revista comunicados nº5

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Portada Revista Comunik2 5_Maquetaciรณn 1 20/05/13 10:10 Pรกgina 2


Nยบ 5 l ABRIL 2013


FOTOGRAFร A PORTADA: elena tejado

Portada Revista Comunik2 5_Maquetación 1 20/05/13 10:10 Página 4

El Ayuntamiento de Boadilla del Monte y su Concejalía de Educación, Servicios Sociales, Personas Mayores, Voluntariado y Familia, con la enseñanza de idiomas

o r u t u f e d a t s e u p a a n U

lNiveles: intermedio y avanzado l Grupos reducidos l Certificado oficial de asistencia y aprovechamiento l Cursos cuatrimestrales (octubre-enero, febrero-mayo) l Horario: 18-20 h. (60 horas) l Precio: 259€ l Preinscripción: 1ª quincena de Septiembre 2013 Enero 2014 (hasta el día 20)

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BOADILLA DEL MONTE C/ Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg, 10 (Centro de Formación) 28660 Boadilla del Monte Tel. 91 632 27 33 - Fax: 632 27 91


em@il: l web:

Español Inolvidable Fiesta de Navidad ................................ 3 Entrevista a Alicia Villalba ...................................... 4 Entrevista a Meena Martín ..................................... 5

Deutsch Südtirol ..................................................................... 6 Mein schönstes deutsches Wort ist… .................... 7 Mein Traumhaus ..................................................... 8 Anzeigenecke ........................................................... 9

Français Le Prénom .............................................................. 10 Fundacióon Masnatur ........................................... 11

English Canada, land of unexplored beauty ..................... 14 Canada, a personal view ...................................... 15 I am drawn to morbid things ................................ 16 Ghosts, witches and pine cones .......................... 17 The Drowning Pool ................................................ 18 Los Angeles and Hawaii ....................................... 19 The Treasure Island exhibition ............................ 20 My foreign experience in Edinburgh ................... 21 Discovering Eslovenia .......................................... 21 At christmas lights are all around ....................... 22 My favourite photo ................................................ 23 A coast too far ....................................................... 24 The fallen tree ....................................................... 25 A walk in nature .................................................... 26 Happy school times ............................................... 27 A life in six words .................................................. 27 A2 stories ............................................................... 28 Mini-sagas A1 ........................................................ 30 Never again ............................................................ 31 Asparagus Palace ................................................. 32 Homeland ............................................................... 33 Born on the fourth of J uly, a real war hero ........ 33 The Scream ............................................................ 34 If Only it Were True ................................................ 35 Casablanca ............................................................. 36 The lady and the unicorn ...................................... 36 Recipe of Orange Cake .......................................... 37 Recipe of Toll House cookies ............................... 37 Recipe of Ladies' kisses ....................................... 38 Recipe of New England Clam Chowder ............... 38 Recipe of Marbella Chicken ................................. 39 Recipe of Baked cuttlefish .................................... 40 CREDITOS l DIRECCIÓN: Ramón Silles McLaney l EDICIÓN: Tatiana Saldaña l COORDINACIÓN: Muriel Bourgoin, Bridget L. Kenny, Yolanda Gutiérrez, Amparo Mena, Asunción Romeu COLABORADORES: profesores y alumnos de la EOI Boadilla l FOTOGRAFÍA DE PORTADA: Elena Tejado NOTA l Algunos de los trabajos seleccionados en la confección de este número han sido levemente corregidos en aspectos formales, pero manteniendo el contenido y la frescura original de la lengua en que fueron escritos. COMUNIK2 no se responsabiliza ni se identifica necesariamente con las opiniones vertidas por sus colaboradores. AGRADECIMIENTOS: La edición de esta revista ha sido posible gracias a las colaboraciones de la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid y las Entidades anunciantes privadas.

DISEÑO, IMPRESIÓN, MAQUETACIÓN: AFP Gestión del Color Telf.: 91 552 45 00 / Fax: 91 552 80 00 •

ISSN:1888-7910 l Depósito Legal: M-24099-2008 ®

En tan solo unas semanas habrá concluido el curso 201213, el duodécimo de la ya larga trayectoria de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Boadilla del Monte. Más de una década dedicada a la enseñanza de los idiomas, y una labor muy bien valorada por nuestros alumnos, habitantes en su mayoría de Boadilla y las localidades cercanas. Los nuevos tiempos, con sus dificultades y contradicciones, requieren nuevas estrategias de actuación, así como una puesta al día de nuestra labor educativa. Pero antes de hablar de los nuevos retos, expresemos un agradecimiento: nuestro compañero D. Ángel García Vaquero se ha jubilado recientemente. Ángel estuvo al frente de nuestra EOI desde su creación en 2001 hasta el pasado mes de octubre, y con su tesón y clara visión ha sido sin duda el artífice de la EOI de Boadilla tal como es hoy. Gracias, Ángel, por tu gran labor y compromiso personal. Hasta siempre. En el curso que ahora se acerca a su fin hemos tratado de seguir velando por la verdadera excelencia educativa en idiomas. Los años difíciles que atravesamos, especialmente en nuestro país requieren, más que nunca, una apuesta decidida y sin ambigüedades por la educación pública como inversión de futuro; y allí las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas –que celebran este año en Pamplona su VIII Congreso Nacional- tienen mucho que decir. Creemos que los idiomas deben tener un papel destacado dentro de la educación, permitiendo el acceso a un puesto de trabajo, un mejor nivel de cualificación y movilidad a nuestros trabajadores y estudiantes, y un mayor grado de satisfación y realización personal. Es ésta una responsabilidad que no compete solamente a gobernantes y administraciones: profesores y alumnos, como ciudadanos, debemos implicarnos en la defensa de la calidad educativa. Durante el curso 2012-13 hemos tratado de emprender algunas iniciativas nuevas, y consolidar los puntos fuertes de nuestra oferta educativa. Así, hemos modernizado y renovado por completo nuestra página web y ahora estamos presentes en el mundo de las redes sociales. También hemos tratado de completar nuestras clases con actividades extraescolares que sean estimulantes para los alumnos, y seguir potenciando el uso de nuestra biblioteca, algo modesta todavía en sus fondos, pero de la que nos sentimos tan orgullosos. La EOI ha colaborado con la ONG Masnatur, en nuestra tradición de participación en iniciativas solidarias. No quisiéramos terminar sin congratularnos de la estrecha relación que mantenemos desde siempre con el Exmo. Ayuntamiento de Boadilla, y agradecer su permanente colaboración. Esperamos que esta quinta edición de la revista Comunik2 refleje de algún modo lo que hacemos en el día a día de nuestro centro, y que su lectura sea de vuestro interés. Ramón Silles McLaney Director EOI Boadilla

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Español EOI Boadilla

Inolvidable Fie s

l Por Tatiana Saldaña

El pasado 20 de Diciembre celebramos un año más en el Salón de Actos la fiesta de Navidad. El evento, que estuvo cargado de sorpresas y regalos, comenzó a las seis de la tarde y se prolongó hasta pasadas las nueve de la noche. La gran afluencia de alumnos y el entusiasmo de todos sus participantes hicieron que pasásemos un día inolvidable. La gala comenzó con el espectáculo de magia de Juan Carlos, quien amenizó buena parte de la jornada con sus trucos y buen humor. A continuación, se procedió a la venta de papeletas para el sorteo de tres cestas de Navidad cuya recaudación -600€- se entregó a la ONG Masnatur al final de la gala. Pero la sorpresa de la noche fue la representación por parte de la mayoría del claustro de profesores de ‘The Perfect Woman’, una breve pieza teatral en la que un caprichoso príncipe viaja alrededor del mundo en busca de la mujer perfecta.


Asimismo, se procedió a la entrega de los premios del concurso de postales navideñas, que este año destacaron por su originalidad y laborioso trabajo. Finalmente, ya en el hall de la planta baja despedimos el año todos juntos tomándonos unos snacks y refrescos, y degustando los deliciosos platos y postres elaborados por algunos de nuestros alumnos. ¡Gracias a todos! ¡Os esperamos el curso que viene!


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Español EOI Boadilla

e sta de Navidad



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Español EOI Boadilla Masnatur es de las pocas ONGs en Madrid en la que colaboran menores

Nuestros voluntarios adolescentes me han enseñado que la madurez no va con la edad física Por Tatiana Saldaña.

>> Este curso la Escuela de Idiomas de Boadilla decidió colaborar con la ONG Masnatur recaudando 600 euros en la venta de papeletas que formaban parte de un sorteo de cestas de navidad. Nuestros alumnos mostraban así su enorme solidaridad en un tiempo de crisis económica que ha afectado duramente al tercer sector. Como representante de Masnatur, acudió a la fiesta de navidad de nuestro centro Alicia Villalba, responsable de Voluntariado de dicha asociación, quien recogió el cheque de manos de Ramón Silles, director de la Escuela. Aprovechamos su visita para hablar con ella sobre la labor desarrollada en esta asociación en un momento difícil para las organizaciones de carácter no lucrativo que han visto reducidas o prácticamente anuladas las ayudas del gobierno. Los presupuestos generales del 2012 redujeron en un 65,4% la ayuda al desarrollo y a la cooperación. Es por este motivo por el que los donantes particulares se han convertido en la principal fuente de ingresos para el tercer sector.

>> Alicia, ¿cómo os está afectando en Masnatur la situación económica actual?

>> ¿Puedes ponernos un ejemplo de algo que hayáis realizado de esta manera?

Mucho, como a la mayoría de las ONGs, porque las subvenciones de la Administración Pública directamente ya se han cerrado, entonces hay que buscar otras fuentes.

