November 2016 Aging Tree Illustrated

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$ Freedom Health is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract and a contract with the Florida Medicaid program. Enrollment in Freedom Health depends on contract renewal. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information. Benefits, premiums and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change on January 1 of each year. The Formulary, pharmacy network, and/or provider network may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary. (1) You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. (2) Limitations, co-payments and restrictions may apply. (3) Amount varies by plan and county. The Part B premium is covered for full dual enrollees. This plan is available to anyone with Medicare who has been diagnosed with Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Heart Failure, or a qualified Chronic Lung Disorder, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or Asthma. This plan is available to anyone who has both Medical Assistance from the State and Medicare. Premiums, co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles may vary based on the level of Extra Help you receive. Freedom Health, Inc. complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. Star Ratings are calculated each year and may change from one year to the next. Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Kreyòl Ayisyen (French Creole): ATANSYON: Si w pale Kreyòl Ayisyen, gen sèvis èd pou lang ki disponib gratis pou ou. A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodations of persons with special needs at sales meetings call Member Services: 1-800-401-2740 TTY: 711. Hours of Operation: 8am-8pm 7 days a week from Oct 1 - Feb 14 and 8am-8pm Mon-Fri from Feb 15-Sept 30. H5427_17NPNSSR_F_10_CMS Accepted


From the Roots Your True North



Editor-In-Chief Corey Shenk

Art Editor & Graphic Designer Mona Quinn


Cheree M. Albert, MSN, ARNP, CPNP Amanda Eastep Kim Denoff Loren Fish, LCSW Carol S. Grigas, Ph.D. John Joslin Vickie Pleus, APR, CPRC Scott A. Selis, Esq.

Ad Sales

Janet Dixon

hen psycholog ists, thoug ht leaders, and nationally known speakers discuss “ true north” , they’re of ten discussing that part of a person that directs him or her to authenticity, true purpose, and a deeper meaning in this precious lif e we all share. W hat is the true north of your lif e? Yes, it can be partially f ound within your relationships, within your prof ession, within your spiritual belief s. I t also can be discov ered in any number of thing s that help you liv e your most authentic ex istence. But what about the parts of our paths that challeng e us? W hat about the detours that leav e us scrambling , searching , worried or f earf ul? M any lif e situations can test us and lead us astray f rom our true north. U nless, of course, we understand that the challeng es that come our way, and the detours that seem to take us off of our paths, can hold amazing opportunities f or miracles, g rowth, and chang e. Wh at if , in f act, these obstacles, challeng es and detours are a necessary parts of the journey? I n this issue of Aging T ree I llustrated, we ex plore some personal stories of challeng e and triumph. ou’ll learn about a veteran’s experience as he recalls how his battleship was torpedoed, sank, and how his life flashed before his eyes. ou’ll learn, too, that this harrowing ex perience was only part of his lif e’s story. You’ll read about f amily careg iv ers and most certainly will f eel humbled and g ratef ul f or all they g iv e to the elderly and disabled members of our communities. In this issue, you’ll find a guide that helps you navigate through our national healthcare organization, Medicare. We hope it feels to you like a life preserver that was written especially f or you as you work to understand this complex system. Also in this issue, we’ll discuss v eterans’ aid, the importance of backing up your computer data, and many more issues that affect our readers. I hope they all will help you on your journey, no matter what challenges you face. After all, we are all in this together I t’s the Thanksg iv ing season. M y hope f or you, as you read this issue, is that you recog nize all the thing s you’re thankf ul f or – including the challeng es – and can see how they work together to define your true north. Allow this issue of Aging T ree I llustrated to be a compass; allow it to help you stay on your path…d etours and all. I n the end, it’s the detours that can help us find our most satisfying destinations. M ake your days great…yo

u’ re in charge of them.


How Can Aging Tree Help Me?

Ag ing Tree is a unique company that connects seniors to trusted businesses f or all their senior lif e needs. W e prov ide seniors and their f amilies a place to start as they beg in to conf ront the many aspects of senior liv ing and elder care, prov iding options and serv ices throug hout the U nited S tates.

Aging Tree–Free Senior Care Referral Service

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803


Table of Contents > NOVEMBER 2016 EDITION <

Find us on Facebook. All articles available online at

Experience the National Parks 35 Feature Article 8 | Health Insurance Pocket-Guide to Get You Started. The ABCs--and Ds--of Medicare

This month, in the midst of open enrollment for Medicare October 15-December 7, 2016, we have compiled a “Medicare Health Insurance pocket-guide” to provide a basic overview. You’ll find fundamental facts, as well as information from local Florida insurance agents.

FEATURES 14 | Caregiver Stress Does Impact Your Personal Health: LIVING WELL BRANCH

20 | Diabetic Retinopathy: COMMUNITY HEALTH

Fighting Battles in War and in Life



40 | Just Chill and Enjoy the Ride: STRONG

27 | Inside Advisor - Be Health Wise

41 | Medicaid Open Enrollment-Quick




42 | Warm Apple Crisp: HOMETOWN RECIPE



in 2016 - Ask these questions BEFORE selecting your new health insurance plan:

43 | Special, Wacky Days and Holidays: DAYS OF THE MONTH-NOVEMBER

17 | Votran Gold offers paratransit door-

4 | Letter From the Editor

44 | Used Medical Equipment For Sale, Items For Sale, Industry Jobs: CLASSIFIEDS

28 | Fighting Battles in War and in Life: MY

22 | The Winter Park Daycation, Explore

45 | Activities and Support Groups




34 | Age-Related Macular Degeneration

24 | Senior Resource Directory of Trusted

46 | Crossword Puzzle, Sudoku &




35 | Aging Tree Travel Adventures,

26 | Inside Advisor - Veteran’s Benefit:

Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and Mt. Rushmore (June 15-23, 2017): TRAVEL

Cryptogram: MIND BENDERS


36 | Data Insurance=Backups: COMPUTER TRAINING

Aging Tree Illustrated is available at most Publix and over 800+ additional locations.


For more information contact Aging Tree at 866-320-8803 | 985 Harley Strickland Blvd, Ste. 100, Orange City FL 32763. Aging Tree Illustrated is a publication owned, Copyright 2014 and published locally by Aging Tree LLC. Our goal is to provide the most current information and helpful articles for seniors and their families. You choose how to use us: In print, Online or In-Store.

Medicare - Open Enrollment The ABCs--and Ds--of Medicare: A Health Insurance Pocket-Guide to Get You Started FEATURE ARTICLE


if e used to be simpler. At least it seems that way now, especially when you’re trying to nav ig ate M edicare plans and insurance costs. S peaking of the g ood ole’ days, a recent article in The M otley F ool reports that “h ealthcare costs today are more than 1 8 times hig her than they were in 1 9 6 6 ” . U nf ortunately, sunshine and v itamins aren’t all you need to help ensure a long and healthy lif e. You also need to be your own adv ocates in helping ensure you receiv e the best care possible as you mov e into the later years of your lif e. O ne of the best ways to do that is to be inf ormed, especially when it comes to M edicare. I f you are near the ag e of 65 or older, you may hav e receiv ed inf ormation in the mail and perhaps your M edicare card ( if you were elig ible to be automatically enrolled) . This month, in the midst of open enrollment f or M edicare O ctober 1 5 -D ecember 7 , 2 0 1 6 , we hav e compiled a “ M edicare Health I nsurance pocket-g uide” to prov ide a basic ov erv iew. You’ll find fundamental facts, as well as information f rom local F lorida insurance ag ents. This is by no means a comprehensiv e g uide, and you should ref er to your “M edicare & You 2017” booklet f or details. I f you need help, you can also call 1 -8 0 0 -M E D I C AR E ( 1- 8063427) , v isit the M edicare. g ov website, or contact a licensed ag ent throug h Ag ing Tree to answer questions and g uide you throug h the M edicare enrollment process.

Learning the ABCs (and Ds) of Medicare

L et’s start with the basics. The f our parts of M edicare and a f ew items to pay special attention to • P art A ( Hospital I nsurance) C ustodial or long -term care is not cov ered. • P art B ( M edical I nsurance) S ome people aren’t automatically enrolled and hav e to sig n up f or P art A and/ or B. L ate enrollment penalties apply if you don’t sig n up when you’re first eligible. • P art C ( M edicare Adv antag e) These plans, also known as M A or ( replacement) Plans, are offered by Medicare-approv ed priv ate companies.

P art D ( M edicare prescription drug cov erag e) You may hav e to pay a late enrollment penalty if you don’t sig n up when you’re first eligible, unless you have “c reditable” prescription drug cov erag e or g et E x tra Help.

 When is open enrollment?

Now is the time The Annual Election P eriod ( AE P ) beg an O ctober 1 5 and ends D ecember 7. How do I enroll? S ome people are automatically enrolled

By Amanda Eastep you were working . I f you hav e to buy P art A, M edicare.g ov estimates the monthly cost at $41. ( Be aware that if you aren’t elig ible f or P art A and don’t enroll as soon as you are elig ible, you will hav e to pay a penalty.) I n addition, you hav e to purchase P art B. ( Ag ain, be sure to sig n up when you’re elig ible to av oid a penalty.) The monthly premium f or P art B is about $12 ( or hig her depending on your income) and is deducted from monthly benefits such as Social Security. If you don’t receive those benefits, you will be billed. P remiums f or P art C and P art D v ary by plan. Ag ain, be aware you may hav e to pay a late enrollment penalty if you don’t sign up for Part D when you’re first elig ible, unless you hav e “ creditable” prescription drug cov erag e.

