Revista comunik2 nº 9

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Nº 9 l MAYO 2017

¡ Ven a conocernos!


Nuestras puertas están abiertas… Viens nous connaître! Nos portes sont ouvertes ...

Komm mal, uns zu besuchen! Unsere Türen sind geöffnet … Come and get to know us! Our doors are wide open …

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lCursos presenciales del Nivel C1 de Marco Europeo de Referencia lHorario: 18:00-20:30 h. (120 horas lectivas dos veces semanales)

Perfect your English with our new C1 course! EOI Boadilla del Monte C/ Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg, 10 (Centro de Formación) - 28660 Boadilla del Monte Tel. 91 632 27 33 - Fax: 632 27 91 l E-mail: l web:

El Ayuntamiento de Boadilla del Monte y su Concejalía de Educación, Familia, Personas Mayores, Mujer e Infancia, con la enseñanza de idiomas

o r u t u f e d a t s e u p a Una

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BOADILLA DEL MONTE C/ Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg, 10 (Centro de Formación) 28660 Boadilla del Monte Tel. 91 632 27 33 - Fax: 632 27 91


em@il: web:

Español Entrevista con Marcela Fernández Asociación Tiluchi .................. 2 El Nivel C1 se incorpora a nuestras enseñanzas ............................ 6 ¡Ven a conocer tu Escuela de Idiomas! Jornadas Puertas Abiertas ... 7 The Charming Shakespeare nuestro teatro en inglés ...................... 8

Deutsch E-Mails BA1 ................................................................................. 10 Tivi-Logo ...................................................................................... 15 Mein Lieblingsfilm ....................................................................... 16 Freunde ........................................................................................ 17 Helden ......................................................................................... 18 In der Stadt oder im Land wohnen ............................................... 19 Schokolade Lind und Sprüngli ..................................................... 20 Rätsel und Denkaufgaben ............................................................ 21

Français Qui sont-ils? ................................................................................. 22 Et eux, qui ils sont? ....................................................................... 26 Je me souviens …. ....................................................................... 28 C’est là que je vis et j’adore !!! .................................................... 33 Critiques culturelles ..................................................................... 34

English My Christmas Hamper ................................................................. 36 William Chislett ........................................................................... 37 Mindfulness 9th March ................................................................ 38 San Valentine’s day “I love my english classmates” ..................... 39 Clydia Forehand en la EOI Boadilla ............................................. 40 Suni en Estados Unidos ................................................................ 41 School and Childhood Anecdotes ............................................... 42 Treasured objects ......................................................................... 46 My favourite photo ...................................................................... 48 Unsung Heroes ............................................................................ 50 My memory of ... ......................................................................... 54 Emotions ...................................................................................... 56 My ideal place to live .................................................................. 59 10 tips for looking good in photos ............................................... 60 CERN universe of particles ........................................................... 61 What do you know about palm oil? ............................................ 62 Anna & Tom ................................................................................ 63 “We accept people we think we deserve” ................................... 64 Essays by our C1 students ............................................................ 65 Concurso Revista Comunik2 ....................................................... 68 CREDITOS l DIRECCIÓN: Ramón Silles l COORDINACIÓN: Ana Fraile, Bridget Kenny, Edurne Lazcano, Mª Amparo Mena, Geneviève Repiton l COLABORADORES: profesores y alumnos de la EOI Boadilla NOTA l Algunos de los trabajos seleccionados para esta edición han sido ligeramente corregidos en sus aspectos formales, pero manteniendo el contenido y espontaneidad original de la lengua en que han sido escritos. Comunik2 no se responsabiliza ni se identifica necesariamente con los comentarios u opiniones vertidos por los colaboradores. AGRADECIMIENTOS: La edición de esta revista ha sido posible gracias a la colaboración de la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid, y las entidades anunciantes.

DISEÑO, IMPRESIÓN, MAQUETACIÓN: AFP Gestión del Color Telf.: 91 552 45 00 / Fax: 91 552 80 00 •

ISSN:1888-7910 l Depósito Legal: M-24099-2008 ®

Un año más invitamos a nuestros alumnos y amigos a nuestra revista Comunik2, que va ya por su novena edición. Una pequeña ventana a la que asomarse, y por la que ver muestras del trabajo diario en la EOI Boadilla, un trabajo que tratamos de llevar a cabo con tesón y renovadas ganas, en la convicción de que los idiomas están para abrirnos puertas en lo laboral y en lo personal. Los cursos de alemán, francés e inglés que se ofrecen en nuestro centro nos ayudarán decisivamente a mejorar en nuestro trabajo o como complemento en nuestros estudios, pero también a tener una visión más internacional del mundo, a disfrutar aún más en nuestros viajes, y a comprender mejor otras culturas y personas. La principal novedad de este curso ha sido la introducción de las enseñanzas de Nivel C del MCER (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia en competencia de lenguas) como parte del currículo oficial de las EEOOII. En nuestro centro hemos podido por primera vez abrir dos grupos de Nivel C1 de inglés, una gran noticia para tantos alumnos que habían terminado el Nivel Avanzado y necesitaban dar continuidad a sus estudios. La incorporación del Nivel C, pero también las evaluaciones en colaboración con otros niveles educativos, como la enseñanza secundaria, nos permiten decir que las EEOOII tienen un papel cada vez más relevante en la enseñanza y certificación de idiomas en la Comunidad de Madrid. Los días 26 y 27 de abril vienen marcados en nuestro calendario por la celebración de nuestras Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas. Una ocasión idónea para que todas las personas interesadas en aprender idiomas se acerquen a la EOI a conocer de primera mano nuestra oferta educativa, y nuestros alumnos también puedan disfrutar de actividades y minitalleres en otros grupos y horarios. Estamos seguros de que estas actividades despertarán el interés de muchos. Este año estamos colaborando con la organización Tiluchi, que realiza una valiosísima labor ayudando a niños y personas desfavorecidas en la ciudad de Sta. Cruz de Bolivia. Ofrecemos una entrevista con Marcela Fernández, una de las personas más involucradas en Tiluchi. El curso 2016-17 ha visto la consolidación de los niveles básico e intermedio en nuestro turno de mañana, como también la renovación del Consejo Escolar de nuestro centro, un órgano participativo en el que todos estamos representados. Nuestra Asociación de Alumnos sigue activa, y nuestro grupo de teatro en inglés trabaja ya en una nueva e interesante propuesta para el próximo mes de mayo. Un año más tenemos que agradecer el buen hacer de todos en nuestra comunidad educativa, y sobre todo la participación entusiasta de los alumnos. Asimismo agradecemos, como siempre, el apoyo permanente del Ayuntamiento de Boadilla del Monte y la Concejalía de Educación. No nos resta sino desearos un buen final de curso, esperando que esta revista sea de vuestro agrado. Ramón Silles McLaney, Director EOI Boadilla

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Español EOI Boadilla

Entrevista con Marcela Fernández

Asociación Tiluchi Entrevista por: Ramón Silles McLaney

Desde hace unos años, la EOI Boadilla colabora cada curso con una ONG. Dicha colaboración nos brinda la ocasión de realizar variadas actividades didácticas en los tres idiomas que impartimos, además de poder difundir la labor que realizan dichas organizaciones. Durante el presente curso estamos colaborando con Tiluchi, una organización que lleva décadas trabajando en un proyecto humanitario en Sta. Cruz (Bolivia). Entrevistamos a una de sus voluntarias más comprometidas con el proyecto, Marcela Fernández, para Comunik2.


Marcela, ¿cuál es el origen de Tiluchi? Tiluchi se remonta al año 1990, cuando Germán Herráez, un salesiano destinado en Sta. Cruz de Bolivia observó que había muchos niños en la calle que estaban “rebotados” de otras instituciones oficiales, porque no acababan de encajar en su reinserción familiar. Él pensó que lo que necesitaban estos niños era mucho más cariño familiar, y que se buscara otra forma de acogerlos. Empezó a buscarles


alojamiento, manteniéndoles de su bolsillo y ayudándoles a salir adelante. Posteriormente Javier Cuartero, un amigo suyo español que le visitó, decidió a su regreso a Madrid buscar fondos para ayudar en esta tarea. En cuanto al nombre de

nuestra asociación, el “tiluchi”es un pajarito muy común - como el gorrión en Europa- y Javier y Germán encontraron la analogía con todos los niños que había “revoloteando” por todas partes necesitados de cobijo.

“Después de estar en Sta. Cruz dos meses, me ha impactado mucho ver cuánta gente hay en las calles; nunca ha habido tanta gente necesitada”.

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Español EOI Boadilla

¿Cómo describirías vuestro proyecto humanitario? Nuestro proyecto es fundamentalmente educativo, puesto que lo que pretendemos es darles una vida digna a los chicos a través de la educación. No sé qué va primero, si la vida digna o la educación. Se les da formación para que puedan en el futuro ser autónomos y ganarse la vida de

En este momento hay pocas mujeres trabajando en la cooperativa que ellas mismas fundaron, pero las pocas que hay reciben nuestro apoyo. Seguimos siendo un referente familiar, porque las puertas están siempre abiertas para ellas.

¿En qué situación está vuestro proyecto en Sta. Cruz en este momento?

Tenemos el apoyo de muchísimas pequeñas instituciones, centros educativos, y mucha gente que a título individual se involucra en nuestro proyecto, que

Estamos en una fase de readaptación después de reducir el personal de allí y el espacio por falta de fondos, asegurándonos de que los chicos puedan seguir viviendo dignamente. La gente que tenemos allí trabajando es magnífica y está muy entregada, y vemos que se consiguen los objetivos. Ahora vamos a reorganizar nuestras instalaciones de forma que estén abiertas a la comunidad (cine, partidos de fútbol, abiertos a los chicos del barrio, la biblioteca, etc.) .

consideran suyo. Hemos tenido subvenciones, pero desgraciadamente en estos últimos años la crisis ha recortado muchas ayudas a las asociaciones pequeñas. Todos los miembros de Tiluchi en España somos voluntarios, y nadie cobra absolutamente nada. Cada uno aporta su granito de arena, y no tenemos ningún gasto de oficinas o de infraestructura.

Acabamos de volver de Sta. Cruz, y es maravilloso estar con los chicos allí; hay una gran cercanía y cariño. Recientemente nos permitieron pasar un día con los chicos en un complejo de vacaciones. Fue una maravilla llevarnos a los doce chicos mayores en una furgoneta a la montaña. Ellos nunca habían visto una montaña. Fue una experiencia muy bonita.

La dificultad principal es conseguir el dinero para mantener el proyecto y que estos chicos continúen estudiando y trabajando. También las trabas burocráticas, tanto en España como en Bolivia, constituyen un escollo enorme.

¿Cuál es vuestra prioridad para el futuro?

¿Qué dificultades y qué apoyos habéis encontrado hasta el momento?

“Nuestra prioridad es que aquello se mantenga, para que los chicos puedan seguir estudiando. Queremos seguir consiguiendo fondos para que las cosas funcionen”.

Nuestra prioridad es que aquello se mantenga, para que los chicos puedan seguir estudiando. Queremos seguir consiguiendo fondos para que



manera honrada. Tenemos una guardería en un barrio muy deprimido, donde actualmente acogemos a 66 niños, y les damos cuatro comidas al día. Tenemos una escuela de padres y un programa de apoyo a mujeres que también estaban en la calle. Ellas han obtenido su graduado escolar para que a través de las competencias y formación profesional puedan defenderse en la vida y trabajar.

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English EOI Boadilla las cosas funcionen. Nos faltan cabezas y manos, tanto aquí como allí. Lo más importante es la salud y la educación, y que les podamos prestar todos los apoyos que ellos necesitan. Es una población muy frágil: si no se sienten seguros y arropados, es muy probable que les tiente volver a la calle. Necesitamos muchos educadores para que estén junto a los chicos.

Tuve la suerte de tener una familia y una educación en condiciones. Como vivencia personal, te contaré el caso de un niño de nueve años que iba a ingresar en la enseñanza primaria. El niño estaba tan emocionado que no podía esperar a ver su libreta, uniforme, y poder ir al colegio al día siguiente. Eso es maravilloso. También lo fue hablar con las mujeres, y

colaborar no con dinero, sino con trabajo personal. Nos hacen falta manos y cabezas, personas y tiempo para mil cosas (gestiones, organización de eventos, etc.). También la participación en las actividades lúdicas que organizamos nos ayuda mucho. Si alguien quiere contactar con nosotros e involucrarse un poco más, es bienvenido. Tenemos muy buen ambiente, con personas

“Nuestro proyecto es fundamentalmente educativo, puesto que lo que pretendemos es darle una vida digna a los chicos a través de la educación”.


¿Qué te aporta personalmente tu trabajo de voluntariado? Lo que a mí me aporta es muchísimo más de lo que yo doy. Cada logro de los chicos a mí me llega al alma. Después de estar allí dos meses, me ha impactado mucho ver cuánta gente hay en las calles; nunca ha habido tanta gente necesitada. Me llega al alma ver a la gente, algunos de ellos discapacitados, mostrando sus carencias, pidiendo limosna por todas partes y asediando a cualquiera que se acerca. Yo me siento muy orgullosa de poder poner nuestro granito de arena. Yo nací allí, y siento la obligación moral de devolver a mi tierra lo que me dieron.


constatar la seguridad, empoderamiento y confianza que habían adquirido -mujeres que habían estado en la calle-, y ver que habían podido sacar su vida adelante.

¿Cómo se puede colaborar con Tiluchi? Con Tiluchi se puede colaborar de varias maneras. Se puede uno hacer colaborador mediante el pago de una cuota, aunque sea de una cantidad pequeña (a nosotros nos supone mucho). También se puede entrar en la web, dejarnos un mensaje diciendo que se nos quiere apoyar, y después contactamos para concretar la forma de apoyar. Otra forma es

de todo tipo de profesión y edad. Nuestras reuniones de trabajo son también como reuniones de amigos. Nunca hemos tenido ningún problema. Nos une un gran respeto y un deseo común de trabajar. Invito a personas que quieran trabajar con nosotros, especialmente los jubilados. Afortunadamente ahora muchas personas se jubilan con mucha salud y energía. Colaborar en actividades solidarias me parece una forma magnífica de mantener nuestra vida activa. Muchas gracias, Marcela, por vuestra gran labor, y por colaborar con la EOI Boadilla durante este curso.

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Español EOI Boadilla



El curso 2016-17 viene marcado por una importante novedad: la incorporación definitiva del nivel C1 al programa de estudios de las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas de la Comunidad de Madrid. Si el curso pasado hubo ya exámenes libres de este nivel, este año hemos podido ofrecer el nivel C1 de inglés como enseñanza oficial en la EOI Boadilla.


Uno de nuestros grupos pioneros de C1, con su profesora, Ana B. Sanz.


sta es una gran noticia, pues se añade al programa de estudios un nivel superior que echábamos de menos desde la desaparición del plan de estudios antiguo. Nuestros alumnos pueden ahora seguir sus estudios después de terminar el nivel avanzado, y también se beneficiarán de esta ampliación de la oferta educativa los cientos de alumnos que terminaron el Nivel Avanzado en los últimos años.

El C1 es uno de los niveles que establece el MCER, el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia de Lenguas. El MCER, documento que establece el estándar de los diferentes niveles de competencia lingüística, fue


creado en 2001 por el Consejo de Europa con motivo del Año Europeo de las Lenguas. Se puede decir que hoy es el referente más universalmente aceptado para medir la competencia lingüística en cualquier idioma, y los títulos de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas se expiden con la especificación expresa del nivel del MCER. El Nivel C corresponde a un usuario plenamente competente en el idioma, con un dominio eficaz en contextos sociales, académicos y laborales. Alcanzar este dominio es el objetivo de los alumnos que este año están en la primera promoción de C1 de la EOI Boadilla. Ellos son nuestros pioneros de C1, y desde aquí les deseamos mucha suerte, animándoles a conseguir este objetivo.

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Español EOI Boadilla

Landesku La kunde

Les chiff L ffres et les lettre lettres tres

¡Ven a conocer tu Escuela de Idiomas! Musical M u Sp Speaking Pronunciation

Jornadas Puertas Abiertas

E s c u e l a

O f i c i a l

d e

Boadilla Alemán - Francés - Inglés

I d i o m a s

26 y 27 de abril


“Aprende Idiomas en la EOI (Introducción a nuestras enseñanzas)” Día 26 a las 18:30h, día 27 a las 12:00h y a las 19:00h. AULA - 5


Las Jornadas están estructuradas en actividades muy breves en su mayoría (menos de 30 minutos), pero muy variadas. Entre las actividades programadas hay clases de prueba, talleres, juegos, teatro, magia en idiomas, simulacros de examen, canciones, y mucho más.

El horario de las Jornadas es de:

Miércoles 26 16:00 a 20:00h (TARDE)

Jueves 27 10:00 14:00h (MAÑANA) 16:00 a 20:00h (TARDE)

Puedes consultar el programa completo en la web de la EOI Boadilla.



Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Boadilla celebra los días 26 y 27 de abril sus Jornadas de Puertas abiertas. Una oportunidad para que aquellas personas que estén interesadas en aprender idiomas puedan conocer más de cerca la EOI Boadilla, sus alumnos y sus profesores. Pero también una ocasión para que los alumnos oficiales puedan asistir a otras aulas con diferentes actividades, profesores y compañeros, otros niveles, o incluso a clases en otros idiomas.

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Español EOI Boadilla

The Charming Shakespeare nuestro teatro en inglés l El grupo de teatro en inglés de los alumnos de la EOI Boadilla, “The Charming Shakespeare” no ha dejado de deleitarnos desde su creación. Durante la fiesta de Navidad pudimos ver una interesante y divertida adaptación de “Un cuento de Navidad” (“ A Christmas Carol”) de Charles Dickens, que nos encantó.