Pues el ir a zonas recreativas especiales cuyo coste es elevado tanto por el desplazamiento como por el precio de la entrada. Además, llevamos años colaborando con una empresa que trabaja en temas de defensa y nos han llevado de visita a la base aérea de Getafe o la zona militar de Cuatro Vientos, que es algo que para la sociedad en general no es muy accesible ni conocido y es muy atractivo.


>> He leído en vuestra web que además de aportaciones particulares también colaboráis con empresas, ¿Conseguís contribuciones de esta manera? Sí, pero es muy difícil si no conoces a nadie en esa empresa porque no se te abren las puertas igual. Lo que sí venimos realizando es voluntariado corporativo con alguna firma, que cada vez está más en boga. Éstas aportan empleados suyos como voluntarios en algún evento concreto y también financian los costes de alguna actividad específica. De esta manera, conseguimos sacar adelante proyectos con nuestros chavales que de otra manera no podríamos hacer.


>> En Masnatur trabajáis con niños y jóvenes de entre 7 y 25 años Sí, bueno de 6 a casi 30 o treinta y algo. Lo hemos ampliado porque muchos van creciendo y claro es edad cronológica porque muchas veces la edad mental es menor. Y también tenemos un grupo de adultos con solo discapacidad física, ahí no se pueden integrar otras discapacidades.

Gracias al voluntariado corporativo conseguimos sacar adelante proyectos que de otra forma no podríamos hacer.

>> Todavía hay muchas barreras físicas… Y psicológicas y sociales… >> Me refiero a cómo están planteadas las ciudades, para gente con movilidad reducida sigue habiendo muchas barreras insalvables. Lamentablemente sí, lo que hay construido con anterioridad a la Ley de Accesibilidad no reúne las condiciones necesarias. Es como cuando queremos diseñar actividades más duraderas para dar más respiro a las familias, como un fin de semana al mes o campamentos de vacaciones de verano o Semana Santa y a veces nos comentan que les gustaría ir a otro sitio diferente pero es que no tenemos

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Español EOI Boadilla

mucha oferta en el país. Hay que tener en cuenta que llevamos muchos niños en silla de ruedas y es un grupo complicado de movilizar.

Trabajar con estos jóvenes engancha

>> Sí, me imagino que las zonas tienen que estar muy escogidas.

>> Meena Martín, alumna de nuestra escuela, es voluntaria para Masnatur

Aunque quisieras ir a otras no podrías. >> ¿Cómo aprende un voluntario a ayudar a los jóvenes de vuestra asociación? Un voluntario nunca se puede quedar solo, siempre tiene que estar arropado por el resto y por la persona que coordina el grupo que es alguien con experiencia que va a estar allí siempre para lo que haga falta. Y si después de la primera vez les gusta y quieren continuar, pues fabuloso. Además les ofrecemos cursos de formación muy útiles y muy prácticos.

Cuando terminas una actividad estás agotado, pero sólo a nivel físico y eso se recupera enseguida, te vas a la cama y ya está.

>> ¿Cada cúanto tiempo deben colaborar los voluntarios?

>> ¿Y qué tal está resultando la experiencia? Muy bien, y eso que yo al principio tenía algo de miedo a tener que estar no sólo pendiente del chaval sino también del voluntario, pero luego con los voluntarios más jóvenes te llevas la sorpresa de que la madurez no va con

la edad física. Además tienen menos ataduras que el resto de nosotros. >> ¿Sabéis a qué proyecto vais a destinar el dinero recaudado? Al mantenimiento de nuestras actividades. >> Y si alguien que nos lea quiere colaborar tanto económicamente como de voluntario, ¿le remitimos a vuestra web ya que allí tenéis mucha información al respecto? Efectivamente. Cualquiera puede colaborar con nosotros de las dos formas, o bien con dinero o como voluntarios. Incluso si alguien va a deshacerse de material de oficina, como ordenadores, también nos los puede donar. Pues lo dejamos entonces abierto:

Yo empecé derivada por el punto de voluntariado de Boadilla y la verdad es que al principio fui con un poco de miedo porque no sabes con qué te vas a encontrar. Sobre todo tenía miedo en perjudicar a algún niño, por si eran frágiles y les podías hacer daño. Poco a poco fui saliendo sola y después de probar un tiempo me di cuenta de que no pasaba nada y de que además trabajar con estos jóvenes engancha, algo que no esperaba. Es como tener un nuevo amigo, no espera nada a cambio y tú tampoco pero al final tú le estás dando aprecio a él y él te lo está devolviendo. A menudo, incluso el conocimiento se intercambia, tú les enseñas a hacer cosas y ellos te enseñan a valorar otras... >> ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas colaborando con esta asociación? Desde el verano pasado, empecé con actividades de un día entero y luego en actividades de fines de semana. >> ¿Recibiste cursos de formación por parte de la ONG? Recibí el cursillo de voluntariado básico y luego ya fui a la oficina de Madrid les rellene un documento y a continuación me derivaron a una actividad. >> ¿Podrías calificar con un adjetivo la labor de trabajar con chicos de movilidad reducida? Increíble.



En este aspecto somos muy flexibles, no pedimos que vengan una vez cada quince días, por ejemplo, o cada mes, aunque sí es importante una continuidad. Además recientemente hemos empezado a trabajar con voluntarios de 16 años con autorización paterna; somos de las pocas ONGs en la Comunidad de Madrid que trabajamos con menores.

u By Tatiana Saldaña. Cuéntanos cómo empezaste y cómo es la experiencia de colaborar para Masnatur

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla

SÜDTIROL Juan José Argota. NI1

Die autonome Provinz Bozen-Südtirol ist in der italienischen Region Trentino-Alto Adigio. Die Provinz ist im Norden von Italien und sie grenzt im Norden an Österreich und im Westen an der Schweiz. Die meisten Leute sprechen dort Deutsch, deshalb hat die Provinz eine groβe Autonomie wegen der Vereinbarung zwischen der italienischen und der österreichischen Regierung. Dreiβig Prozent der Menschen sprechen Italienisch als Muttersprache und nur wenige Leute sprechen Ladinisch.

Im Winter ist Südtirol ein gutes turistisches Ziel, denn es gibt viele Aktivitäten für junge und alte Leute. Man kann auf Skipisten von den verschiedenen Sorten Ski fahren, auf den Bergen wandern oder radfahren und die Naturschutzparks besuchen.

Man kann auch interessante Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen, wie das Schloss Tirol von 1270, das die uralte Residenzburg der Grafen von Tirol war, und sein Museum für Geschichte und Kultur.


In Südtirol ist das Essen auch eine Freude. Die Touristen können mediterrane Lebensmittel und Gerichte genieβen. Die südtiroler Äpfel sind berühmt in der ganzen Welt wegen ihrer Qualität und die Provinz hat mehr Michelin Sterne als die anderen italienischen Provinzen.

Besuchen Sie Sü dtirol und amü sieren Sie sich!! 6

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla

Mein schönstes deutsches Wort ist… Die Schüler von NB2 haben sich gefragt, welches deutsches Wort das schönste ist und hier sind ihre Antworten.

Mein schönstes deutsches Wort ist Urlaub, weil Urlaub meine liebste Zeit ist. Das schönste Wort ist Zwiebel, weil die Aussprache cool ist. Mein schönstes deutsches Wort ist spazieren gehen, weil seine Aussprache mir gefällt. Wenn ich das Wort lese oder schreibe, erinnert es mich an einen ruhigen und langsamen Weg. Das schönste deutsche Wort für mich ist Aufwiedersehen, weil es ein präzises Wort ist. Das schönste deutsche Wort für mich ist Wissenschaft, weil ich es nicht aussprechen kann.

Das schönste deutsche Wort für mich ist Spiegel, weil ich die Aussprache mag. Das schönste deutsche Wort für mich ist “Ärztin”, weil ich das werden möchte.



Das schönste deutsche Wort für mich ist “keine Ahnung”, weil ich das sagen kann, wenn ich keine Antwort habe.

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla

Mein Traumhaus Die Schüler von NB1 beschreiben ihr Traumhaus.

Eira Delgado NB1

Mein Traumhaus liegt südostlich von Mexiko, in Oaxaca. Es ist ein typisch mexikanisches Bauernhaus. Es hat sechs Zimmer und zwei Badezimmer. Alle Zimmer haben große Fenster und sind sehr hell.

Im Wohnzimmer gibt es kein Sofa aber einen schönen Teppich mit vielen Kissen. Hier gibt es ein großes Bücherregal. Das Gästezimmer hat zwei Betten und ist ein großes Zimmer.


Mein Traumhaus hat einen großen Garten mit vielen Bäumen und zwei Hängematten. Im Garten gibt es fünf Hunde. Ich finde das Haus leise und wunderbar!!

Eduardo Boronat NB1

Meine Traumwohnung ist sehr groß. Es ist hell und schön. Die Wohnung hat zehn Zimmer, im Schlafzimmer gibt es ein Bett, einen Stuhl, einen Computer und einen Fernseher. Die Küche ist sehr groß und immer gibt es viel Essen. Das Badezimmer ist luxuriös und es hat einen Whirlpool, aber meine Lieblingszone ist der Garten, er hat ein Schwimmbad sehr groß und tief. Der Garten hat auch einen Fußballplatz und… das ist meine Traumwohnung!

Estrella González NB1

Mein Traumhaus ist ein Einfamilienhaus. Es liegt, lieber, auf dem Land. Die Wohnung ist ruhig und hell, und hat auch einen Garten mit Bäumen. Alle Zimmer haben ein Bad. Es hat am liebsten nur einen Stock. Mein Schlafzimmer ist groβ und hat ein Einkleidezimmer. Die Küche ist ganz modern und die Möbel neu. Ich habe auch ein Arbeitszimmer, da sind meine Bücherregale, ein Schreibtisch…wo ich so gut studiere!