 Online Help

in M edicare P art A and P art B. You’ll receiv e your red, white and blue card in the mail three months bef ore you turn 6 5 ( no birthday cake included) or during the 25t h month of receiv ing disability. You are automatically enrolled if you receiv e S ocial S ecurity or R ailroad R etirement Board ( B) benefits, you’re under 5 and disabled, you hav e AL S ( L ou G ehrig ’s disease) , or you liv e in P uerto R ico and receiv e Social Security or B benefits (BUT, you will need to sig n up f or P art B) . S ome people hav e to sig n up f or parts A and B, including those near the ag e of 65 who don’t receiv e S ocial S ecurity or R R B benefits and those with End-Stage enal D isease ( E S R D ) . How much does Medicare cost? I n g eneral, P art A is “ premium-f ree” if you or your spouse paid M edicare tax es while

The official Medicare website at offers a simple “calculator” f or helping you figure out if you’re eligible for cov erag e. I t also prov ides an estimate of your P art B premiums. By answering a f ew multiple choice questions, you can hav e answers within a f ew minutes. What changes for 2017 do you need to be aware of? According to Jose R oces, F lorida Blue C enter D irector, the C ov erag e G ap or “ D onut Hole” will be smaller in 2017. As delicious as that may sound, the donut hole is defined as the cov erag e g ap f ound in most M edicare P rescription D rug P lans. I n other words, the out of pocket costs incurred by consumers when they enter the donut hole is smaller in 2017. He offers the chart below as reference


You’ll pay this percentage for brand-name drugs in the coverage gap

You’ll pay this percentage for generic drugs in the coverage gap







NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

cont. pg 10 |8|

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 Speaking of prescription drug plans…

According to M edicare.g ov , there are two ways to g et drug cov erag e. I f you are enrolled in O rig inal M edicare ( and some other plans) , you can enroll in the M edicare P rescription D rug P lan ( P art D ) . The alternativ e is to enroll in M edicare Adv antag e ( P art C ) , which includes P art A, P art B, and P art D ( depending on the plan) . F or more inf ormation, call 1 -8 0 0 -M E D I C AR E ( 1- 8063427) .

f er at minimum the same lev el of cov erag e offered by Original Medicare. Most plans offer richer benefits making them more at-

Medicare Advantage plans [Part C] are offered by [Medicare-approved] private insurance companies as an alternative to Original Medicare.

 What is the difference between Original

Medicare and Medicare Advantage? oces explains Original Medicare is hospital ( P art A) and medical ( P art B) cov erag e offered by the U.S. Government. Individuals who are U .S . citizens and hav e worked a minimum of 4 0 quarters are elig ible to receive Medicare Part A as a benefit paid throug h payroll tax deductions they incurred while working . I ndiv iduals are automatically enrolled in M edicare P art A when they turn 6 5 and can be automatically enrolled in P art B when they turn 6 5 if they hav e already elected or elect to receiv e at ag e 65 their S ocial Security benefits. If an individual elects to not enroll in M edicare P art B because they are still working or are cov ered by another qualified plan, they may do so at a later date. M edicare Adv antag e plans [ P art C ] are offered by [Medicare-approved] private insurance companies as an alternativ e to O rig inal M edicare. The f ederal g ov ernment requires that M edicare Adv antag e plans of -

tractiv e than O rig inal M edicare. M edicare Adv antag e plans typically require members to use a network of physicians and hospitals contracted with the carrier to accept their plan, whereas O rig inal M edicare does not confine recipients to a network. Most Medicare Advantage plans offer prescription drug cov erag e, which also makes them more attractiv e than O rig inal M edicare since O rig inal Medicare does not offer any prescription drug cov erag e. I f you enroll in a M edicare Adv antag e plan, you are still responsible f or paying your M edicare P art B premium. E lections made during the Annual E lection P eriod ( AE P) f or M edicare ( O ctober 15 through December ) become effective on January 1, 2017. I f you enroll in a M edicare Advantage plan during AEP but find you are not happy with the plan, you may disenroll between January 1 and F ebruary 1 4 . You would then rev ert back to O rig inal M edicare and may elect to enroll in a M edicare S upplement plan. I ndependent insurance ag ent C arol Brown adds that if you choose a M edicare Adv antag e plan, check to see if your pref erred doctors are in the network and if the prescription drug s you take are in the plan’s f ormulary ( and into which tier lev el they f all) . Also,

Sakowitz Eye Center

find out if the plan covers out-of-network serv ices and the potential additional costs.

 What about supplemental plans?

M edicare S upplemental I nsurance, or M edig ap, is sold by priv ate companies and cov ers some of the health care costs and serv ices that O rig inal M edicare doesn’t cov er. I n addition to your monthly P art B premium, you pay the priv ate insurance company a monthly premium f or the M edig ap policy. O ne of the most common questions about M edicare that Brown receiv es f rom seniors is “What is the difference between a Medicare Adv antag e P lan and M edicare S upplement I nsurance? ” Brown explains “A Medicare Advantage plan g enerally cov ers the P art A and B portions of M edicare and may include [ prescription] drug cov erag e. I n addition, the plan may cov er ex tra serv ices such as dental, v ision, and wellness prog rams. M edicare S upplement I nsurance [ M edig ap] works in conjunction with O rig inal M edicare and, depending on the supplement plan chosen, can cov er some or all of the out of pocket ex penses that M edicare does not cov er.” But M edig ap doesn’t cov er ev erything , including long -term care, v ision or dental care, hearing aids, eyeg lasses, or priv ate-duty nursing . N ote that with M edicare Adv antag e, you are not able to buy a M edig ap policy to cov er out-of -pocket costs. R oces adds that if you elect to enroll in a M edicare S upplement plan, you should consider enrolling in a standalone P art D prescription drug plan, because M edicare Supplement plans do not offer Part D prescription drug cov erag e. G ranted, all of the details can be a bit ov erwhelming . I f you need help with the enrollment process or hav e questions about your cov erag e, the most important thing to do is seek g uidance in a way that best fits you.28

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For more information or to find an insurance agent, contact Aging T ree at 1- 86320- 803. Amanda Cleary Eastep is a freelance marketing writer for businesses and universities at Word Ninja. She believes words should not only inform, but also offer encouragement and hope. She blogs about faith, family and life change at “Living Between the Lines”.

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NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 10 |

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Call Aging Tree for more Information 866-320-8803 NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 13 |


National Family Caregivers Month

Caregiver stress does impact your own personal health


v ery year in N ov ember we hav e a special opportunity to encourag e and honor the more than 9 0 million Americans who care f or lov ed ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease or the challeng es of ag ing . C are-

report not g oing to the doctor as of ten as they should and 5 5 % say they skip doctor appointments f or themselv es. Almost two thirds ( 6 3 % ) of careg iv ers report hav ing poor eating habits and 5 8 % indicate decreased ex ercise habits according to the N ational Alliance of

giver Action Network (CAN) is a non-profit org anization working to improv e the quality of lif e f or these indiv iduals and their f amilies and chooses the theme each year f or N ational F amily C areg iv ers M onth. This year’s theme is “ Take care to g iv e care” . C areg iv er stress does impact your own personal health. N early three quarters ( 7 2 % ) of f amily careg iv ers

C areg iv ing and E v ercare. A neg ativ e impact on your immune system and a g reater risk f or chronic disease has also been reported among careg iv ers. D id you know that there are nearly 1 5 million f amily members, f riends, and neig hbors caring f or lov ed ones with Alzheimer’s disease? M y dad cared f or my mom at home and this offered a picture of patience and pure lov e that is f orev er imprinted on my heart. M y f amily is honored to care f or a sweet almost 9 4 year old in our home. I am humbled by the scope and mag nitude of this issue and the reality of this ong oing process. This year’s theme of “ Take C are to G iv e C are” is certainly not a new concept but resonates more so each year f or our f amily. The combination of increasing care demands and decreasing sleep presents a real challeng e. P erhaps you are f eeling the same way? I t is all too easy g iv en care requirements to f all behind on thing s that do not seem to be time critical at the moment. The desire to be f ully present seems to be continually challeng ed. PLANT TODAY AND EAT Arugula + Chives + Celery Has this been your ex Cilantro + Dill + Kale FROM YOUR GARDEN perience as well? W hat Lettuce + Mint + Strawberries coping strateg ies and IN 3 TO 4 WEEKS! Swiss Chard + Thyme supports are av ailable and so much more! to you? D o you take

STRAWBERRies-COMING SOON to your back yard!

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

By Cheree M . Albert M SN, AR NP , CP NP the time to ask f or help? Are you noticing that your opportunities to connect with f riends and f amily members are chang ing in a way that stresses some of these relationships? As a health care prof essional and careg iv er I believ e in the importance, actually the necessity, of asking these questions not only to raise ov erall awareness but to minimize the undesirable consequences f or careg iv ing f amilies. I want to add that careg iv ing f amilies include those caring f or an indiv idual within their home and, although to a different extent, those who are activ ely inv olv ed in partnership with outside careg iv ing supports-- f or ex ample, an assisted liv ing f acility. Here are a f ew tips f or f amily careg iv ers in each of these scenarios that I have found to be helpful Take care of your own health to be well • and meet the care demands of your lov ed one. • Accept offers of help and suggest specific things you need. • Learn how to communicate effectively with doctors. • C reate and take respite breaks whenev er possible. • S eek support including prof essional help without delay if depressed. • Be open to new technolog ies that can help you with careg iv ing . • O rg anize and update medical inf ormation reg ularly. • Take time to assure that leg al documents are in order. • G iv e yourself credit f or doing the best you can do. I f you are a careg iv er you mig ht be thinking that this all sounds g reat while wondering how it could actually happen. There are many different types of support available in our community, and the staff at Aging Tree can help direct and connect you based on your particular need. Support groups can offer v aluable conv ersation and strateg ies yet are of ten an underutilized resource. The opportunity to attend is often a barrier to support. The communication of inf ormation and careg iv er’s needs is f oundational, and a system to make this easier is an important g oal. O n sev eral occasions I hav e helped f amilies set up a C aring Bridg e™ website which enables f amily and f riends to prov ide ong oing encouragement and support for the specific cont. pg 16 | 14 |

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Come and Take a Tour Today! NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 15 |

needs of the careg iv er. The calendar f eature helps to communicate a v ariety of needs to nearby support to include prov iding meals, time for caregivers to attend their own health care appointments, help org anizing medical or leg al inf ormation or time away f or a f ew hours. These and other careg iv er needs will be appreciated beyond measure. A closed priv ate F acebook g roup is another option that sev eral f amilies hav e used to communicate and encourag e. A caring knowledg eable f riend can help set up and manag e this type of internet support. Not only during the month of November, let’s celebrate the efforts of careg iv ers. Take that ex tra time to support and encourag e them as they endeav or to meet the care needs and honor the liv es of their lov ed ones. C areg iv ers please know that it is only by taking care of yourself that you can be in the best possible position to take care of your loved one. Self-care is not selfish. It is a simple fact that you cannot pour f rom an empty cup. W e really do need to “T ake care to give care! ” F or more information on caregiver assistance, contact Aging T ree at 1- 86320- 803. Cheree M . Albert M SN, CR NP , CP NP is the owner of I ntegrity H ealth Source LLC. Y ou can contact Cheree by phone: 4 07 - 9 02 - 8 9 4 5 or email cheree@

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NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

Signature communities of Senior Living Management Corp.