Su actuación en el mes de mayo es ya una cita esperada. Este año nos proponen humor en inglés, inspirado en el grupo cómico británico Monty Python. Nada mejor que la comedia para culminar el año académico después de meses de trabajo intenso. La risa es una de las terapias contra el estrés diario. Y si, además, se hace mientras aprendemos idiomas, todavía mejor.


Por ello os damos las gracias, chicos y chicas del grupo de teatro. Y mucho éxito los días 17 y 18 de mayo.

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla

E-Mails BA1 Alina Morales BA1

Hallo Elena,

vielen Dank für Deine E-Mail. Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut. Was hast du am Wochenende gemacht?

Am Freitag habe ich mit meiner Schwester Tennis gespielt, danach habe ich mit meinen Freunden getroffen und wir sind ins Kino gegangen. Am Samstagvormittag bin ich ins Schwimmbad gegangen und am Sonntag habe ich ein Buch gelesen und Deutsch gelernt. Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns bald,

Viele Grüße

Antonia Carceller BA1

Guten Tag Edurne,

wie geht es Ihnen? Haben Sie ein schönes Wochenende gehabt?

Ich war von Freitag bis Sonntag in Salamanca. Wir waren eine Gruppe, etwa 27 Personen, und haben viele und große Sehenswürdigkeiten besucht.


Wir hatten sehr gutes Wetter, nur am Samstagabend hat es geregnet, aber sonst war das Wetter sehr gut.

Die Führerin war wirklich toll und wir konnten unsere Zeit nutzen: wir haben fast alle weltberühmten Gebäude gesehen, z.B.:

den Hauptplatz, die Universitäten, Unamunos Haus und sein Museum, die Klöster, die Kirchen,

die Hochschule, und mehrere interessante Plätze.

Wir haben in einem Hotel neben dem Hauptplatz geschlafen, das Essen war sehr lecker und Salamanca ist nicht so weit von Madrid. Ich glaube, die Stadt war besuchenswert. Herzliche Grüße


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Deutsch EOI Boadilla

Elena San Román BA1

Hallo Alina,

wie geht es Dir? Ich bin sehr müde. Diese Woche ist sehr wichtig, weil ich Prüfungen habe und auch nächste woche.

Gestern bin ich um 7:00 Uhr aufgestanden und später bin ich in die Schule gegangen. Ich war da von 8:10 Uhr bis 15:14. Danach am Abend habe ich Mathematik und Philosophie gelernt. Dann habe ich in einer Tanzschule viel getanzt. Zuletzt habe ich geduscht und später habe ich zu Abendessen Gemüse gegessen.

Bitte schreib mir!

Herzliche Grüße

Estanislao Gil BA1

Lieber Federico,

am Wochenende habe ich nicht gearbeitet, aber ich habe viele Sachen gemacht. Am Samstag bin ich nach Segovia gefahren. Am Sonntag haben meine familie und ich zusammen gegessen. Danach sind wir um 19:00 Uhr ins Kino gegangen. Das Wochenende habe ich schön genossen. Am Wochenende habe ich nicht viel gelernt und ich möchte nächsten Freitag nach Torremolinos fahren und im Meer baden. Bitte schreib mir!

Herzliche Grüße

Eva M. Hernández BA1

Liebe Wendy,

Ich bin letzten Freitag von 15:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr ins Kino gegangen.

Am Sonntag habe ich etwas eingekauft und dann hat Anna mich zum Mittagessen eingeladen. Am Nachmittag habe ich gelesen und ferngesehen.

Rufst du mich an?

Also dann, bis bald und pass auf dich auf!




was hast du am Wochenende gemacht? Hast du Freunde eingeladen?

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla Javier Gonzalez Montero Datum: 20/02/2017 An: Kopie: ü Betreff: Mein neues Zuhause.

Javier González Montero BA1

Hallo Daniel!

wie geht es Dir? Ist alles okay?

Ich wohne in Leipzig, in meinem Haus. Ich studiere Medizin an der Universität Leipzig. Das ist mein Lieblingsstudium, denn ich liebe den menschlichen Körper. Ich liebe die Natur im Frühling und im Sommer fahre ich mit dem Fahrrad zur Uni. In meiner Freizeit gehe ich oft mit meinen Kollegen und meiner Freundin, Anne, ins Kino.

Ich habe viele Hobbys. Ich spiele gern Tischtennis. Ich spiele auch Fußball in einer Uni-Mannschaft. Im Winter gehen Anne und ich schlittern. Wir lachen viel zusammen!

Ich gehe immer von 9:00 Uhr bis 14:00 an die Universität. Ich möchte dich, mein Lieblingsfreund, bald sehen. Bitte schreib mir! Auf Wiederschauen!

Juanma Martín BA1

Hallo Paul,


wie geht es dir? Mir geht es sehr gut.

Das habe ich letzte Wochenende gemacht.

Am Samstag habe ich Fußball gespielt, danach habe ich Mittagessen gekocht und gegessen. Am Abend habe ich eingekauft, danach bin ich ins Kino gegangen.

Am Sonntagvormittag habe ich für die gemacht, danach habe ich E-Mails ferngesehen. Am Mittag bin ich Rad Nachmittag war ich zu Hause und geschlafen. Bitte schreib mir!


Familie Frühstück geschrieben und gefahren. Und am danach habe ich Viele Grüße

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla

Juan Francisco Núñez BA1

Liebe Edurne,

wie geht es dir? Es geht mir super! Ich bin in einem Hotel in Lissabon.

Das Hotel ist schön und die Rezeptionistin ist sehr nett. Ich bin um 5 Uhr angekommen.

Was habe ich letzte Woche gemacht?

Am Montag und Mittwoch habe ich Sport gemacht.

Am Dienstag und Donnerstag habe ich Deutsch gelernt.

Am Freitag hatte ich Zeit. Ich habe nur am Morgen gearbeitet.

Am Freitag Abend habe ich Freunde in einer Kneipe getroffen, dann habe ich mit meiner Frau in der Disco getanzt. Am Samstagmorgen habe ich im Supermarkt eingekauft, dann habe ich meine Wohnung aufgeräumt.

Heute habe ich ein Taxi angerufen und ein Flugzeug genommen. Viele Grüße

Liebe Susana,

Sonso Kessler BA1

Wie ist dein Wochenende gegangen?

Bis bald



vielen Dank für deine E-Mail. Mir geht es gut. Am Samstag habe ich viele Sachen gemacht. Um 10 Uhr bin ich aufgestanden, später habe ich das Frühstück gemacht. Am Vormittag habe ich mit meinen Freunden Tennis gespielt. Am Mittag haben wir Braten und Kartoffeln in einem Restaurant gegessen, denn wir haben viel Hunger gehabt. Ich glaube, das war sehr lecker! Am Nachmittag bin ich nach Hause gegangen. Ich habe geduscht und am Abend mit meiner Freunde getroffen. Ich bin ins Kino gegangen.

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla Val Peraza BA1

Liebe Edurne,

vielen Dank für die E-Mail. Mir geht es gut!

Das habe ich heute zum Beispiel gemacht: Von 8:00 Uhr bis 14:00 Uhr hatte ich Schule. Am Mittag habe ich die Hausaufgaben gemacht. Von 18:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr habe ich Deutsch gelernt. In der Nacht habe ich geschlafen.

Ich schreibe bald wieder.

Viele Grüße

Lucía Navarro BA1

Liebe Ana,

wie geht es dir? Ich habe viel zu sagen. Letztes Wochenende habe ich viel gemacht.

Am Freitag habe ich mit meinen Freunden gegessen. Wir haben viel gelacht. Am Samstagmorgen habe ich gearbeitet, aber am Abend bin ich mit meinem Freund ins Theater gegangen. Wir haben auch etwas gegessen. Am Sonntagmorgen habe ich auch gearbeitet, aber am Nachmittag habe ich gelesen.


Was hast du gemacht?


José María Mur BA1

Hallo mein Freund,

geht’s Dir gut? Letzten Sonntag habe ich mit meiner Frau in einem Coffeeshop gefrühstückt. Sie ist wirklich schön. Wir haben einen Spaziergang gemacht. Am Mittag haben wir unsere Kinder und Enkelkinder empfangen. Während wir geredet haben, haben unsere Enkelkinder gespielt. Nach dem Mittagessen haben wir ferngesehen.

Bitte schreib mir!


Herzliche Grüße

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla


TIVI-LOGO María Victoria Gutiérrez IN 1

der einzige Nachteil. In diesem Teil informieren Sie sich auch über das Wetter in Deutschland.

Meiner Meinung nach ist sie haupsächlich für B1-B2 Studenten geeignet.

Das zweite Fenster heißt “Hintergründe”, wo mehr Reportagen zur Verfügung stehen. In Februar ging die Hauptreportage um “Närrische Zeit”, das heißt, Karneval. Sehr interessant, mit viele Daten über Fastnacht – die Nacht bevor die Zeit des Fastens losgeht - in verschiedenen Städten Deutschlands.

Was bietet Tivi-logo den Deutschstudenten an? Lass uns die Webseite erforschen!

l Wenn Sie Deutsch lernen, möchte ich gern Ihnen eine Webseite empfehlen. Diese Webseite heisst “Tivi-logo”. Eigentlich ist sie eine Webseite für deutsche Kinder, die über die Nachrichten informieren wollen, aber in Kindersprache, einfach und klar. Aber sie ist eine gute

Wie ihr Name ankündigt, ist Tivilogo eine Sendung. Aber sie ist viel mehr. Das erste Fenster ist “Nachrichten” (aus der ganzen Welt). Zum Beispiel habe ich heute eine Nachricht von Barcelona gesehen. Sie können die Nachricht lesen oder sehen und hören. Sodass man die Hör/Leseverstehen üben kann. Leider gibt es keinen Untertitel. Das ist

Und mein Lieblingsinhalt: Das Quiz. Sie können mit ihnen viel Spass haben: Narren-Quiz, Umwelt-Quiz, Wetterquiz. Zum Schluss; sehen Sie Tivi-logo an und üben Sie Ihr Deutsch mit Spass.



Art, um Ihr Deutsch zu üben. Eine Kollegin erzählte mir davon und jetzt bin ich danach süchtig.

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla FILME (IN 1-2)


Grüne Tomaten Ana Rubio Pérez IN2


l Mein Lieblingsfilm heißt Grüne Tomaten. In dem Film geht es um eine Freundschaftsgechichte zwischen zwei Freundinnen. Wenn eine von ihnen älter wird, erzählt sie einer dritten Person die Geschichte. Es gibt ein Geheimnis eines Mordes, der nie erklärt wurde und es gibt auch schöne Momente zwischen den zwei Freundinnen, bis zum Tod seiner Freundin.

Die Hauptpersonen im Film sind entzückend. Die alte Person, die über die Geschichte spricht, hat eine süße Stimme und eine Verhaltensweise, die dir seit dem ersten Augenblick sehr gefällt. Die Person, die die Geschichte hört, ist gebildet, großzügig, naiv und lustig. Es gibt eine große Verbundenheit zwischen den beiden und sie gehen schließlich gemeinsam leben. Ich empfehle euch diesen Film!

Good Bye Lenin Quintín González IN2 l Ich möchte über meinen Lieblingsfilm sprechen, der Film heißt Good Bye Lenin.

Während die Mauer fällt und die deutsche Geschichte sich ändert, bleibt sie im Koma.

Der ist eine moderne Komödie. In dem Film geht es um eine Frau und ihre zwei Kinder. Diese Frau wohnte in Ost-Berlin (DDR), und sie fand die Regierung von DDR sehr zuverlässig und gut.

Als sie, die Frau, weckte, war die deutsche Wiedervereinigung geschehen. Aber ihre Kinder verschweigen ihr, der Frau, diese Tat, um zu wissen, wo das Geld von alter DDR ist, denn dieses Geld kann in RFA-Geld wechseln.

Ein Jahr vor dem Mauerfall in Berlin erkrankte die Frau und sie ist ins Koma gefallen.

Die Schauspieler und die Geschichte waren sehr lustig. Ich empfehle diesen Film.

Jenseits der Stille


Estrella González Martinez IN2 l Der Film heißt Jenseits der Stille. Es ist ein deutsches Filmdrama (aus dem Jahr 1996). Die Regisseurin ist Caroline Link und die Orte der Handlung sind München und Berlin. Der Film erzählt die Geschichte von Lara. Ihre Eltern sind gehörlos aber Lara selbst kann hören. Sie beherrscht die Gebärdensprache, weswegen sie für ihre Eltern übersetzen muss. Aber trotzdem dolmetscht sie nicht immer ganz richtig. An Weihnachten schenkt ihre Tante Clarissa, Musikerin und die Schwester ihres Vaters, Lara eine Klarinette und sie wird eine sehr gute Klarinettistin.


Die Mutter stirbt. Dennoch möchte Lara nach Berlin fahren, um am einem Konservatorium zu studieren. Der Vater bleibt allein, traurig, verärgert, ohne Hilfe, sich mit anderen Menschen verständigen zu können. Schlißlich entdeckt der Vater etwas Wichtiges... es gibt doch eine andere Welt jenseits der Stille, die Welt seiner Tochter mit Laut und Klang! Wie sich beide am Ende wieder zusammenfinden, ist ein inniger, herzlicher Schluss... ein versöhnlicher Schluss. Besonders sind die Schauspieler überzeugend. Meiner Meinung nach ist es ein bewegender Film, der sich ansehen lässt.

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla

Freunde (IN 1-2)

Liebe Jeni, wie geht’s Dir? Ich muss dir eine wichtige Nachricht erzählen. Vor einigen Tagen traf ich mich mit meinem Freund Tom, der vor zwei Jahren seine Familie und Arbeite aufgegeben hat. Ich glaube, dass ich dir über ihn letztes Jahr erzählt habe. Es war eine Überraschung. Ich war ins Kaufhaus einkaufen gegangen, und plötzlich war er da, auf dem Boden legte er Kassen. Ja, Ja. Dieselbe Frage habe ich mir gestellt. Er war ein Professor an der Universität. Wie würde er zu so schlechte Stelle? Ich weiß es nicht. Ich kann mich noch auch daran erinnern, als er und ich gute Freunde waren. Seine Familie hat sich sehr gut bei mir unterhalten. Jetzt und früher kann ich nicht verstehen, was passierte. Er war glücklich. Ich weiß nur, dass er sich in ein junges, schönes, und ehrgeiziges Mädchen verliebt hatte. Er wurde ganz verrückt. Und er hat alles verlassen. Machmal habe ich mit ihm zu reden versucht, damit er seine Meinung veränderte. Es war ganz unmöglich.

Jetzt hat er keine Familie und einen Minijob. Auf Wiedersehen Dein Michael

Quintín González IN2



Nach dem Verlassen fuhr er in ein anderes Land, gab viel Geld aus. Nachdem er arm wurde, hat seine Liebhaberin ihn verlassen.

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(IN 1-2)


Deutsch EOI Boadilla

Ein held für mich l

l Jeden Tag hören wir Nachrichten über Helden, die wunderbare Taten machen. Aber alle diese Handlungen können sportlich, politisch, militärisch, oder künstlerisch sein, aber auch ehrenamtlich. Diese sind am Ende die einzigen Heldentaten. Der echte Held ist eine unsichtbare Person, die den anderen Menschen, der Umwelt, den Tieren, usw ohne Anerkennung hilft. Für mich gibt es viele Helden in der Nähe, auf unseren Straßen, in unserer Stadt. Aber wir können sie nicht sehen, weil sie in den Nachrichten nicht erscheinen, und keiner spricht über sie. Sogar keiner kennt sie. Schade. Da gibt es ein Denkmal von „Der umbekannte Soldat“, sollte es ein Denkmal von „Der unbekannte Held“ geben. Sie könnten ein guter Held sein, wenn Sie den anderen helfen. Ohne zu erwarten etwas dafür. Ich glaube, dass es der Welt besser gehen würde. Quintín González IN2

Helden unter uns l

l Ein Held zu beschreiben ist gar nicht leicht.

Ich erinnere mich an ein kleines Kind, das staunend sah, wie ein anderes von zahlreichen Knaben geschlagen wurde. Das war führ ihn eine Ungerechtigheit. Er engagierte mich führ ihn, schützte ihn vor ihnen und natürlich wurde er auch verletzt! Das schien mir ein kleiner Held! Heutzutage ist er ein großzügiger und hilfsbereiter Erwachsener, der ehrenamtlich andere Menschen unterstützt. Meiner Meinung nach gibt es viele unbekannte Helden im Alltag, die immer rechtschaffen mit sich selbst und den Anderen sind.


Estrella González IN2

Mutter Theresa l

l Ein Held ist für mich eine Person, die den anderen ihr Leben hingibt z.B Mutter Theresa. Sie kämpfte für die Armen und kümmerte sich in den Armenvierteln um Leprakranke. Sie rettete Millionen Menschen aus der Armut und gründete Krankenhäuser für die mittellosen kranken. Letzten Endes engagierte sie sich für die Personen, die keine Zukunft hatten. Die Welt war ein besserer Ort dank Mutter Theresa. Wir wären glücklicher, wenn wir in unserem Leben Mutter Theresa hätten. Ana Rubio IN2


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Deutsch EOI Boadilla



Ana Rubio


Antonia Carceller


Liebe Katrine, ich bin vor wenigen Tagen von der Stadt aufs Land umgezogen, weil ich persönlich das Land besser als die Stadt finde. Das ist besser für die Haustiere. Ich kann am Wochenende mit meinem Hund Spazierengehen. Die Kinder haben mehr Platz, umgeben von der Natur, zum Spielen und die Mieten sind billiger, deshalb kann ich ein großes Einfamilienhaus haben. Es hat vier Zimmer, drei Bäder und eine helle Küche mit einem Balkon. Es hat keinen Flur und ist nicht laut. Das Elternzimmer hat eine große und neue Terrasse und die Kinderzimmer haben zwölf qm. Es ist meine Traumwohnung! Ich lade dich zu mir ein! Tschüss


Boadilla ist auch ein ganz kultureller Platz mit Universitäten, Gymnasien, Theater, Konzertsäle, und Bibliotheken.