Es gibt auch ein Gästezimmer ,es ist nicht sehr groβ aber hell und schön. Es hat auch ein Bad. Ich finde das Haus sehr toll, es ist groβ und nicht teuer. Es ist wirklich ein Traum!

Elena Menéndez NB1

Mein Tramhaus ist groβ und hell. Es liegt auf dem Land, in Italien. Es hat vier Schlafzimmer, zwei Badezimmer, eine Küche, einen Garten, zwei Wohnzimmer, ein Arbeitszimmer und ein Esszimmer. Im Wohnzimmer gibt es ein Sofa, einen Tisch und Bücherregale. Im Arbeitszimmer gibt es einen Schreibtisch, einen Stuhl und einen Computer. Im Garten stehen viele Bäume. Das Badezimmer ist klein und neu. Im Schlafzimmer gibt es einen Fernseher und ein Bett. Ich finde mein Tramhaus ruhig, groβ und sehr schön, aber es ist viel zu teuer.

Mein Tramhaus hat vierthundert Quadratmeter und es ist wirklich perfekt.

Mein Traumhaus 8

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla


Jose Mª und Raúl. NI1

Juanjo und Isa. NI1

Daniela und Isa. NI1

Suchen jemand um Wohnung mit uns zu teilen

Reicher Mann sucht

Älteres Paar sucht

Muss eine häusliche, organisierte und ruhige Person sein. Wir sind freundliche, junge,aktive und fleiβige Menschen. Der monatliche Betrag kostet 300 € + Nebenkosten.

Reicher Mann aus guter Familie sucht schöne, liebevolle und aktive Frau (20 bis 35 Jahre alt). Er hat eine gute Arbeit und ein schnelles Auto. Er mag reisen und keine Kinder. Er ist ein romantischer um die Vierzig.

Älteres Paar mit kleinem Hund sucht ältere Leute für ruhige, lange unterhaltsame Reise nach Florida. Wir sind zwei siebzig-jährige deutsche Rentner.

Silvia und Consuelo. NI1

Aktive, junge und sportliche Frau sucht

Ältere und sportliche Frau

Aktive, junge und sportliche Frau sucht freundliche Frauen und Männer für lange und lustige Wochenendausflüge mit groβem Interesse an Natur.

Ältere und sportliche Frau sucht billiges, schwarzes, bequemes aber leichtes Rad, das in gutem Zustand ist.



Marta und Alicia. NI1

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Français EOI Boadilla

>> Miriam Fernández Torroba. I1 >> Andrés de la Fuente. B2 Vincent va avoir sa première paternité avec un dinêr au domicile de sa soeur et de son beau-frére, avec sa femme et son meilleur ami. Quelqu'un pose la question du prénom du bebé. L'agréable soirée deviendra un enfer de reproches et de attaques. C'est un film intelligent, ingénieux et drôle. C'est une analyse de la famille, de l'amitié, de la confiance. En fin, c'est un jeu dialectique impeccable et implacable.

>> Blanca Miret. I1 L'autre jour j'ai vu un film que j'ai beaucoup apprecié que se titulait "Le Prénom".Il s'agit de comment una famille discute sur le prénom d'un futur nouveau-né. Les acteurs jouent très bien surtout Patrick Bruel, qui tient le rôle de Vincent, car il exprime sur son visage, tous les types de sentiments:colère, stupeur, joie, etc. En genéral c'est un bon film français, avec un script excellent.

Ah! Le dénouement est formidable et imprévu. Trés drôle.

>> Charo Panadero. B2 Le prénom, C'est un film ou on ne s'ennuie pas un seconde. Il s'agit d'une comédie sur l'amitié et l'hypocrisie. Avec des dialogues ingénieux et amusants. Les acteurs sont tous bien et surtout Patrick Bruel qui est genial. Le film a une structure théâtrale et peut être que por cette raison il manque de scénographie. Pour finir, il y a une agréable surprise

La raison et la folie des hommes ont fait posible qu’un “click” soit suffisant pour prendre une photographie, pour allumer un appareil électrique, pour trouver la solution à un problème, pour déchaîner une Guerre Mondiale… Également, ce film déclare que le choix du prénom pour un futur nouveau-né peut devenir le détonant d’une discussion sans précédents entre des amis. Une paisible salon devient une cocotte-minute qui vole en éclats. Cacher des sentiments et des pensées dans le cercle amical a des conséquences.

>> Silvia Fernández. B2 À Paris, chez sa sœur et son beau-frère, dans le salon il y a un dîner familial. Le protagoniste de cette histoire va avoir son premier fils. La conversation à propos du prénom choisi pour le nouvel enfant deviendra une forte discussion pleine de situations bizarres, beaucoup de reproches, des secrets et des vieux ressentiments. Une comédie basée sur une pièce de théâtre qui parle de la famille, de l’amitié, de l’intolérance et des préjugés.

>> María Ángeles. I1


>> Marta Navarro. B2 C'est un film assez étonnant et drôle. Quand vous le voyez vous avez le sentiment que vous regardez une pièce de théâtre. Ça donne un portrait fidèle de la vie de famille, avec leurs problèmes et leurs circonstances, qui ressemblent parfois à des situations sous-réalistes. C'est un film hautement recommandé. Tant dans ce format, comme dans un autre (pièce de théâtre), vous passerez un bon moment.


Une pièce de théâtre qui est passée aux affiches du cinéma, où les personnages, pendant une soirée, parlent et discutent sur le prénom d’un bébé qui va naître. Cette comédie est très drôle avec elle on ne s’ennuie pas un seul instant, et bien sûr, grace aux acteurs qui jouent leur rôle incroyablement bien. En fait, c’est un film français comme on n’en a pas vu depuis longtemps, donc c’est excellent pour passer un très bon moment. Une comédie réussie!!!!!!!

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Français EOI Boadilla

>> Roberto Medina. I1

>> Carolina Graña. I1

Chaque année le cinéma français nous surprend avec une comédie différente. Après “Intouchables”, “Bienvenue Chez les Ch’tis” et dans la ligne de “Le Dîner de Cons”, 2012 a été le temps pour Le Prénom, l’adaptation pour le grand écran d’ une pièce de théâtre avec le même nom, les mêmes directeurs et aussi les mêmes acteurs.

Le film est très amusant, mais aussi, très sérieux. Tout commence en faisant une blague qui finit avec plusieurs disputes entre les protagonistes. Pendant la soirée, de vieilles rancunes apparaissent, secrets et confidences sont révélés parce que, en moment de tension, où les sentiments sont sans contrôle, on dit ce qu`on pense sans réfléchir aux conséquences. Peut-être, ce que tu vas dire peut faire mal et blesser.

Le Prénom est une comédie chorale, avec une peu nombreuse mais splendide distribution. Une comédie intelligente avec de dialogues qui ne donnent pas de trêve au spectateur. Rire aux larmes dans une jolie réflexion sur l’ amitié et la famille. Lorsque Vincent montre à ses amis l’échographie de son fils les autres lui demandent son prénom. Ici on comence une tornade de discussions, reproches, même injures ou attaques qui sont sur le point de casser leurs relations.

À mon avis, le film veut nous montrer que les relations humaines sont trés compliquées, mais, malgré tout, ce que tu peux dire, à certains moments, ne fait rien quand l’amitié et l’amour sont véritables.

>> César. B2 Le prènom est un film très amusant qui parle des amours dans un groupe d'amis. Cette comédie est un peu difficile à comprendre, mais c'est parfait pour rire pendant sa durée.

Je recommande le film parce que les acteurs sont trés bons, le film est drôle et il fait aussi réfléchir.

Sans doute, un rendez-vous inéluctable avec le meilleur cinéma.



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Français EOI Boadilla

Fundacion Masnatur La professeure Muriel Bourgoin Grâce à la collaboration d'un élève de notre EOI nous avons eu la chance de recevoir parmi nous un membre de cette organisation qui, parlant très bien français, nous a présenté Masnatur. Son exposition, accompagnée de photos, et la joie avec laquelle il nous expliquait tout, nous ont passionnés et émus.


Cette personne est un exemple à suivre car sa générosité, sa bonne humeur, sa compétence et toutes ses qualités humaines aident des personnes qui en ont vraiment besoin et d'une façon totalement désintéressée.


Son témoignage nous a fait réfléchir sur le bénévolat, si nécessaire à notre époque, qui permet à certaines personnes défavorisées de retrouver le sourire. Bravo à toutes ces personnes et prenons exemple de leur dévouement. Cette activité a été très enrichissante pour nous, très émotive , et,en plus, les élèves ont pu pratiquer la compréhension orale ainsi que l'expression orale quand ils ont eu la possibilité de poser des questions.

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Français EOI Boadilla

>> Carolina Graña. I1

>> Miriam Fernández. I1

C’est une association pour aider des jeunes qui ont un handicap.

Conviction, prédisposition, envie d’aider, sérieux… ce sont les signes d’indentité des bénévoles de Masnatur. Personne ne travaille pour l’amour de l’art, mais dans ce dans, l’aide et le service gratuits à d’autres personnes enrichissent affectivement plus que n’importe quelle somme d’argent. Tous les homes ont le droit à une société égalitaire et juste. Un considérable effort du bénévolat de Masnatur est nécessaire pour noyer les barrières physiques qui empêchent le développement normal de la vie des handicapés et celle de leurs familles.

Á première vue, le travail dans une association comme Ça paraît trés drôle: jouer, chanter ou aller en excursion, etc. et c’est vrai, mais par derrière, il y a un travail très dur. Avant tout, les bénévoles doivent préparer toutes las activités, toutes les sorties et aussi, étudier et apprendre comment les traiter. Ces jeunes sont très sensibles et très spéciaux et on doit savoir comment s’occuper d’eux, pour les aider à manger ou pour aller avec eux aux toilettes. Les bénévoles ne reÇoivent pas d`argent pour ce travail, par contre, ils passent leur temps libre et leurs week-ends avec eux. La sourire de ces jeunes et la satisfaccion personnelle sont l’unique récompense. Felicitations à l’association et aussi à tous les bénévoles.

