17 minute read
Naturally Occurring Asbestos in France: a Technical and Regulatory Review
from EEG Journal - February 2020 Vol. XXVI, No. I (2)
by Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG)
ERELL LÉOCAT* Iffendic, Bretagne 35750, France
Key Terms: Naturally Occurring Asbestos, Elongated Mineral Particle, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Regulation, France
Naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) has been a wellknown issue within rock quarries for a long time. In France, the subject has recently become more controversial, particularly since 2013. In fact, some mineral fibers with the chemical composition of regulated asbestos (i.e., actinolite) have been discovered in roadbase aggregates and associated air filter samples. The main problem concerns the determination of the asbestiform versus non-asbestiform character of such mineral particles. The in-force standard based on the morphological identification of a fiber does not allow one to make this distinction. Presently, in France, the asbestos analysis of building material is based on a “yes” or “no” result. This method has limitations for analyzing NOA, as NOA may be present in lower concentrations in natural materials, especially in road-base aggregates. The health effects of the non-asbestiform particles, also called “cleavage fragments,” with fiber morphology are not well established. The French government mandated the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety to conduct a review on the “state of the art” concerning the cleavage fragment issue. The conclusions of the report highlight the fact that elongate mineral particles (EMPs) are up for debate and address remaining questions concerning this subject. The next fundamental step is to secure agreement on the terminology of EMPs with the aim of comparing the studies in different disciplines.
There are many issues in France related to the identification of asbestos, especially naturally occurring asbestos (NOA). Some of the issues can be explained by the non-concordance of terms used by the different stakeholders (Table 1). The legislation refers to “asbestos,” that is, a commercial term referring to
*Corresponding author email: leocat.erell@gmail.com
six mineral species extracted from specific rocks and deposits because of their asbestiform qualities. It is well known that these deposits may contain in trace amounts non-asbestiform varieties of these same mineral species (Langer, 1975; Van Orden et al., 2008). Identifying commercial asbestos in building material is easier, as this material is mainly composed of asbestiform fibers with typical shape and morphology, in particular curved and thin fibers with a length over width ratio of 20:1 or more (U.S. EPA, 1993), and interfering mineral fibers are easily distinguishable. Most of the standards dedicated to the analysis of building material and identification of commercial asbestos refer to the “fiber” term, especially to inhaled fibers, defined by a diameter of <3 µm. However, the dimension and morphology criteria of a fiber might be differently defined in these documents. These criteria lead to include mineral particles with various origins such as asbestiform minerals, other fibrous minerals, and cleavage fragments with fiber dimension. Under physical strengths, some single minerals can break along the weakness plane, called the “cleavage plane,” leading to particles called “cleavage fragments” that may have various shapes such as irregular particles with non-parallel sides, particles with fiber dimension, and particles with dimension of asbestiform fiber. In this context, the identification of asbestos in natural material is not obvious, and the determination of the nature of fibrous material remains challenging.
The term “elongate mineral particle” (EMP) is a recently used term for particles with an aspect ratio of >3:1 and with approximately parallel sides, without a distinction in terms of the particle’s origin (ANSES, 2017). Within this dimensional and morphological definition are numerous particles with various origins, including fibrils originated from asbestiform bundles, single minerals with a fiber habit, cleavage fragments with asbestiform dimensions, cleavage fragments with fiber morphology, and cleavage fragments with nonparallel sides.
Asbestos has been forbidden in France since 1997 (Décret, 1996). Only the six following mineral fibers,
classified as “asbestos,” are regulated in France: chrysotile, amosite (asbestos grunerite), crocidolite (asbestos riebeckite), asbestos tremolite, asbestos actinolite, and asbestos anthophyllite. The following fibers are not regulated: the non-asbestiform homologues of the six regulated asbestos and the four mineral fibers recognized as carcinogens for the human by the U.S. EPA (2014) for the winchite and the richterite and by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC; 2014) for the erionite and the fluoro-edenite.
For Asbestos Survey in Bulk Material
The decree (Décret, 2012) requires completion of an asbestos survey before work, demolition, and sale related to any construction older than 1997. If asbestos is present in a material, some specific processes must be followed depending of the nature of the material and the work equipment used to remove it, but not on the content of the asbestos.