Ja, ich muss es sagen, dass Boadilla ein sehr schönes Dorf zum Leben ist. Es ist nur 15 kilometer weit von Madrid, und die Luft ist viel sauberer als in Madrid.

Hier können Sie ganz ruhig in die Bergen spazieren gehen und ganz verschiedene Vögel hören und sehen. Auf dem höchsten Gebäude können Sie die großen Storchenester anschauen. Die Störche bleiben hier das ganze Jahr, um sich mit ihren Küken zusammenzufinden.

Um gesund zu bleiben, kann man in Boadilla verschiedene Sports machen, weil es verschiedene Sportplätze gibt und sie sind nicht zu teuer, wir haben hier auch einen Fahrrad Club. Das Leben in Boadilla hat viele Vorteile. Sie sind so nah von Madrid, dass sie jederzeit die Stadt genießen können, aber die Nachteile ohne zu ertragen.



Das Leben in Boadilla ist ein Wunder!

Wir haben hier auch den historischen, bekannten und emblematischen Infante Don Luis Palast.

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(IN 1-2)

Deutsch EOI Boadilla

Schokolade UND

EINE SÜßE GESCHICHTE l 1845 beschlossen der Konditor David Sprüngli-Schwarz und sein Sohn, Rudolf, Schokolade in fester Form herzustellen. Bis dahin konnte man nur Schokolade trinken. Sie hatten rasant viel Erfolg. 1892 teilte Rudolf unter seinen beiden Söhnen seine Geschäfte auf. Der ältere Bruder Johann bekamm die Fabrik, die er auf den neuesten Stand der Technik brachte. Er erwarb auch die berühmte Schokoladenmanufaktur von Rudolf Lindt in Bern, nicht nur die Anlagen, sondern auch die Fabrikationsgeheimnisse und die Marke.

Estrella González




Noch heute ist die Gruppe Lind & Sprüngli sehr berühmt und beliebt.

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Deutsch EOI Boadilla

Rätsel und Denkaufgaben Still und stumm steht er herum

Ein Fähmann gibt nicht auf

Im Winter steht er still und stumm dort draußen ganz in weiß herum. Doch fängt die Sonne an zu scheinen, beginnt er bitterlich zu weinen. Wer ist das?

Ein Fährmann steht vor folgendem Problem: Er muss einen Fluss in einem kleinen Boot überqueren und dabei einen Wolf, ein Schaf und einen Kohlkopf ans andere Ufer bringen. Das Boot ist leider so klein, dass außer ihm immer nur ein Tier oder der Kohlkopf mit ins Boot passen. Dabei darf das Schaf nicht mit dem Kohlkopf allein bleiben, weil es ihn frisst. Ebenso frisst der Wolf das Schaf, wenn sie allein am Ufer zurückbleiben. Wie schafft der Fährmann es, alle auf die andere Seite zu bringen, ohne dass jemand dabei gefressen wird?

Die Uhr Stellen

Die sichtbare Münze Ein Mann geht nach einer langen Sauftour stark angetrunken nach Hause. Auf der Straße entdeckt er eine Münze am Boden liegen. Obwohl weder Mond noch Sterne am Himmel sichtbar sind und auch keine Straßenlaterne an ist, hat er das Geldstück schon von weitem gesehen. Wie ist das möglich?

Eine harte Schale Harte Schale, leckerer Kern, wer mich knackt, der isst mich gern

Ludwigs Wanduhr in seiner Jagdhütte ist stehen geblieben und er möchte nun die Uhr neu aufziehen und richtig stellen. Er hat jedoch leider keine Uhr (und kein Handy/Computer oder dergleichen) bei sich und muss daher in das nächstgelegene Dorf wandern um die Uhrzeit zu erfahren. Die Wanduhr ist sehr schwer, so dass er diese auch nicht mitnehmen möchte. Wie schafft er es nach seiner Rückkehr die korrekte Uhrzeit zu stellen, ohne selbst eine Uhr zu haben?

Im Winter halt' ich dich schön warm Im Winter halt' ich dich schön warm, im Frühling nimmst du mich auf 'n Arm. Im Sommer willst du von mir nichts wissen, im Herbst wirst du mich anzieh'n müssen.

Ich gehe alle Tage aus und bleibe dennoch stets beim Haus. Wer bin ich? Die Lösungen finden Sie auf der Webseite

Edurne Lazcano

Departamento de Alemán



Ausgehen oder auch nicht

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Français EOI Boadilla


Qui sont les élèves de français ? Pour le savoir, comme dans la revue précédente nous vous présentons une galerie de portraits de quelques uns d’entre eux : des élèves des groupes de básico 1 qui se sont présentés en début d’année scolaire et aussi quelques élèves de básico 2 que leurs compagnons de classe nous présentent et nous décrivent.

Portraits d’élèves de BÁSICO 1


COMME UN POISSON DANS L´EAU l Je m´appelle Mercedes Rosa Romero. Je suis née à Salamanque et j´ai fait des études de droit là. J´ai commencé ces études pour travailler comme juge, mais pendant mes études j´ai découvert que je ne voulais pas être une juge. Finalement j´ai obtenu le concours d´inspectrice des impôts. J´ai travaillé à Tenerife pendant deux ans dans une Administration des impôts. Après je suis venue à Madrid et maintenant je suis dans une douane. Je contrôle les importations et les exportations à Madrid. C´est très drôle. Mercedes Rosa Romero BA1

J´ai d´autres passions. J´aime tous les sports aquatiques. J´ai fait du hockey et du rugby subaquatique et j´ai fait des compétitions internationales. J´ai un permis pour naviguer aussi. Maintenant j´ai deux fils et je n´ai pas beaucoup de temps, je vais donc seulement à la piscine. J´aime d´autres sports comme faire du footing. Je n´aime pas beaucoup sortir parce que je préfère être chez moi et regarder des séries américaines d´avocats. Je déteste me promener.


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Français EOI Boadilla


J´aime les animaux, j´aime aussi aider les autres personnes et la danse comme la danse classique, le flamenco et le hip-hop. Je n´aime pas le football ni la boxe mais j´aime le basket-ball, le hockey et le volleyball. Je suis sportive, sympathique et reconnaissante. Carmen Arranz BA1

Mon rêve, du moins pour l’instant, est de faire un voyage à New York et à Hawaii.


l Je m´appelle Carmen Arranz Escalonilla. Je suis née le 2 octobre 2000 à Madrid. Je suis élève à l´école Casvi en Bachillerato. J´habite à Boadilla del Monte avec ma famille et mon chien.

Je suis très heureuse parce que dans trois mois je vais aller en Italie avec mes amis de l´école.


l Je m´appelle Pilar de Frutos. Je suis née à Madrid en 1971. J´ai fait des études de tourisme à l´université, et je travaille comme directrice commerciale dans une entreprise de marketing. J´adore la plage et j´y vais en été avec ma famille pour me reposer, me baigner et être au soleil. En hiver j´aime faire du ski. Je n´aime pas le sport, mais je vais dans une salle de gym tous les matins avant de travailler pour faire de l´exercice. Pilar De Frutos BA1

Les week-ends j´aime rester chez moi avec ma fille et mon mari. Je n´aime pas me lever tôt. Nous faisons de la cuisine, nous allons au cinéma ou nous allons au parc jouer avec des amis.


Après l’école je fais mes devoirs et j’étudie. Après avoir étudié, je fais du football américain ou du basketball avec mes amis ou je joue du piano ou de la guitare.

Nuria Romero BA1

J’aime la musique, écouter de la musique, chanter, ou jouer d’un instrument de musique. J’aime beaucoup le sport, notamment le football américain et le football. Mes équipes préférées sont le Dallas Cowboys et le Real Madrid. J’aime aussi beaucoup sortir avec mes amis, mais je ne le fais pas beaucoup.



l Je m’appelle Nuria Romero. J’ai quatorze ans et je suis lycéenne à l’école Quercus. Je suis en 3ème de la ESO. Ma matière préférée est l’éducation physique et c’est un de mes loisirs.

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Français EOI Boadilla

M@ camarade de classe BÁSICO 2 l UN CAMARADE AGRÉABLE

Manuel Ballestero BA2

l Mon camarade de classe s’appelle Ricardo il a 32 ans. Il vit dans le village de Boadilla del Monte. Il est marié et il est ingénieur en aéronautique.


Ricardo est une personne qui aime la perfection, il est passionné, il est franc. Je le trouve plutôt actif, dynamique, indépendant mais peu intuitif. C’est une personne accueillante et de compagnie agréable.


Ses caractéristiques physiques sont celles d’une personne avec une silhouette sportive, des cheveux courts, bruns et bouclés, des yeux verts, un nez normal, une bouche normale avec des lèvres minces, un front haut et dégagé, des traits réguliers et un poids correct pour son âge et sa taille. Il adore la montagne, le football, la ponctualité et l’île de Mallorca. Il aime aussi des choses comme la sincérité, l’automne, le pot-au-feu, le rock, s’habiller avec des jeans, lire “Le petit prince”, sortir le soir pour voir ses amis et aller au cinéma. Son acteur préféré est Roberto Bonini et le film qu’il préfère est “ La vie est belle”. Il y a aussi des choses qu’il n’aime pas comme porter une cravate, les embouteillages, la boxe. Il n’aime pas du tout l’acteur Santiago Segura et les films de Torrente et il déteste l’hypocrisie, le reguetón et le chou fleur.


Ricardo Tomás BA2

l Je vais vous présenter notre camarade de clase, Manuel.


D’abord, Je vais dire qu’il est né en 1956, Il a donc soixante ans. Il est marié et il habite à Boadilla del Monte. Il est licencié en gestion et organisation d’entreprises mais maintenant il est retraité. Il est sensible et il a une grande imagination, c’est pour cela que c’est un rêveur, mais il n’aime pas l’aventure. Il n’est pas possessif et pas inquiet non plus. Je pense qu’il a l’air d’être très sympathique et avec un grand sens de l’humour.


Physiquement, il a les cheveux courts, gris et bouclés. Il a les traits marqués, de petits yeux marron, un grand nez, une petite bouche avec des lèvres minces et un front haut et ridé. Enfin, il adore aller au cinéma, jouer au tennis et écouter de la musique classique. Son plat préféré est la Paella et son livre préféré est El Quijote. Par contre, il n’aime pas beaucoup la boxe et il déteste le chou-fleur, regarder la télé et porter un costume. Il n’aime pas du tout l’arrogance et les embouteillages. C’est tout !


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Français EOI Boadilla


Guadalupe Marco BA2

l Je vais présenter Juan Luis. Il est jeune, il a 20 ans. Il mesure 1,85 m et pèse 75 kg. Alors, il est grand, maigre et athlétique. Il a un visage ovale avec une barbe et une moustache et il porte des lunettes. Ses cheveux sont noirs et courts et ses yeux sont aussi foncés. Il a une grande bouche avec de grosses lèvres.

Juan Luis

Actuellement, il fait des études en relations internationales à l’université Rey Juan Carlos et le français à l’école de langues. Il aime étudier le français parce qu’il aime bien la culture française et c’est trés intéressant pour ses études universitaires.


Julia Cagigós BA2


Il joue au football toutes les semaines, il est trés sportif. Il est aussi aventurier et il voudrait vivre à côté de la Mediterranée ou à La Havane. De plus, il est optimiste, il aime beaucoup le bon humour et il déteste être préoccupé. Mais il est équilibré et il déteste l’arrogance et les inégalités.

l Je vais parler d'Alejandro Alonso Martín, qui est mon copain de classe. Il a 14 ans et il est né à Madrid, comme moi. Il a un frère qui est plus grand que lui, c'est donc pourquoi il est le plus petit de la famille. Il va à l'école tout comme moi, il va en 4ème de la ESO au lycée à Pozuelo. Sa matière préférée est la biologie parce qu’ il veut faire des études de médecine.


Il n'a pas les mêmes goûts que moi. Il adore faire du sport comme du judo avec ses amis parce qu'il dit que c'est très amusant et apaisant mais il n'aime pas courir. De plus, il aime l'hiver où il peut boire de la soupe chaude et manger des châtaignes et aller à la montagne pour faire du ski. Toutefois, il n'aime pas beaucoup les examens, comme tous les gens jeunes parce qu' ils sont très stressants. Une autre chose qu'il déteste c'est le terrorisme que l'on voit beaucoup à la télévision.


Jesús M. Zaballos BA2

Elle est dynamique, impulsive et très active. María José a l’air aimable et intelligente. Elle aime la perfection mais elle n’est pas ambitieuse. María José a les cheveux châtains, un peu blonds. Elle a les yeux bleus et un nez bien petit. Sa bouche est petite avec des lèvres minces. Elle est mince mais elle n’est pas petite.

María José

María José adore le chocolat. Son plat préféré est le gâteau au chocolat. Elle aime voyager et sa ville préférée est Paris. María José est très moderne, mais elle n’aime pas la technologie. Elle est très sympathique!!!



l Ma camarade de classe s’appelle María José. Elle a 59 ans et elle habite à Villaviciosa de Odón. Elle est mariée et elle a un fils. María José est licenciée en éducation et elle est professeur. Elle a besoin du Français pour le travail.

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Français EOI Boadilla

ET EUX, QUI ILS SONT? Voici la biographie de quelques personnages français importants qui ont marqué l’histoire, les sciences ou la culture de la France. Devinez qui ils sont ? Vous trouverez la réponse ci-dessous. 1. Jeanne d’Arc l 2. Marie Curie l 3. Paul Cézanne l 4. Charles De Gaulle l 5. Napoléon Bonaparte

Une Femme Courageuse l Elle a été une héroïne de l´histoire de France, chef de guerre de l´armée française et sainte de l´église catholique. Pendant sa courte vie elle a fait beaucoup de grandes choses. Elle est née à Domrémy dans les premières années du 14ème siècle. Depuis son adolescence elle entendait des voix mystiques qui lui indiquaient une mission : aller avec l´armée française et délivrer la France de l’occupation anglaise. De 17 à 19 ans elle a parlé avec Charles VII, elle a conduit victorieusement les troupes françaises contre les armées anglaises, elle a levé le siège d´Orléans et elle a conduit le roi se

faire sacrer à Reims. Ses actions ont permis de modifier le cours de la guerre de Cents Ans. Finalement elle a été capturée et brulée vive par l´armée anglaise en 1431. Elle a été condamnée pour hérésie, mais plus tard il a été reconnu que son procès était entaché de nombreuses irrégularités et elle a été déclarée innocente. Elle a été canonisée en 1920 et c´est aujourd´hui une sainte patronne de la France. C´est un personnage célèbre du Moyen Age et elle a inspiré beaucoup d´œuvres artistiques pendant l´histoire. Vous savez qui elle est?


Une scientifique moderne l C’est une dame, très connue dans le monde entier. C’est une physicienne et une chimiste polonaise. Elle est née le 7 novembre 1867 à Varsovie. Elle a été nationalisée française en 1891. Elle est morte le 4 juillet 1934. Sa carrière scientifique a mis ses découvertes au service de l´humanité. Son mari et elle ont reçu le prix Nobel de Physique en 1903 et de Chimie en 1911 pour leurs travaux sur le polonium et le radium.


Yael Coronas Martín BA2

María José León Izard BA2 C’était une femme courageuse, ambitieuse et passionnée. La mort de son mari le 19 avril 1906 lui a donné plus de force. En 1921 elle a voyagé aux États-Unis en compagnie d’ Albert Einstein. C’est la première femme à avoir enseigné à la Sorbonne. Elle a aussi enseigné à sa fille Irène. Défiant le sexisme et avec ses avancées scientifiques, c’est une des plus grandes figures féminines de l’histoire. Qui est cette personne?

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Français EOI Boadilla

L’éternité dans un tableau

En 1864 il a rencontré Marie Hortense Fiquet et en 1870 ils ont fui de Paris à Estaque à cause de la

guerre franco-prussienne. En 1872 est né son fils Paul. En 1886, lui et Marie se sont mariés et son père est mort. Le 22 octobre 1906 il est mort d´une pneumonie. Il appartient au mouvement de l'impressionnisme, du postimpressionnisme et du cubisme. Ses oeuvres les plus importantes sont: Les joueurs de cartes, Les Grandes Baigneuses, La baie de Marseille. Vous avez deviné qui c’est ?

Un grand Chef d'Etat l Il est né à Lille en 1890, dans une famille catholique de la clase moyenne qui résidait à Paris. Il a reçu une éducation traditionnelle, ce qui lui a conféré une solide culture générale et humaniste. Après cela, il a décidé de faire une carrière militaire à l’Académie de Saint Cyr. Il a combattu durant la Première Guerre mondiale jusqu’à ce qu’il ait été blessé à Verdun en 1916. Dans l’entre-deux-guerres, il s’est consacré à l’enseignement militaire et à l’écriture de livres de stratégie militaire. Puis, pendant la

En 1944 il a été nommé Président provisoire et en 1958, après s’être retirer quelques années, il a été élu Premier Ministre et ensuite Président de la République française. Comme Président en 1959 il a reconnu le principe d'autodétermination du peuple algérien.

Vous avez déjà deviné qui il est?

échecs parce qu´il a toujours été très agressif dans ses campagnes. On peut dire que tout ce qu’ il a fait a été grand. Il y a des gens qui disent qu´il a été un tyran et d´autres qu´il a été brillant. Je crois qu´en tout cas, il a été très important dans l´histoire de la France et même de l´Europe.

