly go down as a fete to remember. We are yet to work out if we will be able to make any donations to good causes this year but we will update you on this in a future edition of Ad Vinc. Once again a HUGE thank you to every single person who, despite the weather, made it a great day, we couldn’t have done it without you. The Wisborough Green Fete Society 22

& HORTICULTURAL SHOW 2014 Wisborough Green Horticultural Society See page 37 for our full report but here are just a few extra photos from the day.

Wisborough Green Sideshows Society As many of you know, we support the Wisborough Green Fete Society by providing refreshments for their helpers at the Village Fete and we also run the BBQ. Despite the atrocious weather we still managed to serve teas to everyone albeit not from our tent but from Phil and Sandra's kitchen at Pimpernel House - many thanks to them both. The burgers and hot dogs seemed to go down well and I must thank Tim at the Three Crowns who once again provided us with all the food, and the Lee Family Cookers who did sterling work slaving over the hot coals, I don't know what we would do without them. Our takings were quite obviously down but I must thank the Fete Committee and all the wonderful villagers who came out and supported us all. Christopher Stride, Chairman

Wisborough Green Historical Society Due to the dreadful weather on August Bank Holiday the Wisborough Green Historical Society was unable to display its exhibition about WW1, but all is not lost as it will now be available for all to see in the church over the weekend of Remembrance Sunday (8/9 November). The church is open all day so do take time to come and see this informative and moving display. 23



BOARD SPECIAL THEMED BOAT TRIPS ON THE WEY & ARUN CANAL, LOXWOOD On Sunday 26th October a fun Halloween trip for younger children (lasting approximately 45 minutes) will depart from The Wharf beside the Canal Centre in Loxwood at 4.30pm. Tickets cost £9 per person. This will be followed by a scary trip for older brave souls (lasting approximately 90 minutes) which will depart at 7.00pm. Tickets cost £14 per person. Light refreshments are included on both trips. Tickets must be booked in advance. Fancy dress is encouraged but not compulsory! Also, our popular Santa cruises will be running again in December. If you would like to make a booking or receive further information on special events and private charters, or on the restoration work and volunteering opportunities on the canal, please call the Trust Office on 01403 752403 or e-mail: website:

NOVEMBER FUN & FROLICS The Dame Vera Lynn Trust for Children with Cerebral palsy would like to give you the opportunity to do something INCREDIBLY EXCITING this year! With two unique events on offer including a Spooky spectacular Halloween Fun Run/Walk at the exclusive castle ruins of Cowdray Park and a Sizzling Firewalk at the Holbrook Club which is the most exhilarating thing you will ever do. You are spoilt for choice. If you would like to have bags of fun whilst helping benefit an extremely worthy charity here are the details

November 1st – Halloween Fun Run/Walk @ Cowdray Park – Midhurst Family 1.5k @ 3.30pm £10.00 per family and no restriction on numbers & includes a hot chocolate drink (max 4 hot chocolates per family £10 family group entry) Adult (16+) 5k NIGHT TIME RUN @6.00pm £15.00 per adult and a yummy hot chocolate drink is included. Plus get up close and personal with some amazing owls who will be our special guests. Fancy Dress encouraged, Registration must be made in advance to attend.

November 15th- Firewalk @ Holbrook Club - Horsham Minimum age 16 to take part £30 deposit required & includes a bowl of chilli, rice and nachos or veggie option), with minimum further sponsorship of £25 For more information about these events, please contact Catherine Bristow on 01403 780444 or email or visit 25

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Community Minibus Association (W Sussex) - Wisborough Green Village Organiser: Pat Farmer (700492)

Registered Charity No 275787

Please note: The Central Office of the Community Minibus Association (West Sussex) has decided that the annual membership fee is to increase to ÂŁ5 from 1st January 2015 MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL

For bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076)

Destinations for October 2014 Fri 3rd Mon 6th Fri 10th Mon 13th Fri 17th Sat 18th Mon 20th Wed 22nd Fri 24th Sat 25th Mon 27th Fri 31st

Worthing & Morrisons Cranleigh & Notcutts Horsham & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts Chichester Festival Theatre Horsham & Sainsbury Guildford Chichester & Sainsbury Guildford Theatre Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts

Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 2.00 pm Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.00 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 2.45pm Depart 2.00 pm Depart 9.30 am