>> Elena Badenes. I1 Dans ce temps de crise économique et aussi morale, il y a beaucoup de façons de lutter pour un monde meilleur, mais probablement la solidarité est la plus valable, parce qu´elle cherche la justice et l´égalité dans la société.

Dans mas situacion je ne peux pas savoir ce qu´est avoir une personne qui dépend de toi pendant les 24 heures du jour. Il faut dire merci à ces personnes - les volontaires de Masnaturbénévoles qui font un double travail ils aident les enfants handicapés et ils soulagent leurs familles. Bon courage, ne change pas ! Merci à ce bénévole qui est venu nous expliquer son travail dans l´organisation et qui est venu nous expliquer son travail dans l´organisation et que nous a ouvert les yeux et nous a rappelé qu´il y a plus que le matériel qui peut remplir les vies vides de certains personnes. Merci aussi a notre camarade de l´EOI de Boadilla qui a organisé cette rencontre.





Maintenant que le gouvernement espagnol coupe les aides de la loi de dépendance pour les personnes handicapées et que les familles se sentent très seules, il est nécessaire que d´autres associations fassent l´effort d´aider ces familles qui ont un membre handicapé. Pour elles, seulement l´occasion d´avoir un jour libre par semaine est beaucoup.

>> Nuria Llorens. B2

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English EOI Boadilla

>> Last Tuesday March 5 we had the chance to enjoy the talk on Canada at the EOI by Mr Andrew Robinson, senior diplomat from that country. We found it really fascinating, and we gained some insight on the history, geography and society of Canada. We learned, for instance, that Canada is the Country with the longest coastline in the world. Or that the crime rates are so low in this vast country that it is customary in many places to leave the doors of the house unlocked.


It was great practice for our students, most of whom were able to follow the lecture quite well.


Mr Andrew Robinson


land of eauty b d e r o l p x une

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English EOI Boadilla

CANADA A PERSONAL VIEW by Marisol Mazas Aliaga. I1

I would like to go to talk about this fantastic country. I know it a little, but every time I go back there, I like it more and more. I have been in Canada several times, and I know the east coast quite well, from St John, the capital of New Brunswick, to Toronto, a big city near the Niagara falls. The last time I went there was three years ago, when we took a wonderful big ship in New York, and then we sailed along the east coast, where we could visit fantastic small cities like Newport, Bar Harbour, etc. We even visited Boston, in New England. After visiting a number of other interesting towns, we finally stopped at Quebec. It was amazing to wake up and see that beautiful

and famous city from our balcony-room. We couldn’t wait to leave the ship and see the fantastic monuments, the theatres, bridges, and churches. But I specially liked the Nôtre-Dame-des-Victoires, and the world-famous Chateau Frontenac. From Quebec we started a new experience, because we could see Canada by land: Ottawa, Toronto .... Both Ottawa and Quebec are really some of the most special cities in North America. I know America quite well from New York to Los Angeles, but these Canadian cities look European. The people are very friendly and endearing. There are two official languages in the East of Canada: French and English, but I think French is more important in this area. However English is becoming more important lately. There is an old political problem, as some of the French-speaking people would like to become independent.

Thank you, Mr. Robinson, for bringing back those wonderful memories.



l e v a r t a d Cana

If you want to go to Canada, I would recommend visiting the little villages by the St Laurence. It’s abeautiful river with thousands of small islands and houses (in the middle of the river!). And of course, you must visit the Niagara Falls. It’s one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had! When you are on the boat near the falls you feel you are in heaven, and you feel grateful for everything: peace, life and love.

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English EOI Boadilla

I am drawn to morbid things Syd Moore reveals more details about herself and the writing of the book “I find the plot of a ghost story exciting and love a good twist.” By Sara Suarez and Irene Bueno Syd Moore, author of “The Drowning Pool and The Witch Hunt”, two literary hits about witches, visited the EOI and talked to us.

Grey, because the publisher said we couldn’t have a book written by Syd Moore about Sarah Moore. So one of our names would have to change and it wasn’t going to be mine!


The first book, “The Drowning Pool”, is a modern ghost novel about a woman who becomes haunted by a local sea witch, Sarah Grey, based on the Leigh legend of Sarah Moore.

Is the surname Moore common where you live or where the story happens? Yes, it is very common.

Syd, what did it inspire you to write The Drowning Pool?

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

I was really intrigued by the story of Sarah Moore, since the pub of the same name opened in Elm Road, Leigh, about nine years ago. I became more interested from a feminist’s point of view about the myths surrounding this poor old woman.

I think yes. When I was eight-ten years old, I was a brownie (girl scout) and I loved to write short stories about monsters, ghost, dead people…I think it comes from enjoying the macabre. Also I am very curious, I like to ask questions. I love horror films but not gory ones. I like suspense and what you do not see. I find the plot of a ghost story exciting and love a good twist.

To write a book, prior research is needed. How long did it take to write it and in what moment did you decide to write about it? All the process, investigation, documentation, etc took me about three years and a half. A eureka moment for me was finding her burial register in St Clement’s Parish Register, in


Chelmsford. I discovered she had been married and widowed twice, so was left to bring up nine children, as well as suffering the loss of several others. The story of the book is based on the story about Sarah Moore. Why didn´t you conserve the real name? I had to change her name in the book from Sarah Moore to Sarah

Do you believe in the supernatural? I think I am drawn to morbid things and yes, weird things do seem to happen to me, but I always have a healthy dose of skepticism about all of it.

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English EOI Boadilla

GHOSTS, WITCHES AND PINE CONES The author of The Drowning Pool comes to E.O.I. Boadilla. By Julio Gracía, Maria Ana Quera, Ana Mª Sanchez-Cabezudo y Rafael Serrano

If a pine cone falls, please take a seat because something is going to happen. Everyone that has read “The Drowning Pool”, knows this is true. Syd Moore, the author of this lively novel, came to visit us the eleventh of April to the EOI of Boadilla del Monte.

Syd gave us a nice virtual tour along Leigh-on-sea, an old village in the County of Essex where the novel takes place. The town is only 55 km east of London, a picturesque place that you can’t miss. We were caught between the past and the present; the old fishing town and the trendy new places.

Afterwards, Syd Moore described what she considers the key ingredients to assure a good plot when you start writing a Ghost fiction novel: First of all, you need a very well described Main Character. Secondly, you must seek a Ghost, good or bad, with a good reason for appearing (revenge…). Thirdly, it is necessary to find a dramatic situation in the real events on

which the novel is based, with a bad character. And to finish the explanation of the research of the book, Ms. Moore, said that she preferred to leave the reader free his imagination, because "nothing is more frightening than your imagination”. Syd, also presented her book “Witch Hunt”, this book, as well as in “The Drowning Pool”, is a bridge to the past, merging horror, ghost story and detective fiction. In this case, the journalist Sadie Asquith is writing a book on Matthew Hopkins – the Witchfinder General, the dark shadow of the past. Syd read an extract from his book and bewitched us with her reading. We are looking forward to reading it. Finally, Syd replied kindly the questions of our colleagues and signed some books. “The Drowing Pool” is published by Avon-Harper Collins.



After reading her book we were really excited to meet her and know more about the places, the characters and the research of the novel. And now we can say that all our expectations were attended. Even more, after the dramatized presentation of “Witch Hunt”, we really wish to read her new book.

Every year the town hosts the largest Folk Festival in U.K. mentioned in “The Drowning Pool”. We started at the Hadleigh Castle where the story opens, and went on to the Bay and the main streets and places, some of them transformed in crafts-laps and galleries. The town has the highest density of artists living outside of the East End of London. Some other places remain untouched by time and seem as they would be when Sarah, the sea witch, lived there.

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The Drowning Pool Review of The Drowning Pool l By David Dato If you are looking for a frightening thriller about ghosts, you should definetely read The Drowning Pool by Syd Moore. The story is set in Essex, the East coast of London, in the early 21th century. The story begins when due to tiredness and responsability, Sarah gets in a state of anxiety. The plot focuses on a ghost which often appears Sarah wanting to show that something tragic happened in the 19th century. But, Sarah will not rest until knowing the truth.

Sarah's strong is totally unbelievable. The plot is so unpredictable that you do not know how the story is going to end until you get at the end of the book. The book is completely gripping, once you start to read it, you will want to know the story from beginning to end. I would recommend it because you will have to be very clever to understand it: reality or paranoia.

l u a P man New The other Drowning Pool, by Ross Macdonald l By Félix Maimir The story is set in California, and tells the story around a murder. She is the owner of a big and worthy property. There are a lot of different and conflicting interests in the characters who are around her. It is a mystery novel, contemporary and with the same essence of The Maltese Falcon.


Lew Archer is the protagonist and relates the story. He is a detective, he is a disappointed, but not a despairing man. He is a mordant witty, he has an acute word, and a sarcastic point of view. The plot is well developed, showing progressively the different actors. The detective goes into an intricate, ingenious and tight plot. The writer avoids complex crossword-puzzles and he gives us “plausible people in plausible circumstances”. The actions show the despairing of different actors, with troubles in the present and secrets in the past. It has a disappointed end, like the life that the characters has. It is well worth reading it, if you want to enjoy a classical detective novel, fresh and full of irony.


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English EOI Boadilla

Los Angeles and Hawaii A talk by Liam Moss and Asal Alipanah By Sara Lozano I liked the conference of last November. The girl from Hawai I liked because I undestand very well. And the girl from California I don't understand because speak very quikly. I like living in California because I love United States, and I don't like living in an island. I love the

university of UCLA and I'd like to make a postgrade in Los Angeles because I like the city, the people, the California beaches. The conference was very interesting for me and I like it so much.