Consolidated by a regulatory document (UFETAM, 2013), this survey must be done on bituminous pavement, as chrysotile has been added in some bituminous coating materials. Actinolite has been identified in some cases, but the distinction between asbestiform fibers and cleavage fragments was not obviously performed. This mineral occurs naturally in most of the rocks used for road coated aggregates. NOA became a significant issue within the construction business (Léocat et al., 2018). Consequently, the Work Ministry published a directive on the regulated asbestos and cleavage fragments (Note DGT, 2014). This document gives information on the management of this issue in transportation and building domains. Under a request of the French government, the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety led to the development of a report on the health effects of cleavage fragments (ANSES, 2015). The conclusion of this report is that the toxicity of these particles cannot be excluded, as any scientific studies could argue that there is no hazard. Consequently, the agency recommends following the precaution principle and using the same dispositions for the cleavage fragments as for asbestos. It also recommends extending the regulation to the non-asbestiform homologues of the six asbestos minerals and to the four human carcinogenic minerals. The French Work Ministry published a second directive (Note DGT, 2018) on the dust-creating work activities during disturbance of building materials containing aggregates. In the case of presence of non-asbestiform fibers, the worker protective dispositions to be applied are those related to dust hazards and not those related to asbestos.
A recent decree (Décret, 2017) outlines the obligation to perform an asbestos survey before work in seven domains, according to the respective standards:
1. Building (NF X46-020, 2017); 2. Other buildings (NF X46-102, in progress) engineering structures, transportation infrastructures, and other networks; 3. In-place rocks and soils (NF P94-001, in progress). This domain is concerned with NOA and refers to quarries, earthworks, etc.; 4. Railway equipment and other transportation equipment (NF F01-020, in progress); 5. Boat, ship, and other sea equipment (NF X46-101, 2019); and
Case Material Type of Analyzed Mineral Particles
1 Building material Intentionally added asbestos 2 Contaminated soil (with debris of building material) Intentionally added asbestos 3 Rocks (e.g., soils, aggregates) Naturally occuring asbestos 4 Non-fibrous elongate mineral particles,* fibers from cleavage fragments, and fibers from asbestiform habit 5 Building materials containing natural material (roads, Naturally occuring asbestos 6 cement, concrete, coating) Non-fibrous elongate mineral particles,* fibers from cleavage fragments, and fibers from asbestiform habit
6. Aircraft (NF L80-001, in progress). 7. Facilities, structures, and equipment of the industrial domains (NF X46-100, 2019).
For Asbestos Testing Laboratories
The in-force standard (NF X43-050, 1996) is mandated for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) asbestos analysis of air filter sampling. This standard gives the definition of a fiber as a mineral particle with parallel or stepped sides. Moreover, a fiber has a length to width ratio of over 3 μm and a minimal length of 0.5 µm; that is the technical limit. It defines “asbestos” as silicate minerals belonging to the amphibole and serpentine groups that have crystallized with asbestiform facies. This term “asbestiform” refers to a specific habit of a mineral for which the fibers and fibrils present a high tensile strength and a high flexibility. However, this document does not explain what an asbestiform mineral is from an analytical point of view. In fact, no dimensional and morphological criteria are attributed to the asbestiform habit. This standard also says that fibers analyzed in air samples need to have a diameter of under 3 µm. The asbestos regulatory rulings for the ambient air in buildings (Arrêté, 2011) and for the worker exposure limit (Arrêté, 2018) specify that the analyzed fibers in air samples are the fibers defined by the World Health Organization (WHO, 1998). This fiber called “WHO fiber” has a length of >5 µm. As no specific standard refers to bulk materials, the NF X43-050 (1996) standard is used for the analysis of this material and mainly for the identification of fibers. Qualitative analysis of short and long fibers should be performed to detect asbestos and should conclude by a “yes” or “no” result. The detected fibers must have a width under 3 μm, a length over 0.5 μm, and an aspect ratio of 3:1. The French Association for Accreditation, the government body overseeing asbestos testing laboratories, published a document for laboratories that were applying to be accredited for asbestos analysis in bulk material (COFRAC, Lab INF 44, 2018) (Table 2). This document defines six areas of accreditation depending on the material type and the nature of the fibers (industrial asbestos, NOA, cleavage fragments) Three methods can be used, as follows:
1. PLM (polarized light microscopy); 2. SEM (scanning electron microscopy); 3. TEM.
The following six cases are distinguished: In cases 1 and 2, the industrial asbestos is identified, respectively, in building material and in soils contaminated with asbestos-containing material. The term “intentionally added asbestos” refers to the asbestos added to building material. In case 2, the intentionally added asbestos refers to the one incorporated in building material that may contaminate the ground. In cases 3 and 5, the laboratory can identify the six regulated asbestos types in rocks and industrial materials containing natural material, but it is not allowed to report on non-asbestiform fibers. In cases 4 and 6, respectively, in rocks and in building material containing rocks fragments, the laboratory has the ability to identify three different particles: ◦ cleavage fragments; ◦ asbestiform fibers; and ◦ non-fibrous EMPs.
In this document, the term “non-fibrous” refers to particles having non-parallel and/or non-stepped sides and an aspect length:diameter ratio of >3. With an absence of standard testing materials, a guide (COFRAC, Lab GTA 44, 2018) has been published for testing laboratories that want to be accredited for asbestos identification in bulk materials. It explains, among other things, what the requirements are for validating the detection limit of 0.1 percent asbestos in bulk materials. The detection limit is based on the fact
that asbestos additions in building materials were performed only in amounts greater than 0.1 percent (Directive européenne, 1999). The laboratory should have a referent person who has knowledge in mineralogy to support NOA identification. This guide also says that TEM analysis allows for identification of asbestos using the following three criteria:
1. Morphology to distinguish the fibers from the whole particles; 2. Chemistry to get the chemical composition of the fiber; and 3. Diffraction to identify the crystalline structure and distinguish the mineral fibers from the other fibers.
This guide says that SEM analysis allows only classification of asbestos because identification of crystalline structure by diffraction analysis is not possible. However, the SEM three-dimensional images allow for distinguishing cleavage fragments from fibers from a morphological point of view. This document also requires using the Locock (2014) spreadsheet based on the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) classification to identify the five amphibole mineral species belonging to asbestos, which are actinolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, grunerite, and riebeckite species.
After the first report, the French government mandated that the ANSES agency conduct a review on the emission source of EMPs of interest (EMPi; ANSES, 2017). These particles correspond to the asbestiform and non-asbestiform particles of the six regulated minerals and the four human carcinogen minerals. In this report, the agency proposes a protocol for identifying minerals in materials that are susceptible to liberate EMPi and a protocol to measure EMPi in the air. The aims are to explore the potential exposure of the professional population and the public to EMPi in some construction work activities (for example, the gravel quarries) and to study the emissivity of materials containing EMPi.
Following these recommendations, BRGM (French Geological Survey), the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), and the Particle, Fiber, Asbestos Laboratory (LAFP) worked on the asbestos emissivity of aggregates submitted to attrition tests during the PIMAC project (BRGM, 2018). The French government asked the Professional Organization for Accident Prevention in the Building and Public Works Sector to coordinate a project on the EMPi with health, work, and environment ministries and the French scientific organizations. Based on the recommendations of the ANSES report (2017), the project yielded the EMPi measurement campaign in construction activities.
The different French scientific organizations have carried on various works on the subject for the last few decades. Among other tasks, BRGM works on mapping of rocks that contain or may contain NOA in natural outcrops and in quarries (BRGM, 2005, 2013). Based on the potential of containing NOA, the rocks are classified into five groups. Recent works weigh in on the metrological issue of NOA identification (Lahondère et al., 2018; Misseri and Lahondère, 2018). The INRS published a guide on NOA management during work on soils and rocks for engineering construction and transportation infrastructure terrain (INRS, 2013).
The NOA issue has been apparent for a long time, and some scientific organizations, such as BRGM, are currently working on the subject. The presence of NOA became a big issue when it affected the domain of public works and buildings. Research projects and work are mainly concentrated on the emissivity of natural materials or building materials containing natural materials and to a lesser degree on the toxicity of these EMPs. Further essential work will concern a clear and univocal definition of EMPs and a nomenclature of the amphibole mineral species with asbestiform habit to support international agreement. In fact, an integrated NOA knowledge database may lead to improved understanding of the issues.
I would like to thank all the individuals who encouraged me in my work in the field of asbestos and NOA. My thanks go to the reviewers Francesco Turci, Mark Bailey, and Florence Cagnard, who patiently read a first version of this article to greatly improve it.
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