Vous avez deviné qui c´est?



Il a gagné beaucoup de batailles et il a obtenu un grand empire pour la France pendant son règne. Cependant il a aussi eu de grands

Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, il a été nommé Secrétaire de la Guerre. Postérieurement à Londres il a organisé le mouvement de la résistance extérieure la «France libre».

Mercedes Rosa Romero BA1

L´empereur l Il est né le 15 août 1769. Il a été un célèbre militaire en France. Il a dirigé un coup d´Etat en novembre 1799. A partir de ce moment il s´est converti en empereur de France.

Paloma Jiménez Párraga BA2


l Il est né le 19 janvier 1839 à Aix en Provence. Il a étudié à l´Université d´Aix et de Marseille, mais il n´a pas pu entrer à l´école des Beaux-Arts à Paris. En 1862 il est retourné à Paris et il a poursuivi ses études à l´Académie de Charles Suisse. Toutes ses oeuvres ont été rejetées de 1864 jusqu´en 1869 au Salon de Peinture et de Sculpture.

Jimena de la Torre BA1

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Français EOI Boadilla


Les Français sont des nostalgiques ! C’est pourquoi, comme dans les revues des années précédentes, dans ce numéro de Comunik2 nous vous présentons des souvenirs évoqués par les élèves de Básico 2 et d’Intermedio 1 qui vont des souvenirs de l’enfance à des souvenirs d’évènements ou de faits qui les ont marqués et qui nous permettent de mieux les connaître.

Mon enfance IN1 Ma belle enfance

Une enfance heureuse

l Mon premier souvenir date de l’âge de deux ans. Je me souviens de la naissance de mon frère Iñaki. Il était très petit et souriant. Je me rappelle de lui avoir chanté une belle chanson.

l Quand j’étais petite, je me rappelle que je vivais dans une autre maison plus grande à Boadilla. J’ai de très beaux souvenirs avec mon frère. Nous sommes jumeaux et je l’aime beaucoup. Pour moi c’est une personne très importante dans ma vie.

María Viúdez Mora, IN1

Paula Cabañas, IN1

Nous allions à l’école “Casvi Boadilla”. Là, j’ai connu beaucoup de mes amis. J’adorais les classes d’anglais. Nous avions une professeur qui s’appelait Sonia. Elle nous racontait des histoires très amusantes.

Je me rappelle aussi parfaitement de ma maison. Elle était un peu petite mais elle avait beaucoup de jouet et cela en faisait une maison fantastique!

Je faisais des activités extrascolaires, de la danse, je jouais au paddle tous les samedis matin … Dans la cour de récréation nous sautions à la corde, nous jouions à l’élastique, à cache-cache, nous échangions des autocollants…


J’ai tout gardé en mémoire de mon premier jour d’école. Je n’ai pas du tout pleuré et je me suis fait beaucoup d’amis. Ma meilleure amie s’appelait Cristina, elle était très sympathique. J’adorais me promener dans la campagne et faire des pique-niques avec ma famille. J’aimais ma famille comme maintenant mais ma cousine n’était pas bonne avec moi. Maintenant c’est comme une autre meilleure amie. Je me souviens de mes vacances à Fuerteventura, quand j’avais 4 ans, et mon voyage à Disneyland Paris à sept ans! C’est inoubliable! J’adorais la cuisine de mon grand-père. Ses macarroni, sa soupe, son poulet rôti… Sa cuisine était délicieuse! J’ai eu une enfance très heureuse que je ne veux jamais oublier.


Le week-end, chez mes grands-parents, nous mangions les macaronis de ma grand-mère. Ils sont délicieux ! Les dimanches, c’est une tradition dans notre famille, nous jouions aux cartes avec nos grandsparents. Nous avions de très bons moments. En vacances nous allions à Gandía avec toute ma famille. Nous nous reposions, nous allions à la plage… L’été est la meilleure époque de l’année. Je me souviens aussi de Noël. J’adore ces fêtes.

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Français EOI Boadilla

Le garçon chanteur Andrés Lagar Sánchez, IN 1

mère disait. À cette époque-là, j’aimais chanter et danser et je me rappelle parfaitement de chanter devant tout le monde, la chanson <<Europe’s Living A Celebration>>. Tous les passants riaient avec moi et fredonnaient les paroles de cette belle chanson. Je n’oublierai jamais ce moment de bonheur. Un an après, quand j’avais cinq ans, je me suis fait un ami, Sergio, avec lequel je jouais tous les week-ends. Je ne me souviens plus de son visage, mais je sais qu’on a eu des moments vraiment bons ensemble. À cet âge, j’adorais aller au parc avec mon grand-père. Là, je glissais sur le toboggan et je montais sur la balançoire. J’aimais être là, et je ne voulais jamais revenir chez mes grands-parents. Pour cette raison, un jour mon grandpère est parti chez lui sans moi. J’avais très peur jusqu’au moment où je l’ai trouvé caché derrière un arbre. C’est la dernière fois que je lui ai désobéi et je ne vais jamais oublier cet instant d’angoisse.

À seulement quatre ans, j’étais la star de Carabanchel, ou au moins, c’est ce que ma grand-

Mais, ce n’est pas tout : les macaronis de ma grand-mère, ou comme je les appelais, <<macallones>>, le sourire de mon grand-père, les jeux que je m’inventais… J’ai gardé tout ça en mémoire, parce que comme on dit, les souvenirs d’enfance sont les meilleurs.

Aprende LE FRANÇAIS EST francés UNE CHANCE! Una oportunidad para… … tus viajes por el mundo


l J’ai passé les premières années de ma vie à Carabanchel, un quartier vieux et sale, mais que pour une raison ou une autre, j’ai toujours aimé. C’est là, dans les rues étroites du quartier ou dans la maison accueillante de mes grands-parents que j’ai les premiers souvenirs de mon enfance.

… obtener una titulación con niveles del Marco Europeo

… para ampliar tu círculo de amigos.

….conocer otras culturas.

… tu futuro profesional

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Boadilla Una oportunidad LE FRANÇAIS EST UNE CHANCE! C/ Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg 10. BOADILLA l Tfno.: 91 632 27 33

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Français EOI Boadilla

Mes vacances quand j’étais en JE ME SOUVIENS ….

Mes étés au Portugal! Guadalupe Marco BA2

l Je me souviens des étés au Portugal avec ma famille. Ce sont les meilleurs souvenirs de mon enfance!

Mes vacances en République Dominicaine.


Marcos Bauer BA2

l Je me souviens que quand j´étais petit, j´ai beaucoup voyagé. J´allais tous les étés en République Dominicaine. C`est une île très belle dans les Caraïbes. J´allais dans cette île parce que toute ma famille y habite. J´y allais trois semaines et je restais chez ma grand-mère. Quand j´arrivais chez ma grandmère toute ma famille venait pour dîner avec nous. Les Caraïbes sont très chaudes, nous allions alors beaucoup à la plage et à la piscine. Un week-end de mes vacances toute la famille nous allions dans un club de vacances parce que c´est l´unique moment où j´étais avec mes cousins. Finalement mon oncle nous emmenait à l`aéroport et je voyageais 8 heures pour arriver à Madrid.


J’avais environ 8 ans et nous préparions les valises pour quinze jours. Nous partions à l’aube dans la voiture de mon père. Nous dormions les premières heures de voyage. Nous devions prendre un bateau pour arriver à la Presqu’île de Tróia. Je me souviens bien de la queue dans le port, de la chaleur et… à la fin du voyage, de la brise et des vagues qui déferlaient sur la coque du bateau quand nous étions en train d’approcher de l’île!Quand nous arrivions, nous nous logions dans un appartement qui n’était pas loin de la piscine et de la mer. En face, il y avait un grand parc où un groupe de garçons et de filles préparaient des activités sportives pour les enfants. Bien sûr, il y avait aussi des activités aquatiques. Tout complètement gratuit! De temps en temps, les activités étaient par groupes et nous devions chercher quelques amis pour compléter le groupe. Nous nous amusions bien!

Chaque jour, nous allions à la mer parce que mon père l’aimait bien. Là, nous ramassions des coquillages, nous sautions dans les vagues, nous construisions des châteaux de sable… Finalement, le moment de partir arrivait et nous montions dans la voiture pour retourner à Madrid. À l’année prochaine!

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Français EOI Boadilla

Il fait beau, il fait chaud. Les couleurs de l'été.

María José León Izard BA2

l Quand j’étais petite, je passais mes vacances dans la maison de campagne de mes grands-parents. Je m’en souviens bien parce que je voyageais avec toute ma famille à Béjar (Salamanque). Nous voyagions dans une petite voiture, mes parents, trois frères, une sœur, le coffre plein de valises et le canari dans sa cage. Le voyage était sans fin, 212 km. Le sommet de la montagne de Villacastín (1.100 m.) était difficile à monter. La maison était dans la banlieue de la ville.

Juan Luis González López BA2

l Je vais parler de mes vacances d’été quand j’étais enfant. Je dois dire que je passais mes vacances d’été dans différents lieux pendant l’été, je vais donc expliquer différents aspects de chaque lieu. En premier lieu je passais la première partie de l’été à Boadilla où j’allais toujours à la piscine communautaire du lotissement, j`y passais la majorité du temps. C’était drôle quand d’autres enfants étaient à la piscine, mais, quand il n’y avait personne, je m’ennuyais un peu. J’allais aussi à la plage avec ma famille pendant une semaine et je me rappelle que les voyages étaient très longs, mais ils étaient confortables parce que nous avions suffisamment d’espace. Normalement nous n’allions jamais dans le même lieu tous les ans. Et à la plage je passais de bons moments avec mon frère parce que nous jouions à différents sports pendant la journée.


is enfant BA2

Les jours d'été

Mais, quand mon frère a arrêté de venir en vacances avec ma famille parce qu’il allait en vacances avec ses amis, je pensais que je ne m’amuserais plus du tout. Cependant je m’amusais beaucoup avec mes parents et avec d’autres enfants des hôtels pendant les activités sportives. Finalement, je vais parler de mes vacances dans mon village qui s’appelle Aldeanueva de Barbarroya où je passais habituellement tout le mois d’aout et où nous avions une maison, où mon père a habité pendant son enfance.

C’est mon plus beau souvenir de vacances, je pense que nous avions de la chance parce que nous vivions vingt-quatre personnes (le grandpère, l’oncle, la tante, les cousins, las cousines…) dans une très grande maison c’était ¡¡¡SUPER !!!

Je vais expliquer un jour habituel dans mon village quand j’étais enfant. Je me souviens que je me réveillais tard, aux alentours de onze heures, puis je prenais le petit déjeuner et après un ami venait me chercher chez moi pour rencontrer d’autres amis du village jusqu’à deux heures trente, quand nous retournions à la maison pour le déjeuner. À cinq heures nous allions à la piscine du village jusqu’à huit heures, quand nous allions sur le terrain de football qui était proche de la piscine. Nous jouions jusqu’à dix heures quand nous retournions à la maison pour dîner. Pour finir nous nous rencontrions après le dîner pour parler et faire quelque chose dans le village où nous pouvions rester libres pendant la nuit. Et c’est tout, maintenant je ne peux pas m’ expliquer comment nous pouvions faire toutes ces choses pendant une journée.



Très près, à 2 km, il y avait le village de Candelario où nous allions à la piscine publique olympique. Nous mangions des plats cuisinés tous les jours avec des pommes de terre, des tomates que nous avions choisis dans le jardin. Ma tante Marie Louise avait une vache et presque tous les jours elle cuisinait des desserts à base de lait. Nous faisions des randonnées dans la montagne à la «Peña de Francia » le long de la rivière Alagón (Tajo). Avec mes amis nous avions une bande. Nous aimions danser. La nuit nous jouions à cache- cache.

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Français EOI Boadilla

Je n’oublierai jamais IN1



L’ESPAGNE EST LA CHAMPIONNE! l Une date que je n´oublierai jamais est le 11 juillet 2010, la finale de la Coupe du monde de football. Je n´avais que 9 ans, mais je me souviens de tout. Ma famille et moi, nous étions revenus de vacances deux jours avant, où nous avions regardé la semi-finale.

LA RÉVOLUTION EST ARRIVÉE À LA MAISON l La télévision a été une des choses qui a eu le plus d´impact sur notre famille. Je me souviens parfaitement du jour où la télévision est entrée chez-nous. J´avais onze ou douze ans. On avait une télévision en noir et blanc qui émettait deux chaînes UHF et VHF. Évidemment, il n´y avait pas de télécommande et à cause de cela nous devions nous lever pour changer de chaîne. À cette époque il n´y avait pas beaucoup de programmes à choisir. J´ai tout gardé en mémoire comme certains programmes, par exemple, un jeu de télévision qui s´appelait “UN DOS TRES … responda otra vez”, une série très jolie qui s´appelait “Heidi” c´était un dessin animé. Le samedi soir il y avait des films.

La veille de la finale, tous les voisins nous avons parlé de regarder le match ensemble. le matin suivant, nous avons donc acheté de la nourriture et des boissons pour le soir. À cinq heures, tous les enfants nous avons joué à la piscine pendant que les adultes installaient une TV, une table et des coussins dans le jardín. Le match commençait à 8 heures et demie mais nous étions déjà assis devant la TV depuis 7 heures. Nous étions très nerveux. Pendant le match nous avons crié et crié contre les Hollandais et aussi pour notre équipe; jusqu´à ce que nous ayons mal à la gorge. Finalement, à la 116ème minute, Iniesta a marqué un gol et nous avons crié plus encore: l´Espagne était la championne! Nous étions tellement heureux que nous avons sauté dans la piscine, habillés! Cette nuit-là, tous les gens célébraient la victoire et avec tout le bruit, je n´ai guère dormi. Ça a été une nuit de célébration, tous les Espagnol nous étions très fiers de notre équipe! Sara Twomey IN1


À cette époque, les films étaient codifiés et alors que nous étions très impatients de voir un film, les losanges apparaissaient et mon père nous envoyait au lit. Un film avec un losange signifiait que les enfants de plus de 14 ans pouvaient le voir et de deux losanges signifiait que le film était pour les adultes. Chez-nous, nous ne pouvions pas regarder la télévision quand nous voulions, il y avait des règles: nous ne regardions pas la télévision pendant les repas et nous pouvions regarder la télévision pendant un certain temps avant d’aller au lit si nous avions fini d´étudier. C´étaient des temps différents!

Gracia María de Luna Armenteros IN1

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Français EOI Boadilla


On voit bien à travers ces quelques écrits de Nivel Básico 2 combien les élèves sont attachés à leur village, Boadilla, et à leur maison. Le seul reproche unanime des élèves sur la vie à Boadilla ce sont les satanés transports en commun beaucoup trop lents, à part ça ils semblent tous heureux de vivre ici!


TOUJOURS VERTE Je vis à Boadilla del Monte un village avec 40.000 habitants à 15 km de Madrid qui jouit d’une extraordinaire situation géographique puisque presque 50% de sa surface est formée par des parcs forestiers et des zones aménagées en espaces verts.

l Le “Monte” de Boadilla, le 3ème grand poumon de la Communauté Autonome à Madrid, est un privilège, on peut y jouir de la nature, de la faune et de la flore ainsi que de différents chemins à parcourir. Par sa proximité à Madrid, par sa richesse environnementale, son offre sportive et culturelle, Boadilla est un lieu très attractif comme lieu de résidence pour beaucoup de madrilènes. C’est un lieu tranquille, chic, moderne, avec des centres commerciaux, des boutiques, des bureaux, sa cité financière, son auditorium, des centres de santé etc… et il y a beaucoup d’activités culturelles comme des concerts, des expositions etc…

Pour moi le seul problème à Boadilla sont les transports en commun, bien qu’il y ait des bus et des trains de banlieue, ils sont très lents et leurs arrêts finaux sont loin du centre de Madrid, il est donc très opportun d’avoir une voiture. Enfin, vivre à Boadilla aide à être plus heureux.

Manuel Ballestero. BA2

l Le logement où ma famille et moi vivons, est situé à

la périphérie de Boadilla del Monte. C´est un village populaire pour les familles, tranquille, qui a des restaurants dans la zone commerciale et beaucoup de zones piétonnes dans tout le village. Le village est situé dans la banlieue de Madrid.

J´habite dans un lotissement de pavillons. Ma maison est composée d´un petit jardin, d´un garage, du rez-dechaussée, l´étage où sont nos chambres et un grenier. Le rez-de-chaussée a une petite entrée, le salon, la cuisine et une salle de bains. Le premier étage a trois chambres et deux salles de bains. Finalement, nous utilisons le grenier pour jouer et garder nos choses comme les vêtements qui nous n´utilisons pas. Ma chambre est située au premier étage, elle est grande et les murs sont violets, et aussi, tous ses meubles imitent la décoration d’une cabine de bateau. Au milieu de la chambre, est situé mon lit, qui a beaucoup de coussins et un couvre lit violet. A droite de la porte, j´ai mon bureau, où je fais mes devoirs. J´aime beaucoup mon bureau parce qu’il est très grand et il a une touche classique que j´adore. En face de la porte, la chambre a une fenêtre d´où je peux voir tout le lotissement. A gauche de la porte, il y a une armoire et des tiroirs. J´aime ma maison, mais elle n´a pas beaucoup de luminosité au rez-de-chaussée et le jardin est très petit. Mais elle est très confortable el j´y ai de nombreux souvenirs.

Claudia Verdesoto BA2



Boadilla a des bâtiments historiques comme le palais néoclassique de l’infante D. Luis du XVIIIème siècle de l’architecte Ventura Rodriguez. Une autre construction de grand intérêt est le couvent de la Encarnación du XVIème siècle. Finalement, l’église de San Cristobal complète le patrimoine artistique de Boadilla, une église ancienne qui fut aussi une forteresse arabe du XVème siècle.