By Francisco Vรกzquez Last November the whole class went to theatre of the school to listen to a talk.

The first girl was born in Hawaii the other girl was born in Los Angeles.

What surprised me was how good they speak English.

Anyway; I had trouble understanding them. They talked very fast. They both look very pretty and very intelligent.

They were traveling around Spain. They were visiting some universities of Spain. I thought, they had a good time and enjoyed themselves a lot.



Two girls from San Diego university gave a speech about her university experiences and they described the places where they are from.

Each one of them was able to explain us things that there are in her city, also, they felt very proud to be there.

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English EOI Boadilla

The Treasure Island

EXHIBITION By Maribel González

The exhibition’s title is Treasure Island, it tries to show the British art for five centuries from Holbein to Hockney. And we could see it at Fundación Juan March German painter Holbein, worked for Henry the 8th. Since XVI century until XVIII century, the foreign artists dominated the British art. Henry the 8th got divorced his wife Cathaline of Aragon and married to Anne Boleyn, there was a break whit Rome, that change the art, it was less religious. Holand painter Anthony Van Dick, lived in London in 1632, he brought in fashion the portrait. The landscapes were appreciated in the end XVII century. In the XVIII century the best painter was Willians Hogarth, his work is similar to comic, he wants to tell stories about social problems, in the middle of century Tomas Rowlandson, painted pictures of social satire. The middle-class bought their works, the portraits were also good business. In the XIX century, the great institutions of art


grow: The National Gallery, Tate Galery… and other museums. You can see the industrialization of art. American painter Singer Sargent, brings the impressionist to Britain. In the XX century a group of artists called the Camden Town Group, painted scenes of live the poors, dirty rooms, music hall and popular cafes. The First and Second Word War, changed the art. It began painting differently, there are new styles: modernism, abstract, pop. Some of the best pop artists are: Francis Bacon and David Hockney.

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English EOI Boadilla

My foreign experience in

EDINBURGH By Sara Lozano Conde

The concept of living an abroad experience had always been on my mind but I hadn´t made up my mind until I finished one of my studies in February 2011 and I was able to save money. Edinburgh was the destination because I had a contact there and I thought that everything would be easier. It was really an adventure because I was going to make a living in every way: find a flat, a job, learn the language… Arriving there after a flight in which I had been extremely nervous, although it wasn´t so long, everything was different here: a lot of rain, grey sky. My Spanish friend (Fran) was waiting for me in the arrivals gate. On the way home I didn't have time to see the city very much, it was raining a lot and I was only concentrated on the traffic direction. I think I would not be able to drive on the left having learned otherwise in Spain but I never tried it The first contact with the language was when Fran and me got to his house where his Polish wife and Scottish daughter were waiting to meet me. I felt relaxed because I understood his wife very well, I tried to defend myself and speak the language and finally we got to have a conversation. The problem was when I went out to look for life and I didn´t understand anything Scottish people said. What I did in the early days was visiting some flat share and left a lot of CVIS in hotels, restaurants, charity shops… while my friends were

showing me the city. Thankfully, at first I had a lot of help from them. I found the flat just a week after. It was perfect; it was the right house, clean, in a good area and with a nice Polish roommate. It was in Leith Walk only ten minutes from the city centre. The public transport was in the next street and I could choose in which supermarket to do the shopping. Tesco, Lidl, Farmfood were some of them. Doing the shopping was what I really liked. It was when I really felt independent. Although eating out of your house is what we most miss when we are abroad. Once had my house I visited the job Centre to take the National Insurance Number, I bought the cheapest mobile phone, I opened an ordinary account and asked for a debit card in Lloyds bank, I sent lot of job request by internet. Everything with my roommate´s and friends helped with everything because these things were the most difficult to do but they are the things that get more and more experienced. Two weeks later, a woman called Fiona called me from a private cleaning service company. Finally I had found a job!!!! It was easy, it was just to clean. Sometimes I did it with younger foreigners who came to study English like me, so I could meet people, and occasionally I did it alone. The disadvantage was that I only worked twice or three times a week so the money was not enough to pay the rent of the room each month, the bills, eating and living.

I had a lot of free time so I had time to explore the city and study more English. I signed up for classes in SCE (Stevenson College of Edinburgh) but didn´t start until late April so I studied in home with my English Grammar in Use book. Although I was sending CVIS I couldn’t find a job. Prosecutor was closing so it was the worst time to find a job; So lamentably I decided to go back home. The experience lasted only two months, I could not spend all the time that I wanted and learn the language well, but I think it is something that everyone should do because it makes you learn things you can even imagine. I still keep up contact with people there and I hope to relive another experience like that. I´m sure that I will do it.

By Rafael Domingo Arroyo

This photo was taken in Slovenia the last summer. Here are my wife and me. We really enjoyed this trip. We like a lot to travel and to see other countries, but at our own pace, nothing organized. This photo is one of the many waterfalls that we saw in this country.

Charity shops and markets like this one are very famous there. I think it’s a good idea because there is always someone who can use what you do not want. It helped me on more than one occasion because when you're starting to live in a new place without a lot money everything is good for you.

We love to see waterfalls and climb the mountains, where we can see fabulous scenery and where my wife enjoys doing wonderful photos. We also saw many gorges and caves where we could go. We got up in the morning, had breakfast, we took our backpack and we went up a mountain, so we were happy.



Discovering Eslovenia

Every Sunday, my roommate and me went to the Sunday market. It was celebrated on the floor of a garage in which anyone who wants to sell something, took their car, opened the trunk and put on sale those things that they didn´t want. I loved it because they were almost new clothes for 1 pound or very cheap things that I needed for the house.

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English EOI Boadilla

AT CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ARE ALL AROUND l By Raquel Navarro Lima Some people say that London is dead at Christmas, that may be true, but last December I arrived on time to check how pretty and gorgeous the city looks like. At this time of the year Christmas lights are switched on in towns and cities across the UK but the latest to be lit up were the ones in Regent Street, in central London. Last Christmas they were special because apart from telling the story of the twelve days of Christmas, they paid a tribute to the brilliant Olympic and Paralympic teams, as they were surrounded by branches made of sparkling lights.


This new design of the gold plaques changed the delicate nets of lights of the past few years and they were lit up by some gold medalist and other athletes who took part in the 2012 Olympic Games. But apart from being shocked by this gaily decorated street at night, in the morning we were stunned of how big the frame to support the lights was. Pedestrians were so tiny in contrast with the decorations that it was worth looking up. Furthermore, the windows of the Harrods’ building were amazing; Snowhite and other children’s stories were told in them. As everybody knows, Harrods is a popular and remarkable landmark for all tourists so it was a tough task not to buy anything for New Year Eve or for our relatives because everything was yelling take me home! Due to the current economic situation, I finally decided it was better not to give in to temptation and to take a red bus without losing gaze of the fabulous Christmas lights.


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English EOI Boadilla

My favourite photo lBy Nino I´ve no trouble choosing my favorite photo. All my family photos are beautiful to me, but one of the best is one that I took in Sierra Nevada last year. The expresion of our faces tell our feelings.

I like this photo because it reminds me of a fabulous week. We were very happy all the time in this holidays and my children learned to ski. I have this photo on a wall of my house.

lBy Cristina Bas This photograph is one of my favourites from last summer holidays in the province of Cádiz. Irina, my eldest daughter, took it when we were in Sanlucar de Barrameda beach seeing its gorgeous sunset. While my family and I were walking along the shore contemplating as the sun was setting, suddenly, we heard voices and noise and when we turned around we saw a group of horsemen were riding their horses towards

us at full speed. Quickly, we got out of their way but my dog was so nervous therefore we could not hold him, so he ran like a lightning bolt to get them like a greyhound chasing a hare. I really love this photo because the warm colors of sunset relax me, however the memory of what happened makes me scared. I keep this photo inside my file folder on my labtop and just in case, I have also saved it on a USB.

lBy Ana Rosa NB2 One of my favourite photos is this one of my children.

On 13th of February 2002 Lucas was born. That day his sister Claudia became ill with varicella and she stayed a few days in her grandfather’s house.

You can’t imagine Claudia’s face when we told her that Lucas was being with our family every day and he was being her brother all the life (forever).

Ten days later she went home and she met her brother. At this moment Claudia was almost 3 years old and she was starting to speak.

We have the photo in an album in the living room and we see it very often. Every time, we remember this story and we laugh together.

At home, she noticed that Lucas stole all the attention, then we took this photo.



My husband took the photo at home in February 2002 when Lucas and Claudia met.

I love this photo because a few minutes after my husband took it Claudia said: “Well, Lucas has come but… when is he going?.

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English EOI Boadilla

A coast too far By Javier García Lozano

They were sitting down on the plane on their way to Tokyo, when suddenly one of the lights of the dashboard in front of the pilot began to flash. They had taken off from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Hornet three hours ago, but it was too soon to start pumping gas to the two engines of the B-25 from the reserve tanks. All the crews of the 16 aircrafts of the 40th squadron knew that the flight only had a purpose, to bomb the heart of the Japanese Empire and, if possible, to reach the coast of China and find a track to land their planes. Of course, they didn’t pretend to produce severe damages to the enemy, that was completely beside the point as they only carried four bombs in each plane and they had different targets. The “Rupture Duck” had to destroy a factory in Tokyo, but other crews had to fly to Yokohama, Nagoya or other Japanese cities. The whole operation was just a slap on the face of Japan after the Pearl Harbor’s attack and a way to return hope and pride to their own nation


The “Rupture Duck’s” mission was to find and bomb an ammunition factory in the southern quarters of Tokyo. In the horizon a small line of haze showed them that they were getting closer to the eastern coast of Japan and few miles further the capital of the empire, Tokyo, their target. Shortly after they were flying very low over farms and small villages where people looked up, raised and waved their arms thinking they were Japanese planes, they couldn’t imagine that their enemies were flying over their heads. In a few minutes they dropped their bombs over the factory, they felt the explosions as a sudden jump in the plane.