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VOTRAN GOLD OFFERS PARATRANSIT DOOR-TO-DOOR SERVICE R iding a bus may be challeng ing f or people with mobility impairments. That’s why Votran’s bus operators and customer serv ice employees g o out of their way to make their riding ex periences successf ul. Throug h Votran G old, Votran prov ides paratransit door-to-door serv ice to persons who, because of physical or mental disability or age, are unable to transport themselves and cannot use fixed-route bus serv ice. S pecially equipped paratransit buses hav e wheelchair lif ts and lowered steps f or easy boarding . R iders that require personal assistance while on-board the bus or beyond the door at their pick up or drop off location may require a PC A. Here are five things personal care attendants should know: 1. Documentation is required. Votran G old applicants must include a statement from a physician or other qualified professional attesting to the rider’s functional limitations. If it is not ev ident that the f are-paying rider needs an escort, medical documentation stating the reason a P C A is needed will be required. 2. PCAs and riders must make reservations at least one day before their trip. P C As and riders must be picked up and dropped off at the same location. 3. PCAs ride free. Votran prov ides f ree ridership to PC As prov iding necessary assistance to elig ible f are-paying riders on any Votran bus serv ice. O ne P C A may ride f ree per rider requiring special assistance. 4. Bring the $3 fare in exact change or purchase Gold tokens in advance. Because bus operators cannot prov ide chang e, they require ex act f are amounts. Tokens can be purchased in advance at and in otran administrative offices. 5. All Votran buses are mobility friendly. All fixed-route buses are wheelchair accessible with lif ts and ramps to make boarding easier f or riders and their PC As. PC As must pay a f are to board fixed-route buses. Fixed-route service does not require reservations and offers lower fares than otran Gold service. Give Votran a try Votran, a serv ice of Volusia C ounty G ov ernment, prov ides public transit serv ices in Volusia C ounty. To plan a trip, use the interactiv e trip planner on or email questions to VotranC ustomerS erv ice@ v . R iders also may call Customer Service at Daytona Beach 38 - 1- 00 Southeast olusia 38 -424- 800 West olusia 38 -943- 033 The Votran C ustomer S erv ice C enter is open f rom 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. M onday throug h F riday. Trav el training is av ailable upon request. NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 17 |

Insure your life. Assure your legacy. Amanda Agnew ChFC, Agent 301 N Volusia Avenue Orange City, FL 32763 Bus: 386-960-7878 Fax: 844-612-8886 Se habla Español


State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL


Carol N. Brown

But that’s just the start. I’ll show you how life insurance can also help you reach other financial goals, like retirement. GET TO A BETTER STATE. CALL ME TODAY.

Medicare Advantage Plans Medicare Supplements

Personal Professional

HMO/PPO/Rx Drug Plans

Independent Insurance Agent

Health Insurance:

Affordable Care Act Insurance

Supplemental Health: Accident/Cancer/Dental/Vision

Life Insurance: Term/Permanent

Annuities: Fixed/Indexed

Long Term Care Insurance Identity Theft Protection: Legal Shield Benefits

Ask me about “Life Insurance you don’t have to die to use!” P 386-848-0543 F 386-532-3227 | | Yellowstone, Grand Tetons Mt. Rushmore ELLOWSTONE RANDandETONS AND T


Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and Mt. Rushmore





June 15-23, 2017 ed!

Air is includ

Bison roaming through picturesque Grand Teton National Park

CALL AGING TREE TODAY 1-866-320-8803

Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and Mt. Rushmore The Mayflower Way

Four remarkable Presidents look at us from their perch on Mt. Rushmore




SINGLE ROOM add $1,199

Pricing includes air from Orlando

Air itineraries may not be available until documents are received. Air seats are assigned by the airline for the entire group. Seat changes can only be attempted upon receipt of tickets and documents at which time availability may be limited. If specific seat assignments are vital to your reservation, we recommend individual air reservations rather than booking air with the group.

13 Meals (5 dinners and 8 breakfasts) Round trip airport transfers Take an exciting open-air Jeep tour through Custer State Park to view the herds of American bison Black Hills touring including Crazy Horse Memorial, the largest statue in the world See the amazing lighting ceremony at Mt. Rushmore National Memorial, the largest statue monument in the world Tour the historic town of Deadwood including legendary Boot Hill Cemetery Visit awe-inspiring Devils Tower National Monument Tour the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody Spend 2 nights in Yellowstone National Park, America’s first national park and home to famed geyser, Old Faithful Snake River float trip through Grand Teton National Park Spend 2 nights in Jackson Hole and enjoy dinner and entertainment at the Bar J Chuckwagon Supper and Western Show Attend the Jackson Rodeo (Seasonal – Memorial Day through Labor Day) or the Jackson Hole Playhouse Salt Lake City touring including the Great Salt Lake, Temple Square and Pioneer State Park $45 in Mayflower Money

Days One and Two – Holiday Inn Rushmore Plaza, Rapid City, SD Day Three – Holiday Inn, Sheridan, Wyoming Days Four and Five – Yellowstone National Park Lodges, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming Days Six and Seven – Antler Inn or Quality 49er, Jackson, Wyoming Day Eight – Doubletree Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah

Departure Date: June 15 - 23, 2017


Travelers Protection Plan (TPP) – $150 Air Inclusive


Roseborough Travel Agency 386-734-7245/800-346-0997

• • •

This nonrefundable fee waives all cancellation fees when we are notified of cancellation one day before the tour departs. If you must leave the tour early due to personal illness, illness or death of a member of your immediate family, TPP guarantees full refund for any unused services after the departure of the tour. Other benefits include medical expenses for illness and injury, emergency transportation, 24 hour hot line, and lost or stolen baggage assistance. Return air transportation is included ONLY if your air tickets were provided by Mayflower Tours. If you purchase the optional Travelers Protection Plan (TPP), you will be refunded all payments, including deposit amount, less the TPP premium amount. Cancellation Charges Without Traveler’s Protection Plan (TPP) • 61 days and more – deposit amount • 60 – 31 days – 20% of the tour cost • 30 – 15 days – 30% of the tour cost • 14 – 1 day prior – 40% of the tour cost • Day of departure or early departure from tour – 100% of the tour cost No refund on unused portion

Robert Cordero, M.D.

Kevin M. Barber, M.D.

Exclusions: Mayflower Tours reserves the right to alter its refund and cancellation policy when a substantial amount of cancellation or postponement of travel is attributable to: conditions resulting from an act of God, natural or man-made disaster, fire, government action, civil disorder, war, hostilities between nations, or unavailability of transportation through no fault of Mayflower Tours.

search of the country’s largest herd of American bison. Next we’ll visit the colossal Crazy Horse Memorial, the world’s largest statue, which will be 563 feet high and 641 feet long when completed! Following an afternoon break at our hotel, we’ll experience all the greatness of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, with sightseeing, dinner and the inspiring lighting ceremony. (Breakfast and dinner)

DAY THREE – Deadwood and Devils Tower The town of Deadwood was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1967 and preserves the history and legends of the Wild West from its beginnings as a mining town. Our brief tour of the town takes us along the same streets walked by Wild Bill

DAY ONE – Arrive in South Dakota Begin your Western frontier adventure as you gather in Rapid City, South Dakota. Meet your Tour Manager in the lobby at 6:00 p.m. for dining suggestions.

Ryan T. Scruggs, M.D. Phillip J. Mackinder, O.D. DAY TWO – Black Hills Touring and Custer State Park Jeep Ride We begin the day with an exciting open-air jeep ride through Custer State Park. Enjoy the interesting sights and colorful commentary of our driver/guides on our ride through the park in

Leaders in LenSx® Laser Cataract Surgery Eyelid Reconstruction and Facial Rejuvenation Comprehensive Adult and Pediatric Eye Care National Tour Association


Coffee and conversation

See cowboys and Boot Hill in Deadwood, South Dakota

revised 04-12-2016

Visit our website: For an Appointment Call


1592 South SR 15-A DeLand, FL 32720 386-734-2931

2715 Rebecca Lane Orange City, FL 32763 386-917-0404

120 East Par Street, Ste 2000 Orlando, FL 32804 407-896-1400

524 Canal Street New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386-428-6811

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

Call Aging Tree for more details on the seminars being held at Monthly


| 19 |


November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month

Diabetic Retinopathy I f you are one of the 2 9 million people in the U nited S tates with diabetes, you are at risk f or diabetic eye disease. I t is easy to ig nore reg ular eye ex ams until you hav e a problem, but by g etting a yearly dilated eye ex am, you can help prev ent v ision loss. Forty-five percent of patients with diabetes dev elop diabetic eye disease. I t occurs in people who hav e Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes who hav e long -term uncontrolled blood sug ar lev els. The long er you hav e diabetes, the hig her your chances of dev eloping retinopathy become. N early ev eryone who has had diabetes f or ov er 30 years will show some sig ns of retinopathy. I t is also important f or preg nant women with diabetes to g et checked at the beg inning and throug hout their preg nancy.