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Français EOI Boadilla


l J'habite à Boadilla del Monte qui est un

grand village à côté de Madrid. Boadilla a deux parties: la neuve et la partie ancienne ou le cœur du village. Mon logement est dans la partie neuve et n'est pas loin de l'école de langues. Depuis l'extérieur, vous pouvez voir une grande maison, avec deux terrasses qui donnent sur la rue et un beau jardin avec beaucoup de fleurs. À l'intérieur, vous pouvez voir quatre étages: la cave, au rez-de-chaussée vous avez le salon et la cuisine, au premier étage les chambres et les salles de bains et pour finir le grenier; un inconvénient d'avoir de nombreux étages est que nous avons trop d'escaliers, et ça c'est un problème.

Critiques culturelles Les élèves de Nivel Intermedio 1 se sont improvisés critiques culturels et leurs commentaires nous donnent envie d’aller voir les films et les spectacles qu’ils nous recommandent.

La La Land

María Viúdez Mora. IN1 l Je vais faire une critique du dernier film que j’ai vu: “La La Land”, de Damien Chazelle, qui est sorti le 25 Janvier 2017. Il est incroyable! Quel chef d’oeuvre! Ça a été la meilleure comédie musicale que j’ai jamais vue.


Pour commencer, je vais résumer un peu l’histoire. Mia (Emma Stone) est une actrice débutante qui est fatiguée d’enchaîner les auditions. Sebastian (Ryan Gosling), passionné de jazz, joue du piano dans des clubs pour gagner sa vie. Il veut monter son propre club pour y jouer de la musique. Le destin va réunir les deux jeunes, qui découvriront l’amour. Leur première prise de contact commence mal, comme dans toute bonne comédie romantique, mais tout s’arrange.

Je vais choisir ma chambre pour la décrire de manière détaillée: Ma chambre est au troisième étage, à côté de la chambre de mes frères. Elle est petite, mais très belle. Il y a un lit, une armoire, deux miroirs, des étagères avec beaucoup de livres, un mannequin où je mets mes foulards, une horloge, deux tapis et deux grands cadres avec des photos. Toute ma chambre est de ton rouge, blanc et doré. Je pense qu’elle est parfaite comme ça et je ne modifierais rien.

Julia Cagigos BA2


L’introduction, où les protagonistes sont dans leur voiture en silence, démontre à quel point le film est incroyable. Devant, quelques personnes sortent de leur voiture et font une chorégraphie géniale, et ils jouent, chantent et dansent sur les véhicules : tout un spectacle! À mon avis, les chansons (composées par Justin Hurwitz), sont très belles et agréables, et elles trottent longtemps dans la tête. Bref, c’est une bande sonore magnifique. Le décor, ses installations fantaisistes, sa mise en scène… sont très originales et créatives. Il combine la comédie musicale traditionnelle, comme « West Side Story », avec des scènes plus modernes et j’aime cela. La chose qui n’était pas très bien, est que le film dure deux heures et il semble un peu long. Le film a obtenu sept Golden Globes et Emma Stone a gagné l’Oscar de la meilleure actrice ce qui démontre que « La La Land » est une comédie musicale fantastique que je recommanderais de voir!

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Français EOI Boadilla

La Constance du Jardinier l Un film de 2005 avec une distribution exceptionnelle réalisé par Fernando Meireller et interprété par Ralph Fiennes comme acteur principal et Raquel Weizs qui a gagné un oscar pour la meilleure actrice de second rôle. Le film parle d´un diplomate britannique affecté au Kenya où sa femme a été tuée avec un autre homme de couleur que l´accompagnait et qu’on suspecte d’être son amant. Les deux personnes assassinées sont des

activistes et défenseurs des droits de l´homme au Kenya. Le diplomate décide d´enquêter sur les morts et c´est quand il commence à découvrir beaucoup plus que ce à quoi il s´attendait. La photographie est absolument déchirante et est un hommage à un continent dévasté par les guerres tribales et la cupidité des gens. Le film est un thriller, intrigant qui ne nous laisse pas indifférent, une romance et une intrigue politique très bien guidée.

Gracia Maria De Luna ArmenterosIN1 On peut dire que c´est un film fascinant, absorbant, puissant, subtil comme peu de films récents que j´ai vus. Il a une vocation réelle de contestation sociale, avec une fin peu conventionnelle qui se différencie assez du cinéma commercial. Pendant la proyection émergent de forts sentiments de solidarité et d´impuissance qui perdurent tout au long du film. Il faut aller le voir pour tous les amoureux du cinéma.

Paula Cabañas IN1

Le spectacle du Mago Pop l Bonjour à tous ! En décembre je suis allée au centre de Madrid, à Callao, pour voir un spectacle de magie, et je veux vous raconter mon expérience. J’y suis allée avec mon père. J’étais très contente parce que nous avions vu son programme de télé à la maison. Le magicien s’appelle Antonio Díaz, mais il est connu

sous le nom de « El Mago Pop ». C’est un jeune illusionniste espagnol qui adore son travail. Il est petit mais très énergique. Le spectacle s’appelle « La grande illusion ». Il dure 80 minutes à peu près. Il a fait environ sept tours de magie : jeux de cartes, jeux avec les mains… La souplesse qu’il a est impressionnante. J’étais éblouie par ses tours.

Si vous ne connaissez pas l’histoire, il n’y a pas de problème, je vais vous la raconter. L’histoire se développe dans l’ambiance de la savane où la paix règne. Mais la bataille pour le royaume commence entre deux frères lions. Il y a de la violence, de la destruction et la mort. À ce

À la fin, nous avons pris une photo avec lui. Il est très sympathique. Pour finir, je vous conseille ce spectacle. Il est très amusant. Si vous avez des petits enfants ou vous adorez la magie, comme moi, vous devez le voir.

Luisa Fuster Perna IN1

Le Roi Lion l Pour le site internet, je veux vous présenter le meilleur spectacle que j’ai vu cette année, c’est le spectacle de théâtre musical “Le Roi Lion”.

Il est accompagné de trois filles qui l’aident. La mise en scène est géniale!

moment-là le spectateur a de la peine, il est furieux et énervé. Comme dans presque tous les spectacles la vérité triomphe finalement et le petit lion est couronné Roi. La mise en scène, la musique, les couleurs de la savane, des animaux sont exceptionnelles. J’étais pleine d’enthousiasme, c’est le meilleur spectacle que j’ai vu. C’est un spectacle amusant, super et génial. La critique culturelle a dit que c’est une pièce sublime, magnifique et superbe. Cette incroyable pièce a

eu du succès pendant 6 années consécutives, 85 millions de personnes l’ont vu et elle a gagné 70 prix. On peut dire que c’est très complet parce qu’il y a tout un éventail de sentiments : la sensibilité, la sincérité, l’envie, la générosité, la haine, la jalousie et aussi la gaieté. Je vous conseille d’aller le voir si vous ne l’avez pas encore vu. Il y a seulement un problème, c’est le prix, c’est assez cher, mais si vous aimez le théâtre vous ne pouvez pas le rater.


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English EOI Boadilla

My Christmas


e . I am th s a t a M ket olfo am Rod the French bas f o f winner istmas Party o r h C 1 4 7 of the number glish e h T . I y En ´s EO Boadilla ood luck. I stud y first m eg gave m Level Class. It´s year1 a 60 in Basic ol. I am o h c s e d, I th mploye . I am year in e n u m .Ia yee old man a bank emplo s happy s a wa worked r retirement. I od: fo lot of fo waiting asket. It had a b e, with the ampagne, win ets. The h c we cheese, and chestnut s s Party, a te chocola fter the Christm colate o a h y next da some sweets, c ith my w ht I broug pagne to share in class. m r a a ty and ch had a p e W . s e dinner t classma istmas Eve, for ine hr dw In the C other food an e h t we ate 1 family. atas BA with my M o f l o Rod




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CHISLETT On the 13th of December we had the pleasure of having Mr William Chislett at our school. Mr Chislett is a former correspondent of The Times of London in Madrid. He writes a monthly article (Inside Spain) for the Elcano Royal Institute. He has published several books on Spain.

l Mr Chislett's talk was extremely interesting. He talked about the significant transformation that Spain has undergone over the past three decades. He also mentioned the challenges that Spain faces nowadays with the highest rate of unemployment in Europe and slow growth for the foreseeable future as well as the separatist movement in Catalonia and the austerity measures imposed on the country due to the crisis.

Amparo Mena. English Department

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English EOI Boadilla

Mindfulness 9 March th

On 9th March, Maggie Carberry came to our EOI to give two interesting workshops on Mindfulness in the school library. Mindfulness is becoming a mainstream practice offered in organisations, companies, health centres or schools to improve physical and mental well-being.

Maggie Carberry


started by giving some general information and explaining that Mindfulness consists of paying attention to the present moment, ignoring judgements or any opinion that can interfere with being now. She moved on to talk about its founder, Jon Kabat-Zinn and the influence of Buddhism in this secular meditation approach. During her talk, she related Mindfulness to her personal experience, giving examples of how she uses it in her daily life or the interesting results this technique has among the teenagers she teaches.

After this background information, Maggie Carberry moved on to explain the physical aspects involved in meditation, such as the adequate posture, the position of the hands or the chin or the way to breathe. She also gave us information about apps that can be used to measure meditation time or to check guided Mindfulness practices. And finally we went on to do a guided meditation technique which lasted 10 minutes and after which she asked for feedback, thus contributing to the students´ participation. These two workshops not only introduced us to Mindfulness but also offered the opportunity to approach different linguistic skills, such as vocabulary, describing processes or giving instructions, making it accessible to all students.

Laura Peco. English Department


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English EOI Boadilla

San Valentine’s day

“I LOVE MY ENGLISH CLASSMATES” These words are addressed on San Valentine’s day to everyone: TEACHERS, ROSA, THAMAR and LAURA, AND MY CLASSMATES, who have helped me to get this far in my English studies.


sixty years old and I had never studied English. I studied French when I was young, forty-seven years ago.

My first English class was in 2014, when I arrived at the EOI. The first day I sat down on a chair and looked around me. I felt out of place; there were several people, some girls and boys, but they were all younger than me. Suddenly a woman came into the classroom and she said: “Hello everyone, my name is Rosa, I’m your teacher y en esta clase no se habla español”.

For all this: “I LOVE MY CLASSMATES, THANK YOU, EVERYONE”. Febrary 20th 2017 Joaquín Celada IN1

But students and teachers never laughed at me and they have always helped me. Three years later, I am still very clumsy, maybe the clumsiest student in my class, but I don't care about this, because currently I study Intermediate I. I couldn't have got here without my classmates’ help.



When I heard this I thought “Oh my God, what have I done?, what am I doing here?", and when the people began to speak I thought, “This is impossible for me; I have enrolled in the first course and here all the people talk a lot and are better than me. They are going to laugh at me". I wanted to disappear.

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English EOI Boadilla

Clydia Forehand en la EOI Boadilla


l Clydia Forehand is an English Language Development Specialist at Eisenhower International School at Tulsa, Oklahoma. We met Clydia thanks to Suni Romeu, our former Director of Studies, who happens to be working at the same school (it’s small world!). Clydia came to visit us at the EOI on September 13th while she was in an exchange programme with Casvi School in Villaviciosa de Odón and Boadilla del Monte. Clydia spoke to Advanced 1 and 2 groups about the experience of being an American in a different country and how the perspective of the world changes. She observed how surprised she was when she realized how much is known of the USA overseas and how little an educated American, such as herself, would know about other countries. Namely, she confessed to ignoring the name of the king of Spain before this visit, while Spanish children could name former president Obama’s dog! She also explained how she adjusted to not having air-conditioning everywhere as when she is in Oklahoma. Clydia tried to see the


perspective of people who don't live with AC at all hours and learn from that situation. Students were interested and shared different experiences related to being in a different country. We all enjoyed her visit. She is a great communicator and we hope she visits the school again in the future.

Ana Fraile del Pozo

Head of the English Department

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English EOI Boadilla

Suni en Estados Unidos International School Tulsa (OKLAHOMA) Queridos compañeros y alumnos de la EOI Me han pedido que escriba un pequeño artículo sobre mi experiencia como profesora visitante en EEUU. Me va a resultar muy difícil resumir en unos pocos párrafos todo lo que está representando para mí este año.

¡Hasta siempre EOI Boadilla!

Suni Romeu

Profesora del Departamento de Inglés



l En primer lugar, contaros por qué decidí tomar esta decisión. Desde siempre me había atraído la idea, pero siempre había algo que me lo impedía. Por fin, el año pasado se dieron las condiciones perfectas para hacerlo. A mucha gente le pareció una locura pero yo sabía que era entonces o que nunca lo iba a hacer. Me lancé y aquí estoy viviendo en Tulsa, Oklahoma y dando clase a niños de 5 de primaria. ¡Haciendo lo que nunca había hecho antes! Dando clase de historia americana, que es apasionante, de ciencias, de inglés y de español. Gracias a Dios me he salvado de dar matemáticas. No os podéis ni imaginar todo lo que estoy aprendiendo y lo que estoy disfrutando, viajando por el país, trabajando con compañeros de diferentes nacionalidades y etnias y conociendo un sistema de trabajo muy diferente al español. Mis alumnos son encantadores, les encanta España y tienen un nivel bastante bueno de español porque mi colegio, el Eisenhower International School, hace todos los años (¡no os lo perdáis!) un intercambio con alumnos del colegio Casvi de Boadilla y de Villaviciosa de Odon. El mundo es un pañuelo. Os puedo decir que, además, me siento muy orgullosa de haber sido capaz de hacer algo diferente y haber conseguido sobrevivir los primeros meses de trabajo que -no os voy a mentir- fueron una locura. Había días que me quería volver a España y a mí querida EOI. Y aquí sigo. No sé por cuánto tiempo pero aquí estoy. Ya os seguiré informando de mis aventuras en Oklahoma, mientras tanto os mando alguna foto para que conozcáis a algunos de mis alumnos y compañeros.

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English EOI Boadilla

School and Childhood


Are your schooldays memories good, bad, or bitter-sweet? We asked our English students, and these are some of the anecdotes they told us about school and childhood.


l Last year I decided to apply for an English course because I felt that my English was rusty ( it would be better to say that it was lost). In order to apply for the course I had to do an English test to check my level. Obviously, there was a closing date to apply for the course. I forgot the date of the test, so days later I remembered the test and I realized that that the time to do the test was over. So I went to the EOI to ask if I had any other possibility to do the test and they told me that a few months later I would have another opportunity to do the test. This time I remembered the date and I was there in time to do the test. I went to the EOI to check my level and see if they had a vacancy for me. The system was as follows : as soon as you come you must to write your name in a list and then the secretary starts to call people in order. My number was 46 and I was very relaxed but around number 35 I started to get nervous. The reason was that the secretary said “the people of advanced level can leave; the class is full”. My level was Intermediate 2. So I was stressed until the secretary called my number and he assured me that I was registered in the course. Now I am very happy.

Álvaro Zurita Suárez IN2


l I was looking at the funniest thing I had ever seen. Somebody had put tiny paper balls up the tap in the bathroom at school. When a classmate, or whoever it was, went to the toilet and opened the tap , the paper was suddenly shot out and the water, splashed over the face and clothes of the victim. Then we heard yells and curses… I couldn’t hold my laughter. Have you ever heard about anything as amazing as that? Even some teachers fell into the trap. It was crazy, and nobody knew who the creator of the trap was. Teachers agreed that action had to be taken urgently. They put a list on the door of the bathroom and everybody had to write their name on it before going in.

Andrés Valera Ruzafa IN2


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English EOI Boadilla


l When I was 10 years old, friends were the most important people in my life. I was happy going to school, learning and playing around with my friends in the playground with my friends. We were twenty five students per class. Boys and girls didn’t play together, so they were in separate groups.


l I remember that day as If It were yesterday. I started to play the violin when I was 8 years old. I used to go to a small music school every Monday and Wednesday evening. To get there, I had to depend on my parents to take me by car.

One day, the principal told us that the school wanted to do a poster with a photo of each of us and they were going to organize a session to take pictures. The day came and I was the first at school in order to chose the best place I would take on the photo. Unfortunately time passed and my friends didn't arrive at school. The photographer couldn't wait for them and suddenly I started to cry inconsolably. In the end my friends arrived and the photo could be taken but unfortunately I still had tears in my eyes. In the picture I appear crying. Now I hate this photo.

Carmen García-Alcalá Nieto IN2


l When I was nine years old, I had a subject which I didn´t like. It was sewing. I used to have this subject every Wednesday and I always tried to be sick that day.

Unfortunately, my teacher didn't trust the signature and she called my mother. In the end, I had a punishment imposed by the school, and it was to clean all the chewing gums on the school playground for one month. I learned the lesson and now I hate the gums.

Carmen Martínez Vivas IN2

My mother’s friend said “don’t worry, calm down, Mrs Suances knows you are an honest person”, but my poor mother was so scared that she didn’t know what to say and do. Finally they left my house. I never knew what happened to the necklace.

Domi Fernández Fernández IN2


l This story happened at primary school when I was six or seven. We learnt Religious Education and we had a book with illustrations. God was drawn like a big eye over a cloud. We had to study a few questions with their answers every day.