They headed southwest trying to reach the continent, but suddenly two Zeros appeared from the clouds firing their guns. The pilot got badly injured in his leg he couldn’t hardly use the rudders, the co-pilot was killed and the navigator and the bomber had also been wounded. Only the gunner was uninjured. One of the gas-tanks had been holed and it leaked fuel inside the cabin. Major Lawson made the B-25 climb to ten thousand feet. The navigator worked out in his maps the distance they had to fly to reach China. There was about 800 miles from their actual situation to their supposed place of landing. When they were 100 miles from the coast, the red light flashed again. After six hours in the air, the bomber lost altitude slowly. They could see the sandy beaches and scattered buildings along the shore. They were so near and at the same time so far. During everlasting moments they were flying only few yards over the waves, but finally the plane softly landed, soon afterwards the cold water of the China Sea flooded the cockpit.

(Based on the novel written by Ted Lawson and the film directed by Mervin LeRoy “30 seconds over Tokyo”)


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English EOI Boadilla

The fallen

TREE By Pilar Navarro

If I would have to think about my favourite place, here in Boadilla, I could only think of ‘the fallen tree’. I am not sure why this is a special place for me, but when I visit it something happens inside me and I can remember those little girls playing to be a famous equilibrist. Suddenly… my imagination flies and I see myself, like a small girl wearing a tulle dress and white stockings with the expectation of thousands of people watching and clapping. There she is, the little girl with a stick in her hands, ready to cross to the other side, without distraction and without losing the balance.



Just the noise stops and we can only listen to the beating of the drums. Silence fills the small circus and the little girl, carefully, starts to walk on the thin rope. Way is short but maximum concentration is required, she could not make a mistake because that would cause her fall to the vacuum. But the old tree would not allow it. The old tree is there, in the center, waiting for the children to climb up and they begin to walk on the log, keeping their balance.

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English EOI Boadilla

A walk in nature By Peñas Albas Fraile

It is a fresh air place, that is, a route from the Encarnación Convent to the pasture in Boadilla.

This Palace only preserves its outdoor structure; it suffered a lot of damages during the Spanish Civil War.

The Convent is a Heritage National that was built in 1674. It includes the convent, a church and a lodging too. It is owned by the Carmelitas Descaldas congregation.

On the left, the route flows into the Pasture. It is a big extension next to the old road in Boadilla. It extends from Boadilla to Pozuelo de Alarcón.

From here you can contemplate the dry landscape of the pasture in Boadilla, the dense Mount Prince and Sir Infante Luis´s Palace. Going down the steps you can make out some detail of the facade Palace until you arrive at a round, wide and paved square where you find a fountain built by Sir Ventura Rodríguez, the same architect who built the Palace in front of it.


Once here, you can follow different routes: one of them is paved and others are not. You can walk alone whilst being in touch with nature, near the town but out of it at the same time, without hearing any noise. It invites you to go out of your daily routine in a short time and forget the pollution, the traffic, the stress and so on. On the other hand, you can choose another way where you can see people

Boadilla del Monte is one of the best towns around Madrid. People came here looking for a quiet place to live without any stress.


Boadilla has unforgettable places with great views from its main monuments like The Infante Don Luis Palace and its beautiful churches. But the most important for the residents is the mountain. The Boadilla’s mountain was reforest at the time of the Infante Don Luis and today it is the main place where people usually do their activities such as sports or simply going for a pleasant walk along paths covered by the shadows of large oaks

Furthermore, if it is sunny you can appreciate a wide range the colours due to the contrast between the holm oaks and the pine trees. What it more, if it is spring you can listen to the birds singing. Besides, you can organize some meetings with your friends, sharing lunch time and savoring your best traditional food while your children are playing in the nature and enjoying a nice day picnic. As you can see, it is a place where you can develop a lot of your skills near home and you do it in a nice environment and without spending a big amount of money.

or pines and listening to the pleasant birds’ singing. Sometimes at the end of the day you can see a lot of rabbits and some foxes near the stream where they normally go to drink. There’s a hill at the top like a stairway to heaven and when we get there we can see good views of the town and hear the Church’s bells which remind us what time it is so we can get down and go to one of the good restaurants in the centre to take a beer with some rasher of bacon, I think Boadilla del Monte wouldn’t be the same without the forest and the population is very proud of it. We really feel the town that we live in.

A point on a map 26

doing exercise, such as: running, cycling, trekking, walking their pets…

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English EOI Boadilla

Happy school times By Cristina Bas

My primary school was a lovely hundred-year-old building located in the town centre of Sant Cugat Del Vallès. It had two large playgrounds, one small lunch room, a charming church and a nice garden. It was managed by Franciscan nuns so they also lived there. It was a school for girls only at that time, currently, there are boys as well. The classrooms were a good size and had lots of windows. In the 8th grade classroom, there was one a real sized skeleton called "Pepito" which stared at us, on the left corner, next to the door.

But without any doubt, the best teacher that I've ever had was Miss Olga. I really loved the way she was. A brilliant art teacher who decided to leave her comfortable job to teach children of the dangerous gipsy neighbourhood called "La Mina" in Barcelona. I have great memories of my childhood at school...when I remember that time I always surprise myself with a smile on my face!

I used to like languages, history and the arts; like the Mª Carmen's music classes, a mature sweet nun from Santander. We could play the flute and other instruments and sing many kinds of songs from all over Spain. Miss Montse, our good-looking younger teacher of English was great. We used to do plays in English on the school stage and once a week we always sang a song, most of the times by Paul McCartney.

Ernest Hemingway

By T. Saldaña Last February the A1 students did an activity in which they had to summarise their lives in ONLY six words.

So we asked our students if they could write their own six-word life stories and these are a few examples of what they did…

The exercise was inspired on Hemingway’s idea of writing a complete story in just six words.

Amor López: ‘Wide world, short time, little learnt’ M.E: ‘Radio, TV, PC, laptop, mobile, tablet’ ‘Pain, joy, pain, joy, pain… knowledge’ Ana Roa: ‘Enjoy reading, you can live twice’ David Dato: ‘Got to be as I am’ Julio García: ‘Always in an ocean of doubts’

It was in the 1920s that the American writer bet ten dollars he could do it, and he wrote: ‘For Sale: baby shoes, never worn’. He won the bet.



A life in six words

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A2 stories

English EOI Boadilla

Each pair of students are given a grid containing 16 squares. In each square there is a picture or a word. The students will use these words or pictures to write a story. Pictures or words must be used in the order in which they appear.


A Spanish - Style American Dream By Iva Georgieva

Once upon a time there was a young Spanish man, who had become orphan at a very young age, and who had to struggle all by himself with life’s challenges and setbacks. Convinced that his miserable life would never change if he didn’t take a chance, one day, encouraged and inspired by the beautiful notes of his favourite artist’s last song, he decided to leave his current job as a florist in the local market of his home town, and to move to Holland. He knew that getting work as a florist in a country without even knowing a single word of its language wouldn’t be an easy task, but he hoped that his love for all kinds of flowers and specially tulips, and his expertise would help him to find a place in Holland’s best known flower market, located in the city of Amsterdam. Once there, the Spanish guy, working hard, never trying to show off despite his excellent command of the job, but being humble and polite, managed to become one of the most respected florists, and his fame quickly spread throughout the city, which made his life give a 180 degree turn (which, by the way, is the correct use of the expression when it comes to describe a complete change in someone’s life, although many use instead the term 360º turn, which happens to be wrong). Soon after, our hero became the owner of most of the stalls at the market, and the main distributor of flowers and plants in Holland, something that, of course, enabled him to make a fortune. The story of the Spanish orphan who was so determined to change the course of his life, and who actually and successfully did, aroused the interest of the media all over the world. A very prestigious British TV news channel was the first to broadcast a documentary about the Spanish entrepreneur, which turned out to be the most watched program ever in the history of this TV station.One of the viewers of the documentary was the CEO of a headhunter company who, in an attempt to save his almost bankrupt business, decided to send some members of his team to Holland. He hoped that, after

taking a course in corporate teaching, run by the Spanish guy, and based on his personal experience, know-how and motivation, the company’s personnel would be able to give his business the jolt it needed to survive. Days went by and our hero continued his triumphant career on every field he dared to take a chance. Years later, his astonishing life was reflected in his autobiography where, among all his memories, one in particular stood out: the day he received a call from Buckingham Palace. As the Queen was a big tulip lover, the palace administration staff decided to present her with 100 Dutch tulips for her birthday, and the order was comissioned to our Spanish hero. Having received such an important order, he couldn’t run the risk of sending the parcel via the traditional postal service. So, instead of going to the nearest post office, after personally selecting and packaging each and every one of the 100 tulip bulbs, he went straight away to the office of TNT Airways, the biggest cargo airline in Holland. The parcel that the Spanish guy sent was delivered on time, but, unfortunately, the day before the Queen’s birthday, the Queen Mother died. Since there was no celebration at all, and the tulips’ cheerful colors weren’t appropriate for the burial ceremony, the package was returned to its sender. Alongside the parcel came a note that said: ‘’Dear Sir, please accept our apologies. Nevertheless, we will be pleased to count on your cooperation for Her Majesty’ s next birthday’’.

