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President’s Report

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Staff testimonials

The 2015/2016 Financial Year saw many changes at the Australian Foundation for Disability (AFFORD) in getting the organisation “NDIS Ready”. It was also the first full year with Steven Herald as Chief Executive Officer. On his appointment Steven was charged with the responsibility of preparing AFFORD for the NDIS and he has done this with great success.

This year AFFORD recorded a surplus of $7,022,417, which is an enormous and very pleasing increase on previous years. The organisation’s finances will continue by the Board to improve governance and performance. • Remuneration and Nomination


to be carefully managed throughout the coming year and reinvested to ensure the sustainability of AFFORD business operations. With sound investment strategies and solid support from fundraising activities, AFFORD is well positioned for further growth of customer services and staff over the next few years.

The implementation of our Strategic Plan developed by the AFFORD Board and Executive Team is well underway, with most major Action Plans completed.

I am pleased to be associated with an organisation that is committed to providing people with disability in our community with meaningful programs for personal growth and enjoyment and life fulfilling work and retirement options. An audit of Board diversity highlighted some shortcomings with AICD policy to achieve 30% female representation

As one of the longest running disability charity organisations in Australia, we continue to grow our services and our number of customers, providing support to over 2,000 people with disability every day.

Our person-centred approach to our customers and dedicated staff in at the front-line and at head office, continue to position AFFORD as the service provider of choice for many people with disability in local communities across Greater Western Sydney. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise and

This year we have implemented a number of reviews of our service offerings and technology systems to ensure we are prepared to accommodate any changes in business operations brought about by the NDIS.

Communicating with our customers, their families and carers is a priority for AFFORD, so we have also incorporated weekly and monthly newsletters which allow us to share important information, such as NDIS initiatives and workshops, as well as sharing the successes and achievements of some of our customers. I am honoured to be associated with AFFORD and

We are also looking to build brand awareness in various ways with many exciting new initiatives due for release in the coming year. Building our brand will ensure that AFFORD is recognised for its professional history of almost 70 years helping people in the community and is always

The year ahead will see more changes for our organisation and our customers with further roll out of the NDIS. After 60 years of sound business and customer operations we are well positioned to successfully manage this business transition.

During the year the Directors of AFFORD embarked on a program of adopting the good governance principles and guidance for not-for-profit organisations provided by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD). To this end a review of Board Performance was carried out which resulted in a number of initiatives being adopted As part of the review, Board Committees have been established in the areas of: • Audit, Finance and Risk • Property

These Committees comprising of directors with specific experience have streamlined the operation of the Board.

resulting in a recruitment campaign for directors with specific qualifications and experience. This is an ongoing exercise with the Remuneration and Nomination Committee currently seeking out and interviewing suitable candidates. In line on Boards we are actively seeking experienced females to become directors of AFFORD. I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Eva Ballai to the Board who comes to us with deep experience in health and aged care.

thank the various State and Federal Government departments such as NSW Department of Ageing and Disability and Home Care (ADHC), Department of Social Services (DSS) and National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) for their ongoing support of AFFORD.

On behalf of the Board of AFFORD, I would also like to thank the employees of Afford, for their dedication, loyalty and commitment to strengthening the legacy of AFFORD throughout this year.

considered the disability service provider of choice. work with individuals who are stoic ambassadors for our customers and disability services in Australia. I look forward to another strong year for AFFORD and further successes for the organisation and our customers.

Neville K Barnier Dip FP, GAICD President and Chair of the Board

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