I t’s uncommon to hav e symptoms during the early stag es of this condition. The symptoms don’t of ten appear until major damag e

occurs in the eye. You can prev ent unseen damag e by keeping your blood sug ars under control and getting regular eye exams. D iabetic retinopathy is caused by chang es in the blood v essels in the back of your eye. As the disease prog resses, blood v essels

By Nishita P atel, M D can become blocked and prev ent areas of the retina f rom receiv ing blood and nutrients. These damag ed v essels can also leak fluid into the macula, which is responsible f or your central v ision. O v er time this can lead to decreased eyesig ht, or ev en blindness. Treatment options include injections or lasers into the eye that can help stop the prog ress – your ophthalmolog ist will decide what options are best f or you. I f you are a diabetic - annual eye ex ams, early detection, and timely manag ement can help protect ag ainst v ision loss… . get checked today Nishita P atel, M D is H alifax H ealth’ s Chief of O phthalmology specializ ing in comprehensive eye care and cataract and lens implant surgery. She completed her residency at Y ale U niversity School of M edicine.

I See...

My independence again Regain your independence by focusing on good eye health

Make Halifax Health – Ophthalmology your eye care provider of choice to help you see clearly again. Whether you have blurry vision, glaucoma, cataracts or other eye conditions hindering you from your independence, we can change the way you see the world. Halifax Health - Ophthalmology provides comprehensive eye care, from routine eye exams to surgical procedures that help treat or cure common, rare or complex eye conditions. We also offer vision care for check-ups and lens prescriptions, allowing you to maintain your vision and eye health history in one place.

Schedule your appointment today. 517 N. Clyde Morris Blvd. | Daytona Beach

Same day appointments available.

386.425.0EYE (0393) / yecare /e

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 20 |

Check out our new and exciting Humana Medicare Advantage PPO plan with a $0 monthly premium.

There’s a new PPO plan available in your area that may offer better coverage and greater cost savings for you. All the great benefits you expect with a PPO, but with extras like coverage while you travel, SilverSneakers® Fitness program, great network of doctors and pharmacies and more.

Additional benefits include: • $0 monthly plan premium • Low deductibles for prescription drugs for Part D coverage • Great network of doctors and pharmacies with no referral required to visit a Specialist • Coverage while you travel with extended national network • No out-of-network deductible for medical services • SilverSneakers® Fitness Program at no additional cost — access to more than 13,000 locations nationwide

Get the flexibility and benefits you are looking for in your health coverage. Call our licensed Humana sales agent to learn more

Toll free 1-855-278-5194 (TTY:711) 5 a.m. - 8 p.m., 7 days a week ¿En español? Llame gratis al 1-855-202-2518

Humana is a Medicare Advantage PPO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in this Humana plan depends on contract renewal. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information. Limitations, copayments and restrictions may apply. Benefits, premiums and/or cost-share may change on January 1 of each year. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Out-of-network/ non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat Plan/Part D Sponsor members, except in emergency situations. For a decision about whether we will cover an out-of-network service, we encourage you or your provider to ask us for a pre-service organization determination before you receive the service. Please call our customer service number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Humana”) do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call toll free 1-855-278-5194 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame gratis al 1-855-202-2518 (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese): 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1- 855-278-5194 (TTY: 711) Y0040_FLHJQ5LEN Accepted

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

DAY 11/16

| 21 |



Winter Park Daycation

Sponsored by:


Winter Park Daycation — November 16, 2016

Courtesy of Aging Tree – You or your group of participants will have a fun day out touring Winter Park with a variety of optional activities. Call 866-320-8803 for more information or to reserve your complimentary daycation pass. Trips are scheduled the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

CALL TODAY Now Accepting Reservations, Call Today!


WINTER PARK - AGENDA 8:30am 9:15am 9:25am 10:00am 10:36am 1:41pm 2:18pm OR 2:41pm 3:18pm

Seniors arrive at Aging Tree sign in and pick up their SunCards, (Courtesy of Aging Tree) Seniors depart for SunRail’s DeBary Station Seniors arrive at SunRail’s DeBary Station (Free parking available) SunRail train departs for the Winter Park Station The train arrives at SunRail’s Winter Park Station for leisure and lunch (not included) Seniors depart on SunRail for the DeBary Station Seniors arrive at SunRail’s DeBary Station and return home Seniors depart on SunRail for the DeBary Station Seniors arrive at SunRail’s DeBary Station and return home

TENTATIVE DATES: December No Sunrail January 18, 2017

Reservations must be confirmed by 5pm Tuesday to receive your complimentary tickets.

See a Different Side of Winter Park The historic Scenic Boat Tour is located just 3 blocks east of the train station on Morse blvd. Senior Services to “SUN RAIL STATION” Doctors, Pharmacy, Lawyers, Hospital, Groceries, Airport

$2.00 off 12.00 trip

$5.00 off 25.00 & up


NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

312 East Morse Blvd. Winter Park, FL 32789

407-644-4056 | 22 |

Senior Resource Directory of Screened Businesses Elder Law: John B. Crowther, Atty. at Law John Crowther - 386-775-6179

Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 1-800-404-1133

Gary S. Wright Gary Wright - 386-753-0280

Halifax Health Hospice Michael Martinez - 386-627-5039

Meeks Law Firm Coren Meeks - 386-738-3900

VITAS Hospice Shaunta Williams, BA 386-341-9065

Financial Services: ASB Financial Group Paulette Reed - 386-671-9150

Adult Daycare Centers: Sender Retreat Ana Randolph 386-734-4442 Stay For the Day Ana Randolph 386-851-0691

Aids for Daily Living: Captel Outreach Sandra Robertson - 407-443-9409 Medical Alert (“Help” Button) Aging Tree - 866-320-8803

Bracing: Colonial Medical Supplies Bill Backer - 386-774-2447

Chiropractic: Lechmaier Family Chiropractic Center Dr. Chris Lechmaier - 386-775-3600 Chi-Rho Family Wellness Chiropractic Diana Graves - 386-532-3003

Construction/ Home Modification: Buckner Construction, Inc. #CGC057271 Tony Buckner 386-804-9564 Lisa Buckner 386-804-1981 Total Service Contracting Steve Delacerda - 407-233-9500

Dental Care: Implant Solutions Today Surgical Solutions Toni Valley - 386-837-1236

Hospice Care:

Capital Choice Financial Group Jeff Allebach - 386-804-6171 Miller Senior Services Marge Miller - 386-479-0724 Nancy Estocin Professional Guardian 407-221-5379 State Farm, Amanda Agnew Amanda Agnew - 386-960-7878

Guardianship: Nancy Estocin Professional Guardian 407-221-5379

Hearing Screenings and Accessories: Hearing Aids Direct Fred Gilliam, H.A.S - 386-561-9496 Hearing Healthcare Centers Lisa Jones, L.H.A.S - 386-837-4849

Home Care-Private Pay Companions: Aging Tree, LLC 866-320-8803 Senior Helpers (Flagler) Bernie Fitzgerald386-263-2457

Home Health Care Accepting Medicare & Insurance Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-5830

Insurance-Health: Carol Brown CSA Carol Brown - 386-848-0543 Humana Volusia/Flagler Meg Hutson - 386-663-1425 Debora Schmeltz 386-341-0168 Humana N. Carolina Christine MacDonald 386-479-4000 Independent Insurance Professionals Carl Thompson - 386-668-6203

Insurance-Long-Term: Capital Choice Financial Group Jeff Allebach - 386-804-6171 Independent Insurance Professionals Carl Thompson - 386-668-6203 State Farm, Amanda Agnew Contact Amanda Agnew 386-960-7878

Lab Work: Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-5155

Massage Therapy: Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-5160

Medical Imaging: Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-7500

Medical Services:

Mental Health: Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-7610

Non-Profit Organizations: Barberville Pioneer Settlement Deborah West - 386-749-2959 DeLand Lions Foundation Wendy Wilson - 386-738-1020 Division of The Blind Mary Grant - 386-254-3803 ElderSource 888-242-4464 Family Health Source DeLand - 386-738-2422 Deltona - 386-532-0515 Pierson - 386-749-9449 Mainstreet DeLand Association Wayne Carter - 386-738-0649 Volunteers For Community Impact Lydia Abraham - 386-334-7826

Nursing Facilities-Skilled: Florida Lutheran, Good Samaritan Society - 386-738-0212 Majestic Oaks Lesly Mompoint - 386-775-0788 Ridgecrest Nursing and Rehabilitation LeeAnne Gallagher - 386-734-4334

Occupational Therapy: Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-5160 Majestic Oaks Lesly Mompoint - 386-775-0788

Pet Sitting Home Pet Care Services, LLC Dawn Salvaggio - 386-235-5980


Greystone Healthcare Management Tiffani Cook - 386-681-7253

Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-5000

Accardi Pharmacy Dr. Roger Accardi - 386-774-5800

John Knox Village Home Health Jennifer Lincon 386-851-0093

Mid Florida Cancer Center Jill Jordan - 386-774-1223

Oak Park Senior Services Center 866-320-8803

Home Medical Equipment: Colonial Medical Supplies Bill Backer - 386-774-2447 NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

Medical Services Clinical Research: Covance Clinical Studies - 866-429-3700 Other Inquiries - 386-366-6400

| 24 |

Aging Tree business partners have committed to providing premium products and services. When contacting a trusted provider be sure to ask for Aging Tree Premium Services. Serving Flagler, Seminole and Volusia Counties. Physical Therapy: Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-5160 Majestic Oaks Lesly Mompoint 386-775-0788

Physicians - Acupuncture Debra Gaffney, Ph.D. Acupuncture Physician 386-734-4126

Physicians - Primary Care: Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 1-866-328-6417

Physicians - Specialists North Orlando Surgical Group Orange City 386-775-0333 Lake Mary 407-790-9800

Post Mastectomy Services: Colonial Medical Supplies Bill Backer - 386-774-2447 Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-5852

Pre-Arrangement Services: Tri-County Cremation & Funeral Home Michael Blickenstaff - 407-247-3076

Real-Estate Specialists: Century 21 Armstrong Team Realty Ray Armstrong - 386-789-2100 Charles Rutenberg Realty Terry Bailey, CRS, GRI 386-801-9300 ERA Grizzard Real Estate Sandra Otto, SRES - 386-804-0639 Gordin & Gordin Real Estate, LLC Wayne Gordin 386-405-6131