David Amo Luaces IN2


l I‘m going to talk about a childhood anecdote which I lived when I was eight or nine. I belonged to a humble family. However my classmates were middle and upper class but I got on well with them. One of them was Franco’s minister’s granddaughter on her mom’s side, and her name was Maquita Anton Suances. Her parents accepted me because my best friend’s father was a teacher at school. Her name was Rosa Mari. Our families were friends. Maquita lived close to the school. For this reason we often stopped at her house to play on leaving school. One day when we were in class, the door opened and Maquita’s mother appeared. We asked each other what happened, why she was there. A pearl necklace had disappeared from her

I normally studied, but that day when the teacher asked me: “Why does God see everything? “, unfortunately, I had not studied that day. However, I remembered the illustration with the cloud and the eye and I clearly saw the answer: “Because He has a big eye”. Everyone laughed, except the teacher and me. He told me: “Go away, you must go to the corridor”. It was the early 70s and in my old school when someone had bad behaviour, he or she was expelled. We had to wait in front of the door of our classroom. The head teacher walked along the corridor and he punished pupils that he found outside.

Fernando Villarroya Punter IN2



Luckily, one day my teacher told me that if I brought a authorization from my parents, I wouldn't have to sew, and I did that, but I wrote the authorization myself and my mother´s signature too.

One day my parents had to work all day and I had an important exam in the music school. So I had to take public transport. Then, I took a bus, but unfortunately, I got off at the wrong stop and I felt totally lost. In those days mobile phones were not so common and I couldn’t call my family. I didn't have enough money to take a taxi to the school so, I decided to come back home by taxi expecting my grandfather to pay for It. Days later, I told my violin teacher the interesting adventure I had had, and finally she let me take the exam another day.

house and service staff had seen Maquita playing with it. The teacher asked us about the necklace but nobody had seen it. Rosa Mari´s mother told my mother what had happened at school so Mrs. Suances and herself would go to my house to ask my mother and me about it. When this lady came to my house my mother got very nervous and began to open the doors and drawers of the furniture so that she could see that the necklace wasn’t there.

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English EOI Boadilla A BAD DECISION

l I think that sometimes I make wrong decisions, but this time it was a stupid one. That day I was in the locker room changing my clothes as usual. Then I went to the classroom, where my teacher was waiting for the students. But when I was at the door I saw all the girls of my class were outside . They explained that I had to stay with them for ten minutes, because if no girl entered the class the teacher wouldn't say anything, as the teacher would think we were in the locker room. Ten minutes later we came into the classroom. It was then we saw a girl at her desk. The teacher was very angry and he sent a note to our parents.

Finally, when the bell rang, I told the girls that it hadn't been a good idea, and one of them said: “You could have come into the classroom, and if you didn't it's your problem”. It was then that I saw the stupid decision I had made.

Then some women took us into their home. They gave us milk and biscuits. They called our teachers, who were looking for us. Our teachers came to these women`s house and we went back to our Miraflores house in the teachers' car. That day we were frightened. I can remember that day as if it were today.

María José Sáez Ríos IN2


l When I was a child I lived in Toledo, a quiet and small city in those days. Everyday my brother, two of my sisters and me used to go walking along the narrow streets. From time to time we stopped and watched the shop windows and went into the beautiful cathedral. Amazingly we never were in a hurry and we enjoyed talking and laughing in the morning. I still remember a rainy Monday. We were wearing new raincoats and had taken umbrellas. Unfortunately it rained cats and dogs and in few minutes we were soaked. But it didn´t matter, we were happy walking on the puddles.

Guadalupe Santa-Bárbara Simón IN2



l In 1982, when I was at secondary school I visited Miraflores with my schoolmates and teachers. It was my first time without my parents for three or four days. It was a new experience for me. I was very happy and enthusiastic. I stayed in a students' house outside Miraflores. The house was enormous, with a lot of bedrooms; each bedroom was shared between two children. I could still remember the smells of that house. One day we went out for a walk around the village without the teachers, only some students. We got lost and we couldn't find our house. We asked for directions to people but nobody knew where the house was. I remember the weather was horrible, it was foggy and very cold.


When we arrived at the school dripped from our clothes and hair, and our teachers were shocked. They phoned our parents and finally they picked up us and we came back home. They told off us but surprisingly we weren´t punished. In fact it was a fun Monday because we spent the day playing games together. Fortunately none of us had a cold after that rainy day.

Julia Álvarez Gómez IN2


l I remember when I was a child at primary school I used to play with my classmates, during the break.

We played a Spanish game called “piedra, papel, o tijera”. This game was very popular among us. But, at the end of the course our teachers decided to organize a gaming competition. It was a stressful situation for all of us because we had our final exams in June. Fortunately, the competition was after that my final exams; I loved these traditional games. At the end of the competition my favorite teacher said: ‘the winner is Rebeca!´. It was a surprise for me because I had never won anything before. In fact, I think it was an important moment in my childhood, and now I am an adult perhaps I can play in adult competitions and be able to be the best player again.

Rebeca Sánchez Rumbao IN2


l I don't remember any funny story, nor a terrifying one that happened at Primary school. Probably, in my daily life there have been many, but I can cannot think about a special one in this moment. However, there is something that I can't forget because it was unusual. In those days I was a 10 year-old girl who lived in a little village, where the main way of livelihood for its inhabitants was fishing, cultivating working the land or working in the factories located in an industrial city of the region. Children used to go to school, and play with their friends around the house until supper, and they went to bed early. At school teachers were very serious and they didn't make jokes or play with their pupils in the classroom. I think it was more boring than now. One day, a new Maths teacher challenged us: all the pupils had to participate in a class contest. We needed to know the multiplication tables very well, by heart, without mistakes, and the five of us who passed the test would have a prize.

The prize was that the teacher would take us to the cinema to watch a film. It would be the following month, at the weekend, once we'd finished the contest.

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English EOI Boadilla

Everybody was very excited. You may think it wasn't such a good prize, but for all of us it was.

When my turn arrived, they gave me a big box. I don’t know what I was expecting, maybe a pair of skates, a basket ball, an “Autocross” (Do you remember this toy? A steering wheel attached to a track, with which you could drive a small car through the track). I hardly ever used to cry, but that day I nearly did, when I took out of the box a stupid doll dressed as “Little Red Riding Hood”. Why? I hadn’t asked for it in my letter.

Some children had never been to the cinema before, because many people couldn't afford to have a car. They had to go to the city by bus, and it took an hour to get there.

Thank God, my mother, who knew me very well, rescued me. She took that awful doll away from my sight and asked my brother if he could share his walkie-talkies with me.

I cannot remember the film, but I remember this anecdote because it was the first time that a teacher tried to motivate us to study with something really valuable for us.

Susana García Paz IN2


l When I was a child, I hated playing with dolls. In those days it was supposed that if you were a girl you had to play with them and people used to give girls dolls as gifts for Communion or Christmas. I remember that each year the company my father worked for, used to give his workers’ children gifts on the Three Wise Men’s Day. One year I had the biggest disappointment of my life.

At the end everything was fine, I was playing spies all day long although since that day I’ve hated Little Red Riding Hood and I never read her story to my children.

Belén Figueroa IN2

I have three brothers and they got a remote-control car, a pair of walkietalkies to play spies and a remote-control train.




School and Childhood

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English EOI Boadilla

Treasured objects What's your most treasured possession?

Our students of English share with us what their most treasured objects are, and explain their value, sometimes sentimental and some other times merely practical.

SOME FAVOURITE OBJECTS l Today I have to write about an object that is very special for me. I haven't got only one special object, I have three. They are a ring, a bracelet and a necklace. These three objects were given to me by my husband when each of my three children were born. They are three very simple objects without much economic value but they have a great emotional

MY GRANDPARENTS CLOCK l An old clock bought by my grandparents in the 1920´s, when they were just married, is my special treasured family possession. It is one of those wooden boxed clocks with no battery that you have to keep running by winding it with a key once a week. It reminds me of my childhood because in Christmas time, when we used to go back to my hometown, I used to see my granfather winding it and keeping it at the exact time. I remember my cousin,


value for me. They aren't the most expensive in the world but they are the most beautiful things that I have. Before I always wore them but now I wear them every time each of my children has to do something important in their life. I think that this is how I can help them from the distance. I will never lose these objects.

l Juan Viñas Pujol AV2 my brother and myself trying to convince my grandparents to let us take it apart into pieces just to know what it was like inside. Fortunately, my grandfather didn’t let us do it. When I got married, many years after my grandfather died, my grandmother found it in an old room in her old house and she thought I would like to have it. She was absolutely right. Today, just a few minutes ago, my young son was winding the clock in order to keep it running.

l César Hernández AV2

BEER MUGS l I was bequeathed with some antique beer mugs that belonged to my father but I have them now in my kitchen. My father bought them in Germany when he was working there in the early 70s. Mugs were and are a very speclal thing for drinkers in the traditional breweries in Germany. There are even places where, depending on the number of years as a client, customers can have their own mug kept in a cupboard. The point is that my father bought several of them as a gift for his family when he got back to Spain. They are made of a kind of porcelain or ceramic, I'm not sure,


l Teresa García BA2

and they have nice drawings and colours with labels of famous beers. Their size is of a pint and I think their value, apart from the sentimental value, is high because they are made of high quality material and they are old-fashioned. The funny thing is that they are actually manufactured in Santander in a famous factory called Tanagra which was specialised in dinner service, plates and glasses. My father didn't know that when he bought them, but one day I found a little name under the jar with the logo of the company, so from that day on I name these jars " The travellers".

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English EOI Boadilla

l Teresa Quero Barea AV1

MY FAVOURITE OBJECT My favourite object is my pillow. It is so necessary for me that without it my life would be different. It has a curious story. Over the years I had tried a lot of different pillows: too hard, too soft, very high , very low.... then, one day I discovered the pillow of my dreams. I was spending a weekend in a hotel and it was there, where I saw the pillow. I had always been looking for it. I wanted it. I loved it. l I know everybody has a favourite object and sometimes this object turns into something very important in our lives.

I came back home and I missed it. I looked for the same one in different shops but none was like the pillow of my dreams.

dust. The relationship between my hoover and me is only a working one. I usually push it and it vacuums the dust and the other things that we find on the floor or every area that we clean. It is not necessary to read some information about how the hoover works; it is easy even if you are a teenager, although my son doesn´t seem to think so. Nowadays we can find some automatic hoovers but I would just like to say that they are a waste of time and money because they do not clean everything. My sister had one until the day that her dog bit it. The hoover

SOME FAVOURITE OBJECTS very old. When I met him, I did not know it. He was a black horse for me. He has hundreds and hundreds of fossils. All of them were collected by him. But the last thing he found was books, very old books. Some of them were handwritten in the XVII century by a cleric who worked for the duke of Medinaceli.

Since then my pillow and me are a team. ALWAYS TOGETHER.

Although my husband does not know the language spoken at that time, now he knows about this man´s life, We reckon he was a big cheese in the village . Another

didn’t work anymore and the dog was operated on because its tongue was cut. The last time I went to her house I was afraid because some dust balls as big as rats hit my boots so I told her that every now and then I can lend her my hoover but she answered that I should mind my own business. In spite of the fact that right now to have a hoover is normal, I would like to say that for me it is an important invention because it helps us have our houses clean and of course it is better to avoid some health problem in your throat or in your lungs.

l Begoña Dosantos AV2 book from s XVI explains what wives were supposed to do. Other books are written in Latin, so we do not know what the texts are about. If I had to make a guess, I would say those books belonged to a religious house. But the most surprising thing is that my husband found all those books in a bin. I don’t know why someone did not want them. We are now making a piece of furniture to protect them from insects, water and temperature changes, because, for us, they are a treasure, one more in my house.

l Begoña García Ortega BA 2

MY FAVOURITE OBJECT l My favourite object is my fontain pen. I love it because I studied all the courses at the University with it. It´s not the most expensive pen you had ever found but I feel something special when I write with it. A long time ago I lost it and for some years I had to write with other pens.

Suddenly, one day, I found it at the bottom of a box and it was the happiest moment of all that day. Since that moment, I always write with it and I feel younger, like a student at college.



l My husband is a person who likes to collect things, and specially if they are old,

I was delighted. Then I asked him: “Have you stolen the pillow from the hotel?” He answered, "Yes, I have". I said "Don't tell me anything else. I want it in any case.” Finally he told me he had spoken with the person in charge of the pillows at the hotel and he gently gave it to him for me.

l Serafín Fernández Gómez AV1


l Yes, I know that this is very weird for the rest of the humanity but I want to speak my mind because I am completely certain that my favourite object is the hoover. No, I am not mad, I just have some health problem with the

The way I got it was very endearing. My husband brought it to me in his suitcase when he came back from a trip. He opened his suitcase and there was my pillow. It got out like a spring.

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English EOI Boadilla

My favourite photo l Isidoro García. BA2

In this photo you can see how my children were in the beach. My daughter was looking at her brother, because her brother felt cold when he put his feet In the water and he gave a cry. In that moment they were very happy. I like this photo because I think my children were very happy and when I look at this photo my memories return to this moment.

l One of my favourite photo is this one with my daughter when she was very small.My wife took the photo in the summer of 1987 when we were on holiday. We were in my family’s house at a place called Foz, in Galicia, when it was still a small village Although this photo is very old and simple, I love it because it reminds me of a very good time. I think it shows the happiness and smile of my daughter when we were walking near the port in that summer so I look at this photo frequently.


l Alberto Baquedano. BA2

I keep this photo on my mobile phone.

l Sandra Farizo. BA2

l I have many photos that I like very much, although one of my favourite photos is this one of my daughters Carol and Ale. In this moment they are seven and nine years old. I took this photo on July in Summer 2012. We were on holiday in Punta Cana also with my husband Nacho.

l In this photo you can see two children on the beach. I took this photo in the summer of 2014, when we were on holiday in Cantabria.


Nacho and I were in the hotel´s room and suddenly we heard a strong noise that was coming from the bathroom. When we arrived at the bathroom we found a great surprise, because Carol and Ale were into the jacuzzi and this one made a horrible noise but this problem wasn´t important for them, they were having a good time so they will remember it all their life.

I like this photo because they had a lovely smile, their teeth were very white and their faces were cheerful surrounded by foam. Also there was a small detail ... did you see that they were wearing diving glasses?? hahahahahaha, when I saw this I couldn´t stop laughing. I have this photo on my computer with other photos of that summer and my parents have another one in their house.

l María Rodríguez García. BA2

l One on favourite photo is this one of my children. I took the photo in the Spring of 2014 when we were on a cruise holiday. We were on a very beautiful ship, it was very big. Every morning we woke up in a different country, we visited Venice, Croatia, Montenegro and Greece. I remember this holiday fondly. One morning I woke up early, everybody was sleeping, I ran the curtain and I saw my children embraced, quickly I woke up my husband and he could see the scene. It was so tender!!!! I have this photo on my computer, on my screen desk. I love this photo because, although they are brothers, they don´t see

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each other often, Alex lives in Salamanca with his mother, he is my stepson, so in this holiday we were together and both could enjoy each other so much. When I see the photo, I remember those days and like it very much. They were sleeping happily.

l Miguel Labella. BA2

children and the money, bur in that moment we were madly in love and the photo showed it. Now, the photo is in a silver frame in my bedside table, and when I get up I think, ”another day”, “This is the way we were”.

l Carmen Benítez Tomé. BA2

war was finishing this couple had to escape towards Asturias and she stayed alone with the neighbours until the war was over and then she could come back home. After that, my grandmother had a guest-house and my mother sewed with a children's dressmaker first and later she became a tailor. She was a good mother who during her last life's time was always grateful to me. Every day she said; thanks, my daughter. And I kissed her. I'm proud of these two women.

l Carmen Varea. BA2

l One of my favourite photos is one of my wife. I took it in autumn of 1978 when we were on holiday in Portugal. It was the first holiday after the birth of my son and my wife was a bit depressed.

l These two women are my mother Eugenia and my maternal grandmother Herminia. They have set an example for me. Strong women, they found the way to live in their difficult moments in their lives. Herminia, my grandmother, got married at eighteen., She was an orphan ,and widowed at twenty five when she had two children, a six-year-old boy and one-year-old baby girl..

My mother, Eugenia, was in Santander with her cousins, two teachers, when the Spanish civil war started. Both, mother and daughter, couldn't see one another for three years.

I love this photo because we were very young, very worried with the

My mother was educated and learned with these cousins but when

My grandmother brought her children up, alone, doing different jobs like selling imported goods from Portugal. Her village was near the border. She was a public relations with a Singer's mechanic, a German, who was selling sewing's machines in our country. She couldn't speak German but she could help him in his job.

l One of my favourite photos is this one of my wedding day. I got married in Abril 1998. My husband and I wanted an informal wedding with our friends and family. When we went out of the reception towards the ballroom, we saw a fair with children’s attractions: a merrygo-round, elastic beds etc… My husband took me in his arms and put me on the swan of the merry-goround. Then he also rode a horse and all our friends climbed on the merry-go-round and other rides. It was spontaneous and unexpected, it was a very funny and special moment for me. I have a beautiful memory of that day. This photo is not inside the classic photo album of my wedding, but it is one of the photos that I like the best.



We had spent the day in Cascais, sightseeing visiting monuments, castles, walking along the streets… After that, we had a typical Portuguese lunch and about five o’clock we came back to Lisbon, but we didn’t know the way to our hotel. Although we saw it far away, I was unable to drive towards it. Then I stopped my car and said to my wife, “dear, ask the way to go to the hotel to that taxi driver”. When she came back I told her, ”what has he told you? Do you know the way?”, ”I don’t know anything”, she answered, “why”, I said, “I am sorry but I don’t speak Portuguese”, she replied smiling softly and laughing. I took the photo in that moment, she looked splendid, it seemed that the depression was over.

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Unsung Heroes There are some people in history who have really made a significant contribution to science, art, politics, society, etc., but who have gained little recognition. These are what we call “unsung heroes”, because not many people have sung their praises. Our advanced students did a bit of research, and this is what they found.

