TWO LOOKS AT FEMININITY JOAN OF ARC AND MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT Ingrid Hali Tokun Haga Alvarez In 1929 Virginia Woolf published A Room of One’s Own, a book in which she imagined Julia, the gifted sister of William Shakespeare, a woman not allowed by social conventions to achieve all her potential as a writer. Even two hundred years later, at the start of the twenty-f irst century, women continue facing a glass ceiling that does not allow them to develop all their capabilities.1 Nevertheless, throughout history there have always been women who have broken down the barriers that held them back, that limited their abilities to dream and act. In this text I study the case of two of them: Mary Wollstonecraft and Joan of Arc., This essay analyse and discuss 1 Guardian writers, «Women of 2015: where are the cracks in the glass ceiling?», London, The Guardian, December 30, 2015,, retrieved April 12, 2017.