Retirement CommunityAssisted Living: Americare Assisted Living Inc. Waters Edge - 866-320-8803

Dr. Phillips - 866-320-8803 Horizon Bay Altamonte Springs 866-320-8803 Horizon Bay Lake Orienta 866-320-8803 Brookdale of Orange City Mary Sanguedolce-386-775-3518 Island Lake - 866-320-8803 Lake Mary - 866-320-8803 Longwood - 866-320-8803 Palm Coast - 866-320-8803 Port Orange - 866-320-8803 Ocoee - 866-320-8803 Ormond Beach - 866-320-8803 Ormond Beach West Vivian Gardner - 386-672-8800 Oviedo - 866-320-8803 Tuskawilla - 866-320-8803 Wekiwa Springs - 866-320-8803 Yorktowne - 866-320-8803 Central Park Villa - 866-320-8803 Cloisters of DeLand Amanda McHugh - 386-822-6900 Coquina Assisted Living 866-320-8803

Rose Manor - 866-320-8803 Saber Health/Seaside Manor Jeannie Gahring - 386-441-1771 Seafarers Landing - 866-320-8803 Southern Breeze Living, LLC 866-320-8803

Summerhaven Assisted Living Greg Hopcraft - 386-668-3674 Timberlane Lodge - 866-320-8803 Woodland Towers - 386-738-2700

Retirement CommunityContinuing Care: Florida Lutheran Retirement Community 386-736-5872 John Knox Village (CCRC) 386-775-0788

Woodland Towers - 386-738-2700

Horizon Assisted Living 866-320-8803 Indigo Palms Assisted Living 866-320-8803

Non-Medical/Public: Red Cab Monique Narr-Mevs - 386-748-4092 Votran Customer Service Department 386-761-7700 (Daytona Beach) 386-424-6800 (Southeast Volusia) 386-943-7033 (West Volusia)

Wound Care: Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-5547

Retirement CommunityIndependent Living:

D’s Assisted Living - 866-320-8803

Grand Villa of Ormond Beach 866-320-8803

Transportation Services-

Spruce Creek ALF - 866-320-8803

Villa Grande on Saxon Barb Hilton - 386-774-1234

Grand Villa of DeLand - 386-738-5200

Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 386-917-5160

Sixma Seniors ALF - 386-789-5991

Coquina Cay - 866-320-8803 Coquina Cove - 866-320-8803 Florida Lutheran Retirement Comm. 386-736-5872

Speech Therapy:

Selah Living, LLC - 866-320-8803

Relocation/Movers Services: Creating Divine Order Ann Hutchens - 407-699-5600 Wee Move Steve Osborne - 386-736-7181

Specialty Services: Jade Serenity Spa Margaret Crowther - 386-775-0860

Magnolia Manor Jean Prahl- 386-760-7174 Memory Lane Cottage Paula Twitty- 407-366-2770

Bella Senior Living - 866-320-8803

Monastery Oaks Jerry Cutrona - 386-456-0049

Bishops Glen Retirement Comm. Linda Dixon - 386-226-9112

New Smyrna Beach Assisted Living 866-320-8803

Brookdale Facilities: Conway- 866-320-8803 DeLand Lebana Prahl 386-736-8100

Oak Manor Joann Turnbull 386-2169661 Oak View Suites Kelly Garthwaite - 386-775-0788

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

Call or visit Aging Tree today 866-320-8803 Aging Tree Illustrated is available at most Publix and over 700 additional locations. | 25 |

INSIDE ADVISOR M any prof essionals believ e that the most underused eteran’s benefit is a pension paid to a wartime v eteran or their surv iv ing spouse f or unreimbursed medical ex penses. The name of the benefit is Aide and Attendant Care. These P ensions can prov ide up to $1,732 per month to a sing le v eteran, $2,054 per month f or a married v eteran or $1,113 per month to a wartime v eteran’s surv iv ing spouse. To be elig ible, the applicant must pass the S erv ice, Asset, and I ncome Tests.

“Service Test”

The applicant must prov e that the v eteran’s discharg e was not dishonorable, serv ed in the activ e military ( not reserv es or civ il serv ice) f or at least 9 0 days and that at least one of those days was during wartime (as defined by the eteran’s Administration). ou can find the wartime periods at http www.benefits. v a.g ov / pension/ wartimeperiod.asp.

Legal - Veteran’s Benefit “Asset Test”

The applicant must prov e that without the pension, their unreimbursed medical ex penses will cause them to run out of money bef ore they die. But ev en if the v eteran has too much money, they don’t hav e to “ spend it down” . A lawyer who is f amiliar with the Veteran’s Administration rules should be able to help you re-org anize your assets in a manner that will allow you to stay in control of your assets qualify for A A benefits.

“Income Test”

To be elig ible f or A& A or Homebound benefits, the veteran’s or their surviving spouse’s adjusted income must be less than the maximum pension benefit. Adjusted income is equal to an applicant’s g ross income f rom all sources less recurring , unreimbursed medical expenses, such as care attendants, assisted liv ing costs, etc. I n other words, an applicant has an “ adjusted income” of $ 0 .0 0 when their unreimbursed medical ex penses ex ceeds their income.

“The Need Test”

The applicant must show that he or she cannot leav e home without the assistance of another or requires the assistance of another person in order to perf orm some of the basic activ ities of daily liv ing .

By Scott A. Selis, Esq. The A defines the need for aid and attendance as requiring the aid of another person to perf orm at least two activ ities of daily liv ing , such as g rooming , transf erring , eating , bathing , dressing or toileting ; being blind or nearly blind; or being a patient in a nursing home.


Proving eligibility for Aide Attendant Care is difficult. ou should seek the help of a prof essional that is accredited by the VA. And according to F ederal L aw, no one can leg ally charg e you f or assistance with preparation and filing of a A Application. S o, what’s stopping you? Scott Selis is a lawyer at Chiumento Selis D wyer in D eLand, O rmond, and P alm Coast. Scott’s a member of the Task Force for the Elderly and is Administrative Committee Chair for the F lorida Bar’ s Elder Law Section. He recently received the Elder Law Attorney of the Y ear Award. R each him at 386- 865337, ext . 109.

Peace of Mind E l dercare Legal Plan ning to prote c t yo ur as s e ts

It’s rarely too late to Start C ALL TODAY! 386-868-KEEP (5337) ext.109 109 OFFICES IN DELAND, ORMOND & PALM COAST.


NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 26 |

INSIDE ADVISOR Ask these questions BEFORE selecting your new health insurance plan… Hav e you thoroug hly considered your total costs f or health care? You pay a monthly premium to your insurance company, ev en if you do not use medical serv ices that month. You pay out-of -pocket costs, including a deductible or copays when you receiv e care. Howev er, it is important to think about other costs that you may encounter when shopping f or a plan. There are many different plans and network types such as HM O , PO , PO S , and E PO . S ome plan types allow you to use almost any doctor or health care f acility. O thers limit your choices or charg e you more if you use prov iders outside of their network. Theref ore, it is important to ask these questions bef ore selecting your new insurance plan

Health Wise Wh o are the ancillary prov iders associated with your healthcare plan? Those are prov iders such as physical therapy, labs, diag nostic imag ing ?

You would assume that your insurance company would associate themselv es with “t he best” care. Howev er, many of these serv ices are contracted out to one prov ider. L ook f or a health insurance provider that offers you a long list of prov iders. F or ex ample, what options are g iv en to you f or prov iders of physical therapy? This is especially important when you hav e surg ery or an injury requiring therapy. I f the prov ider does not hav e much in the way of equipment, or

Holiday Blessings from…

By Kim Denoff

you don’t enjoy g oing there, it is possible that your recov ery could be less than optimal. C hoices in prov iders are a g ood thing . Wh en selecting your new health insurance prov ider, deductible and premium alone are not the only f actors to consider. K now where you will be required to g o f or many of the v ery important tests or procedures you may need throug hout the upcoming year. C ontinue to be H ealthwise! For specific questions about a health plan you may be considering , email me directly at kim Kim Denoff is Owner of Advanced Imaging and Administrator for Central F L Bone & J oint I nstitute in O range City. She has worked in medical imaging and medical office management for 19 y ears. Y ou may reach her at 386-774-7226 or kim@advancedimagingfl. com.

Brian C. Leung, MD BETTER service BETTER service BETTER images A BETTER view of you… BETTER images

A BETTER view of you…

Shorter scan times and great technology means less time laying still for a scan.

Let your Doctor know that you want to schedule your next exam at Advanced Imaging!

(386) 774-7226 1639 N. Volusia Orange City, FL 32763 Shorter scan times and Avenue great technology means less time laying still for a scan.

Let your Doctor know that you want to schedule your next exam at Advanced Imaging!


1639 N. Volusia Avenue | Orange City, FL 32763 NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

BrianSurgeon C. Leung, Board-Cer�fied Orthopaedic • •


Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon

Board Cer�fied Fellowship-Trained Board Certified Fellowship-Trained Expert in KNEE, ••HAND, FOOT, HIP, Expert in KNEE, HAND, FOOT, HIP, SHOULDER, & ELBOW SHOULDER, & ELBOW • Multilingual (English, Spanish, Chinese) • Accepts All Major Insurances • Mul�lingual (English, Spanish, Chinese) Leung offAll ers comprehensive orthopaedic care for adults and children and is excited to be a part of •Dr. Brian Accepts Major Insurances

our community. He has newly established The Central Florida Bone & Joint Institute in Orange City.

He earned his medical degree at the University Of Nebraska College Of Medicine in Omaha and completed an orthopaedic residency at Dartmouth Medical Center in New Hampshire. Dr. Leung is board certified and also completed specialized fellowship training for advanced treatment of the shoulder, elbow and hand at the University of Florida in Gainesville. An avid speaker, Dr. Leung has presented at national conferences and published several research articles. He is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and is fluent in English, Spanish and Chinese.