We revert to our Autumn/Winter Schedule from October operating on Mondays and Fridays, with one Wednesday each month - to Guildford in October. At the time of writing there are two seats remaining for the backstage tour of Chichester Festival Theatre on Saturday 18th October – please call Brenda if you would like to go. The Minibus Association is a charity reliant entirely on unpaid volunteers. If you feel you might be able to contribute one or two mornings or afternoons a month as a driver or escort, you would be warmly welcomed. Please do contact me on 700492 if you would like to become involved. . Pat Farmer

Early November 2014 Dates Mon 3rd Fri 7th Mon 10th

Horsham & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts

Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 2.00 pm


Wisborough Green History More shops! This article describes those shops that have closed since the 1920s. Kelly's and Piggott's directories list shops that were trading during the nineteenth century and into the twentieth, but I have not attempted to describe these as I have no information about most of these or even where they were located. The shops fall into two categories; village centre shops and those outside. A feature of the latter is that they were very small and sold a very limited range of groceries and confectionery and that they ceased trading when people became more mobile and preferred the greater range of goods in the village centre or beyond. Due to the limited usage and remote nature of these shops, not much has been recorded about them and, to my knowledge, not a single photograph of them exists. In last month's article I made reference to the post office in the house that is now White Chestnuts. This late-Victorian building became the post office when it moved from Green House in 1904. The sub-postmistress was Mrs Emma Wadey who was the daughter of Mr and Mrs Charman who had run the post office next door until then. She continued in that role until 1938; latterly, from 1931, there had also been a general store in the building run by Horace James (he also owned the Handy Shop opposite see last month's issue). He became the sub-postmaster in 1938 and so relinquished his running of the Handy Shop, leaving his son Maurice to take over. Horace continued as sub-postmaster through the war years until 1950 when he resigned and the post office moved to the old pavilion although his family continued to live there. The post office and store were in the left-hand ground floor room. From the outside, the only indications that it was a post office were stamp machines selling 1d and ½d stamps occupying one of the window panes, a sign above the window and a collection box built into the left corner that was later bricked up albeit with a different colour brick and is still visible today. The Post Office in the 1930s


y - The Closed Shops Pt1 The village telephone exchange was installed in the post office around 1907. This was a small desk with two upright panels at the back that contained a socket for each subscriber in the village and several for calls to beyond the village. Across the centre of the desk was a row of lights each with a switch and a plug. Each plug had a springloaded lead that was pulled up through a hole in the desk. When a call came in, a light came on in and the operator would ask the caller for the required number, i.e. the old fashioned "Number please?" An exception to this was when Horace James was the operator late in the evening and he'd say sarcastically "This is a fine time to be ringing up!" The operator then took the plug that corresponded with the light and inserted it into the appropriate panel socket and flick the switch to complete the connection. This continued until an automatic exchange was installed in 1947 in Balchins Close immediately behind Yew Trees. Left: A rather poor shot of the Post Office interior in the 1920s. Has anyone any idea of the identity of the woman? Could it be Emma Wadey? Also. note the postmen's mail bags hanging up behind her, each with its own labelled position.

After the post office moved in 1950, the Handy Shop business merged with the general store to be managed by Horace's son, Geoffrey. This shop sold a wide variety of goods, e.g. confectionery, stationery, newspapers, wool, batteries and a few gifts. In addition, Geoffrey sold fireworks for Bonfire Night - he also made them for his own use! Villagers who were children at the time remember a man with rather poor eyesight who only permitted two children at a time into the shop because of the possibility of shoplifting that he wouldn't be able to notice! The business changed hands a couple of times before the shop was let to Angela Hughes in 1975 who ran Wisborough Green Antiques from there. Throughout this period, Geoffrey James owned the house and he continued to live there until his death 1992. As a result, the antiques business closed and house sold. It was renovated into the house known today as White Chestnuts. Wisborough Green Antiques 1990 RB, to be continued .. 29

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R W Scott & Son Est 1932


All types of carpentry & joinery. Internal & external including stairs, doors, windows sliding, sash and casement. Trade enquiries welcome.