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English EOI Boadilla

The pigs, the bears and the wolf by Isaac Moreno & Andrés Stumpf Once upon a time, there was a wolf called Neo who lived in the city of Nottingham. He led a band of criminals, all of them big bears. The city was inhabited by small pigs in wooden houses. One summer day, Neo’s band planned an attack on a family of small pigs. They would blow down their house. However, as everybody knows, bears are not able to blow, so the plan finally was a complete fiasco. The King of the pigs found out that the small pigs had been assaulted by the band of Neo the wolf, so he decided that he should suddenly appear naked again – we say ‘again’ because at

the age of 20 he had already appeared naked on the news for something quite similar – nearby the house of the little pigs to ban the bears from coming up the city. The prohibition would last at least until the hot summer days finished. To reinforce this law, the King visited the British embassy in Russia, where James Bond was developing a secret mission. The King requested Bond to join him at Nottingham in order to fight the bears in case they decided not to cooperate.

That special prohibition started to be known in the city as the ‘Apple law’ because James Bond used poisoned apples to get rid of the bears who tried to infringe it. And that’s the way that life became hell for Neo the wolf and his criminal band while the little pigs started to enjoy life as if they had won the National Lottery.

Being Romantic? by Ana Coll and Carlos Tostado

“When you are at a party how do you introduce yourself to girls?” “Do you show yourself as a romantic person with your partner when you are in public?” “Are you just romantic when you are alone with a girl?” One of the boys answered that from his point of view it was

incorrect to change your behavior depending on the situation. Another boy uttered that in the past people did not show their romanticism in public, nowadays if a survey were to be carried out, it would show that love does not hide anymore. Suddenly the teacher, who was leading the debate, interrupted. He said: “Ok, let’s have a quick quiz. What are girls´ favorite presents? What gift would you get someone to show them that you are in love? Is a diamond about the right thing?” A lollipop for

the student with the right answer.” The clever boy replied that men are likely to send flowers on any occasion. The teacher suggested “What do you think anyone feels when they hear the florists delivery boy knocking on the door? It doesn’t matter what they’re doing, they stop to rush to the door”. The clever boy sitting at the back row raised his hand and said: “The deeper the feeling is, the less material things you need to express it”. The girls in the class roared and clapped.



Once upon a time, there was a boy who thought that he always had the correct answer for everything. One day at school they got to discuss how to behave with girls in a relationship. In class, most of his friends said that being romantic was essential. In the middle of their talking the boy started asking questions.

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English EOI Boadilla





By Emilio Portillo. A1

I have been gambling on the same lottery numbers every week for twenty years. Last week I was waiting in the airport and I bought my lottery ticket there. The On Sunday I was reading the newspaper and... I'VE WON THE LOTTERY! Where...? Shit! I've left my ticket in the hotel.

IN THE JUNGLE By Toñi Merino. A1

I can’t see very well because of branches. I must keep still and quiet in order not to be discovered. Through the leaves I can guess the shapes of a tiger, an elephant and a crocodile. Oh, my God! I want the same toy animals as those of my neighbour’s.


I was in the middle of the room with a bloodstained knife in my right hand. It had been harder than I had never thought before. His dead eyes were still looking at me. That vision made me feel guilty. But someone had to kill the turkey for Thanksgiving Day.

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English EOI Boadilla

Never again Mini-saga I2 By Javier García Lázaro We were suspicious about our housemaid. We had been noticing that she did special findings once or twice a year. She suddenly appeared and said: - I’ve found this money on the living-room’s floor. This honest behavior actually hid the theft of some money by the maid. Three weeks ago she came up again with a 20 Euros note in her hand. My wife said to her: - It has been the last time you find our money. You’re fired.



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English EOI Boadilla by Yulieth Ortiz and Marta Santos

Asparagus Palace Once upon a time… There was a young man who had a good idea: growing green asparagus in Peru. First, he bought a great piece of land, then he bought a truck full of asparagus seeds. He began to work the land, he thought of looking for people to work with him because it was a lot of work for one person. The first year there was a big harvest, so he decided to buy another piece of land for growing more asparagus. He sold his asparagus to other towns. The second year, there was a bigger harvest, so he decided to buy another piece of land and he sold his asparagus abroad. Year by year, he bought more land and grew more asparagus and he became the first producer of asparagus in the world. He earned a lot of money and he could buy a big palace in the best place in Peru.


He was a very generous man because he wanted to live with his employees in the palace. And one day he met a women in the palace. He really liked her so he invited her out, to a restaurant, for dinner. Then he fell in love with her, and that is how the two of them continued growing asparagus happy ever after!!


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English EOI Boadilla


By Javier Unzueta Pérez de Mendiguren

By Asunción Martín Crespo


…. Or how a Marine Sgt Nicolas Brody, has been turned and become part of a plot to be carried out on American soil. He was kidnapped for eight years and subjected to unthinkable torture at the hands of Al-Queda, but mysteriously, he was rescued and came back alive to U.S.A. There are two seasons and third season set to premiere in fall 2013. Homeland won best TV series Drama at the 2013 golden gloves and 6 Emy Awards including outstanding Drama Series. The most amazing thing about this series is that you never know if Nicolas Brody (played by Daimian Lewis) may or may not be an Al-Queda trained terrorist. Hero or Traitor? This is the question. CIA officer, Carrie Mathison (played by Claire Danes) is on his feet. She is looking after Brody´s house when he returns to USA, she is sure about his treason and try to prove how Brody was turned in a Al-Queda Agent. But nobody believes her, only Saul, her boss.

The first one, just only think in a Red-haired USA citizen doing lavatory rite to start the Muslim prayer at the garage of his typical house. The second one is the image of a terrorist just preparing his suicide bomber and pushing down the bottom ……and it doesn’t work. Finaly, I strongly recommend you to see series like this, not only because they are as good as a film, besides the plot, direction, the actors and the localizations assure you an edge-of-your – seat every night at your home.

The film won four Golden Globes and two Oscars including best director. Oliver Stone had made two films about this topic before but in this case he doesn´t show us the fight into the war. Instead he tells us about the broken life of a person who fought and was seriously hurt in combat. The film is based on the real life of a soldier called Ron Kovic, who is still alive. He was a sportsman and a young student in high school near New York city when he decided to join the army. He loved his country and wished to help. He is sent to Vietnam and there a lost bullet hit his body. After this event he has to use a wheelchair to move. The second part of the film shows the Ron´s life when he comes back to his home in US. He lost his faith and discovered the lies told by his government. He began to participate in many meetings against the war and eventually he became an important public figure. I´ve been always fascinated by this film. I recommend you to watch it if you still haven´t. It´s not the typical war movie as “Saving Private Ryan”. It´s more than this. It´s the story of a man who loses his innocence and his youth by mistake. You can feel his physical and his mental pain. You can see the evolution of the character. You can see how he falls and then how he rises. As long as there are people like Ron Kovic the world will be a better place.



In my opinion firsts season is the best, I don´t want to spoil the plot, but only I will to give you two images that for sure give you the curiosity enough to see this series.

Born on the Fourth of July is a famous movie directed by the American filmmaker Oliver Stone. It was filmed in 1989 and its main actor is Tom Cruise . He plays the role of an injured veteran of the Vietnam War. The supporting actor is Willem Dafoe who performs another veteran soldier of that war.

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English EOI Boadilla

THE SCREAM by Edvard Munch

l by vicente García Lázaro The Scream is one of the most disturbing images to come out of the history of modern art. It depicts a moment of psychic calamity, of shattered nerves. Munch intended, when he first created the image in 1893, to record “the modern life of the soul”; and what a fraught, anxiety-ridden vision it was. For decades his distorted vision was regarded as an eccentric by-way of expressionism, laden with Nordic gloom and unnecessary cosmic pessimism. Many people look at the works of Edvard Munch and think "What compels a man to paint such figures?", "What lies in this man's mind that makes his pieces so deranged. From the indistinguishable figures shown in many of his pieces, to the disturbing sceneries, his paintings are truly mysterious. The only way to really understand his work is to understand him and his very emotional life. The life of Edvard would be one I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. Edvard's works are truly emotional. Each one of his works focuses on a different emotion, whether it is love, hate, or in the most of his pieces, anxiety. Munch keeps some things recurrent. One thing that is seen in many of his pieces is the undistinguishable facial features on many of the people in his paintings. This creates a sense of distortion and ambiguity.


The drastic use of color has been used to depict the mood of the subject, with greens and intense reds contributing to a sense of chaos and disorder, which helps to reinforce the expression of the figure. The lone emaciated figure stands on a bridge clutching his ears, his eyes and mouth open in a wide scream of fear, anguish and confusion. The green hue of the character's face and his grey clothing is symbolic of sickness and death in regards to his psychotic mental state. The red sky creates a sense of alarm, and highlights the intensity of the character's experience. The composition, colors and dramatic use of perspective, the undulating curves of the landscape and hollow figure personify alienation and anxiety. Munch described the event, which took place on a trip to Ekebergsasen and, in his diary, he wrote: "I stood there trembling with fright and I felt a loud, unending scream piercing nature." It reflects upon human emotions, and how our relationships with others, and with our environment can affect us. The Scream is a reflection of what was going on at the time, and what was going on in Munch's own mind. Nowadays it seems to me that we could hear “the scream” in the throat every single people.


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English EOI Boadilla



By Julio García Serrano

>> When I began to read this book, I thought, “Another typical story of impossible love.” However, step by step, and page to page, I let myself be taken in by all this amazing adventure surrounded of a heartwarming love story.

Let me show you the storyline: Arthur, a young San Francisco architect, who recently moved to his new apartment, finds a stranger in his closet, the stranger is Lauren. She's surprised that he can even see her. She can disappear and reappear at whim meanwhile she is trying to convince Arthur that her body is actually in a coma in a Hospital. Arthur is the only person who can see her, hear her, and talk to her. It’s shocking for him, but Lauren manages to overcome the barriers of common sense and makes him think, If Only It Were True? Unavoidably, with all this magic confidences they fall in love with each other. Apart from our adorable phantom, there are two important values that I would like to highlight in this book: the deep love of Arthur’s mother and the unconditional help of Paul, Arthur’s best friend. The beauty in the letters from his mother is fresh, natural and sincere, for a moment, we forget phantoms and the love story that we are reading, to find out an extraordinary woman who assumes her mortal illness with an incredible serenity.