Call today and schedule an appointment to meet Dr. Brian Leung His experience in orthopaedics and sports medicine allows him to focus on restoring function to patient’s

extremities including muscles, ligaments, bones, tendons, joints and nerves, all of which are responsible for keeping the body in motion. Dr. Leung is trained in reconstructive surgery, knee replacement, fracture care, and has a special interest in hand and elbow surgery. He is Board Certified for all general Orthopaedic Surgery. Call today and schedule an appointment to meet Dr. Brian Leung.


1639 N. Volusia Avenue | Orange City, FL 32763


1639 N. Volusia Avenue | Orange City, FL 32763 | F: 386-775-2013

AUGUST 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803


| 27 |


Saluting Our Veterans

Fighting Battles in War and in Life


he Japanese torpedo hit the engine room of the U.S.S. Quincy in the very early morning hours between August 8 and 9, 1942. The Quincy, part of Task Force 18 allocated to the invasion of Guadalcanal during WWII, was on patrol off Savo Island. Ernest Wacker, a machinist’s mate, was on watch that night. General quarters had sounded, but “a man on watch, stays on watch,” so rather than return to the engine room, Wacker stayed on deck as the Japanese naval fleet commenced a surprise attack on the Quincy and her sister ships, the Astoria and Vincennes. The monolithic cruiser, trapped in the crossfire of three Japanese cruisers, suffered a barrage of gunfire and three torpedo hits, two from the Tenryu and one from the Aoba. Less than half an hour later, the Quincy was sinking. As those still alive began to abandon ship, Wacker made his way to the side, stopping to

help a shipmate who, he quickly realized, was already dead. He jumped into the water, putting his faith in his “Mae West” life vest since he didn’t know how to swim. But the life vest and Wacker’s meager attempts to paddle clear of the wreckage were no match

By Amanda Eastep

for the sinking hulk, and he was sucked beneath the dark water. Years later he told his son-in-law, my father (also a Navy man), that your life really does flash before your eyes. At some point, either the ship halted its descent or my grandfather--lungs bruised from the excessive change in pressure--somehow broke free of the force and rose back to the surface, hitting his head on some empty canisters. Tucking one under each arm, he used them to buoy himself until a struggling shipmate with no life vest swam near, and my grandfather pushed one of the canisters toward the man. He recalled floating in the water amidst fire, wreckage, the dead, the wounded, and the living, eventually hearing the screams of those who had escaped the enemy only to fall prey to the ocean’s predators. About four hours later, my grandfather and hundreds of other survivors were rescued by the U.S.S. Ellet. By the following November, he was aboard his next ship, the U.S.S. Charles Ausburne, a 2100-ton destroyer. The Ausburne was the flagship of Squadron Commander Arleigh “31 Knot” Burke’s Little Beaver Squadron and would come to earn that name in the latter part of 1943 in the Solomon Islands campaign. A yellowed, hand-illustrated “news release” in my grandfather’s mementos notes that it was during those operations that “Destroyer Squadron 23 [consisting of the Ausburne, Claxton, Dyson, Spence, Converse and Stanly] earned her name of the ‘“Little Beaver Squadron.” Those mementos also include a stack of communications sent by other ships, captains, and one famous general cont. pg 30

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

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Andrea Engram Licensed Insurance Agent (407) 608-8961 WWW.WELLCAREREP.COM/265102

after various operations over the three years my grandfather served on the Ausburne. “The Little Beavers, have once again beaten the enemy in their own waters. The squadron commander congratulates all hands and is proud to belong to an organization of such brothers-in-arms. Well done, Beavers, well done.” --Burke “Please express to [Commander Destroyer Squadron] Twenty-Three and his officers and men my admiration at their splendid accomplishment. It was a magnificent victory, for them.” --General Douglas Macarthur My grandfather served on the Ausburne until he was honorably discharged in October 1945. Like many veterans did after their service ended, he headed home to find work, start

a family, and eventually teach his children and grandchildren the same values and love of country he and thousands of his fellow soldiers and others had risked--or lost--their lives to protect. Affectionately known as “Lefty”, my grandfather and my grandmother Adelyn settled in Chicago, working hard to build a solid home, raising one daughter; and in later years, enjoying watching my brother and me grow up and have children of our own. My grandfather rarely talked about his service during WWII, except to share memories over the years with my father and with his surviving Navy buddies during rare, but long, phone conversations. These veterans may have been separated by hundreds of miles, but they were forever part of each other’s stories. But my grandfather wasn’t finished fighting battles. In 1990, as stealthily as any enemy fleet operating beneath the cover of darkness,

brain cancer struck this otherwise healthy and hearty man. So began a seven-year battle, longer than the years he had served in the Navy. By the time my brother and I were older and truly grasped the importance of family stories, our grandfather wasn’t well enough to remember many of them. Over the years the disease and its treatments turned his mind into a war-torn world unto itself. He passed away in 1998, a shell of the man he had been, but loved, respected, and missed no less. Amanda Cleary Eastep is a freelance marketing writer for businesses and universities at Word Ninja. She believes words should not only inform, but also offer encouragement and hope. She blogs about faith, family and life change at “Living Between the Lines.”

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month and National Caregiver Month. In the United States, there are more than 15 million Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers. NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

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Is Assisted Living the



$100,000 In assets

Get free advice at Aging Tree 866-320-8803

Ms. Smith

Home Care

Assisted Living

40 hours/Wk. $3200.00/Mo.

$3500.00/Mo. Average

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No Change

Florida Hospital DeLand

701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720

Florida Hospital Fish Memorial

1055 Saxon Boulevard, Orange City, FL 32763

Florida Hospital Flagler

60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164

Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center 301 Memorial Medical Parkway, Daytona Beach, FL 32117

Florida Hospital New Smyrna

401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168

Florida Hospital Oceanside

264 South Atlantic Avenue, Ormond Beach, FL 32176

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 31 |



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©2016, Memory Lane Cottage. Assisted Living Facility License No. 12855

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 32 |

“Come In and Meet Our Management Team” We are the only Assisted Living Community with an Ocean View. Call to schedule your personal visit and “Ocean View” today. • Active adult lifestyle,and a warm, friendly home atmosphere. • Offering Assisted Living and Memory Care Options

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License #8860

| 33 |

Spotlight Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) BUSINESS BRANCH

Ag e-related macular deg eneration ( AM D ) is an eye condition that affects central vision. I t is the number one cause of irrev ersible v ision loss. According to studies, an estimated 12 million people suffer from this condition in the U .S . alone, and that number is ex pected to dramatically increase in the years to come. AM D is the leading cause of leg al blindness in those 5 y ears and older. There are two f orms of AM D , D ry ( atrophic) and W et ( ex udativ e) . O ne can hav e either or both. The most common is the “ dry” type which accounts f or around 9 0 % of cases. I t is due to retinal atrophy. This type usually prog resses slowly. There’s no treatment f or the “ dry” . The “ wet” type occurs when abnormal blood v essels f orm which are very fragile and can leak fluid and proteins that lead to scarring if lef t untreated. The “ wet” can prog ress rapidly and it is v ery important that this type is treated an soon as possible.

By D enny P arker, CEO , Systems of Sight

I n the early stag es of macular deg eneration, symptoms may g o unrecog nized until it progresses or affects both eyes. The first sig ns may be a dimness, distortion or blur-

riness in the central v ision or wav y lines or missing letters of words while reading. This spot may prog ress or g et darker ov er time. I f you ex perience any of these symptoms, see

your eye care specialist as soon as possible. A routine ex am can determine if you hav e AM D . W hile AM D will not cause total blindness ( peripheral v ision is not usually affected), the condition can have a dramatic effect on one’s quality of lif e and ev en independence. There is no cure f or macular deg eneration at this time. Howev er, v isual aids hav e prov ided help f or some. These aids come in the form of magnifiers and C C TV’s f or reading , telescopic dev ices f or distance, prismatic lenses f or imag e translocation, etc. There is not one perf ect dev ice f or ev eryone. Be sure the product is demonstrated and meets your particular needs and objectiv es bef ore you purchase. To see if you are a candidate or receiv e additional inf ormation and ref erences on S ystems of S ig ht call 8 0 0 -4 3 5 -7 7 0 6 or v isit them at www.systemsof sig

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Do you or someone you love suffer from macular degeneration?

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Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and Mt. Rushmore

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Pricing includes air from Orlando

Air itineraries may not be available until documents are received. Air seats are assigned by the airline for the entire group. Seat changes can only be attempted upon receipt of tickets and documents at which time availability may be limited. If specific seat assignments are vital to your reservation, we recommend Bison roaming through picturesque Grand Teton National Park individual air reservations rather than booking air with the group.

Days One and Two – Holiday Inn Rushmore Plaza, Rapid City, SD Day Three – Holiday Inn, Sheridan, Wyoming Days Four and Five – Yellowstone National Park Lodges, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming Days Six and Seven – Antler Inn or Quality 49er, Jackson, Wyoming Day Eight – Doubletree Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah



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This nonrefundable fee waives all cancellation fees when we are notified of cancellation one day before the tour departs. If you must leave the tour early due to personal illness, illness or death of a member of your immediate family, TPP guarantees full refund for any unused services after the departure of the tour. Other benefits include medical expenses for illness and injury, emergency transportation, 24 hour hot line, and lost or stolen baggage assistance. Return air transportation is included ONLY if your air tickets were provided by Mayflower Tours. If you purchase the optional Travelers Protection Plan (TPP), you will be refunded all payments, including deposit amount, less the TPP premium amount.