For a quality chimney sweep

Tel: 01403 784665 · Mob: 07768 163853 5 Ansells Yard, Wisborough Green




Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps

LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115

Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment

Specialist Cars Six Seater Private Hire Wheelchair access vehicle Experienced Female Driver Call for a reasonable quote 01403 700627 or 07810 376740 Email:


Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH Tel: 01428 707269 Email:

Recipe of the Month STEAMED TREACLE SPONGE PUDDING WITH VANILLA ICE CREAM This is ‘calorie corner’ but a sheer delight as the evenings draw in. Serves 6 - 8. Pudding Ingredients: 3 tbsp golden syrup 175g self-raising flour 1 rounded tsp baking powder 175g very soft butter 3 large eggs 175g soft light brown sugar 1 tbsp black treacle Ice Cream Ingredients 275ml condensed milk 275ml single cream 200ml crème fraiche 2 tsp pure vanilla extract

Pudding  Butter a 1.2 litre pudding basin well. Cut a double thickness of kitchen foil measuring approx 30 x 40 cms. Grease a tablespoon and measure the 3 tbsp golden syrup into the pudding basin.  Sift the flour and baking powder into a large mixing bowl and add the soft butter, eggs, sugar and black treacle. Using an electric hand whisk beat the mixture for about 2 minutes until it is thoroughly blended. Spoon the mixture into the basin and use the back of a spoon to level the top.  Cover the basin with foil, making a pleat in the centre. Pull the foil down the outside of the basin and tie in place around the rim with string, taking the string over the top and tying it on the other side to make a handle for easy lifting. Trim off the excess foil all the way around.  Place the pudding in a steamer fitted over a saucepan of boiling water and steam for 2 hours, checking the water level halfway through.  To serve, loosen the pudding all around, using a palette knife, invert it onto a warmed plate and serve with the ice cream.

Ice Cream Put everything into a bowl and use an electric hand whisk to mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a polythene freezer box and place it in the coldest part of the freezer for 2 hours. Remove it and use a hand whisk to give it another mix. Return to the freezer for a further 3 hours and whisk again. Return to the freezer for a further 6-8 hours, by which time it at should be serving consistency. Richard V 31

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G R Kilford & Co. Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order 1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272

Restoring furniture for over 35 years.

Simon & Naomi Parsons NPTC & FdSc Qualified and insured

Tree Surgery & Garden Design OPENING TIMES MONDAY – FRIDAY: Bar & Food 12noon – 3.00pm Bar 6.00pm – 11.00pm Food 6.00pm – 9.00pm


Bar 12 noon – 11.00pm Food 12 noon – 9pm


Bar 12 noon – 10.30pm Food 12 noon – 9pm

01403 820223


18yrs Tree Surgery experience all work undertaken Design – Planting Plans – Garden Overhauls Based in Bedham tel: 01798 865428

Neighbourhood Watch Sussex Police Opens its Doors Sussex Police is opening its doors and inviting you to see what happens in a variety of policing departments across the force. From 9am on Friday 10 October until 9am on Saturday 11 October you can watch us at work in our 24-hour live stream on our website. What would you like to see? The contact centre who takes your 999 calls? The scenes of crime investigators? The dog unit? Police out and about on patrol? Find out more here:

Scams and yet more Scams! Be aware of council tax scam - currently in Mid Sussex but could spread Residents are being urged to be aware of a scam involving offenders claiming to be offering council tax refunds. A number of people in Mid Sussex have been phoned and told that they had been placed in the wrong council tax band and that they should get a sum of money back. The offender then told the victims that they would need to pay a fee via their debit or credit card to get their full refund and asked for their card details. A number of elderly and vulnerable people across the district have been contacted and have given their card details out. It is not yet known whether any of the victims have lost money in the scam or if there are more people who have been targeted but who have not contacted either Sussex Police or Mid Sussex District Council. There could also be victims in other parts of Sussex. Sergeant Graeme Prentice said: "We need to speak to anyone who has been contacted by those involved in the scam so that we can track down and arrest those responsible. They appear to be deliberately targeting the vulnerable and the elderly and we want to stop them before they steal anyone else's money. If you have elderly or vulnerable residents or neighbours please make them aware of this scam so they do not become a victim." Councillor Christopher Snowling, Mid Sussex District Council's cabinet member for health and community, said: "The council will never contact you out of the blue to ask for personal information like your bank details. The process of claiming a council tax refund does not involve telephoning the person eligible for a refund. Councils will write to the person eligible for a refund and then send a cheque or make a direct payment into their bank once they confirm that person still resides at the relevant address. No fee will ever be requested to process a refund.”