Clara CAMPOAMOR l I want to talk about a woman who I think is an unsung hero. She is CLARA CAMPOAMOR, she lived in the 19th century and she was born in Madrid in 1880. When she was thirteen, her father died and she left her studies, to help her mother. When she was 36 she was a Lawyer, at that time it was unusual to see a woman studying or working in her career or more unusual yet working as a politician. Along with two other women: VICTORIA KENT and


Maurice Hilleman l Hilleman (1919-2005) was an American microbiologist specialized in vaccination who developed 40 vaccines in his life, a high productivity. For example, measles, mumps, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, chickenpox, meningitis, pneumonia and Pfeiffer’s bacillus. All of them are vaccines recommended in current vaccination schedules in our days.


María Concepción González AV1 MARGARITA NELKEN, they were the first three women working on politics in Spain. She started working for the female vote against everyone, even her colleagues, she worked very hard. She didn’t care because she thought that this cause was worth it. And finally on October 1st, 1931 she got it. From that moment onward women have been able to vote. She died in 1972 in Lausanne, and sadly forgotten by all.

Ana Medina AV1 In addition, he played an important role in the discovery of the responsible adenoviruses of the cold, viruses responsible for hepatitis and SV40 viruses potentially causing cancerous tumors. They say that he has saved more lives than any other scientist of the twentieth century, so he must be more recognised than he is.

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Katherine JOHNSON

l She was born in August 26, 1918 in West Virginia and since she was a child she showed intense curiosity for numbers. By the age of thirteen, she was attending the high school on the campus of

historically black West Virginia State College. She made a PhD in Mathematics and she graduated with highest honors in 1937.

moments of American space flight for example the success of the Apollo Moon program and the start of the space shuttle program.

In June 1953, Katherine Johnson was hired to work as a research mathematician at NASA.

After her first job was substituted by a big data computer, NASA would still call her to verify the calculations because the beginnings of the computers were not precise enough and even John Glenn’s, the first American astronaut who orbited the earth, asked for her calculations before making any decision on the space.

She had to face adversities such as being a woman and even worse, being a black American woman in the 60´s.She was a very successful mathematician at that time, but in her beginnings, she had to demonstrate her value every day to struggle those paradigms against black women and change the mindset of her colleges who were mostly white men. She was a mathematician pioneer in space science and her calculations played a critical role in some of the most historic

Alan MATHISON TURING “Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine.” Alan M. Turing

Turing worked for the Goverment Cod and Cypher School during the Second War. He played an important role intercepting coded messages that enabled the Allies to defeat the Nazis in many crucial engagements, including the Battle of the Atlantic. He deciphered the Nazis secret codes of communication and his discovery shortened the war in Europe by

Although she has received many awards, not many people know who she is. When it comes to space shuttle program we all remember names like Neil Armstrong or even Buzz Aldrin but not the valuable work of people like her.

Eva Escobar AV1 more than two years and saved over fourteen million lives. Turing was prosecuted in 1952 for being homosexual. He had to take chemical castration treatment as an alternative to prison. He died in 1954 from cyanide poisoning. It is thought that he committed suicide. His work only has been recognized five decades after his death. In 2009 British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an official public apology on behalf of the British government for "the appalling way he was treated." The film The imitation Game is based on the biography of Alan Turing.



l English mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and Theorical biologist. He made important contributions to the computation and artificial intelligent fields.

Alan Mathison Turing (1912-1954)

Elda Vega AV1

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"The Last of the Philippines"

Antonio Audije AV1 to them by the governments of Spain, United States or Philippines, informing them that peace had been signed, after the Spanish disaster in 1898. Of the fifty men who entered the church: around thirty survived, fourteen soldiers died from diseases and only two of them died from wounds; there were four deserters from the garrison. Two men were imprisoned for helping in the desertion of another, and executed on orders of Martin Cerezo on June 1, 1899, the day before the surrender.

Enrique de las Morenas, Saturnino Martín Cerezo, Juan Alonso Zayas, Rogelio Vigil de Quiñones, Vicente González Toca... Do people know these names? Little or nothing, surely.

l Do you know anything about “The last of the Philippines”? Recently a movie with that tittle has been released. For this reason I want to dedicate some lines to heroes (not totally, but almost unknown by the majority): the 50 Spaniards who took refuge in the church of Baler, the most solid and defensible building for the

situation they would have to live. These unsung heroes are credited because they resisted isolated during 337 days, commanded by Segundino Martín Cerezo, until the end of the site (June 1899). They were surrounded by an army of several thousand Filipinos, because they did not want to believe any of the emissaries sent


Proactiva Open Arms

Segundino Martin Cerezo, a peasant who went to war fleeing hunger, was born in Miajadas (Cáceres), 30 kms awayfrom my village. He used to work in the country and to dedicate his free time to his hobby: hunting. He died in Madrid on December 2, 1945. He is one of the ignored heroes who tried to survive every day in the hardship of the daily life. Those who usually do the hardest jobs, are usually sacrificed by decisions taken by people who underestimate the life because it is very easy for them.

Cristina Maroto AV1

l In 2015, they set up a non-governmental-organization whose main mission is to rescue refugees from the sea in Lesbos (Italy) that arrive in Europe escaping from wars, persecution or poverty.

Proactiva Open Arms is a group of people from Barcelona who are experts in sea rescue.


For me all of them are heroes because they save many people that without their help would die drowned in the sea. In fact, for their efforts in this mission the team have won the H.E.R.O award for their excellent work done in the maritime community and raised awareness in people.

Would you like help them? Head to:

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Eldad Hagar

Manuel González AV1 l There are many people who are heroes for me, but if I had to choose one, that one would be Eldad Hagar. He is the founder of Hope for Paws, an association created to collect and look after rescue dogs. His association works in LA, and they rescue a great number of homeless dogs, giving them a new life with a new family. Everybody that loves animals, should be a hero.

Jan Wnek

Pedro Jesús Barrio AV1 self-taught and he is credited with becoming a pioneer of aviation to build a glider, just watching the movement of the birds, which allowed him to make several short flights.

l He was born in 1828. He grew up to become a carpenter, but end up being a carpenter sculptor, artist and aviator. He was

Initially, to prove it, he was launched from a height of 95 meters. He made several public flights, which made him famous in Poland, but little is known about him because there was no evidence of all that he did so in the history of aviation. He died in one of his flights.

Eugenio González AV1

l Today I would like to dedicate my writing to everybody who works as a volunteer, I mean, people who are not famous for inventing anything, people who do not earn any salary for their jobs, people who spend many hours in order to help others who need help, even people who live a thousand kilometers away from their houses, and not less important, people who die in humanitarian social assistance everyday.

Today all of them are my unsung heroes

Rebeca Rodriguez AV1

l Maria was the wife of Alexander III (a Russian zar). He had a list with the names of traitors and criminals, who he wanted to go to die to Siberia with this death sentence: “Pardon impossible, to send to Siberia”. Maria changed it to “Pardon, impossible to send to Siberia”, and saved thousands of lives with a comma.

She is considered a hero in Finland and Russia.



Maria Alexandrovna


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My memory of ... There are some events in our contemporary world that really shake our existence. Some of our students explain what they were doing when the September 11th and the March 11th terrorist attacks took place. September 11, 2001

l Unfortunatly, I remember that day very well. Our oldest daughter was one year old and she was in the nursery. My husband and I had gone to a mall. We were eating in a restaurant where they were giving the news on TV and suddenly we saw the images of a building in flames.


It was the worst thing that I´ve ever watched on TV. I felt very sad, and I couldn´t forget people who were there. People were worried about the situation, and nobody knew what could happen... Horror was around the World…

Amalia Rueda IN2

At first we did not see the seriousness of the situation, but when we were driving our car and we listened to the radio, we understood what had happened. We felt fear, we all felt fear, and I think that from that day the world is different. Terrorism was then, and it is today the great threat to peace in the world.

The Power of Fear

l September 11, 2001 will never be forgotten, I discovered the power of fear, and on the other hand, the power of the people working together to help each other.

Esperanza Galán IN2


On September 11, 2001

l I was working that day and I had just finished my lunch when, suddenly, my coworker's wife called and told him that something horrible was happening, that we should turn on the television and, of course, we did it. All my coworkers and I were around the TV watching the News and the incredible images. We couldn´t believe what we were seeing and we didn´t understand anything. I remember thought: “It is not real, it must be a joke or an advertisement for a movie … “. It reminded me of what happened with Orson Welles and his “War of


“What´s hapenning? The images were incredibly terrible. It was impressive!

the Worlds” but, after a few minutes, I was aware that it was a terrorist attack and tears fell down from my eyes thinking of all the people who were suffering. At that moment, for me, our world changed, everything could happen, the sense of security in our lifes and homes would never return, it was just an illusion, and, at that moment we knew it, we were all in danger.

Sahar Al-Daghestany Ríos IN2

On September 11, 2001

l I was having lunch at my parent´s when suddenly I watched the terrible news on TV. I thought:

That morning I woke up early on a sunny day and started my daily routine driving my husband to the train station to get the commuter rail into Manhattan and my daughters to school. It was after my morning that I turned the TV on to watch the news while I drank a delicious coffee , when suddenly my eyes couldn't believe the images I was seeing on the TV, a plane crashing directly into the towers of the World Trade Center. At the time I thought it was only a movie, but no. I was talking on the phone with my friend about the news when the towers crumbled down. I was petrified! I tried several times to reach my husband on his mobile to know if

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he was safe, but I didn’t receive an answer. I was suddenly very nervous when the phone rang, it was the secretary at the School announcing an early pick up for my daughters. The atmosphere at the school was weird . There were a few people who were still crying, some with sad faces, others in shock and a very quick movement of people. Two parents of my daughters´ classmates died. Finally, I received a quick phone call from my husband saying he was safe, and he didn´t know when he would be able to arrive home because the bridges were closed, and the cell phones weren't working. I felt much better knowing he was alright. The little kids were in the playroom with my friend’s kids .My friend and I had been watching the news non-stop. It was the only way to know what was happening since the phones weren't working. After hundreds of emails from family and friends interested in knowing how we were, and sharing the shock of the terrorist attack, finally my husband arrived home safe the following day. The following days were very difficult, they confirmed that thousands of people had died, the injuries and the destroyed families. Others keeping hope to find members of their friends or family alive. Every day some companies received threats regarding bombs at their buildings and everyone needed to evacuate. This made you weak and prompt to fear, and you slowly began to lose freedom in your life.

September 11 was a day I will never forget because terrorists brought and spread fear in the world;

Victoria Garijo AV1

A dangerous situation

l Although over thirteen years have passed since the 11-M terrorist attack that took place in Atocha Station of Madrid, I’m sure every person who was in the city can remember that day quite vividly. When I was a seven-year-old girl, I used to go to a school located right in front of the train’s station. That day we were having class with our teacher and surprisingly, another teacher got into the room with a scared face and asked us to go downstairs quietly, without giving us any explanation at all. At the beginning, my classmates and I acted funny and cool because we thought that it was the yearly fire drill. In fact, everyone was wishing to come that day had wished that day would come because we lost would miss the lesson and we could see our friends in the other courses in the schoolyard while we


made jokes about who of us would be burned by flames first. Finally, when we were all chaotically mixed in the schoolyard, some people started to yell our names. They were our parents trying to open the school gate from outside. All of this was because the police thought that there was going to be another terrorist attack, this time in my school. What madness! The rumour extended fast but luckily, all was a false alarm and we went back to our usual school life, but not without a weird feeling too complicated for a kid to understand, although now, with that experience I can put myself in other people's skin each time something similar appears on the news.

Marta González Sanz IN2

11th March 2004

l I remember the 11th March 2004 very well. My little babies were 4 months and that day I had thought about going to my uncle's house in order to eat with him. I had finished dressing my daughters when I decided to turn the TV on and I saw the disaster. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing, hundreds of people had died and others were trying to escape. Nobody knew what had happened, someone said it could be a terrorist attack, someone else that it could have been an accident. I was crying a lot and I didn't know if going to my uncle's house was a good idea. The roads in Madrid were closed. After two hours in front of the TV crying like a baby, I decided to go out and I tried to arrive to my uncle's home. There wasn't any problem and finally I could arrive. The rest of the day was very unpleasant, watching the TV and thinking about all those people that had lost their lives.

Mónica Losa AV1



On the other hand, the newyorkers, demonstrated unity through help by working together as thousands of policemen, firefighters, medical personnel, waiters, and people in general were offering their help. Many countries joined to help the USA.

however Americans that day also demonstrated that together in solidarity and unity through aid also generates great power.

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EMOTIONS FRUSTRATION l This story happened one year ago. I was on duty, at my work as an Emergency Nurse. The shift was calm, and suddenly, the Emergency Office lent us news of a cardiac arrest in a young person.


We ran towards the ambulance and drove quickly through the streets. When we arrived, we got our equipment and began to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The history is about a small boy adopted by Australian parents.

l Last Saturday I saw a film that showed me a mixture between anguish and yearning.


Thirty minutes later, the young heart started to function and when the patient was stabilized, we moved him to the Hospital.

Two weeks later, I came back to this Hospital, to the cardiology area, and the Doctors told me that the patient had been discharged six days after the cardiac arrest.They told me that the patient was happy because he survived, but he was angry with the Emergency Medical Services. WE HAD RUINED HIS LEATHER JACKET !!!!

Sara Isabel Montero IN1


RELIEF " Yes, you can do it " l I was in line waiting for my turn. I couldn´t hear anything, but I knew everybody was shouting my name. I couldn´t move, I couldn´t feel my legs. I looked down and I could see the swimming-pool under my feet.

The emotion appears when the boy is about 25 years old. The trigger of the action is a sweet that brings him memories and images from his childhood. His anguish begins at that moment. He can't live without knowing what happened with his mother and his brother. And he decides to look for them because the anguish is huge and he can't stand it. When he was a child he liked that sweet a lot and he always asked his brother to buy him one, but they were too poor and they couldn't afford it.

Blanca Tapia IN1

Oh no !!!! It was my turn. The kid behind me, pushed me and I fell into the pool. I don´t know how but I began to move my arms and my legs hard and I could go up quickly. As soon as I came up I breathed deeply, I was safe !!!!!!

Mónica Martínez IN1

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l It´s a real story about a girl who is thirteen years old. She studies in a secundary school. She loves studying and she likes animals. She wants to be a vet. But she doesn´t want to go to school.

l It was a cloudy day, but it was the day she had been waiting for, for months, dedicating every day to prepare the best of her playing on cello.

A WONDERFUL DAY IN SUMMER l It was a wonderful day last summer in the northern Spain, the weather was sunny and the sky a hard blue, there weren't any noises and the only noise I could hear was the song of the birds. A child played alone outside in the forest and he focused on an anthill, there were thousands of ants working, but not any of them looked lazy or uncooperative, all of them worked very happily in the group.

Her parents talked with the school but the situation is the same. They didn´t do anything. However, she found a group of friends like ker. They are children who lived the same situation and they help her. Now, she has friends.

Azucena Almendros IN1

She got out of bed feeling many things she couldn´t describe. She took a shower, had breakfast and, at last, took her cello. At 11´00 am she arrived at the conservatory. The recital was at 4´00 pm, but she couldn´t stay waiting at home, she was really nervous, so she took a class and started revising what she was going to play in the recital. A mixture of feelings invaded her; it was the time of the recital, there was no return. She started trying to control her nerves.

Jimena Molina IN1

After a long time observing the anthill, the child walked slowly and thoughtfully to his home and asked his mother: Why is possible that thousands and thousands of ants can work in peace and my brothers and I spend all day fighting?

Amparo Gallo IN1



Her classmates think she is different. She isn´t popular. Nobody talks with her. She doesn’t have friends. At break time, she stays alone in class. Some classmates insult her, they say things like “fat”, “dirty”, “stupid” and more things like that. They even laugh at her.

It was the day of the recital. This meant the final day, where she was going to play in front of a jury, who was going to evaluate the concert, her last concert in the conservatory.

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Embarrassment l This happened in August when I was twenty. My parents were in Valencia on holidays and I was in Madrid for a friend´s birthday party. I was alone at home. In the afternoon when I was looking for the party dress, I saw that it was dirty and I decided to wash it and dry it in the terrace.

I travelled

with my wife to Indonesia on a pleasure trip four years and a half ago. In the beginning it was a wonderful trip where we could see Hindu temples, orangutans, Komodo dragons, very curious tribes, fantastic beaches and a couple of volcanoes. At the end of the trip, when we were ready to go to Bali Airport, the room phone rang. It was the clerk of the travel agency to tell us that our flight to Jakarta had been cancelled until the next morning. The airport had been closed because a volcano next to the airport had erupted, and there was a great grey cloud over the airport.

By the time I realised I had closed the terrace too, I couldn´t get into the house. I got stuck in the terrace. I didn´t believe it! The worst was that I was only wearing my underwear. I tried to open the door but it was impossible. I was very nervous because I was alone and I didn´t know how to get out. While I was looking at the buildings in front, I saw an old woman, I shouted and when she saw me I told her: I need help, I´m closed in the terrace. I asked her to go to my neighbor´s house because there they had my home´s keys then she told me, “Ok I´ll do it.” I was waiting for them and, suddenly, I heard a lot of noise. I saw down the street that there was a police car and a fireman car. Seconds later they were talking to me with a speaker and I didn´t understand anything. They said to me, “Keep calm, don´t do it.” Many people in their terraces were looking at me. How embarrassing!


During that time I only thought I was wearing my underwear, and then I decided to put on the wet dress. All of a sudden I realised they thought I wanted to kill myself, and I shouted, “Everything is ok, nothing´s happening. It´s only I got stuck in the terrace.” Afterwards a fireman said to me, “Let´s go up to rescue you.” The next thing I saw was a fireman opening the terrace door, I was ashamed and they told me that they had forced the lock to enter; also they had called my parents and they were very nervous. That night I went out to the birthday party with my friends and when I told them the whole story they laughed a lot.