Yellowstone, Tetons and Mt. Rushmore FOR RESERVATIONSGrand OR INFORMATION CONTACT: The Roseborough Mayflower Way Travel Agency 13 Meals (5 dinners and 8 breakfasts) 386-734-7245/800-346-0997 Round trip airport transfers Take an exciting open-air Jeep tour through Custer State Park to view the herds of American bison Black Hills touring including Crazy Horse Memorial, the largest statue in the world See the amazing lighting ceremony at Mt. Rushmore National Memorial, the largest statue monument in the world Tour the historic town of Deadwood including legendary Boot Hill Cemetery Visit awe-inspiring Devils Tower National Monument Tour the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody Spend 2 nights in Yellowstone National Park, America’s first national park and home to famed geyser, Old Faithful

search of the country’s largest herd of American bison. Next Cancellation Charges Without Traveler’s Protection Plan (TPP) we’ll• visit colossal Crazy 61 daysthe and more – deposit amountHorse Memorial, the world’s largest • 60 – 31 days – 20% of the tour cost statue, bethe563 feet high and 641 feet long when com• 30 which – 15 days –will 30% of tour cost • 14 – 1 day prior – 40% of the tour cost pleted! Following an afternoon at our • Day of departure or early departure frombreak tour – 100% of thehotel, tour costwe’ll experiunused portion enceNoallrefund the on greatness of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Exclusions: Mayflower Tours reserves the right to alter its refund and cancellation policy when a subwithstantial sightseeing, dinnerorand the inspiring lightingto:ceremony. amount of cancellation postponement of travel is attributable conditions resulting from an act of God, natural or man-made disaster, fire, government action, civil disorder, war, hostilities be(Breakfast and dinner) tween nations, or unavailability of transportation through no fault of Mayflower Tours.

DAY THREE – Deadwood and Devils Tower The town of Deadwood was designated a National Historic National Tour Association Landmark in 1967 and preserves the history and legends ofrevised the 04-12-2016 Wild West from its beginnings as a mining town. Our brief tour of the town takes us along the same streets walked by Wild Bill

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803


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Data Insurance=Back-ups

“You never know how much you will miss something until it’s gone”.


n this month’s article I am g oing to address insurance policies for your data W e all know we must hav e Health I nsurance, C ar I nsurance and Home O wners I nsurance, but what about our ‘ E lectronic L if e’ – should we not hav e some type of policy to ensure we don’t lose any of that I think so Bef ore we beg in, we need to understand a few things 1. You should always use another driv e f or your back-ups. W hy? I f you lose your primary driv e, you will lose your backups as well. 2. K now ‘ what’ you want to back-up and not back-up – disk space and your time is money, why back-up files you don’t need. 3. ‘ D ata’ is an encompassing term, it not only includes your P ictures, M usic, D ocuments and Videos, but all the files on your hard drive

hav e ‘ copies’ of them ‘ in the cloud’. You hav e access to them any time and from any place I f you run out of space, you can pay and small f ee to M icrosof t f or more – I believ e

You don’t want to loose all my baby pictures...

Policy 1 – The DIY (Do It Yourself) approach;

U sing this method you will manually ‘drag and drop’ the files or folder you want backed- up onto an ex ternal dev ice. L et’s look at how to do that. M icrosof t prov ided a ‘ cloud based’ driv e f or free It can hold up to 15G B ( that’ s a lot) – it’s called O neD riv e and it’s f ree. I f you open F ile E x plorer you will see it. You can then ‘ drag and drop’ the files of f older you want into it. R ealize that when you do this, you

you can g et a Terabyte ( that’ s is 1 000 G B) f or $8.0 ( a good deal) . To restore f rom this, you simply ‘drag and drop’ the files you want back on your system.

Policy 2 – A modified version of the DIY approach.

W indows 8 and 10 hav e a utility called ‘ F ile H istory’ – this only needs a basic setup and you will be g ood to g o. I t works O N L Y if you hav e an E x ternal D riv e connected to your system thoug h. These driv e cost between $ 6 0 .0 0 and $ 1 2 0 .0 0 on Amazon. The price v aries depending on the amount of storag e you want to hav e. 50G B should be enoug h f or all your needs ( that should run about $ 7 5 .00 or so) . This policy will keep your files ‘synced’ with your system – the driv e stays plug g ed into a U S B port ( and can be unplugged if you need to move your system). ery little interaction with you is required once you hav e the basic set-up done. To ‘ restore’ f rom this is also v ery simple, you chose the files you want restored and the rest is taken care of by the application.

By Christopher T heodore

Policy 3 – Hand Free Back-ups and Restores.

Pi ctured below are 10 serv ices that takes care of ev erything f or you. http article2 / 0 ,2 8 1 7 ,2 2 8 8 7 4 5 ,0 0 .asp is the link f or the entire ov erv iew f or each of them ( or you can just type the name in your browser and it will take you to their respective site) . This is by far the simplest way to go The prices rang e f rom $50.0 to $75.0 per year but they are always running ‘ special’ f or the first year right now, iDrive is only 15.00 for the first year I t is totally hands f ree and works in the backg round without you noticing what is g oing on. Bef ore you commit to any of these services, make sure you call them and find out exactly what you are getting for that price. S o, to wrap up, YOU NEED TO HAVE BACKUPS – absolutely no ex cuse not to. As the old saying g oes, “you never know how much you will miss something until it’ s gone” – so true here. There is a lot of inf ormation on your computer’s hard driv e and most of that cannot be replaced with a ton of work and, ev en then, you may nev er recov er f ully. I will admit, Back-up and R estore can be a daunting task, but f or the av erag e person, Po licy 3 is the way to g o. I hav e many users on Carbonite and love it I f you hav e any questions or concerns about this article, g iv e Ag ing Tree a call and I will arrang e a time to talk and g et you g oing on the rig ht track.

Policy 3

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

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Business Services at your Fingertips! WHERE SHOULD WE GO TO SHOP, DINE, AND BE ENTERTAINED?

Terry Bailey

November Events


Nov. 3, Building Your Business Group (BYBG) Mtg. - 8:45 AM Nov. 4, DeLand Original Music Festival Nov. 9, Wine, Women & Chocolate - 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Nov. 11, DWO Wine Festival Nov. 12, Volusia County Veteran’s Day Parade - 10:00 AM Nov. 20, BYBG Educational Networking (BYBG-EN) - 8:45 AM Nov. 19, DeLand Fall Festival of the Arts - 10AM - 5:00 PM Nov. 24, Tech DeLand 6PM 700 W. New York Ave., DeLand FL 32720

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RSVP Today! 866-320-8803 NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 38 |

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NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 39 |


Strong Roots

Just Chill and Enjoy the Ride


s I am sitting here writing this column I am pondering one of the g reat truths of lif e that we g enerally don’t understand until we g et older. That is that lif e nev er really settles down. It is just a fact that if you are not in the middle of an unex pected and challeng ing situation, g et ready because something is headed your way. N othing has taug ht me this lesson better then owning and running a f arm. This month we were making plans to finish our new home and move in. The first planting of the season had started in S eptember. W e were humming along when the unex pected hit. First we had hotter than normal weather causing the young seedling s to strug g le with many of them dying . Then nature decided to add in Hurricane Matthew. I have lived in Florida all my life and knew the g reatest risk of hurricanes was during the summer when the fields were empty. I nev er ex pected a C ateg ory 3 hurricane to come rig ht up the coast in O ctober. Thankf ully, we were spared any major damag e, but

the plants took a beating and were set back a couple of weeks in g rowth. The hurricane also set back my wif e’s plans to mov e into or new home that we hav e been building f or the past 3 years. I t also delayed the construction of our new ref rig erated storag e building which we

CHILL & ENJOY the RIDE need f or the beg inning of the season to store our produce. W e were hit with a triple whammy of challeng es and I was f aced with a decision. I could press ahead with the schedule I had planned or I could adjust my plans. I knew f rom ex perience if I chose the first option I would

General, Cosmetic, & Surgical Dermatology Dr. Lawrence G. Blasik and the staff at Blue Ocean Dermatology would like to cordially introduce our services to your community. We intend to offer general dermatology as well as dermatological surgery, and cosmetic dermatology. Our office is located in Port Orange. Jason Welch ARNP and Dr. Blasik envisioned Dermatology on the Spot as a comprehensive clinic to meet all aspects of skin care with the convenience of being mobile. Our mobile clinic provides skin exams, biopsies, surgeries and radiation treatments for skin cancer at the convenience of coming to your community. We are proud to offer our patients a gentler less invasive way to treat skin cancer with 94% cure rates. Introducing SRT-100. This is a device which uses SUPERFICIAL Radiation to destroy the skin cancer with painless treatment sessions.

by John Joslin become ev en more stressed out and probably make more mistakes that would make the whole situation worse, so I chose to adjust our plans. W e delayed the mov e into the new home. I n addition I mov ed the start of our season back a f ew weeks as much as I hated to because it meant a f ew weeks less harv est f or our customers; but it g av e the plants more time to g row and us more time to construct the ref rig erated room. I t also allowed us to mov e into our home in a more relax ed pace. M ore importantly, once I made the decision all the stress and pressure was reliev ed. W hy? Because I hav e learned f rom f arming there are simply something s in lif e you cannot anticipate or control, like the weather. I only wish I had learned this lesson earlier in lif e. I t would hav e sav ed me a whole lot of g rief and stress. The same is true f or your lif e as well. There are g oing to be thing s that will come into your lif e that you did not see coming and are powerless to control. You will be f aced with the same two decisions. G od tells us, “ M any are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the L O R D that will stand.” ( P rov erbs 19 21, ES ) I encourage you to trust on G od’s plan. I t is sure and He has something better for you. So just chill and enjoy the ride. R emember today is a g ood day to hav e a g ood day. For more information or for any questions you can contact J ohn J oslin at the Common G round F arm 38 6 - 7 4 0- 9 1 4 1 , 1 330 E. T aylor R d, DeLand, FL 32724 or e-mail any questions to strongroots.agingtree@

Is Assisted Living the

Answer? Get free advice at Aging Tree 866-320-8803

(386) 256-1444 | 3951 South Nova Rd., Suite 3 • Port Orange, FL 32127 | M-F 9-5 NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

| 40 |

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NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

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Warm Apple Crisp By J ohn Sobol F all weather is starting to show, peaking around the corner. As you f eel the crisp in the air with afternoon breeze, fill your house with the aroma of apples and cinnamon. Take time to enjoy this with your f amily and f riends, this simple recipe will warm their hearts and their stomachs.