E-mail Scam A Wisborough Green resident (BP) received an email from ‘Apple Worldwide’. It was saying that her Apple Account has been momentarily locked until they could validate her Apple and iCloud information on file, and that this is a security measure to secure her Apple Account from unapproved use. Failure to update account details within 24 hours can result in permanent suspension of the Apple Account to protect other users. They already had BP’s email address, postal address and telephone number, the URL address asked her to put in password, verify the address details and Cont. over......


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The Cricketers Arms The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369

A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates. Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter 34

Neighbourhood Watch (Cont) to give her Barclaycard and bank details, at this point BP telephoned Apple customer service and they said to delete it and that they wouldn’t ever ask for card or bank details. It seems obvious but you can so easily be taken in.

More Telephone Scams Another Wisborough Green resident (KF) had a very plausible phone call from “The Call Prevention Service”, advising her that the calls she was getting which are nuisance calls, can all be stopped by using a box that they will send in the post, which is free of charge, and the monthly charge that she pays BT at the moment will go down to £1-50 a month, and then asked if the last four digits on KF’s card were 4462 and they could make sure that her payment would only be £1-50 a month from BT. Alarm bells started ringing because this number was not correct, and the scammer was trying to make KF confirm the correct number on her card. When KF said “I do not give bank details over the phone”, she put the phone down. She said her name was Becky, extension number 119 and the telephone number 08445675679. KF has since entered this number on Google and it has come up as a scam. A variation on the above was reported by another Wisborough Green resident (AM) where the caller (female Scottish voice) this time claimed to be from BT but again asked AM to confirm the last four digits of her debit card. A telephone scammer called two people in Emsworth to try to get them to reveal vital bank details. In each case the criminal rang potential victims, purporting to be a DC Adams from Hammersmith Police or PC Chappel from the Metropolitan Police, and told them that they had been the victim of a scam. Pretending that this was being investigated, they then sought confidential bank details which would have provided direct access to their accounts. PCSO Jason Lemm said: "Whatever you may be told, under no circumstances would the police or a bank request your PIN number or personal details over the telephone or arrange collection of your bank cards from your home address, as has happened in some instances. I urge anyone reading or hearing this message to pass it on to any friends and relatives who may not be aware of this particular type of targeted fraud, to prevent any vulnerable friends or family members from becoming victims. If you have any information, whether you have received similar calls or know someone who has been a victim of this crime, contact Sussex Police via 101 or email quoting Operation Edisto. You can also call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. For on-line advice on fraud prevention, go to fraud,-scams-and-financial-issues/what-can-i-do-to-prevent-fraud. The 'Little Book Of Big Scams' also gives advice on how to prevent a wide variety of frauds sussex_police_the_little_book_of_big_scams_online_22.03.13.pdf . Never give anybody your bank details unless absolutely sure they need to know. Priscilla Pinkham 35

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Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986

Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:



01403 820099 or

07768 124593

Licensed by Chichester District Council

Twelvetrees Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice

Tel 01403 700848 Email: Hetas Training Cert. no. 1385


Wisborough Green Horticultural Society Saturday 4th October 10.30am Little Green Autumn Plant Sale th Monday 6 October 8pm Village Hall Talk by Roger Parsons on “Sweet Peas”. Three cheers for the people that came to the August Show. Three cheers for the people that entered, having to bring their entries from 7 am, when the rain was like stair rods with no hope of brightness. Three cheers for all the Stewards, morning and afternoon, who enabled the Show to run. People were so well humoured about it; so British, even when a swathe of water flowed through the marquee and eventually left a shallow layer of water to splodge through. No one ended up in the mud to my knowledge either. Some people even said they came especially in the rain because the marquee would be less crowded! It was raining so hard that we opened well before our opening time, in fact before all was ready. How could we leave people in a queue outside on a day like that? A “born and bred in WG” member commented that she had not experienced such dreadful August Bank Holiday weather ever. See next page for results. Our next event is the Autumn Plant Sale on the little Green at 10.30am on Saturday 4th October. Old Hands know the form – divide and repot, dig up spares, sort out the potting shed/garage and bring to the Sale. New Hands are MOST WELCOME. Come and join the fun. It is a bit of a Bring and Buy Sale. Surprising plants and things turn Linda Hatcher & Trish Evans - winners up. Even rain will not deter you! of the Ansell Allotment Cup presented by Mrs Ansell (centre) Two days later come and sit down for a Sweet Pea visual extravaganza; listen to a true expert and undoubtedly you will be able to buy some very special seeds. How about Marie's Melody or Cocktail Cupid or Black Knight or even King Edward VII? Roger Parsons is a specialist sweet pea grower from Bracklesham Bay. His business stocks about 1200 varieties of Old Fashioned traditional sweet peas to Grandiflora sweet peas. An opportunity to bring an interested friend to pick up tips, seeds or just enjoy the lovely photographs on a big screen. Everyone is welcome, members and visitors. Join us for refreshments afterwards (no charge). . Aija Hamilton 37