Amalia Pérez IN1


Then we would miss the connecting flight to Madrid. For a few minutes we were thinking about what to do, then the phone rang again. The same person told me that the airport had been opened. As soon as I heard the message we closed our suitcases and we called a taxi which took us to the airport. Unfortunately our flight was delayed for a long time, and when we arrived at Jakarta we could see how the plane to Madrid was taking off. Finally we paid a new ticket to Madrid and that night we slept on a bench of the terminal. So uncomfortable!!! At least the insurance paid for the plane tickets.

Roberto Jiménez IN1

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My ideal place

TO LIVE My ideal place to live is in the countryside but close to a city. I’m happy where I live, because I live on the outskirts of Boadilla del Monte, about 5 kilometers from the town center.

I have lived in Boadilla since 1989, for 27 years.


live in a house that is nice. It has five rooms, a living room, a dining room, a nice kitchen, three bathrooms and a garage. We have big windows so our living room is really light. We have wooden floors in our rooms, the dining room and the living room and it looks great. Our kitchen is really spacious so we have a dining table there.

What I like about it is that the neighbourhood is friendly, safe and very quiet, but I don’t like the difficulty of public transport. I live in a residential area in which it is necessary to have a motorcycle or a car, because the distance between my house and the center of Boadilla is long and there are hardly any buses to get there.

Eduardo de Oñate IN1



We have a terrace with a table and chairs, so you can sit and eat outside and there are a nice garden and a swimming pool. There is a wall between our garden and our neighbour’s.

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for looking good in photos

Most people feel uncomfortable in front of a camera because they know they won't look good. I said most people because models and photogenic people don't have that problem, but from now on, you won't have that problem either because I have some tips for you to follow:

l SMILE A BIT: Smiling excessively will highlight your defects, and being too serious could make you look even worse.

l THE PERFECT POSITION: Pose 3/4 to the camera, separate your elbow from your body, don´t put your legs together and stand straight. l RELAX: Showing tension in front of the camera is the worst thing you can do, relax your lips, raise your chin, and put your shoulders back. l SQUINCH: It consists in closing a bit your eyes to look secure. l FIND YOUR PERFECT ANGLE: Practice posing in front of a mirror, once you get it, you´ll know how to pose.


l SELFIE: It´s a good idea to look good because you can see how you really look and change your face if you don´t like it! Make sure you´re in a place with the right light. l DON´T SHOW YOUR TEETH, it could seem unnatural.

l DON´T POSE JUST IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA: It could seem like an ID photo, and we want to look good.

l CHOOSE BASIC CLOTHES: If you´re going to a photo shoot you have to wear basic clothes of neutral colors. Don't wear garish clothes. l TAKE A LOT OF PICTURES: If you do this, you´ll have more possibilities to look good in some of them.

Irene Languin IN2


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Cristina Romero AV2


UNIVERSE OF PARTICLES The European Council for Nuclear Research or CERN is a European organization of science whose purpose is to provide the particle accelerators for high-energy physics. the ITER Project. This project is run by the European Union, India, Japan, China, Russia, South Korea and the United States and tries to demonstrate that commercial energy can be produced from fusion power without a negative impact.

CERN is located in the Franco-Swiss border, in the Canton of Geneva.

l This organization has 22 member states, including Spain, UK, France and Germany. Within all the countries that are part of this organization only Israel is a non-European member.

Many experiments are carried out at CERN and some of them are worldwide known.

Likewise, another experiment, much more known and common was developed here: World Wide Web. As an Industrial Engineering student I am working at CERN on

Sometimes the language is a barrier for understanding but I am improving my English skills and learning a little French.

If you like science, this is your place!

If you want to see the LHC by inside: If you want to know more about ITER:



One of these experiments is the God particle or Higgs Boson. These types of particles would give an explanation to the universe such as we know it. But to observe them, high-energy currents,

similar to the Big Bang ones, are needed. Due to this, a Large Hardon Collider (LHC) was built at CERN, where the conditions of the beginning of the universe are reproduced.

Having this international experience is a great chance for personal and professional growth. I have learnt a lot of things related to my studies and also how to put washing machines!

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English EOI Boadilla CRISTINA Maroto AV1

What do you know about palm oil? Then…What can we do? As a consumer, we can help to reduce the deforestation only with simple lifestyles changes.

• Avoid buying products that contain Palm Oil.


Nowadays more of the 50% of the things that we buy in the supermarket contain Palm Oil, a product which is obtained from the oil of the fruit of the palm tree. On the other hand, only very few people know that this ingredient is responsible for deforestation and wildlife endangerment.


People don’t usually think about the destruction of rainforests while washing their hands, applying lipstick, doing laundry, or spreading margarine on their toasts. But thanks to the high demand for products containing palm oil, consumers are inadvertently contributing to deforestation. Companies in countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia burn or cut down forests to make way for palm oil plantations. The result is an important habitat loss for orangutans and other endangered creatures such as elephants, tigers and rhinos. In 1990 there were 300,000 orangutans and today there are fewer 50,000. Likely in 8 years they will have disappeared. But the high demand for palm oil also threatens indigenous tribes who must leave their ancestral land because of the vast crops. Moreover, burning and removing forest produces smoke and pollution into the atmosphere besides respiratory illnesses and the most important issue contributes to the climate change.

You can check the label of the product before buying in order to know if the brand uses palm oil. From 2014 there is a regulation that forces companies to specify if the food packages contain palm oil.

• Buying certified products from sustainable plantations. Sustainable palm oil means that the plantation is using the same land that they already have destroyed and aren’t cutting down more rainforests to grow more oil palms. The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

• Choosing products that contain other oils. There are many different oils like sunflower oil, corn oil, coconut oil and of course olive oil.

• Raise your voice and raise awareness of others As a citizen, you can voice concern about deforestation for palm oil and help to pressure companies, manufacturers and governments to take serious action.

So, make your voice heard!

To learn more about DeforestACTION and how to become in an ECO Warrior, head to:


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English EOI Boadilla


Eva Escobar AV1

Anna and Tom were finally ready to set off.


One day, when they were fed up with living apart, they decided to go one step forward. They had a plan. They had organized each detail carefully. It was impossible for this plan to fail: when the door of Tom’s house was opened to the daily cleaning, Tom would escape quickly while one of his brothers took the attention of the cleaner. Tom should be very fast so that nobody realised what he was doing. Then, Tom would hide near her house. Anna would have to do exactly the same and would go next to him. Then, they would be hidden until it was possible to go out. In this moment, they would be free and would be able to spend all life together.

Nobody would separate them. They would go to live to the countryside with other colleagues who had done the same thing that they were going to do. The appointed day arrived and they were very nervous. When the time came, Tom could escape and he went to a dark place where nobody saw him. He was impatient to see her, to admire her intense blue, to feel her look over him. He waited and waited, wondering why she was so late. She was at her home, impatient to see him and wondering when the cleaner would come. Suddenly, somebody approached. It was the owner of the shop and she wasn’t alone. There was another woman with her. She was speaking looking right to her home. She realized the woman was a customer, a possible buyer, but it was impossible she was going to choose Anna between all her sisters. But the destination was fatal. The lady pointed to her. “I like that parakeet, with the blue feathers. I want to buy it.” The owner put her hand in the cage and caught Anna. In this way, their dream finished forever. Anna and Tom would never fly together to the “Casa de Campo” with the others parakeets.



ince they met two months ago in that shop, they fell in love like two fools. As the time passed it was more difficult for them to be separated. They didn´t want to do anything but stay together. They spent all day long looking at each other. Love was so deep that it even hurt, Anna used to say to her sisters. He was so much in love that he wanted to sing beautiful tunes, Tom used to say to his brothers. They weren’t interested in anything except spending all life together.

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English EOI Boadilla



by Stephen Chbosky

think that a lot of us, in more than one case, have thought the same as Charlie (the main character of the book) about his situation. Why do people accept loves that they don’t like at all? Because they think that they deserve these people. There are a lot of people that start a relationship with a person that is totally different from them, only because this person is pretty, strong, or maybe intelligent. They think that they deserve people with these characteristics because they cause a good impression or because with them they would be more popular, but privately, they like other type of people.


Girls like strong and rude people that don’t pay attention to them, they feel attracted to them a lot, but finally they break up the relation because they don’t feel loved. On the other hand, boys like pretty and silly girls with huge boobs and big booties, but finally they break up because they get tired of them. I just recently broke up with my girlfriend because I think that I was tricking myself, thinking that I deserved her because she was pretty and intelligent. I wasn’t happy, she didn’t allow me to do things without her permission, she didn’t express her gratitude to me, etc. I think that we must focus on all the aspects of a person, leaving aside opinions or physical appearance and paying attention to how they behave with us and with our relatives. We only deserve people that are different, original and even peculiar, because these people will be the only ones that could make us smile every day, the only ones that will be worth of us.


Iñigo Aranguren IN2

Revista Comunik2 Nº 9_Maquetación 1 19/06/17 14:13 Página 65

English EOI Boadilla

ESSAYS by our C1 students

This year we have two new level C1 English groups in our school. A challenging experience for those students who want to attain a fully competent and advanced level of English. Here goes a sampler of their written work ...



ince the beginning of time there have been migrations, not only human but animal migrations. Migration is the movement of people (or animals) from one place to another, in order to settle wherever they can find better conditions to live. When people leave their country we talk about emigration. When they enter another country, we talk about immigration. There are different types of immigration:


developed world. There has to be something they (and all of us) can do, some jobs they could do without people being afraid of losing their own jobs. Can we ever get to see immigrants as brothers in need, instead of a threat? I myself consider a shame what is happening to the Syrian people in the refugee camps of Turkey and the Greek Islands.

We have those immigrants who leave their countries to avoid political or religious persecution; we have those who persue better economic conditions, because they want a better job, or any paid job, or because they are starving in their own country. We also have people who look for better weather conditions to live, especially when they are retired.

I know governments have to protect us, our legal regulations, our way of life and our private possessions. But I am sure too that governments must provide these people, these immigrants, with a way of surviving in our

Do we need immigrants? Of course we do, yes, we need immigrants to reduce the ageing population. We need them to work here and pay taxes, so they can pay for our retirement pensions. And we need immigrants who have more than one or two children, so the number of children and young people can grow. To sum up, we need to think what to do with the people who come to our country. We should take care of them, teach them our language, our culture and treat them as precious human beings.



Most democratic countries protect people who ask for asylum due to political reasons. But, they don´t know what to do with people who enter their countries without permission or job or even no papers at all. So, we can see a lot of immigrants asking for money outside every small market. Is this fair? Don´t you think they have rights, just as you? Let´s not forget, they are human beings, too.

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English EOI Boadilla RAQUEL DEL RÍO C1



ne of my favorite films is about an amazing car that could float and fly, apart from driving on roads. It’s called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and I am sure that every single person in my generation has watched it and has sung its sound track. Another one is Bedknobs and Broomsticks. In this film, the protagonists travelled in a magic bed wherever they needed. So, I’ve discovered that my favorite transport is my imagination.

transport and are associated with a number of recognized health benefits. Public transport is the best for longer journeys, yet it can be more expensive and less convenient. So, it’s crucial that the government makes an effort to re-focus its transport policy by trying to reduce the need to travel, that would imply making jobs, education and services more local. But it’s also important that we change our mentality in order to use the car only when it is absolutely necessary.

It is an undeniable fact that transportation has helped to change human lives by facilitating trade, travel and exchange and has become a core component in nearly all activities. The flip side is that transportation is a key element to globalization and the negative impact it has on some regions. Moreover, global warming is a real issue that needs to be dealt with.

Nowadays, some people want the prettiest car and some want the fastest but almost all the drivers have one thing in common, they use their cars for fun or for convenience and not just as a means of transportation. Perhaps the most famously potential future transportation method is Google’s driverless car, however, I still think that the point is not to change the transportation method, it’d be more important to focus on common sense.

Active forms of travel such as walking and cycling, are the most sustainable forms of

The great controversy over euthanasia



uthanasia is the voluntary intervention to end the life of a patient with no prospect of cure, in order to end the suffering of the convalescent. This right is only applied to people who are “terminally ill”. But what is exactly a terminally ill person? It indicates that a disease cannot be cured or treated properly and as a result the patient's death is expected within a short period of time. I honestly think that despite many studies carried out it is impossible to accurately determine the date of death of a person. If the patient's life will end shortly (maybe 2 months or 5 years) why should it end prematurely?

Euthanasia is not needed when proper painkiller care is available. Terminally ill patients are given drugs and other types of support to help relieve the physical pain, mental effects and discomfort of being ill, giving them a better quality of life. Although sometimes, palliative care is not enough for some patients whose lives are just too unbearable, not only



because of their own pain but also their relatives’, so could the termination of their lives be the best option? Since the right to life gives a person the right to not be killed if they don’t want to, this right will prevent euthanasia from being misused, as killing a patient without their permission would violate their human rights (which sometimes happens because letting someone die is cheaper than keeping them alive) . Death is a private matter, and people should have the right to terminate their lives, whenever, and however they wish. Everyone has the right to control their body and life, and should be free to decide at what time, and in which manner they will die. If everyone involved agrees and no human rights are violated, then it is morally acceptable for voluntary euthanasia to take place. To conclude, to my mind letting someone die should never be the first option, but I can understand that in some circumstances people may resort to it.

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“Life is a lot like jazz … it’s best when you improvise.”


George Gershwin, the famous composer, said this in the twentieth century. This idea is not unfashionable. The human being is always trying to control life, but life is totally uncontrollable, it’s very hard to accept but we can’t control our lives, we only control some aspects of it. And this makes life really interesting.

wasn’t a realistic person. We are not living alone in the world, our decisions do not only depend on us, sometimes they depend on the different circumstances that we can’t control. (you fall in love with the wrong person, health, job, friends, …). Two years ago my life changed drastically, I started to live better. I try to live every day as if it were the last day. I try to enjoy every

George Gershwin (1898-1937)

When I was younger I thought that I could control my life, it was nonsense, because I fought very hard to get it, but sometimes I got nothing, I was totally exhausted, because my mind works quicker than my body, I

moment, sometimes I fail. I enjoy every sunny day, every snowy day and every rainy day. I spend all my free time (a very little time) with people that I really appreciate, I respect every one but in those moments I prefer the company of the people I really love. I try to do the things that I really like, I don’t want to punish myself for any other reason. Of course, I have to do a lot of things necessary to survive and that I don’t like so much (cleaning, sweeping, washing, …). But I only have a life, I don’t know anything about my future and the most important thing, it’s not necessary to have a plan to enjoy your life, and this is my main goal: “Enjoy every moment of your life and do not let it pass you by by trying to be in control”.



I wouldn’t like to live in a world in which I know all the events that I will live, it would be boring and disgusting. I like to do something in order to improve my life, the ambition of having a better life is very healthy and necessary. If all of our life were planned, we would be machines without any freedom, we´d only need to follow the way, nothing more. Oh my God, I don’t like this kind of life, I want to make mistakes, to have the chance to improve my life, even if I don´t succeed, but at least I'll have the chance to try.

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English EOI Boadilla

concurso revista comunik2 POR CORTESÍA DE LA

Librería Zoco DE BOADILLA DEL MONTE Responde a estas preguntas en varios idiomas basadas en el contenido de esta revista, y podrás ganar los libros de texto del curso que viene: PREGUNTAS ESPAÑOL

1. ¿Qué colegio de Boadilla realiza un intercambios de alumnos con el Eisenhower International School de Tulsa?

2. ¿Qué días se van a celebrar las jornadas abiertas de la EOI de Boadilla?

3.¿A qué pájaro europeo se parece un “tiluchi”?


1. Welchen sehr berühmten deutschen Film mag Quintín González?

2.Wohin ist Lucía Navarro am Samstagabend gegangen?

3.Welche Webseite empfiehlt María Victoria Gutiérrez, um Deutsch zu lernen?


1. Autrefois, à la télévision que signifiaient les deux losanges qui apparaissaient en bas de l’écran lorsqu’on diffusait un film?

2.Comment s’appelle la presqu’île du Portugal où une des élèves de français passait ses vacances d’été?

3.À quoi ressemble la chambre de Claudia Verdesoto?


1. For which British Newspaper did William Chislett write?

2.Who won the French basket at the EOI Christmas party?

3.Which famous composer said “Life is like a lot of jazz, it´s best when you improvise”?

Bases del concurso l Todos los alumnos de la EOI de Boadilla podrán participar, respondiendo correctamente a las 12 preguntas planteadas en los cuatro idiomas de la EOI – alemán, castellano, francés e inglés.

l Todas las respuestas están l Entre todas las respuestas l El plazo de envío quedará en la Revista – solo tenéis correctas recibidas se cerrado el 1 de junio a las que buscarlas y mandarlas a realizará un sorteo, tras el 20h. El sorteo público se eoi.boadilla.boadilla@educa. que la Librería Zoco realizará el 7 de junio a las indicando como Boadilla entregará a 3 18.00h en el hall de la asunto “CONCURSO”, y ganadores el material Secretaría de la Escuela. especificando nombre, didáctico correspondiente al idioma, y nivel. curso en el que se matricule.

Libros de texto l Fax - Fotocopias Trabajos de imprenta l Sellos de caucho


mnos de la E alu


inglés para

Papelería y prensa

En libros


lemán, franc ea

Zoco Boadilla

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Envía las respuestas al correo de la EOI

C/ Santillana del Mar 14,m Local 23 l Telf./Fax: 91 632 24 84/ 622 19 13 36 l E-mail:


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