5 large or 8 medium apples 1 cup of flour 1 cup of sugar ½ teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg 10 tablespoons of butter


Preheat oven to 3 5 degrees. Grease the bottom and sides of 8” square pan with shortening . S lice the apples into 1 / 8 ” slices. S pread apples in pan. I n medium bowl, stir remaining ing redients ex cept cream until well mix ed; sprinkle ov er apples. Bake about 3 0 minutes or until topping is g olden brown and apples are tender when pierced with a f ork. S erv e warm with cream.


- C ool whip can be substituted f or ice-cream - non-stick cooking spray can be used in place of shortening - S tore lef tov er cake in ref rig erator.

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NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

ALF #8340

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Days of Month National

November 2016

Special, Wacky Days & Holidays November is Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17

World Vegan Day Author’s Day All Saint’s Day Stress Awareness Day Deviled Egg Day Traffic Director’s Day Cliche’ Day Sandwich Day Housewife’s Day Love Your Lawyer Day Love Your Lawyer Day Gunpowder Day Men Make Dinner Day Nachos Day Saxophone Day Hug a Bear Day Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day Cook Something Bold Day X-Ray Day Chaos Never Dies Day - you’ve got that right World Freedom Day Sesame Street Day USMC Day Veterans Day Origami Day World Quality Day Chicken Soup for the Soul Day National Indian Pudding Day Sadie Hawkins Day World Kindness Day Operating Room Nurse Day World Diabetes Day Pickle Day Clean Your Refrigerator Day National Philanthropy Day Button Day Have a Party With Your Bear Day Homemade Bread Day

17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 29 29 30 30

Take A Hike Day Occult Day Mickey Mouse Day World Toilet Day Have a Bad Day Day Peanut Butter Fudge Day Name Your PC Day Universal Children’s Day Guinness World Record Day World Television Day World Hello Day Go For a Ride Day Eat a Cranberry Day National Cashew Day Thanksgiving - Eat, drink, and be thankful All Our Uncles are Monkeys Day Black Friday - Friday after Thanksgiving Buy Nothing Day - always the day after Thanksgiving...does anyone abide by it!?! You’re Welcome Day - the day after Thanksgiving National Parfait Day Shopping Reminder Day Cake Day Small Business Saturday Pins and Needles Day French Toast Day Electronic Greetings Day Square Dance Day Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day Computer Security Day

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

Subscriptions for Aging Tree Illustrated Magazine Now Available - Sign Up Today! 12 months plus 1 month

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Class ifieds To submit ad visit to remove call 866-320-8803.

Industry Jobs: Nursing, Dietary, Activities, Rehab, Maintenance, and Administration Departments positions open at Orange City Nursing & Rehab Center Port Orange Nursing & Rehab Center Please visit these websites to view all of our current open positions and available employment opportunities within both facilities. These websites are updated daily for. EEO/AA Employer M/F/V/D

Volunteer Opportunities: Looking for volunteers to patrol our streets, only 4 hours a week, we do house watches, traffic control. 18 years up. Please call Sonia Cortes the recruiter, at 386-473-2601 or pick up the application at the nearest sub-station (Sheriff Dept.)

The West Volusia Tourism Bureau is looking for volunteers to work a 4-hour shift in our Visitor Center at least once a week Monday-Friday. Friendly outgoing people with a good knowledge of the West Volusia region are encouraged to apply in person at 116 W. New York, DeLand or email 386-734-0162.

Please fill out the form online at Get high visibility with Nationwide presence with over a 40,000 reach in print and online. Distributed in over 800+ locations including your Central Florida Publix Stores. $35 per month up to 45 words, bold heading included. Ask about our Monthly $25 Special 386-774-2446.

Wanted Items: CASH PAID Looking for Fishing Reels, Lures,Rods, Tackle, Duck Decoys, Fishing & Hunting Stuff of all kinds. Contact: Bob in DeLand 321-220-8154 ED 10/17 Electric Trains. All kinds & sizes, but especially old Lionel, American-Flyer, etc. Also collect Slot-Cars, A Private Collector (not a Retail store) Contact: Clark 386-740-1293. ED 10/17 Advertising signs, neons, electric, metal, glass, etc. Coca Cola and other soda, beer, whiskey, oil, gas, auto, etc. Contact: Irv 386-753-1895

Used Medical Equipment: 4 Wheel Golden Mobility Scooter. Excellent condition - purchased 3 years ago from freedom mobility Battery included. $500 OBO. Scooter is in Orange City area. Contact Tina: 815-543-1174 (ED11/16) Pride Rally Mobility Scooter excellent condition $450; Pride Magnum Lift $375; new seat for Gogo or larger mobility scooter $75; two new pair of drive arm crutches $35 each pair. Contact: Cecelia 352-2631510 (ED 11/16) Transportable Medline Wheelchair, lightweight; foldable; swing away foot rest; great condition $75. Knee walker (driver) with basket; steerable with handbrakes; great condition; user friendly $75 (both used several weeks) Contact: Tony 949-2465052 (ED 11/16)

Items For Sale: DELTONA CEMETERY: Includes space for 2 on 2nd level of mausoleum, antique gold casket, opening & closings and crypt plate. Can be transferred to any Dignity Memorial Gardens across country. Value of over $14,000 Asking $9,500. Contact: Marla 407-314-7477 (TFN) CEMETERY LOTS for sale by owner. Several lots immediately available. Inheritance, must sell. Location: Daytona Memorial Park, 1425 Bellevue Ave, Daytona Beach, FL. Valued at $3,250 per space, asking $950 per space. Price negotiable. Contact: Cathy 386676-7837.(ED11/16) 25% OFF FALL SPECIAL All Lifts Chairs Location: Aging Tree, 985 Harley Strickland Blvd., Suite 100, Orange City FL 32763 - 386-774-2446

Honoring All Who Served.

Community Outreach Sakowitz Eye Center Quilters Workshop Make quilts for cancer children in the hospital - First Sat. of ea. month, Nov. 5, 10am-3pm- Deltona United Church of Christ 1649 Providence, Deltona-we need people to sew, pin, iron, bring sewing machine & iron supplies if possible, potluck lunch. Mary 386-574-0700 Friends of Deltona Library Used Book Store Open daily with great bargains including large print, magazines, books on CDs, movie DVDs and books for the Grandkids 25-50 cents. Ask about free classes 386-624-8767.

Thinking About Assisted Living?



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 Safe Businesses  Helpful Advocates  Free Consultation

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

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Calendar of


To submit event visit events to remove e-mail

Seniors on Sunrail Winter Park Daycation 3rd Wednesday of Each Month Nov. 16 8:30AM see page 22

Educational Support DeLand Bakery/Natural Market Education - 386-736-7919 Call for Class Information Orange City Senior Center Wava Hall Nov. Schedule of Events 386-775-3121 Free Wellness Wednesday Seminars by Cheree Albert, MSN, ARNP, CPNP - 10AM RSVP 866-320-8803 Florida Hospital Fish Memorial Diabetes Nutrition Education Class To find out cost and to sign up Call Glenna at 386-917-5271 Free Computer Check-ups & Cleanings Nov. 9 Starting at 11 am Call for Details 866-320-8803 One on One Computer Training Available All Month long - Call for Details 866-320-8803 FREE SEMINARS: FINANCIAL WELLNESS WORKSHOP Nov. 26, 9:30 - 11AM Check


Health Screenings


Monthly Health Screenings 2nd Tuesday of each month, Deltona Health Park, Conference Rm, 1745 Sterling Silver Blvd., Deltona, FL 32725–7 - 9:00 AM Nov 8 No Appointment Necessary



Available Testing: PSA(Prostate Screening(Blood Test) $21, Colon cancer screening kit $4 Cholesterol $7, *Glucose $7, Glucose & Cholesterol $12, Glucose & Glycohemoglobin (HgA1C) $20, Vitamin D $20, *Lipid Panel(Cardiac Risk Profile) $15 (Lipid Panel includes cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL and Risk Ratio) *12 hour fast required- water only Payment accepted in the form of Cash or Check only. For more information, please call 386-917-5155



Support Groups Located at Aging Tree Bereavement Support Group 1st Thursday of each month 2 - 3:00 PM Nov. 3 Spanish Bereavement Support Group 3 - 4:00 PM Nov. 9 Alzheimer’s Support Group 3rd Wed. of each month 11AM - 12PM Nov. 16 Coffee and Conversation Last Wed. of each month 11AM - 12PM Nov. 30 Located at Florida Hospital Fish Memorial Cancer Institute, RSVP or Questions 386-917-5526 Breast Cancer Support Group 5 - 6:00 PM Nov. 8 Cancer Survivorship Support Group 5 - 6:00 PM Nov. 22 Look Good Feel Better Call 1-800-227-2345 Located at Florida Hospital Fish Memorial Diabetes Support Group 9AM - 10:00 AM Nov. 17 Located at Florida Hospital DeLand Cancer Center, RSVP or Questions 386-943-7160 All Cancer Support Group 5 - 6:00 PM Nov. 16 Women’s Cancer Support Group 5 - 6:00 PM Nov. 28 Men’s Cancer Support Group 5 - 6:00 PM Nov. 1 Look Good Feel Better Call 1-800-227-2345 Florida Hospital Fish Memorial, 5th Floor Classroom, RSVP or Info, Jenna at 386-917-5702. Spine and Joint “Prehab” Class Every Thursday 9:30 - 11:00 am Support Group for Patients Undergoing Total Joint and Spinal Surgery


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Call 386-738-5200 for details!


Remember When...

• 1938 Seabiscuit Match Race Against War Admiral at Pimlico • 1969 Anti Vietnam “March Against Death” in Washington, D.C. • 1963 John F. Kennedy Assassinated • 1973 President Richard Nixon told the nation on TV, “I am not a crook.”

NOVEMBER 2016 | ONE-STOP Senior Care | Aging • 866-320-8803

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Covance in Daytona Beach is looking for diabetics for upcoming research studies: •Diabetic Men & Women, Age 18 & up •You may be compensated for time and participation If you are interested in participating in future diabetic studies call our recruitment center to be entered into our database. Call 1-866-429-3700 or Go to 1900 Mason Ave., Ste. 140 Daytona Beach, FL 32117 © Copyright 2015 Covance Clinical Research Unit Inc.

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