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Wisborough CCTV Professional friendly service and advice  Single Cameras to 20 + Camera installations.  Discreet or overt cameras.  Internet Based Systems, view from any internet device.  Wireless Systems.  Fully managed systems staring from £1 per day.  Offering a wide range of digital video equipment.  Gate Entry voice and video system with number plate recognition. Call Richard Butcher, Video Protect Ltd: 01403 820611


Wisborough Green Horticultural Society August 2014 Trophy Winners


Decorative & Fine Arts Society Meetings WEST SUSSEX DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY The next lecture, in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2.15 on Tuesday 7th October is:

“Mr. Foote's other leg Comedy and Tragedy in Georgian England” Coffee is served before the lecture and guests are welcome at a fee of £5 The November lecture, in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2.30 on Tuesday 4th November is:

“The Mosaics of Ravenna” It begins at 2.30 because it is preceded by the AGM for members only. Anyone wishing to become a member should contact Beth Dugan 01730 815339.

SOUTH DOWNS DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY The next meeting will be in Fittleworth Village Hall on Wednesday 1st October

Arabia Felix – Secret Treasure Chest of Yemen and Oman Speaker – Mr. Christopher Bradley Please note: AGM at 10.30 a.m. followed by the lecture The November meeting in Fittleworth Village Hall on Wednesday 5th November is:

Prague – ‘City of the Winter Queen’ Speaker – Mr. Douglas Skeggs Coffee served from 9.50 a.m. New members and guests welcome. Membership Secretary for details - 01403 783359


WI Report For our September meeting we had a talk by Helen Clark from Horsham Museum about the early days of Horsham. When I say early days, I mean dinosaurs onwards! Did you know that Rudgwick has a dinosaur named after it? Helen showed us some very old photos of Horsham which some of us recognised (some didn’t) and I’m sure we will all treat Horsham with the respect that it (now) deserves. Our October meeting on the 2nd is at the Village Hall where we will have a ‘hands on’ art class with the help of Marcus Finch, so bring your pinnies and imagination and see you there. Sue Nicholls Contact: Gaye Harris (President) 01403 820229 40

Wealden Trefoil Guild On Tuesday September 2nd,11 members of the Guild met in St Mary’s Room, Billingshurst for a fascinating and moving talk given by Chris Connors of the Coco’s Foundation on his work with HIV and Aids children in South Africa. He gave a brief history of his life and how he became a hairdresser based in Billingshurst with 2 other Salons and a training centre for hairdressers. He was approached by a trainee who wanted to work with under privileged children in Africa so he took his first group of teenagers to an Orphanage he had heard about in South Africa. They raised money to rebuild the school and provide footwear for 19 children. He then decided to come back in 6 months to further improve the life of the children so raised more money to provide school uniforms, medication and food. The parents are all dead because of aids and there are only a few grandparents left to care for and educate the children and some heads of households are only 10 and 12 years looking after their siblings. The organisation has expanded to provide Food 4 Africa, feeding 300 children daily, Build 4 the Future, building basic brick houses instead of mud huts, Food 4 Life and PSS Workshops. Now he takes out groups of teenagers and adults some from his hairdressing Salons including some Girl Guides and some leaders from Central Sussex, twice a year to work on the projects. He also was given 80 Comfort Teddies knitted by a group of Seniors, which he gave to the children, especially the more sick ones and these were received with so much joy and happiness, something of their own to cuddle! The next meeting is on October 7th when members will be filling and wrapping Christmas Shoeboxes for “ Link to Hope” Ruth Isaacs, Chairman Tel. 01403 785402 or June Clark, Secretary Tel: 01403 700522