The writer tries to scare us with a tragic ending, but we romantics have drawn in our imagination a romantic happy ending.



And of course, we can’t forget the main topic of this book, the love story. The writer makes an excellent treatment of love that has no physical contact and without any hope. This hopelessness leads Arthur to a total abandonment of himself, when doctors prepare the end Lauren's life, which would destroy any possibility in the future to be together. He thinks he is about to lose Lauren forever, so he finds a way to save her. He doesn’t give up and prepares a crazy plan to kidnap Lauren’s motionless body from hospital with a stolen ambulance.

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English EOI Boadilla

Casablanca >> By Pilar Ibarz Gil One of the favorite films of all time. It is a Hollywood drama, a tender love story. It is about the personal conflict of a man who has to choose between duty and feelings. He should choose between the woman he loved and the need to help her and her husband, a resistance leader, to escape from Casablanca to continue the fight against the Nazis. It combines sentiment, humor, and pathos with taut melodrama and exciting intrigue. Directed by Michel Curtiz,in1942,it is based on the play “Everybody goes to Rick´s” by Murray Burnett. The stars: Humphrey Bogart as Rick and Ingrid Bergman as Lisa. The film was awarded three Oscars.

The lady and the unicorn >> By Ana Roa


The true origin of these tapestries remains unknown but Chevalier has created a story of their origin during the Middle Ages in two cities: Brussels, a city renowned for its tapestry makers, and Paris, the home of the main character of the book in whose home the tapestries would hang. Jean Le Viste, a wealthy man from a noble family, wants some luxurious battle tapestries to decorate his dining hall and he hires a young French painter, Nicolas des Innocents, an expert in miniatures and portraits of women. He is young, a dreamer, fairly handsome and…a womanizer. Nicolas is in charge of painting the designs for the tapestries, but the best weavers, those who were able to transform wool and silk into such wonderful pieces of art, lived in Belgium.

In the National Museum of the Middle Ages in Paris, in a huge room with pale light, hanging from the walls are the six tapestries that Tracy Chavalier used to weave this wonderful story.


The weaver entrusted with the job, George de la Chappell and his family, including his blind child Alienor, had to work really hard to finish those tapestries in time. Each of the six tapestries has a name: Taste, Hearing, Sight, Smell, Touch and “By my will alone.” This book wakes up the five senses. Reading the detailed descriptions of Tracy Chevalier you will be able to smell Alienor’s flower garden and fall in love with her story. Suitable for Intermediate level

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English EOI Boadilla

RECIPE Recipe of Orange Cake Ingredients: - 220 g sugar. - 1 orange. - 2 egg yolks. - 1 egg. - 100 g sunflower oil. - 1 plain yogurt. - 200 g flour. - 1 small packet of baking powder. - 1 pinch of salt.

Preparation method:

By David Dato

l Step 1)

l Step 5)

Preheat oven to 180º C for 35 minutes. Spread a cake pan with butter and sprinkle it with flour.

Pour it into a cake pan. Sprinkle it with a bit of sugar. Until now, you have already spent 15 minutes. Leave the dough to rise for 20 minutes.

l Step 2)

Add 220 g of sugar, an orange without peel nor white, two egg yolks and an egg to a bowl. Beat it with a whisk and heat it into the microwave some seconds. l Step 3)

Add 100 g of sunflower oil and a plain yogurt. Beat it with the whisk. l Step 4)

Add 220 g of flour, a small packet of baking powder and a pinch of salt. Beat it with the whisk.

l Step 6)

Bake it, to middle height of the oven, for 55 minutes. Take the orange cake out of the oven and allow it to cool for at least two hours. Take the orange cake out of the cake pan. Your orange cake is ready to be eaten!

Toll House cookies These cookies were invented by Ruth Wakefield in 1933.Ruth & her husband bought a nice house in Massachusetts. The house, colonial style, had been a kind of post; where passengers used to change their horses, pay their toll and have home cooking.

In a short time, the Ruth’s cookery became famous. Although cookies were not her specialty, he used to cook them and give every passenger a few of them, as a present.


1 teaspoon baking powder. 170 g chopped chocolate. 250 g margarine or butter. 335 g flour. 110 g brown sugar. 110 g white sugar. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon salt.

Preparation method: - Preheat oven to180º degrees C - Stir flour, backing powder and salt - In another bowl, cream margarine until light and fluffy. Add sugar and eggs. Push the previous bowl over this one, and beat until flour just disappears. Stir in chopped chocolate. - Drop by generous tablespoonfuls on “cookie sheet” and bake 7 minutes 180 degrees C.

One day she did not have chocolate powder and used chopped chocolate. Surprisingly, she discovered the chocolate drops had not been melted; that way, by chance, were invented these prized (by children and grown up) cookies.



Their aim was to continue the house tradition and to convert it into a bed & breakfast and a pull up.


By Teresa Rojas

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English EOI Boadilla RECIPE

Ladies' kisses Ingredients: - 175 g butter - 115 g caster sugar - 1 egg yolk - 100 g ground almonds - 175 g plain flour - 55 g plain chocolate, broken into pieces, 25 cl of milk, 25 g sugar, 1 tbs corn-flour, 2egg yolks - MAKES 20

Preparation: 1. Place the butter and the sugar in a large bowl and beat together until pale and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolk, then beat in the ground almonds and flour. Continue beating until thoroughly mixed. Shape the dought into a ball, wrap in clingfilm and chill in the refrigerator for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. 2. Preheat the oven to 160¤c / 325¤F / Gas Mark 3. Line 3 large baking sheets with baking paper. Break off walnut-sized pieces of dought and roll them into balls betweenthe palms of your hands, then place the dought ballson the baking sheets, spaced well apart. Bake inthe preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown. Carefully transfer to wire racks to cool


New England Clam Chowder A delicious, traditional, cream based chowder, this recipe calls for the standard chowder ingredients: onion, celery, potatoes, diced carrots, clams, and cream. A little red wine vinegar is added before serving for extra flavor.


By Raquel Peso 3. Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, set the bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water and heat until melted and mix it with the milk. Put in a bowl the egg yolks, the corn-flour and add the chocolate mixture. Mix over low heat until the preparation starts boiling and wait 2 min more. Spread the melted chocolate on the flat sides of the cookies and sandwich them together in pairs. Return to the wire racks to cool.

By Anabel Serrano

Ingredients: - 3 cans minced clams - 1 cup minced onion - 1 cup diced celery - 2 cups cubed potatoes - 1 cup diced carrots - 3/4 cup butter - 3/4 cup all-purpose flour - 1 quart half-and-half cream - 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar - 1+1/2 teaspoons salt - ground black pepper to taste

Preparation method: 1. Drain juice from clams into a large skillet over the onions, celery, potatoes and carrots. Add water to cover, and cook over medium heat until tender. 2. Meanwhile, in a large, heavy saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Whisk in flour until smooth. Whisk in cream and stir constantly until thick and smooth. Stir in vegetables and clam juice. Heat through, but do not boil. 3. Stir in clams just before serving. If they cook too much they get tough. When clams are heated through, stir in vinegar, and season with salt and pepper.

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English EOI Boadilla



Ingredients 4 people: -

1 chicken in pieces 150gr. green olives 100 gr. capers 200 gr. Prunes 50 ml olive oil 150 ml white Wine


Laurel Pepper, salt, 1 tea spoon Brown sugar Orégano Modenna Vinegar

Preparation method:



Clean the chicken and cut it into pieces, please remove the skin. Mix all the ingredients together with the chicken previous day, let stand for 24 hours so that the ingredients are properly mixed. Next day placed in a tray and place in the oven to 180 degrees for 1 hour. During that time go remove it to prevent everything is well baked.

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English EOI Boadilla RECIPE

Baked cuttlefish By Ana Roa

Preparation method: Ingredients for

four people:


- 4 cuttlefish - 4 potatoes - 4 tomatoes - 3 onions - Olive oil, salt, black pepper and parsley.

You will need a shallow baking dish. First put some olive oil in the base of the baking dish. Peel and slice the potatoes. Put a layer of potatoes covering all the base of the baking dish.

Add a layer of onions and salt to taste. Do not add pepper, as pepper doesn’t mix well with onions.

Add powdered garlic and parsley.

Pour a little oil on it.

I recommend that you do not change the order, if you do, the potatoes can be dry and lack taste.

Cut the cuttlefish into pieces, carefully taking its beak away.

Pour a little oil on it.

Layer all the pieces over the onions and add salt, pepper an olive oil.

Peel and slice the onions being careful not to break the rings.

Repeat with tomatoes. Try to cover all the surface of the baking dish.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Heat the oven to 200° C and bake for one hour.

It is healthy, cheap and easy to do.

! l a e m r u o y y Enjo 40

Portada Revista Comunik2 5_Maquetación 1 20/05/13 10:10 Página 4

El Ayuntamiento de Boadilla del Monte y su Concejalía de Educación, Servicios Sociales, Personas Mayores, Voluntariado y Familia, con la enseñanza de idiomas

o r u t u f e d a t s e u p a a n U

lNiveles: intermedio y avanzado l Grupos reducidos l Certificado oficial de asistencia y aprovechamiento l Cursos cuatrimestrales (octubre-enero, febrero-mayo) l Horario: 18-20 h. (60 horas) l Precio: 259€ l Preinscripción: 1ª quincena de Septiembre 2013 Enero 2014 (hasta el día 20)

Portada Revista Comunik2 5_Maquetaciรณn 1 20/05/13 10:10 Pรกgina 2


Nยบ 5 l ABRIL 2013


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