Farmers’ and Village Market News

Next Market - Thursday 9th October 2014 Village Hall 9 am – 12.30 pm Mr Fresh – whoops, I mean of course Mr Russell Noakes from Fresh in Jengers Mead, Billingshurst, is our fresh fruit and vegetable stall holder. People are discovering the very wide variety of fruit and vegetables that he displays so colourfully outside the Village Hall. Bev of soaps and handmade stroke able cushions also will knit to order. Today she got an order for a non gender specific baby bonnet and bootees, choice of wool/easy care acrylic/colours. If you need something knitted, do ask her. If you feel like doing a turn with refreshments for Macmillan, not a regular stint, just the odd one or two when available please get in touch with us. Wisborough Green Farmers and Village Market Committee 41

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For more details please contact your local personal stylist

Holly Stone 01403 700110 or 07909 951338 SHOP NOW OR HOST A TRUNK SHOW TODAY!!

A full range of upholstery services for traditional and contemporary furniture. Full upholstery, fitted & loose covers, cushions, headboards & accessories Free quotation. Collection and delivery

Contact Paul or Will: 01798 368008 42

Weather Watch Wisborough Green Rainfall for August was 135mm (last year 35mm – 6 yr average was 72mm). Wettest place in the UK was at Cluanie Inn, Wester Ross with 301mm – the driest was Holbeach, Lincs with 38mm. Fair Isle in the Northern Isles clocked up 132mm – almost equalling what WG had in a month! Highest temp for the UK 27.2°C at St James park, London and the lowest recorded was -2.1°C at Braemar, Aberdeenshire. Sunshine levels were average for August. In August the three week cool period (due to persistent low pressure) brought to an end what had been a lovely summer. Weathervane

CYBER TIPS You will have noticed, earlier this year, and for many weeks, that BT Openreach has been digging holes, lifting manhole covers, inserting endless cables and installing new dark green cabinets around the village. They have been installing fibre-optic cables and have given us “Better, faster broadband”. I have yet to investigate what it could mean for me if I were to embrace it because I am not sure that I, personally, need the facility. I have no doubt, however, that there are many who will benefit greatly from this awaited improvement. This Cyber Tip will take me into my third year of offerings and it’s time for a survey (of sorts). You can’t get away from surveys can you? Just three simple questions: 1. Have you moved on to faster broadband? 2. If you have, is it worth the increased cost? 3. What improvement in download speed have you achieved? Answers by email please to West Sussex County Council has been distributing cards recently and you can pick one up in the Village Stores or from SCRIPT charity shop. The cards contain contact information if you have questions. Peter Edmonds

Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the September draw is Philip Midwinter who wins £75 The winner of the second prize of £20 is Roger Moody The October draw will be at The Three Crowns at 6.30pm on Wednesday 8 October and if any member or prospective member would like to attend they will be very welcome. Please contact me for details of the club and how to join us. Ruth Andrews, 01403 700671 43

Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 04 October

Mr & Mrs Armistead

11 October

Mrs Clark & Mrs Scrase

18 October

Mr & Mrs Edmonds

25 October

Mr Preston-Jones & Mr Devenney

If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Jill Brett know – 700350.

Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays) 03 October

Caroline Cullinan

10 October

Caroline Cullinan

17 October

Mary Benson

24 October

Mary Benson

31 October

Shirley White / Sheila Armistead

CLEANERS & FLOWER ARRANGERS PLEASE NOTE: Xpresso is held in the church Fridays from 9.00 to 11.30am.

Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music

INTERREGNUM Dr Graham Parr Mrs Helen Vause Mrs Val Mourilyan Mrs Liz Atkinson Mrs Tricia Howarth Mr David Warwick Mr Malcolm Brinson

700793 700567 700089 700462 700445 700262 01730 816101

Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers Mr Robin Miles 823361 Cleaners Mrs Jill Brett 700350 Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards 700944 Readers & Intercessors Mr Phil Donoghue 701094 Chalice & Sacristans Mrs Andrea Parr 700793 Healing Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 St Peter’s Links Mrs Sandra Donoghue 701094 Wizzy Tots Parent & Toddlers Mrs Tory Cato 07903 951917 Website: For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact one of the churchwardens or PCC secretary ASAP.


Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :

Editorial Advertising Distribution Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman Parish Council Clerk Police (non-emergency) Primary School Business Manager PTA Secretary Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Beavers (6-8 yrs) Sports Clubs Association (Pavilion) St Peter’s Luncheon Club Short Mat Bowls Club Spitfire Simulator Group Stoolball Club Table Tennis Club Village Hall Bookings Village Hall Committee Chairman Village Car Service Village Care Team & Library Service Wisborough Green Arts Wisborough Green Conservative Association Wisborough Green Fete Society Wisborough Green Sideshows Society Wisborough Green Trust Wisborough Green Website WG Website Editor Wisborough Green Youth Club Women’s Institute

Mr Roland Zilz Vacant Mr Roger Moody Mr Brian Smith Nina Lambkin Mr Tim McMath Mrs Aija Hamilton Mr Craig Vit Mrs Pam Warburton Philip Midwinter Mr Jim Gavin Mrs Pat Farmer Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith Mrs Priscilla Pinkham Mr Keith Charman Mrs Louise Davies Mrs Clare Lonsdale Ms Vanda Miller


700632 700123 700346 701027 700373 700588 700369 701903 700402 700220 700492 701076 700114 700545 701102 101 700280 700736

David Ribbens 01483 200688 Carol Pearson 700536 Simon Santa-Cruz 07584 620669 Mr Ian Elliott 700474 Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 Mrs Louise Slade 700421 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Mrs Sheila Armistead 700319 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Mr Sam Cookman 700301 Mr Christopher Stride 700495 Mr Richard Bairstow 700140 Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Mrs Sarah Jackson 700574 Mrs Gaye Harris 820229


What’s Happening in October Wed 01

South Downs Decorative & Fine Arts Society (p 40) Fittleworth Village Hall 10.30 am Rural Children’s Bus The Pavilion WG 12.15 - 1.15 pm Thur 02 WI Meeting (p 40) WG Village Hall 8.00 pm Sat 04 “Art at the Wharf “ (p 24) until Sun 12 The Wharf, Newbridge 10.00 am Autumn Plant Sale (p 37) Little Green 10.30 am Harvest Supper (p 15) WG Village Hall 7.00 pm Mon 06 Horticultural Society meeting (p 37) WG Village Hall 8.00 pm Tue 07 Wealden Trefoil Guild (p 41) St Mary’s Rm, Billingshurst 7.00 pm West Sussex Decorative & Fine Arts Society (p 40) Fittleworth Village Hall 2.15 pm Wed 08 Rural Children’s Bus The Pavilion WG 12.15 - 1.15 pm Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 43) The Three Crowns 6.30 pm Thur 09 Farmer’s & Village Market (p 41) WG Village Hall 9.00 am - 12.30 pm Mobile Library The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm Youth Club WG Village Hall 6.30 pm Fri 10 Sussex Police live streaming on website (p33) - to Sat 11 Tue 14 Parish Council Meeting Committee Rm, Village Hall 7.45 pm Wed 15 Rural Children’s Bus The Pavilion WG 12.15 - 1.15 pm Thur 16 Youth Club WG Village Hall 6.30 pm Fri 17 PACT Autumn Lecture - Fiona Castle (p 13) St Mary’s Church, Petworth 7.30 pm Sat 18 Minibus Outing - Chichester Festival Theatre (p 27) 9.00 am Billingshurst Choral Society Concert (p 24) Chichester Cathedral 7.30 pm Wed 22 Mobile Skip The Pavilion WG 8.30 am - 1.30 pm Rural Children’s Bus The Pavilion WG 12.15 - 1.15 pm Thur 23 Mobile Library The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm Youth Club WG Village Hall 6.30 pm Sat 25 Folk Against Fracking (p 24) North Hall, Loxwood 7.30 pm Sun 26 Halloween Boat Trips (p 25) Canal Centre, Loxwood various Tue 28 Parish Council Planning Meeting (if required) Vine Rm, Village Hall 8.00 pm Wed 29 Rural Children’s Bus The Pavilion WG 12.15 - 1.15 pm Sat 01 Nov Memorial Concert for Roger Moorey (p 15) St Peter’s Church 7.00 pm

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